HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-01-19, Page 7DAY, ;AM .1904 1954
tx met:: at . the
Mr, ,and Mrs, John
n January 12th with :five.
playing,. Prizes went to
a/ Rivett and Mrs. Victor
as and Jahn, Diurnin and
Thompson. Next party is
lean Erringt'On of London
e week -end with her par-
r. and Mrs.Victor Erring,
Bernadette i oyie of 7,:br ,
nt the .Week -end with' her
lVir, and' Mrs Joe. I3oyle.
Aly de Groot and Miss
.Finnigan Of • Gederich
ie'�week-end' with the fat
rents,. Mr, ata Mrs.John
Wilke Cunun, ns was , a re
;iior':with; hex sister,
rt Gait ,,.
nd Mrs: Bill Krnali'an
'ere . Iv' 'ek-ena visitor, in •
cath of •they •eorr�munit is
Y Y .
' to Mr.. and Mrs, :Jim
in. their recent -bereave
ging' up *he Farm Fam.-
ily'� was• the topic of tile . t
eating ��liscu'ssior fox a r er R
the : Mxn. ASSESS_ .
'r `r "atirto day ven ff.'s meef
ing held at the home o; Mr. . and
Mrs, Vietor Errington, The ques-
tions asked in the tram Forum
G-utete whieh brought forth a vat,.
iety of answers, were: 1. It is
generally 'admitted that 'the ,ways
of •bringing uo a farrn familry to-
day are fiifferent from those of
25 years age, What are. these daf,
ferences? What are the most im-
portant 'problems . to be.,.faced in
'bringing up> farm families' today?'
'W'hich can .be solved by • action.
(1) within. the family; •• (2) thru
'the eornMunity?. A social, hour
was :spent at.progressive euchre
'WW1 "high prizes won . by ':?yrs.
order : irtcTavish and 'ill .Pur—,
..iOi?. Lu.nch was 'Seryed;::e next
me:, ting; Monday, J,anuairry 24th,
••be held at the..1w ne
ti um Lison:••
T Gm son w"e in -
1 u
utccl w.hilc v,s,i'ida•ng•in the' bush
t'hen., a hiii,) titr.u':;{ 'rlrs head
ca•,ising,, a c ••:;1, }'iiirl.�: eg'itired:
'hes to c,e..,L
r.' -Jim ••CLirnmi,ns o1 Malton
spent the week -end at his 1t c
nei'e. '
' (221 ill,)
is 'the pick` of the . production per hen year '
's' . bloodlines—cross- under good farm conditions.
for extra vigor and x'--' They're. top .producers with
egg production;. No
r`where you live, Swift
you • strains selected to
Ole iggs _) gh: produc-
n per year --to keep the
1 -earning of : your: flock
--Meed cost per , dozen
down. '
ve cross mating for
vigor, and sustained
tion ,of Cage eggs,
p..amino fi;orn the • na-
n's best" breeales, care
lly' selected for exccp ••
)nal livability in pullets
Id hens. '
iet,:.. easy -to -manage
Ht LAYERSt-` Beaut -
ugh, -production . layers,
im-weight , birds built
Ve ,you high -.average
ono "SkyNr aro $wUPs tray nIri
i#1 Approved) ,
low • feed requirements per
dozen eggs.
,layers—a product' of Swift's
research. Their 'high laying
average comes from tested
strains of linebred breeds.
Eggs are brown and .consis-
tently large
White;,Leglhorns and popu-
'lar dual-purpose breeds also
available at most hatcheries.
FREE BOOKLET • gives complete
disekiption of ; these , Jpeaufirul,' 'high-
production`Iayets--in MI colour. Write
• of .sea,
Wick of h Irl"},
I(.s d . a
West Wawa,nosh Cgwne l '1vfhiutes
- ' : January 10. 1955.
• The inai:i ,
mal rizeetinr pfhe
West Wawanosh Township !Coun-
cil was held an January 10, 1955.
After the Reeve and•.,.foiar Coun-
cillors had subscribedlo the ne,
cessary declaration of o f face, •th e
business '"of the year was started.
The. minutes of the.. December
meeting Were read , and were
adopted asread ora a• motion of
counoillQrs:. Culbert and Miller,•
$y- 1•aw' No;"i, ) 5, na'min'g, the.
Township officials for . '1005, :and,
stab _ .g# $4� , G•us
ng, their salaries,, was ,passed D e yereau The J'anu•i1i meeting l to
v ��. sa.Zt,'2,30�o°tit. •Stoll- � .. , g e,
nn . ai motion: ;of, Councillors', Dur � era' � '- , W.M,S:, �.uicilary was,`. held' ;ori.':'
,,,. 4 , welding, 4,00;', Everett :.Er=
ilio. and 111ill:ex v ri ridgy at' the, hdrine of.'Mrs. ete '
n 'ton_ Welding', 10 60 Tam G •n-if-rr•-,. . r'
• ,,The clerk r
was lost t
rue ed an
a motion. • ctf•'COnnt;ill•ors,Miller
' . hone 181 '' Kincardine
.Pou ry °uili °
»gig S�pec>rai#y.
In accordance with government re at ''' ` i= "
regulations our )Et�4>e4t�►' .
coot's ate thoroughly washed•and disinfected.
for your protection... ,
«�raR►r!luRw r!4tLa►1 n n
:0-1 bolts, 4,05; 1m'perfa1„ Oil L.44o
motor oil 13. 0.. • .' �
, 3 ,. Norman:McAon,. !„A..r.sroxi?, •
ald, 'snowplowin 11 0•
- "VLL4.G, '; .The. pripenz; =1vlr
Highway accounts, $525;40. . Farish Moffat res' '
p ided and op
Gulbeirtto advertise iin.'the Luck_ Durnin and' ;1tii ci nee, 'Council ad to Worship and. prayer. Y The min
how Sentinel and' the Gode } •
aourned" to meet February g utes were react ' d b'
On a rnotion , ., of • • Councillors. erred •athe meeting .with the Call:
S1 rtic i r on e ,ruary a ,, an ti usmess dealt •.
nal Star for applications for • 1359 or • at .th cal oft with• Miss E?xima Richa dao - '
e 1 he Reeve.;. �. x . n pre .
the position of Township. assess; J: F: ' '( I1AN Tnv ., Cler sided for the.scriprn; Mrs; Geo.
I? . •k^ Tiffin read the scripture and Mrs.
br .salary fo„ be X300.00 per a,
nurxr, All apol cations to, be seal Luct.now Wamen's'Y istiit to Qithgav the tion followed e mellita f ll ed •:
ed, plainly.by Mrs.' Peter .G..
•marked "application"„.. `''Mrs.'s Chas. Cooke ,presided at Moffat, Readings, "A New - Year's
an'd to" be sent •to the Township •., the January meeting of the: Wo- $Message', was:given'by•Mrs. Far
Clerk •All ,applications to be ..in mens . Instdute when members ish Moffat and '"A New, -Year for,
by $.00 :p m;; February. 5, 1955 met in the *Recreation Centre: In Auxiliaries"' by Mrs,, Jaynes Mac, ,
Y 2 authorizin the the absence of the secretary, Mrs, Pherson, Mrs ,Bert, Moffat gave
�' Iaw No:, , � • g
f ,eeve and the Treasurer to bot Wfri .,Douglas • acted. Many cards a report of the' Presbyterial ! An
r,ow ' up • to : $20,000 for current of than. ks. were :read from ,those nu�al• meeting, which was: held in
Who had received , cheer' :boxes• at Winghain,r' Miss Emma :•Richard-
ecpendi:tt1res,::was' :read a third -Christmas, nas, •Plans were Trade for son
ygave the 'topic oil •'. 'kMission
time and" passed oil a xriotion , of a : Shoot.- part to. Lae :•held �. in' Work. in " India";. ReV • Caswell' '.
4ouncrilors Culbert. and McPhee. March A piano duet by Joyee 'spoke • briefly, on ''.Mission : work
' On 'a motion of Councillors and Elaine MacNay was very and led in prayer. Thome February
Culbert • ;and Mi1Ier :• By=law No much enjoyed Mrs, Geo, • ten . Meeting will be held .at. the;' home
3 'was given first_:•';and second` nedy gave_ an interesting, paper of, Mrs. George. Tiffin., '
readings.'ancl was to" be1farward bn Citizenship ;and Education
ed to' the .thirster"of Laos and Nits ' Annie Struthers the•current •
forests' for approval, By -Taw No, events: and the topic "How can' I RENT A TYPEWRITER
make: each •year more interesting 'Ever •one frond :the .student. to
3'. deals ,with reforestation pro. than the,ast, ear"' was. re .arY ' . •
jects in the Townshi P Y p p the busixiessrrian needs'a "hype-
P , . ed by Miss Dean . MacLeod • : and writer ` and we can now s
-It was moved `by 'Councillor read by; Mrs.. Elmer Johnston 'uype.
Mc'I�b e;ar d seconded by; i nElizabeth Webster, a 'high' sehoel.'you with new Remington., gton., type?,:
chlor Durni . that •.Messrs, • W.M.
aeser; 1'red' McQuillin and Win,
rMlran -rbc e=appoitited to - the.
Township committee re Bi ucill-
osis, Control, Act, .'•1953
On a; .motion of Councillors
Miller and Durnin, `Mr John MV -
"Sh•akesperian Play' which t'hey you • only: $5 , a manth, or $230 i
areputting en:, Following the week. : Enjoy the use of these
closing exercises:lunch was• serv=1•mod€rn friachines 'We :can -supply -
ed. by the hostesses in ,charge. you .with any Remington type
writer or , 'adding:machine, and
"You look: 'sweet enough: to would be pleased '` to show you '
Quillin :was .aippointed school: at eat", he Whispered soft..and 'lows their features
• tendance offirei for. 1955 as -a • "I am", she. ,aid' quite,. hungrily, LUCKNOW SENTINEL
salai y of $10 00 Where do.y want • to god,, Phone
6,)n a 'motion. n'f. i!i,.�w. ;li, 3
Culbert ,and McPhee, the': Clerk •
was„ instructed to 'apply .for' the
W are . well .
' stocht!d' t
.a,i:ant• `.'coin- ruin`.. •. � o serveyou with
ce g the ' calfhood _ y
vaccination' program' of 1954 , a complete lute Of.
Mrr A. T.Bosonquet (director�
of :Public Welfare) 'Apptxared 'be=
fore Council inregard • to Wel-
fare problems'
On a • motion.. of Councillors
Durnin •:' and .;McPhee,'theClerk
was instructed to publish the
inutes' ef. •Council.• meetings ,in
the two . Local ,weekly newspapers
On a motioof Councillors Me-
Phee • and Culbert the .following.,
accounts u n
t were
ordered paid
Judge ..H.k D. Long, Court- o
revision; ::1954., Miters' Lists,; $10.
It .Glenn Hays,, Q C:, certifying
1954 Voters' Lists, 7::00, J F. Fox:-
an, .-compiling: and. revising 1954
r •:'otea s .Lists, '25.60; A. Rollinson;
• enve,,lolies and stamp '5,42, Lew,.1 i ence Reid, refund on" 1954. taxes,
loss of house, :• 22,80, Kenneth•
Camel on,• postage . stamps, 5.00;
Philip.MacMillan, refund 'of 1954
::Fed:.of Agr.fee, '1.51; :Wm. Mc-
... Qtitllin, refund of 1954 -Ted:- o.
Agr;: fee, 2,4$; Archie ,Mae.Millan;
re',u !id. of 1954,: Fed. of Agr. •fee
;0.1`0•; Orita'rio` Asstn-. of, Rura
UIunicipalties, ..inexnbership fee,
10.00; .,Huron Co. Soil & 'Crop
-Tmpi ovelherirks': ``tr;-grant -25 00
Howard Thompson, to inspector's
fees, ' •r e „1954 • Brucillois pro:
gram, '22,40; Wni E. Good, re in::
• sl)ector's• fees,• re 1954 Brucillosis,l
pi'oram,. 24,40;; Frank McQuillin,
re' inspector's , fees, re 1954 -Brut
itlois•' program, '22.40; • Allan Mil-.
ler, re inspector's • fees, , ire 1954,
Brucillosis pkogram•, 22.40.'
Highway: Aecauritt • '
Lorne Ivers,- part 'Salary,. $22.50;
Russel • ;Phillips,• • sanding roads,;
•1330;* Albert Phillips, 'sanding
:roads; 10.80;, Lloyd Phillips, sand-
ing 'mads. 4420, `,Gordon • dcl`7on=
atd, sanding tba•ds;, 13,30; Ronald
A„ltoua, sanding roads, 9,80, Clay-'
ion Andel:
, sanding -ads,: 4.9&
el'ie. ,gctultz, sanding roads,,,
50.;;' Norman `M.'Donald, sanding;
With truck; 67.50; Rbb't, lt/Io,le'.�
• sanding with :truck, 41',6,0; : Chas.
il,rVett sanding' with truck, 13.25;
• rrariv,ey Alton,, sanding with truk,
21.00; V. Ric% tialt .6.90, Dli'l.
ler & Coco„ $salt, 3 15; D: R. Fin'
"I&'son., , rr'it,. 11,60: K. H J:)4tw'soti,
• stilt, 34,65; r6, C. `Greer,. stamps,
5;()0; Doinifi1on,, Ito\. ° '
E'1eetrical Supplies :and : Heating Units
,Pluirnbing.:Install tion and'Repairs
or everything. in hardware it's 9':
. Pluii'ibing, $eating, Ele•etrie'Wiring
— PhorieLuek,
. 40i+tramtkom. 'r ter. ..rfirrfc Kaarndsu+�.rr 0wiu ,,+,ram•o:.Hiwr.r .r„ ,ryf.n•....►,,airn. ,
4,N 1t4arir►bar►u+rownr,rwbn4row�n+ baril>�,urM►„ir,+�rtwro+0•0•Win, �w, ,.r ei t '
or seeY :yo r, local' dealer
1~ roni
• r.
• LUCKNOW ...:.:
Free: Pick -tip And Delivery, : 14.100.e. 75-W r.•
'1VIEN S AND LADIES' SUITS' r.,..... .,..,.:., 991•
PLAIN S11i;1RTS (pleated extra • 49c
PLAIN DRESSES (pleated:or frills' extra) .,.: ;$1.09
SWE TER,S—Ladies 39c 1Clei s • 49c
Special Ends Mo.day Noon, January' .31st
No Slackening of -Service or %%orli<man.%rip
cardrne: Cleaner
Ti#E oLD li`1 1GiAllt E•f
.N'N4t)iii►'dSIYOr.1I1�7iFd,Y�IiA •ri 'i/l iXriG►,ifji�in r r�11►r1 's,460