HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-10-27, Page 2►SAF 'ro Become Modern Lady L4e41rn To: Dress and; 'Mpke M Up Titstefully •, Always Be" Poised; the nevi "lady" look that ;'smart. ' Tame* strive,. for ,,these days tneansc; Shiny, healthy hair. Whether '. you wear'an upswept'' coiffure, or • a hong bob. Smooth, white. hands, 'Perfectly groomed, of course: Perfect posture. ' Unless shoul- ders are,square and chest high, no' strapless , evening: gown . can, be flattering.- And if, you don't carry your head in queenly manner, the charm of, your• upswept coiffure will count for ,n.Qthing.: Intelligent scenting. Perfumery includestoilet water • and scented cologne,; as, well.: as regular scents. A' Pleasant voice. -Keep it soft • .and.perfectlyinodu !tend. Inciden ' tally, vigorous slang is very defin ' itely out. _ P Poise Db t • u sh breathlessly to your, ,appointtntents. Budget' your time, ,so 111,4t4on • can' arrive in a. calm, •,lade like manner.] And do learn to. ;sit or` stand ,quietly-• without 'fidgeting,'er fussing with '.your clothes , or'twisting ' your beads.. ', • Cast Iron Kettle ' Eavored , by Cooke Some housewives say that for• ' preparing certain' dishes you can't , beat the old time: cast iron uten- hen • purchasing - newthese; have a thin 'lacquer covering which must be removed before using.: Scouringbriskly and washing with strong . suds : will . remove .a good deal of the lacquer.' Then the kettle should be cov- • ered all over with melted cooking fat and allowed to remain in a slow oven for about three hours. Wipe dry "with crushed.brown;pa per, and wash as usual. ` ' seeps, emg: 'beerier Whether 'this citizen' 'Of Eger,: Sudetenland,z':ia. weeping �•aor, joy or sadness; as':she salutes 'German' troops es ;they enter; the town to take it oveifronr the Czechs is proble naticals ient& Twins Sul jests of Experiments Since.' Birth, Two Little:GirII Prove. Difference 3etween Home And Clinic Training "Scientific' .:or .'. not , scientific', en - fit,'•• those~ twins are ' �� of little • Scamps," .said Mrs.a ; pair Josephine ,Mc Innis,- of..New York, with a smile as she --watched the capers of her five -Year-old identical • ,daughters as 'they made things, difficult .for reporters , seeking to ;interview • The reporters 'were interested in re or"drng'any, outstanding dif- ferences' in character, and intent:, gence of Flossie, and Margie who, .bare' been the subject of scientific • experiments since birth. Flossie, who is clinic trained; is the lead-: - qtr, according to Mrs. McInnis, but 'Margie, home trained, shows (led; ' nate; superiority in some depart- ' • Meats. : At 15 months, 'when Margie was only , Coddling, ''Flos ie -the' scien- tific•'one—could roller' skate, ride:. a bicycle and jump off tables and': such without' fear. :Flossie now hl es' genres' with balls that require skill and she tries harder. to learn' things, where Maigie''takes things easily and enjoys •simple, toys. Flossie is' also the most, aggressive,: of the pair; while I argie is more • loving and willing to run !errands, Some .Day Some day ,• ' • I shall find time to *lief With my chin in my hands • And wonder at The hurryof the world.• . ;)firma Dovey... 471 awrence, Keating:. Detective Dan , Colwell of the: (raber Vael private dtective• agencli' is assigned tho job of shadowing lawyer Arthur McDon- ald -whose wife, fears gangster enemies are plotting to murder 'him McDonald is murdered in. ,spite of Colwell'✓ 'watchfulness. -Dan is hot on their 'trail and sus. pects • a _sinister plot... CHAPTER WI • But what tensed • him- again teas gnawing, realization, that' he, had not followed ;the fight of the •two 'kill✓ It was to troll them that in, stinetively. almost, he had got him self, opt of, the confusion- of :the. . murderd sco e ! v ay.. He peered'biick • his eyes rovin to the s idewalk gP where another` policeman tried to. keep a :fast -swelling crowd .;under cont _I while a partner who had •ap- peered,; from somewhere, : ,probed with drawn, revolver through; the. • mob .surrounding - the "cab, to seize, • whomever• the panicky driver might' accuse ' ' - • - Colwell. •discovered the ' slip of. paper crumpled°'in his moist' palm. He smoothed It, quicklyand frown ' ed • at the .figures; ' inked therein., They ' were 705-447, . and; below that,. .*hat did they mean? He thought a moment, shrugged, glanced back. An urgent hunch, or -perhaps it was his backgroundof • experience, prompted him to go down, the+ilight '•of steps. The bus sldweel.:,and stop - •ped at the next corner..', The 'con doctor bushy colleeting, • fares. An side did not see Colwell•alight, • Bit Of White .Paper .Ile heard a grimy newsboy .yell to another.`;across the street. Ike, what'eha think? Guy murdered down there ,in' a 'cab! • Hurrying back to the scene, Col=` • well involved hiruselt in the tide of: curious, thrill -seeking huriranity. Ile •` 'had. tucked that.. bit ofwliite•••"pa- 'per into his vest.. :t mast'be.a page. :.out . of ra notebook of Arthur., Mc ;Donald: That was a bestial• way to: Murder! Tlie knife',wieldertings 'know something :of anatomy; he, :had plunged' his cold .blade to the precise = spot which would; paralyse the •victim's power, of• shouting,'out and—giving• the alarm. In the•crowd that was' naw being' roughly , jostled, by four 'policemen' he searched face after:' face to • la-' rate the:Awe riders with •Arthur; Ms- Donald. After a woment of ,fruit' less''effort Colweii~'worked himself into the clear.•-, He was in the nick of time .to glimpse two hacks' as ,the very men he 'Sought .strode west toward Alton.Street. •'They•tmust have lingered to make certain • their victim was' dead One: back wore "that striped suit; the oth'er,::the.dark JUST D0 'WHAT YO U SEE IN: THE • SE PICTURES `f0, RELIEVE PAI. N .4UICKLY`4 1: Take t "A'epirin" Tablets �iitb. a. full glass of water themoment you feel either 'a rhlumatie er neuritic, pain coming on. 2. You, should feel teller Teri gulekly. • If pain is'unusmfy severe, repeat accord- ing to directions. • .. To, relieve pain of: rheumatism or ''neuritis quickly, try the Aspirin, • • way shown above. • People everywhere say'" results are - remarkable.. "Aspirin" Tablets are economical ,which makes the use of ex- pensive 'pain remedies'•' unnecessary. If this way fails,' see your doctor: He will find the cause'and;correct it. 'While there, ask him about taking' " Aspirin" to relieve these pains: We 'believe he will tell' you there is no more effective,• more dependable way normal persons may,use. ienandTand Get ASPIRIN'. TRACt41111RK REG. issue . No. 44=-'38 • Colwell- followed them. They passed into the Illinois.: Building lobby, exited through , .a. candy .store, and .went anto.:tbe ar=- cade of, the, Miller, a few :the north.. That; was .to shake pursuit although Dan guessed the pair felt, • secure At it'was, Just a precaution. His. lips thinned in a grim smile. They hadn't shaker him :and they wouldn't! As,he rather anticipated,• the men • Bnally .entered the .talc, dark stone' office building 'known , as. the Law= vers and Doctors. Colwell let them enter ;an elevator while he ,paused- .' before the paused;:'beforethe wall;directory;,• He took :the next. car to the',eleventh ,Boor.. Sure•: enough, es•he :glimpsed the two just dihap earing .within the opaque glassed suite that bo4'•e: h• t e black :•lettering, "Arthur H. • Mc- Donald, Attorney At Law.", Whete The Tvi+o Men Wet The.: corridor m .;door 'remained • swung wide. Colwell lounged near limply igtq a broad :leather chair. • His; partner fanned Mat with, his hat. He turned to the, girl, spoke" urgently, to her. +'--not feeling welt an day. Heart seems a afttle off and-- • The Formuta ' Quickly she brought a glass of water, which Bradshaw. ,held to; lila friend's lips. While he ,did, so het made some request. of • the secre• ... tary., She started from, the office but. walted, when he called, to, hes'. • The girl stepped 'back ter a bit of paper be took, from Quillen's • vest pocket. t. ' "That,'s the formula: Have: him. make 'em; up Buick—but. take time to be right! `They're dangerous .if theyain't made up. right,, see? Don't, worry;, sister,. hut 'kind' tit• step;, on;. it... Pharmacy two flo'or's up, you. say? I'll, '.1 iii `care of him.' , Colwell. wase int intent n: the •, build • ` ing directory when the sweet and intelligent` looking ft brunette sped. from 'McDonald's officeon tiny heels .that • clickedsharply across 'the; vihiee °marble .floor- '• She sigh; p ed.her worried dit sappointmen . that' 'no elevator; was. nigh. She scarce- ly glanced rat • Dan .Colwell, • b t chitching'the prescription for Quit- lens heart.• ,medicine, turned 'and. 'scurried, for the stairway. It was a new idea for' a ruse This Seed Stitch Coat Is Exclusive .With Laura Wheeler 'r KNITTED COAT AND CAP PATTERN.,• 1859 Any httle':giri will be thrilled With ;this ;coat knitted stitch,' its perky capt d llar ay in seed' p •y done. like the contrasting panel,,'collar ;end• cif fs,`• Pattern 1859'' contains• directions -for making chat and can riff. sizes 4° 6 and 8; illustrations, of 'them and of stitches; materials'r • enquired Send 20' cents in coins (Stamps cannot be accented) for tern to Wil .. P } rpate' son' Needlecraft,: Dept.,' 73' West Adelaide St.,' `ro'ronto.."Write .plainly, patternnumber, your name' and address: •r • er to .liear,'t if possible, what was Said. It'- must lie the dark' spited man who rumbled something to the office' girl. t"I'm sorry, Air:. Quillen, but -Mr McDonald hasn't, returned yet from lunch „ x . 'Irsee' Miss 'Jennings meet, wy friend Mr. Bradshaw.. Well Jim, we: might as' well stick .around, ; eh? You. `expect .him back soon, Miss 'Jennings:?„ Oh year, any minute.' Just make yourselves - comfortable, : -please, Why!" she exclaimed "Mr,' Qua.: lens.. • ColweIhheard a chair, smash :into another..or 'against the wall. "It's =a11 right, I—I m a11- right," came • Quil'len's' voice, and: again the- wor-• ried, fearful gasp of the girl.• Dan 'strolled past the anteroom. He gliinpsed' Miss Jennings and the ,fellevi named. Bradshaw, one at ei ther side, of Quillen, half carrying him to an'inner office: Quillen sank • • rebut it was a good one: As Colwell. expected, Bradshaw, came hastily' and'closed•:the corridor, door. Al- ready he had some. gleaming ob lect .in his hand which be had whipped' out Of the lining of his?, .coat. • Already . Quillen. was on,'`his. feet,,' the heart attack forgotten, his long oval face that ended in a -. lantern jaw . wearing the crafty, sneaky look which "rove.d �• P they had merely wanted to. get : rid of ,; • that• girl. Each timean elevator neared; • Colwell' wanderedaround the el-'° bow of the corridor. Then he re- . turned: his :hawklike ; vigilance on -that • McD McDonald suite" v masked as' again he` shifted : ,weight" and „ staredat the elevator 'signals or paced: impatiently • up and down. - He did riot. care to'go into the '. office. That .wasn't, his,. game. He wanted. to follow ;these "fellows ` . and ' their : movements. k. hard ICK TRACY FANS! JOIN. THE' DICK TRACY SECRET SERVICE, PATROL. It's Easy, It's Fun! Every, boy and girl can join Dick Tracy to his war against crime --be in on all club. secrets—get grand free gifts! GET YOUR NEW 1939 OFFICIAL PATROL BADGE--G'et new 1939 Official.Sadge,-your Secret Code Book with new 1939'codes and your Patrol Pledge.Ifyou, are a member now be sure to mark your coupon "Member"and get you; special Honor Member's "Second Year" Badge with the' service Chevron. WIN YOUR„,, OFFICER'S': BADGES ! TheSepr.tCode. Book Tells Row' In Canada al/ the g,and.free,gifts DIck:TraCy ,• "• offers >on his . radio Iirogram are obtainable. with box 'tops, from. delicious' Quaker Corn Flakes! TryQuaker Corn, Flakes with the better " Savourthem! null love_ Crisper—tastier— Ys er _. --tastier P , ✓specially irradiated with Vitamin "D", they're✓...: , better to eat and better for you! Ask Mother• to order Quaker Corn Flakes codaY."'. . • ' i iAIL THIS COUPON TODAY•,,.� "!•" DICK TRACY, Boit 100, Petciborough, Ont., 1 wantto 'oin. t t he Ditk:Teacy Secret Se .'c serol -.rvt � please Asti me the. new official i' ct all metal D�ck.Tra �,pd Mgt, lend . .. cy a ,the new revered 1939: Dick Tracy Secret Code Book, and official Patrol ..Pied e. `1 enclose.2'Quaker, rn Flakes 6 C,o {, Quaker Puffed 'Wheat Rieebox tops 0 Iam:not now amember p 'Oraam*•member and'want my 2nd year badge 0 Name Steve Quaker Corn Flakes 41 .city y Prov ordstr .low.A'A rdst .AOkT, .shat .dr,firr.o,h Inter. :men On •the. night when witches and, goblins, and black -cats . stalk`: 'abroad, be prepared for the'in- vas.on of a crowd of ghosts, gyp- Sins, and false -faced youngsters Even -if you are, notlanning `a, real 'party for them, the' -children will love •something in' the line••of party food whenthey 'are through Scaring, the -.neighbors and "each other: -A. Hallowe'en cake, a bowl • of punch, or cider' and some can- dies. will top off the ?evening and send 'them to bed thoroughly con= tcenhillsted;'w,ith the night's thrills and 1. Hallow e'en Cale 2 cups sifted cake flour • 2 teaspoons'.' double-acting` ing powder.' .. teaspoon.'. salt , r' '•-cup butter or Other 's:iorten - ing. ;• ;- 1. cup sugar ,- .. •2` squares unsweetened choco hate, ,melted • 1'egg, . •w�ell.beate�ri . ' • 1 teaspoon vanilla eup milk:.. :Sift `,;flour once, ui:easure, ' add baking 'powder and.. salt, ,and sift ,together:- three, times. Cream' but ter• thoroughly, add'sugar gradu ally, and. cream together. ;until light .end fluffy. Add chocolate: and blend; then Add egg, and -van- ' ilia. Add float; alternately, with . • milk, a small' amount • at a • time. Beat after- each addition • .until' .'smooth !`Bake in' :greased pan, So x:.,8 x 2' inche s_, " , in moderato oven (325 degrees• F.) • 1 hour. • Cover cake with`. ...Orange .. Batter, Frost • - ORANGE BUTTER !FROSTING Grated rind cf' 1•:.orange.; Giated rind of era lemon • , '4 cup orange : Jul e 2 •teaspoons • lemon: juice , • smile wrinkled the crow's feet at the outer cornei-s of his eyes..Dan sensed what they were up ;,to. Something' was In McDonald's, of• fice that -they wanted and they intended . to . get it before irvesti gators of' the murder .arrived.. c. (To Be, Continued)•' THE 5 .FOOD, VALUES IN•SHRED,DED WHEAT Vitamin B - , for Growth Proteins' -for Body -Building. Mineral Saks for New Tissue,` Carbohydrates • - - "for Energy :Bran- - - •••- --for'Regutarity 'rho Canadian Shredded When Company,. ltd• Niagara Fall, - .Canada 1 DE CANADA CA►NA,DIAN V' HEAT' i 1: egg.yolk. • `.teaspoon, salt :, .3 .tablespoons• butter 3 , cups , sifted .confectioners';. IlAdd-orange' and ,lemon rind to: orange juice and' allow to stand •10 minutes: '. .Strains •. Combine lemon juice; "egg. yolk, ;salt; but ter and• confectioners' sugar. Add ' orange jui. until of right" con?. 'sistency to spread. '. Beat '"' until ' smooth and spread onrAlcake. 31akes enough frosting'to cover tops and sides 'of two a -inch layers. CHOCIOLATE'.COCONUT GLOS5I T S `4 squares unsweetened choco= late, cut"'in pieces. • • 2-3 cup sweetened rondensed milk 'h :cup sugar • '/4water ° cup, `teaspoon vanilla: 1' can coconut, .southci.nstyle Melt 'chocolate in double boiler; add milk and ing'blend. Heat sugar. and', water,•stir ri'' - until.sugar ;is .dissolved; thenl'boil 'i:'minute.' Asa :.. tb chocolate :..mixture, and 'biend. ' Add ,vanilla and coconut. • D'rop from teaspoon' on wa ed; , paper.. • Let' stand ;several' hours, or,' until firm. Make's, 3 dozen candies... ; MULLED -CEDER 4 'pups • sweet.•eider 1 teaspoon'. .Whole allspice.. ' 8 Whole cloves • 1 •tables'oon • stick P cinnamon, broken u• Place, ingredients in saucepan and heat slowly to 'boiling. Strain. ,Serve .hot. , Serves 6. Mother at 90• ., A . ninety-year-old woman of p Sete. Lagos, in south eastei n Bra- zil, :recently •gave, brriF`io twins, •''.For the first Seventy years of;; her. life ,slie had been. childless. The father is also aged ninety. ' Mother and children areboth'do- ing well,'•• , -D'Torte Record • Prince Edward•• Island,'Catiadi's ' islandprovince, is said to have -the world's. onlydivorce' court that has never gratlted a ;'.divorce. sweeten'.: My morning. cereal with BEEHIVE Syrup.. because •Jit is better • for 'true. - ,1. F.' a� ''22 HA 0 • F.�Ie- a.,.ti :•Yo ur. . h,..ora' e- ..,. a- lth ,. I ra,.: r.lln co oand n h. .. .'sa ver a : d.i lferenee yOill_selev r ore heat '.. :ft -a shdhI°r!avecn1 sesleos8redeunisthlig eohahresh.elandeasy tore9tlatePriced todaynt the •lowest :n Yeph re for a trial,ton•OrderoeYoure.roca! girlro dealehe dee?ves'your fs ,:. Ask Your ew' deft., abut o,.. NA1Vre f j. tif and NTRGL Not w �Ar.�1,l,?.CO , n .. r Two Dreg t„- T$R Oating Convent. tie y HAMILTOtt DY•PRODUCT'COKE'OVENS LIMITED • h j HAMILTON, CANADA YOUR LOCAL DEALER'S NAME APPEARS ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE •