The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-12-29, Page 24 e• �►t1t. t *14 4.4tot *t%rpt to •tb 00 %4, . *040004 008t tX* 401* . t1* two X14 gat kit* 11t t* th4 kt*stW t*Pttt, Ah* 4* tta t to to, t~ .t; '* h A ototoo,* tt khoto 4 tomthot v►•ttt''tt't t1. tttAktott of errs httho1 t ' thie t t t* *Al.% Ithte* ,Ott %t. htt ttt t t 1ttl kRt`1� %%11,4:41 0vt kt•Vot ‘ a 't744kOtt IttAcitott \**.xtiotet $ OtIttextek. *t1 - .. '% o NAPPY`tt1tW VEAR Wo- At* Itattt: Qy tt►tura,, hitt Oa* t Wit" t ittati 1;► S ttc •ta * A ter VAA aur t :tt to rt''e ut' r►ad tttotittt tkarc ViAr with Ott hAt40,1.0044 so**$. its' Itk*Att tttctt of WW1' te he 't *fit R4ar'* *' l 40th$+ * t 44 • Wit ; `RNi�n:� *WA*, ��y�yy -k,\ %V4*' tis VW* y: tt14,* t�tt<�lbb .r oikto OOtt hod, o hitt, 11,0%/ ilki1k 0400'4:Ito Ott 04;400 molt, . TO. vont* In POte.' 01114. i i t4Nttx , t.. 9k too ,cif .the t*ae&i Q. stoile'-titre th4 ;total:A 1S4 detts, 'where tt4,.tte eea, ; ;te ' ' *xa • tb. t, et ht ie rc south b ttta >Ntua* *4*** tht r.to a.bktnd ^ therectu, � ata .noxa:. 41**,4.4 %, the; #04, tNatxkot.m$11ut&c+' Next„ Y4.44$4, N kuZ *,`a*,. 'I+ti:*ak`tt:. akr.:.k0 hte t> .h' a -ti?' TbAkt,% %tar **WI** t k Q ' Ake t tigket t - tttt4, tt tkk*,;~ .*•tt.i Wye *4.14s.,. . l . Milt. at, 4t t)tt% V iut 1 ek '• ` t3 attar ttt oltolt ttttt`k to 0 1 +a fir ,,... ..,'S o.. 'ttttt .Rto! ;'1 .tt•tt* t5'�" 01tf►tt 0 *OSS a► tb of 0 t • •tkok Vottokt tttto‘ *0 Vit# t+ t: fl btsttt3t\Vta ctttCttt k 0t10'h '**r* t - 01x''O, ` *V.A4 av*),s" ** `* rtt\,' t'A the Vette* "$tate: *Ott1 '1tttt%* - t , 4tiNtktk t ttt N.OtoAttAtkt$ t ,, t ' ttk N ttt� t? @t; ss* tai ***tk'tlW.. tt t , 4 4 tWkatt i tta CAW% o4A c*A tklk hart. k !ap : t* Ott. ttitAkt. A# ' Wtkizt MOM); @ttt'kt*S**N ks-,:04 \' •t`r, 'plat ataoktt tom` t ttt*t rk c+t� .t*. .a'� t 4001 :. +tW**4..1 C At* 0***0* k ' ;`tilt* t\ etsVA. kkete 't -': !***tetkeNet tt. A t w to t lot* At * OA. 'kt t,*tic ; t,\ k *SOW' 1104 tlotottlitt :Wont* 4040414! eittlohltothotw: Tho. TOlti4 .1444%; Ill ottfilitt:O111"44tott Wit ittlihtt, "11114 It 0144 4004 400:. 44. Atiet t* the "ttWtItttet*itee or tit 11 Owe* *Ositt. aka " �s`i 't; %%. 0. t Mere4k10$10 :• Fewer.. U Vtis c,4446 tot ,*, ti4 a sae .,t4, a sIttete, ';; )7 a .4) tt. hire r,. take*, a t e . 3 t� t , t -erg; • • • ponos. lkiktibk et‘404k tot Q046** YOUV4 * PO* it Izot Moth oi,o, wont 14g ,t* tititi$4 Om) tAi „Wo .000 ijovkifii$ Atiklititot 1:*x, w*,„,,,k„:,.. wit, too,,,, 44t .zosta*4i.v.:0, 4/41.1 ‘czx'17y4„..tz.',,,.i.,1 Wiwi* iitto;i4 0, tk .4t4 EvIdence Thom fetys 4144, Itti3tu4 •%,,t4 • 1.4474, 41'.04.04rIg,k0. 07k 410: ettitz4 411 the zia* ';*e 5i".titc'tt";1;44:Nt;tb;t4'4"7*\ *r#°:\'t4lt:15rt".44tb*.•*.' 61; 00 .11 tkvoth • To Mcknames:: • LIKE OICE PRESS THE • THEY WE1 k BIC; HATS nem *► is of Peozge ma- or4elcicat•. see ;Lsa� . \ 1 *eever eett * n � L :xrs, -are S — THAT CERT M . Vic. � orbs correct -• y. Mat ; t tut Oatwe ; are an z1:17411$061e7 ' • r eke ahaulti dine *beat s -n., Toronto Sat.- a N:*g- • WIL • ; Canadian ,Pa cs. is w - eat 6 certain ce a .. NQ, soda= is: the rift 'z the OP to Cat tine 'trite mended tea few• , 'ProVi! C as Libel leaottcn • • exct anger2 - a -2-Lonitan Frit P* ,72P tar ha=i 135' Altai ot. likihatk • r'--tz"----%: ..'.3-''"Z,. a .1.11':.5.7:-::sil 1:.t'::-.7"*-%47.i'4."`"t''''''c'4*-4A1'.. -.2.:7;1-31r ' •I :eiet eTet:Ittiil ffreGa11Y ' n • importation 9f gas snasks By Fred N 1114 , s.:t.:.:i.,:-stas,oittwa441:•,,-.L.its:t.,_131,0,tAt.:A! t "v .,.4' .,.t,,,_;c:,..44;r014::474.:,.,,, • thaa