HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-10-27, Page 5• z. • , 71, • TIliEED" &TOME rill, 1938- THE • ItlieKNOW SENTINEL PAGE 'FIVE . WINGHAM „ • SHOW STARTS. AT 8p.m EXCEPT SATURDAY ' :SATURDAY, 'IOGET 'TWO SHOWS, 1.45, and: 9.44p.m.• , Thurs., Fri., at.Oct. SPECIAL PIM EIN ADMISSION ow* UONEL BARRYMORE ALSO :.*NEWS';. ,ADIILTS;.:'35c; ' . • , . CHILDREN pc •. non.,.Tues.,.Wad., Oct, 31 -Nov. t),.ig, *rap -4w D1X.- • .111 BLIND' ALIBI" . . A NOVEL DOG STORY, 'STARR:NG-A REMARKABLY TRAINED ANIMAL . • • . 'VICTOR MOORE and VICKI LESTER • . HIS MARRIAGE BUSINESS" „ • • VICTOR MOORE RUNS FOR MAYOR on a,110W-TO-BEBAPPY- ' ' 'THOUGH;MARRIED PLATFOR34. , OLIVET ' • ' °defier NY, ,M., S.' Meeting The NV.: M.„ S. meeting for the month of ,Oeteher \TOM held in :01iVet•Church. • There was a good, attendance.- The aecretary, Uri. 0. Brooks, took charge of the roil call and the reading of the Minutes, Mrs. R. Black took clihrgeof - 'the first pert Of the. Meeting and after, . the butiness part:, our leader; Mrs. 0. Broeks, for the'nionth Of October, took Charge "of the remainder,. The Devot-„ OniPLeaflet was well taken by Mrs . W. Lever.. •,Mrs. H. .Vegin• :Iled ". in 'prayer, , Then We were. favonred with • ... a very.: , interesting reading on, •"Thanksgiving"by Ms..M..C011ing. Mrs. Coping gave an interesting talk on • Temperance.' Mrs. R., Black took charge .of the topic. on "Steward - Ship" and gave us a very interesting . and helpfuil tai.k' which everyone • en= joyed.... After-, the _doting hymn .the. meeting was brought to a closeby the. repeating of the Mixpah benedittion. The Young ,PeOples': ' meeting of ,- Olivet:Sunday School Was held. in the ' Chnrch on Tuesday evening, Octobet • 1.8. The President, Jean hfcGuhe :was in the *dr.' There were 24, members present. The meeting was ,opened as • usual bythe; opening ceremony And - the repeating of.the Lords'. inlayer., Owing to the absence , of the secret-: lary, Jessie MeCharlet,, lite :assistant,' ,ac S Beth McTavish ted 'a Secretary • 'and. took Charge of ,our roll Iland minutes, ;The Scripture lesson was taken by Mrs.. 0. Brooks. jean Me- Guiie gaye a readingen, "The Ladder. of• ,-Success." Sandy, .11cChatles took charge of our TOpie and he Chose at his duhject GosPels". which prov. • - ,ed to be very interesting and helpful• : The ,next meeting will beobeld nett Tuesday eiening. This meeting liad • in charge of Mrs. Q. Brooks and her conunitteo, it being Missionary night. Mr T .McGuire and Jean visited ane daY last week 'ivith4 Me, and IVA- ': LA, Reihl and faitily of Goderich. 004., • thing Of, interest to them' was the tee- ing of rine, strawberries an the vine!, Ilph'ielitiretninded them , a day b June. ° • KINLOUGH Congratulationto, Mr. and Mrs.' ,Levi .Eckentwiller on the arrival of a baby boy.: : • •• • ° Mr. and Mrs. Colwyn of -Buffalo arevisiting'with Mi. and Mrs. Win: • Pinnell. : Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGuiie Vis- ited on Monday evening With kr..Ond Mrs. Geo.' Haldenhy. 0 ' A number of girls. 'from here are • attending' the Needlecraft Course at •llolyrood this week• , Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Collins (nee:Edith Burt) Who were married on: SatUrdaY last:: • • Mrs. 'Mary Hodgins, 10th Con.apent an afternoon :With litirt„.F. A. Black - 00 Mr. and Mm. Gordon McBurney and little daughter visited Sunday. at gr. Bert McLean's.. - Mrs. E. Simpson of Mooresi1Ie is visiting with her sister,. Mrt. W. Beyle. . Lweek, with lier Parent's, Mr. and,111z.s. Chet, Mr. Percy flSi1Of Chapleau Visited last Week :with •friends here., Mrs. M. Johnstone of Littewel spent last week at the home of her parents Me: and Mrs. H. ‘Gtahain. . The, Thankoffering meeting -of the Presbyterian W 31,. S. was held on , Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Thos. Malcolm ' • • 'A nurtiher frOin here attended, the reception held in the llolyroOd Hall in honour of Mr. and Mrt. -Den, MC: Cosh: , Shower. Mites Mable and Biithell enter:, tained at t mitcellaneOut • shoWer on Thursday evening for Miss Edith Burt, •„. The evening was spent in •A social way, with readings,•by Mrs. Wet, Thompson' and Miss0 Ilaiel Percy., Solos by Miss Nellie Malcolm and Mrs. Jno. Enunergon..• . ' Misses "Nellie end Margaret Mal- colm had..charge,nf the Contest. • th received many useful giftt with accompanying verses for .which she thanked: the girls in a- few' well thosen words. ' Lunch Was served and a pleasant haul- enjoyed. A nuniber. from here attended the Confirmation Service,. hi• ICingarf Chnrelt °, on . Thursday afternoon. A eiassof fourteen were gonfirined. The Sr. W. A. net On Friday lasi- PARAMOUNT • at the home of Mrs. „Ino. Master Jack Walsh has been eon- . , , ,, • , Wedding Bella are ringing., 0. '•• 'tined to his bed for 'the Past ,Weeit; Mr .. and „lidtri.., Wray ,Bailey frein* We lAoto he will teen be Out again, '..4i... Arthur Mcinnei 'front. :linteri,1 ''• : .; ' ' .: ' ' :: - ' • ' hai.pureliased. the farm 'trent Mr ;• At . Marred in .sttattaill — • • ' ,., I, . .., , „.,, . • .,., ..„ ,,,._ :heft Towle, and.. moved there a week, The intirriege of Mrs. *A. 11.. PoSliff . lit* • , ' •. •• , . . to Mr: :W. If. "durneY'lOOk :Plate in' ' Mit. Arthur. teak 'slieiTt. ,last week.. Stratford on Saturday; • Otteher lit.. end ,•With her sister, SOS... Ad, .Atic,, The Cereniony wet perforit&i 64 the . Donald it Finn Rivet,' •,, , :, , ' . 'Ret. Ilt, I Wet Mr Mid Mrs Gut- . mt., and 16,..iknek *.idt.abtiiii find ney, tire' now on a 'motor triii . to Ot. Midi Catherine: :spent' the week -end fiWa,.quebee and other Eatteritlitlintd. .„ • 2WithrelatiVed at: aiit• • • . '. , . t ”, -,..–Avilloolii:t ' Advitiko4Tiiiii6 , .• ., , . — , , . .. .1.FAIL44..INTO: :CREEK"' •fRACTVRES • . (ST. HELENS 'NEWS) • • When returning to bis home from Mr. Hugh Rutherfords On• Sunday 'evening, „Mr. Louie Grant had the misfortuife to ali off the 'bridge in - Me line. Fortunately help happened , . ,along and Mr.. Grant was carried to his home. Later he was taken to the Wingham Hospital, where the x-ray revealed a broken bone in his .hip. Mr. Grant's many friends.;-.1zope, for a speedy recovery„ 0 , Mr, and Mrs, McKenzie Webb, Dor-' nthY and • BillY were recent ' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R C. McGowan, Mr.,.•Neely T.oddef Stratford was a week -end! visitor at, his home here. :Mrs. Jas. Gaunt, is. a •vititor with her daughter, kis, Ward. 'Shieldun4 and Mr. Schiekluna it Port Colborne. • The November meeting of, the worn. • en's Institute, will be held in the Com- • munity Hall on Wedinesday, Nov., 2nil. Roll call—Peace Mottoes. Subject --peace Education ' and I International Relationship ,with Mrs., Ed. McQuillin in tharge. Program committee -L -Miss Annie Durnin; Mrs, Will Rutherford. •IlostessesL-Mik G. McPherson, Mrs. E. McPherson, Mrs.:. John Cameron:: Please 'note the change in the .deY: ,'A lantern' lecture on "China ching- ed , and. changing" ;Was the, special feature of the meeting' of the Y. 14; U. On ;Sunday- evening- The •new. officers were installed. by Rev. M. Wright • after which the new president Dick Weatherhead took the, chair. A ;Hallowe'en Social under the, and: piees of the , P.; 'U. will he held on • Monday- 'evening vihen, members of the • Whitechurch •Sodiety Will be guests. :A small line wdl 4 imposed uporilliose Who do not *nein cost, nine; - ENTR-ANCE PUPILS TO WRITE ONLY. FOUR •PAPERS , Local high. •scheol 4,entiance pupils mill next June be required to ,write but four 'examination papers instead of the: eight required :in past yeart, according to a. communication from •the Ontario- Department of Education. • The text, of the announcement fol- • The minister of Education azinoun- cet that tandidates•for admission to a high school. in 1939, shall have "con3- pleted 'conrses of Grade WII these subjects of•th.e following groups: Group • 1:: Social ,,Studies, Science, ,Health, Mimic, Art, .Crafts, . Home ,Economics, • and • Agriculture; , Group English Literature, Composition and • GraMinar, Spelling, Wilting and 'Mathematics.. •• '" There will be no departmental et- , ammotions in the subjects of Group I, but certificates • shcoWing that the courses Of 'study hirre been sticcett- fully Covered by the candidates than be furniihed. the high, school' entrance boards by the principals, of the tchoolt. attended by the candidates. There will be departmental examination's 'in the subjects: of .Group IL • , . . 0' ,The question paper in '„Literetizre ill. be based on siglit passages in There will' beno forinal paper; in Writing, but candidatet will be judged in this subject on one of the ans..ver papers to he decided by each hie SchOol entrance :•hoard immediately fellowing the Written •examinotiont.' WHITECHURCH ROi3i..Blowtn.ay has; purchased a nevi'Dodge car. • Messrs. McKenzie,. Mowbray and Kenneth Laidlaw of near Woodstock spent ,the,weekend With 'their par- ents here. Mi. Renal ' Ronald Forster his purchased zi truck. • • ..• 0., • • Mrs. Fred Newman and: two ,child. .reii are . spending feW weeks with, her parents Mr' and Mit. Hendershoti of Hamilton. Miss '• Isobel 'Gibbs spent !oat Week • , , with .relatives in Winghant- •• • , Mrs-, Toynbee Lamb, and children of Goclerich; visited' one day lodt Week With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. john • , nfid Mrs. Duziean Kennedyof Wingizain; Mrand hrs. Lime Dur- nin son John David,ef St. Helept, visited On Sunday with their Motker Mrs. David Kennedy, • • • • The Ye : P.. S. of th' Presbyterian aurchi4vas held on Monday evening The meefing:Was opened 'With, a Sing- song,. the Scriiitnie' readings were read by, Misies Dorothy Nikon :and Annie Kennedy, Prayer by• Miss itor:., dine 'Simpson, meditatiOn period by Cecil' Falcone, series of „on the .Bible by: Rev. polloCk; duet bit Mistes Velma Stott iind- , jai -Let Craig, topic' by lifssJanet. Rins�n The, meeting clesed.bY praYet, • . Mit. Joe llolmet is away spending a few 'weeks with .relatives. . „.. • • Mitt Jean JOhnsozi is assisting !Ara. johnGiflespie WhO' i MA AS Welt At 114 Piany'iriends, Would wW2 her. • THE LUCKNOW 0 SENTINEL: Published •everY 'ThuretlaY; morning • at 'Imelcnew,. Ontario. • grt. 4. D. Proprietor CeinpbeIl-,:Thempson—Puhlither THURSDAY; PerOBER 27101; 1938., - ,MAFEKING • Misses Elimiliethand Edith II:Orton of Leeburn spent lost Weelc .3y#4. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Herten: The W. M. S. held their,..Octeber meeting last .Thuredai 'nfterneon at • , the home of. ars- ,..Iehn Make, ; 0• , ;31r. and 'Mit.' Hiram Moffat and children :Of Union spent Sunday with her. Mother,' Mrs. Richard Johnston, Mi. and .., •Mrt.', Walter' Scott „and little son of ,ReIgrave'spent Sunday With Mr. and'Idrs; Noitioan Shackle- • The Y. P. S are holding a Hallow- e'en social. in the hall 'Friday ' Anniversary Services ',Were held. in Blokes Church lost Sunday'. afternoon and evening. Rey. Mr 0 Townsend Of Belgraye had charge of 1Jeth services which were well ottended, Special musk Was rendered :by our •oin choir in the afternoon and. hy'the,Westfield Male Quartette in•the evening, Chnrch , , , • seivice will he :held next Sunday at '7.30 p, nz. -BERVIE • (Intended. for hitt week) On Thurtday evening D. L M. A. Sinclair, of Kincardine, conthitted in- ttallation'ef, Officers at 13ervie I: 0. 0. F, The following- are the officers for the 'coming year: ' P. G,Litiirence'lterling; ,N. G., Frank Geddes: 04:Stanley Fair; It. S, WalterMoore; Treas., Gorden Clark; R. S. N.G., Lloyd Hildred; . • , • L. S., Mei 'Cameron; War., lin Mc.: kenziei Cow; Willard Johnson; It. S. V. a., John Nesbit; S. V. G.,'"Wil- belt Hodgkiiisoni".R, S., S., Jas..: Hun- • ter.;: L, S: S.,. Sem MoOre;-.I. � Eph Lindsoy; 0 j, Bert MeLean;' Chap- lain, Herb.. Peter, Grand Oificers:,froin Kinearding were present, also Other visiting hrethien. • Rev. F. C.° McRiteltie witt pert,'" (his' • former ., VOA) , on Sunday Ishii speaking at „the :anniverSary of .the Langneainofilmitthek. Stone oeA' of • Misses Gertru, de and „Alio! Hewitt also Mr. and Mrs F Hewitt, and Miss Anil,. Pilainney,. Made a •trip tti Toronto during, the week About;18 ineMbets of the tir, M. 5. Of BerVie, accepted the 'invitation of the Chalimer's. Missionary SotietY to ;attend • a.. special, Meeting eanf thFreiidrayS°.4it6etr.Yn9.40t:nCliivahliiiereeet7i'eCTrh:wiirech r,e addressed by Mita Katz,.a returned A 1 , • Missionary frons Korea. The 'Bei vie ladies supplied the remainder of. the The W A.rnetat Mrs, Otto Ilezi-L• itt's home., 0oli. 5; •• Visitors at the honie' of 'Mr....and Mrd Jas. 'Hunter ,*ere and Mrs. M ThomPsOn 'and famidY "of Mr. and : Mrt. • Stobie :of Desberats, 'and Mrs'. F., Shewfelt. Aimovr. • . • • Mrs. :Alice Perrin; • Kincardine is. Visiting With her sister, '.Mrs. R. T. Brown. • r. and Mrs.: • A. McLelland ,and sthi, Glenn, w have been..pit a week's 'tons through Western :Canada and U. S. A., accompanied by Mr. ,ann Mrs. -Wilbert '•Sheane" have returned home.: .Mr. 'Wesley *Ads is confined tc his itioni: threugh:illnets, his brother, • • - Me, C. •Wylde5 of Ripley has been op, erating the chopping mill' ' • Bob, Ralph and Joe Perini, of Cede', recently vitited their "kra.no, mother; Mrs. R. T. Brown. oth,nr.eis- iteig were 'Mr.'and A. McCallum of Sask., Mrs,, F. Brown) Mrd; Lillian Robinson and. Mr: and Mrs. Howmil Brown • of Kincardine. .ASHFIELD-: • Mrs.0rland Richards and little. ton Of Paranminit:slient 'a few days at Mr. Toni., MacDonald's home.. ' • , :Mr. and Mrt. Alezi;hficDenald; Mrs. .Lizzie Rote and Danaie were in Ham, Man Over the Week-ena. ' We .are'serry to report the serious illness .Mr. Peter MacIntyie who suffered a paralytic, istrOke,Idiss Mc- Quaig, R. N., 'of ,LucknOW is taltin0 taro 0,floni. Mrs; Wiley's friends Will be' glad to know there is • sofneimProvelnent f'n* her condition. ,Mrs. Wiley. suffered. a paralytic. Stroke one, day last Week., Mrs. Macarek :or' of Riniall is tahink, re df her,••• he Presbyterian 'W. M. S. held its (;:Ttbe:rMnalteltetetzgireafrsi 'thtvie;h111. citTiert;Elighiere ladies in attendance. Theguest epeak. er Wad Mrs'. Yonfig of Sentli• Kinlest„. As this was the ThAnkoffeiing meet, ing MO red Cell Was stlisWered, "saalgthitig Vie Are thankful for?' RED' CROSS APPEAL FOR FIRE VICTIMS "Thanksgiving Dar this year will never be forgotten in tile Rainy River District—as it inakica One Of the great- est catastrophes in' the ,hittory,rof Northern Ontario., • .While Conadient.' generaill were giving thanks for their blessings, thousands of men ,and-Wornen in, thit northern tliStilet• weie living threUgh hours of indescribAhle librior. 'For days and nights, , they, fought, here - save life and property fi:Oin the aging 'forest fires whick devadt; ,oted. their .cnnotry. 'Bandaged, feet, and -eyes; bcidies and faces .blistered and hUrrit; today :hear iliueaa'at'that stubborn *pni Magnificent fight ag- ainit overwhelming odds. • . 1. spite,, 409aedse:chseormoiec eloomn uits, 2! pe •vonien; and children, are hOrneless, destitute; teme, 400 others have seen the results of their." Years of labour, their barns,. •their 'stock; 'even • their seeds :for planting, all, swept away; Over 3;000 square miles: of 'forest thd farm land are hi Ashes and ruins. Requested and, tupported by the Proyintial and. Federal GOvernments, the Red Crest -has undertaken. the arduous task tif relief and reheizil, itation. in these; burnt -Out areas. • Remembering riew generously Alla Warm-heartedly the people of -Ontario came to.the rescue of , the Haileybniy. Fire victims ',in' 1922, the Red 'Gros 3 Confidently lay i the • pliht ofthese present fiKe sufferers before . rid!. knowing that You will do 'what you can to relieve their distress, 0 0;. .„ sum,goo is prim:41y required. Your contribution, whether large or dined, will be 'welcomed at any local Ren Cross Tirana., or May .be sent. direet to Red. „Cress Headquarters, 621 Jarvis 'Street; Toronto; Ontario.. ZION .,Mr. • and, Mrs. Wesley Ritehie and Allin spent the Week -end with friends in.Detroit and, Windsor. Miss Ellen Andre' is assisting this weekin the ,Rezzall.'brag Stare in LucknoW; ••• :• • , • and Mr. G. Bunter Mr. 'aid Mrs., W. T. Gardner and. Harold were visitors with Mr. and, Mrs.•.ins. 'Craig at. St. Augustine. Miss Irlma Hackett is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs:; Alvin Irwin, heandArY west"' , • Misses Jean • and Violet 'Ritchie re- tarded. home on Sunday After spend- ing ,a Week' at Varna. Mrs. M. A. Weeds .d LWawanOsb; Mrs.- Brush of Harrow • are with Mr. and: Mrs, •Itobt- Andrew.. this past week. We ' are: Sorry to, report Mrs. Brush .is not enjoying ..good health at present:: We hope she may seen int - kr. and Mrs. Jas. Barkley•,of,Bche Bay are' visiting,it present with their. neice, Mrs.„. Richard Gardner and Mr: ,Oordner. • • , Mr. 'Angus McAtiley of Auburn spent 'Spncley' with Mr.. and Mrs,. Frank'•Ritchie. Mrs Pam Reid is spending a few days at Goderich with -her cOusin,'0Mrs: , Mr: Harold Woods and Charlie Me-,• Donald of St. TrIelens and Mr. and Mrs: Peter. Cook And, Lorne spent Sunday at -the home of,Mr. and Mrs. Sam Held: , " Miss • Lerna. Reid Spent •the week: end with. her friend, Miss; Mary Irwin, • • , Secenn Concession. LANGSIDE • Mr..and,Mrs. Victor Emerson spent Sunday with the formers •sister, Mra. John .Baggit of near Welton.-•' Mri.. RI Stuart, Mrs. E. rAustin and baby, Mist' Velma :and.:,Eileee Stuart and , Mr. 'Fred, Tiffin spent Sunday at the berne of Mr. ArnoldWoods'oi St. *rh. and Tenyi Marie, Laurettaiand Wihna Reich spent Sun- day with 'Mr.. And Mrs.'. John Albright of • • ThidWcaownj'aintriiiit.; extends their :tYm-:. Pathilto Mr. WM. :Brown in ,the loss of his. mother; Mrs. Brown of Ripley •0 whose kunertil Was held ina Tuesday.. A 'number from hereattended eraL'' • „ Miss Grace 'Richardson spent a few days last,week•with Mrs:' A'. Ferguson.' , y•Mr...johri Richardson 'last, week had new siding put OA the hente. The United Church VVhitechurch. are holding •An entertainment of pict- ures for Sunday schOol on Wednesday evening ot thiS weeic.:and on Nov: ,2nd to'cial, fort the eheteh in •the hones. that they can get Mere folks interett.," ed in attending .church. • *. • The holies ,of. the 2nd ,ad 1th are .. 'holding d V M S teit'' at . the -hoine of Mr. Victot, EMerSon.ThutsfhtY afternoon' when ••theY will engage , quilting, • ' Jack ,Tiffin spent the Week-41in • at hit home in Wingham, ** • • on ASHIONS • S • • rok EVERY OCASION., :simpucrry OF 'LINE, ,PLUS : RICHNESS qv FAllige- VELVETS, TAFFETAS,. CREPS, • WOOLS $4.95 to $16.50 •COATS • NEW WEAVES, • RICH' COLORINGS, .; PERPECF. WEARING (11,4141TIES 7,•-• COLORFUL TWEEDS'AND PLAIN BOUCLES. - TRIMMED AND 'UNTRIMMED,. Atopm# • 2.50' to $49.50 THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN TAILORED AND DRESS , •tii3.95. "PHONE 7.1, • CHURCH. NEWS United:Church °Y. P. s. The ,raeeqng Monday °tiered' with the. -devotional period and a song .ser- vice, Using a number of favourite •hYnint. Margaret' Boe. read the ScriPI ture lesson. A splendid tonic on "The Path of Life-, to Strive' UpWard," ,NS. IIROSt. • ably •OVOI by Mrs. (Rev.) , G. A. Young of South' kinlost.; Lloyd Stewart sang;, a' .sola and Mrs'. ' (Dr:). Fowler favored with a, piano instru- mental', rfolloV,4d by the *sing ejz,. n, • ercises. •• 0' Prethyterian Guild • The Meeting Mon, evening was in , charge . of the Lookout Cointri.; The meeting opened by singing hymn 549 _ , • follOwed by the Scripture reading 132. Mr.. Jim Henderson, and .the Lord's. PrOyer, repeated in unison: The Bible 'Study was ta6n,by Miss Helen Mfg- tiOnald and the Topic' by Mrs. Horace •Aitchison followed by a piano 'solo by Mitt Jean :Forster, and a very inter- esting travelogue by :Miss Mary Reid of Teetwater on her trip to Norway: Our Society' received • an invitation • to visit 'Young. Peoples' .Society in Wing - hail; on Nov. 7 ond we ; Would ask all Who care' to go, to give' their natkies to. either Mist Stella,. Steward, Mr. Horace Aitchison or Mr. Cameron MacDonald ; After singing hymn 677 Mr, • MacDonald doted' the Meeting With prayer. e • South Kinloss Y P S., . The meeting of the Young Peoples of Snuth Kinloss was held on • Friday evening with an attendance Of twenty, eight Donald 1VIaelyer, vice -.president presided. "After • the..., opening hymn the isorcris:Iirayer wed repealed. in 11 unision and Mist Grace McKinnon read , the Scripture fatten. Mr. Young led j prayer, readings Were itiYerit by, • Miss Mary _Cotter, and Donald: Mae= Intyre and Mist Eunice gaiter sang - solo. A -Most interesting study d Bible characters then followed. -Mrs.- Young portrayed ,the character Of* Jerobparia;, the strong:, clever -piing', nian who was raised from the lowest class to become leader of the . ten tribes of Israel," but who went down in : history as second to Judas Iscariot. Mitt .Dean Bteleon then .told of .Ring' 'Itelloboam,. the .son of wise king- Sol:: omon, who prtiVedauch a fliMak Questions ' and discussion followed in . which :many took 'part. :After •Iiymn 671 was sungthe meeting wsts'elosed •• • with the'Ilizpah Benediction: , ' ASHFIELD NOTES inTwthhas pt riit°bt. 'Hbruntehe,M rr"1")f Sask., is Hunter this sru7leaedankay. M.D.drs..LeS. Ritchi.e Aloni visited *with, Mrs. Sherwood and Earl o Miss Frances A. _Gilmore of London spent the, week -end with her parents. Miss Lorena -Flom of Linwood•vis. ited at her home over the week -end. Mn.' Ed. McKenzie of /London' spent • . , Mon. evening with Mi. and Mrs.,,c, E. McDonagh. Mrs. Koster and Master Douglas - Stewart of Toronto spent a fevi days with her mother, Mrs. Hogan •wha accompanied them on their return. Mn. and Mrs.- Will Bogen spent few days 'last week with friendsill Toronto. • 'I • ir•AlL.K.'S IN "TII:B' WATSciN: r./011,1.1t, • • ' ••••••• *:• "Butcher, Baker Dressmaker, Hairdresser, Grocer, ,Druggist, • and Friends'!" Doctor `•3'• Mrs. Watson .18 , merely nammg the' impor- taut people she reaches., by telephone• O ' some of them every day — saving: endless' delays, needless riaks and .• :jouroey. .The telephone is so much a part of the daily routine that its importance is often 'overlooked MrS7.Watson, you, actually start to cheek lip, on ,what it . does for you: v, The Pliti?, jOr idinee teitiphone sertice are surprisingly,/ , an/Y fetecents a thi.Y; 'YOU' • re�lly cant akord roltti walkma a utleplaate. '• ''*#.0 • • '