HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-01-05, Page 4GE _FOUR • • • •T.HE 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ATARIET-EcoNbERT & DAN. St. Helens Women's .• Insti Will. held • a variety concert. jit the Community Hall,. FridaY, January 7th at 8.30 consistinkof a play, .°The Day 'After. Christ- mas" by local talent -and other special numbers. Dance to fol- low. -Ladies' please, bring lunch. .Admission 50c and 25e, . V* wok elf". *.• 1.; , bred C°1'S ne pups, six 'weeks old. James Not itist° "chicks' for 195 • _ Forster, 1..ucknoW, phone 43-r-12. •but a wise 'selection of ;breeds or crosses for the market. you make the most- money on. Eggs„. table clArds,maybe both. Srpecialists like JBra.y' know what to select. Ask is for •fi.411 informationand' pricelist, and Order soon, from agent-- . • FOR SA14E —large • size Space theater.' For •.Partictilars., apply to Fireman 'Floyd 1V1ilne,...tucknow. T. LOST -a ear- rug i'hetween. Luck - now. and Crewe; Rinder , please. return46 Wiftecr•Orennan,Phorie- 70-13 13ungannen.,..1 ' • o FOR SME --3 purebred Durham • bull calves,. 8' months old. 'Wm Webster,. R., 2, Lucknow, phone 44-31. . FOR SAI.E-3, Shorthorn e•cOws, or will. trade for young cattle• : Frank Ritchie, phone. 69.42 'Dun- • gannon:. ' oNTAR1O — D. IL 11, . . 14/AYS014, Lacknow. NOTICE che.ner . to Spend. 111g '' ‘''.%iiteation --,-,__ .--1-----,,-----.----- -,--- . : BE *mimic, et4lAressi, ci..ini:04.: wbeiti.lbhacirs..r.rlather here. While.'Skat- ' The night class ino ,, ': •• ing iii • the. arendo-lri Witigham the 'atisfortiine- to.- hurt etriomer Henischesscathtoohel Lthuicsk,Thriowur•sdroisa;. his, skie..,:Aa x-ray at , thei:lioapiz tal showed a, fracture, and 13ob evening, January 6th at .8.00,p.m. has. been forced to keep off* his Registration is at 7.:30 . and all foot ever since'. . • requested to be Present:. . ., The lannarY . Meeting ' of the Wernen's Institute will be held Who Plan to take. the course are • at thelierne of , Mrs. Ernest Gaunt., this (Thursday) afternoon. at! . 2.30.: Roll,. call, What I would do .4 I were •reeve., •• - • ‘, • ,'• ', • • Be Sure to attend the progratn and dance. 'Under the' auspice.s of the .Wome,ifs, Institute' in the cornmuiiitY 'halt On 'Friday. even- ing. The. program wilrinclude •a short play "The Day...After ChOst- mas".-. ,, , , : Mr. Murray:* Gaunt,,_ student .at the 0.A:C.,..Guelph,..has been •a, holiday', visitor at tlis hOirie here.' • . Bab .Mttr'sl' • ii•Juiving• a Vrco- •f longed Araea on 'Owing to ,an un- for•tunate; a ident that mewed the 'night ,he-EtrriVed *from- _•Xit- :Illaririster Mot- Wingham and LucknoW IN ILAJOKNOillr' • wedosdai. LOC4ted on 'the groundfil in the Ircint,of :John Kilpatrick's Buildin 'Phone' Wingbapi Office:48 • • Ifesitlesee 97: FOR SALE--; inati's gr.ay-over-• 'coat, leatherlined, in/good con- dition, size -I& :Apply, • to Peter Roge oSt, E., Lutknow. ,••• , FOR SALE --adding, machine and cash register rells:'• for .any type of Machine. are now availible ;711.1e, Senttinel �flice, pbone 35• FOT--.csak room' 'Suite, buffet, extension' and • . six dunrs, all in gOOd conchtion. • Apply, to Bex' tine: • • , PiStoN. RINGS Now • IS a •good tune to let Me install. 'a :Set „Of 'efirorne platen ;rings., Get,increasea poiker;-speed- • I and econailiY4 • ' - WritrEiSTE114 ' ' • PERSONAL usBA1g'WIVES!. • WANT PEP; Ostrex. Tonic...Tablets revitallFe:Iron-detkient :body; in-• .erease l'eyet:-.acquaint.er size Only60c: All •druggists,.,, • • .`IN MEMORIAM •, CHADWICK--:-.M loving m.etrairy of Sate Chadwick Who: died one 1 -ear aga„,, .Tatinary • 7th: . • • "Our loss is Heaven's -:--Sadly 'missed by, his Wife and inzmoutim. ,FoRtsttit-;4ii for,Ki • and Aoying reinern13rance of s 'dear Wife and Mother, .the late .Forster, Who pasSed, away . one Srear age, Januar' 6th, 1954. Sh&.bade• ao one a last goOdbYe, Shesaid farewell to none,`: , Her. loving , heart had CeaSed to Bef-&-ev-voie kiio*-it;'ShOlias gene: Our hearts''still ache with, sad - Our .:;neSs, . • eyes ,shed many a, tear, God only knows how we rings her 'Her charming ways and smiling -.- Are: a .Pleasure,.to recall.. .• :TO,:thOse who knew her all Well knelt' • • , How' Much we lost (Me year ag-a. "-Sadly 'Missed, and, eVer-renieUi? tiered by Wm Forster and•Fam-. Luck - ' AUCTION_SALE Of- heusehold.: effects t•pf.' the late NellielBell,in'Teesant'ater. on Sat- urday, .lanuary 8th,. at 1,00 ...'Corisisting*,of- a .full line Of living room, dining. room, bedr,00nl•lur-. ,frigidaireLyag4ing; 7 Chine alio:, inan,y ether aikicles. .Sale 'Ter* cash, " Donald B. Blue; Auc. - • • CHAIN SAW AGENCY have the:agericy.tor both, • aid' chairi:gavois. Will be pleased to gi;Ii6 you a deniOn-, stratiOri. of the lategt. model H.11,, ,LE:L; •Saw. Jac.A. • Barr,, Kinlotigh, • Phone ' • . HOUSE FOR .SALE--,-•rpoderri• 8- • • roorn 'brick. ' house. 'on Havelack% 011.fUrnace; hardwood floOrs. Apply te Di.. T. TA:. Luck- noW., o, • . , • • • • BORN- • , •• HAC1ETT-i-46 Mr. and Mrs. Al.. Ian Hackett: Lucknaiw; on • Sun- -tley.-::713eCember--:-*th; 154, in WinghEim General. Hest:Al:al; • a Son, Steven WSTIAE *- • Winghain" Gen- eral' HOsPital„ on Wednesday; De- cember .1954, to Mr and,. GeorWestlike',•Leeknaiw; • CARD,OF THANKS .- • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hofstede and; family, vtish te thank the Red Cross and -all the other -friends Who sent thel .gifts. at Christmas.. • NOTICE ApPLICA.TIONS .be received' by ,the.;.uhcleriigned Until ' $atur, day,- 'January' 8th, 1955; for the purchase et the n 5 -year Robb Drain debenture of the Toyinship Of Ashfield. in- the •arncount of ap-, oproXimately $2,000,:' bearing in- terest at '414 Percent' per annum. • •• Donald M.. Simpson, • ClerVI"re.as.; -Township.Of Ash- Mrs. • .,•,. • ,, • asOfl GliLLES,PIE St Joseph's Hospital, "Sarnial.;cn.Sunday-,,,Pe-, cember 121!-. to Mr. and :Mrs., Don. gilleSpie (nee'MarieiiNicholion)o a 'Son, ' Ronald' Wingham HOsPital on .Vric1.74, December 31st, to. Al.fr. and Mrs. Harry'..SWan,: R. 6, tucknOW- son,'.a brother , for Dianne. CARD O1 fiLANKS: Mrs Edward Dexter 'wishes to thank the'LticknOw and Para- mount Wor4n's Institute and'. the • of the ''United, 'Church feri their ghristinas, gifts, , and •to wish I each one A Happy New Year, , ; . • • • , and Mrs...E.. V.' Baker ,arid ai6' staff and ..patients of the: Baker Private iloSpital: wish ,to .shicerely thankall who helped Kintail, Ontario. te.intke--Christina&-and, the..:116W. s 3 PY1VI*1 •Yearna' happy 'event' for :all, and tisiness,.anorrax---Seritice t ey, ;sincerely • a.ppreciated the TENDERs • :periodical Audita TENDERS, WANTED '•,-,:.'Maiqtecl; many •kcncl„, actg. •• For the,. sealed tenders will be received Small .Merchant; PrOfesSionai by, the 'undersigned until Tan - Man ..and, the Farmer .• • uary 10, 195,5,.. for caretakers for P.O. ROA -,74-,'LuCknottri-Ont; all schools in the Ashfield Town- 1ShiP :School Area, duties • to COTri, mence *February I, 1955. •Lewest ,i)oitrig-itti(n)ORis .LICENSE' .NkSale too la .41.T.CTIONEERS ' •; .ottoo shwa , ONTARIO . Phone Riltley Kenneth). 1,4acKenzie LO ' Optometrist •,piiyrowm, ONT. . • at the former..*rona Jewelery 'Store, RiPleY: 10-aan., 9.p.m.,, it/EIDNESDAY,JANUARY 1.9 arid'. every.tecOnd WednesdaY.• (EyeSexamined -GlaSties tilted • 'For appeintrneiit..'Phonie itcY• MacKenzie,. 96-r-24• . 'WEDNESPAY' JAI* 5th,:1955 , . • .1 •. al • PERSONALIZED LABELS. •We- Cat. now supply -you • with, or anyrtender not necessarily ac - 'per sonalizelabels, attr actively ceptcC • . • • . colors, 'and, in a R. T,•Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas., handy plastic disperisee-Yotnre= 7-Lucknow - Ontario .TENDERS TENDERS WANTED -The West, teive 400 .0sefuLlabels for 'only $1.50:' Use them to stainp your books, record, letters, packages, etc. Drop in and see a sample. LU•CKNOW SENTINEL . • • phone 35, •• TENDERS TENDERS WA•NTED -7L Marked, , sealed 7tenders will be received by the undersigned Until: Jriu- • ary. 10, 1955, •for .wbod to. be de- • livered,d te any, Wawanosh Township SehoorAtei Board want .tenders for; the fol-, lowing '.9Uantities of wood: go. 4, 2,5 cords •No....12, '20 ,cords; No. .3, 20 Cords; NO. 2,:.25.,•cerds; No: 17,, 10 .eardS. This Wood to be .all hard maple and, beech bOciy'- woocV 14"- tang arid hot Over ,10, • inches' .under 6 inches in di- ameter. TO be delivered and Piled 44boo1ad not later than SU n d • 30th, .1955. 'renderr' to iri;hands ,of Secretary not later.. than January • 15th, 1955.,The• ,any--tender;414 sarily accepted: • ,• Also,. tenderS.Orf -caretakers for all schools in operation' froni. FebtuarY 1,• 105 to' Jantlary, al; I950, these tenders to be.fri Sec- retary's. hands (hot later • than January 15, 1955- ,The lowest or any ''' terider net necessarily •ac-• dental; •• ,W. A. SteWart, Secretary• , Dungannon, Ontafio0 • A . en -1 Howard Agnew Jos: Agnew , 1VIENIBER OF • ontarie Insurance Agentst-Assoc,iation rub11o,*cc9unta1t. 4.11111tannin (orner.South $it,) . GODE100111; ONT. • Telephone rtt , Insure- t!itit,'Tbe M. .4) FiRE__OZSIORAD.ICF P0.•: for Reasonable, rates. •501Pa "440- teCtion •aii prompt, satisfacto0 Bettieramt ot .clairns.„ FAMISH NpFIEPAT Your 'Lecat Agent.' - 'rlies1V14er'• 'Phgne Teis*ater 474*; • T.• ARMSTRONG optomETRisz • FOR AoiopprmENT, ,.1P,Ili/fle 4,19f • • For • PPiAntreent or Inforinattoti, See,. A..Schmaitl, •• Thong :167-w Lueltnow; GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago• • . • Telephones. • lInsinesa- 39 Residence. 138 _ • We Would liketo• take this op- portur,iity to thank' everyonewho sent' us cards, plants, fruit bas- ket,j- gifts 'and all • who visited uS, •while in 'the,- hospital. • Also a special thank g to. Dr. •M.' H, Cor-rn and staff .oL • Winghatn,Gen- eral Hospital. •• 4 • • Margaret, and Steven Hackett,' or all. of: the ng ' rr the Ashfield TowrighiP Soheol .Area:by June 25, 1955: Two cords of 'dry 12 -inch cdar to each school except No. 12; also, map e i co • We would like to take this' 00-7( portunity to thank otir , many, friends_ for their nieSsa.ges of sympathy, the beautiful flowers,. the Baker nursing horne and staff, Rev„ Meiklejohn and Dr, Cortin. We Would also like to thank 'any- one .h� helried-inany way dur-: ing the :nines§ and at the time of the death of co.a. 'mother, the late. Mrs. Matthew McNall, ;Tho MattheVot. • McNall Family. • • • • • acLEN RAN' a *KENZIE: . . FUNERAL SerViCea conducted .accOrd17 'ing to your wishes at. your •Honie; :your :Ch ch; Or it our; MernOiial 'Chapel at .nb. 'additional .charge,--- AMBULANCE SERVICE., , or Night ' I hISURA,P4 FIRE, W1NDCASUA AiJ:1;100,*.146;E 114, 4 • a ' TO. Protect YOUr4rie.lc,,, Insure:,With '87.4rk Today.:: , , J. A. McDONAGH .it. 11.-3, Lischnovi; Otit: *Pbe 615. Dunganneui- • .• and' beech. 14 -incl?. gree body wood .as follows; 4 cords each at No, 1,. 4 and 11,..,:15 'cords .each at No, 5, 6, 7,•10, 13,15, '16 and 17; 40 oords at No, tords.of . 16 -inch wood at' No. 9. No blocks , -under' 6 inches -orover 0 inches.• ' .1-40'wegt, tinder not nee- , '-essarly accepted: ' , \'• 11, Kilpatriek, Sec.-Treas., tucitriqyv,, Ontario. • .„ LAID, SANDED AND. • FINISHED. . • :phone tarlim 2105 . L'Pert•Albert STATE' FARM' MUTUAL.. ANDREW Barrister and. Solietter• :LISTOWL;:ONTARlIO' , • .. '• IN LUCKNOW Every ',• • Wednesday• and Saturday , %Afternoon 'Office in tile. JOynt Biock . , -Telephone:. Office"135 • Residence 31-3 tuart MacKenzie and: SOlieltOr • . • WALKER'I'ON, WTAR,I0 -TiN:LtiCK-Novv- 'Each' Wednesday •OFFIcg.IN ENDERSON BLOCK . . .at INSURANCE investigate Before Investing; r'• EIJBEN VVILSOli . R. 3, todriCh' hor,ie.'80:477:8•Dungannon, • INsuRANCE Co -Operative Life losirance • Co -Operative utonio-bili"7 Insuranc- • .• --antlte_84Aartm:Flimee n mance • • &oriel -Meal ,.and Reliable., • T. A. CAMERON • LiimiNow. • • Phone. 70440 Dungannon }lbw does your Sentinel label. read? • • ,slonirdritkani.grostflqirziailiattivisii • ,4‘0, mAtis21, TONES -jrt.INER-AL. • 'Phone 76 bay or. Night' • Ambulance • Service USE OF FUNERAL BOWIE • At No Extra Cost , Moderate Prices A ,* 1 LA N -Vi I LUAU S OptoMetrist • net- en ratst-7,-.10- 00 the, Main.,St; in Wiltsl.GRIAM; Professional' Eye Exatnination Optical' Services • , Evenings by appointntent, • Phone: Office. 770;, 5. •• te . en :ie at • ano Ba 2, Mc ''•Stf 441 „/IVIt •.13aj • les Ch , pai iitt • sp Ph; 1 ;• fey! . Mr 1 • •. cor "an( - cal • ,Orti • Or ' ti01 *OVi • (g) •Mc