HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-10-13, Page 8s Says' Week At TemPktfin' •AREECHES.:-.'}•lump hrey $' tweed, tested f f r, ,s#ongth, .. Z prtre wool. By actual test, will give- twice thewear' of +;twoordinary pair. Lined, safety . zipper pocket lace . , d at knee. Price ---.�.. ._ ,,.._-.�...,..:«., ,$440,Q •Heat/ y' WHIR CORD BREECRES,flette lined, ,double knees and seat ,SPECIAL - ..... ,...,.�....., 51.95'. POW SWEATER, all wool—zipper at neck, •Knit, from ,pure wool yarn, which insures warmth.' "Royal, Blue or Wine $' . -BALLANTa iE SWEATERS_ Hone combi " 1.50 „ Y stitch, in smart pull-• over style, zipper fastener. Knit in plain colors " " 1.o, r Seethe new DASHIECAPS;--for bo s, Sm8xtlYstY1ed. Greyor •brQwnmixto e ., PE _.. - -- 59e, • ; °' MEN'S CAPS,' smart styles ' ;1 • ne and 98c HELMETSrn warm chinchillalined, in navy blue: A , BOYS' Flette PJYAMAS•--for• e nights. grreater comfort on ' cold • flette, e, full. cut. , size, 26 • •:r er; to 34. 'SPECIAL! -• ,. Roy$'WorstedGOLF HOSE:.—fine uaty worsted' yarnheels and -reinforced, hard vear.ing hose, tern down neat-atractivetops, PAIR 8e oto', a S ei l CI P. FOR SAT Ult•DAY. P.I ' (JNI C HAMS; 1. C Ib: P.LA CE ORDERS EARLY s .. END' IN. XO NEWS If an or an, izatioo is-acFom plishingthtngs wort,hwhile the ' public ogt u h• tar . i ie.:, knew a bo u t h e Werk it is s dors ,` • ]n; the election'of officers so me'• perms sons should. beoratea .. , PI? d to see "'that. :T he- Sentinel'; is'`given ,reports:of.meet- ings as: they 'occur.: Wri reports , . tten r, orte` P. are preferred P erred to. note s.ort",8e P s should be se nt. m.a s- quickly •as:possible fall= ng eachti ' `mea n g. Fainted' At • Concert n ort .Neiconclusion .Nearing the- gel . on ofthe e: Am-, ate'''. ur 'concert,. • Monday, : rs M Herb Ensign was overcome ''by the; warm atmosphere' and the excrement . of the Tuck Sisters acroba • tic number, and swooned into a dead faint ;was shortly,t l .She revive, and able` " ` the:' hall 'u to leave nass}sted. _ • LUCKNOW VE N D:' CHUR CH Rev. R. ' C. Toda'' Pastor • SUNDAY, ocr OI3E1t lb. , 11 ... a.M.—Merning' Worship. • 5ub:: .. jest, li Remember• the Sab .:, bath. Day TO Kee• P. rt Holy. 3• .m. P --S nn da Schoo y le ? 'p.tn.-n - +o• n8 ret4a t ion at: Si a' gingand Prayers.' 3ubIect, "United Missions inCana- diem ap e Ca na- din West . .• WEa 8p.m.—Midweek Service i FORANS HONORED ED ON ANNIVERSARY• , • ' Silver g WeddinAnniversary Y OtMr. and Mrs. Cop ' Fort; '. Marked irked On Friday' NightWhen Presentations Were', Made By • Friends. And Neigh- houre.. n •Friday' evening ;about sixty friends. and neighbours 'gathered it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Con Foran to honour them' ' t m o the he oc' ssi _ n of their 25th • wedding 'anniversary,, ' The, evening was e g ntt.. P .. n, card playnng and dancing, during she course .of which •a well worded address was read by Geare �• i George Stuart and Gus •Rinahan presented -them with a and, of ,silver, ase second gift ,was. a, arse � resented Walter -Mc • b,.W k presented Y Glynn with. Mr.. Win. Hogan reading •the. address.' Miss ' Mary and Eileen Foran` then lighted 'the ' 25 candles, o ' . n the three story ,ova ' riding cake, decorated in sil- ver fittingthe• i gwii . „oecaston;.'Dancin -. , s enjoyed d unti 1 the small ' hours of the. m or n tn h , - wh e n "ev e i r. y' on e` le f t • Visitora .were Present,,from $ am=�ing'Mr a'd.DI : Foran -many"• Years.oPPiresar ilton, StratfOrd, Teeswate ' Gorier ,. ch Kingsbridge and Hol Milw and Mrs =:For n an in there , uanal 'pleasant . Come.om e `• A ft. '. the. ;presentation, �en' h n :,t h emaaner:ga..everyone a 8epi¢, .Wel- friends ' Joined m:'a' circle and sang',Fort Their. Are Jolly, Good ' Fello•ws » and "We Won't Go Home : Until Mor- ning," . Mor- g, 'the:latter `w , r hien they..reah • Vived. up to. l Y Both Mr. . and • Mrs:, Foi• an :relined replied fittiIg n .. Y. in thanking one and all. , The e ' addresses'•follow; Dear Folks: We, , your friends and neighbours; tin learning that . this is th •a H. twenty `Elft h • 'anniversary of your :wedding day 'take ,, great. • pleasure , in: coming here tonight to eittentl to you . our sin' Gere congratulations; and good wishes on this very happy ocea 'o , l?!,• � . 8 n. You. always IIS .. PfoY"en yourselt/es enrol g end kindly lY nes ghbo"r s , sri d so it t is a;ple sure.to take advantage to ge t this. time: to present You. uwith thin. 'f as a mark of our es. teem and best wishes that cont' inued•• health may permit you to: enjoy the 'use=of `;them. l unt' ru• . When.. tine ;silvertnaY : •' .. be ,re-', wish- more ish- mo e r placed by gold: • ., Yo ur .Friends: & Neig° hbo : urs. ' De ar ,Con And d Mr's.. Foran:..., We your r fr' Y ten ds• and • a< nei hb � have.. g' .ours gathered :here tonight h t g to help e .. cel brate' this your twenty4ifth 'aria- iversary. ,Y. , 'Will y ou except this.h ttl e token asastncere e re '• ss i. xP o sof• our a ffec ' " and • esteem: May', o , trop Yu in .. .. _the future,. as in the past continue' t` oh have every Y ha ppiness. WEDDING, B. ELLS' • • HUSTON---KRAUTER The, 'marria e. of• is' . E g �,;.s , lean.• Marguerite .Krauts!, formerly, 'Of I e - gine', and Qu' Apiieile; •and David. Andrew Hu stop, Tornntof took place before ' Rev., J. M. Would Saturday. October lst, •at 'Oakiamcr,' Ontario. The :. bride is a daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. E. E;' Krauter,. 'Qq' Appelle, ,and the groom the son of b •. Mr,, and Mrs: D. Huston,. Lu'cknow, Ont. The rooms of the United Chur ch manse at, Oakland, were. decorated with •''baskets: of autumn flowers' .in- cluding gladioli, dahlias . and � blorize chrysanthemums for thecera . moray: The bride' was given in marria a ' her uncle E. Lantz e , by s $itcliener, •and was attended by Miss .Kathleen, Would Toronto The ;bride wore a 'grey''tail- oi ed suit with burgundy. accessories and corsage: of sweetheart rases and the bridesmaid a, brown tailleur with gree t accesseries, and corsage of pink roses. L. Morgan, Montreal, was best man. : •° ... The wedding supper • 'as, serve Gat. the home of . air. and Mrs. Arthur Burns; "Hamilton, Ont. The"tabl : w arranged' ettr irtively t was .. with.: a .tiered *priding cake ,end wh;te chrysanthem ums and tailors. The, bride 'and •groom will spend their honeymoon motoriM through the east: They will live at 308 Glencniin• Hilar inefits-. Glenc , airs and Yonge, Toronto. : ' • WALLACE- •McINTOSH At ICing Street United Churchr Len. don, on Satthe marriage, was solemn-` 'ized of Grace; our '" Y es• g t daughte'. ' r.of Mrs. , McIntosh; and the late. Rev. „•W. R. Mcltl tosh, D. D., formed :.o 'A _ Y f s • h. field, 'to Donald Gordon, Wallace,' ' ef. ,o Lon don, son of ':Mr. end Mrs. 'MacDon- ald Wallace of . _ Ingersoll; The .:church' wher . > . , e the bride's fa er Was for many year's the miniat as St can -lo g ho' an• d S. . ••Th her ofT Vont eycl th. er ion' 'C ite. ue 9.. vo'• by e th in It a ck e A' s; e s , ;arranged ' • with " wreu ght ' i delab g." ra hal ' dm ' tall 1 hi W t et tape an; hackleberr y : p' . Y• leaves and wh neysuckl .e .berries-, making, km a ' vi g, n charming 'decorative 'arta f ti . I' Brake'•;was at the' organ. e bride, •' 'giveni'•' n marriage' bi'rother in-law 11. B. • 1y Keenlysid oronto, wore;:a stria St rt . acct -long of. French: imported :'woo .• amen. s ii de cu : o t , -severely tai ored lines` with, tucks ed bodi c and rid. of ,'; . � be blue antelo• e: p suede.' ph‘Wore', e kolinsky''sable fur, and:a little' , , bla pillbox box' hat which' picked.' . up the blu and cyclamen tones of :her 'gown, small. verb -, 'bine* ek suede;. ace sso " and cham� a e ria P gne :;gl'oves co mpXetea th ensemble , h vt hien the ',bride' wore 'a • shoulder ette• o' orchids There Were n0'•attendtints Th. e rete tt P on was held at the home of the bride's brother-in-law ' and • sis'=: ter, :Mr. 'arid Mrs. Hot:iard: Base Line road: AuHayman;.. tumn flowers and: many: .er P , lighted to •,._ , , s tagre`•`used in the •rooms creating a' soft glow of color,' The bride's:. table4;: was centred 7 with the wedding cake, its base surrounded with snowy 'white alyssum, Y m. A clever conceit wasthe':'arr anseof mear:' • two, ti nY''figurines topping • 'the cake,! e gorb d inthe he PmcI ntosh. and Wallace. tartans., A to I i Y A Per' stood • on guard ua rdb .the cake :and,t e whole attractive arrangement•wa s , lighted tall ' :by to l white tapers�� The . Sc otu' sh note a� p. e re d • „again s. i nWhen D..A•"MacLennan, of Lochalshappeared to Pipe Mr. and Mis.waIlace on their honeymoon.' They .left ,bymotor .for the Iauie ratans' • and,. b ' their. 'return will "take u P residence den' c e on Ih r•• n .. gtbn street; ;London. f co arse the ex ec t, P t 0 be.with h ,. a a'• . Y 0 t i . g. n to celebrate eb r jubilee. to your Y D i a 0 m n d Jubilee. Sign, ed 0 n tion • a 1 f of" '" Y0 u r "Neighbour:'' and Fr e n d' � s IE . Lva N'INEI LLO(AL.andGEJD. Mr. Mrs.Jack Cpbe1l, Aud- rey and Islay spent the 'week -P.110 • at fillaburg, , ' . -Mrs, 'War. Murdie end Miss Isobel Murdie, 'visited over the week -end with relatives at Ottawa. - Mr, snd ttawa.;Mr,and Mrs., Andy Orr ani} child- ren nwe re week- end visitors.with Mr. ard Mrs..M• C. Orr., •. I ire. J, Edw' " rn • Snr}h. Of. Listowel spent rat th e ' holiday with his,. parents,, Mr. and Mrs Jas. Smith. "Mr, . :. and; Mrs: Tho mos Little ': 2f' Allendale are 'visitin `•for �' a few days with Mr..�antf Mrs. Wm.. J.Li `te. tl' Mr and ,Mrs. George 'D. .Stockharn of •Detroit` sPent the ; week -mid. ith her' father, ,Mr." ,Alex MacDiarmid' • -Alex 'MacDougall of Nester villa -Ont • is spending ';a month's :.vacation: with his, sister,, Mrs, ,Barn McGuire. Mr. and 'Mrs Stewart Burns of,Det- . were week end visitors with'his Parents, Mr. and Mre.:Thomas Burns. Mr., and Mrs. Jack Hall, and family,.• spent the .week -end 'visiting .relatives: at. Everton, Ospringe,'and Hillsbur Stuart Collyer, ' astu e. _ d rat at' S'tiat,. ford Noriiial. was; last week elected president , of the • School. .Literary Society terary ,. Mrs. Jame ' Webster ester •returned from Ottawa, on Tuesday where she had visited witIr her 'daughter; Miss Myr- tle Yi tle :Webster. Mr. and Mrs: Charlie • t Webster of Toro' nto: spent the'.' week-end at' the Mime of 'his. parents Mr • ,rand; .Mrs: Richar. d. Webster: Mr. and, Mrs.. II i• Cmeo n a M cDonald spent the week -end , at ` Niagara and the `previous week Visited for . a feta: days an Ottawa. M' iss Ma . ry., • I)ou las " g of,, brtclenei spent the holiday Y at. her ' imine' her, and. d. wa s e g.ust soloist irt:'the Pres- byte•ian church Sunday, Mr a" n a' 'M` rs. • Ar ms 'ti� onwils� g o n . Mr i and Mrs., N • or' a m n wi lso n M' i J J. ` Wtlson, Celia" and Jack pent the .week end, in Petierbolouggh: • and Mrs. P., J. Naylor and= Jack' Mrs.'N. L.Canrpbel • P 1, Miss Lorna Abell, and• Bob. Thompson- hompson` of ,:.Toronto were e Th inks , .. giving', visitors with _ rel ati' vas . here. Mr. ; en d... Mrs . Jack M cDonit h and fe mily have move e d onto Mr. Mt - Keith's farm `on the. ..12th concession. which Jack, has. rented. Mr.. 14IcKeith will -make his home: at:Oakvi l le., Sidney S mitt;• , who s ent't ;spent 'the sum - met. on the lakes on the S. S..'John A MacDou ' gald•,�' with ' , Y Zion friends before goin g , ION:Toronto Toronto wrier . ,has a .position, c he ' Mr. and Mrs,:_11. G:• •Fen sham and Mr •and•'Mrs J. H. Fensham: •hof Tor-r� O . nto spent Thanksgiving iVeek-end at` the home of the latter's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. JAS. Smith. •' . Tom i McKenz .e has'retur • ped to • ~•' Tim- mins after two weeks;' holidays With his parents,Mr. 'and Mrswm • I{e nz re. Alex and Miss Catherine Mc- Kenzie i o•' e f t Toron ' o spent e . PThanksgi Thanksgiving week -end `h ereris The vsi i " .to rs`;. from. a-= distance � at Mr: and Mrs.. W. ,-. • W: G. Andrea.,s educing the as". P tWeek k were Mrs: Alex Wood Mrs. . S}I as'oBrus •� h froth. 'Harrow, Miss Olive , i v e W obs ie `' r from; T' or .O Flo Dt0 Flora r. i U g ..: McIntosh . of ':Luc kno rat MacKenzie. w . is,; a ,daughter v hte left 'f,�r g'. New of TEACHERS _._. CHERS'. PLEASED „.I WITH OTTAWA ` TR1 P Sortie Two Hgndred Teachers From East' And; West spruce InsPectorate With Guests From Grey County Enjoy 'Convention Trip To Domin• ion 'Capital. • (Contributed) P 'Pr act; call all Y the to ac of the two Ins 'actor t hand , P . ,. a. es West and • I•ast Breeze attended the ,Convention Ottawa, th e end: ofla s Week. Th were e acco m 'e ani , p._ d b a Y. fe w fru m M�r Pentland's Inspectorat n . e including Miss. Helen Thompson of town Othe ; local people taking, advantagef' f ge-of they eX cuxsiori were ,Mrs: Win! '.Murdie:. , - Miss .Isobel, Murdie,, and Mrs: Jas.' .Webster, ••• "`' Leaving by early trs�n Thdrsda y morning we made 'our way, to I'al m ' erston,: ; where , the,,.$pecral train, Conveyed us ;to''Ottawa. awaited 'us. 'It was ;an ideal'day and all passes- tier's seemed awake and eager',for. tl. events that' were to come. Reservations had been made for us, at the Chateau Laurier -end as. it'was :i{fter five in the evening 'when we arrived: we were 'allowed to rest or spend. our first `evenin g • " in Ottawa a.. we .desired;, Friday •: morning was • spent -- serving work carried on in the • Ottawa, Schools. For this purpose we Were div' ided'.into 18, groups and each group was .sent to.. one ofn Ottatya'sr• eighteen 'ub lie P. s ho c of ' �. s. At noon We . were taken by y the:' Ottawa teachers out to the Experimental. Farm: where ed oh i , we • enjoy,.• r._mn � around•'the. grounds ••see- ing the pure bred , " • , Ayshire and Hol- stein cattle, steian'.ot ..: , .. ,d. ....her •livestock. At the Perin we e w' e re • served :a c ora-Plimaritari illneheen which the FoGens;era verY much •. appreciated. Then''the Board • of Public Schools in.0 ireated us to a: sight Geeing tour of the city. Set/ y en busses' took 'tts from the. Experimental fa ' farm .thio .the'•mos€ interesting. tore ' ng and most. ' beautiful •part's • of Ottawa. During this : tour .'.. • we etedth Eddy Plant,where ' uP e"ravi' is s- `madeanA.had. the 'pleasureof seeing the .rul ei P ' p wood . g0 th ro . the r" Pace sf o'• s ma' ouf act'ui• e until vert it was $nilly con- ed ...into paper. Friday evening we..g, . a thered: as di;•= eeted:in front of the. Memorial Toi'' er and. heard:. thetolled , Carillon. Belts. .tolled especiallyfor us• . Onlye tho' . e wh' a h •- A , ve heard ar d them a n 1} fu Y rcal' i ze ter. 'thrill we experienced., h P ace d • From ' th' er vi �.ite ewe . s a thio' vicoria., M. ..#, useum�, and • Art. Gallery. • Saturday morning' • vies spent in visit til' a . the Parliament' Buildings., ngs� which , wa i '` s n itself quite :an educe' _. i` t. ion. At 2�0' l no n }} We boarded d th' e train to 'return feeling rn home: feehn much uch •indeb'te'd and.' very:grateful to Inspector Mr:•'. ; Dobson: and. Mr • Game who'' with the • .aid'' of the Executive Committee 'had' arranged for such.`• an` education 1 interesting a , and .' Convention,. •: spent; a felt*.•days oyer the week- visiting 'in Windsor and' ::Detroit, the homes. of Mrs:: . s.. Bt�abson and' Wil.. 1II vat on Mr. ',and Mrs. r • . o e,: tae. McCall Cal` 1 a n Jean of .Lo' . ,. ndsborough;.�Mr. and M Ernest Nivi ns and • 'Mr.' and' illi Danim of• L'ea rtiirigton 'and Mrs:- Wi fr ed' ' Morns •of Goa ' en� . end guests. ch were gee, gets o . fMr::.� McCall end Mrs. Petr end -. rit• years residents of the Mr. west, arespend- ung tiro oweeks here, e With" t h his slate �. Mr z Mrs,, James•,Forster and Mr.' ,Forster. _Fol ter a'• Mr. MacDougall •is • a' Mr T#I • . t.sbA' : ,,bO vo.PR 13T1, 1938 To ; Tat �o s Represei Wild le In uckno' T .;. u. �e .saYs October 0. erg WIT It AF. _ LLR ..0 r' . _AN O IT S I G .0 G. S ANDS ' N O 'ER O TlN Y C A GS. FOR FALL, AND: WINTER' E' IN _. . AND .LOOK• .TIi ESE' SA'MI'LES„ OVER ,.a o� ,...minrs. .ens: . .: Wea� All these radios' have been dealt' in during the last six ' `' , Weeks'and are either new or have been completely '- ditioned by London's leading Radio - , tgineer,y ;recon- Stallard: ,Some of the :following Engineer, W. J;: ' now, .but will tieback g models, are in: London• • now, guarantee:be.• back veryhortly:;All ,are sold under new• Some aK,e the: • cabinets r fi ,air expert ,finisher. An Machine. c nig ed or ui,ctui;i;•at any timeY ,- h rte can. be exchanged for. within 9 months and full purchase. price ' will be, 'allowed, 'on any other, reconditioned ,�•�� .tare ,, y ,'radio S have in'stock, or ON • A NEW RADIO OF ;ANY. :. afield;. YOU CANED[' LOSE• One week' fro 't •' any electric' rad' ' e r ial 911''• .; io one: night on'' any battaery. radio, . • liRAlira AI,n,:.v ,..?.._ 1 M MARCONI $74.95 CONI 1938 Battery Radio -Nine tubeperformance,- . meed for display onl i •s Room. ), y n London=Never out of Dts Ia Regular n uY g price c P e 2 4 1.. $I :50: World Wide Reception; ; do RODGERS 9f : 1933'' •. • . , • • , . rata: Electric Radio • • All 7S : I Wave Automatic . Tu + i ori L Cann Eye., , Tuning. . • .., Beautiful Console' '. o ,' "told . from .'new—R•e u i4 ,14I del, cannot • be; lar g 5139.40. 1939.� P HI •`� Electric S Ra �. Pus .� h w butto . waver—Two. e. . n.tuning—All ,...Two weeks old --List • . , antee , on ' radio, t price $74.50, One year u r, : dto, nctudin to ga.. g . ties.• 1 'STEWART,' WARNER 4a■AA1938 Farm m Ra Wi dto• ndcharger and ,6 Volt. + Like newe- with new aboutStoragelB�attery. Like.`new;_ CogC .5130.U� • All Wave : 1938: M Aft` C ON I Feria m. Radio, Ldto 0. M ��.. , ode forl balance owing Thi 107 • —Repossessed 'THREE MA RC .ON, I. • ;�y 1934 Electric 19 Tube ub Long Bea ' ' eand d r Short • Walnut Z. nu bran ; s ra ie cannot' be• told. from' : new. one., Re a Regular g r' t c e tl P 7 1T 9:95 $ mo . nths 'old.. e. t Cons S .el e Mo Aldel—• 1 threeCo r st • completelyrte new 1 2u. $ reconditioned dt• . i to with new tubetr where necessary:ped by '.W J',> Stallard, P Hsi 0.1 M , . , 93.2 Batter. ,• 2%a.� Battery Radio new—.Com le Looks. and sounds P new.—Complete ; ith batteries Ansa •new. rale.. $10.00 two • - with.. batteri:•s abaii, -: � 'months, old�!'osi` ,t 10 00; 1 1 EIF,,' e■• IC, P : T. eS >'3. H ILC O. Sabi Y a , n '. d rid ab ode]= rile $90 ' tie'. ndt' ljnished like boned t tie 1 new --Cost Cos' t: rte ' w 90 $ .00 _..•1 AT' w T 19.9 AER .KENT Electric tit • c Co : h -sol ke — •' e nevi Cos Rnu ' Cost o nddio ,.'• new. $.,4 .00`._.::ped- moo1 PHILCO , .1936 Beautify!alnut .cabinet: , Batter ' ' sotneh" . y . llidro•-Record► . . at Marked _.tion a ked :•u ed Cabin: p -=A wonderfid et ful '" bar ' INDIANAgain •for: somebody?. f1111 ' 1 S:; UP >wRHET . E • ilew-.Econ ilea• air • ' ,'; recondition rn. 1ea like ' radio � bargain. • ALSO S O F O U R . SIY-V,OLT FA D :AT. ,, , ,I2M':RADI $1.00: .OS TO .: Al B .. •. IECE• .N0 E.SOLd T Reconditioned ,;or` Guaranteed, S. RADIO SA 'LWCKNOw; ONT. ontractor, and s, for th" ;' a e st several P. d ea .Yrsha'�' s been. a, engaged 'in thi's . wor. ` k in Vancouver: 1 . ,. Froth here Mr, and .Mrs:,.'Ma` k eDo,igall will- leave�for° Florida.. .. With , ..the exec - tio • .,.P. n, �of� his . brother 1VL s s t Ella : •� s . �. Ice/meth, • , : Cowan. and Mr. . hr then < an :• D.d. ' sts e A.•t r s L of "Mi• q ce nnan• Robert en e a '•_• rid� th `:eel visited', ite Wal lac. edsh' Iat is. ' hb , m And., o n ew froMcIntos '. '� m Londonh :.'Goddin 'London' •' Sunda and .yin .hat/' ,,. Roar' gY i 1' n t . ram .c • :: on, ,Sat,-: g attended theRe . . stowel, urda Tae Y he tiradearae aCi wedding dd> ' "' .,: niece, Of ;ti' .. ng m Wi H' n ha h g m o•� Sa n t ;Dr •r '�G a York •last:• Fri the Jate Rev. W. R. Friday, where he will ;McIntosh, , note , .• I. spend.` :•. a year 'titinpost native of Ashfield: •: , A '-�'Sco g a tch. r"" 'no g adnate •cours to ewa added' d de d atat th tec` hex e Eye,t' e io ` Ear �P n When he'' Nosen Mr , • and Throat McLennan eLennan piped the. young. couple as r7, in which line'of.. practise;', . ... , p etise,` •they'left fo , Grant is'!s ectaliz r their.trim P mwedding i p g•' .. A� ,Mr. a rkl• Mrs .`,A. r A ; M and . Mrs. Robert, 'Fisher:' and Dougall, of', Vanco C, (Alex) Mac- uvea- dnd'r. formerly J Mary'and;andel .Mrs: David ;Huston, , of this ;community, and for ', lain • Mr'. ',iii tiny urday Among those' res P ant t th . ' Si"mons Rae srid ; Mrs, Edith Porteous, Lo ' ' , rid of Mr. t an Mr i. s.•: 'Nelson. 0 n. R' Ingersoll; Mrs; dea i r Strat Jean k• fob; ,S inner; Strat- ,. Mrs, :Annie 'Thoni ' so P. n Li sto we ,Mr.` .l an d Mrs.' s Will Rae of St Pauls, Mr. and Mrs: Donald Mini and'Mrs:. , ' • Rae.. of •Wing I Grieves,o f Avanton, as y well as Mr and 'Mrs: Wm, Porteous, familygathering• a e were ' Mr. • maw . o - d' r du'o . Y en` Y Your.' horsebick ride.. "1,,neve r thought hough t a n t h i n . filled hay could b so ARRESTED. O N.THURSDAY U .,. RSDA Melville S math,' who has' been assistin ,in.abakery,: local � ` . W A s .taken . ' n tocusodyb Co stabTe .R Moor last .and lodgerin.j i1 over- ' ,night. ,H:Was •wa"to : by, Krteheneipolies ,on ainor. charges else : '•� ;• • 'and• al '` ` ford inga-po li ce , char fi eed With thobtain- car: fro m Stratford :dealer bt :fa1se retences and With It h n ' i to rat to a C u d. H e was ,released leased 'on b ail ' toail ear in pbl.ce •cort.this`rttda He :is sard.to belie secured: a second hand cal, from the Stratford 'dealer and as, .' part payment traded in another sec- - and hand" car „on which all. payments' •bad allegedly not been,,• m,'ade. •:• • 4•