HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-09, Page 2r7P-510,
P. E
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14V40)t. -
• •
WEDIUSDAY, 'FEB, 9th; 1955 .
^ 0,0
.,present a*brilliant
Carnival.' opens ,at 8.15 pan., With
404V1irnite.: Skating. Perfairmanceby- the .
Wingham Skating Club -Club Pro, Isabel Hugo.
, .
Be ton
time or•yOtill mlss
' '
Fancy ' Dressed 'Girl* 41.25 75c
,Fancy Dressed .13oy 1.2575c
Comic Dressed Girl 1.25 75c
Comic Dressed Boy .. 1.25.75c
• Grades.]: and 2
Fancy Dressed Girl 41.25 75c
reneY Dressed Bey .. 1.25 75c
Comic Dressed Girl .. 125 75c
-c Wit7Diessed--13oy---1.25 . 756-
. Races • •
'Girls' 'Race • • • 75c 50c 25.6'
Boys' Race • 7.5e 60c 25c
Grades 3, 44'1'5
Fancy •Dressed.,Girl 41.25 75c
,Fancy Dressed By ... 125.75c
Comic Ilkz-essed Girt ,. 1.25.75c
Comic lt*reatecl Boy -A-25 700
.HiGH seg..ociip
,.comie Dressed Girl, ...1.25
,Faricy Dressed. BO ...• 1.25 75e
Comic Dressed Gir1. 1.25 75c
Comic Drested -Boy ,. 1.25 75c
Races '
rls' ace 75c 5uc 25c
Boys! Race 75c 50c 25c
' •
ancy Dressed Girl' 41.25 75c
•Fancy, Dressed, Boy :. 125 75c
Comic Dressed Girl .. 1.25 75c
'Comic' Dressed .Boy .. 125 75c
. Races
Girls' Race • 75c 50c 25c
75c 50c 25c
BoYs' Race
Girls' Race 75c 50c 25c
BoYs',Race 75c 50c 25c
Eaney_Dressed Lady $1.25 75e
Comic Dreised Lady 125 75c ,
ey 'Dressed Man, L25 75c.
Comic' DresSed Mn.. 1.25 7.5c
- RaCes,
Single Ladies' Race $1.90 50c
Single Men's. Race. 1.00 :50C •
Married. Ladies' race. 1.00. 50e.
Married,•Men's 'race ...1.60 56c
Oldest'La:dy: on skates ,..$1.25
,Oldest ;Man' on skatees ......1.25 .
Boys', Musical. 'Chairs ..... 1:25 "
Ghia' Musial• Chairs 1.25
Largest i'are: ily on skates 500
• :(13y Howard: Corn)
• •
The joint installation of officers • -
of the 'Legion' and the Ladies' -',4- •
Auxiliary in the 71-tegijah Rooms• ,
although an '.•;outstanding suecess,
had its niornentS' of .arntOarriont
and cornieaV error There -was -one.
of the largest turnouts in the
.writer's experience.
:Allister Hughes •presided jn-
stallation °Meer and we ,extend
vote of thanks to ,him for the
• fine 'job that .he • did. We eongrat.7
ulate the ladies on the excellent
manner , in which they carried
mit their ''ins•iallation • iceremenY:
All are' decidedly•PleaSed to see
Sadie lVfaeMillan and K. Cam-
eron holding the gavel -again as.
'presidents of the LadieS!AnxiP
iary: and the. Legien: They and,
their officers have done a. fine
Job in the last year; spending a
io:,ata.fdflarls °tfhatil:k.e:hiraNiteim' bee' e°11"ii
beneficial to this Organization.
W'e :have no 'fears'Ier. this . year
for our problems wilrbe in .cap-:
able hands. Already the Legion
planning • an extension tel the
present building; the inStallatiOn.
of a, televisien Set oirid;.6; bigger
and .better enter -Tahiti -tent.• pro-
PuringL, thf, Leglon's
tion 'proceedings; Bud- ThoMpSon,
•tatuairipetent; hard-working sec-
:retary,, was fortunate,:eriough,
,•be' missed and *he: had a 'hearty . ;
laugh • over , the: error. The only.
members alloWed•to remain Seat- .
ed • Were Harold: Ritchie and • .
Clare Johnston,: who took tbi Congratulations to Mr: •&:Mts.
-Claude Dore.--on-..the arrival Or a
.baby boy, Carr Allister.
We extend our sympathy to the
family Of the laid.--IVIrs-Cliarlie'
Collins •
• Members Of the varions Fer-
.rborn...and. continued with, their t.tms in the communitY attended
business Section of the program:
•. The Legion received an appeal
by_letter for assistance in the
-sale ,of leather, :belts frein,an
RCAF ma4 who. is an invalid in
a , London sanitarium. As he..is
not eligible. for a:pension, not
having . had overseas service, • he
is uiing .the proceeds from ; the
sale Of these belts for the: stip-.
port of his wife and fainily. Th.
Legion voted unanimously to
assist him, by :keeping' two
samples on display, Much ;to the
pleasnre, Of ° Garnet' •Henderson,
vvilio has had'conSiderable trouble
tip-Santa":-Clatis-trouSers. '•:'• •' Mrs*. Gertie 'Walsh, Jack and
INightly .8.30 Admission: Ric
• Sponsored by The Canadian Legion
• 5••••••••0111e4;11•••54.441.454..45.0•044••••••••rviwoop.50•••••
COwaii,• Bill McDonald, Joe King,
.WarreirWylds. .• '
Sick committee; Roy Finlayson,
Bob , MacKenzie; Ellwood Dren-
nan; •Lloyd Hall. ' • ..•
• •Poppy. committeeGarnet. Hen-
-arson, Wm: Stirrison, Bert Ward,
.Cannan McQuillin, .Jim . Mac-
tilidtPig. ‘c:Co'•
rnmittee:: I:I a r .4;) d
Ritehie, Charles Cook, 11.13. Bur-
den; Rey. Havens,, George Whit-
-by, jack. Campbell. .
• Dance • committee: Cliff Craw -
•ford, goy Havens, Philip M:a6-
Mi1ian, Jack' '
- Bingo Conlin' itteer4Georliassa,
'Stuart • Collyer, Clarence :Greer,
'Russell Button.,
Adults 35c
School Children, I.Se
All in Costume,. Free.%
Me to:. follow .Costume' Judging.'
arid "family Mraid -Mrs;
• •
• • r
Tthe Wilitechurch-Farm Forum
Met at the home of Mr, and Mrs..
Gordon Elliott last . week with 26
present. 'After the .broadcast the
,-evening-:-yvas--Spent-in playing
..euchre. High scores :were'. held
by Mrs,. George,•Fisher and Char-
lie Martin, and low scores by
Mary ,Laidlavi and .Bob Purdon.:
Next meeting iS ..to. be held, .t
. After wassserved ,by the
• ladies; Mr: aVfyles St.' Marie "read
ii address to Mr, :and'IVIrs. Elliott;
on, their : 35th ,Wedding 'anniyer7
' sary 'and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, pre-
•vent'ed them with a china set. Mr,:
Bill MacPherson .(I0bel), of Wa-
winosh, •
'Mr. ata Mrs. Dupda.n Simpson
of Kintail and Mr. and-'Mr.s.',11,i
E. Foriter and 'family visited at
George Fisher's on 'Sunday.
,• A progressive euchre party wag -
hold S.S. No. 9, Kinloss school
on . Wednesday . ',evening, • Mrs.
PharikMathers and Rtissell,Gaunt
wen .high prizes.‘,.• Corisolalion
• prize 'was won'by Pat MacMil-
seats as 1st and 2ncl. \rice presi-
dent, a • privilege that', two.•-•lold
worn-ottt veterans duly deserve
At the Cornetion .of the in-
• stallatien the. Ladies', Auxiliary
retired •tci :their %own ' assembly
Shirley MoOr'6'is •sieli' with, i
chicken pox. ' . • •
, Mrs, -Jack Craig.' has:been:sick
in bed. for the. past couple of
• ' The Ladies" ,Aid 'held their
-•Elliett.4replied-.and thanked all meeting ....at the • he.me of 1Virs..
Present. Then all joined in sing': John Gaunt and, did a quilt, One
ing "The Queen.'''. • '` hundred .dollarS. was donated to
Celebrate Thirty -Fifth ,the 'managers' toward. the cost of
Wedding Anniversary - .. . :,ti -w. new oil furna'ce installed at
„ . .
On Friday evening a surprise the.Manse. - ' , . g.. -
family' gathering .was • held Eit• f, bc held at the 'norne of Mrs. Sgt George Taylor. Finance
Gordon Elliott's, They were in- .JannesWilson, •- , . .
'committee, entire executive.
, .
-the work shop in Ripley last
week. •
: Mr. ,Norv,a1 Stanley, Mrs. Helen
Swan and•Rosylind
home_ of Mr. arid Mrs. Russell
Stanley. last:'Wednesday night.
Mr: and Mis. Harold Campbell.
of Orillia viiited 'the latter'S .bro-
tiler; Mr:. Clare Stanley last
week: ' ••. •
••NI i,s $ • 'Winnifred • McFarlane
spentthe' Week4end at the home
of her parents. • •
. Mr. -and Mrs. Edbert Bushell
• visited last .Friday at the home of
the - latter's Mother,• -Mrs. Dan'
•'Encourating reperis in all de-
partrnents were given at the an-
nual.rneeting Of•the church. The
Rev. N. Caswell presided', and'
Mrs. Farish Moffat Was4eCording
. , . .
secretary. . •- ••• .•
••'rank. Miller and Vivid Scot
wished to retire from the Board,:
of Managers Graham Moffat was
re -appointed and Bert Nfoffat and.
Arnold Scott Were,. appointed .
the Board for three year 'term,
• -Jarnes' G. Moffat and Clarence ,
qrowstini were appointed audit-
„ers'..., The • usher. S.. •are Douglas'
SinWson,, Jaines• A. Moffat, Clar-
enee CroWston, WM, Young and.,
Ronald ' •
Graham' Moffat was•re-'-appeint,
ed church .treaturer and "JarneS
Richardsion, record secretary.,
• Church services 'during the '
Winter months Will' •be held . at
3,00 'p.m: Rev,. CaSwell ,closed the• •
meeting With prayer. ' •
The Hilltop Farm Forum Was:
organized at .a .rneeting held at
• the home of Mr :and ,Mrs. Farish.
Moffat. Mr'. and Mrs: James Mac-,••
Pherson: and Dr. , Brill 'MacDon-
ald of, the Cherry Forum,
Culross, Were present -and. asSist-
ecl_viith_the_organizing Mrs. Bert
Moffat was appeinted secretary.'
,and a 'social hour spent. •
' Monday evening, January •
'31St, the Hilltop Forum met at ..
the horn'e of Ur- and Mrs. Relit," .
SteWart: The milk :marketing
'prograM•wai discussed with ;
ish Moffat as. discussion leader:
Cards were played and ,a social.
• time ,spent.
finding a belt long enough to 'hold „McDonald.
On the completion of. the Leg-
ion's business,the members. mo-.
ed upstairi where tlie ladies
served for lunch that intriguing
potion called oyster. 864. To
.some '.people to 'attack .stich' a
Scott visited at the horrie of Mr..
and Mrs. Frank Currie ori • Sun-
day. ' • • ••. °
Mr., Herb Farrell has 'installed
a new television' set. • •
Mrs.. Raloh.::Hill is_ visiting her,
dish is 13iire.ffirikcier-; sister. Mr Tom: Qnigley-at Lon-
'Henrietta:MacDonald outdid her. kaOri.• - • • .•
-Mrs,' Burton Collins. visited ,at
cooking abilitY.,and',. Won • over.P.Mr. Gordon Stanley's .0,1: Ripley
mariy hew. f4ps 0,4,his 'tasty 'dish..
., And sO the evening ended•anct en 'Saturday. „
• • • • Mr Calvin Robertson 'visifed • •
Mr., Bill; Burt,. Who has been
a patient in Kincardine Hospital,
returned horne, Sunday;
Congratulations to 'Mr. &•Mrs.
'Lorne Kraeiner. •.(nee, Eleanor
'Murray) of Toronto )oris the gift
of a baby son. •' .•
Misses 'Carolyn Gibson and
-Anne'- -Henry of7.-the-,71‘teatlic,i,
Training 'College,: Stratford, al •
practice:geaching under .,the sup:-
ervision of Mr.S.*. Burton Ctitin •
all•reluctantiy departed after an- • . • •
v,:ith Mr:* Goldie Huston recently;
.other enjOyabie•/evening at*, the
Legion. • . , and -Mi.'s. ,D6h- .1VrP'Cosh,
loi MEtrY'Anri and Dickie spent Offiers and •Cornmittees
Sun -
3955 are as follows: Past! P*res., day with' Mrs, -J. .
• •
d . -
1 Mrs. Earl. burnin, Mrs'.
GaUrd and 'Karen, spent a. re.cv
'Cays'in London last week visiting
with Mrs. Scott, who has return.,
ed 'home 4rom the •hoSpital
shiC ahacid-bneen .a patie,ent since
Mr. and s, Cliff IViurray, mr- ft, ;
and Mrs. Donald Murray, .1N/Jr$,
Charlotte Reid and Gorden wer.i.) •
in Lcincien on Sunday.
•Ciaterice Greer; 'Ptes.;'IcennPth . .• .
Caineron; 1st vice,',14arold Rit- Si, Peter's 'Young People's' Club
thre;, 2nd vice, •Clare;Johnster; On IVIo'nday: January 31st, the
exeetitive corntri'ittee: Robe'rt Mc- Young people s Club Of St, Peters
Intosh, Philip MacMillan, Russell held their-reet4iiir meeting .at the
Button,"Roy. Finlayson;,secretary- home of Clifford- Roulston,
treasurer, Ilareld Thompson: 'Sgt.. muSical program was in 'charge
at A.rins,;.GarnOt 1-lenderson; par- of the 'Rev; and Mrs.; II. L. jen-
ade• Sgt., Clarence Greer; CIIIOUr' nitigS. 'The 'next riveting, willbe
held' at the Rectory on Monday;
Februat'y 14th, ,
vited to ,Mrs, Elliott's sis'ter'S
. "hcime, .Mrs. Galbraith, in Wing-`
ham for the day and came home
--Trabout-5130--to-find4beilottse_, e-
,,corated in *pink streamerith
.white :bells 'and tables set for
a fowl dinner.
* Present' at the gathering, were
Mr, and Mrs, Galbraith,. Mrs,
Mary McTavish and Mr..Frank
Greene of Wingharn, Mr, and MO• ,
Jimg11i9tt. of Bluevale, Mr, Az
Mrs, Albert Walters St•Mr, John
Walters.of Culros's Twp., Mr. and
• Mrs, lVfitchell.,Elliott and family
and Miss Marjorie Elliott of'Lonr
" ;don: Mr...and Mrs. Walter, Elliott
Colour tearersf, Dave Cowan;
George WhitbY. •
Langside •Canteen committee; K, Caroer
alhe- Lang -gide V.--R-S,.'rhe
'the thUrch on Monday evening,
January 34st.: The president, Jas.
Young, presided, The' 'Scripture
reading Was given by Jatries
Young ,' Mrs,' Pariah MOffat gave
the topic and the -Meeting was
closed With prayer. The Literary
,•,conbeners, Nft.. Clarence Crew,
ton and Mr.. Sadk Pollock are
_charge of the,, neXt meeting
3.vhich•lki1l be field at the home
of Mr.' and Mrs, 'Charles ,Tiffin
on February 14th •
arieS_L-Cao •• • k
Millah, 'Clare ..TrShnitort, -peorge
Hassall. .• • • •
13r w committee: Clarence
Greer, Ken MacKenzie,, Joe King;
George Moore, Stuart Collyer,
Sport CorriMittee: nobt, McIn
tosh, 'Sack vCook,.13u'd Thomson,
W, Andersbn..
".PenSiort. domMittee:
Publicity ' cdmrnitteet.' liVward
Cowan H. B. Burden.
S •.1
'Phone 181' .
Poult y .Culling A Specialty
111. accordance wit government reptlations OUr'ponitry
.coons are • horoughly washed' and disinfected •,
for. your prOtectiori, *
. • • • • .
methhers410 committee.:. Dave