HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-11-24, Page 4NOVEMBER 24th, 111041 pt • la bt de ae orteous. WHITECHURCH siiFIELD. NoT.Es , Mr. and Mrs. 4no CaMPiNdl a• Bel- fast• on(1.*- and Mrs. Merman Phil- liPS7andfamily spent Sunday . With Jake Hunter's.' , Mral Githson, is at Present visiting withsonJohn and Mrs.. Gibson in • a• • a Mrs" M. Hogan returned home Sun- day after s week's Visit with friends in Detroit and Strathroy. ' , Mr. 4e3 McKeith left Saturday morning to spend,the, 'winter with hit niece Mrs, Hinton. • Mr. and hitt. Will Helm and 'child- sPept Sunday in Clinton. • , (Intended POI". Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Bowles of -Tiv- erton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Helm on Sunday. • ' ' .‘ • • Miss 1 Lorena Hogan. Of, Linwood spent the week -end at her home, • Mrs.,R. 'McDonald of Dungannon visited friends in this vicinity „during the past week.. , • Mr. Leonard Ritchie it 'aisisting I Mr. Ra Brown Of Hemlock City at • kr. and Mrs. JO% Helm of Lucknovi and •Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Helm and, family of London visited with Mr. and Mts. ,Robt. Heim on Sunday. ' -Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pentland and Mr. R.1McDenald.were.guests of Gor- don Ritchie's on Sunday. ' • • , . • Mrsa.Robt. Ritchie is visiting with her son; J. G. and Mrs: „Ritchie in Mitchell this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hogan and Lora , • ena. accompanied Mitt •Irene Hogan R. N. to D•etreit; Sunday mornieg after a brief , visit with her parents Mrs. Hogan intends to remain in the city, for a week. Mr. :Jack Pollock, °who. has beea. Working in Woodstock, isvisiting at the home• of his.parents,' Rev. Mr. and • Mrs- Pollock. ' • The. Bahert"Sbiell's family, he Pat en the program for the youag....pee- • Plea Meeting, Wednesday evening are . :Well worth hearing and were e.n.laYed by all present.Theyare. froM . '; Mount Forest- , adra. Annetta Knight • spent the weekind • with her ...aunt, Mrs. Ken- aedY, and her brother, Geo. Fisher.. We are, sonar to report the illness of Ma. Blake-, Gannt'. at the home of his sister,, Mrs. :Geo. .MeClenaghan., We hope Wheat of an improvement., We are glad to report that 14., jack McLean, who has been ill, at the home af his paten*, Mt. and Mts. F. Me - Lean is improving. . • • A blacksmith from *aunt Forest has Came to the village to work in the, ''shop ' *innerly occupied by Mr' gam 'Hutchison: , • . Mr. 'George Fisher and his wife and Mr: Mated.: Patterson a spent Monday In Toronto. Quite a. numberfrom here' attended , the reeeption held in 'honer of ,Mr. and • Mrs. John McKinnon who were Maria , led thirty-five years ago.- ; • ' Mr: and Mrs. Russell Reid of Brant- ford visited with his mother on Sat- urday .,and Mrs.: Reid. :returned with them to sPerid. the winter there. , There was a pod 'attendance at the Presbyterian Church on Friday even- ing. All eninied the address. given by Miss Errey based' on her work in , LIVET FILL IMPORTANT , (Intended For Last; Week) f CHURCH OFFICE The Young People's meeting of -- Olivet Sunday School, Was held In Former Kinlou Rector Appointed the church_ on Tuesday evening, Nov. S. The President; Jean McGuire, in the :ahairiand,'. 18 :mellihers ' Preaenta TOWNSHEND (Biagi N. P., Meeting • a The meeting was opened at usual' by. the opening devotions. Theassistant secretary, Beth McTavish, took charge of the roll/ calinnd the reading of the minutes. , The scripture' lesson was taken io-Dcoaida, m'ebbvies, ed by a very interesting . topic 'asp - ably taken by ,Mrs. 0. Brooks. The convener for the evening. Was. Norine ;Walden, , and neat Week's , Meet- ing will be in charge: of Mrs. W. J. Roulst�n and her group- At the close of • the ineetilik all enjoyed .a contest given by ,Miiiian Hamilton.. ' • • DRER, IN BRUCE TOO TAME TO SHOOT The %third day , of the deer -hunting season in Bruce Bounty 'has Pass" and with it .tnote thins score of deer have faille') to hunter's guns. As one Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy and Tame dada' expressed it, "There are airr.. Robb are spending a few days two. deer for •every hunter this Year in Toronto,: • „. • and last' year there were. two hunter. • HURON cc.UNCIL TAKES OVER SKY HARBOR AIRPORT for every deer." ' • Ira Jenkins it hunter from •Bay •The American 'Automobile tio'n says ; a man am .park n. ear anal:alba,. went' haute In disgust: There iS' no in shooting those deer. Why they're that tante you have to scare then" away to shoot at them. I was up near Greenock, and aimed at one just .e little, Piece ?masa, I. expected bin to ran ,but in plate of that he came. towards me: A man would have to be nil?* cruel -hearted to. shoot One as tame as that." . •The drive on deer in Bruce Cointy . has *suited in an influx of 'the maaEaratt Jamieson has purchased inialCSonth and into Buren' Bounty. , , , Mrs. 1 Lloyd. Montgomery; motoring into Wingharn, reported eight of then cresting : the 'boundary -line • from Bruce • County into Huron. Joseph Acheson reports counting Oaten or , • Mr ...and Mrs. Wilfred :Fattish, ais-, hia farm in .Huron recently and .tia ,ited at the Royal Winter, Fair of: Tor-. later in the day, ,Hardware dealer onto. during the week -end: . , ..report a :brisk ,demand for anunun , Mrs. Prink Johnstone Keith Edith ition. tWo London hunters report and Madeline, attended the funeralof seeing :a • bear in Kinloss Township Mr. Siatin of Stretbroy; Mts. John- When they shot at it the animal lam' - -stone' remaining ,with her sister. tiered away into a 'haalaa-Tara'.Leadel,' PerlYa hut, that a. woman cannot. How •thies the 'A- Aaknow ? Has any Wo- , man ever tried to park a car proper- ly :CO.O.RVWS',..CORNERS: . George "Lane returned al snecessful deer hunt:in the Hun ter a Yale • a Heron Bounty touncil, at its dos- ing session, made an important de:- . titian, after; a long discussion, to take over Sky Harbor air port, and in fut- ur it as a tounty, municipal airport probably the first of its kind in Cando.. . • • „ , • The county will only take over the private lease for the present and will take out the 1939- license in the mun- icipality's name. It also will hence, forth maintain the lending' field. ' The day was visioned when the air- port would be a :training ground, per, haps a testing field with a factory, manufacturing '.airplitnes. • 1 "This will go down in history as .the; first cOunty in Canada •to.'estab- • Dtkiesan Commissioner—Office Ne- aessitntes 'Resignation Prom Lon- don Pastorate—a Duties Commence fn New Year. . • Right Rev. t; A. Seeger" hinhoP., of Buren, has ,announced the , aPPaint- merit' of Rev. W. A. Townshend, cannon of pt, Cathedral and diocesan .eorninissioner :for ;the Diocese of Hilton.. Townshend., Was a' former teeter at •Kinlaugh ,and an Sunday evening conducted declicatien services at the're-Opening of the newly ismad, died Church of Ascension at jainiougat The appeintinent "marks still , an - 'other'. forward 'stela in the career et one of London's niott popular Clergy- men: :His duties, Bishop .Seager ex- plained, *bile largely financial in their objectives, .will give him- tlir responsibility ;of stimulating the ed- ucational and spiritual aspects of the church's Work. Thenest of diocesan commissioner, first Of its kind to be filled here for several yeara,. will he a full-time position,' and will involve ToWnthend's resignation from the incumbency ,of the 'Chutah of .the Re- deemer when he assunies his new dut- ies • on February a next year. • '. Born in Goderieli Tomaaship,' 49 years ego, 'Mr.. Townshend Was ed- ucated at the Bayfield and Summer- hill public schools and. the Clinton, Collegiate: Graduating from: the -Bur- en College he was ordained' deacon in July, 1926; and priest , one year lat- er by the late Archbishop Williams His first, appointment was at, 'St. John'S. Church, Bervie, !Irate Ceunta, Be went to London in 1929 to be rec- tor of his present church of the Re- deemer and has taken a deep interest in , municipal and Political affairs, be, juga Meinber of the Begird of Educat- , • ion sine? 1933 and Chairmanofthai body: lett Year", • • Before entering the ministry, Can- on Vewnshend was it schoolteacher a 1939 Dodge car.. Mr. Gordon Johnston and Myrtle' .acconipanied Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Sandy' to the Rival Winter Fair at They cheerfully to pay for the TIELEPHO „a. This" is.lhe practice in many homes'— the "working age" Youngsters to whom the -, phone is a, social necessity chip -in to pay" for its mO4cst cost. They never mise. the • few.cents day that telephone fierVice costa , — In tact theyo and their, parents too, sim- - ply cOakiret get Acing- now without a; the . • telephone. , • Rnilltetion; iotiptioni 1935; °,at poiiiigs.' • eckoiie twit' ()lichee of HoatOlorke. ltoitoti yetiriy, lish an airport?' said. Reeve Turner. • of, Godetich. "We are 'setting the ex- ample and it is not without theabounds of reason, with the'British. Govern- ment spending Millions. for -air de- fense, that .Sky 'Harbor may develop some day into alerge industry. Attack Boenty. Constable System Huron. County Council will shortly send e delegation of three, te' inter- view Attorney General , Gordon , Con- ant, seeking •a change in, the method' Of appointing . constables with a viev to reducing the cost of administrat- ion of Justice.' • - , , This action was Aitken RAM" Reeve George Mc/gall, of Blyth, With a.Sheal $2,00ff, in his, heed, had addressee `---h,uinstilpiestheenetndtermof 1939, at when of constables accounts representing • council at length, declaring that soine .In addition. to his experience as a county constables had cemmercialized, teacher, the new diocesan aanunias„ their jobs , and made them a "taeket.". "Here's an account for $2 for stoppa • • •h ioner has a• wide experience in var- . • . Imo business enterprises. He carried on •a large Cattle exporting buslinesF I tenance, The anneal revenue from this in Ontario' and Victoria counties, while Source it therefore about . $3,500,00 be operated a farm in Huron County. 'which helps materially to reduce the • . IgIss OliVe Blake SPeet, ',eat weeb With friends at Varna- , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seott. and lit- tle eon, of Belgrave spent Sunday MI' Mr Norman Shackleton; ' It has ,been decided to boldthe an-' 'nue' Sunday Scheel 'Christmas ,.Con- cert in Blake!e. Hell, Friday evOing December 24rd, Mra J E FinlaY and Misses Hazel Webster 1 and Susan ..Kilpatrick of Luclino* apent ,Tuesday afternoon' with •Mrt, S. J Kilpatnck: , Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Donnelly of Pinkerton, called on friends here Sim - .day. ^.' , • • ;Mr,, and Mra. Ernest: Blake spent Wednesday in Loodon, Mrs. S a, Kilpatrick and Ridiard and Miss Jean. Anderson were recent , being Piancipel, of the 'Manila Contin nation 'Scheel. • It was during this titne that he got insight . in the ad- miniStrative duties of education erne- iels. Even. ,after • entering the inin istrY he retained his interest in ed- ileition affairs. and 'five years ago be- came .a member of the 'Board of En- licatiOn- Her.wati4itii0eitia a trustee. visitors with Mr. :and Mrs. Charles Pearce' of Rolmesviile. ' 1 DONNYBROOK 'Friday a'Crok , .. The' Y.' P; .S. 'meeting evening will #.6 the farria inole peatYt. caerYbady 'welee. • . • The Woolen's Institute* will meet ;on , Wednesday Peceinl?er - 7th at tha home 0,f MT§. John IlionInspn,'' • 1 Weare 'pleased 'to report 'that alt. and that tbDaet.vehrQealinai' has so fdarh Le c:a.letrven: . • • a • , frOni his: eperatiOn for aPpendieitis. . , 49i615114111881.111"... , . . . ,. . a Clinton hospital, • , , . , . bONmers;d4hellr'dMauilgihs'teisa.Nlisicist,in; Crthatnhle." • .1.AloN . neY... ' ' . . • - , , .. , • Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Tisdale yisitea ewrnit:.:34,sar.sic.71 77. J,...,..C. Roh..ins. on be- fore, returning t6 their home at 1,Ova Messts. Norman And Bert Thomp- . :sea attended, tae faneral oftheit, sisa tea," Mrs.,: Gorden ICeine, TorOnte :on jay• --a- 1 OLD AGE PENSIONS' m ic A t 'condected ai r g , ON INCREASE another O • ats ,of Inst1. itute members • m ove a mg a$ wee • • • Mrs. Gordan Kahle Passes , ing ,boys from taking • hall frogs out of a mill vend.' Efete's , another . fat $9.13 for trying to ' find, the person who smashed a 55 -cent traffic.lanterm Here's another for aa for . taking ari old lady. to. the house of refuge at :Clinton 'frain Godetieh, ale, wonder our backs are bent under the heavy load of taxation," he said, Boat, the 'administration of just ice in Buten County rose from $8;00( in 1924 to, $21,000 this Year, Mia Me - ;Nal! sti10- • ' - Action On P4tearitipak Aftet a lengthy: discussion council fffed resdetion of : the nattenal mulk producers and ;eonSumers' association' of Ontaria'Protesting Against cern/nil- tory pasteurization, of Opinion as sharply diaideda • ; SuPPott was given to a Wentworth County resolution asking that tester!: „ . farmers he accorded the same treat. 'merit, at Western farmers in the. mat- ter of a fixecf,price.fOr wheat., : • 'The pay as, you go," ,polity of Hur- on for the, Peat ten' years', Wat- cormilendeda and declared as , a..good one not Only. for governingbodies ler businett Ito ptivate. individunis as Well. !Huron, County's inidebtedness, is only $35,600 and the conntY Will be free •of debt in 19404 • , , Pension' Investigator "Fed 'Bpa . The Ontario Cad age .pensions and mothers' allowances board was andel. fire of "County' Connell when the res- ignation of R. J. BoWmanal3rtii.sein, from the Halton ,hoard, came up 'for disposal. Although Mt. Bowman Was prevailed upon to 'finish out, the cur- rent year, he Was ,eraphatie:tlint ho was 'fed an" and "through." "If we are not supposed t� invest- igate applications Whet good are we?" • asiced 'Mr: BO*Man, referring to the taiinty ?Mita ,tet up at the 'beginning of this peat. " 'One application on which the local 'board reported 'no action' was sent to the. department at Toronto. Within it: month this same applicant was gett- ing the felt' pension $20 a month," continued Mt, floVinlenaedding that in other ei-§Os *fieri $12 and $15, union - • August -a -Government' Will Pay In • • • , learn Ottbe sudden patting on Tants- This ; community- •, w.as shoelied 703 Pensioners On List Per Month O Bruce Over $150,000: ,In 1928-117' day morning . of Ida Thompson, au learences D brook thaty- . . :Beneficiaries 'Under Mother's , (.4. G°Fil9h. 'Nail?e 'remit°. Mr.'s aline was a Bruce 'County touncil session daughter Of Mrs. EllenThemPsan and , year ago and was the youngest last week .at Walkerton' learned •that the late Samuel Thompson. She spent :the .toial, nombei. of applications her -girlhood day t in this reighhoma hoed. ea attended • }Hilt School aria Business'' 'College; Wingharn and took a business position in: Toronto where she met and later: niarried her new bereft husband. She also leaves adopted Son, , Jinnnie,'ber ;nether: Mrs. Ellen' Thompson, one •sister, Ella (Mrs. Berison Irwin, E. Wawerrosa Fouralorcithers, Frank •ef Wawanosh Jos. of, ListOWel .I3ert and 'Norman of. Donnybrook , and to these we extend': our sincere sampathy. , ,received from Jantiary, :1st to Nov- ember 15th; 1908,. was '104 (including distrib uted among the municipalities as fol- l5owfosr:,..penrsiOnt for the blind) Townships; Albemtirle 2, Amabel 2, ,Arrin 7, Brant. 6, Bruce 1, Carrick Culross 4„ Eastnor 1, Elderslie, 4:, Greenock 3, Huron 2? Kincardine ; Kinloss 2, Lindsay 3, 'Saugeen 6, Total 49; :Villages and Towns; Lion's Bead 1, Lricknow 3, Mildmay la Paisley 2, Pert Elgin 4; Tara 2, Teeswater .4, Chealey 4, Kincardine 10, Southamp- ton fa, Walkerton 9, Wiarton 8. Total 55. The number of Pensioners on .the Pay list fo ,August, (the lest month for * ' have ' the return) was 703 g • 14 for the blina) at co th 660 for August; 1931,: arid September, 1936 The -tot- al pay list for August Was $12,750 se that 'tot the calendar Year 1938; there Will be disbursed among the,Pension- ers' of the :County of Bruce the total sunk of Over $1.50,P004)0-• • At present there are 17 Inmates of the 'House of Refuge receiving Pen. simis of $20.00 per Month, of *alai $17.50 is paid to the County ;Tteet- urer 'towards the cost of their main RAPID. CI To; MT,', and Mrs.- Donald McDonele we ' extend heartiest 'congratulation and welcome Mrs. . McDonald to oua comniunity. Also Mr: and Mrs,. De/l- aid Thainson . who were Married Sat: urclay.• They will reside in town. Mr. and Mrs? Henry Carter and: Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. :Carter were in Angus on, November llth - attendina' the unvieling Of n cairn in remem- brance of those , who served in tar Great War. Pater Carter had a spec. ial invitation as Angus is, his hew Miss Myrtle ileQuillin left for Lon don .last week Where she. has Petit- ion. • ! Mrs; , McLeod had , the mitfortune, t.• fall and break some nibs last week? , Mr. Jack Thomson of Virginia waa home last week -end. . , 1 , , . • , . BOYHOOD- PALS. OF :HA LIAM AN r NOW', RIVALS IN Bitucp POLITIC' '• ' . • , — , • , With the selection of L. II, Snide: as standard-bearer for the National , , 1 Conservative „Petty at the iorthcorn- ing election for meniber to the Haute; of Commons, an 'unique situation ex. ists as 'regards ,the Liberal and Con servatiYe candidates in the •constit uency : of 'Bruce. Mr. Snider is $ lawyer at Wiarton, while •Mr. ,Tom • 4rinson, the. sitting amember, it a kW, yer at • Port E)gin. Both were bort in the 'town of Caynga. in. the County of Ilildinaand, • both " attended tht Public 'T and, Biel ,$choois. .in that town, both attended Osgoode 'Bali' and graduated as lawyers, both 'wen, employed in. thO., same law '4:4te at Cayuga and- both came to .Bruce about the same time and new both are cand. idates for their respective parties lei election. It it e situation', which we, doubt liaa any .equal in the *hole, of the Dominion. The contest in. trace, th pension was retotinliended, the full , will an interestingone with. both I '1 $20 a, mobtli was granted.' "There it Cend.dates using every argument ta no use going 'on ,this waY,". he Said. ' gain the votes of the electors of the " test :of _Upkeep of ' tt•ie .Botise of Refuge. Since the. ,Old. Age Pensions Aci came_into force in 1929a about 142E applications have been received up to Noventbel. 15th, 1938, an •avertige of about aaa per year during the 'ninc year pened. •The .number of applit- ations granted since. the, Act !terra into force to the month August 1938, is approximately 1214 in addit ion to 15 for pensions ,for the .blind, 'Mothers' Allowances On October ita 1938,, there were 117 beneficiaries under the 'Mothers' Allowance Act )3:ruee ..County. Amain* .paid in allowances yary wita the 'financial .status of the family aria' thenumbee of children Under 16 year •Cif, age in the, honie. The highest ama .ount paid in one home is $55 'per Month; and the lowest $10.: thiring , 1938, 23 new allovirantes have been granted 'aed :15 applicants have been ruled ineligible, 9' have been cancelled owing to children reacliin .16 years, changes in the finanCia" status of families, in imaltia of; incapacitated ausband, and in one case Jthe deserting husband ,returneg, after an absence of seven ..years..Twe. families have removed from the coun- ty and three •other..fatnilies have come here to Make their homes a Three add- ows have ternarried. Reports •frorn the Provintiel Com - 'mission have been received on 89 'cases and at present tirne 7 applicat- ions Wallah have been recemniended by the Local Board are still awaiting the decisioli of the Commission at Tor- onM. "TORY" GREGG FOR COUNCIL Coimnentmg on possible -municipal developmentthe Kincardine News. says: One : candidate has iaready, thiparn his hat in the ring, M. Li' allorY" Gregg, ' fOliner professional hockey player and now tepresentat7 ive and eMbastador fot the 'Coleman Packing Company, v,bo wis nonimat d in the ru ning this year, aorn thewitIolwiibe ed, lest yeeia'but did .net . n, council" ' Challenge •Grante. 11, on ay. 'Qinalena.a, IN T9';11-111:ia,u/e15401:A:s. itig'l::::14.S .. w ----- • ,, • , - _ :_—. ... . . , • . Blasting the, offerings of .JOhnnie Carter in the ath anning, to Panel!. . borne 10 runs: Zion Softball tenni. ay a score ' of 17 ta 11, defeated. tit.; . . , 'beers au etro a tied ahainniont' ,of tile IndIteoz;v4eaftbeah,i1;iiilerie;eartili,yae itlq, •;tnii thact...., Wind up, no doubt, of, boltaall for thia •.' Fill Z'o i'l quite be inch. dad in the loop if 'reorganized. next year, Zion: -Cecil Gardner tf, 'Alex ' • ' -Flackett, p; Gearge . e_ttoa, 1,614 Jack 111cPonagli, c; Fred Ande.rsou, .3rd; Bill Banter, as; Jed: Ritibie, 2nd i Charlie Anderson, .if, ...Tack Gardner, cf. , Hunter, 8rd; E. Webster if; J. Fisher, 2nd; A. McCartney, as; J. aftDonald, 1st; J. Carter, P'; Johnstone,: cia R. Finlayson, e.; Button, If • ItuapireaaaC. •and . Greet. Score th Innings Zion,: 002 , 401.• . '0010-17 Tigeis— ' 505 !I' 100 • '000.-11 ASHFIELD .Mr. 'J. Kliiceada Seacial Inspedoia iriaae .a visit to lIemhiek City »mai Loclialsti ..schools one day :hiet week. MTI.e.'itOaRt.0.13'18S ett spent the week-en1 in •• Rev. Mr.••'Etler. aonnetly ',Of Van, - comae'. assisted his. ton, ;Mr: R. Eiler 3:1T?, SA,hiekl. rlind :taYat tat .he totals.in•.'lli .iPlea The Young People's Society loa , : ..• their eperiing. niee,tiag •ari a a 'abase, who attended lap ea taati ti?*; in Kinistnidge 7 if! ,11,1.i.ti,* • evening all report •••96. • ,.. - URI -DEEP SNOW.'..IN MUD.. IN TOUGHEST GOING • THE 01) l'EAlt DDED 1 Pulls you through! \ The meast.powerful Big Traction _ . I Tire ever built for. Light Trucks! • With these Smooth.. rolling Goodyear Studded ,Sure -Grips on your truck you can 'laugh at 'winter' storms, and spring thaws. Metchanti,*mers;any• one who must keep light trucks 'going all through the bad-road4eason need these husky tires; , Heavy,. long -wearing, tractor:type, self-cleaning tread; new compression - proof Supertwist 'cord body provI0e for many extra miles of dependable service. e Get the 'acts rrom your! GOOdyear dealer todayl Avallatile in Sizes 6.00-16 6.50-16 7.00-16 7.00.17 ' .740-16 7.50-17 ' GOODrYEAR THE GREATEST NAME IN RUBBER rid .Tara Leader,. . 8,BCItf'PTIDN BARGAIN' 6. • • * • tit# RtibA6ibOg • bf,' The Sentinot "Anything the matter' With ,he the 'bulineo of this'year will be given car'?" (tee., Ailydtia aulagatibina atm till ie "Well,' there's...only ,One,Pait �f Man: goitind to the end: of 1939 that ,doeSiA.make a Mite and haV4 . for ,ofilY $2,00. • :" • the. horn;".. • • A SOUND PARTNERSHIP otir AND THE SUN LIFE OF CANADA v paeltierghip tivhitit ensures .family now and pe,rv'oial irideptititencein your later ..itetirS. • Cohn* H. SMITH iticlinow Laeal SUM LIFE Agent 111 . ,