HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-02, Page 71+.
WED1itSp.N.X.?; EEB, 2nd,, 1955,
►T • '
A'/successful year•.was reviewed'
at Hackett. United Church annual
meeting. last .week with Rev, J..
R. pickinton: presiding And' Wal-
ter Alton perfPOrming the secret
ary's duties. ,A11 departJnents
;ere well maintained, . with ' an
increase in missionary givrngs.
A pot, luck supper preceded the
meeting...Reports were given as
follows: Session %by Rev, Dickin-
soli, treasurer's. report by Walter
Alton,: trustees' .by Alex Hackett,
Womcrl'.S„Association by.Mrs J-im
'Nelson, W M,S..,.by Mr's. Bert .Al -
tort,” Y.P:U. by Miss Frances • Al-.
ton,:,Cradle Roll; by Mrs. Cyril'
Campbell and the Sunday.Sunday.School
report. 'by Russell Alton.
Church ..organist is: Miss Elmira
Alton, •
liner. Alton' was re-elected as
,a member. of ;Session. Othereid-
ers are • Blake Alton and Alvin
The `4Stewards•„and Trustees
were all fe erected. •.
The Sunday. School, meeting
followed when the following, of -
'leers and teachers were reamed:.
Superintendents, Ralph 'Cameron
'arid Alvin Alton; Bible Class, Mrs:'
Bert Alton, Mrs. ,George. Alton;
• young People's • Mass, .Arnold A17,
ton: arid Blake Alton; . Juniors,.
Mrs. ;bake .. Alton, Mrs. Cliff
Hackett; 'Beginners, , Mrs. Alex.
Hackett, Mrs.,. Jirn : Nelson; • sec,
retar:y, '• Frances `Afton; librarian,
Chester Hackett; .organists, Jinn,
:Hackett, .Lois: Hackett, Mary Al-
ton; ..
Mr, and Mrs. Phillip Steer and
family were Sunday afternoon
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Gor-
don Wall and family. '..
'This- conirnunity extends its
sympathy to . the relatives of :the
late Mrs. Clarence Russell (Floss
sie' McGregor) of '.Wau;baushene,
Ont, •Mr's, Russel .lived as.' a girl'
in this community' and...attended
No. 8 •school, . ;.
Sympathy is also expressed to”
Mrs. Edward . McQuillin- in P the
Passing of her sister-in-law, -Mrs..
Wil,red . Grant -of F?aisley,;
,'1hose_..'who .Are confined to :•the
house . on the . sick list . are 'Mr—,
and Mrs.• ' Robt. ',Adams,• Andre,
Caroline" and John, limy Mof
fat, (;larenee : 'Crowston'^• and Mr
andMrs: Frank Miller.
The, Ladies • Aid.. was .held '.'at
the home of, 'Mrs.;. Lloyd Moffat
with Mrs. Wm. Scott presiding,
1Vlr.s: Lloyd Moffat read the scrip
tune- -and meditatign•.. 'and 'Mrs
Bert Moffat led . in : prayer. Dur-
ing the business period', differ-
-potways were discussed about
making' money...Readings Readinr�gs were'
given •by Mrs: W. Orr;',.Mrs. Far-,
ish Moffat, Mrs. Wes ••Yung, Mrs.
Pater. Moffat and • • Mrs. „John
Crowston, Mrs:: Wes , Y'oung ,is uta
Abe hostess for the•February:meet-
ing.: The new 'secretary.,•M,rs. Bert
Moffat and Mrs. Lloyd, Moffat' :as,
tress., took their• offices. Lurch
was served ,by. the ho tes.%
• ' <BORN -to Mr:. and Yfrs ' Ray-,
Mond Huffman on: January 14,
105; . in Wingham Hospital,. { a
sun,• Repaid.,
• Mr, and. Mrs.„ Vernon ' Bunter
'-and fam. ily of Lucknow--visited-
• Sunday with' Mr..;and Mrs. ` Geo.
kr, and Mr -s. Jin Smith 'arid
• family •of ,Molesworth visited,, on.
Sunday with Mr.. and ' Mrs..Will
Mr.. and Mrs: Bill Munteisp'ent�
Saturday evening with .Mr • and
Mrs, 'Sid Gardner;
Mr,: and Mrs: -Nelson •Raynard
;'and •boys•spent Sunday 'with :1 i
•and M'rs,: Russel,, Irvin
Mr and Mrs.. Donald• Murray
spent 'Saturday evening: with _ Mr •
and Mrs: • Nelson'• Raynard.
Next Sunday-. iscommunion
and church will be at. 11,:a,m. for.;
the month of February: • •
Y'Mr and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie
spent Sunday; with 'Mrand 'Mrs
• Ernest Bogie. ;
-Mrs .Mao;. Scott: is spending a
while with her mother, Mrs:
Jake Hunter Who is hot" well;
Do you remember in the .past.
The .snow -bound winters long
When •atocrns' roared an for weeks
on end . .
Ana every road was blocked with
po you remert;ber long .ago
King Winter ruled with iron
might, •
Traffic. 'was paralyzed for weeks;
Qur 'cupboard—not 'a crust, in
sight...- • • '
'Do you remember thecold nights,
The sleigh rides on a wind swept
• hill
13,r:r r;,•; and theoutdoor skating
Somehow it makes ine shiver..
still, '
•p R
Triose days all but forgotten now,
'The changing winters, .timehas
brought' •
The snowplow,• 'and 'the sanding
•The: Young .People's Union, of
•*, he • . United Church held Sunday
evenring--service ori-January:30th-
at 8.00 Leonard Reed , gave
the address. Sheila -Quaid and:Bill
Rivett also.:• aided' in .the,ordi?.
of service Ther choir.; 'sang' ;twa`-
aithern. which was ,accompanied
by: Lillian : Popp.• -Rev.,' G. -.Watt
eonducted,the installation of the
Miss. Shirley. Finnigan and
friend, . Allie de. Groot . of God'er
icl, spent 'the• ' week -end with
Shirley's parents, ` •Mr, and ";Mrs
John Finnigan
•'1 he:';Y P U: meeting was held'
Monday., night on.':January ,31st.: •
in the :church. J . ,C • Durn.in Was
in`char.ge of the devotional. •The
topic was ybelieye in man".
The fireside service wasdiscuss:
ed for•Feb•uar •y 27th. Rev. Watt
conducted a: qui+' °on Mark, :.14th'
chap;'Games..were: 'enjoyed at,: the
Mrs;: Jas. Nilson, Jiirimie and
Judy. sjent the: week -ends in• Tor-
onto '...with ,IVlr.: and. •.Mirrs.: Fa
Mrs. '•M. Ross is, iiripr oving after
•'having; pneumonia 'at . t.lhe home.
,' of her.: daughter:. Rev. +'arid Mrs,
Graydon• Cox at Fontl�ill ; M'rs,
Olive. Terriff, R.N.",,has •.been
nursing he:r'rnothei .'
Mr, : ;alcriM.r,S, 'Russel Chapman
and; Gary. visited Vlitli ,her ►troth-:
Epi•, Mr.s: Smith, who, is. a •patient
in hospital. in. Tri3•hiito:'
i uil., Gr'oskor'th his been hpmc..
.from 'High ,School this past weclk
WitIi-the' niur i'ps. .,
'The eo-n nunity was shocked.ory
Monday to hear, of the' death'. of
Mi+George' 1V1eClcnaghan • in': his-
79th year. •Ma. Mc(:le.naghan'.•,tiad°
been a ;patie> t :in Winglhaip Hos
pital . with pneumonia, He had
.lived all his lite around •het e.'.Itis•
first wife, Maria MacDctiiald,•':pi e-
deceased him' litany • years. ago.
.14e' leave to,mourn,.his wife, 'the
former LillyGaunt;•.one son ; Ted-.
.of Kirilgss and a; daughter Mild-`
red, R.N,: of Winghani4 four •bro-,.
tilers, ;Will' of, Cleveland, Ohio:;
Harry, of Winghan ; Ben . and .
Robert of '1 inloss . and a sister,
Ona, Mrs. 1-i..' Laidlaw of White=
;rttrelr-T1 fu-ner a asizhe1 o
Wednesday •at A,00 p:rrt, at ei.tr-
i:ie S. funeral parlo+i s. •
Mr. and -"Mrs, Robert Adams,'
Carolyn • and, Johnnie all 'havp.
been. sick with the jaundice, .
Mrs. Sohn Craig has heel. tin-
der (the doctor's are, anal Carl •
M1/1ceC1enaghari has been sick With
pleurisy. Marjorie Coultes• . ,incl
'Mrs. 'Ted McClenairb in are both'
sick with the jaundice. ; p
with a
"S0"60 or"70'.TRACTOR
`-Lively,rtro ed two-cyliriaier en
cines to' keep you on •the move
"live hydraulio Powr-Trot for
,Smoother implement. control -
,' power shaft .. •easier steer-,
• g --these and many other features,
to help you dQ; more' every ininu to
.You're' :in thea fi'el'd'are yours in a
John Deere . "50," "d0,/', or "70r'
Tractor; See us for full details,
Phone '18-r-20, Ripley
carte- - elieve--tlie..-ehan:es
'Some year an old tyrner , might
And those' grim .stories we have
toed, •
The young • fry might.' believe us
. then, -
Our tall tales of real ;snow;' And
.M. Buckingham
With the.countryside. .countr side: blanketed
deep in. snow,, 4he..old supersti-
'tion • of the groundhog and his
shadow should be revived with
a vengeance this e r.: r- toda
y � ��o y,•
Wednesday, ' `• Fe"br. uar,y ' 2nd,' is.
Candlemas; 'Day, and . whether or
not the groundhog ventures from
hislair', to see, or not to see,
hiss shadow,• will decide• whether
or ,•not we have . six weeksmore
f winter. Which :no doubtwe11
have 'in ' .any event.
*mature and Field, Winding,
Brushes, Bearings, Etc: •
Repairs to
• Fractional and' Integral
Horsepower Motors;
Also:-,Electri Fans, Vacu fins -.
Clippers, brills, Etc;•:.
• - Kinlough •
'"Phone'°"Ripiey 'lll r 29
Have you renewed your Sn..,
tinel subscription?
special message to
702 N/1l/OM ANA'S
There's no' need to'
a <mprovenIenits Or repairs to; your home
Iack of .read) cash You can' .
pay fo�,forr them; outright at , less , etipense:
- with a'.Iow-cost 1; of M loam:
If you want to add an extra room
two ..:: erect a .garage ' or",
Carport ... install a new -plumbing,
heating or electrical system ,, ..
build ,a liasernent .'riga` room or even
paint your present one'. ., or
make: any other home improvements or
reliairs-='see the •manager`, of
yournearest l3?, of M branch • He will
',be .glad to—discuss; your plan_ s with
you and to explainhow a t3 of 111 Mine
Improvement- Loan can help- leu.
noW' `l5 the: 'time:
TO TAKE 41-0006,1091c AT, YOUR. ROME.
Springis just: around ;'the,
corner and- that's :the best
season to make repairs — •
or':to modernize.
It pays in'° hard : cash -• [o
give your home a careful,.
-'once over" every -c•ar•.
Every,. bit of . repair work
neglected,.every crack, "e' err:.
flake of peeling paint means'
a .loss in dollar; value a "
dep reciatiion _ of - one uf_ .your.:_._ most valuable assets.
Enlist the B'of M's help,.
%lily not see, your
neighbourhood manager. today.
Lucknow Branch', 11 R}tAY COUSE, Manager
IN EVEt7Y ..W A.4ft'�,Ot. I.IfE M.CE
F ••''a,: s'