HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-10-20, Page 1ZY, • , . RINK FOR.SALE-Apply to J. W. enderseni Lucknow. .• ' • • s , LOST -3 calves on- Saturday night. „ red anea,...and One, Ted and white.nyone knowing nf their whereabouts ease,. notify Melt Irwin, 'Phone -r4, Ripley; • " CLEARING AUCTION -ALE -Of arm 'stock. and. ,IalaPlements, Coils. 9, ,*est Wawanosh, Thursday, ,October 27th. See IA'S for list and terms. Matt 'Gaynor, And. Wm. J. Foran, Prop. AUCTION SALE. --of farm ; farm Stock and iinplements, Con. 11, West Wawanosh, 3 miles east of St. Helens. n Friday, October 28. See bills for list and terms. Mrs. Henrietta Havens. Prop.; Matt Gaynor, Auc. . • • CLEARING AlLICTION •BALE7-ef farmstock,. implements and heuse- • hold effects at .W. II. Lot :21, Con: 2, , West Wawanosh, Tuesday October. 25thInt- One; sharp.' gee 'bills. • Matt Gaynor,. Auc. John Arthur, •g. Auburn, Prop,: - PERSONAL :- MEN OF 30, 40, 50! WANT VIM Vigor, for, rundown body' • Ti OSTREX Tablets of raw oyster stint rilants and general body builders It not delighted' With • results of firs package, Maker reftmda•ita low priee. Call, write MeKint's and all' good druggists .'TENDERS; '• TENDERS SEALED TENDERS Will I be •re- ceived for a chief Operator for the . . Goderich Rural .Telephone Company: 1 ILLimited, Diingannon, 'rip to and in - eluding October •;24th;) 1938.- Dittiec. to commence Noyember _lath,. Free • , dwelling . with hydro service. charge provided by Company. Heat for office and other hydrocharges to he sup Plied, by Operator. • ' •. Lowest or any tender not neceis- . arily. siccepted. • G. C. TRELEAVEN, •Sec-Treas *NATIVE OF KINLOSS DIED IN• NORTHERN .,,ONTARIO . Ward . has begn 'received by reliit- ives here of the' death .of .Donald J. McLeod, who passed passed ,iiwaY at his home heMe. ,at Ledbut, n'ot.th of s 'Brute,. NorthArn 'Ontario. Eein on Concession Six .:SiX Kinloss, Mr. McLeod was .78., Years of age. He was one of a family of five boys and four girls. Two sisters, Mrs. Donald Morrison of Lucknow, rind :Mrs. Cox of Kincardine survive; as well as his wife and -threei children. •-• Gasoline Down A Cent : • • , . . Gasoline sdropped one 'cent a .gal- lon at local garages.on Monday bring.' frig the pride to .25e, which Will be. generally ',popular With motorists an : garagenaen .alike, as that extra cent Was a nuisance,:to Say nothing of the additional.cost, during the seas,..M's driving. - ELECTED 'PRESIDENT OF • " TEACHERS' CONVENTION LUCKNOW CENTRE FOR.Y; P RALLY Large Gathering Of :Delegates „,Eroni' 'Maitland Presbytery' Met /Luck. , now Preabytertain Church Friday - Afternoon :;and "BVeitieg Bessiene, .11e1&..-•InciPirine Address bY„'Rev- Dr... Jape's' D. Smart.. • • The annual Rally of the YOUn't, • . People's Societies of the Maitland Pre-: bYtu7c7wasulccheld Friday, lin'thFeParesbYetteebriller Church, Lr 14th: • • ' , The afternoon session commenced at, five O'clock, with NiSe E. Williams, Molesworth, in the chair, tlie Dev- otional exercises were conducted by ' the Teeswater Society with Clark Mc- Gregor in charge. The afternoon meet- ing Was devoted chiefly te the trans- acting of business. • , s Supper was served in the basement 'Of the church by the ladies of the congregation. Fallowing the supper, Rey. S. M. Seatt, Kincardine, ;.ddresSed ,the young people; The theme of his sub- ject was "A Challenge 'to •,Youth". He reminded the young . people of their many .; opportunities which brought with them. great :responsibility. "We 'are 'Challenged," he stated; 'to stand A. M, Thompson, principal of I3ow- manville Public Schools,, and 'son of Mr. and, Mrs. D. M. Theinpson of town, was 'elected president • Of the Oshawa and and West Durhani, Teachers', fnstitute, 'during .their convention ,in 30mo-a recently: • ' • CAUGHT '10, POUND TROUT • Fishing , on delnoy's -pay near, .Wiarton on .Saterday; Fraser Pater 'son landed a ten pound trent.. In the "ertY:were A. NW: Hamilton, Jack Mac Donald, •Jae,k MeQueig • and ,Fraser, With ,..the, latter' hooking the ',prize beatity. of the day's Catch, Which gave h,iin quite:a 'tussle before hailing it aboard their fishing' at NOTICE TO CREDITORS, AND OTHERS In The Estate Of Thomas Aitehiaeal• Manufacturer, Deceased ALL : 441" PERSONS having , claims -against the Estate • of Thomas sAit- &juin, late of the village' of Lueknew, who died on or about the 6th day of September, 1938; are 'hereby s notified to send particulars Ofsante. to, John •E.. Pritchard, 85 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Solicitor for the•EX•••• s ecutora on or before the1.15th day of November, 1038, .after which :date, the estate; will be distributed,' having; 'raga/W-6rib,- ta-the'"elgibieti Of 'WW1 :the. said solicitor . shall then have notice, and the ekeeutors, -will not. be Ha*. to any person of whose claim • they .shall not then have notice• DATED at Toronto .this 17th #ay of October; 1938.. , • Ernest Aitchison,. • sHOrace Aitchison, ,Clifton Aitchison, Executors BY their' solicitor, John E. Pritchard, • 85 Richmond SL West;. Toronto. COMING EVENTS , MASQUERADE DANCE . town Hall, Lucicitow, Monday Oct , ober 31st, under • Fire Company auspices 8 prizes, first_ and ;second prize .for 'Comic and Fancy. Lady, and Comic and Fancy Gent; 4 cwtof flour and .4, '20 pound bags of sugar., -Me- • , Cartney's Orchestra. Admission, gents , in costume, 26c, not in costume, 35e; All ladies, 25e. , • ' 1 tOMPLETING AREgf' The , Coin'hiunity.• Hall. Committee• arranged this. Week to have Work cotn•' inerice in Cementing the staiement floOr and ',the.: entrance to s the' bnild. Up 'for noble :ideals, and these idealS Must be expressed in right living." ,At ,the evening session the •cleVot- ional, eiiereites ,-lii.vere 'conducted by niernhers Of the; Ripley Society with C'imer On; McAuley in charge. • Mitt 'Stella Stewart, President • of the-Luckinonr',Geild, extended .welearne. to the vigiting;seeietie& , • • :The -rePoit of the Kintail ,Surniner‘ Scheel was ably given by P4e. B. .Eqicinier of Brussels In a very, inter- esting talk he 'outlined the program carried . on at the Sunimer School, and' clearly pictured it as 'a week of good ,fellowship, and. an • occasioin for the cleVelopment or the spiritual life. Musical numbers Were a solo by 'Mies Maria King, of Hru,sselt, and a ing'For basement drainage, a dram Male quartette from Wingham. it being run to 'the overflow'ditch • The gueSt .tpealter for the eVening. from the•village 'well. When this work o:as Rev Dr Jams D, 'Smart, of Galt is completed, a heating Unit willbe who gave a very inspiring •mettage on installed to take care of the dressing Present day problems for youth The rooms and ladies rest ioorn: This 111 speaker said "We have enthusiasm to. pretty Much, bring to completion all go on but .know not where we are, 'lecessary . work in making this new. 'because there :is. So much confaston •DANCE AT: HOLYROOD Hallowe'en Masquerade dance, in Ilolyrood Hall Friday :October' 28th. •CkNX Hillbillies. Prizes for fancy &dosed lady and gent, cotnie lady and gent and cOmie 'ecniple . of Scheel age ehildren, Admission Gents 25e, Ladies.,15c.' ' PARAMOUN!I'- 'DANCE' Special Hallowe'en Masquerade dance at Paratnoutit'Hall,' on Friday October-, 28th. Four prizes-fitney and comic for ladies arid gents Music by Mcketiziess Orchestra : Gen- eral Admisston groc. ' • • • . , . arena cote of the' finest and up-to- date. of its kind. • PROPHETIC BIBLE CONFERENCE •What has the I3ible to say 'regard-. ing coining events' A •Pi ophetie Bible Conference .under, the direction- of s the Lucknow -Bible 'Institute will be held, in the near future. For :futthem announcements please"wateh 'foi•next week's Sentinel The classes • Of the Bible Institute Will open for the Fall term on Friday evening, Nov: 4th. ' • DANCE AT ItIPILEX,. There will he a dance in the'Town- , t 'Ship' Hall, RiPley, *after' thd Mugiettl neettai, Wodnegday nighti, Oct- ober 26th. VOsie Itricxeozie's Orehestra. ' Warm' comfortable undergarments for 'Men, , Women and Children. THE MARKET' STORE. • 1 , • Mr., 'Wm. Eadie of 'HOlyrocid has purchased a new 'Massey-Harria 101. Tractor and plough. :We 'understand, Mrs. Joseph Gay- nor .6f London, forinerly Clara Cain, is iserieutIfY' ill in that city : with 'pneumonia.' • • 'Mr, and Mrs. Ross C rton of Rock- wood are visiting this week With Mr.' aid Mrs: John EllPatrielt, having ra- turned*ith"them after _Spending! Sun - :day at RockwoOd. . • • • — Alice Dunbar, ,popnlarly remem- hered.'since last Year's .performande here, returns to Lueltnew'this Friday night, under' :Wensen's Institute aus- pices: 'Entirely, new proiririn. Alice Dunbar has „ri • supporting' cast, -int dlUding Gladys Cornell, cba;• trait°, and three clever Juveniles, one a 'little bay With big 'accordion, the Other ,twP young girls featuring song and dance ,spedialties. That You'll 'en. " Joy it IS assured. and uncertainty or mind." Dr. Smart recalled the condition of the churches in Russia and Germany. He maintain- ed that their downfall was not due to external forces but rather to the internaldecay•frOm within and aSkacl vhatrwOuld: happen to the church • in our own farad if it were threatened in a similar manner. He pointed out that only a church that it seeking Christ can ' Stand- against the ;Medd that assail it; but that such a church noth- ing:cotild,overwhelm,. and that it would be 'a redeeming •force iri4the. world. . .'The ' Presbytery, officers 'elected for the 'Coming :year were; Pres.: -.1. Clang' McGregor; 1st • Vice -Pres. - Cameron McAuley; :: 2nd Vice -Pres. --- Benson Hamilton; Cor. See'y--Dor- othY Deans; Ree: Mpore; ,Treas:•.7Tent Wils�n., • , ' Next year .the Rally will be held at • SHOULD AB. 1110POLAR C An evcnt that. promisesto provide plenty.,of •fun and interest, it: rinat. rtadade odance to he held' under Firc CoMpanY auspieeS•in the" Town Hall on Hallowe'en Night, 'October', 3tht, , Eight valuable ;PriZes., heirie coffered for .costume awards .: Four, 08 pound bags ,of flour (Havelock or Made -Rite) and four 20 Pound bagq of gager will he, offered as first and second prizes for o ladies fancy -and comic costuines and gents fancy and comic 'oostuines. • 'It , is 'hoped to . have a. couple of "experts"„ present to lead in the "Lthribeth .Walk," -that new dance so peeked Ilan of taught and nonsense. If this Can be -arranged it will be con- fined ,to those • in costume only. Members of of the Fire CO: are alio under "orders" to came in cestnnic and 'if they do •SO,.,should be "a sight for Sore eyes." McCartney's orchestra Will provide therirusie. Plan' now to masquerade for:a big night of fun, on „October 31st. , Don't fail to Visit the monster bazaar in the.„‘Tewn• .Hall, Friday •October 28th;,'afternoon and 'evening, under auspices of the Women's Assoc- iation of 'the •United Church: ' MATCH WOLF. SKINS AND :,KINLOSS :PELTS Department 'sent WOIlpeles To.'Walk-• erten' For comparison ,,-DePtity Minister &Ora Absolutely No)Doitht: Animals Killed In kinless Are WW1 • An issue of The 'Sentinel, Without a, story 'abmit, the ,Kinloss"wolves.' would hardly be complete. Probably. .howeyer, they.' are no •Ionger , front page news. But so long tang ag they. con- tinue- their raf44-`"lier•-, theys'nagyes oi• wild dogs, there presence is a vital matter in Kinloss Township and not one to be lightly regarded.. .• .Livestoek• daniage claims. are: plae.' ine a heavy ' financial obligation • en the ratepayers, but more than that, sfear is growingforthe safety of 'little tots attending scboolsin the infested area. The :bold and . viciouS attacks by these packs upon livestock.. is,reason to fear' that even childre:11 Might be attacked, - especially with_ Winter '.approaching, When stock ,Will go •'into barns, to, deprive • the. mar- auding pack' of this source of PreY• Rabbits, we are told, as • well as deer, are not now nearly se numerous in .this area: . • . , As wild • dogs -which the Depart- ment.of ,Ganie and Fisheries -has i•alecl. them to be, they are proving as Vic - bus and ,dangereus, as wolves sweuld be, and Kinloss Township's chief prob- lem, is net, what are they, -but, -how to get rid of them; The DePartinent' ruling, eliminates eliminates -the •possibility .' of the $15.00 .hOiiiity, and reduces the inducement for gunmen to run they: demi. • - • Fallowing the recent ' announeeinent by the Departmentof Game and Fish- eries,.'ReeVe Elliott. got in touch with County Treasurer Alien Nelson, and JOIN FAMILEX, to insure 'Your share in the business pick-up and -make a decent Ex- perience ,in door to door • preferable, but not necessary1, Every person, a enstomer.11Ekeeptienal LoW prides.' AttraetiVe' packages. Very' Profitable Oath ' POE permanent growing business, investigate. Full details' and. catalogue without oblig- ation: PAMItEk COt CO. 570 'S Montreal.1.! ' PASTOR ANp BRIDE HONORED TUESDAY . • : Rev. And 'Mrs.. Reynolds Ester Of Ashfield, Presented With Purse Of Money By Coneregistion On Tues- day Evening -Ripley Church, Made presentation 'Last. Week. • pelts. the tail was somewhat longer , and more bushy and the body ,fur On Tuesday evening in . Ashfield longer. • , • , LOCAL SCHOOL 'FIELD 'MEET CUP „. LneknoW„ Teeswater- and . and Ripley • Studenitii In Meet' :At Teeswater .• Triday4-LeCal'i: Girjs:, Excel A.nd • 'Give • 1. Lu'cknow Cup Teeswiter 1 Only 7 Points* Behind: • , . the inter -school field meet in Teeswater on Friday, girls and bus of Lucknow; Ripley and Teeswater, schools staged a ;close %battle ; for points to decide the winner of the , , . • It was not till tlib last events were '5tate-d-that the''winner was assured,- with .bielionOw. students ,capturing tht silverware with a total of 135 point-. Teeswater was a close 'SeCond. with 1.‘78thp.ieoini.itsp,•07,intds.Rl.pley •in third .place 1 With _ the local boys- • finding the opposition the "toughest" yet it remained` with the girls to give an outstanding lierfermanee, that was the chief factor in the 'cup earning to Lucknow. In the .„girls' . events, •Lucknow • • • . , , • infoi•mation was. sought . as to the jeniers, piled up a .majority of;: points over Teeswater,. the "ranners Up: *In the Senior events, while th,2, local girls Were but 7 points ahead of Ripley, they had a 'oriide margin of 41 points over Teeswater girls, Which. school was runner up for the cup. , Points Were awarded 5, 4,3; 2 hnd difference,between wolf pelts and the skins of the three animals shOt, in ' ,As a result three, Wolf ' peltas were ,sent to Walkerton for !comparison purposes. Differences to a degree were, noted in the ears, tails and texture of the 'fur we understand., On, the wolf , _ Presbyterian church, the ,congregation There was iibsolately .doubt that othered in large numbers, to make the animals .killed by the ICinlots , , „ a presentation to their new, patter; Townthip hunters were wild dogs and Rev, Reynold i :Eeler and his bride. 'net wolves, a Ji Taylor, deputy niin- Rev arid -Mrs...••Eslers were quietly ister •of genie and fisheries!, said. Married 'in Toronto on Monday,' Oct. '"If there had been any question, 3rd.. Mrs., Esler Was fernierly Allis We WoUld • hare paid the bounty-.. We Marion Masan of Vancouver ; Mr: and do not draw the line Very .fine, and Mrs. Etter haVe •-taken up reSidence '*here 'there is any doubt about *heth- in the Ablifield Manse. er an 'animal' is a wolf or a dog we An interesting program vihs pies; call it a wolf and pay the bounty. But ented, on Tuesday ;evening, 'featuring.= in this case the Pelt was not only etc-; nuinbere by school children .* of'', the amine() by eur owh experienced' men. congregation.' Daring the &ening but We sent thein •to fiirriers and tan- exprossie address 'tiran teiid and. if who all reperted,them as degs,"s liiheral purge �f Money iindaa. bouquet Mr Taylor- Said. • . ' of ile*ers presented. The address ' Itintess.offieials maY seek aid from reed ' by Duncan McKay with the County; With a vie* 'te ectermpi- Miss Ella Cowan making the present.; atione ROV,and Mrs, Esler, , :On the .Tuesday evening' previous, :and`,Mis.• Etter were thitiliaily hOrionted by.. the cOngregation t:1` EA), leyliresbyterian , he being tbe Imotor of ;the dual eltarge. • 1 With two contestants frotn each school :entered. in each class. the fellawing• results the "L',", ."T" and "AR" distinguishes ta-Which.,Scheol the winnee belonged. ' • '• • ,'" • Boys', Events High jump; Senior,7-Renivielc, T.; Gallagher, T.; • pordOn Steward? T,-;. AcCosh;, R. 'Jynior-Hy- slop, T.; Lewis,T.; Reid MeKim,L.; Emerson, Liddle, 'R. ! Standing 'Broad' jump; Senior - Renwick, T.; Hyslop,„ T.; - Harold Thompgon,,., L.; Bowers; R;; McCosli;•; R. jninor--IlYslop, T.; Coic, T.; 'Fin.: la so' R.; Fred WeliSter, L, Black- el1, IL : 106 , -Yard Dash, s' Senior -Bowers, McCormick R • Elliott T • Thom - pion, L. Renwick, T. Jiiiiior7-.doX, T.;• Thompson, T.;' Ross.' Paterson, L„; Liddle, R.; Fred Webster, L. • ' 220 Yard' :Dash, Senior -B� et R.; McCorrnick, le; Donald McKim non, L.; Elliott, T.; Reziwidk; T. Jun- ior -Cox,.. T.; Haldenby, T.; Liddle, R.; Peed Webster, I..; ,:Pollock, R. Running Broad Justin); Senior . -L. T.;' Bowers, R.; Jack coeli, Harris, It, (ties) ;" Morden, T.' Junior. --Lewis, T.; 'Hyslop, T.; Fred. Web- ster L • Donnelly, , Ccilline R. • Pole Vault, Seniorlyslop; T. McCormick, R.; Bowers; ,.11.;. Morden; T.; Gordon Steward, L. junior -Hy, ship, T.; Morden, .T.; Finlayson, s R.; Ross Paterson', L.; Pollock, Rf ' Buntting,,.• Hop; Step and diimp, Senior --Renwick, ' Harris, , R.; Elliott, T.; jack •Cook, ". L.;•`• Hewers, R. Junior -Fred ‘Tsrebtser, 14:;Ilysior T.; . Reid ;McKim:, L.; Th,onitisona.;. ating the paCk; tor while at preterit pid hreeding nature Of the• anintalt roOni containing,an abundanc‘Of use- ive reiViision thretig he co, ri if Li. tche and the gAther- early, ate.P.S tare not taken to thwart lag ioitioa in iiilkfiig• !volt, .Thoy thav lutatipisfifit,' Jelly Geed PellOWS". • . , . , . , ••. ' McKenzie, -R. ' , Baseball Throw, §briior.---McOon• mick, (Continued on Page 4) ; SHOWERS MARIc OCTOBER NO.PTIALS. Young • peeple of Sonth••Kinlest oboreh gath'ered recently at the 110111p Of Wilbert Hodginson,•Kinlough, ,• ; to 'honour Mrs.• Herbert."-Bucktoes(ne Mary IlecConnell) at a miscellaneous kitchen shower. A. program; was enjoyed etijOYed before a decorated waken was drawn into the living room ;well loaded with attract- ive and useful gifts .of kitchen uten- sils. • ;mrs. :Beektori. thanked her 'friends kindly, and the •serVing of p dainty lunch concluded a "delighttull.: function: „ Showered at at Toronto • At the home of ;Mr.'and,,Mt.t...Janies Hules, in Toronto, on Tuesday of: lest Week, a large ninnber of young, People, -gathered to 'bender Mr. and . Mrs. Buckton, with it pantry .shelf 'Shower. • ; • to 'mark the oceation of "theii:;•Mar. mar- riage. . The eydtite ,Wat "Spent otti5;i'ne games, duiting• Whith t*O., decorated it is but a Township Problein, the'ra-lwagens, were drawn into the: living' • constitutes a threat of nior4 exten- ful- pantry Shelf articles, 1 . DIET SPECIA Hois, and ,unso`y Bre WEEK END :SPECIALS LAYER OAKES ' JELLY ROLLS t) HON gY TARTS MAPLE WALNUT 'TARTS ' • RAISIN PIES1 • CHERRY PIES • ROLLS TUTI •FEUITI "ROLLS •• , • • PINEAPPLE' ROLLS -CHEILgEA BUNS COFFEE CARES' CHOICE, COOKIES' TRY 0,I.JR • RAISIN-- WHOLE' WHEAT AND HOME MADE BREADS f-10:LLYINA:AJN.7.S: •,,= The Greatest Nitrite Radio • A Square Deal For The Radio Purchaser 'Effective Till December 3rd'. ' 'ANYONE -purchasing a MARCONI RADIO will be, allowed fiat purchase pried if. he wishes to • change to another model Or make -cif 'Radio :WITHIN THREE MONTHS; s IF AT ANY TIME WITHIN A YEAR the purchaser wishes to Change to an ELECTRIC RADIO, allowed the full purchase • price, less 45.00, 0/4 ANY RADIO. Thus' the 'Battery, Radio OosTs. lirov ONLY bly1E;. RoLLAits ' ONE YEAR'S., f.10-.- • • :You Can't Lose by Buying Marconi RADIO SALES' - • LUCKN W. ONT. 7 ' (Office Mahood -Stewart Lumbeit CO.) E ORIGINAL REXALL .741:E..EVENT 0F T HE SEASON - PURETEST PRODUCTS XMAS GREETING CARDS ' • ' CANDIES ' BABY NEEDS .. ItEXALL .REMEDIES HOSPITAL NEEDS PERFUMES' .`• • ' TOOTH, PASTE" HOT WATER IIOTI'L,ES.,, . ,SSTOAATPISO:ERY RAZOR BLADES ' TALCUM POWDER '.. .. CH0001.,ATE BARS • _, SEE COMPLETE LIST OF SALE ITEMS ON THE HAND BILL _ . ... ,. _ .. _ . • WHICH WILL BE, SHORTLY : DELIVERED. . . . • ma oil piviNc,:.,NExTwEg.K WEDNESDAY; TH101iSDA Y, ...FRIDAY • and SATURDAY.: „ s th.li..27thi#:20thf:29th . • • THE REXI'LL STORE • • • • • 32 'PHONE 'LIJCICNOW• ' • ENGAGEMENTS • 4hd Me$," No: G. '..MacKen.zie„ .Ashfiehl annoMice the eneagenient of I .thek: Ciao ghter..Ma r earet Isobel ta,Att.; -,66-66.1d son 'o Mr.! .aea: Mrs.: .jaines Blue' 'ok Aniberiek the marriage..•th• stake IplaCe 'early. in I; .NoVember. ' Mr, and4iMi"..R: Toi. onto aash tO:7OrihOu0e: the engage.; Merit ,s their :daughter,' MarlOrie Barliara; tattev, Oeorge Nlo*gOttt y.Otingo8t' 80O'•of 'tI GI, H. stoouglat..aiid the late Mr8'.. poet, 1O.8, 'Liteknow, the. marriages to • take place SAttirday,, • inKnox Callege'..Chttpo? NOTICE „ The annual donveetion „et' the F. 0, And ti F, ,Olubs" for North 'fluter'', Will be heiti*Tin' the °Town Hall', ,Lucknow. lit 7.39 P. M.. on Thursday Ott. 7. Leonard' ,,iinct Violet llatinon noted wt Acts and leetutm,- r‘ili ad. dreta the ineetlitir., •EYeryene intCu esttd is. inVited t� ittcha the meeting, • Z AA R 11%T.00dmeerus n,.s.The/4:jr sAoeipliAtcioesit, fThe Li nited 'Church. • Town H.all,... Lucknow • AFTERNOON k. EVENING . • 'Friday, October 28 ; VARIOUS BOOTHS WHERE • YOUT' MAY rtlititAsE--.- Xiattiit ',Goods Handkerchiefs, Aprans. Christmas 'Homemade Baking & Candy, TEASERVED AFTERNOON & EVENING Itenienther 1v46,:6tite Aria Visit 'Thrs ,13tizaar Where Tliere Wull . s o. Be. Offered Per Sale A Wide , • • „ Range Of ;Useful Articles. s 1 „ Warni Comfortable undergam retitg .; .: • for "NfertWomen rind Children; tilt STOlit