HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-12-22, Page 4'A • EloHOTItiic 'WASHERS WT POWER WASHER; for WASHER. re.ballt .Tvix.py 1100E44 • OAS ENGEOE, e7Cle, : MASSET II4RR,S MOWER, ent in geed running order 1 NO' HaVON "WASHER; aaett aa d*P0P,str.to. 1.4f, 4 HOMAS BOYES :LUCKNOW MACHINE SHOP • ek.1 , To au our readers we wish alierry axiom's* • and A: EaPPY . and Pros-, 'mous New Year. Deal ferivet our School Christ - sum ncert .thht dimisday) even - Mr. 31m Stewart milted home FR4- M7 sear stalling ill:season with "The 001,97,10n." Baffin Reed and Charlie. Anderson visited with friends at Tiverton Sun- day afternoon- . • ; • Dirk was at the •Chrlatesea,"Fair at Walkerton when wOn in"it saw-- 4'43)144st. ' Lloyd 'lltellall was, home for, the Week-iend. ER TO EDITOR 9ranum. Alberta 'Publisher itiaitow Sentinel. lir. Thompson, , esseloaml po.00 for"-paist and alum dais of the good idd Sentinel. Th Obt I.ondon Advertiser and Sent- - -WI wire the first two papers to -come to toff fathees home antl think, that wise' in the middle seienties. I think bare been si continual reader Of your, Paper aver since and always enjoyed ef'it guess you will soon pention isder separate cover I am mailing oa a,few cartoons of the many that Pressed in the Calgary Herald in t,he last t•hree Years. They *requite true to life and government of nur,Prov- --,- Its tr.rrible... ..•• R. A. idacleod. CREWE • A,Merry,..Christinas to the Editor, and all Sentinel readers. A4ChristXuss Tree and Concert was, held in Zreive. Church oli-„ Wednesday Deeember'21st Ed Durnin :and.familyare'vis- Iting with Mr. and Min, T. M.' Duraiti: Mr. and , Sir& :Raymond Finnigac attended . the funera1'. of theiraunt' lira. Paterson, .ste-Wiigham Kr- Lorne Emmons made a 'inasi- *ass trip to Toronto.Tuesday. Kr.t George Emmons and friend Sarnia spent part of thi5 %%seek his brother,. Lorne and Mrs. 3-ifd-Ceeelie afternoon :with here attend EaStY ewe.' The is ex- ekinv Inke POn of: oss, he'd lionght. thc .1.ffet* properti t Teeaivater Lt, last Week; the Teeswater Newe, dated that Mr. ThOmpson had .not hoisg/it the, property, ,hut rather, leas., 4, for, three -Year period.' .DOINNYBRIVIC .Caldvrell spent the Whir borne or, Blyth: •Mr. Ted Thompson4 of Belgrave SPerit: Benday with his parents, Mr. Xn N Thoreption. The 'llti'ssea Irene leffersorpeof cCed- oe vino; Itargaret Jefferson of Westfield and Elaine. Bamford ' of Ihrillt Wire at their homes here bver Iliasint., Lloyd Mueir and Cliff Ben- , Set tuall MhS, Nellie ,Patrick cat *at- . itebort were 'Sandal their accompanied linty and,lick Hasserd who hien visitini friendsaround Distietybrook and also by Miss Jean fisibiseinr who Will Spend the Christ - slims *sedition, with' friends „around Wallacalsart. • „ ' sus canspb.fl ' a 'die spine the nretk-titid Stith her parents Wit°,. sad Illtra. . week -end A FREAK COLT , Janie- Aitchison of West Waive- . I , nash,:is, the owner of a perfectly nor - Mar and 'healthy Yining 'feinale colt but which has. a freak nature that is a rariety. The colt.,'now five months old , and just'. recently Weaned, sne four weeks 'of age, been itself giving milk.. A' Winghtim veterinary advises Mr. Aitchison that this con- ditioa will in due time correct itself. Ile stated that until this year he hat. only, known of two or three such case. daring the time he has' pradtisecl. This, is, the second case he has been in- formed of ,thia• year. ' Z ON A good program has been:prepared for the S. S. , concert :which is being field: this fThursday evenini:. in: .ihk Orange Hall. Mr. Lloyd . Webster,eldest son, of Mr. and Mrs. Ed: Webster . Of • pi Valley, Alberta visited Zion 'relatives. during . the Past . Week- , We are glad to report, that Mrs: 8, Brush Of, Harrow,, who haS been had- at"the home of her:brother, Mr: Robt. 'Andrew 'for the'. greater part Of 'the past two months' is again, able to be. stbdat. Mr. Andrew's coan, health. has Mit been tongOed, Of late: and we hope thek-bOth may. continue to prat*: A slight error is noted in the print.: int of the:report, of ,the .slate of of-. news -elected.,„by the ZionW.M.S. at 'their. lait meeting. ..• Mrs. Fred An- derson' was re4lectedi, as . President 'tad Mrs', JaeOli Hunter was elected as ?resident of 'the' Ashfield Circuit - -• • Women'sAsc., at the :sante meet-. „ ;Mks's,. Ellen. Andrew is engaged at S"Tezispleton's", Litchnovi . during . the h�ffday seaaon..' Preparations are being made by the members of the L., O. Lforthe het.: 'Allying of an "At Home" and aecia; evening, On. Friday evening DeCembe; 30th. All are. welcome te' attend.. ' ; , ;• Zion Y. p. S. Met at the .home of Mr. and Mrs.. Sam Rid ozi: Meaday , evening, Wider, the leaderthip of Miss. Elleda Jinnter. Scripture ;lesson was - read by Mias llen Andre*: The topic was taken by Miss I.orna " Reed; ' dil-: caption followed, led by Rev, Wilkins after Which 3 sOcialbour Was enjOged "You seem to -cough much .easier,' said 'the resident .phySician, to his patient . • • - •. .• ' "It.i.an't any wonder" answered the latient. "I've ' been Practicing all night" • • WH ITECHURCH , . . • A Merry Christmas to EverYbody. :welding. bells are ringing: ' . • The United Church had n stieeesg'; Christmas :tr'eebtst.Friday even' 'ng. with'chorousea, duets,.solesi read', 'ngS, in,strumentif music ,and a Pat iriline,: Santa Clans gave' 'gifts off th; tree,' . alsO ' a hag of sweets to lir • he children.. „All had ,a geed tiiiie: . The Presbyterian ---,Sunday, Scheel!, tre boviag• aChristMasliarty in thf asement ,Ctf the Church' on 'Frida!,.. it 2.30 'pan., • when' the „parents an( "hildren are invited, and eipeCia117, ;he -cradle' 'roll children. . Mr. GeOrge Fisher -hado, the :tele ihone ,installed one' day fait ,week. Mr. and Mrs, Joe, Tiffin are Visiting this week it the,. home ofAheir sor ,Mr. and Mrs. George:Tiffin eit Lang - side.. '' '• : • , • : Mrs'. ,,,Tos' HO m,es, • returned to he" !mine here last Week. Rev. and Mrs'.. Pollock, Mr. Jac! 1Palltick, and Mrs. Rhya Polhickf'dt• teiued the tronSaeau tea at Gttelpi 'in SitturdaY in hOnOr of, the, fOrritee , laughter, Miss, Dorothy tiollock, .R:N She ritiirned home' with- theta.' , Mist, Lila linnaphrey ,,•of S. }Wen vi4ited One ,ihqt ,Iiist Week 'With he aunt* Mri. .t.,40035.4 . ' , - ,, . • , 1/44 . 'pFr,"*.S, of: the .•Prestihyteria thireitAxics held' lat ThuNdaV attl/t Manse. It Was "the' annual :Meath, ., MI OM ' otBeers were ,re-eleeted-•' ith those thIning mite -boxes 'please bring them, io, before the end 'of the 'year. yrs. -C., Murray left this "week for .0.1,44; attar if/muting a fe*. days with Mrs. icilinsten Conn,' • , FOLK -SCHOOL., FOR' Church Y. FARM youNG PEOPLE The Muted, Citureh Y. P. S. held . WeetlY meeting on 14.911r^ When 1 ,O.1; 16 farm young men idaTe "When they had as their ,gueSts and young worneu gather at Park. inemhera of.tbe Probyterien GthL Head, in the Wiarton-OA en the Anglican:A. Y. .P A. and the,.,Pigit district, for the week..of.lanUar-:i 1.71,Scho4t students and tearberS. Thc" to January 20, to live ard or '02i'n meeting, ..opened with the singjot, play together, they will he ;ntroa e_ Ca.rols after whigh he President and ing an ot,solutely7 new techniqt.e u Mr-ToidNt!leolnetle the guests.:. The education, as •far as Ontario: is con4ScriPtIn'e 4essoa.veaa taken by Atar: erned. jorie Hoffman followed with a read;„ 'C 1 Pr°14.5-ums 1411 ttlniP----'111g-blrinclItIrmerialla sa,y1,1°r;r4Buusidt449: ZnIt; living in a...1..rge faim•:hoiee,-74, plan- "1 be7 ping their work 'so that Mary rool:•„1 tri° and VeggY MacDonald the breakfast 'Monday niOrning, and an.iPP14eas, 'MacDonald and a Jim' gets, in the, wood and water 011 "uet Dean ":47..ateTa64 and Kathleen Thurs(10.--having: discus:Mons every), Carruthers. .At, the close of the meet.: day and .eveninr. Irecreatiori nt-e4c 1'1'3' a sac.ial hoar wai spent. art,'rural en1tur.04: •anl dr: 6\ :racy, etc.),4---a er da veI 0 ' ; ' ing out for the qtertgieli 6 ski o.. skate.' Or, slide ust because the da7.d 111 last I'''et21:.4. iF.s1;e We Copied a is fine and ,the heart iS YOung:atri ti. s Ijece frpnil the Ifildtfoi a‘yGiot intt; eaonrd_ step is,light7it may lint:Seem: VS b. a rtbis.,week, Wer,ocaPY t school at all tint educ7t;OnAli-ts as -;11 sure us that it is •the : finest kind educatiOn taken "the easy way." ' this Which. Stated that Earl The • :Park 'Head Yolk SchooLis s..),IWIlitebead had been fined for being named i because it is patterriPd afterzlat a Walkerton .dance. The coriyicted the famous folk high schools .of Den •imarilwas not Earl, but,ROy Whitehead. mark. *exty peor'elo-o: on the 1Dsre!..-1"We ere 's3r,TY to ileve. e0nupeted Earl. as being, on:. the Whalr...; the wo Lveith tb'soTeie is he is. reputed to best fitted; tO !work I be 4 trr:itt ot good cluirat-ter," • SENTINEL- ... THHRSOAt DIVEMPER s============' 1F. YOU DRINK DoNT pRiyEss .11On. T. B,•McQuesten, Ontario Min- ister of Highways; makes a stz'on plea iirjrehalf c.)f motorists audi ped-, estEan4 f,for a: 'Merry C:hristinaa anti, a:IlaPpyi Xew Year,. • 'tirong•efforkl he said' Wouldhe made by his department to keep the highivelY-5 of the PrerinCe ea free•from , aceidentS dar1n,F the 119102,13' SeaS.04.a. Li humanly PoSsible He pointed ont that open and safe roads play an riTportint function dur.4 ling the Yuletide Season in allowing members of faMilfes t� ga issikk tome for Chrispnas and in enabling friend* to- visit each Other in town and tN3unt" .1 ry. Daring this season extra heavy fdernancis are•put . on streets and .high, ways hy the ' commercial users.," : ."Roads can never be safe,' declare -1 Mr, 'aicQuesten,' "by rapans eittirely Of traffic signs, police supervibion,, kg. islative 'aCtion or iinProved highwaY enginee.ring. 'There iS OnlY One factor. which. can ensure . absolute higbwaz' safety -and that is the deterininatior of the people who use the highways: "It sorne magic touchst.one Cbule he . found which Would • Make eve -14 Motoris,;titicker,' motorrycliSt,' bi- ,.ylist and pedestrian 'safe 'frorn 21&- - 'trent iniard-'• our troubles would bc lrer, But that Magic touehstene TheY are. uneccelled„ they are a peacervi .p.o41 iteniqr..e.t) 1 people; they, have wholesome, bnv homes. The early. 'beginning • off' ,Danish folk schOOls was jUst as ble 'as the , Modest eperine'rrt ned• for. Park ',Mend. But "in F• R..", about every "third man or wointin ;a. the rural areas' went -to the folk 11.;,,,,••••`i school: Thus it has become p713 Jot' the 'great 'ciftural fcirces ia • DeliT4ar.' --a feet ,of , great significance in life of the nation, shire, the .corrfee people are:, no ainengethe leaders, i - political is' .well as eeonomie-atfair,%::: The school at Palk Head was rir.ictr )OsSibIe by the 'generous °Ter ov Me• and Mrs.. A..p..,saiiiens oZ the Ir f:nr ilome.' for the-, accomodation of th young people Those cOrningininay bring', provisions and just 61.1.Y., • te • cover „incidental ',expenses. Mr. arr • Mrs. -Leonard »Harnian; will he. charge.''kr. Harman, who Alves °Or. LI., 'farm neat King. Ontario, Secrelary, of the Pickering .College ComnitunI- „ ExteasiOn Service. Mrs.-Attrinan, corr. ing from a .farm.. borne, taught in r country' school for several years'. •Mr. and; Dtri Hannan are n'YOUog:cpI and are ideally 'Suited for the Work but .W111 Call in several: other • able peop10 to assist. • 'Eh! Khoo] is sponsored hy thei Bruce United Fanners organization karat young people . who would Iik; to attend Should immediately 'get in tench withLeonard Hannan, R. R. 3; • King' Ontario.•. ' RADTO: SERVICE. 1 .1-Arii141.11b-quiiiirio to Corre.-t Any Radio Trouble Arid Carry A Complete Line Of All Repair' Parts. . • ALL WORK • GUARANTEED,. Free Sdveit:Point Test On An,r Radio Bret:gilt To 31e. Fairs'Aid ..tdjustments Made PromptlY R.... MUNDAY WIDDgN,:TST • GODElitC.11 sithiii reach:: It is 'public dete_iritin : e.tion'. That is the .one. thhtg, • will make our signs and laws and pat - ,officers effective. 1f all who usc ,the ;highways are, determined there I Shall he no, accidents, itten there NVOni he any. But ,we ninst not confuse de-' termination with `Wishing" -or 'hoping' "Mr. mkzop4t*i Praised the work .1 being done thrcitighout Ontario by nr-mempalities at "thii, sea-Lsan in thi- yoreveritien ok traffic fatalities and,ac,. Icident.-s, and believed: that many4 hol- 1 iflay. accidents 'could be ayikded by adherence "to the rule:. ',41f you drink don't drive; if you drive, dOni drink. HURCH NEWS Hackett'S' Y. P. U. , . ARMSTRONG The Y P TJ 'Meeting December 15 OPTOMETRIST • opened with hymn 2 8, "Hark the I LOtkNOW"• Herald : Angels Sine: The Lord':- 2,1'61.(77.1:37sCarinepertioninl uiinies°11idnkr: .... clear:, There AVM be.no nieeting,IYee-' ember, 22..1314 a social December 29, I, The special feature during the -ice will he a • Christmas. Pagea;st Fred .Anderean took the ,The 3crip4ure, Matt. 4.. 1 -11„: -Was' read' bli• ter.kn, Cameron ; Miss' Lenora •Mae - t DonaltUsang solo. 31r...in& Webate, .EACI1 : IVEI3NEgDA,Y • • . . , . . 9.30 .A: M., To 6.0) .P. 31: . EACH,' F4TI..tfili4Y ... • , , , . . • . . , 9.30. A., M. To.l'i.3a l!..‘' M. . , . . . „ . • AT .1V01. ' SCH13111Y8 ' 'STORE ' . . ., • . , , ' T. HELENS The first "At Herne" of the seaSon under the .atispices • of.the WOme-n'F Institute was held on Friday evening Vvith, a, large attendance; Mrs: Dvart. MerhersOnpresided, oVer the Pr.egirain 'ahich inchaled community ' :singing With, Mrs...Chester Taylor at the piano. recitationk Helen McDonald. salut '-y--31rs.,A, Gaunt E. W..Rice.'tz "oris:Taylor; 'a piano solo hi Mrs Will Rutherford; dances by Margaret -md-Flerence7-31cPherson and,by-Dar- )thy. viniin music' by .Arssit. .tin&' Evan, Metluillin; . poem.' 'Chickens come home to roost" cons- iosed by. Mr Bali read by Mr_ Ai& and a ,,shOrt play "geepi6;, ip 'appearances". by Mrs. •McKenits Webb, Mrs.Allan Dhimin. arid Messr; , W. A. Miller and E., W. Rice. 3,iessit • Donald .3IcCharles and Eldon !tenth''- , t • len Of' Liicknow Provided nicsic fo' he dance that followed. I • Mr. Wm. Bell of Fine Riyer Ans z' ,ecent visitor with Mr: and Mrs. rhom and Zither friends here; • • , The regular meeting of the 10 „; w.aci held On Sunday evening ' he president, Dick Weatheibead ir he chair...Bob Purvis read the Script -1. :re lesgort and .a fliristitias,PnenA:- react by the President, *The Topit 1 The First' ChriStmas." Was read Tsobel Miller.• Plan to attend lilt° anntia.1 s, hoe' .loncert in the community hall' .Thursday :evening: Mr Louis - Grant,.• who stifrered • ,4 'fractured hip sone time ago, Was ablk,;* to return to'hj, home On Tuesday.. ... , rrhe answer is .sir4lo; ,the 'Attie of •!.: Smith's, house ii insulated, with attlationso ; that heat fteisni leak out tiliongh thereot• .., .. . , t., Th, 00.2so explains, why''Jose& !seg. SO% More filet than andthi ret his house is cold and..drafty;,4and W,11*. in Sumner. Snilth's "%noose Is hp . to 1.5 °,. the .3 17° un er• zin- sulatipllFol! 37,61. own cooler than ..Tonese; ns ten : Let YOU about' it -and how easily you can, finance S-1Sf Itonie i . . the ,eaSS., ternia of 'Sl.060.000, icilLene tlan. .‘; 4 EsS"%fkiFi.S.lit7iiNISHEil ' ' • • . . SECOND' CON , , Mr, and MiS. Harry Graham Monday; .visitms at Rod.; Campbell's 'Mr. Eldon' Irwin 'wasa SundaY tor with friends at kinlorigh., lreasfs: Arneld and :Elmer Wsr.ids Mrs. D. Alartin and Doneld, Mrs, Ili Nlartin and Austin were StinclaY ,vis" itor5 ati,j ;Ionics • frwin*s. - Mr -and Mrs. A. McIntyre and Mr..1, Angus McKenzie were" Sunday Visi4 tors aith „Nfr.s. 1. R4ga.. • • Mies Mary Irwin of 1loi3troo4.5pen4 Sunday at her hOrne here. • MiSs „Katherine Campbell at Kin -1 oarditte: returned home tor the winter months'. lf:R•adlum City, gave :t; Verylpter- 7.--ting" d?scrintion of his trio „to Arctie and the 'there. Grace anr'. Louise, Cambell and Muriel Wilkin-. hyen ..Sang a trio. The Meeting 'closed, " sin -Ing "0:1olne all ye faith:fill'', the Mizpa,h 'Benediction. • MaryP' cried the cooking teacher• , Innv, on .earth 'did .You ever happen to make:such a messn' , "Honest, teacher," said Mary, tear- fully, "I *as just following 'the. recip&. ft Said to bring it to tt, bon: and' the!' • beat it f61. ten 'rniinitesani--an'. when I got baek it was all burnt.tip!” ay Xmas joy.s be thine ear . . , • • - 'FOR. •-CARS IN WIPIITER SERVICE • nitird no chains. • whin yoU have this.: •husky Goodyear on, yocar ur • For all those who must drive their car through the heavy mod anclOs* of unimproved roads, or in heavy snow on any road, tliinhas!EY, solf-FleaPing Goodyear Studded Tire provides greater traction... 'ahead or back t.hatt any other tire. Polls through toughest, going.See it at your Goodyear dealer!, °today ... he has your size. LANGSI DE Mr, .Graham Piakny of btingannOn spent the' Week--enel With Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. Mi.' and Mrs. Eddie 'Wadel enter- , , • • tai_ned neighbours and 'relatives last Wednesday evening in honour Of the former'S birthday: I N�rtna Taylorand Elinor of Tertnto• are spending. the 'holiday Witit Mr,' and Mrs, J. B. Morrison. . 'Walter Scott ..has purchased adi umr,. .h snot, IR s. the, se J. owneel:Tokic_ite nd i t eth l; 'and ,Mrs;j.teerge Tiffin. : • • • The l-angside Rural. Club will Meet again. on Deceinher 27 When., daneirig will be the . entertainment, Mr. Riehardson, ,Sr., of Teeswater .S -peat a. fe*. days last'. week 'With Mr. al. )0::Mrs. JOhri Ri ards,�n.". ' • WM. Broivii• returned home on Saturday after Spending last Week at the home of her .parents, alt.-. and 31rs Bell of Pine RiVer. • , • . BRIDE-TO-BE SHOWERED Misa Mary St. Marie Was pleasant- ly surprised on Tuesday evening of last week' when about slaty of her, friends gathered at the home. of Mr.. , Lockridge to honor her with a , linen shown!,in'view of her:approach_ ing Christmas easort. Little Ruth Loc . ing very sweet in dainty froCk'of • white ushered .the ' guests into the hous itich was veryrettil decor- ated a .color'scheme Of Pink:cind vi'edi4tteo tahedstthrLin‘lof d"edHere!!)17i'l'Codeat.:iii4elthe:• : bride" and .was directed t0. the seat for her, 4,0f0;nh;a04;t0;a: osP Pe.waggono fiiib:a 4uPytifT4oTu::mragiftsed and' wa.,1 immediately presented with' • rithre. MiSs St. Slarie, although cons- , . pletely: taken by surprise, -expressed , , her appreciatiOn in a; few well cholen Words and after 44.-Openirig' of `.1di The Whitechurch Women's Instit- the gifts a short program.Sr4friVell- ute met on Ttiesday bit :with pre s.7 Miss _Myra' MacDonald .singizig two ident, Grace .,RichardsOn in the v(;eid,siiiok :wkdie miss Francis Lock:. • • b ' Tn. ing f carols Were en- . ' ° a e e smg ° • ridge'. playe two'l instrumental ciuets ,hjoyed by all. Mrs. Lott gave the. motto ' '`, • , • _._ d f. • with Misses 'Evelyn Edgar. and Betty ASOFIELD. Mrs. J N. kcitenzi. ,of Ripley. the guest :of her daughter, Mrs. A. MacLean. ' • ,,, : • in, ,the death 'of,Miss Jane .Anr Cathcart on Dec ipth, Ashfield lost ine itsmosrbighly respected cit- izens. • , ."2 Cartheartwhawas in her 49th The was: a daughter Of the late Mr snd Mrs. A: .Cathcart and, had beer reSiderte of this tommun,. 1Y. She Is survived by one brother and . , one .sister,.• bOth at home, The: •"rineral ,was held on Monday, Dec ' "-Miter 19th • with interriieht hi year; had, ben'ailing 'for Seine time. tail Cemetery.,, 7, TeeroPees.,byterian W.M.S. hheoldrnteheoirHenderson SFisher meeting at the f HEADQUARTERS 0.,•• HOME l'OPRO,•EVIENTS LOOK. LAT YOtat LABEL , trine apProschtS ;many siihscriptions,, to 'lite LtAnow Sentinel, became ;dud. We ;Moe to bare the „full* co- operritian or, onc"reaaers in this as only 'through the' • ne1:41.11PieisePetc,.4bceounrot counts ;are individuully,t.in the aggreg- ate they. area'5ert0tI mtter nt to •yettrqtdf atmeo your ytiur h Inn can in ,thria nes prele ft* renew • Sub.,cription nortipaper.; „ Pt 'Canada '2.:4o, JoUSA. 1.1its., N. 'J. MacKenzie. with Mrs. N. . .. • L. MacKenzie in, the chair, This waf the 'annual meeting, and the elector Officers• resulted as follows: Pres.. Mrs: E. Howe; fit ''irice-Pres,. 2nd ViCe.Pres,,Mrs.`"N: G. 'Mae. :Kenzie; ' „Vice,Pres,'. Mrs. it/ A MacLean.; See., 'Mrs.' Sinipson:. Treas. Mrs.; MacRae; 'Glad tidings' Sge.Mis • 8tratiger.. and 'Welfart, Mrs. iizzie Rose: . Supply See„, Mitq .Anita Mae MadDonald.. nicely ni oanved . program appropriate for tit '.hristrrias season .Aas carried out. • .The Young Peoples Society,inet on iiindai evening. with a 'goOd' itttehir 'thee. M. Ewen, MacLean' 066 OA 1114 ' Thrrstianity-in 'Oh 'Sitinday. evening' the • Annual , ktmos program Was pl'04ritied se..elifldren of the Sunday '8Chnol •rhorrhwas. well filled 'and afteg the cli;ldreti",s` part, Of the Orrigrafr is titlet ehOit,assiste:d, by antile,"6"t Yle 4!.'"1:trield ehOlr, gai,,C their (hi-4t- iia.q Cantata. Which was enjoyed' by fl Afterward 4 a social hnur ai ,spent 'when luneh Was served , ends:: Mrs. V. Emerson read a Xmas Lloyd, after whichall joined :in 'a paper. A demonstratiop, decorating OnerrY game of Bingo. A dainty lunch _ the Xmas table was -given by Mrs.' 'was served and a vr'3' haPPY evening Farrier. Roll Cali exchange Of gifti., closed With singing of "'For She's 'a The nteiting closed with the National' Jolly Good Fellow,."-Wirighain Acif Aritheriti. • ; vance-Ti mes. • „ " • , z,71--"vw) dmoomixoginojeogimaginfiggoismthisOop'iritoiminote IN' • 41: • P. OW? Year's Subscription To ie Lucknow Sentinel t'• I'Vg.tellitelpeetC - Che ct Off A Gift Pre- bleni Now, As Salved. -km114104141C Give Us The Neale And • Address To Whom It Is To " Be Sent, ' And We •Will Do .The Rest - Ari 'Atli -Active Gift Card Accompanies Each -Gift' Subscription', om.0,i0o,v),io&iivo,v)c7.00:moririo040041;m19~°"' $2.64 In Canada $2.50 In United State.; tg',4*A4iiiritoi,404470060604040044,0040trovimmicsnawiftot