HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-02-02, Page 5`WEDNESDAY, FEB, 2nd, 1 ebrueiri Attractions. • at the • TU. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, PAGE 'IVB Lyceun.I T W,IIl GRAM /FEB. 374-5 .•; "Doris, Day • Robert Cummings .phll Silvers } "LUCKY ME" Colour , '¢ .r CinemaSeope '. "FEB.. 7-8-9• cotton. Webb • Cornet Wilde' June-Ali_YS0t _ , • q World: Colour • ,CinenaaSco,Ptt 'FEB. 10-11-12 lathes Mason :Robert- Wagner r Janet . Leigh "PRINCE ': VALIANT" Colour: Cinennaseope. FEB: 14-15-16 Elizabeth Taylor :Vann. Johnson . . Donna Reed ie Last Time •° I -SW Paris Colour . ` 17-18-19' FEBF : Jane • Fo.well. Vic Dalnon e !Debbie -Reynolds'-: "ATHENA": Colour: FEB,: 21-2212344-25-2o Bing ,.. Crostiy • Danny Kaye ` Rosemary Clooney: Vera Ellen" WHITE 'CHRISTMAS' VistaV.•ision and. Colour Admission' ' 75e and 35c FEB'28 - MAR.. 1-2, :'.Dirk..Bogaide 'Kenneth: More, .-1octor in ' the.House : ill') this ad for future • . - ceum : . W.INGHAM First Showing at :15 p.m. Saturday Matinees,: 2.00, p.m, • Thursday, Friday, Saturday FEBRUARY 3, • 4, 5. D • o . ncunings, ,ria; Day,. Robert 'Cu Phil • Silver, ` in' " I U KY ME".°': • ucolour einemaseope Monday Tuesday, ,Wednesday' „FEBRUARY 7,,f1;i 9 rYL Clifton Webb, Cerfel ' Wilde, June Allyson, . in "A Woman'"• 1Vrld'f Coloi Cinemaseope% •SURPLUS UP` WITH. • A .,regular meeting of .the West Wawanosh Township School Area Board was held in the Township Hall on , 'Tuesday, January 18th with all'; 'members present. Min- uteS of last meeting ; were , read _and adopted on a motion by Ted Mils and James Curran, ` Moved ' by Harney' :Anderson and.. Ted Mills that Wallace Mil- ler Continue, as chairman •of' Board for coming year; and that W. A. Stewart . continue assec- re taryztreasurer. The following wood': •contracts. ,were .passed Elwood Barbour,. wood ifor .NO. 12 • @ $5.50 per cord; Angus McDdiiald, . woo. d for N _ 3_ and. 46 @ .,$5,50 'per cordr Foran' Bros. ,wood for• -Na, 2 and No.' 17'. @:. $5.75 per. cord The fol3awing caretaker, eon tracts were .issued: SAS. No. 4, s. James Curran;. S.S. No. 12, TO LOSE..HAR.VEY SPAR:LING IN'...JUNE(. Because of ' weather and 'road conditions. the tattendance . 'at _the_ annual : •congregational_ ,meeting held, in ''th'e United Church :,on. -Wednesday-afternoon--wa'not .a- large: as had been hoped for, but. those: Who were present ,heard re- porta' showing -, , very successful year. in --1954. 'Rev George' 'Watt Of • Dungannon, .the supervising minister, ,was .in -charge. The.ge eral• report presented by Mr. L. Miller, ' showed `an income of 12,49998 .with- a balance on hand pf ,$508.95. The :, reportT. of th Missionary> and Maintenance cont.- mittee,.' presented, by the :areas- ; Vivi, Mrs: W.: A. Miller; told ofk: the :. allocation ,' being'; : exceeded;` with $$73;; being Sent to the treas. FOURTH CONCESSIOr Mr. Rennie', Graham of ; 'Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. 'Angus Graham, of Lueknow were'; recent. visitors ;with. Mt. *and Mrs A, Graham. Mr: LraDickie .• is: employed has":, a . machinist with • Dominion'''Road> Machinery .Co., .Goderieh ,.: Mr.,and Mrs.' Pete Parrish •vis • ited; Sunday with Mr.• and . Mrs: ° Lloyd MacDougall. and family Mr. and . Mrs. E. •Webster, of Wingharn were Sdhday guests o : as. Robinson.; S.S. No. 3, Mr. ` don Smyth;, S.S. No. 2, Mrs. Gertie Bakker; S.S. "No. 17, Mrs . =. Ralph Godfrey. Bills .to the' ai°nount of -'$111,53 were passed on:,a'/notion of Wm. Webster and Ted Mills • . 'Moved : lby .Wm. •Websterand and Allan . of Walkerton,d James. Curran that we paid $1.00 :Mrs: Gorge• Haldenby and Mrs: per pupil' for shot .:Mulches. Car- .M. Dudley were' dinner guests •of' ried. • • ' •‘ Mr. , and . Mrs, Howard McGuire.. Two Shows' Nightly, First Show« ,at 7,15 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday, , February 3,. 4, 5 Extol 'Flys. Olivia De Haviland,. Lap "CHARGE" OF 'THE,' LIGHT BRIGADE' Their Biggest. Hit. Together. • Monday, .Tuesday,. Wednesday, February '7, 8; 9 Kathryn Grayson, ?Gordon MacRae,. in ° :"DESERT SONG" In Technicolor. 4 ". _._ f. .COMING—Tliitrsday, Friday, Satuirday, Februar`Y 1.0, 114 1 "OPERATION 'SECRET", K'INLUUGH Mrs Margaret Dudley of Luck - now is spending a.' while ,in the village • United: Church Y.P.U. The bi-weekly• meeting, ' Janu ary 30th, opened with a sing song. •under-. the direction' of Ken. Mac - Nay. Arnold Hartford then turn: Mr..and Mrs. Clare ,Spar'ling ed' the meeting. over to Marilyn' arilyn •Mr. and Kilpatrick, Stewardship ' & Train- ing raming• convener.: The worship' period opened. with a • call, to worship and' hymn '399' was sung; Elaine' MaeNay . react.: the• scripture and' Shirley. McClure gave a reading. The. hymn "Take Time To .Be- Hgly" was sung..' . :The 'meeting took `the form '0,f a 'debate with Ken dtnd 'Arnold, ` the affirmative., and.' Ruth, ,Treleaven and, Roddy Wraith the negative.' Judges were Mr. Collyer and :Rev; McClean. The final decision given hy`'�Rev, McClean;'' was: that leadership training isnecessary for Sunday School teachers. The debate Prov -ed ...•very_Anter_esthig with- 3t good points expressed' 'by ;both sides... The =.Y.P.U: are :going ; to hold a • skating :Party on Febru- . • "ary 11 th.• The• meeting closed with prayer. by; .Harvey Anderson `and Wm:: Webster .that we grant Miss Donna;" Mead a:bonus of $15 Per month, for balance : of year: Motion _carried.. The treasurer•`gave. his .report on `3•finaneial standing • of�..School Board. Which finished' ' year:with a' surplus :of ' $11,113.92 compared to: the balance of a year ago .of. $19.,728.49.. being $385.52 more than last' year's ,balance, '.which •Wat very p ratifyra�g as ry the ` nate was held. 'at 3.3 mulls Which ;. very' .1.16* . compared to: 'many Qhe.r's. The, School Board for the Com ing year -is , as 'follows: Wallace •Mi11er,• chairman, ,James;Cttirran,.. on Sunday:, ' .Mr. and Mrs; Bert Nicholson .and family visited. Sunday' with .Mr. and. Mrs. 'George Ciiyler 'and family, '1VIillarton. : Mr..ard . Mrs. Harod Haldenby and family spent. 'the week -end in Sarnia. • ,miss . Marion Percy is assisting. at . the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack, Hewitt urer. This Was': an `increase ' of •Wm. Webster; .Harvey Anderson, $94 'Over last year. 1n' addition•4to`Ted' Mills.'�and;' W, A• •Stewart, this' <$200 had been „sent :to lice. sec.=areas•. ` .�• Chung Choan Kr;m fpr his .work ;Moved by: Wm. • Webst'er. -and in , Korea. •.' The • reports', .:6f the Y:PU , --the Sutday. `School and -1 Ted Mills ' that' we adjourn to the W M.S•.:and'• the W.A. ,were;'rneet again on the first .Tuesday 'in Fe'bruary at _ 2.00' pan. Most, encouraging Mrs..W. I•: Mil-. W. A. Stewart, Ser. ler 'was • appointed ` as secretary= treasurer, .to suc'ceed::, Miss . M:. C.,° . • Miss Irlina . Hodgins, ABN, went -to-St-Catharines --where-she- take •where :she- will; take up her nursing duties at the hospital there.' Mrs. George Graham is hostess to -the' Anglican W.A. on : Thurs- d•ay' next, February 10th: • • .'Rlrtherford:• who is ill., MVIessrs: W. A. .Miller, ,'W A. .Humphrey, E. -W: ,Rice•and 'L,. Durnin were, re-, a ppoi��t d to the- BBoar'd of , Stew- ara.s as: were ;Murray; Tayloi and'. Allam Miller' a5 auditors' able Sc» -.e discussion ,`. followed iii regard to :a suc:ce'ssor. to Mr.. Har ey .Sparling, who has • announced: that, owing td 'the stress: ' -of his university work, he'• will be ung • to 'supply her e...after'' June and .Mrs. .G.. Lockhart. ' 30th, This ,,announcement ha been receivd,',With`'much regret. At .the- conclusion . a pleasant' social ,hour •'was .'enjoyed • when lunch` wasserved by the, ladies. There is. plenty. of snow ' on the hills' on the Fourth. Fourth. East missed '.the mail on Wednesday. and Thursday " •• .16'..."0,041,4141.1P41.1.4;;MIVIWIMIN14104. MilliM14111100i11.011111M1,1111M1:11111111140.41.4110P1). 41•604/1111. P44111.041016•110 . i. • 'o . Order Your. I from. T; .-__ ick i1atc'Iie' 1 ;All hirtfs from.. Canadian Approved, roverninent in- •! ssuited• and bivod tested 1 ifodi .No complaints CULROSS: CORNERS, Bethany Farm Forum, along with the 'other forums of Culross: To wnshi.p;', met:•.with .the• .Culross'. Township Federation :of.Agricul- tures on';Monday .Monday . night in . the ,Teeswater• Town Hall. There was'. a • good. crowd.. A°.colpred 'film•ori-. the Kitimat power ;development in,:°British' '.Columbia was shown' a ,, d Mr. Weaver : of ',Owen Sound oke on' `"Marketing" Which 'Was. ong the same` line' 'as the farm" oru,in' topic; "Producer Market= ing". The.:Teeswater Co-operative served doughriuts••;and .coffee , _,_ _.. Miss • 'Lois Haldenby spent a' few "days with , Mrs. ,f rami Scl u- niaeher. We •are glad to report That Mrs; Schumacher :,is able 'to be up and :around a'garrr:. Miss Helen •- Seh`umacher- spent a -few =•days with Mrs. _,,,Everett Whitehead, Teesivater, Mr: 'Grant. Wall has •been 'un der the' 'doctor's : care 'this',past .week'; with a: sore. hand. We 'are' glad to report;he is improving•' Miss Helen oColiinson, student; at L.D.H.S was ableo`•return : to` her: studies on 'IVIOnday: after,•:be inga confined-. to. the4.ho i e__ . We: are glad to report that little.: Stephen: 'Donaldson, son of Mr. and,Mrs Don,Donaldso:r, who has' '•been 'under "the d:octor's : care .for sortie tune", is: feeling,,better again. • Bethany' •Patin Forum will' meet at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Midford .Wall and Donrate• on M.oirday .evening, February 7th.,, Mr, .•Eatle''Iiocigihs accompa .i'-., Led Mr.'' ,ed ' M.oi eati of f1lmvaic. an, a motor, trip, which took' their. thteough '' .Windsor; • Leamington, 'Montreal, .etc. ' tered frofli our ',entire tu>tn ' ber of 195•t. et stoin ers'. Your ' .. ir,rtrolt ge ' mire ciate l ' last 'year; . we look forward to Seeing .you again'this year,, s •ST.'HELENS' •= The : ladies are• reminded• `of tlye nie ting this (Thursday)' after, noir, of the, W men's Institute at ' - .•iVli'"s ,AntireW • aunt's,. Roll •Call,... . HOG CONTRACTS' AVAILABLE e.: change of: Va enures ,1 ... w . Phone or Call • • '• ,i �� Iic arie of .weather - a nd road conditions"the variety; pram shuctnow 166 `igannbrtI9«r.,lrfargedfor )rtfay ti�ht ha •wai,..w. Nwi,,,.r..!......ssw►,raw,•r,w+iw:,rw�i..r, .+„N,+,.'w�rty , been optpored until a later'date • THIS .COULD BE YOU in NOT rti4AcE ,.YOUR ORDER' NOW F rtIlIZ� The..Fertrtizer That Is-- _ O Free Flawing' / !� . Doesn't .Caste' Up Gives You Higher Crop ` tviwli s • Saves You $2.50 A Ton See-- -Dor al- op Mana:g:er--TakY • 50dD ONLY AT YOUR•LOCAL Co -(1P.• know llistrict Coop 'PlIONL% 71, txttCKNOW ° _1 • • 4s .,f S(. �. • • •