HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-10-20, Page 544: l'avRsDAY; oProBER'29111, 1938, t• • , • Lyteum Theatre WINGHAM $110‘ atart's at. 4 P.*.in. except ISet.t---,Sat„ night two shows 7,46 and 9.48 P..m. • T,huradaY, Saturday; ..October .201: 21,2 LEo..cARRIL.Lo, , .1...A1.Kgg . BARRIER! ..The „modern yersioil• the. ' • Reit •Beaeh',stery of the Alas- kan Old • n.isli•-of 1898. Also; "Wait .Dilatey Cartoon" . "Sport Subject" ' • 41.1ews" Monday,Tuesday, Wedeesday , October 24 25 26. 4.)ANm.oSppLL , AlIOLVY/41'. DOU61.4k. _ ; t• In * * *: "THERE'S ,ALWAYS A WOMAN" She ,was so dumb., that she .‘ ,thought.that, flei feet were Indians but she salved . a case that baffled the •entiie police orC� • . Man "Fiddling .Around" " "Sport Subject" SPECIAL Oct 27, 28, 29, :Test Pilot" •glivRcit HEWS, Ualted Church Y. 1.S. The weekly .mettinka the United , Church , Y. P. S: ont.Morday night• , was an interesting and well. attended one. 'the ,neeeting °aerie(' with a song seeVicer Rey, Tedd lead in .preyer an Chester Twamley read the Scripture lesson. Miss 'Margaret Rae sang..., a solo ad Mr, Todd gave a Very line talk on "The Talents." ackfter*the do hg exercises a period was spent ,in :playing .several interesting games. Pretbyterian • Tile Prograin •Monday evening was , in.charge of tne MisSionary Commit- tee. ' After.. the: openi.tig llynin„ 'Etta Ilene MacDonald, read the 'scripture' ' lestSan, Whiebwas follnwed by a, nein:. her .gf soterteo prgy,6r$;, The Eible ' Study was taken .b'y Dr, Little.and the toPie by Mrs. Ilustoin • After 'the min- utes were read Helen Orr and Helen • MacDonald sang a duet, followed by a reading by Fvelyn, Taylor aria a eliprns by .three boys, BIM' Orr, Lloyd 'Stuart and Jiro,PUrvis.',Afeer. singing hYinn 390 Mr: MacDonald' • closedthe meeting wiith prayer. • Eveaing Auxiliary - The Oetober meeting Cif the Even . - lag Auxiliary.;of the United Church •a ;was held at the home of Mrs. Camp - b1 • Thchnpson on. , Tuesday evening 'with are attendance' of . sixteen. •Fol- • loning the devotional •ekercises a • splendid talk on missionary 'work ir. . Hoaae was ;hien by Mrs. N. E. Bush- ell. Mist Viola:Kerry. gaire a: resume et the ,.final chapters in the Study • Book; dealing with Missionary 'work in India and ainong the Orientals ip • Canada: The second part of the Study Book . was dealt with by Miss Hazel Webster. "stiecial Honan .program was, followed with the president lead- ins. and the Scripture lesion'read by , :Mrs. Harold Allin with Miss L Mur - die leading in 'prayer. 'Yollonang the • elosiegexereises a Bible contest was - enjoyed and lunch served. 1: Preshyterian Chureh W. M. S. • , . The regular meeting of the W. 311: , S: was, held in the basement with 'Mitt Rath 'England. ef •Kincardine Mrs. MacDonald hi the chair •Mrs. , , • TH1Impooist RESTRICTED AREA MEETING DATESSET Pates. foe the T., B. sEducational Meetings for the North:Huron" Town- ships of llowick, Turnherry, Grey, Morris, East _WaWaneSh; Weat"Wa- •wanoth, Asbfield and Colboarne are announced by Jai& Sneerer, Agri., cultural Representetive.; Some pf• these meetings are as followt‘. " • Tuesclay,, NOveMber 1St -19:400 A. M. currie't Coraeri, Tuesday; November .1st=2,00. P. M. Kinktbriclge, • . • 14 ' • Wednesday ; November '•20-10.00: 'AL Dungannon. ' , • Wedhesclay, November .2na-2 007P. • M. Carlew. • • • • % . Thur'sday, November 3rd -1Q.00 , A. M. „Bain -tiller. , • '•, thueSdaa; Ncareeaber. id --2:00:! P. M, , . • ,. • . . 'Fridey,."'NoVernber 4th44:000 M. St. Augustine: • ;.^ •'', Friday, goveinher 4th -2:00 M Zion: Tuesday; .Nevembei 8th -2.0o. M. TpeS4ay,- .Novernber 8th -8.00 P. .M. 'Auburn, . • • • • At these meetings the proPosed B. Restricted Area. Plan Will be fully .discussed *Oh the livestock 'owners. as • Will MsO' the nietliod. of :testiag far: tuberculosis of cattle, compen, satipn and Market values of reactor cattle, clean -Up requiremeata 'aeti inethed of taking the canvass. . • • Whether, Huron • Cetinty enters the• "Restrieted :Area 'Plan" or. not de- pends entirely On, the cattle owners; . • • ' • , . • . • went the weekiend with 'relatives here. ' . , • • •.141',...'and Mrs. Art Thomptee'. and '• Ethel ,Were'' recent - visitors with Mr • and Mrs. R. Meguillthr. • . ' • Mr. .and Mrs.. Allen McConnell and • farailY have Moved- into the house on the ::•Button .farne • ,!•• ' •Mr. and Mrs. Ben, Brown; Howard and Dick Reed spent Sunday nt their hOrne. On • Monday Dick left for Pert • Colborne. •: • ‘' John •McCesh :who has been, ., . •quite sicklately. wilt, taken . to Kiri- :cardine Ur; and: Mrs, •Robt. :•MeNall and children - anent .:the Week -end with •:friends near 'Elmira. • • ' :CU LROSS CORNERS.: ••Rev. F. E. and •Mrs. Clysdale • Of • Pabberston have been visiting oil the . 10,th Con., the first of the week.' Laurence . Culbert of " Ripley speht a few days ,With his grandmother. Mrs. W.Hodgins: • ---; The anniversary. services. of Beth• - any ',Church *ill he held SA:inlay, -Oct 23, at 2.30 o'elOck in..the afternoon' • Rev. R C.• Todd Of. Lucknow -will con RuS801,k‘VaS. in Cbiirge• of the meeting and :read : the , Scrintute-lesten.: ,Lockhartthenled.airi: prayer,. Final arrangements:. were.. made foi-• the • Thankoffering: . Prayer . was :'effered • 'byMrs. Jewitt. •Mrs.';•Watsori gave tible7"Staay, "The 230, Ptahri":: Mid tint was followed by 'Ole by' Mis.:.„ S.teivai7d. The topic,. 'a letter 'from the, TiclitigS by :Mitt, Dorothy Douglas. ForinOta. Was :read, by Mrs. .H:...Ait- ChisOn,',Mrs,.• Richardson, gave 'i ead ink an1 thn rneetuig tlosedwith hymn ,and Mayer_ offered by .,Mist. M. MacPherson: •• •• The -.MAI:iron: Thankoftering, • -wat . • • • • • . • held on Wednetday evening,Oct. 12th. the church. Mrs. MacDonald'. pre- tidea :and Mrs. Russell read Abe let, soh. Payer . Was. offered by. Mist Pearl •Hendersoa: 'Miss, Peggy: MacDonald arid :Mr.' .MacOillieray pang a duet. The speaker of: the .evenihg. Was (Reirr) Wilkie.Qf Teeswater. Mr.and Mrs. 'Wilkie... whO • had spent some years •, in ;Ferniosa. brought haMe ,a large' ninaber•• :of. duriei, and these: -•werea• ditnlaYed -Mid -something -inter' • esting. told :about each: one • • Following' the address. a hinaber was. given by •• a '•inale miartette; Mr, Elden Heridersonr: Mr., Alex. Malay.. Published Mien, 'rbursda3r morning at Lucknow. Ontario. Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie — Prow -lett), Thoinpson--l'utilisher • THURSDAY, OCrODER 25111, 1938. - , • . • Two carivassers7vrill, be alpointed each: school section to: .eireplate the petition • for sig<riat0res:4•It 66% of the 'cattle owners' vote in favour of the Plan, the: petitions after. certification by the Township clerks,. will be Sent in to the Federal Minister of Agriculture at Ottewa,. as the testing and, compensation are under the sup- ervision: of the Federal ; Health or Animals Breach.. Cattle shippers to .the U. S.' A. Markets are reported te.• bei feeling the inconvenience of the American regulations whereby • all,. tattle; except for immediate slaughter inust :he • tested before, erotsing the line :s'The U. .StA. Markets will ke cattlernaiich. have been tested undei. the : "ftestrietea, Area' Plan," therer fare, local cattle breedert-.and.feeders Would have a wider 'market for then. stock !if the Area Plan was adopted in Huron. ' • " • (feetthe service, • Special music will Mr. Gleo., Douglas' and Mr. Horace be given.: • ' : • „' Aitehitoa. The collection Was taken • Miss; Shirley HOdgins- spent Mn Vate,of thanks tendered Mrs'. Wilkie day with. Doris Davidson of Tees- and the Meeting. closed with a :hymn: water..• : • ' ,and Mrs.• MacDonald offered --Prayer. • • ..• BANK :WHERE SMALL; AcOtitiNTs: ARE WELCOME" ,±ION • Mr. R. Hunter of the Wettvisited „ , ith his brother Mr, Gee:, Hunter and Mrs.. Hunter :on: Sunday. Mr.; Minter • has spent the last thirty Years in the West and: is looking real e11 He plans t� return there month.. • Mr. Chat: Anderson spent.' Sunday with friends- at Ethel-, , • ' • Mr. and Mrs.Gordon Kirkland .and babe *pent a recently with Tees water friends. ' '• • Mr: and Mrs. Jot. :Freeman. Mid fanilly of- Leebura spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter.... , • : ; Elsie Ritthie of \Tattle spent Sunday at her hen* here. Miss 'Violet •and : Jean Ritchie returned-to-Narna witleher and will 'spend a few days there. • Mr. and *rt. ',Ebner ,'were quests withISIr. and•Mrs. Will. Ritchie • • . on Sunday., :Messrs. Geed, Lane, and W. 11'..• Gar- • IIRPCE DEANERY W. A. The semil.nnual 'meeting of .130,ce: Deanery w(hias held at:let: ith at the church •ofthe• Ascension; Pala; ley. At' HOfir.: ComMunitin the 'Rural Dean; .Atkinson and, Rev:, biocsoo. Are the celebrants... Mrs."0 ..Draner. 'then preaidedover the *omen's.. Meating. ! The "fi1ee,t,1'ilf4 Openedwith hymn and prayer' after, Which a miaute's silence. ikas.observee fOr departed'inembers. .• Mrs Baliciehey -afeleonleil the de- egates , and Mrs, A11611011 • reelled, The; President's address was followed. by a bushiest session. The roll call thawed delegateellres... ent frein ChealeY; Hanover, ,Walker- ton; • Pinkerton, Paisley, SeuthaMptere ..1Cincarcline, • W,iarton Tara Lueknow and 'Port ;Albert. - -Reports were read by the .1)eanere Officers! Little;;Helpers,. Rein. - hart;, Girls; Mrs, Scales; Juniont,•-Mrs MaeBerney„ ., Rev., 'Watton conduct:et'. noon -day prayers, • • ' • At the afternoon session , Miss • I, . • . • . 'Schulte,. of London, -Diocesan, Sec Treas.,' gave • a ipleadidaddress:. on Diocas work, ,• . . • . '-.KINLOUP1-1 • Mrs. Win. ,Montgomery ahd sister, Mrs. Sutherland of -Detroit, also Mrs. Hattie Brock of Owen Sound; were re. :cent, visitors with Mks. A. Black- well. •Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haldenby mid • , Ethel :spent .a few. days with Tpronte 'friends. • • • • • Death , relnaVed, on of, our life • long: and highly' respected Citizens on Sun, day last in the' nersdn of M.Goo,: Malcolm. The funeral service was held an- Tuesday candactea by. 'Rev. Mr Toang. Iron). 4.1te halne Of Mr. John 'Lane. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Hedley and child,: ren, also Mrs. K. ,Hedley, were Sun -- 'day -.visitors with 1,relatiVes. here. •.'. MK- and Mrs. Go. Huntley of Put- man were ;Week-end_visitort with „Mr. • and Mit„Hugh.Line and *rt. Kaake. • ,Mr. and. Mrt..•Murclech McKinnon andbabe spent Sunday With Mr -and 'Mrs. Bert .aleLeare'• . Mitt Alice :Collins of Kincardine spent a few days with Mrs. McLean: Mr. and Mrs Wm. Pinnel,,Glen and , . Mildred, also Mr... Bradley, visited' with Windsor friendsthe abler 'who • have been assisting .Mr. Wesley' JoYnt With hit, applefin- ished on: Monday last. " Mr. Fred Anderton lost a. valuable mare on tandaY last from, acute in. digettion. • , • ' •, Mrs lEinest- Gardner- is ',spenclili*: a , few days math. Mr. and Mrs. Janine; Gardner; Kingsbridge. ' HOW* xr-•• E.REcErrioN., • • - Purse of Mefley,': PTeSPlit!eit M• r, and Mrs, 'Herbert EacktOn At Ricbpt, ion At Holyrbod•On. Flriday• : AfETY frienas-,and tleiglibOairs Were eresent. at. 'e recePtiOn at •Holyreecl Rafl ea Friday.evening .in honor Of .Mr. and MP, Herbert En0c,t911,..r.„"e''' cent newlyweds. The ,evening was tpent ib danCiag and following the lunch, liour:A'Pursr,,, of money was presented by Roy, Mc: tunes,. after thn McIver had: read Lhese61-111:i*lii:It a g:adnc1. r7.sMs:a DarrY-' , , Not one day but !All A4tUinp, , ttilmakskiyine, :in the e,oinitryside, and • hi)* Mticlt:We have Y to be thank rut, for! ',Food n aimadance.,for 'Cattle and for than.:,Writh, to' MuCh: pf 13eauty thrown in gladden••the-, eye. Every• .year e •hav4 freshblessingt to give thanks for and one 'of such we are making a happy petasien of ,to -tight. A new hOutebeld; tet up in the Com.muuity , is of `real importance to ILI • allWe e argladH, • Herbert: - th• at 5:ep have chosen • to transplant- yew -self from. the ';eitY to our rural Oil: No -that' you have Inven a, wife! and •youi. bachelor clays are over; put:delight very, genuine. We congratulate' you on •chOosing •a gill who has been a valued member of our community. Reniembering- gratefully her servicet-' AS church ,organist; Weforecast, for• . You niuth Ilarmorty in, your honie. We welecene you, May to, the Fourth Concession and. Wish fpr you a long and happy married life. aniong . us. .this annae; when, •gratitude ..for averted :is 'fresh in oer minds,' We recall thelines of •Thep. des* 'Garrison: ; • • . 'Grave things are -thee I searee can. ' „. .FOURTH CONCESSION, ' 'Mr..:,Georte Robinson' leftfor .(4od- *oriel'', on , Monday to begin training for an • aviator; Friends are wishing hiin success in his work. • : ... , , ; M is's.. , Mary 'Graham of Toronto .--• Spent the week -end .at, her hoine. ,She was. accoMpanied' -back, by, her. titter, Dprothy.,:wheintends to spend a 'few weeks there. ,•, • ' ••' :.•• • , Mr. and • Mrs. Geer e MeCall Mel daughter4jean of Lohashorough• vs- liedlast week with 1.ifr4, and Mrs. fi. Moffat. • , ' .. , •• • •- Rocca Vititers• at • IL Middleton; Were •Illr rani Mrs. it Farrier �f Bea, - vie and' Mr:. and ,Mrs. 40in: . Ctilycr and fathilY: '• ' • .• • *. • ' k presentation *ea, held. Fridttli 1 • night- ii Helyrood Hall, in hollow of ' 'Mr, and Mra.;Ilerbeit Eticktole„ :when • theywe're )iretented .With a purse of 1 ' Mrs: to, '-'•Meltinhori . spent .Tuesday ' with Mrs, P. Moffat Of TeeSWEtter. ' i". ;Mrs. H..Aticidiettiti and MISS •Ohilst. rim, hobettson 'and Meairs. ' Prise! dr ti E .1tA it ti:cit A: ii.D it i s':.ii A :?..i, K '—Ash ./0.' ., . M,cginti'oti . and 'kearle Middleton spent a..tew, daYe last week; in lintitsF 0 matter where you lives aim May do your banking with the Bank of Montreal. Write' for our booklet "How, to Bank by Mail," 'addressing your request ti'a the undermentioned, or any branch': *STAIAUSIIED ; • Btraii0ht .V N'a, PRST,; Manager. Anniversary Services will be held in the 'Presbyterian Church Sunday„ Oct. 30th..et 11 A. M. and 7.30 P.• M. Misses Bess and Jean Lane of neat; Welland were home le attehd the fun- eral of their unele; the late Mr. Geo. • Sympathy is extended t�;Mr, Harii,' Bell in the loss ;of her hrotlim the late Geo. Smith OL,Salem: The Sr: Wolten's .AuXiliary will meet at the home of,MrS. JOhn Hod- gins on Friday afternoon and will ba a quilti4g. ; • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgins Made a business trill to Stratford,last:.week• . Mr; :and Mrs. °Soar ',Hodgins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hodgi* speni 'the, week -end PortersHill Mrs. Westen returning with them.. rine and Neth Hay. • BuYS'.„ MILL''FRIDAY BURNED .SATURDAY Fire of., tinkle:mit' :•origie hich started it Fred Parker's , chopping mill, gave 'the citizens of , the village of Glimis a -few anxioas • hours. oil SaturdaY' 'fPreimoit before it Wac, hratight Under control,•The fire start; ed. about ten O'elOck• and in. dfew Min- utes it • was een that the chopping• niill: was ,dOoined: . Cant' were Seat. out by telePhont, to Paisley, „Cariill. and TiVertoo,bral firenien frent •Paitley took what ..fii•e 'extinguishers they', ceala lay their hands on and rushed' t� the..,,seette' the fire: One frame buildink haete be tent don in order to sAve other benrhY buildings. Before t e firewus brotight 'ender control ..the chopPleg mill"liVith all etiiimieat, iniludil1g e• tractor Was destroyed, ',Mtn a , fra•ele bath,: all beloiiging t�, Mr. Parker of •Wiiiiteh Who had jutt completed' transaCtieti 'whereby .he l'betaine the' owner mi Friday, lie had bought it from DaVid dlimf)le of 'Glands... . „ This' Mill was directly in, the rear of 'James Pollotionkg:gaVage. Chid' as station' end While: the gas ttatthnand garage Were ttiVed Mr. Fullerton 'had •t trartie 'goi•ao, bathe:ft ta the geotiod he logs on ;tt inill and. 'eauipmeht alone Will bein ,the .neighborhood of $15600:atal.lt Is ander:stead there. Wat 'no; insinhance 50 this •will bo It total 104g tii.";i1to..fioW, &woo:L. ' ' • • • comprehend ; So.' vast are they; ' ,. , Aad ,sc,apart,: dear God; piay Thee • take, • •. '. • , • My thanks for these Thy little • jags'take: „ , . . The .little conimon • joys of every :day: My garden blowing -in an. April wind; A linnet's" greeting and 'the' morning • . fill ,••• ' Of lattnPi'sinithine through -thenpened ' blind, poplars tall that guard, My Aires - And the 'Peace 'that .fills Like Sahbath 'stillness froth hay, hpin,. ' • hle waili• The lamp that lights thei*ges. tbe .books . , I love the hest, • Th4earth's tea weltoming on win ter plights, . The kindlY. jest These..simple joys ,wish for You both and as neighbours we•.hdpe ,to ."share • your - sorrOwS. join tku1 song, ,advite er .help if things go •wrong." •• May . we inspire YOU, to '40 and be all Yeti 'nre hoping „. , . pleate ‘except • our 'gift.. mque.y • . to -night and let 'whatever: Yon .121.”.': chase, With it: remind yoti, not I,only. ; of Mir Sineet'e v. is1es, but also. of yor•n. challenge. 'Me look • to 'you to lend our youtn,l,yotir enthusiasm for,...the uplifting of. Our 'coniniunity mid. the cherish mg-- -alk--7that, »i pure- -antL lo el and, of good i4port :„..Signed onbehalf of .5iour friends. Near cOmpanionship;' of • those the heatt lipids 'dear". • - That naives Within litt circle and ;the • PAGE Fin • USED , CA • • • 1930 FORD A SEDAN' 11993367'' DODGE -SEDAN, NEW • .1930-PONTIAP SEDAN. • 1934 DODGE COUPE; '(SEE H15 '0,NE) " 1931 CHAYSLg4 SEDAN,YERY'NKE .1. '94: DODGE, DEO.ME' C0461, HEA:Tg.R. 8,Lj DEPE9sTER 1928 BUICK. COUPE..•• . • . 1930 OLDS.' COACH 1931 cHEV. .1Vz TRUCK • 193Q 2 TON TRUCE. MAPLE :LEAF' 'STAKE RACK, kiojtsgs., , 1 MATCHED 'PEM OF' PER HERON HORSES, 3 YRS; 01.111 1 GENERAL PURPOSE :11•ARE; 8 YRS. OP) '„ • • • • • PC Bo, OCl/DERICII, Miss Dorothy Nixon gave a Plane graVe is taking the set -vices. . , instremental. • Then a •geogrtiphy Mrs. Ralph .Cameron- Spent ,O daY niatch, Was held, with Mr. Fred New. lest 'Week with bee Methee, Mrs, Pitt, .,. . . man and Miss Agnes Robertson ,a., t0111. co • , • T captains, with Mi. Newman's:, side , Winaing. The aneetnig closea with • c�u - ititiEiS CORNERS : Mr. , Roddy has bought tht‘ late. Mt.' Rice's farne, where Mr. and 1-1`. Brown' have been living.. !• Mrs.- Jai Forster is visiting. .her sister. •Mrs. Morten an Guelph. ,. Messrs. Robt. •Meduir'e and Horace McGuire of London; also; Mr. and Mrs: .Ed. Thom of St.': Helens eallea on Mrs: David- Gillies •Pn' Sunda. . • • • • • , • , • Miss Rita ;Courtney, and 'friend of Jackson, Mich., visitecl, with her moth: er, Mrs. Joseph ; Courtney •recently. • Mi. and 'MCs. Wm. Worth'nf Inger- ' soli visited With Mr. and Mrs. David last Friday. aidea. dyMr. and Mrs. John Little Mr. 'and Mrs. tail spent a d -BELFAST' Wilfred •Farrish. Mr, and Mrs. Adam Johnston and . Johnston of Kin ith Mand • Mrs. Mr. Relit; Hunter,, who is visiting; herefinal the West, called on old friends this Vitinitv :the first Of the Week. • Miss Olive' • Branioa,.•13. N:, Alicea ;paltrier,. R, 4N.; aral 'Miss Islay McKinnon of , Lonaon were Simaay: •visitars. with : Mi. zind i4rs. Wilfred. Hackett: • ' •• • ,••• • ' Mrs. Reid of Port Albert ,spent„ a day this Week,,with :her sister, -Mrs Roy „Alton. • There will • be he service in ilack7 ett',S church this'Sunday on atcOunt ef Annieersary' ServiceS being : held at :Makes: Rev. lir. Townsend' of Bl - family and Mrs, E. E4er*ood . visited an Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Sherwood of Belfast/ .Miss gladYs MacDonald; .of Luck.. no* and Mitt Rhea Miller .visited With .. Mr, ana . Mrs. Harvey Miller clarhtg theweek-end. •••• Buckwheat stook •threshing( baa heen the order of the.daY. 0:tpR Mrineneioip; .day witi Mr. dr.Mitrte. L:o1:idRobband Annaa and. Mrs. John 'Farritb.: A Joint Club Meeting will be held ,on Oct 2:50, :inthe evening at Cour - ries Corners Hall to elect„ new: Officers: • 'WHITECHURCH Austin '.and baby cif•Pnw:: „astan fprinerly Mitht, Maek Martin of this eoinmunity' is .visiting her mother Dan', Maftir nd 'o.thr :relatives' • MI's: .George 'afeKague of Tee:s- eater Vitited last: Thursday with her, sister, Mrs, ',linnet aleinnet.: • , • Miss. Annie Henry, R.' N. of ,New York i, .spenaing a 'mpnth's holidayt•', with her 'parents lir, and Mrs.' Frank Henry and..other relativ;e, . •Mi.. and Mrs: al. 'Green of Kitenence: spent the week -end.: with her Pareatg ' Mr..ana,, Mrs. Frank Henry, Miss Belle Robertson of lAicklio' penta day last week With Mts. A. Reia.'. ' , Eineia• .Da,vitiseit • spent Sun.- thiY. With. Mr: and Mrs. tit ,TAC41.10S.', - A. hunther. from .here attended alit niVertary.1&vices.. at 'St. H• elens laSt • . Stni ay. .. . • inimber f reit • here' atteacied' 'the , • Y011tig' People's. Rally; .which was belt' in tin; lateknow Presbyterian -Clitirca hist Friday fte rtiooti , and ',..eveti peerge had his barn WhiteWaSlied last Week: 4, . • • •‘' , •: • 'Rev. J: Pollock preached Over Wing, ',lain radio ',station, .00 :Monday pio.r.. nhei.s :of his choir ,• assisting ' . .‘ ' ..• t, meetiig. of the Pre."... hyterian.,eharch w‘..Lts helt,L'mi Monday' ccenine;'11,Yrons were' .,04atv... folloty0" pyayor ,tyf rs ithyS 1�Uoek-one the. Scripture feading by Mr. 101110A,, "j. 'Po11001.5, gave his% See- end'of tnly,,,N Off the 1).0;10, •Mi`S. •(Ut”,',"). r011611i1C 00 topic, 5... • ' DRESSED FILLEfS • OF HAQ00c1c , 1 cup of milk • • Cup Of flour • tablespooti of mustard 2 cups of grated eld'•Cank dian cheese •, • 2 rabkspoons of butter, • • frealt chopped parsley. ' Prepare a 'white sauce 'with the,,butter, the Sour, the ;131 kt;ststard;,tedch and theese ade. od cloth, cut cts-i7tin pieces, diver each piete with she cheese anixiptc, sprinkle, with thppyti parsley.piac on well bunerecl oven dish, and cook 20 minutes in moderate %Wen. Fillets Of apy,other kind of Canadian • Fish may be used instead...Of Haddock (died. THQ'KID151ES' SYES will sparkle when Oa' dbri!hngfiiinfo,aor ,ateitigti,zinwigthpilit:tdeer,liocif fusiishritste,..a , pleasing' flavour . yet SO inexpensive that you will have money, left over for extra meal- time treats: VOu can enjoy tanac4a—taisit and -She ,the yearround — over 66 different 'atlas—. • edftes.11::frat OftlAsmked d& a 'tarifilined�rP y'temPtIcicl in; recipes make it easYlor you to offer delightful • variety to hearty appetites. • • ."• oieettrenn4i...Ot :elstiOtet. 0,1TAWA: PtYlitt Poit "AEI 1160,rikirt, .6, 50, goi Eiee. .‘tiopird, ,71.00:t• $ . . .... • ... ......