HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-01-05, Page 5WEpNESDAY, J►A:N`, 5th , , 1955 k NLOU , for_ Last Week) (intended Mr, ,Ralph 11 ldenbyot.Thorold is spending the Christmas. istmas ho.. liday here, ich n is holi- daying Daren. N . 4 . . With . her. ';t:ousin, . Colyne, yler, Wharton; • • . ' Wesley, -Guest , ;returned -home afterpending a while in -London with ,Mr, and 'Mrs. Stan- ley Johnstone and ,baby: daugh-• ter, Noreen Isabel, r. Mrs. - Mrs, J. W. Colwell, and; mem ijers' of her family spef!it Christ; '•,has • wi*'i Mr. and. Mrs, Ardill Mason ° ' . Don Gille' ie d • • ..Mr'. aiid"'Mrs, .. , sp np 'infant son. of 'near..Sarnia spent the week -end with: relative here. MissIr1ma .� Hodgins, :" BN,;'` of S,an ,Francisco and friend came °by , air here .to. spent Christmas "'wither parents, • Mr: and '•.Tom Hodgins.. iss ,'Winnie •••Percy, R.N.; ; ,of. `M Woodstock; _spent '.•Christmas :with' her Mother .here. ',Relatives and friends from'' here attended the funeral of the late John Wall .at the family residence Duron, on' :Monday . Sympathy ys extended. to, -last, . surviving .'member..of that family; Miss 'An-- • pre Wall - tMr, and Mrs George Cuyler and faintly visited,.': Sunday. with. Mr. .and Its, :Bert Nicholson Mss' Donna Nicholson , is 'holi- daying with,''1U[r, and ". Mrs.Nor- Mr. - man Nicholson and David at Molesitiorth` Mr. and. Mrs. Wm, Wall -spend Christmas with Mr: &' Mrs; ' Mel= vin Zettel; and '' family near For moss: . 1VIr,, arid' Mrs, ,Bert Nicholson & family' were At: the h9me of Mr,. :Walter Nicho sO1 and_ Ieien_: gr Christmas • , Miyand ‘Mrs. lR.y. Schneller >& family:' 'went to :. Kitchener'- to spent Christmas ,with relatives: '' +Mr, and Mrs. Norman. Fry and "Rickey, •M'r: ,Ralph Haldenby"were with r ,Mr, and Mrs: Wm; E: Hal- .,,denby for Christmas ' Mr.'` and', Mrs .George Graham' were Christmasevening, visitors' v�ith-Mr.` and.Mrs 'Albert. Young;, Kingarf fMr:' and Mrs. I A R.;;Graharr; 'Mr. and -.Mrs:,George.: -.Graham, Mr; and • ;Mrs Art Graham; Mr.. and Mrs 'Roy Graham and fain- . ily enjoyed Christmas " dinner • :'with :other 'members Of, their family at • the '.home ` of : Mr ' and Mrs. Jos Cassidy at reeswa"t"er•:. .Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Graham en tertained the: Eckenswiller , • fam-. ilies :at ; a.. Christmas: dinner. on Sunday: Mr, and 'Mrs: James, ';Hodgins entertained their, .f a Christmas "Day. ata dinner., : „Mrs.: Gertrude • Walsh spent Christtiias •with Mr, and Mrs,' Mil-' :ler'-Bartwick at'Kincardine: 19liss ': Kay Lane'' is holidaying at her home here: -: • Mr, Charlie Gillespie visited •Wsth , relatives,' `'here • 'ot�er' ; the • Mr and Mrs,•W'Clare Sparling and Allan of Walkerton,, Mr. and:. ' Mrs Harold:• Haldenby, Sheila Sr Barry and Mr, and Mrs,', Howard "- McGuire, Oi vets spent Christmas :•'Sunday -:with ;Mr, and: Mrs,? Geo, Haldenby. • M ' and. Mrs Walter, Bl!ec11e�s,_ •Laura;' :Philip' and Arthur, Mr: & ,Mrs. Harold Haldenby# • Sheila &. 'Ba'rY"'wee. --'`Christmas ` rtisit 'With Mr. and Mrs..Arthur - Breck � • les,: Luck/low. . Miss Iona Terry of CKNX s �` ent Christ rY rxlas` at Hihier .•• with `her` Parents. Mr and.•Mrs. Neil Murdoclyand little daughter of ' :Walkerton ' spent Christmas with; Mr, Sr. Mrs. • Phil Smith:. • Miss ' Laura' Breckles spent' a few days with ,her ': grandmother, ' Ml's•.' Gertrude' .Bushell. Misses Edna and May Boyle spent Christmas,--at--the . home --of- • Mr.. and •Mrs. W.J. Cox, Con. •-10. The January• Meeting of will .• be held on Thursday temoon 'tie• ` home o ` rrlest,'Ackert, Horne economics; conveners Mrs: Frank, ,Moulden ''and. Mrs. Morgan ,Johnston; • roll. 'call, a , r id d Ie he to is Sa.fety in t S e ►, p Y home•; motto,' In . living ' beyond;. •orie's means there is no'hap�piness or apeace; smocking der o istra- tion, Mrs Jack Hewitt; current vents. Mrs., Jim Smith; lunch; Mrs, B .Ackert :and°Mrs;, A. Pefcy ' (S'); Mrs. Jim Boyle., 'and' Ivies:' Morgue;.•. Johnston • (c) Miss. • ., /.. THE ' L,UCKNOW sE NTI, N ETr, Lq.TCk4N:OW, '-. ONTARIG Winnifred ' McFarlari has an attack or jaundice,.' Mr. and Mrs..Mabcolm Lane .& family ' spent. Christmas with. Mr. and Mars. lveret't Lanearid. fain- lly at, Port Elgin. .*ss Beverley Stanley of Ar- thug is spending the. holiday's at her home here.. -' Mr. and :Mrs, Bert: Nicholson, Evelyn " and Allan 'attended a ;�uyler familyChristmas party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Glen Canpf tell,, Amberley, on 'Tuesday evening: 'Mernbers, of the Percy families were.'entertained: on Christmas• at. the :home 'of, Mr," and Mrs): l arpld' Percy' ,and 'family. • Mr, Beverley •'Sutton . and . Miss Ru -Su tton th . t , of London- ' • spent Christmas •with ' their ' parents,' 1Vir and' Mrs. Lyman Sutton.. ' Mr. and Mrs, Herman Fisher famil of Benrniller 'visited over., Y Christmas. With her'. parents, -Mr. and Mrs,' John Bushell; Cuyler Mr. and Mrs, Harold Percy and. mas dinner at :the home of Mr, 'and Mrs; John Currie; Wingharna •Mr. Russell . Barr of Toronto spent. a few • days. at his home. Mr. Glen: Hodgins' spent." tlye' holidays at .his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bushell & Judy spent Christmas at Toronto. "Mr and ` Mrs.: John Bushell, Mr. _and\ .Mrs, Morley Bushell, Margaret and: > Marilyn • :visited with Miss Margaret 1VMntgomery and Mr.. Ben Montgpmery, North. Line., • Mi and Mrs, Arthur Phillips h ls and Peggy of Fonft 1 spent Christen as• with. Mr., aria' J; R Lane and Mr:;, and:Mrs, Frank •Ma ilden.' NIr.;-and Mr .L e re- turned 'tI' t s wi hern� • fo . Jean • and Gary :'Sutton an Katherine -.Bushell •.are confined to their homes. with j•aundice. . Mr. . and• Mrs, Ezra :Stanley' and 'family. spent': Christmas with Mt, y and Mrs. Walter Kaake. and Mr. Mrs. :R,' J,. Kaake, Kinloss., . , Beryl of TorontospentwChristmas. with -Mr. and .Macs. Harvey Hod - and' Mrs. lfarvey Hod' gins and family spent Christmas' With Mr. and Mrs. , Albert Stanley, ,,,AIr. arid:; Mrs, •Bill. ` Burt, Mr; and Mrs. Ezra Stanley' „went to Arthur • to attendthe. school con Gert where Miss Beverley Stanley, is teacher.. Mr. 'DougXa�s• Eckenswiller. of Seaforth visited during the Week With - Douglas. Stanley; Mr., arid Mrs. P. A; WitTay" en- :;tertained °their family at . a din- ne on •Christmas, : • andMr s; : John Stroeder. teftairied friends. on Christmas.. We .are • •morry. that , Mr Stroeder ,is still confined to bed, •' • Miss Ruth. Forster of 'Rle ip y is convalescing at the home of her grandmother;: Mrs. --J. W. Cot.: well, .following her recent - oper- ation. • •. - -PGE.FIVE • _..LELI_IOS (Intended for List Week, • Mr.' Ray -MacKenzie •of I Windt: sor spent; the'Chris ,turas week -end at his home here, - lVliss Mabel MacDonald . •+ot Windsor was home with her fath- er and mother, Mr. and Mrs, Alegi ' MacDonald, ' fpr Christmas, The, C.G•i,T, grotto with their : leaders, 'Mrs. Stewart MacL:en7. nan and Mrs. (Rev.) J. 'R. Mac- -• Donald,- held' their , candlelight.. service •in the - 'Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening.. - The ; Presbyterian S u' n da y School Christrrfas service will. he. :held in the cliiirch • on .Thursday evening of this week. ' ;Mr: �. Wm. ,1VIacDona'ld : Pf Kin<. ''�{ tail: got :a ,surprise 'message 'last' ` Week' that he bad .won a ..,trip to. Mexico -for hirnseff and Mrs. Mac= Donald with' all.. expenses paid, They are-„ to stay in Mexico , for. ten days. Congratulations. - .•. • • hind Canadians.made progress 'in 1954. Throughout thep g ed s aked drilled. nd'::mined cleared, lou' hed.' "�liey prospected, . �,... y they P. g and planted; lanted;, they fished and. th�,y' hunted,. they : planned and constructed;, they; i ianufactured,:and;'they'bought and sold •And workingwithCanadians in their ventures ,froin frontcoast° to coast- w helping with cou�nsel service and iOiie y: b was the ,Bank' of 'Montreal;' isi 1954, Sof lVf loans -and uivestmehts•amounting•to some:' .two billion dollars-- worked for '.Canada .and Canadians. Wholesali lg Alld retailtr g enterprises, , . petrochemical, smelting' .: and mining 'developments.' of every ty a and manufacturing '• in all its phases ".,fams':and ranches,4,_h the grain trade co.P o erative.production'and marketing „ousing,develo'pments , ...municipalities .... churches, ,h'otspitals and Schools.. , many industries; many organizations,,.and many people in all walks ' • of life Counted on the B of M. for counsel: and credit. Canada is •on the march today. And moving ahead with the nation are 625 B of M branches from coast' to coast, at .the service of the men and women'who are forging;; the Canada of tomorrow. Yes, *here'"there was progress in 1954 .. ` • IRON ORE FROM UNGAVA , broilght byrail,from these..fabulous, ore fields to Seven islands,' seaboard• ' terminal of .Quebec's great mining project: The B"of M was the first to open a full-time bankingoffice at Seven Islands , . six years before the first shipment of• ore: last 'J111y ALUMINIA' FROM KITIMAT . ' ;giant;B;C, development, one of the ? .world's,biggest industrial 'under- takings..Constructors of :`Kitimat•' • shared B oi..m support The Bank of -Montreal founded the first bank- , • ing office. at Kitimat- - in. January 1952, when ;there,.but twg hundred workmen carving. out the settlement with , their bull -dowers,; M, . BNB >'ror PU/ON,,,,,.AAi wd-biiag't'rtb CanaJians:sfe,sria y ti'ntk,of I / surae:14;17 'i :ST LAWRENCE SEAWAY- AND ;. POWER PROJECT :.long discussed. and now under way, ;destined td open ..the: - .Great takes -to worldi shtfiping, and ct.nient''friendship be- tween two, great nations. The- B of 1V1• opened .the first' banking, office ::at Mi11e Roches, near Cornwall, Ont.; `.last,October for theconvenience of, ' . seaway workers.: ATOMIC ENERGY AT CHALK RIVER-. Canadian enterprise in this ,vital field has made .Chalk River a , famous-riamer Nearby, at-• -Deep-- River, to,yvnsi.te••of Defence -Indus:' tries.; Limited, the Bank of Montreal:• o tted"the fr` s Baloki i o&ce—in May, 1945,, to -serve serve scientists and.:. workers at the Atomic Energy plant. • �r. ;. 'OIL -» AND- GAS -,FROM THE RICH ,WEST ... The Interprovincial Pipe line speeds -the --,flow of oil from source'•to market and' cuts trans- intitio costs. e 'B of 'assisted the: financing' of this g ea great taking: And it is equally ready to • ass t in the plan to pipegas from x , western wells to eastern: markets. iA• isr °R Y: ���� ipY QfJ �cioi.4ui 4 "°NEkJ HOMES i012 CANACIANS • When 'the Government of 'Canada asked the Chartered Banks 'to`ada • 'the making of mortgaged loans to" their services in. order to increase the building; of new homes for •.:.Canadians tfte B- of 14 respresponded ' = pronept from -coast- :-tet.�:•coa-t .;It.. made the first mortgage loans on. the Pacific and Atlantic coasts alike 4 4 f it Made, the first in the Pr. irie 'Provinces ; the first in Ontario--: the first in Quebec: Here wag the. beginning of a large• share of the financing of thousands of new „boils. ,i ng units started in Canfi ft linder the National iigusing•Att. in 1')54, • ti 4 • • • •