HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-02, Page 6✓.. - ti. .41;1:7441,11461iiigirr:Willkel'IriAMArr 111W-, . . 'THE titICKNOW SEN'TifiEl.4, LUCK/4 DAy �'EB. �:rrd, 1o5'5 JTARlt). �IEI�N , •� ,•,A - . ,pal• • , 4. ,. Li= ,0 '•� 1, v.,4NiHA/Ilton .�1.11i.• Ra�s'i%i�a.re���+�r4 S r WE STOCK THE NEWEST. WALLBOARD. On: The 'Market: • wooDGAIN . ' 'As 'Advertised on -Page 27 of Maclean's ,'Magazine,. February. .1 issue and Pae: 49, 'Canadian Homes & Gardens, February issue.: . Acle ':#o>~ I:Yv>«a Rooms, Recreation- nn Rooms r..=._.etc •:- ,anis . as .To A I . i�nomitc� : E PP �! c 1, •.Y. , s:A►tttracf>! a -Woodgrain' Fin s'h. EE.' ESTIMATE`. NO OBLIGATION.• DE S 1 know phone 541 s..IIC [1t8>f10 TIMBER 'The Foie, Cats moved closer .to 'the top this 'Week -with a 7•, point' victory over the Zebras. Bob Mc- lntosh .with. a 664 total and. Ken MVIewbray's 630 •led the Cats while Ken Jardine was best..for the Zebras, who`• are ,'at present in a' tailspin. • • • George Westlake led the Goph ers -to 'a' 7 point, win ' over' the shorthande$1 Coons. George set a new flat'triple of 760, C. Greb s• total of 660 was, next ibest. Gor- don and' ,Kay ,Bailey • with, 1256 Made a', a, great ,` effort; -but. >for a losing. •cause:., : The -Squirrels- moved: into 'a first •place tie when they downed the Chipmunks for 5 points.• Bus- ,ter Whitby's 694 total was high for the winners while •a, newcom •er, Allan Cooper's ' 600 total and. Bill Hunter: with, 612' were Ibest. for the' Chipmunks.' The. Beavers came through with. a bwo .game: win over. the Cubs with Donald and Marion' McKin- non "supplying the big punch. with ; a 1239 total and°C. .Thomp- son with homp-son''"with a'"'664 total. Jack Cae sar's 647. total was best for ::the,. cubs.. •, :The Kangaroos ' led by. • Larry Salkeld with a '704 total. and ':Marie: Sparting's. 6Q8•downed : the 'Wolveritles for :: 5: -points, • ;Jack Bannister .with: 6&5 -,plus .24.. for 679 '.was • ,best .for the Wolverines. • The Standing •' Wolverines' 66, -,Squirrels 66, Curbs 58,. Zebras X60, Pole Cats ' 54, • Kangaroos',51, • Gophers 51, .Coons 38, ,Beavers 36. S i.:; ' ,w.:�:r��.�..rim.,..i.o�.�l►Y!�..M...oe�)�i�;i�p�,�)�o'�ir�t.;.. `: ENTERTAINING ; EV EN#NG SPONSORED BY ,CHOIR • ''The•=United Church Choir,spon- -sore& averya i-joyable'.socral ev ;ening in the • Church. Fellowship: .' Room on Monday. A.„..;travelogue' inP icture and'story ; was given' by. W. B. • Anderson,: of scenic' points which he and Mrs. Ander: • ,` son visited in the .•. British Isles an4 on the 'Continent LISTOWE> . iiErtkrDEFEAT BANTAMS Listowel Bantams chalked 'up: a win 'over through. ,with an: , important, goal in 'Listowel last Friday, "wFien e.'•Buzaers a 3=3 draw _ � .to_ _. give th -they ea •v ith Leaside., Morganson , says' forL k Allan the • Luicknow. team •IARRIVE " • 'ACar of gxem1um Quality 'We have a full stock of 'best :quality HARD COAL TON/,',E• and ,NUT and "HARD' COAL BRIQUETTFIS 'flow:.Coal Phone 10, ,Lticknoiv, , - _ 1 BUY• CHURCH• , .ORCAN�:TH •�iS :YEAR. (DUNGANNON::NEWS))•., A ''new organ for. `Dungannon. United Church •'will be purchased • this year, 'it ,was decided : •at ,the. • CHANCE' FOR •ROOKIE A*ARD • • In :Bunny" Morganson's• columns. in- tle•Toronto ,Telegram• he says •that' •Kenny .Hodgkinson sta nds' a good'chance of winning the: Met-' ro,war ` : ). gpolttan Junior : B • rookie,•a .. d ...IIenny plays ;for Father Fiana Ban's St.: 1Vlichael .Buzzers ,and at. Oakville: the other.night-came' came 1 als 7 3 Goal -beat theoc scorers uc 'now were , Kenny . is a solid skater, 'a good. Chin :2 'and , Bruce Bake.• 1. Robert Irvin,.Mission Band; Mrs,; Otto Popp; Baby Band; Mrs, Herb Finnigan, iC G.I.T., Mrs. M; 'deed, missionary &' maintenanee ,, fund, Mrs...Omar 'Brooks Sunday School'.. Mr. Watt ''gave the'' ses Sion.'report; Ronald: Alton report . ed .for` the Young People's Union; Mrs.' Harvey Alton;. Women's As - annual -congregational:- meeting.._._. •ith' Rev: George. Watt presid- 4 sociation : Thomas' Webster • re w that ported.fo'r the church:''.Figures :;• K.. Dawson reported. there was a surplus' of money showed. a' balance • on :hand of - rewe :Circuit,..,$507. Repairs to the church pro, on hand.from the C, • which 'amalgamated with Dun-' party. were ;Made ' during the ' . ,. • . ear. incepurchase yew Mr. Watt -alio reported.: act - of .last y Since P of a, new, electric,'. organ •has. been ivities . of.` the; Trail Rangers. Will .considered for. oine time, it. was Stothers and. ,Robert Bere',.were • decided to'use the money as; the 'elected. .ihoriorary 'elders: ` Roy: nucleus for:`'an. organ ,fund to aid'; Maize,. :.Harvey :Anderson and buying --=a-• •nemorial._orga.•i :: :'Will': 'Cranston were elected as 'year...'• Several doziations :have ,:elders •. by , the . iioxnii ting' .officers.. 'are Mrs. - his' urcii ase ,rxi tree. , '..Other been ''prorri•sed �' for • this, ,, ?. a ce of loved ones. A Melvin•Reed as missionary. and in `reiYrembr n . ,. e:.' secretary; Sand 'cor3imittee',•'was' � named,; to 'secure. rnantenanc , sec y, y the - committee school superintendent; Frank . information.. On Daws n Thos. "'Webster, 'Pentland, and':'assistant, ,.Harvey Me:. K. Dawson, Anderson secretar , treas. Mrs: Nies: L Stargel,: ihe. organist;: Clif-Anderson; y ford Crozier ',Mrs: Edn . cWhin Omar Brooks, The auditors are Wilbur' Brown and Cecil . Blake;. a :d Mrs: ,W nay,: Bert. • •McWhinney n •The: anniversary ch'ureh secretarry, Mrs:. Otto Popp _• P>uxmrn,..Phi11 ps _ _,.,_._ . eb: ' Hebei Eedy,;• an. behalf 'of the: committee 'in.cludes 'Thos. eater Mrs Thomas Webster, •the congregation, .thanked • Mr.. :Watt, Solo; quartette and choir: num- bers interspersed. the.„.'slides' and were traditionallyassociated: with the countries visited` by . picture. checker.' and. possesses •that'. price- less ability. . •• take `charge y ',:the ' g randson. of Mr. •Kenny is 5 and' Mrs,' Sandy' •MaeLeod of the oi• anist''•The the `pastor for his .pastoral ser minister Viand g 'department vices., Mr: Watt thanked•the mem re orts from ,- each "dap rep Orta for co-operation, and .voiced *ere read •by�'the following: Mrs. ..fi eed• Missionary ,Soctetu,.,Mrs. tow.ri. He is in his '16th year, '; . � .. • :.. , •;,appreciation to• the organist, care an e way you Today's bank' is a bright,:' pleasant, informal.plaee, where service -is both efficientand.friendly,, y.^'✓.y/ti��PI,LGY.GVY��i%df� f/�,�r. ��f/if/7,YIN.ir.... A ' People use. eke bank for, many: purposes -to deposit. /, savings, a.r-range, loans, buy fravellers cheques e,�� � � i' r lr rrl."�'�'r. r".//u }/ '�f,4 -jrrl!�yI`'�'j'/��i`Y � � S� .6 ....„ %v /l�!' t 0 )tri.:,,% f /r<dL: %iliY,r1..rdrf. / 474,1 mo, . .. S THE' :BANKS' S The mariageres door is always open -his experieri?e,,' :knowledge and judgment will. be useful to you. .11 • y r AL. teak Nowadays people . drop into the bank as ' • casuallys•into the corner. store, The ,neighborhood branch is an integral part of the" life of the `community. The.4.,000> f brariches of Canada's chartered;banks make available an .all ro�tmd; nation-wide banking • service—a friendly persoialseirvice keyed to Canadian conditions and the everyday needs of mllorzs of: customers. t V"1N'YOUR.OMNI CMUT 14, • taker;- choir' members and others. Two :stewards were chosen, Hai-, aid Elliott ..and Robert ''Irvin to replace Will .Cranston. and •Har- -vey;' Anderson, retiring in • 1956 • •. - •I INGSB1RIDGE Mr. John.O'Neill Who had big 'nr ill with a sore • throat ‘.and -'.'flu, for the, past;few- days, is .:now -a ., patient in Si. , Joseph's Hospital,, London:. IvIr.'•and Mrs: John Dietrich & 'family • .of—:—Kitchener spent r' tireL week•end:Sat the Boma, of. Mr, & ' Mrs: Mark Dalton. Cpngratulations to. Mr:. & Mrs Josepfr O'Keefe. upon the, birth of a son in` `St. Joseph's 'Hospital; London, on: Saturday,. Jan,, 29th;. Mrand -Nirs Ray Dalten-spent the •week -end visiting, with rela- tives tives" ,in Detroit. •' MY ';.los, O'Keefe • and 'Frank Sullivanvisited i�z}' 'London: on Sunday . ' Word` has, been received that • Jas. Wallace '„lied on Sa,urday; Jarwary_.29th, .at•.the home o1 17i± daughter in Toronto,.. where h{ and Mrs. .Wallace :, had • be<rn spendin'$4 the winter •months. T e'- quirem High 1Vlass wa,'s sung here :art-Wednesday-t"morning at 1O,o(). s.ni. with interinent'. in St. ,1n.s- eph's, CE•fl etery. . COMPLIMENTARY 'DANCE REPLACES CO-OP' BANQUET The annual meeting • • f t't L•ucknow District Co-opc't'atn•'' scheduled for Wednesday til:;,: I~'fTi-frtl<t1�. I•G�..}Y"a`t--���(�-fl•�1•t-��`� . at which Bob ' Carhert .K k11 ln= guest speaker.. a ' ' The rine•ting w ill • be follow ; by a dance .in • the . :entre with 'a compliment -fir:: ticket available to..each co •r. • , rnei:nber .find lady. This cimplirnentary darer rc s p1ares the customary baligcr•t. Which of recent ,ears has,, pre-: 'ceded: the business meeting. IA at li • • meet -R. h ter pry'; • `werE inert A uieei folio . Alto Won Mels .4 _.ton:. Cam repo Cl Alto El ers Alto Tl were Tl folia hcel Sup • and Berl ,You ton. Mrs Bac • Hac seta Che Hac' ton: M and 'S'an fam Eur Sun Rite . � M Sati ' Mrs M and .and , spei and and .the s•`pe; • • 'Ein NiTh Jak ..5u io -Yo Jo) Tr KI