The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-11-24, Page 7F­7T,­ - — - - - - - - - - r 4, .17 . I . I IMF 41 7 0 V, NN a . . . ....... 1039Modelloy PM A, b crm"t -A es.to Si4iliiWs P c NOWS, 1peirwkkety,'Foirn' t�i" This Year WMJ3 C h a wor t., %]Le 'N P CE F e To. c. '�Reveals croscope kh 01(r, Favoi�,, G . . . . . . . . . . New se; foe' eVinerial The 19rickson yipw I I I . ­-,­., ­-, THE PRESS Itell tre 11 By Fjiz b A.;, ect 47, of, Sw eeping isc'o'�ered :�.L C;t"da eek, Ma IELI k_. itoba, is not k J� -%Uti, Claut, �2'95,006 00 -Chief TO., EV -pa a 4 0 , gk log these aa� e -of 5 The hou,.�e., Alm h* J)EAR-BOUGH 1,; S'794r wi 1,reproddeti, in w IA_NEX*:,,LF1u;. d UPPlY REEDOM �4AN T F (!afqi-d bac el 01301 0 T OF- A :0OL11 �ld hasA, Pet fawn Patty. And' Able. mWatures; �itiiIaljy eve 'at ltlet�s 4 is re4tiri Qr§ Inust. PAY,up in, the path, h ry at Of' bQMP MU, industry and the,'east," the, kri*,dom of A fQr'th& Ericks Follow VM0j1,Mk`hW B&W 'The Micl*oscQp,,e s e c is rrucii` ty, has Show trouble, i�4rijr :9verduc* poll tq,3�es, in 0ther'cash, n. One of the, 1'have�,, e 'stot is Prob4bly the inest fitre ps, all gr work. kreedoni Inuat still be trartsport4tio u d Scientific advance 'plintripp: of. Eur-, the roiq.hbors,as'a�y�.ody�s q olie, Is 'rich In oil In �exlstence, which may. 16 to 4early" bo ,ti,ng of'J939 -Is T ',tes toy made by see skes 01111Y a Few ftd4s: on rairi,1ron, to-.' S., vAluable 'new. Patsy.. w ouna,,last stim, 'in, 'A* to, determine Ain p" hacco,,,! live stock applf�ations�. Of St d4^ ug du B�a oss- coal., A, bountiful. N0 Merj and was so sin ra rq f mateiial, ac�ordjng -to DAVId. -that �shq fln, is US -4 Safety, priz6.:ShQ!lld Kifig'Caiol rkt�sp to all W4es,,age suitability, and all was ca�ric dket O�. educatioriij-,valu' fall In with chow. chemis d --home in a ed at '4 bjt,� t Of the -Natio.nal, CRIME POE-5,N'T PAY" e was� replort Germany"q plans, Pock6t: 8inc el ill e, search C QNVII t3hen ",ib, annua ",Chri jer anUbloody. 11 ouncillaboratorres; S�gr TO6 iri 1,'Teiase pain and preview struggig is surO to. Cor re, tp nsiderably. toners a bg al� "and its ensue over the majtOj ..n. a RaPer'On. asb at flie and-redits V toy cstbt She now "ch' as- 'fever tako 2, manufacturers. y of this re- 6ws 0 JQNr,�d �Ugc of A61tiphtines. use 0P e re�- ng first that it's fin 'The ree 0, 'appeallri lig, ill t le Canadian in - III. the; x0n. And: King Caioi, Iet it -1 .11 Oster' of la,'000 po 4ce ijew eer6�i statipyis, Istitutp; 'Min ilIg Y'l t be fre tGY;3,, S 6W White It. ed,,� Is a Strong-minded in 411 a Met She ,mem en, OfL COAirSe fre -aids i e boy,' the G-man, -the an. -104110111, W1IOCbO1%. says cr Me do srvi n_ 411 U rgy., plignes, y e quently 00I —`Owen -on, hood cow and, a sc�re ok­moi- kn�wlede glass of witer. car� iot d.writer Sound.. qn�T* ;me - Of the "ysi gard' to6ns'and r uropean affairs, Predicts,, cal, nature of. fib 1143U 02 stars.".coMpOted'. a,� cQuAin re Ag- hoot. -'lheieby, the - effects MORE BIL ate and for the spottigilt Of conflict..,. �'!Because, at her g ACKSMIT"S.. juveni eogr47. In the'nex Altai. location,. her mwqlt� iipb. on asbestos tIng deji t ten,years thei "Snow' White'! Dolls p 1131telY IncrOdsed-and put 6i, be too m.1, e .ly jv� lems (Magy4r, Gerniain',":SlAv), her,' - Nie te--ollared -p a.. sound I W Position - on, )asis, by ill, is Ca'rM' ode nold favorites wi 1. . the, . r 't from the S :,and, ..not cough lined DR. W� J.L'R. FbWL ?. R '0. blaeksmitfi$ -in leath �h. Stream'. 0 lu Id With ddki ­ .1 ­ -1 . 2. If, timt ls-raw� iQns� inclu Ila 'Reich, to the TJkralue,'Ruu�a' ER Cement notltid'Ontarlo, horseman, Revielvillg resea' h ow ....er aprons. Th es'j -'t'wo-f' an*' 0 cold, crusk jild ills. e eg, af'dYna' t Who. is the jrc All -Can4da, �Sh 11tario Ploirmens- Wye 3 de new, mqd�-Is nia Is a' Wed M. ngin mi.e. Already tit president of ra Tit. We stea aced hq Says Coil ide, bjeL d Olng good �piec of 'work, in 61 'bkck;'. and ic struigl�. 4Otwee n the, Guelph ready bev:a car w 1. . white boar6 Ge Winter ork has. a. ow er is more than de- tied but tp the Co d in Toronto, t br akable inari6nette' ussia, Is betinning man a. . Ii .1 in the noA_ 4 rinany a 4 - ' -, 'etit Wee Oppor un;ty knowia,, to s, automatic R in �R Fair. Dr. F " I - an- tL S 94ted With, the record -eiitry'list cl s IahQiaX6r' Other count les w i ti :a. v! ' NOvpirnber t oung lnen.-;-Farw �oiihg marble, wling �s L r Ow, to T, h nr's to this, year's 8 finding, i4ew h e pawnp.... III this how; Nov. 291h 3 , , , for -the' mineral. Arm al' E�ve t Will uses ihoofly mod'elleT after a pandi con- Oth, rl �d , . . � P and December ist. -Although a U Feature c Itue and, a. rie, electric: pericil, for Mr.- W611!6..coiAteuds� that ons, nt.. of many 'HUNT WiTH EYES', etth- pro . I - PHUr U"Zwkiy 'rwm . St ji 3 Paiiaind -Disc itad s 'fibre. '1 is us in 41103, -asbesto' Eoirta e i ig wood,. -leather And cor�.L. -Ifig, Carol' 'Should 'flatly'.d rgral. tj efy . Hlt� e Ease t :in w th Port- A,,new ler the latter eliald_4 cOnjun6tion from, the .1,6P$e at.. Port' Miniature. orga�. boasti tir up. a jrbvjv_ Aice. land -e in ethi-'rubbet� graph- Burwell oil COW dn anion in ierla Tfthe assembly of ra9t., ease and. bituraiijous raw., them the te on -Gi;1 rd Vblocipede ar, a al of' the It 4 ... I I. I I I ?en d 'Aho '-hutahtly ve�� like a' 61' Hu -0 r9,1 , . it four octave i A' irll'fiulnania�­ ..T io im E r chain dri cycle� 'A rap. and could lnipiie gar and -the big t'; 9 rjAn, -hVe clilet ty In., acher's strap., . I orcarsever.pre, of the --other SIMP e r be, Idwir, e z�y Pictured abb id-firO bub. 1�'b Bulgitri.4fi' JrredenIiss, �.'to, .. -s haN been, re�:. r9clal -cts ae se e thin, Ve OTTAWA.. bestds produ . ut d in, C§na . . often.,brings arrja�lngI tin"o territory from Rumania. textiles, and turned,' but th6 tr b y fast relief 'a Outshine roati Monney tffe� tiroducts, buildings under't-he 4s,pstrearn,of large rainbow- T'' -auspices that a fro '' - White Leg- 4 er, even previous ahilarty' to 2cCPMpii­sJng h ak, ama?ing tex 6AA le is f get Oni (14comfol-Vand Sore. th mat- Mott �'triOusly Jooki h4ed' b of Czee a b lals,' beat and n Sle& in a sing dip. I'won d e,rebeat hOrA hen laid a' work jndus� I c6lds. e,. t e ed,. n Ogg the other spund iniulatin ing 'y" Then — sce 3,&-,r, d have.gon� itreamlip' b d molded pr�4tjqtS',,. .. � - n0a" held, Jil T4- -b Tr �kior- He, erial 46F 8 nd ;in ; �ionto er Or*ugb Exami have -�Prqot -bi inches, long. 4 6 'Pot ptob , ; *th . ue 'ha� -16ng 'oeber QU ta con ak Cabada during the Week -of t,\ DIANdF-AbOs 0 Inside-. t I ' t4e,chfef ' ' inches around been. 26th to wl tin egg was fbr�.Ied Orlb sourtie of, world sii Ill f ., . -3' 1 , ring a-, ts so, P $ItION: 'An, in- �ke . Argq December rd wj SPIM because it ac thor p y 0 the ill b* 13ritlaill jejjew, the lEic fast to rdieV6 &Ltmib, itati've �96,tber a, q'uart ',.millio' 0 A ef 'na ural, siie, Las, Pial, the otitpu it do ars A,'R!,S'K a colcL , er U�, T KE su er to -mum ever. S t:bqi4g obtained ai- And Ar - , * ' - ' a I , � I - come out flai-footed Of t Min Moist, ent nd a` :hit.-hhikr'i� Abi h Is Tarpt �Gf Romist, has )VOrth, of fiew� model cajs a irr -the ShiPle vmy, backid by s8eh- s Inguis ed,* list Of entett4ine vb� tb 'e from the t ccus.ed QP the same'li irely �' and qii4 til at the. . n was, tie hetford' -di t h new S tion at iof atte.�nptin�­ 77n ihe� Rnro"au,! with'an 6gg,eight' 66. Russia and Rho-� tm -authorit distriet"f Quell rs.. 10 1 n it ini ... 11 . 11 , t �,,; has �hes long 'who befriended 'hi i5tipPlanted: P eiu,6,crix�ids (France prill.' oUth Africa.:'ar s bians haVe''beOn. rc uch .,�the4use,,oc.,st�,Dn niecftcirl�s in, �Iio Si iiielies. M, X and 13titain.especiji1j) is, the'niost to .e ibe only n d e cold synaptj6 othe�.fm -s. 9, Aill i wo�k has b6en prtres- dents AS: thes are warnih dangerofig thq#, hjv portant piod�cbi g�. to !ns. Verhaps.the,e:jis*�,. e ad . o fat . ti. Sing on the sebr s 4f cAutious 111000PISUar, not, to extend most, �Vay �3tt Withift half -a centu ni. all exact. ScAle.;teprodiiet th ge: ro aTity ; to "thu, Xcept for Portug Itrage tIOnt Of an. oi_l-drillin f, rid a rit for ihe kro :a ccou' e, statemdAt. .�Gudph:Wint�j. 9 -e arq,'no.,coun- 11110st:' minute- Mechanical detall a . f 'to'. ak -nd Trall, thei d n. a ould a. jvar l3titkI n& sh And numerous f�bL�. ens t to -sitand 0 acar a f P O-ExPositoi-- b 4k ouL __7 7 re At ' gs:as,a USIA figh tj.�. PARADISE SPEAKS Nay. at. famou$ Record E Li tlor W-"U'A Pi try Uto , arts epar erts; of The- et Thie'na cludiri 1 r.aetjcal.� British 'Co4um reprodu6eti. In.:,m6dels. it, We in Alf D th Tikes -Piarie pd In-' hia' J -sue 11 a par d' we .naval names as a Ise Vlat GREATEST CAP r,n. r g -d the tl�it' -toG FaWQW:.'0nbjrio, S =017 all ',conducted',: W. inte. r $911 Wheh­§t�n 'by. the To -ind Mail ionto lobe st hattle., Ni+ 'tall, 4ar,age.man, vants. crUISOr whic ­ i among residents �of the Q' h coSt S of se�e�sion- 51000,000. -Turnistile ill.start tO,e And'jii-4 Sle Fredetick' filliTy.: -that ProVince h �T OT have -bbenj4ard er, rIlyT next: Tq6sda' Cakiareti 8.00 -Persibns or a of .13'anting, oo4d, sicov One....Afternoon Ust Month e -re-' er Y. morn#�g,, jusu in�. was'v otpd, Canada!t -epAir . . TlAje, -1 be' pre'SeE .4mber 29tfl + 4aired �iothe�, hutow6bfle' I' jtc4 41,14nibi �1' Ulielph Winter,. ng grenqst li'ving Fair iligildin" th R�:-feleph :..!n ..S�ttlngt that, the' grea, uuLu : . I h 4 n,-, 9 48 at oned to a Store,, Brantford a 'd d' h ra6d in; dC :pro- �.done pti-,­t it, ter - Kftig - dnd: 8fi, ought� to b; econd IOV, gets,under, Way. jrre� du s nu .1 S te:d,deIiyoj;. ji-lit Otie. exhibitb lbier allich4j) abd zaid he:w Flair' a, one' ll-ils'devoled-:$361 00.0 'to, -t he 9I-DJZ96.ADS IN WATF-KIL0.6, Co. 0 icially .6en. i pbufij he - RIDE km�cdw` A tra)�els r� ing �the Thdrels,imst_ ., , bu of-' MO A (st e distance, ind' the exh'b' I V*&, counti4y, t :Se 'r* f ie di and cattle exhl- P e teOf on .00 -noth ell t bifors W60d. be 'a lis ing ii. not up to da doril I be t:Of a] a spectacle �taged und t ery v er a compass Mean In W4stera horlseroile'i&- airport ei. Ontario. 15. 6& tit tb6, Brantford 'nu es,* 'its 19 -:b ­ave on rig I here in'on -so. , ep mi3, there.7 W11jeju accommo, r.: ed entries 0111E Instead, to IT11'at is She5,'SwitA4 i t -c-Aba 1 C g,' h- P4. Se In 't The re and hung up.,. eli recent photo 3 ichae -a join ta'iw- UP, all vier th siid he, a But dirial an year ago. white , rdi a Or, archbishop. 211 S�mcoe.:Cdiult nxites P ater a pla . . , g en outh s*0 AnVt n W this ,4a$. 0 L len. re:*with.'seato such s ar�; as U c-4 lje*,,JohfisjOAr f AV!cblt' Wrick And Fri4ing, f M" e EURIVE rep. hoiee had'liti 'end f cit I Ural n as 'about j'� That -ore "h f6r p9lice. th eally 7eling'for`-a la S .7al aRe, , beezi practi wat ch protection for 9 epi ernic" has spread -to w 1b., �o I 'Grey Ortli oo is A.,Caffiollc ;cletg�, was follow The 'sWielze6per h ed,- by. a Count are Oullt Warner_ y: Thetarraers irst"thoughi t as signed by' wor.; s� are up Ingrill in he a 't 2-Doon: (I rt� the- C&dinill ' " S. . . . 'Brothiers',pic 6� , N. I /IS md 01 rollini it, pastu �O C. s,' palace- iby and ;Pat I'LIS with, undOd'Iike ionje�­' Ito dy'i: idea ci, -.SI e Show,'. MisPlAced- -,Aijrj sco", e, Walker e whole. Valley of! t�ie con�s aged inpe Soon 'their.' - ;H, _ 11. of a th is �th.e th Nazi .'Who r ffl the anc: :t 8 too �ad so, many' lve.opk. I%Vner -on all.. the iind' h midnight vigli will ju 'but he took'a ch. com�s.,dirkt'=Ith Ows. t e MDe44 P be reward�d,' f to the airport And: th'e FL buildiiig, rthq� aita 'h b t- a Ck* Clinic' an, thi.'. and'. -the culprits Pafts azid' a camm Aid per - e In compe NIon., each. nigt in 0i -at. ee S:' addr w br, 'ave: been they all an 'were '.picked up., by fo.rinan.ce before the, Roval Family- Ocor4. leir Animals aW'ay Ini. 9 Ow.. P wn in bv'- egSting' , the�tto _j inister' 'of, til %te avaria* the jight h es' �had. been flo' t yo� 0 lis, F s ng to them. r. IL' Fowler, -the -borr w;d troni the FOIjOS COM - e, A or: Adolf trfio�s, Oi wha+ 19 alid, thincing. $ ar W - - . .. �.g comi dent D W ner�An- t e.,c( who 1111 es Vi e� S IS. WAV.S.L'h The P -rem ate mre thall Pled t i's thuii- sed' ow-i� S--Otland,�i s an On' an V, ;q.Ue­ Xa agged h ect6rs; d SecrOtar cerearb ag h e t uftderi�d'--Ilif -Von fr0i -Teeter of It WHAT JAPAN HOL0S being4eatured at:�'the .,G1 Ar -be - �Pro forli, aild n amen. h e will,'� war. I iazA4 th !§r& n China up a �nd wants "to, It Guelph XV4rite' "Fifir as always. Geo�gL- j?i an. a'Plarie ectdd -'better,- than the, po laste'd 600 days.r lice ilils'we : , 11, Fjoiril G cross t. t AU 'Can. of )Rc� ook000 Or th , '0 & will be tev, d S�ute 206, . eaalivay' I e 40 ,000,900�- a 'Taim' d .ers' 'r�how.W It th , - . . . . I � .1 ..-7 . eplItiders hiffije al is e meet! 'Chry, If the think nsieball 'is or; breeders� a- AiSv� erimportant Pa t All. the f 'of live y. tasty' roa&h se Un , d ng P no only, ''world's Iu6kjeA_ bov,`� In b §e, peop e haVe pas are gr P .110111. hil Japanes6'etintrol. every Un6' goo'ib. look-,. in keeping e skidded-ori'li, and sOUP� 'Herels: Qle�- TO b cy 1�- . 1.. 0'411, 7` Put'df R lot f tron,' :..A �rkll JCe: Sokere they meet, ebulp tt �hre are CIIDP Vat thrOiv)4 Onto-', thie ro A 0 n Tnended- re6onj kx"anese haw in Aw in es, ;!I'd, ma e Is- Japan holds ciVen friends. �!rhe by� - K. Hi6yama, home "walk( ad. t.be 'Ch Over. hitn' ame'ls.�trtj f, WeAt waii e a Poultry,+ fanciers S -attempting t to inA. in:4 pro,. ciety , Of 'a, �a' n F tatted th So lent Of-Alid Jipahese Chry and farmers Ini n wen hiz+leg"! t in e6fit. e mu he Ziee was rulsed.�' 7 trade whicii dliq tion" ai�. e, ancouve V hi k b + R.CMjPr.: 0 T ln� _ _, - ', nSon' t ese gates.--: P J0( P1119, rogram ..Spoon Of buttr 1 244,d: A&eas __B Velry.- ocon0ered" The Judgilig n, a,pan and, heAt� Released 45 t y pro Atwo,:,t�b,Osp6onsfu provi"O. aftei two" d4.y�,, rii to erc.y prove interesting. He,.- -t',-' OrOW6 for this Abo. fte AvAilit6k for. '.,however; deferniiaed of cdrn' ay, 91, Tqesd h F hild effective e, I Is* Starch mind. Stir unt;l thic,k' Aworse for ji;s ordeal, im iqrill� resistan 9 c opped,, chtysdntheftj�m Sign'that blue, . e,� to co'litinues...There 'Nov., t attl q; at eep,, Axer. A. A. erae'king. Market. cla*seil+ `$&ve at .'The Angus t*-O:.VGfiiute. and e qe boijeck -in *4ter f Its' res em ryo air 01-0 'Of the f , I " . . h FOLIr'ibd Seeds. 71 ir Sh _Uzicke(i'a, d6g`belongin T, C se Mra , le .4fereford, b to one + LAIR nir 0 R61t1i C nted kolfeO, HeJWEEK "Wednesday MtesV ."S QUOST.101 What. -'P6nle �e which t� Tb crease '14,:exPected, this 'PH Atlantic. coast, -Calijili's ard'Breft, va�m rs' Sholv OU 0� far Ant*erl es,,, erW Aome zriostt' Th� - na*th orough bred q� Half Bredi,,'Sidnd- G WINTE 6' DEC UEL will 81" unit d She�p and IF. '25c w4lng8 a** " vstern ii4: an I� Tal itary bu get is llke�, na -a ace.,rc to'll t ex Y' a�n e� CIA "d lini to IF , .4. T Xekt Ti*sd s n.. e 15,0601,00i oil 1..- 11 ay, Y; Ilurtday of. 0,066L e� Orsps, mares, geldiq ML h 'Thomas $sp,000,,000,.' ece you'r the 'total 'and. t Nvembei 20ffi, jj�jjle Mi, 1. . ttra�tlons td in Deputy.. r,.OnImission UPwarda. ok n D Or Dann it�)jorfjil ab blr�es­-Cai N ON &Arce. iiAd va said', it� Wa� B G� S E, i:t i'Andthtir Plane -j he t Ag�d H td , - HO WS r and stiAtiorr: the., untei Kills Ili, P. 0 1111319 a eit ors G PROGRAM E sture'_, 29th--C-'*ttle (Shotthorzi sNorthwest, Terii.�., NG' n planeo!',A, Noorduyii N �zrlarl W161 in the th� torigs. 30th e Thorouj;hbrle 'XER1VAtE!C0RNE] ds, '11. co' er to get, !on Oi' -P*i -Slack of '-liurid D�cenlber RS 0 Rememli 037desdaies. P EVhty_jj'j&y"T.�OIcj I � e ' . at. T Milage- near'o " ­ )1-- 7" stta and t Prvsdni� police unt- r —Pr TejjjTas� In t� A Auction, 6111gers in th� Ik4t Ca jij. It -30 West, malcc 004d&-abt' :for the past ST IT46fthfib. �m , &.r cOnlindrdal PrOtid 'last. week' hie still- Horst� tar, Eai!h VenP9.,* flying las t�igiik finger h6w' 7. rOtes over"the+ vast, et- ALT, 'rtATL' Autolinotiv, Slack's i6ri d!, I , Iscovered �a tii�ibek O�k: Of airways, en back tb"the ran re 0 11 his . fathVe : WjO *d' to 'move about In eyfor the cow Q ni i& w t Pairltam ne: M * If in ih`� Pasture *he h haute to tit r. a partri ge, oz P1 Y-- i3 MOuntle 'plane S WONDERLAND Op . ............ 14 use or patrols. .6 Preparj#g,fo it, � d h 76X iSolatOd' awh�n for n - ie i rc.y flig L ed'the Pa`stute� .40 Bauft . run- gransPort re`hfdr6ernent�s, I-abidl Ahe elder oiftlying Poi . st�lj . n,, Y. nih9 icr4ls a� cleinIg'.. H 0 raised er-: 6zicy. hi's M�iuge 'shotgu1j.' ne, Shot *As all'Idt w. ca 114 'flecessavy. itiounde �Plah rries A. strllck- th -Wloi and co-pilot And. the chest.�, Vith an effic ient' radi. to'keep in jon I li. gtourld 0.7, 1sw n es Hat. A lesson, t In:, eld Ted 'A kou fiol 6wr 'Gill and Tit Of 606111166h CN -Wastes which &Unq per cen ffted their hats� to' the right,, 90, FREEI , City sl,6wLd 64 -Iihfn#� Undi. tent., Garfield Tea Or. 311 aft� Totb SAMP nOnt. t0he left. - bit! Mild, 110, C **Mot� , -I av as The little dog .01 led, PrAsod V MAI Imnt.. .4 0:6 t 0 ffoor- At .that toto attj ishL �'Old Billll� Chsomb, 'at etnt#4 U S0 9 aw lbwo'd On'oor tho' lost, pi 114§ 1 h -d 06n, h6 do 'that of I ten e -ifid, eisihtlhuod reiltise, beli6ed, fohaim diti b�gift st mu. bi� . 0 pill, "I itfront',, 's chicks tick, ra �thk�o, n*60fdl Ot the pills tO nt.,Ake him t,06, lilt in 4-1 WlkArd4, ffed " " Stick, then to '16ss hit i0flod the Of $923 el"t A' tho money aAdr hl, ddAt eompaily., he save iln! im At this theY All Milt' tIbn of a imixta chorwk t011ef. "Indeed.', ohtinUed t en t , i�d 'L rhe VhAtg6 ut kighod %vith M Ike 'Wil� 0. the �4.t 14 et Prigdc,,, �,j thIng attof*hf Id . , a it. ­ , 010clitki b�d- itn �7 DO 0 T j I&" �'k