The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-12-22, Page 64,
4, t
7 7, 'tbe 4ict that I, P 07,0,1 - - - - - - - PIG
14re, wgro. the' tradi7,
it. its,
-hap develop
n; bat there; worer
'EVery t
ed t
three WISP, Men nrid,:only th
Cwgrywherej tonight! but, there, is nothing in this re a rose
At Christmas, .1, no'more, desire,
-Christmas. iri.lands of tbp fi tree to in
F_". 00 d pine; �e,
bstanti4t such, an idII
do have orne spiritua _a. spason;g(P'Y�S
Than,,�rish a sd6w in'Mays-ri i 4�ngted,mi
'��hristmAt, in. lands of thd�,fialmAtv arid vi 'Cannot help,feel'ink that these, gifbg cw
Christmas w nd Vbtte, But, i
I signifi- ike of each thing th t in'
here sp -Peiki stall, �ok
ow "mil a
crance. �'s
Christmas 'W, le
I 're Corri-fl6lds, lie kes
unT�40 bright.,'
Frqm. the jifti here pretenteo,,
by the Wise Men undoubtedly,
'Phill Vs. Brooks
mw the custo� of giving- gif 6,
'Ar4 printed: edrd, -to 4. IQ. Hartley,, sta that 16-oki like
n all rs, kno op
at .,the- Christmas I
0 4,0 0 0 0�6 o 0,� season.
- - sh! Ing in, th" 'moonligb4
Who in. 1846� designed
Our gIN'Ing, to, one 4 e,, C Snow. I U
tioli r,' whiclI hrittmas
should be, lgt�. greqtin� card in elsh4r0q, propO- And. the V�oplq sing, sopp, and give
ad it IS a time of
us, not JI1144 t e t orical A IS each
ild's. Song of Ileg I—- . otho�
A Cho h , iue, SigrimcanII tlqrfi� It had: a e gifts,
but of,
ked anit feeding'. b. I glad," the. little snow bird
pl , Ing
of, 91 q W. 4 - we. othing. 'the na r .,e , "I,,
tpget4 r ,,itb a twitter�d,
-nar,re of- t1i Lord e fam-
e in,;. the �6iigry,
My Hy gio
up of tbreer generations Oh� 1§h they would take me."
counterpane, is �soft'.as Silk', 'Inc. little tree cried, In excilem
blank And being warned of God Qnly, 1,0 the,
12. quaffing 00 of these � I
IoVe to�
etsr whi the' "I'd I d I to
te, as creamy, nnix, 01 ;n.a dream that'they should,not Pgrds, were. thokraphed and- n eq t,.Al ovo
bay. w4s. soft to Ri , kneiv 01611 .1.1 1 " . .1 , r malc6 people: happy. But I:m too.lit-
in? 'I return to HCrod, they departed in. 'Colored y. hand,
little Lord,Qf long: ago. to their o M ti In EiglWes, tie," �aud he' sighed
otb ost Artis ic unhappily.
wn country an er way,_ "Sh! 'Sr all' be Quiet".
4 The Chr gard-, Let
------- istrasm. greeting: e
Above. the. roots . the pige( iiy,'
)n, reached: �t-, artistic hei�bt around'- the �tall. .',trees, ekclajmpd� ' "The
First' :188344.' vThe' C�Ildctioa of. cards
x "silver wheels across the When Chris as woods�men are cqm og near, us."We
.4 a e-OoVeS tJI y Coo 10
TheI t bl, e
them,: many were, elaborate Upcl: C Q
-C 14 .9.- era.,sh6w, that.
Wa rated ,,at, McC of thl. ..must be. quiet sajh6y wpti't nots
Ice;,us. hen, we won't b ut 0
�1, u olorful
$. � T d
A y and 'Christ in -Bdtbl6hein.' in ign.., die
ago �left to
dv$r 'Some ha�e border
Tho,ebrije cel6brati6n, of tb� h 'llence, the
D tvirn'ffied in, silk 'lace. thers. d 7'
-of 136t in, spite of the'A S
I irth -o ,Christ ecom, er, 25: 'the'
Of. en row.
eac;�,�year, took p ace in the i
Brikfii. shines lbo SdI1 ''across 'the "ar in thC for s
k' 'jili oibit m f in
of� b
.0 tke'ei,'an'd 0 eni
,icheris.' The sentiments expresse
and: the 'custom 0
41'� bri y rIs, mv in the gi-66tings aie typimlly -AT I C- !these are. too, tall., N �house or
A V ur Century, d
�ght upon 7fti Ch t , K
a ea froI the :we to', theL
%L, , ^ I . , ernr
gi � r F 1 .1 pr , d L hurch could' hold them.: Let's. get
the aT any of. these* would ',c
iqjent"wor�d at so, hl , I ,
this.timL. the, hand, and' 4is_ �,torian.
eastern slin
9, ronoy" to"U
They brought Rirn,incOns�� my#b ekpe�t of the. co church. Before that date ng
Ailicy, miiig of some, - -Then he, US e
t' -he listened, fora moment, �,Uro la ter today.
mind. gold, IS: commemoration ,of 'Chris s
gf6oit kin'. Suet nius, a' famous Just then little 'fact who was
9 0 saw the sheep, standing Soong, dLs,
Our little Lord who lived of ofd. In I , vity' and r baptism -took 'pl-gee
Y . I , i Raii I . 1 116 .1-1 -11.A f� hi. to -
J�q .. 1. 1 1 .
Mon. writer of �.he rst century,
`fThere.'hid' 'over,
: Ja' nuary 6.
j ti�apq -tr ni� the others, Its head
ft clear' our me her
Oh, so and t
said, opr.qad all
the,.Orie n Old
First mention
I � I I r : �orf Christriias, 'IS
f und in a. document
raised listening
I I -to somqt. ng., he
could not hear. ', But Davi I " 06w
Of Christmas Joys and.'Christmas
wa fa
Oelief: it S ted' -at. -that,
-0 1), C
known its, the -"Ph o a Ian valen-
��at,was to .'be found:Aere.' WItbI
time. for a'. man .. coming from
Judea� to rule. e
fhe� w6rld.1' For' w,
dar," in'the year 354,%,and, the first
-the �tarllght' shining' full, upo It,
1�roxiched it'lion readk to: -spri
God's holy angels sang to them
saw his star in the,,6ast, 'arid'are
English celob ration''of the festival
Swift as Id : of, -old,'''
the: Day the..
ry and Christ iii: Bethlehem..,
come to, worshili,him. iredt deal
was in .598,., when St.. Adgutiine�
baptized lkoo 0,
'swung his 'sit
lad. ng, and, the stone
conve ts.
thII "Dad, can'we find a,little,
tre-afor sister? 06uldn't we find a
cutiy little 'tree t6- put in'ber, ver'
own r nOm?"
H6,1` laughed a.',big rough
man, .!'III her room? No little, girl
will stay In her room, on, Christmas
-the 1ead ot the, Ther
Oi�w -he",,i6y hold',allChristmat c a v as arisen. regard- In 5091, the". -Council -of' Nours' �7041;.straigbt into ve y little,sualiglit. In
iag��Ws' stans, Some belielve tha e,was. . r
The Iad�& ather answered.,,sad-
girl. i
n Crouching -animal: Wiih a slow. Is. foreA -so
oFrA ce, declared a:.A2&y estival. t. Tbe�,trees were -big.
ly:, "Yes. thy little
it was some coIi6n,'of heav- yielding,of Itr body�t4e.lioh fell She
ris. , mas o pip any ralysIs as
AVd earth seems sweet and! heaven, frorn,.Ch i t t ' E h 'and' in fill the :grown up tre:es. the little had I,
1 t SUM
enly �odios,,mhich-he Wise Men d
eatb. ptantile p,
-later, from 9*91 1:6 1k tree stretc'! -himielf; and' Z in
seems near, .1016, the laws '"i am gla,'. iay� son, -'that You. er;-,ixnq been, afifie. to, walk
n was, is e'
e ..nll strif o hImsef:,As full ri�',w' nd
Obi hea, in R Sight,* I recognize .�as a phenomenon 'of 'Of Ethelred' ordain A that. ried t imaI e, I
unusual' si since'., Surely, ig e1l R a 'It
gm ance. In Ger-; were so tafthtil;'I his: in
uld COO , grown., Looking up at the sky and
knOI when' se, at Christmas. es tfo tree for, her.',.
many, tablished s ar an elisten
That' little, C. ild"'of'.1ofig agoi Herod lhi'*in 'hear t,! he, was Christma�. wa ed him In the.' morning. "Yout. lath- the. �_ t d . 06,'moon.� h in, hefe-1 im! come and.
4 a i I 1 .11 "Herel, a
iu�813,�by. 6, -to the big It. Isn,� 'the I " , " - - eb . called
th 6;osd Of MII er *as.,-bepIde himself, 'wild , with trees tal -the I
eThe foreigher4nd .us- land Ning:,H his illness, and, ha ot �een,'ablie: uld t6e little: boI
t�oubIiod. L� d'J n ii��or, bright , topight,?, one wb litle � fir tr'
74 norway by aa on
tirperjx6arod a ival, and' ihe tyw to tell. iiiin you ive�e with the fl&ks"� out lustily. Aw
-thd`,:GoodAn �9 nd - there 'would tI entle
. .5-pl�' . . I . 9 ed and saw, the-,branclies trembling.
.,rant wpl- ,, ,
he woki d'have -gone but, sic he
rustlk�f of their,: leaies. as the, tito snd�w.: III`
And jic
and the.11 Ird flying..
iw:'You have sloiln,". a
7 trees would shAke theirn heads, in
Ybur-IfamQmill 96 befI u
-11t Is WrAten agfeemptit..
re yo
77, 4.'.An'd' gathering together all the ,But in ther, I did not. see. 'the dad, there is.;a.'cute little
�Tin afraid you'r a
6 going' a tree oyer - tbereI: �uci beautiful
-hiet 'priests; Aiid'scrih6s of th nd David.s voice stiint6d,�, beca e .-t -ie it'so-muca,
kip e'
us he It d' b
straig tAree. Woul n't.t at, I?
I he' iniluiied,of wi' to you not think the, king would. d .1litlo' itioir I 'said
peop em. ere shade:Viore,'
the Christ I be`�bti haj'� li&rb�icprhed: a lad, -who to the fi e". Jum . pe.d -
he 61led
ihouU r,bne day.-gs h
Lei'sson, -ftOMI the -sled.
The man': got 01
bi t
sort s Dos,: of,duty from idle cur
yop:bavo. done, h
It' I 1 5 ., . " ,he the, 116�witlked' to't e tree, auld fondled..
ironytha't, He"rod was-compol Ld to into its branche and bru� d
never� 'Saw.,'a more
np with his'bushy to . '4'lt
on, 4bomo years iogitk? N
_c6n'sult the.very in limb Lil
it, gently.
yoUr task fait fully. and-*ell.'and S s igbt.,to.,make. anything
�4�foro he� had tried Ao eattermin- . ta
beautiful- t�ee, It.. seem's 11o" giol wl.
d fall."
%a�, an LA o�r
proved you Sol in t Ii.
�LESSQN f'' I :,.
grow Sir Mol y OY e
Ig an will 11 e it aid with i
And they',taid unto him.. III So the little' fit.. tree' strei:ched
GI ma S66 the,
G R V.,4: r� LO V E y
'himse f tip; an
"d.* -' f�rthu's i kept. his,
haiii;6& up Ahe spot of s�qn-. Golden 'text get�ie'heiii Of phit"L The litih
7' wn en,_ c -towdF
the blowst rom the tt thr ogh the-,: #io
-so loved' thib"worl that1e' . ' ' .. , .1 . 0 po
DavW Su�,� tfi, And Lih6u��&thlebem;�� 'land L 01 rd lkght:'h6' saw clear u p. thro he �Aldu'l ieel
vd ep at _S. 4gh tbI �.nx
Ong ris as. �ga his only', b Oite7
maze of heavy -tree,gro
JU lah, - artAn. no, wise
ul b He
_ejji, oil fff j. ud
-ou d be :St Roden :was '1489
overnor, - Xro She. hadn't 'if
li�pfish,.- but.. have. rn. thi �the'
PjjnCeSL' ' 'Wlfe'a they piii4linlni6 sled. he
*'hosoever believeth on1iiii ibiddid . ast am -Sh6pherd wt. -
-of:'J oht' I rafigbt:,and uiisfandfnii
for, out, of
S Is
thee Shalt' come1orth a'.g 011y, Chittick
Jobli 3, :�.ied to� I Sounds ais,
b . Shepherd -of my.ppo- Tod y:th6 ground i
w shall . hie little tree was sinj ng',.wbe:th
mirkable . b -which stayed all
Card'-Induitr*-� b,
ple Israel, This m6hi ke e�fiow'.
HE LESSON 1X3TS, sETiriiNG,- 014'you Can Wind. fil�ws through ItS.r IiI
white -in t
�o' out to' fond the 0I& Pq0A Century,, heI for.
Lord?a gb
-of the birds had'46ne son very
undreIII .1 . !.,. . . . . . _ t , - . . �. 'L ' I . :_ . . d
an was titter,- eto tout 'Iii:*�ab." David heard,, littl
ed .-seVon ' th E' A
yeara,1, e ore rth- the
birth� is still.a: inqtter,,of.,.,dtspu e, d �;the �cbbke: In mother.' voice., beirihning, in 946 onie 'in* a while. there was'
ord's' b!
b f our,- L
Then.] brodtprivilk cilled. the h.. lion's 'have 'oundIed r
El T w the Christmas greeting cgid.Afi-a sound'oUsteel striking against 'the,
dustr and iiift-eitiently,,'a'crashing,
en�' an earned'of Con ha's grown to gigantic pro�
y will find som. _e 0 An t d d te'. it in b�cemb�f, Wise -in d
of, SaMpel J. anAi many ou.'sore. t
,An y ta send but with.themI
oa to tremble.
'The iiilt'6i,the Wise so hot," she *hisper-,: Ite arch into hristmas tr The tall'.,trees began r ds -Cheer
time,11II6 a r ap�� of fifiltim':tre'
B�C. .. 0
e r,,Ty And.�ha, seni-them A( di
In F eq to. Davii ther. had,,
b peared
efOire, took piace' I after 'his' fa, rs are. ou But. Sp a, tiotib�led:sloep. "It'will ti6ns�at MeGil funny' tinie'qf. ytntr�" one'.
Bethlehem, �.and .."said, GO" and I- iTniv�rsity. 'diselos- "The wdodcutte
4 fallen into
warch out 6iactly,coficernirig the', . On that, 1w exc6fig� of, printed this is" a
PlacO._�_:Jerusalem, OU-'Coursd, Make 'him k un J'deiath', It "he es less MUfed to th�6L: others. Then �one' o n
_'h cards 'd4t back I bonieS.throughout 'the contin-
yonni, d when je. is!� to
ani greeting.
ent this ChriftnI the h Ily 'plant.
*as th6, Capital of Paliestinei lOcht-. "goes out on'the p
'76ar ;iot,'m6tber, 1 will,
while ring me wor 0
ed in t e province of Sudea,, than si,,'cetitury. 'Other dhrI$tm the, little snow birds, Spoke', Hae
lound'him b d,- that I
a us pagan of,
es. you forgotten that everv'year �t ey-,� will carry on I s--
Bethlebe .'was In the -same. pro ISO go. NOI t6ins,.'date to ti ty
tome 'and worship �him.., in
that I am T
v�' This monstrou T16' I rs" Cju�d' .5 t, conI ;cui ClifWmas- trees.' 'YOeiide spirit,'�_a :cus-
Cain prove my-
roukben, spread�in
s y cruel king: did. in, I I i . e Fi . t en
ince, six miles, q -the, South,'. in V
not wantlo, go'tO Bethle Selt a Vilti, like.'my,Z1.13ii -The records. at McGill �indieatei "Whit.,are Cnristmas,trees9" the'. .1orn tliht d.-ites::back to the pa n
rn in hein W. er., David, the.'king.". uncertaiiAy a .'Euro e..
woiship' 'Jesus a� -he �said, but, th n
1. NeIi isus,--Iwas b forisfath' -tribe's 6(!phtine� tal
Judae,;,'�,�Vethleheffi Rebeccah - bade him g
a at there� it some s little. fir as e
khet dato`-that:*the oh,'th6y-cut down 'the trees and pqlarity of, the holly
proied", to: gilt this' ood-bye teu-� to, the ii�st Ciiirefit, Oo
h( &� ' ' " 11' ia' ke t h ivas -the, �hie. !Wth, and, Boaz; n
very j ave r,. ein, in" the ho Js a: con inuition'of the custom�of
to deatl4; - that" there: ,1 i'so lde 1 sfi6tild: Chiis�raa� card was actua y sent, use, and, put
d 6tly - was; the birth- 'Send 'him 'But you. are all 1, haI Dru idI .1 which', honok&
of a -. - ': I ri n therrief h, e, y .1
place of : David, from wboie.'ioyai e1ion� xnay return." a
possibie chance Most. autlioiities�, e tiie. cindlei o` ook- like sasts.
U:,soi 61, D th "- land car k�lly in p
ine 'I ivid -,came. In. n e s foitheils-Ilock,
The'Woishippeis" so. DoI drove III
r herd 'by e
4ay-:of Re'oA king. Th wiiched
'Matt. 2 i, '9-12. 9. .,.And they, -Roffian rul.e sent holly,�btanlcbes'lto
Herod wai'calleid Herod tbe.,Gre t night. the cool breez�Ir6mvff: theI
Ing Card. the eir other as evi ence. of 9004
R 0 xi ipa er.
en ro way;, and' 10,. -the siaij' v�bicli they alas rriade'him Homes arik. qhdi%ches, were,
f' h'
int e east holry
BelioldWise-� t t mount
inh king; *6nt ih Ari Yo .Litt n
th hav
7� in the, east, w t efoe g d*
Sam b .,en
c ame to Jerusalezii,�, -S6%i#g. The on . I .. , . .'. , : , -laden with:'
Sudd6ily over the hill betoee him
Caine, and Stood over�'where., till it'. *o�d
group of' men oipproabh� TEEi- -.ce]Obrated' ih� fcoist -!I S
here translated� !'Wise�-menll. he, Saw, a' E
lng.,That'- -a,: surprising,. Agi
-child wits. 10.'A d who' thl DIE
the young ly1RIII)l
-e- Greek.word 1!magii- They - - - .. N
is th n
Were they' �aw-lthe- stari- ihoi,
rejoiced e rnink on of the A. in mathe
to' see men wapdering' about
gr It of Ce
wit ex,ee in grea joy.
h' 'd- t
Feas hic Sun 'God
mittiesi astronomy,.geogr4pliy, and ,ht.. But ihoire,�vits n6thing'al I -,siLVE
ctide,, the feast
Th' edritra'st hetwen '�HE P R E F'E'R'R E P ACTiN R THEATREO? e'to. the
the fear ey'se'enI ,np'1no,"daug4,tef of.tbe farn- Tbioul, Anall' be-,
medicli: in,their action
.of thi tv.,
e,' filled with tmLcIte�ieni'nnd-,J6.v... g r e Bfidsh .,Stanley.. Lup: - e.,.e
S i&ed and 1he T.h Pretty. Qret6lien b�vidsdiiiDietpr- Idg. i ta joy
PoI in Ad heart of these, sin— b Now. ed, th Of 'Christ.
b ca*
Where 4t,he that is* born,'kinj dne� of them 6alled: "Who It. Wife coildpT wait until sh� 'got out Ino, but" 'a popular Screen, stax, in n as,,ar -hown as.
ise enAs a es-, 'Id'ibeAioliy'j�
tut e(
of ti�ie_ * Jews.,
;rea go a I' of il S ,s,� guirdlug his -e' to -em6ari on'ber, life,s het'� owni -riglit, will play �oppoSjteL t"holy, tr
on si�ld Cop here? of olle,
qtkestionI ast6 how �thetd rntm ever areein. So she ; -f hwe sacred. L
el Oh, is it' y of. Judah? q 'r Conrad 16 ree . for� deebratio
ey, came -into', the It' No, stern n
kjfd*. that a jking* of th6'JCws had, s at our-Chris't-,
0 wItbI VV� have seen yoik 'after -.'the �II§Ilvi?r Theo.' nias, fdstivals.
b nd 'is* the �oxing child,
eefi,born. ',There�v6�, tfiKQi:tghout..'
staro brighter, thfkp ny,pt'
-WJLU' Ar,of th6 the first year: and ry his mother;' and they 14olly not' bear eiries un
&ornihg, it is m:oviiI and.'wd ird gel to .6�.
�'til it is dve l3efore tili
ellf aI ovAr'
kot , her.
The verb here'
s me no tis��d of, it Servant failing with a. touring. 6.Colurnbid, time the fil'il'e' ai�d feiiialb 't I rt. I ds
�ame t h het -i
b ' ldr alJar't.'.TQ".! ''do David mas:;wi his :feet., listening COmp"y'! -0-f work':L on b* 'Cannot. d to
oirshioped. , him., The, W' howb A inore than, 300, pecies of o, a king (Matt. 8: 26,,29)i yish eci ement, tolheiri We
bo It
ise si, as..
of the V�ords they'liad heard',I D Q'i. tilen, nti�c t6,
Men, ere t st ck exiieti6lic6i
he first 'Of. a &est quo.. a
pe6pie% of -as an angelic.'libst' with the 'Proilo' the
bet 0 ry kind wh'.' tropical I, f
eve d Ae P -fol-
O� Orsi0ed'46hovah. Ris,he�art urneur. nce i�vefs to 6 egions P
worth e ord Jesus when,' hernispheres.
"N on wittil T.).. in 'order to Onlv'th� AftiCtichn and 13ftilish
n, blip, And he was eag�' J.owed, and tbeft
'hto urfied to- r4ffi holly trees have rch si opening 1 .4
p'any the babd4f shepherde� she
V_ A d
their u got. oI t,
they offered
,Thou he
he;�'of 'the Young n 16.14. S�o
radio.. ii the possible, sur ,Tfi�,e sharp
has been: oni. e
'da," The ianswe�ring t
ambs; "Ma -aa -
or bleatLcam, e, fruiting
nche have en crimson her-
e a r 5iucei
plays to be bea
inmother rd
�had wandered o bbein.heard fri the during .,t holl-� Vies.
tliete wb
o tender mor I'da'
f sels 4,113avid heird t
otico� olga�n,* hi's mqtheea LupinO episo4es'dt"
David aiid "Carol keil. will
vet T
I .
97 have corne to guird my fath- nedy'4, Ro Co.'" ' nd a io i
a t present Is be devoted to a presentation of- ba.:
bt's flock, -1 Cannot go with you." 4'Ppearing I "Aunt -. Jenny'! and -for
"We lelft 6ur,�sheep, David.. This,. '�'B ilso bv
vid'Garth's,10CUalleiige - h e' i9 e er,,thd WABC- the story,of ai"�Orriuggl J39 r And
w r at . nong t e.
MUS "go' koutrb a'fo6l to'dtay.", Icaii pictures In,
you Are, abo'ut to' seeI Columbia net k h Amer
which MISS Lopina, has, dp�6afed�,
here' with these, few iboep,� when,
and models,,,
be se6n':"
IdAkdLit" L'bm".13AKU kINter lbbet4on'," "Thd Gav Dottier.
here, to tend'Ilits flock..,' aI a' d' thint Coo
it is mtask,,, cairble glamorous s r ; in ne,. out it s
h on oIf40, has. been 919n4a idt' 'RAW6 TiJs ,dUAAA tEtEb
.When tbI Saw that 'he won in,: he ftog4ts. -IlAdI6 Tfube hot first, riAlo series,
of the id The progra'
not 'accompa'iiv -the the Made sponso
in, y red by the Kellogg Company�,
ha' have Jii-at anaounce'0 tha't thei ate",
Ste to be on tfidir vray. will 13691n on 8widay, - JaLntljj�y. it 40
w.glving aii tinqualthed t�Arrbtn,
ove the, 1,4939, a
At first his - oiditemefit lid will be.heArd epth week 7 t 0 apply 0 yo gers
did,'had told, lifin! ve e ;Vork frdrh� 'r�tdfd tubes,.which s1fdtfid b
We th6 slieW, �6' r 'the NAC4 d Nvo,��
kept hlib &wake But g6od�
gradually, his 11:06., EST. news 0, o*1101 of a radio tot
eyes grew heavy. 110 wois Alm6st, Lomb4rd 10' the iltst of sev
-arld, of urie �Cj will al��yg
he Iiibatid the kitit-to be il'ghedjorllfe ne
be sure tc,ro.-
f tube�wltfi Rdg6r8` i1a,'
e!' i6ur4 66*� Other. memb.
A young lamb aga A. ers, of. the TUbt 11t
6, ous a cas
Will P't anno�u dod 16 the ra
Alrdlied to hls,.'feet, contdi '" th t' d1froictor,of the. oI 6ty, tube in thp"
e"hAd. liotgotteho to'hunt u., thai, �Tje* 1539 Rogers,
w mother, WItIL gt,
L IIband
�d I
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