HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-09, Page 1.12.50'A Year, 111- A4vance--$1:09 Extra To U.S.A.
-engage Clerk,. Eight,
.,..Applications For Posjtjcm.
,the February Meeting as
thes Village Council on Monde
, night, E. ;It ..ignevit!' Was re -en
'gaged as clerk -treasurer wit
appointineptsare associat
sedstite..-office' duties of the hyds
•and water utilities; The. salary
• $3,000-sa year and Mr. Agne
• will, pay $10.09 .a month offic
rental, for the 'carrying on of hi
private business. The :front Of
fice .has been rented' le R. s
Hetherington, Wingharn barri
,stery for $20.09 a month.' ,
• There were .eight ,application
for the, position. Council met i
coxrunittee., . and conferred fo
• about two hours in arriving a
• 'their •decision. • . •
Reeve A. W. Heinnton'vacate
the °chair to., move the motio
for the appointment of H. D
Thoinpson, The Motion Was, sec
• (aided by CounCiltor Alex Mae
An amendment was moved and
tecOnded:. by ..Councillors . W., C.
- Attridge. and 'George joynt, for
the appointmentof E. H.. Agnew.
•Couneillor:Virden-Mowbray sup-
ported the .ainenainent. •
.,Laid Over
. ,
• 'pito applications were receiv-'
• ed m each casgsforsthe Positions
of :,town •foreman. and -assessor,.
-st-sand seetes-laid-'70ver-stessbei 'dealt
...With at .:4 later meeting, •
A.cornmunication,Was received
• from. the • Liacknow SBranch of
..the Canadian .•Legionsaskiag..for
exemptiqnfrom taxation on the
Legion Hall, exceptfor. purposes
of local .improvements and school
tax, as -provided' for by. statute.
•.tie request Vat. for astertsyear.
• period from., January ist,..1955.,
• Couneil.wir look into the matter
and deal' with it at the , next
. meeting. •*, •
An agreement • was received
from .Wingliara General, ,Hospital
in -regard . to • Lneknow's payment
of 'a PrCstata,•,share of , the cost
. of the new Chronic patients Wings
It was accepted. and
To Rebate Parking :,Ticket
Council. decided , to rebate .: a
$1.90 parking ticket fine, assessed•
•Gordon 'BrOoki, last :fall, ..Omar
• Brooks took issue on the princi.:'
pals thatit; the fottrihOur park-
• ing limit' wee to . be efiforcedit
should apply to all vehicles. He
, had presentedhisease to the 1954
Connell without obtaiaing. satis-
faction and then took it Up with
• the' new 1955 'Board. '• •
, to rebate •the le,vy
the ()Pinion was expressed that
• the,Bytisaw was, not valid' unless
restricted hours ," 'Parking Signs
were pieced throughout, the vill-
• . • .„
agesand thatifa-test -ease. were
" made of it, in the *mks,. Council
• hadn't* *a case. s •
, Requisition.. Presented
• The Lucknow Fire Company
1955. .requisitioli.Was presented.' in
• • the amount of $8,671.83s. which
• •devers the frock.' debenture, hY-
drant rental,. salaries', a ,.$450, fur-
naCe and fire hose arnonnting to
These were • among the
majcas items." in the estirriateS.
• A letter • receiVed by k .13:
Stothers, farmer chairmansof the
: arace County.induitrial Commit':
tee, was turned ossesiato Council:
•:-It...ssas' fro/xi:the Tilde And in-
dustry Branch of the Department
of Planning. and 'Development
tind• anaouneed sa. meeting .
°Wen Sound on FehrOary 9th to
• ,discitsS the possibility of forming
• a regional organizatien for Grey,.
An impressive capping. eeres
rnOrlY Was helit,On Wednesday of
last week' at the.Reereation Cen-
tre at St. Joisepla Hospital,,Lon-
don; when 'a, clas of some severs:
ty-five student . nurses received
their caps at the cOnclusioat 'of
six °Months'. probationary, Per-
iod.' ', '
Among those receiving her cap
Was Miss ,Audrey Ross, daughter
of „.Mr: and Mrs. Wm. G. Ross
.of Lochalsh. Audrey, a graduate
of lsticknow District High School,
COmMeneed her training fait Sep-
• A quiet wedding was solemn-
ized. on 'Wednesday,- February
9th, at the Presbyterian' Manse,
Lucknow; when the Revs. Wal-
lace McCleamunited in marriage,
Beatrice, Keith 'YoValf,' only dau-
ghter of •the late' Mr. and Mrs.'
Donald Keith.bf...TeesWeter and
john'Adams; only 'son of the late
-Mrs and Mrs.' John. Adams .of
annual ' meeting of . the
Luknow toreSlskterian Church
was' held on the,evening“of Jan-
uery 2Pth. in •the .church. There
was a fair representation of the
congregation present to heat the
reports of the various 'soeieties
active Within the church. .
• Steady progress within all de-
partments was expressed in their
•reports. „Both, the W.M.S. and the
Evening Auxiliary Met their, al-
locations for the Budget as did
the Congregation The latter
, • • .
raised $1,409.60 for this cause.
A C.G.I:Ts girls; group has been
farmed' under the leadership of
IVIisses ,'Gladys .macDonald, and.
'Kathleen MaCintosh. •This group
is proving a real .blessing in the
.church by their Useful aotivities
Mr. .GOrdon • Fisher, as' Chair.:
Man of the ;Hord, .of Managers,
gaVe. a . resume or that *,,beslY's
work.' throughout the past • year.
Considerable money ,.had been
laid out as capital expenditure
bothat the • Church an&s- the
Man4.. While there .is a 'deficit
of •some $1,338:50', in the General
Fund On the year's bO,Aess, he
stated the •Board was oonfrdent
.the inernbers of. the :Congregation
Would respond-and:4a the!clet-
kit would disappear. in the ;next
fewmonths. . ••
The • 'Congregation • has been:
blessed Under' the leadership of
the Rev "Wallace McClean' atter
,a• pulpit 'vacancy of six moriths.
Byway of affirming, the, Cons.
gregation's appreCiation, the min-
ister's travel allowance wa9srars,
ed by $100.00. • •
Appreciation was alsolseXsirdgl“
ed for the faithful.:4rvice of the
Choir,- Sunday Schoolteachers
and all thae Who held office'and
assisted' in. the Lord's Work in
Cur church. in '19454,
Four new memb,ers were elect-
ed to fill the ladancies On the
Board 'of Managers caused by the
compulsory one year retirement
of 'Gordon Fisher, Denald Ilen-
dergont.FredsJackson, and Archie
iths--The nevv niernbers are,
Jack Fisher, Ronald Forster,
Lloyd: Irwrn .and Jack lVfacDon-
. •
Plate glass window* at Smith'sSmith'sGrocery, *as smashed by
a stone -at the Week -end. The .,
. reek as big as an egg was lying
pn the, sttep,t, on- Monday morn-
ang A sosst.; big as a quarter
.was smashed through the corner i
bg the* big window. Constable
• ex' Havens' is investIgsitin, g • the t
Mrs. W. E. MacOuais, and
man Taylor,were re appointed to.
he financial secry retaand'treas-
urer. re.spectivelys, Miss 01ady
Mi 's
MacDonald and m., Morgan'
Tendersbn are in crintiritte as aud-
tors' in 1955. '
The evening Wa4 cohchtded'"hy
h I hdiO9 'Serving. 'a bountiful
usr•coRREcup, :How
The Sentinel mailing, list
Was .corrected last Friday
Morning,.. and ,'Subscription
• p4ments prior to that should
...be advanced' accordingly on
your asIth_SesasIabel
, ,
If 'year' .sobscription, has ,
• expired Or is in,. 'arrears, s
s please give this mattersyour
prompt attention. •'.
A. few gift ; sUbseriptions
whieh were sent for 1954, and
'which had not been renevied
,tby the. donor ,Or the recipfent,
.• have 'been discontinued,
We'll be glad•to.retUrri these
.narries to. the list if desired..
•• Mr. and Mrs,. Wilson Woods of
„Guelph were callers in the com-
munity on Monday, when WilsOn
was arranging.' for the 'sale of
-the-Woods '-farin at St. Helensto
•Charles MacDonald; who Jhas had
it rented for a times. • •
• This, 100 -Acre farm,. •the W.H.
of Lot 21, Con. .19, ,West Wawa -
nosh,. Was taken up from the
Crown over ninety' •.years ago-s-
Joly 3rd, 1861. The 'purchaser
was George. Wilson and the price
was $290.09,ser 42.00, an acre.. The
caption On the deed read, "Pro-'
vincessof Canada!,%,...• , • • •
The next owner was IHenry
RintOtit, who sold the farm in
1885.10 Alex and:Robert:Woods,
and. It .had .,been in the Woods
•neme ever 'since.. '• .
, The Woods homestead was the
farm on Which Lorne Woods now
Death • came to Kinloss Towns
shiP!ssgrand.old, lady, Mrs. John
Cox, in the early hours of Tues-
day morning at the home of
MiSSes. Edna s and ..May " Boyle.
Mrs; Cir.os suffered a heavy stroke.
:on. Sundays, and • lapsed. into ..a
coma frOrn which she dicF net
rally. • ' •
'• Mu. 'Cox obserVed'* her orie
• huncli'edth birthday on July 9th
when a reception , was - held in
her honour at the hone of her
sen, Mr. Wm. Cox, Com 10, Kin-
loss, with whom she resided.
Sinee Neys. Years she had . been
eared for at the Boyle „home,
s The'rernains„rested at • the Cox
home prior to the funeral ser-
vice whiehis• being .held this
,Thursday afternoon. at the ,Thursday
FuneralsHorne in 'Ripley:.
*Knitters are urgently needed
to -knit -children's::sweaters-in-8-
year-old° sizes, for' the Lucknow
and ,Distriet 13ranch of the Red
Cross, .Yarn is -available Sfrom
Mrs ,• McKim. to , any. Who , would
care to 'assist with this Work. '
Harold H. Sperling , of
Wingharis wishes to -announce the
engagement of her •daughter,
Margaret Marie, to 'Mr.George
Alan Barger, son of Mr. and. Mts.
Howard Barger Of Lucknow; the
'marriage to take piece the early
'Parf of March, • •
: •
. .
A. 'Call last. 'Nqeek . from the
:.Stratford Office :of the. Ontario.
Highways Department, inforniecil
official's here that inset highway
crews were 'haiiinst trouble and
:delays. due . to Wednesdayi after-
noon traffic traffic Cengestion:On. Luck-.
notv's ,Rairf Street, . .
• Wednesday • is livestock awes
day here, And parking.' facilities
are taxed ead;,,week,ssvith "bot-
tle•`-neeke,resulting'.thatsare ag-
gravated by winter conditions.
'Constable Havens was instracts.
: ed. to be on duty to regulate
.Parking and keep traffic moving.
, . „
: .
;Elsewhere in this issue, 'spade
Permitting,. Will be found a very
interesting 'artiVle' bY. Rev. G,eo.
Benson Cox, ' •written 'from and
about Gibraltar on the first Ateta
of a world cruise on •the •Ssisedish•
luxiiry liner "Kungsholin" of the
SWedish-Arnericen Line.
ReV, Cox,a retired clergyman
-w-ho- tnissistereS • for many years
in NeW York City, has been re,
siding •atsthe,old home in 'Kinloss
-hile, not on one of several
cruises he has Made'. in recent
Rev. • Cox is S'ervings as. ship
ehaplain the
• which sailednfrot New York on
January 8th .on. The Cruise of,
is Lifetime, , which will be a leis-,
,usely three-rnonthe trip ,arotind-
the world, ••
Some 400 travellers Who make
uPthesshiWs, paying passenger
list, • will pay approximatelY
$2,8007,000° for, the 97 -day cruise
that .will takethem' to 21 portS*
India, Ceylon; Thailand, Indons
alien Islands, Califernia, Mexice,
and back to New York Via the
Panama Canal.
Top price, for a 'suite for tv've
iz•J ° $25,000, „With a minimum of
$.5,000 for sirtgic accomodation.
• Mr: and Mrs. J. W.• ."Paddy"
Conklin of Toronto are among
the passensers, lie is owner and
operator of the C.E. inidway.
. A .fssrunrseill •b,! held-on.Thurs--;'
day, February 17th at 8.00 'pan.
in the •Lucknow 'United' 'Church
under the Ministerial Association
of Ltiknowsto 'discuss the ques-
tion, "Dees .the Christian Chtirch.
need, i revival?' ThiS, meeting iS
the result cammunity: re-
spirit ' from the Week., of
Pi.a3TV gCrv.P4'1'ePr?ne:s
. There, were fourteen tables ol
'Shoot 'players at the Monday
'night party in the: jehnstorie
Hall, with MI.'S: Lloyd • Hunter
winning the lady'Spriza and Mrs.
A Wilson the 'man's"prizes
Consolation prize winners .were
•MrssJim Mat:hers end
. • .
• In' the benefit -prize draw spoil-
sered by the • .MoridaY Night.
Sheet Clb, the. 8 -clay creek was
won by Cliff Robb ofConcession
10, KinleSs„ andthe
• by T. J salkeid., The draw Was.
made' by 1VIrs. FusS. J'Ohnstone.'
Net asreceeds :were ',expected to
exceed. $125.00. . :
• The Clansmen are 'presenting -
their second annual costume car-
nival in the Arena on Friday
night of next week and 'judging
from the flurry of activity in cos-
tume preparation, it should .be
colorful event. , •
The carnivalwill open- with" •
a. figure skating • perforrnance 'by
the Winghatn, Skating ChM, and
after the 'costume judging, races'
andspecial events the conclud-
ing feature will be a broomball
game betvieen Ashfield and
loss. •
T9Frt floss, who was, born and
reared on a farm at Langside, .
to .where he, •still returns each
surmner, 'got a bit of tPublicitys,••
in the Toronto ,•Telegram •• last'
week. The article read as follows:
- He's a bit of: a.lad, this iTorn
,Ross. Ile's 94 yearsold, has serv-
ed -for.34-years on Toronto Police'
force, and Plays the., bagpipes
twice a week. •
, 'Ord' Tom" Was givers ..a -big
:hand When, he: arrived•sat the
•Toronto Pollee' Superannuated •
Mensbers' AssoCietion'annstaydin- •
rier in the Royal. York.
• He :and about 85 elesp'hlicemen
and their, Wives and friepdsgath-
eked. •toWether to enjoy ,the e-
union,,Of -.the:Yeat:and chat ab'eUt.
the old.'day9,•, s ••
•J,iist. give TO ma skirlon the
jipes4nytime and he's happy..
' "Yes sir?', Tom said, "the pipes
are. the thing: Map,. I haven't
missed •Olaying thein since 1890.
That'sa'•lot of wind to blow awln.
the wee tube during these years, • •
t_,ohs,thes.pleaSuresstfsh" •
Started Pipe Band •
"As a matter of feet"' he said
medestiy,, "i started. the Terentas
piPeband: and served, as •
the pipe. major . for 20 years.
: We; •I'm not frerr•C:Sceiland";
aria, then: he. said •"how ski- you
do" in Gaelic, from Luck -
now, was raised on a farmS there.,
My mother taught me. the Gaelic..
and Isstill speak it".
'Toni sesspleined- he had ., been
the champion ' '..eaher ,thrower it
the. Highland • Games in :Bruce
County-. and .he .loved the sport-
ing games of skill and. strength.
Wasn't a big'..heai7v Man, just,
well -knit 180 'pounds".1he,•said,,.
'and looking at the Men on the • •
force today 1 don'tssuppose, there's '
much 'differeriC,e, •
"Thingisseern to, be .easier -for. •
thein though. All those nit.e,squad', •
cars aridsmart uniforms"... • , :
-A 10t of the 'older men at the
dinner • remerribered •Tom. •very •
: •
'sr Chief lohnr.' • Chisholm,. . - •
guest Of, honor, shook Tom's- hand .
arid told. -You'r,p . St ill • look-
ing' fit as ever Tom. If.s good •
:geeing. you again .%•
ctogenarian <Iek ihaiiks Kiiks
eople For Birthday Remembrance
On the eksen'ins.' of January 23th't Macke•nz•ie ,Georgc Tit fin asSI
the, occasion of .erghtietlis present R.'eeve, II:2Crinlittb!.,yst;
vi•sit of tWo MeMberS of your
••Municipal .Courteil; Messrs. Mur-
ray and Percy, hearing greetingsfrom ..the 'Township Of Kinloss,
and' wishing many happy returiss
Of the day, acconissanied with, a
beautiful,rna'ntel el -tithe' clock as pis,. I may Mtn tigs allIc to -4i.-,.1*ve
a gift., from the pebhic of. the you kir some while yet,-
-Mun10-480.04-it-a-ge, ei -fhe,
birthday, we.lhad `11-ve plegsure of 1,'hav enjOyed the Vvork, at 8011.3e
iro es st renuouq, but WIW, riOt
.h4(1f-,.g,the farm. l 4*).
to look al' the
last- few. Years, I, haw had mo
time'to litlepd.to it, tnid if honlAh
and facultic pe mit .and with
.1) -cc conept of siteeding Coon-
Myself. •44J 4 nfi-d
gesctirb :of .gcbci\vili •and 63nfi,':
As Clerk of the. Township • or deace„ 1 •ortly gay 'thank
•Kinloss since aos's of 1aS9,1,1saY0 frathafte bottomef rn'v heart, and
.erideaVdtired to w4741,. you one and all, the hI(.-
al the office to the .best of my ing of health and happintsi.S
ability, and haVe hope, had the a its to caraessvhile oe,
the. .confidehOr of .SuCceetling givol the .of iife,whvi:lwr
Councils sihce that. ta Ilk, and be longol.‘ or hoi ti' •
of You; 0.1e OLIO,P16' o„f:„.,1th1:1„,9ts, Lane jOins, MO azad,o
Since a8Sthrl .°1•Hce .4.-th4"VC sayin,g- t'hank 'yea' aU„,
serVed' With. Ree ves' j, Often,- •
S, P4rruthorsi Elliott, A.
R.. TANI,: • ;
.1 it •
s •