The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-12-22, Page 5, • • •e, TfiU D.AY:10,CEMRER 22nd, 1938. • T 1E• :.Lt. CKNOW SEN:TI NE - WI•NGHAM ,'SHOW 'STARTS AT 8 p.m, EXCEPT sA.TvRDAT SATUARDAY,• NIGOT TWOS SHOWS,, 7,44 and 9.45 P. atre THURS. : FRi. 'JANE, WITHERS DECEMBER 2 t A HEALTri 00RM(4 OR; THE CANADIAN MEDICAL..; ASSoctsr;oN, AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPAn/4P rN :CANADA • MEASLES , • S. measles -is •a -child-killer. This dis ROBERT' �YL,LC01i ease which' so' many regard as. of, n s riou ness, •- "- e S,...: and which is thought , bI► t- d of g= r - s, 0 of Jane plays the' art,of a h`P sY �x e un sten and, 's.as lively ever. . aBorr h Minn e r t ch. an d his harmonica monI c arascals sea L4 suplily the music' , .A iso Ed ar Bergen and; McCarthy" hY" .� Mechanx Illustrated" • `•11elvs" i TUE E .D E E. � ER SPECIAL 27-2 Y 4�: 11. lie e 1..,• j PF ,eve.:' story". #hat cap - &red he�heart•aftheworld •1;;' ow' :after two yearS in .)reduction, the finest fgi urn • h' of . ,.. P the'. screen. 4.�,. With o:IELZ atar cast of 0$ play era featuring: W.C.rields•ManieersO'Sullisia •�n:�N••.f� Madge. Evans. Edna May Olive .'ty Fsank Lawton ..Elizabeth Alla Lonel:.8arrymore 'Freddie Bartholomew Ly►wis •';Stone Roland. Yours; Dic,ctedbyGEOROE whore phrsoue film gametal; was `? f �y. aY Wain . •Produced by'David'O.$,1zr►sck ' Also iSt•le_Rev' new in Colour" Adn,. •.11 hlsion.: _4dults- 3 5r . Children_a . .,Oc. NOTICE -Matinee Monday Mo . '..afternoon ' at 2.30 Matinee Admission,; ' : Adults -25e Children -15c _. • GREETINGS .The Management • of •�. � >. tale L, cc ton Theatre wishes to extend 'the s- e Sea ole s Greetings 'to its 'PPatrons.' as a necessary evil,', accompanied eertaiir'w•fneonveniences, in, as a ma {ter of fact"; serfou a ! e s, . ..ace •to'chil life,,' and because;' of t e 'number '0 child re n•11 .. itkr S tr I ranks S _a high inn ,,o st `the s disc e ase s that take]if ' e.ui'ea' ' In .one e y ea r there occprred' in Can,lY: childhood, i oda • 893 death"'roMeasles of,o „ , which ' 264 R•ere7 children; under 'one ar,: veofa es; 6a.;.bt$ tdea deaths Meas' Iles. ;oceiir under'. five,"years of"-ag e. The disease attacks . especially ,those under three :years. The older the child, the. better chance he, has of re .covers. Measles is a .communicable disease; it is passed from the 'sick. to the: well. It is. very easily .spread and practi- ally~'. all who are ' exposed, contract the' disease,, unless they. have been [protected • by a previous attack:,` It 'is a .mistaken idea -that . every child must have measles. ,It is crim ina] to expose , children • ' to ' measles, because.to. 'de" soli to risk their lives; ' Measles: is serious not • only' because it kills, but, :because it seems to pre- pare .the , ground for other diseases. , It is the •pneumonia, followin meas g, les • which makes it so dangerous:_ l Tuberculosis may: become active a e' . ft I. measles. • 1 •:Co c' n ernin • the c �: g antral- of measles, it must be remembered that .measles 'is Most contagious ontagious during the :days before the 'rash <aPPears. For this reason, it is advised that`every child with' a cold' ,in the head bd kept away from other" Children not , only to .pre_, vent the "spread of colds,' but because •l the 'cold' may be the first' Stage, 'the e mosf• contagious stag sof measles,., Part •tf 0 the P r otec ti on of , i child life ie :.f is the` protection of elle child from' me4sles. • , One:: life; 'a little • "gleam j g. of time a between two ` eternities, • no second M ` chance for :' us forever'more-.Car lle` • , • 0 Grandma always wad a keen; shop] er and , quick to. "snap up" a bar , ...knit you'll recognize These BARGAIN OFFERS 'without her years of ex= perience ,.. you save, real money :, yes get a' swell selection of Magazines, and a full year of,our newspaper- That's' what' we call a `break"' f you. readers... ho wonder grandma says U' "YOVE G01 SOMETHING TItEREr • r ALL -FAMILY. OFFER 'THIS NEWSPAPER,1 YEAR AND ANY THREE ,MAGAZINES PLEASE CHECK THREE MAGAZINES DESIRED: . Q Maclean's Magazine ,(24 issues). I]. Rod and Gun, 1 Year. ` • 1 'ALL FOUR Year. • d Silver Screen ;) Year.ON,e 01' National Hants' '[ e' Monthly, 1 Year.].AmericannFruit•Grower. ',iriYear.LY, O'Canadian •Magazine,1Year. 0..Parenfs',.6 Mos, '• 0 Chefelaine.»t Year,, . 0 .American'Boy, 8 Mos. O Pictorial Review, 1`Year. • 'Er:Christian Herald, 6 Mos. ii,.❑ Canadian Norticullure. and Name •0 Open Rood (F.br•Ba'ys) I Yea Magaape,•"1 Yeor.. » • SUPER -VALUE .OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER, .1 YEAR AND THREE Bed MAGAZINE; GROUP A^ --. SELECT 1 GROUP , 8 SELECT. 2• - • Moc(eans, Magazine, s,2 0 4 issues. ❑ News'-Weell, 6 Mos.` ❑ True Story, 1 Yr. .0, Screenland, 1 Yr. 0 Judge, 1 Yt. o McCaII' ,1 `Yr 0 Magazine'Digest . d Mos: J Parents% i ,y,Christian"Herald, 1 Yr„ ❑ •Wonion's Home Companion. 1; Y. Q Collier's 1- Yr D' American,Bey, I Yr. ' •1 Yr, ' . ALL, FOUR . 0 National Home` Monthly,.,1 • Yr. Q Canadian Magarina, 1 Yr. ONLY ' 0 Chatelaine." Yr • 0 Rod and Guh, •1 Yr.: 0 ,5 Iver Screen; 1 Yr. J 0, Pictorial Review.' t' Yr, . 'aJ 0 American Fruit Grower, 1,' Y 0• r , ,Canadian Hor`t',euItare di Home • Magazine.. 1' Ya 0 Open Road (For Boys). Gonilern nr' ., enclose 1 offer d'esrte}d wi11+a •year tJ Aff.Folitiry • ••Name r S1. of R.1 town and Province „''l ern, Checking bolo* the subscription fa. year pope ,' D'. pt per.Voilu'e . Y'. A'siY1+.'s Twr THE LUCKNOW » SENTINEL Published ever Th day. morning at )41.14row,. Ontario. • • Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie -Proprietor Campbell .Thom•pson=Publisher 'c THUit$DAY, •DECEh1I BER 22nd, 1938 DU A very merry Xmas to all' . The Women's Association of the United ,Church `met Friday for the December meeting, After the opening hymn Rev, Mr.Gill•led in praYer. Mrs Everett ett � Ha• s read the ' `Scripture lesson.: Repo „ , of -the•, year's s •work were iven• bythe. secretary g; .. a aiy. and the treasurer, • Mr. Gill thea took the chair for. electien of officers.•which resultee' as; Pres , Mr J. Richardson; Vice- Pros: Mrs Rol* . R Poor D t' . ec, pros, • , S Y , •Mr's: •E, arri s $ As t. Sec 3' , Mrs.; • M; Cul- bert; Treas.,.• Mrs. G,. C Treleaven:, Pianist,. • Mrs.. • B. McArthur;' Ass't Pianist,. Mrs: A. Culbert; Parso� = • Ige Comm., composed of madame:; McKen3ie, Meare, • Webster;Group:, Conveners, madames:' McWhinney; Al- ton, W. Sproul,, - A. Culbert: ,A piano solo .was. then • given by. Mrs. ;McA'rth 'Ir. Mrs. • J. Richardson gave a read-" ing, "Christina Candles," and a " sole by' Miss Iris Rivett.. A hymn was:their sung and the Mizpah ,Benediction repeated.'' n t its G Mrs. b S W.' a c s v Word. came to relatives in this to al•'• 'its , regarding .,the.'death. ..of Mr Ed waid.'Durnin, South :•River„)\T. Ontario occurring Sunday; :December .11th at the age of .80' years. 'He 'was a rativ t of W. ' Wawanosh, 'borh, on' the ole homestead on -the 6th -concession. owned by.'John Dui ruin; son of the late Wm. and Maria, "Durnin The .'.funeral was conducted: at 'South River by th'. Orange Order on » Tuesday December 13th . Surviving, members of, his fain: Hy. are Mrs. Daniel "Fowler On the 6tli concession .of, W,. Wawanosh; Mrs'. John Tigert; Port .Albert; Jas. Durni Goderich; John •Durnin 6th' concese'. ion of West Wawanosh;�;Robt. Durnin ,and Alex; Durnin; •'Saskatoon Sask: 'A, number from here: attended. the funeral: of »the late ' Wilfred ;.McLear'• of Goderich on Sunday, Who conducted a meat Market on the ,:Square , ane a.,. ss' awa 't ;.'d Y rvo aysafter •aserfon _ operation:. . ,Born, ,Saturday, December 17th te' Mr. :and Mrs. Stanley Orser (nee. Amy oung), 'a °daughter:.Congratulations! A little' brown spaniel dog •called eddy ownell by Air.:and Mrs T. Park as ,over And :killed., by.'r assing• motorist! .The family pet was. ged• andmay it's »death in this may was t , trriexpected; though' . it will be'' issed by them_ The "'Sunday: School. of Erskine esbyterian ,Churn will: hold' their Inas entertainment- or; Friday,.:Dee ben 23rd. A good program•is' being. repared and everyone is welc'ome.," We extend syrnpathyto Mrs, . Heb e dedy who has: been' sorrowed by eath .of ,her mother, Drs. IIenr •dt, r'who' passed 'away after • a.'very ort . • illness •' at. •` the, home of, her: o: ghter, Mrs. '. V:. F• Nickel, 'Strat .'.The funeraLis being 'held T11prs• y with interment at Moserville cern- ry The deceased was 7 6 years of, he Home and : ;School,• Club ;zlnet P •no m Pr em P er th Yen ah da for" d da ete T age Tu esday night, December :13th at the, ;cheat., bits:' C Alton, read' a paper•or" "Mental Health and Parent. Educat- ion" followed by. a discussion; Mies Fern: Alton favored with : a. solo 'ac: 'companied by Mrs. Bruce McArthur, Mr. • Graham Pinkney, ;;the' principal gave an address on Health, which stihject,.he took up at.Summet. School • It eras, decided to have the meetings for the ,wrote months in the.. home§' the next one'/to be held. at Mrs. B. Bradford's. Mr.' John Dui nin •returned to his' home after: several .'weeks visiting with' relatives in Goderich."' Miss Reta Swan, daughter., of Mr Sam Swan' of,. Ripley,„formerly of Dungannon recently brake a bone it her. ankle while playing at' school' • Mi`.••:1lYm: Mole spent a week=end :recently in Toronto' and . While there ailed on , Dr, ' T. Case former ':bun ganrionite. The Dr: is in bed at pies-• ent,' not feeling »very Well; Mr. GeO., Rely. is not as well his frienda. ahd 'neighbors would like tri .Mrs. Hodgin and :Shirley Spent :the week-erid "With lire; bon, Mac - Mr. and Mrs. Freak :Thontlisen spent Sunda- .in Teeswater with. and Fred thorapeen. Mise Ethel Wall speitt an, afternoon et list week ivith' Mrs.. Hannah last .Week. • Mr, and Mrs. Hannah Motored *tO •11r. and strt. lifeeloy LIVET , Young People's Societ y .: .. The Young People's meeting of Ol- ivet Sunday School was held in the' church • on Tuesday evening, December 13. Elmer Avery . took charge, 'of our Scripture reading. Mr. Walter 't ,laiden Sunday School .Superintendent; 'took charge of. the topic for, ;the evening, and• he gave us a very interesting talk, We, then, had our election of officers for 'the »year 1939 .which ' are; as: #ollo'ws -Hen. "'Pres;; glean 'Mc Guire; Press Norval Stewart; Vice- Pres.; ',Noreen Walden; •' Sec.-Treas., Sandy .McCharles; Ass.: Sec: Treas.,Marian VQgan, Organist, Reta Wal den Ass't Organists!, rganists,. ClarkeCoilingand ,Ositornie; :c hrietian loivship ' Con., .Jean McGuire; Ass't, .Christian.Fellowship, Willie Stewart; Citizenship Con:,' Elmer Avery; Ass't, Citizenship` Con; :aldDon _ aMech ail Missionary C'on; �,;Noreenc es, ., � 'Walde n;. Ass't. Missionary '.Con.,• ' •Jessie Mc - Charles; Christian Culture, John . Me 'harles •.... Ass't. ' Christian. ristran !Culture,.. Beth McTavish; ' S,ocial, Com.; Ret'a•». Walden, , Marian Hamilton; Harvey: Brooks and ''Mrs. ` 0. Brooks. • • We are sorry' to 'learn of Mr. Rotdston' being sick at ' pies Kincardine; Hospital. . LUCKI' HIGH SCHOOL RESULT, FIRST TERM EXAMINATIONS ; , FORM .V.: • Caesar,, Madeline . . , , , •'; °Campbell, Islay .. , .,•, 1 .. ... Mary ;' ,anter, ...,.. .. � . , • 9 Finlayson, Anna - , ' Forster Jean' , a Gilmore, He en 1. 'H amilto n 'Helen Lane,`Hilda. 'MacDo Wad' l Etta, . -ell Belle is 54 MacDonald,' 'Helen . 'MacGregor,; , Robert MacDonald; Marion, -l: -80 81 MacIr tosh,' Robert ,„ Ma cKnnon � Donirl , d; • • 63 52: 48 !13 22 80 46 40 59 66 46'' ' 51 72 t 60 '62 McLeod, .64 P ee .Jack' :57 50 ' eai`lman ,i Maurice:. .64 . 50• . .70 Paterson ' ,...Muriel ,;.: ..,,._ ,,58 • 61 Richards, 'Raymond:. . . ,', , • . Russel, Coyle. 48 Ritchie Doris • • �' Thompson, Harold , r Chas. bl Wainwright, . Fred i r ent.:in Wilkins, A K.59" , Wilkins, Q .51 , Mr. and 'Mrs: Harry Adams, cif 'Bel - grave `.visited: one day list .:Week `-with her . parents, ' Mr, and 'Mrs A:. ' C. l lamilton..• t The W.M.S'. Meeting The W. M.; S. theeting for the mon- th of December was held in the 'home of .Mrs. Mac; McGuire on Wednesday, December " 14; ' The President took charge of ».the first part of our meet- ing: and after the °busines . part, our leaders Mrs:' W. ' J.{ Roulstenfor the month of':December,, took charge 'of the ;;,remainder.' 'Mrs. J. 'McTavish's 0 Mee, group al o joined with : , Mrs. • Rou] Stop's. for this • meeting as this was the end of the. year and the last meet ng. A vote:.' of thanks was _tendered to all 'who, helped with quilts for q. sister -in -la*,• by Mrs,'W. R ' ,H ten. ' Mrs:' ;Roulston led in pra Mrs J. McIntosh,too » chargeof our Scripture reading. The Devotional Leaflet " A Christmas. Message" `.was: taken. byMrs. W. S. McGuire. •Mrs. G:' Barkwell gave 'a ` reading ;" Christma.�. ComingTo. Chin" ". a. Mrs:- D. Stewart gave us• a. veryrea i "A interesting ding 'oh Christmas -,Message" by Dr., Wood- side the Moderator ' of our, Church. her Hamilton, Helen • • Ha 48; 80 66 39 _. •.• r » 55 50 28 29 • 47 33' 41 45. 39 57 68 • 48: fief 75 / 65 69. 5'6 64: • •tri , 67' 67:', 73 77. 38 , 63 ss 67 36 • FORIIt'IV •51' , 55 49 . 48 18• .. 31 62 54 63 , 30 .° '51 F n .i Q .Gti a; Brigham, • Robert ' "Cam bell, Eileen "Campbell, Islay ,50 Carter, Mary: .:51 - 56 48 Cook, Eliz a :55 51 , :Finlayson, Alin . .». 'Fisher, Ma r , i -. 52`" Forster, :Jean .51 • "46 ' . Gilmore;, Helen .43 Greer,' Louise: ...... Hall, ;Eileen . , , • 30, ' 64 : 47 ' ',» Lane Hilda . ..............51 ' 55 e'r. MacCrostie, Marie .k. , MacDonald, ' Etta .•MacDonld;' HelenBelle -.• MacGregor, Robert MacKenzie,• John K :66. MacKinnon; Donald . -46 .48 Macintosh •'Robert s62 60' MacLean Lilian 63 . 50 36 • 61 MacMillan, Bruce . 51.aR as . McGuire; .Gordon , McLeod,'' Jack . .47 4g Nelson, ,Jean 54 Paterson; Muriel .50 ,� 46 Pinnell, Wray :. ..56 .44 '66 . '57. Richards, Raymond .53 46'. .55 Ritchie, Doris' '...•..........61 5S 69 Salkeld, Margaret 65,:: 76 58 : Russel, Coyle -. - 61 7 75 W."»," -;B2: 9 57. .. ' : 65 6 42' 48. 3 74 `We ine end as her Luke ac ing mee The Hon �titl's Vag Mrs Mrs. Sec'y Ste Stip atu Miss ,'B. W. S MCG Ass't Tem Guire veno '.Were then favored by 'a `'d hriSt of The Cross" by Misses N and Reta Walden which'every' eyed. Mrs. Rev. McKenzie gave plendid talk. or "topic, •choosing subject , the first 'two chapters The meeting, Was :firelight lose ' by), ::Mrs. A. McTavish• le prayer. At' the close Of ting all enjoyed asocial half --ho new slate of officers is as Polon Pres., • 'Mrs. J • Coiling; Pre R. Black; Vice -Pres., Mrs. an;' 'Sec.,, Mrs. 0.,:, BrooksTrea A. McTavish; 'Correa.', Sec'y J. :.Coiling,: Associate ' Heine y., , Mrs.'' W Lever; Christi Stew Sec„ Mrs: ' E. Osborn Ply Seca, ';Mrs: M.' Colling; Lit1e re .Sec'y,.:'Mrs:. 0. Finlayso ionary Monthly Sec'y.;l Mrs. Walden;' : Stranger's. Sec'y., Mr McGuire;' Press: Cortes., Jea uire; Orga�riist Reta Walden organist, 'Mrs. W. J. R"oiilsto, perance' -See'y , Mrs. Mac Mc ;• Auditor, •Mrs.,' IT. Vegan,' Con rs, ,lira, ;111 Vogan, Mrs:-; E. Os bgrne, Mrs._':O. McCharles, Mrs:. . net. or one as of to ad - the ur. ws: 11. 5., is an e; r- n;, W. s. Mein D.: Si Christ mai, concert- ". United Church .et Olivet held Thursday, evening', . December' 15 Midas, Schen' Children provided ndid pregram .including the fol- ilted a:Pageant; after which we, favoured hy 'Violin seleetiMis by d Wylds, Recitations were giv- Osbert*. , Allan and 'Carrick g".., Allan ISfe'ravish and :Tack: Ceokeo..litarifin :Vegan, gave • very 'interesting' Monologue. dry. Rotilston gave . recitations, bciys and ilia Ray - "The Lighted . Candle"*Was "raeters and all took their parts bk Ma orirecl arid sl by thr the .las of cha veil", 'Santa Clads; who r'esetrible& jack MeIntosh, acted as Master of te the delight. Otilie children. At the conclusion of the program 'each Child received a big bag of sweets be.:fore leavirig for hente 'wits alio t(;-.. Willie Stewart and tinier 1 54 39 60 60' '67 55- 48 Stewart, Bessie „. 1 twairiley, Elva 55 Solomon, Marvin • :4 -Brigham; Rebert ...62 I.Campbell, Audrey. LCampbell, Eileen '50 03 Crozier, :5Lorenit",,, `Forster, Jean . • Hoffman, Marjorie „ Hunter,,. James MacDonald; Etta Belle • MacLeod; Grace MacLeod; Murdeah . .60 MacMillan, Bruce ... MeLecid; Jack, McNall, Clifford .Pnterson, Muriel Salkeld; Margaret Taylor, Neiman 6 43 75 '100 82 80 AIL. 60 44', so 48 701 66' 41 20 41 1 "33 64 24 65 22 20 se se 4 FOORIING,RESTOtIqiiD. AIWA' the movement: CO, Shearer, agricultural. re: that the 'cithipitign.in favor' Of Making tor cattle waalnaking Moit4fas;rahre' • 61 had vot'ett: arid' th'se '98.3 per Cent laid itotit by the ' Goirerrentent, and the :feeling favor et the ristrieted: •