HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-01-19, Page 5DNESDAY, ,l• , 19th, 1955' • •t ,r•c+r'�,M�4'..., 0 PP_E; ,• '4M►a tf.M!!', 'kat §laa:wing S‘rts, at 7.145 ).an. •xHB _TQC�TK3.o Sx • ��BI�IxfNF ,} 1<,CJC NaW 'VNTAI•:uo Uh C CHURCH SahrdaY Matinees i'hursday, Frida ►, .. torch ►, January .Z6,, rye Ma=treen O'Hara ..�. d Hottaid Gaarsl► � "FIRE OVER AFRI ," in. ;c�Y�r�c • 2 Mo04, Tuesday,We Inesday, January ;2 044 .Sheridan ''and John Gregso `GENE VIEVE" `. teehnleolor Thursday, Friday, SaurdaY, 'January 27, 28 .f. 26 w •'l -. Victor Mature and Susan • Bayward, lin jj "DE METRI JS AND' THE GLAL>IA`I"ORS''. Cinensascope color • p ; of the"W.A;. • "roup-.$. of • the United:'Chu1ch met •on.' Wednesdayafter- on' at : the t home .of ^ Mrs. Mc m."with, an attendane,e of six- in members. ° Mrs.., Kenneth meron 'presided 'and oche. meet opened by :•.singing a hymn lowed by prayer .by :Mrs.: 'Cain - •n The scripture ,and rnedita-:' was�.1 ken by. Mrs. Alex' Ar e*. Final :arrarligen eats were. ade-,-foie -the- annuaLsupper the• !lowing;, evening. Miss Hazei ebster.'' was appointed secretary. r. ''this Year, and Mrs. 'Black, asurer.:.Mrs.'Hoag was appoint,; visiting and;,fellowship; corn,; ittee; pianist,. Mrs; .441; g ,caminittee; Mrs 0., Richards,, s: A "Irwin, Mrs. John Hen rson; flower committee .Mrs. cKim • " M Aobert Carps ef: ••1, Alton; ,'treas.,• .Mrs. 'N .Hedley; pianists, •Mrs. W. Joynt •and Mrs.. Meiklejotn. Mrs.' Jones and .Bes- sie,Beavie•.sang•a,duet The'rneet- ing' was' closed . with 'a 'hymn :acrd' pra er . The committee in charge served.:lunch. Mrs. W. Joynt n ov= ed a vote of 'thanks•.to the hostess. South Kinloss:aF &: F Group , .The•Faith'and Fellowship.group. met at the church • Farr. Monday, Januarys ;9th: The '..rneeting ;open- edwith ”The Church in the„ i' wood":followed •la " the rep et'� • '. .- y .,h. ;p ition pi • the':Lord's' prayer.". Psaltri T9;. ' `The ' Lord's : My •Shepherd" upas then .: sung, The scripture' 'lesson was read by. Mrs Fraser''MacKin- non and':a helpful meditation:was given .by' Mr:° ' • Her13 Buckton;, ,PAGE XV"- ,r L, 'MEETING (Contributed arY , 3th, the coag : ation m •o f° Lucknow united C'hu; _ ether - ed for a .slipper togethe nd then the annual reports and', business. After a bountiful supper on a help yeur`self-pian, Rev.. G. A. Meiklejobn opened the meeting, with a devotional period; Mr. ' A...Carneron acted as secretary, The leader of each ..organization for the past year was called: up- on to introdtioe the reports from that' phase of the church work, The Sunday School Superinten- dent, 'Glen Waldn•,"vaitied high- ly,, the regularity of about 'forty': scholars who 'attended::at> least: :44 Sundays id:the year., He re i ca . p ted the efforts of :all tear 'dyers . The -treasurer's -report. was'' .given Ala�y Gordon" ^ lViorr n.. 'It showed/Ins increased, accouxit. ac-g - counted -'for 'partly by -the pui .-*- -- ---- chase of a izew protector and by IE'�S•CORNERS:• .bas played have with some the bequest from the Murdie aur rural telephone Irnes�: put Estate; ' Average attendance for We . extend: our.: ;sympathy to thein out :of ;order. ' the Sundays, of the year was 105. the farkmily of the late . Joseph Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey 'Gordon : appreciated the work of iCourtne • who .Passed aw " .iistd lin. and a.. ; -Mdwa Don; Thom Y p . •ay last • f muly ° of Point Edward.. Pson as his ;;assistant: Tuesday - ui •Goderich Hospital are visiting: 'with Mr, ,;and r Mrs, The Adult Class report was read::from a :heart•_att •• • : Robert '• ae b t Scott. • by Ernest Blake :and pride was • `Mr. :and • Mrs 'Wm Wareing, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Farris) taken • in this :.feature of the Barbara Ann; 'Mr. and 'Mrs, Rcibbt. and fariuly, ' Mx. and church life. Mrs: S: •Collyer re-, p9r't-ed-�5-1i-t�l�f-+o-lCr-o-�t�a�Gr-Sar-lle• :Scott ' and •Joyce . Little .'spent •a Parrish ' visited,: with Mr. • and '• Rol g: couple -of a'S's--izr�i�oddfli-last,�.Mrs�...Gorp10 S in. „ . :week . .:' ich Friday night: ° a Arnold.°,Hai�for'd presented ..the + � • .. Z.,lo' report of the Xbung • People's yd `Gotlane frprn, "'this vein•. - -. +.tis _ Show.: at .,-B Qnd► 9- _-,='. tinee jaturds� huraday, Friday, Satur eY, ' �,lanuar r 20 , 21, :Z RANDOL1PB SCOTt‘ r "MAN. BEHIND nig GUN"" • When Golden Stag b>lamt with . treason he blasted it Clean, . JI ° Ionday, TTuesday, Wednesday, .January 24,:25, 26 1 Humph�Cey °ogart; Ingrid rb'man, `a�nI Hemeid,CASin •, A AB V4CA T'he _ Coming—Thug,. Friday, Saturday, J`a ua 'y . 27, 28, GARY COOPER in .'T,ASK FORCE".' • Union in a splendid way.He re- Sty ..was,in :London. Friday where; •he was: receiving is medical for ferred to the . worship_.centre, the , . Y.P:1J.: conference. . and other,_ _ the •' army. aci ivities ; of the. year. • ;r ' and Mrs, Lewis Mogan, -•8°i Y '' visited With friends. iii S t: Z'he A;fternoon.Aui.ihary, of 'the ' .• .:. .. S Worneri's Mission'ai. Society re= Augustine Sunday, y Mrs.•' Le Co.' net 'ported funder • the: leadershipof Q : urt Y •visited' on Sunday'., with Mrs, 'Joe Courtney Mrs 1tT,�:��'J .MacKenzie: ,;.Mrs '. J. Kilpatrick read the• report of the;in' Wingh`am' Hospital activities The sleet , -storm` on. Saturday a es cf the 45 members •an y the=amount af- money -.sent or�:'fo QV"Td- y r. Missio a ten :: `zi�nted` to :-the- -Sets •on .' n rY work was $41;5 he_ . 1xI? z to ports • were ..also heard froth :the' fine ' work of: the. Mission Band ,which .is, studying work in.dfia•.fn w .. and:-:froxri' : tite Baby �• Band wrhi`consists of• ',•87 little 'folk: Mrs,, .: 1Vlurdie -p r� ed' esent the report of :the, Evening FOURTH'' N c� C1rgSiflN. Rev, ::J ,R MacDonald of Rip -1' ley :was a: gyest•. of- Mr.: and .Mrs; W. F. MacDonald *hen:` .he coni • ducted. the services.at Soi tb loss and.,„Kinlough on '$Sunday, Bob`..Gilehrist• gashed'; :his foot With . an axe :while .working la the bush on,. Thursday afternoon. .4 { e,.KazrfreeEaxzovum baye retire in.;1984: Tlese members of• been • holding: intersng ”: weeklyen { Sessiqn 'Wert Ernest st Ackert,meeting ,This: meek ,th ey meet BruceMacKenzieand le home o M: and' • den. ` Mr=, ,:M;ei'kle' ohn;'a `oke " well• Hainiitearl. of th e w ,., a '.' he •-' t i •a .,. Off ci 1 $card. `: ' •Tib , • . y. � etre was •;a lar' a attendance., had...functioned.' t g•. to d ante appreciation ,_and; zn':.. resnorise rat " the,. Faith `and • F'ello�shig , to' a • reciation. Voiced } Prayers .w:ere.' given b o d by W. L. meeting tui South Kinloss church,' '; •. y g y Mrs: Dan' ,. •Mackin o a of the W.M S.';wh ch has -38': mem_ MacKenzie;:for', the ''services •,reri -.Monday`:evenin . 'At the. cl n n ri nd Mrs. W. F. Mac- .' ,has-38. Of, : ., ;, bets a Ore . b.:..Mr.• and Mrs. Merkle- th 3vored . With a .,sola.' and' Hazel': Donald. lilymn .They Old !tugged and an average .attendance ?' _ („• a program,'Mr an'd'NLrs:•Baulch:° Jeibster"areading:. Mrs. A; Andy Cross” v��as .th'eri sun follc,wed ,.of' 26:• The report referred: _ td the g etv conducted a'Oiliest. The by .a film stria :: on : `:Theord's t isit of Miss M •Hodgins,. mis meeting .is to be at Mrs." Praver Hy: -mri `'Take..Tz l• the siana'ry on' furlough;.arid to the" ebruaryp . amount' ,of $321 sent on to mis- i e hostess::aorta ciGo Presentations w ere..p YQa as a vert act- • :made to Mar•*ar•et, 8. ulch::Anne •, xt•e.:one for t•he u=omen :of the, roup 2 Woman s' Assoeca, ,, .. r Women's' ,: Associ• ation. logs , ; G, •Bal,c'i and Mr. �Baulch.. liy mn', 'The January •meeting of ,Grooi Blest be -the Tie tha Bindst' was; McDiarmid praised .tile ladies for was held Wednesday'afternoon their:' splendid :'.w oil:: Mrs 14. the home of "Mrs4G, Maebiar- then 'sung. Gx ace 'vas' sung and: lunch was sena ed and:, .the : meet Maclti a7 . reported thee raising toff id with..18 ladies in attendance. lag o1`crsed with t}Je rnizpah bene nearly .$1300, :to nheet casts of is ion. eeting opened with a Shy mn and : • ersx eth' .iCameron's, Lunch was . Cross ' Was sling fol:loed: by th rued axad..a' irate ' . ; ,,.ceek , r t ;ssonary w~ark e of .thanks . its- f..lta ,tri , eel. I c first't3 e: Ki r: n� . ,. ,;,.. ^• •teat• fi f 'r • th The ast r' s: 'M aeDiarmtid presided The d t raver was. offeree p' by Mrs g• • presbyterian Chhien' N' Ni_S get en by Mrs • G Brool*s The Janua v cretin of the U A Al Prest�� tertian W:M.^S ' wag ' held' on. ur heart well educated''; fol h it Members of. the choirs .for, thein. fine •and =faithful sert:�ices: The • chairman: • o•f the, commit tee of Stewards; J.' W. Joynt .was. ed o7r iropealHe^ 'referred W, Ddugias read a..:greeting to to 'the readiness .of• the congrega the:'New' Year: The first'chapter ti^bn'to siipport,a worthy project. I. 'Of the study book on'"lndia' was Tie •;treasurer.., W: B.' Anderson 1 giver's .!;)y iss TV, Ma1•rro1n'i. 1v'Irs. then presented the' financial M.:Heiicterson read extract;,, from I `Statement With f� detailed • ex-, Miss :Diel.sons letters from ,For"� i planation' of progre s.. made, Dur= ._ in the 'vear the debt had, been mos'a followed �s� prayer•�b�t- W. ^Me•Clean.. : The ' minutes': and.,: I educed :: •by $a500.•:;:Appt-11 ilpatrick The seripture reader ' m g as ,. tne new kitchen and • current Following the choir report giv ,en by Min's:, R. BlaCk,;.Ernest Ack '•. ert moved a Vote of .:a report tiori • s: ton gave a readin• g "l- Wed''nesdat� January .12th: in the to Mr.S Jo}-nt, :Eln3er .Umba:eh. and wed• by a solo by M`rs: Breckles: ,c urch..A ter the ca to worship he 'p> esielent, V1 iss MacLeod, con- ec`.following dffiters Were then ducted the' opening exercises. The ecteYi leaders Mrs ec E3roo1 `s $ilale. st a:da '• : • `` . ale -i; upas . take-; nd..lVirs. W. 0,tim, ;sec.; en by Mrs::4 C; "Agnew and'Mrs. State Fares Mutual• announces 1 corn espondence. Were read :by i was: again, expressed ' for 'the` be Miss Mar"%ul?ri'. acid ' 1rs, .A:gneu-', ;ouest_.of 5 0 from. the J:, } . Ntc- i'the delegate tt t};e annual meet- Nab estate... ,T Ott a ij to jn sif#ance averaging �il'Clgll'�g ,than totes charged by .'ntast ether" companiesforfiakbi ity, co(Ilsiotrf,' rind, '`carilprehert• - sive •covgrdge. CALL ME FOR " DETAILS Y ,• Local' Agent; N S �tt., � ,..;. •2i sc7 under �a- �r•il I.h, t•h:1d- 11('1n l 1 t;:,l=• ��,ti r i ,E c -( „S f'p .' :in 'Bi.Ipti'ni ine' in V iniihani 'gave a 'report Ewart. Taylor .gate the r coats .and LLalso of ni e4 ; erir-to t -o -f :thA, non-n•at “co.mn-lit•tee-and the shut -errs al C}tr: t ras, .Tire '':the fgllowin,g, stewards were ap-• •,,oJ} call was ns' t.•:rea., int •a pro pc'snterl t(} retire in 1958— ;& b an 'vl .w E. 1 , I,:i.t,i rtn.: , t e B Axyderrori, J 'W Joh n+ R El Oft: • offertory, prate T'�c sur- l�ottf. 0, Fticard4 11.. :fou:t.�n ,I rei•4••etents was' 4: t f ria ,of, Ackert and W'. l;lo�a•ct .. .,. fission a : e 4it,i;.aa rc t,. t} _,,Dt'�'e m let 1 art "arid . 'V1ain+e�n`an.rc': •t, � 1 ,di:�c, *, t . - get int, duiins ,r;t, \ea.r in>addi• d tis r titin. a ''I .ic'h a '_•t't'i.cit,E b'e.:ust •:�":t k� AN . •r:'i „]��f w •fi or`n .t)�e e a *ea: of Mrs; ly:' Hod'= L;-niteJ (hu!'ch: "ftl��,l) t and "r �' .C�: M �(tr' :5:�, ' i t t iw 4 $1P•50 •,y ��a 1 iJ:v' `J1: "7 '�.. I t, o" tT:`; t was .r�n.�rni:•ted/. [v..) he.. M. �•y41 A'11.b1V4 ii e,'.'lX t?r. r. i.,.r .I 4.. t �: S.1y, ,o; ....fund;' .•S9.V to ov ..>� t•J�1. relief. Li�ir ',+j' r';. 1• 1.'. l .e:J S2J'c5 to the Sr arw h`C1?:Ei slY�l.ssik''n lips", ::�a M'�.F l,.. juhn 'tx`:`f' thf 4 ,i :',p?t'ttfe ' Sei,:io i Re nor s•.'()\v,,,ng �IltD, E.rr, ttt".R 3 CdUBI"illCli :p;Eione"•SG'�r-g, flu igannori of indite t=,•it tilt' •'(Ths!:!- r r eft',. in Yof faith and 22 - r ii - .ti. .•- 'I.in t1... t... ., ,:.: -Iv woo' vr:rin people yr3,'1^ ;•id1111s. w'tuitAA►igt i e'en, • and Mr:"., 81 t :a and; i'` Mrs: .burs h , cel' i fIca•te; Biting :th* t hatehid h'a : ' t,' *thc, strung- rpt.. ,,. F' of '' fnenlOrial rQspect' •and ESI rneY11}:re`: ' TP;'f' ..�C'Ct;:"2 ' t':!��t'c`1' :`'tit E•".' 25 n,tYrit'+ were, read. of '• �;�� Kiri in a }»�t•'nn acid rept':it.ng ti>e 'e.'v hrf , c.i,c1'd in 1954 tilt Mt;'n)ber . 'yui'i•'lose. was r iften sett cF�l. ,; ected by" 'the, .Congregation were 30. n he .sa• id• . x'Ther•e. .• j . •• . :... , , , .is :joy, , in , ;and • family were presented^with the ..Achievements of the' Lord's.gifts. • . • Work -ma we. -•Ske_u y . ev'er. � beep -His I . LzttTe• Gar . Austin ' -r - � .. . . ,tet _highpurposes' before us.; xn from a len• h.. illne : �:. � � �.. y ess • 'with ,The Meeting. g Closed 'With sing whooping cough and scarlet fev ing; and :prayer. er. : • strict 'PHONE '71, Ltc NOW : .4 • .74 r•'