HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-10-13, Page 7• 1711.411. :TOOPS: '"•ru "d• elArer f4..in.191.01 reach GelleTat EStiMates _that Germany Lacks tremendna* '-'1'.ininher Of. Trained OffieerS • and Racemes Gen. Rend 'Albert 'NeiSsek One of France's outstanding military :autlierities, paid last :week, thAt. Germany could put fewer divisiox* , into the field now •than in 1914 - ' because of a deficiency, in trained , reserves and. officers. He said that because Of • the difficult, situation 'Of her finances "Geirtiany must have a short war. -.arid her success. it not at all as- ' Ile . estimated' that Germany.' lacks -150,000 trained. offiieri and hundreds. of thousands- of trained non-eoinmissioned .0ificer,S.•lat'gz;V• as a result ,of restrictiont Of the. ;Versailles Treaty which ended the,. World War. - "Must Have Short War&. "Germany can put less trained. .troops into the field today than'in 1914 despite the anschluss with Austria," he said. "In 1914 it the start Of the war.:Germany mobil- ized 50 active divisions. "It , would take several years for Germany to form 50 reserve divisions now and Gern-any Would •!,., not be able to put that many re - terve. divisions into the field be- ' fore April, 19,40." Bruce Wild Life Is Growing Wilder KINCARDINE, Ont—TwO sections of •Bruee County are vieing far the ;title of; wild, animal •centre,', While Kinioss Township has its wolves, the , Linke' Peninsula' has tome to .the 'fore, with stories of black bears sighted hi the 'vicinity 'of Stokes Bay •Moie than one resident has seen them on the outskirts of the village Then, to add- to the animal annals, : Tom Belrose,. who diliVes the Mail fi:oin Warton •• to Tobermory, savi a silver •fezt on the roadway nPar Eagle Harbor, • ' • anada Seen As.. • amci pronlis Canadian • Newspapenvonian Travelling Through Czecha-, slovaliia :Is Asked All Sorts •Questions 'AbOnt the ajo,-minlon; ' • :• cOmnientiog on her experiences 'In . Cefitrai Europe, • a Canadian aeWsPaperwoman Writes: "In '.trav- elling n Czechoilorakia eertain qiiestions and exelarnatiens greetect me eter and over agaiit When I was identified as a Canadian. 'The'. most frequent was, 'what .arekthe reguiations for getting ;hi-. . to Canada?. Is it 'easy? R 'must be wonderful to live, in a country like Canada Where :Jou are •never in danger Of war'!'"."' ' '" Tradition Not•Fir Wrong •:-,Their--there-was• the young nTan In 'the, trala in northern When, he heard • us 'speaking •Eag- lith it soon became•evident that he Was: dring with 'a desire tO:' t'pealc. He Consulted with. two friends who :.quite obviously egged:•hinz'en. Fin-, allyhe took courage and said, "Please, ho nr are •You=plea se ?"'and he was Overjoyed when he realiied • hehad been Underttbed. The 'tradition that Canada- is the : Premised Land Stilt eiittt—and if we compare•it With the Unenviable Situation Of .Many a. European` ha - tion -,-it is 'evident Ale traditicin net far wrong.' Some 1)iabetics., Just Gluttons Manitoba Medical Association Hears That 50 , Percent .'• of. 'Sufferers Just Eat Too , • Professor L. '11: ',NeWburglr of the .Ilnivertity • of .Mielhigaa talk 'the. • Manitob- Medteal Attociaticintt an- , • inial.cOnvIentiontliat 50, Per,t eatet the Pertoilt diagnosed as.•suffering ••• train diabelet at 'jut .gluttonso ' only they WOn't adatit it ACcorcl. • lag to lite nsarallee statitties,. 1111040sed, there 'are 2,900.„0q6 .o4d- •-• dlelged, Ohete• linlividualt in the United States With diabetie torna. °They're, net diabetict, at all they're ,jitst fattiesr he added. . • . He re&Miniended a milk. ,vegeA table, and' frUlti,. diet and. declared ' the "!tticat dating. 'fallaer" started' 'Germany ;Years. ago a' 'deriaan cOneltided tile way 't•Ci be 'great. and healthy Wayo .eat - • rhe. restjt (he • Gerhuth olit thgtit litek t.ould. lick the 7ittitlit • If' .they hidit diet. a•rMilact - ;.,.tnelit, and that idea *at Obterbed. by other‘counitlee:' . ." AG,PSTS•WANTED ATIT.INTR)Nl: AGENTS ALL OVER Canada Are...Making 'spare: time , money • shoUring Yuletide' Chriat,. Mas Card. A Ilfgrillied able,ocenpation whieh meons dol. • lars, .for you, •Withaut we Setid:PI(ER''',POrlfuliO. sa#9.!• row panipnlet • On selling.. Priced f.rsom, 81 to 6140. dozen-,- •leveriliody, .bnsra- 'flighest commIsS:ion bonus. ' §tticlitm, TeroutO.' • ' • , I.,ADV IN EVEItY• LoCALITV TO represent' complete line of ladies' ' .men'o, shirts, ,socks: ties, ' l'Oonlar price, h s, 'ighest gommis- • Slone. Reliable nem, 15. years In business...Will stand tow. ItiVestiga- tion. I'M dour Lingerie. 1849 Am, ; herst. Montreal. • • ' , , . WORLD'S 41,AIIQZST PURLI$KiNq, coinpany can use full or part -011e agents 'to,solicit,,,orders for. pietor-,: ial Review, Good, Housekeeping.,' and",CosmOrtolitalv'Which are jiwt, a few. HigheSt eettllniSsicum Paid! " ,Por.,ctUriPlete list ancl' information ' ' Wrltei D. E.: VI1son. , 331,, Bay ' ' Street. Toronto, • ' , . A/RATEUR AitT1ST' TO PAINT AND SELL TCS THEIR ' , friends Christina.s Cards of :Cana= dian seeaes. 12 sample Cards worth 11.00 when painted sent on 'receipt or Ise. Money cheerfUlly refund- • ed It not satisfied. This is pleas- ant. -profitable• work at home. Hollywood Studio. .Room 3.0.` 319 • Spadina Ave.. Toronto. . AlITONTolaILE REPAIRS • Shirsek...Absorbers SALES AND SERVICE. ALL MAKES. • We specialize. Fred Stratford, Limited. 35 Gerrard' West. Tor- onto, BIG SIPAItE TIME MOEy AN YONE--Al'IY,WHERE—,C.AN SELL Canada's be'st yalne 'Personal Christmas Cards. ExPeilence, un-!. neeetiary. , samples Free. Exten- sive •selection of forty printed -to. order card$ priced one dollar :per , • dozen, none higher:. Free cards With early „Orders. 40 emits high- est caslyecimmission paid on every tingle order. Mao 50:Z, commis- sion possible on complete' line" box- • ed , assortments...seals. calendars..., em. ,Economy. Printers. 332' King- ston' Ito'ad. Toronto. . • ERCCATIONAL QUALIFY FOR OFFICE POSITION . by home study. Courses Inexpen- sive. Easy payments. • Write for,. • booklet. Canada. )3usiness Chatham. Ont. FARM MACHINERY GENUINE PARTS AND SUPPLIES for Magnet Cream Separator.'lin- mediae delivery. Two 'rubber rings and complete set or brushes: •Postage paid. MOO. T. S. Petrie, . 13 Rambert Ave.; Swansea. Tor- FLfl itlit,EiglistNo STOCK FOR MINK', SILVER FOXE,$ AND Elise Foxes of high grade breeding stook reasonably priced; , write L. A. "Jones. 58 Arthur Avenue, St. Thomas, Ontario. I ' .1.7tritNifurtl'Ith: sT9ck REDUCTION SALE • Reconditioned' Furniture • LYONS.' TRADE-IN. DEPT. ' 478 Yoioge St., Toronto 4s, DM:1Na ROOM SUITES,' •OAK Walnut and -birch in Walnut finish. Thoroughly' cleaned and re- conditioned.. 8. and 9 'piece ,suites. • Priced froth 114.14 UP, ' Ay BED ROOM ,SOITES REAL 3.7 high ciasg stittet•in Solid Wel- nut. or walnut and enamel finishes. Guaranteed; eleari,and Completely re-. conditioned. • priced from -024:504,...' C.1-1RSTERPIELD SUITES IN. A . wide ' variety of ::covers and styles. 5Mhairs, repps, tapestries and Velours. .2 and 3 .piece suites. , Guaranteed clean 'and completely re, - conditioned.. Priced from $14.95. . LARGE STOCK OF ODD DRESSERS,. chiffonier::: beds, springs , -Wardrobes. kitehen cabinets and stoves at rock bottom prices. • . . Buy With, Confidence . EVERY ARTICLE IS THOROUGH- ' ly cleaned. reconditioned and sold with a poSitivc money back guaran-, • tee of Satisfaction. [1 , • , ' LYONS TRADE -JN 478 Yonge St.,Toronto TRACTOR MAGNETO AND GENERATOR REPAIRS :SEND U'S YbUR TRACTOR MAGNE- to and tlenerator Repairs. We save you money. Allanson Armature Ilanfr.. 855 Ray St.. Toronto. NEWSPAPER PROPERTY ADVERTISER. CS INTERESTED IN , purchasink,* Ontario NVeekly Neirs• - , paper. Cantrnake reasormble .down. , Payment in cash and monthi,Y pay-, silents Mr balance. Must" inelude good Job,business and well.estith- lisbedneirspaper in growing dis- trict. a Esuersen. 9 Delaware Ave.. Toronto, • • GAuoEs STOCK. DARWIN Tura PS; CHOICE VARIE- ties. ' Top Size, lc each, 1125 per 100„ Mixed 63.00. CrOcus 21Ie doz. • William Hart, Ithporter. Seaforth, • Ontario. , itipinic NO MORE,SCRE 'FEET IF YOU . will uSe BuSsOn's ,F'Sx.;Foritzl"Soft. ens callouses. •,Relieves ell cases of Trench Peet, Atbiete'S .Peot.. ; Send 40c. .487 LuMbermaris Bldg.. Vitheouver. B.C. ' DICSICAL laitrItti-aigNTS . . WE' TEACH MCSIC EY MAIL Piano. Violin:. Guitar, voice tut., tureSimples abe. Partieu/ars free. Paramount Conservatory of Music. 246 E 18th. Vaticociver. ounritt,Ess 'Alit f.W.rs• 1-00 CAN HAVE; CITY CCNVENI- enceS in your tillage Or f artn home • Without water ,supply or sewers Write for tree informatioa on out nioderte .seir-einotying, odourlesa Toilets front 540.00 .up and leave behind' tor • ever the' dread out- house with- itt flies, eold and en, 2. lallaltly rftscornfortsi KaUstine En, .0 - ' Sneering oniPanY. 164 Portland al ' treet. Toronto. ' Ont. VtrAverlek AN OPPER TO tretteir INVENT011.,, 'List "of invetitionaand fall biter., „nnition Solt ftw, • The Rainitay CottiPanY.,•litegittereil: Patent At, turneYS, 213 tank St:, OttaWa, Cint issue No. 42—'38 'PROTGGRAPRIr FREE ENLARGEMENT R 0 L L Rini- developed -8 prints or re- prints 25e. 8 enlarged P-Ints 30c.• EotablIshed over 25, 'year. Bright - ling Stadle, 29 Ilielimond 'Street East. Toronto, , PHOTOGItAP111' Dvpi,oiliNGAND' PRINTING . . PEAUTIPULENDARGEmENT FREE --Roll Developed and eper - .feet pe - .feet prints 25e. Satisfactioi•guav- 'anCeed, mail. 'order •Photo Ser- ee, Box 869: Peternorougli. Gat . ING PATtlIIES IFOR SALE , QUILT4NG PAT(11tES, LAIt(IE BUN- , .dle, enough for ,,fiv'e *quilts, 61, postage prepaid. .1liegler'S. 282 Armed:Ale, Toronto. 'SCRAP IS. GOLD k :RRING YoUit SC4,41'• IRON. BAGS. ' papef, mattresses;and• all old met- ' : Ma to us and.get higher prices. No' aniount tie. small. C'onsolislated • Iron and••Sletal Co 5.8 Niagara St., Toronto., - STANIRF.:RING STAMMERING CORRECTED, HELP- ful ' bOoklet giving. full informa- tion. Write today. W. Dennison, . 150 Carlton Street. Toronto. FALL- • A fall can Mean a lot of things, . One 'starts in lite September, But there are falls of other kinds. Oh, mydon't you remember? The one a baby always gett, when , untrained feet first tread. , Yolz pick it up,. Surprised, to find itsbrains still in its head, , Then older groWn42-Some eyes and: smiles, Welted up, by , Cupid's . Produce a fall that's sure to leave' big cracks in •sOttleone's .heart. yes•We,- live through many kinds; but I have found the fall That wears gay leaves --and gems of frost, least painful of them all —Li la , Myers.' Sue --"A friend' of mine named °- his child • Carol becaute. ,she was .born , on 'Christmas.", ' John—She?1 thoughta carol •••was a hymn:" - • • READ'IT ,I,OR 'NOT :—There ate. from .16 to 21 hopes in •the full. • length tail of a deg. • ' An• d we are all'm the same boat; Quiggle —, "Don't you find it • hard to meet expenses these days?", • ., • • Peewitt—"Hard.! I should say net •:Why, man alive, I meet ex- penses at every tarn.",. Some young women `appear' to sMoke cigarettes for the purpose of 'showing off their colored nails and finger ;jewelry by extending the hand conspicuously to flick off the 'ashes. Mrs. Jones had 'just been pre- , , tented with. a •beautifuly ziew fur coat by her husband: • , --1111anes (as 1-h-eti-iod adnair-I • ing herself iwthe leng mirror)-_ "You know, Oswald, .one really • can't help feelingsorry for the poor' thing that was skinned for this." Omit -aid" (who was going. throne' his 'handbook to tee if he had any Money lett; .nodded, appreciate your sYTtlint.thY, my dear." . Baseball Fan (boa.sting)--"I've teen these teams play so often I,. bet / can tell the score of this old hall 'game before it starts." biovie—"All right then, whit' is , Baseball Fan • 11Notiung ZO nOtkiing--‘13fOre t starts." • Two girls, were reading a news- . paper;rn a .street car. - First --"I see .that • So -arid -So, the octogenarian, is dead. Now •what on earthis aft Ogtogen-' • Secpiul—"Search me; ,but they- 're a sicklY lot. You never heard • Of One but, what he is dying." .• There, is one good reaton Why 'the. old -saying of—give until ilk hUrts neVer •very, ,popular. Most; of us hruise easii' ...Filetid-7-"Did the doctor take your, temperitnre ?" „• Patient --• "I duhn�. All e .taissed to far is my, watch." INVENTIONS WANTED . ' , .. . We have been . . Sticeeasfulty Sella Ing - I oveativap, Patented, andlunpat- ented . 'Slime 1924.. It you • have n *Mild, Practical 'invention Or ;641,1e, write tiff. itnthedititely, , , ' • Cliiteteied lentiOnte at Anterietin . . ".,PItaVentiata. t. 5,:-11, •Writiliiitatta ID: Co , 14 Dept. - . cvenues hOw.hicase, . For the of August, But Figurrgs For 4 -Month PeriodWere Not 'So Cheerful: MONTREAL.—After payment af operating expenses the Canadian Ngio/l41 li.ailwa$S.bad'Oet Teri/gine of $060',248 for the .`mouth • of Au- gust. 1938, an increase of 0,04714 as compared with the correspond - Ing period of last year, according . to the Monthly statement of operat ing revenues, operating expenses oad net revenue ter the all-inclusive' • systent., Operating, revenues were ;15,551,529,. a ,decrease of 4934,032.4, Thi r decline in geese rescciiiptt•. was Mores' than •o,ifset,' hOwever„..by, • redualtin in operating egDenseS.'of 1, ;.1,03.5,750, operatieg exnentet in • August, 4938, being. i$14;091.?.$1. As ,compared 'With.,11.5,927,031 in the ••• Inanth 0! 197. • For the eight-mOnths period end, ing August : 31; 1933, operating re:r- elines 'Were, $112,437,805. against $128,144,860, in the eight -months pe- riOd' of last,year: Operating expen- ses ' 'werd-$111,60,4,498, a.' reduction of $2,354,985 eomPared With $119,- 959,48: for. the silnilar period 'or 1917.. •. . • 'The summaries follow:. Motttly,of August, 1938, Operating . Revenues $15,551,i29t1---1937,. 435,561:: Decrease, $934,032,, ' . Month of August, 1938, Operating Expenses, ,$14,891,281; 19370• $15, 937,031; Decrease. $1;036750. ; Month ...of August, 1938;' Net Re-, ' venue,. $660,248; 1937,1558,530; .111 - crease $101,718. ., • .Aggreg.a. to August„ 31st: Op- .' elating Revenues, 1938, $112;487,- 805; 1937, • $128;144,850; Decrease, $15,657,055. Operating Dxpenses, 1933, .$117;804-,4931 1937, $119,959,- • 433; Decrease, $4354,985-`: .Net Re - ' venue Deficit., 198; §61.16,623; 1937, .$8,185,377; Decrease, $13,302;070. T he. BOOK SHELF , . By ELIZABETH 'EEDV ,!'APPOINTIVI.ENT %/VITA. ." ' • By Agatha Christie When in , doubt, read Agatha . Christie.' ,Youll',finct ‘-!Appointment , With Death" one of this' anther's slickest. with Hercule Poirot,• the 'Iittle Belgian snoop,. in • top form:. nattiralik. he's J•uri .adross a miird'er . while doing .1ei•asalem, F.:etr,a;,. An. nam 'and part's. adjacent 44.ntrthere's • • no use concealing'the at that the carpte is old Mrs:Boynton, a fright.. • fur, Atnerican woman, touring:, the ' , world • with .five members of her bullied and frightened family; :she's described“by one of the pharaeters •"a dittorted •old 'Buddhaa gross spideti'qnithe *Oter 'of a Web" and ,that"t top good for her., Suspects in-. elude Raymond' BoYnten, a .stepson eveiteard, saiing '"-You .see, don't you, that.. she got. to be killed?" (Hercule heard him say it one night :at the Solomon, liotei.)•' Also Miss . Sarah Ring a -,z.4e4,ical young. Wo - Man witli hem- Raymond is „in love; and half:a dozen -other rela, .‘ three. and. bystanders-. . • , . This seems to be the sea,' .ion for Whopping till Solutions; ‘•at and: rate. Mrs. Christie' ,springsv. a,- . fiend 'yen_aren't Which is ail right with us. We like' to he stirPrised. • • •‘`Appointment With Death", By Agatha, Christie •.• .• •; 301 *PP. . . Toronto: Dodd, Mead and. Company,. • . $2. Lived 115 Years In Native Town Still alert; Sari Fatma, • to woman; has „just .celebrated her Il5th' birthday in her naVte toWn, .of .Kozane, Asia 'Minor.; Her two sons' and two (laugh:. ters, aged Tes.PectiVely 17, 95, 92 , and 90, accompanied by their chil- Aren,grandchildren and great . • grandchildren; •,totalling 117; ar- Zived from all parts of the coun- try to Join in the festivities which ' had bee,n organized by local peoT born in 1823; Sari was married at 17 to a corporal of the Otto-, • nnati army, five years her Senior. He died in 1928, hen 110, after • ,terving more than 80 years in the army,: He took part in the Orim-", ean war, 1858, and; in several oth- er campaigns. ' • • •-•,' The open seaaround tiorthernf .Norti,ny'is never, froZen. ' ' COLDS , Head Cultist' Flea utard's 'and inhale it Ch t Colds 'I. .1.ntta.°Ieftfm1 Sore ":(84 then • tIfir61- Real relief. . . quickly . . o Prepare, Select Winter Layers - House No Poor Hens Pre -Win- ter Advice • . Pellets for the. laying flock must have full opportunity right from hatching tittle 1.111 to, matur- ity, to Make normal, healthy growth. This requires first; an • adequate supply soliPlY of AP. Prove; feeds; and, second, good environ- mental conditions. Overcrowding should be avoided and precau- tions taken to mord the health• the birds! Any bi-ds showing Signa cdisease or ,weakness..shouId be.. disposed of immediately. ' tbhe:c6MnalliatnetnlYanbC9;11-:in mind thati a healthy," •Pi4Ofistabulled f151O;calc continuous process the year' round, • • ' ' •• • ' • PrOpeie,Pieding •:dornmen`eing .when.the: firit, few pullets start to lay, it is a recom- "Mended practice to go • over the pellet, fleck 'every,. week or two .• moving to 'their permanent ter quarters all •those', that seem, almost ready to. lay or have al- ready started, states L. A. Grlae.. , dinger, Head Poultryman Domin: ion Experimental . Station, Len- noxville, P.Q. Feeding should have been such that at this tithe, the birds should be heavily flesh- , 0 and fairly fat. the subsequent feeding ;program should he design- ed to prevent any marked decrease in body' Weight. Each bird should be carefullY examined at this time and •any that are poorly fleshed, very, small; or deformed should be culled out. Heavy, sustained' egg preduction demands healthY, developedbodies and ritgged con- stitutions' . to,olrn might say: "Grew goad. birds and house no Canada's Honey Worth_ $2,198,400 • Ontario'. Is nbilnally- the' ,ehief, source of honeY ProdtiCtion in, .Can.:- . ada. Last year, howe'Ver.owing to . an unusually low •yield •in that pro- , . vince, Manitoba •came :first: ,Totel • honey Production for the fibminion ' Waslow, but (lie' ,?. •were 'Ilial:Oa416: over. the previons ye5tr in four p•,•0•J vinees... •,Canada., is3n 'o•an export basit on the h.onjy, .ra•lo. but lin- pertt 'lla.Ve been , rising •Iately, • An increasiing, tra.di has aiso lii‘en.,de • ..l'eloped in Paeag,e bees.„ The total.',pir,odu 'ti,?n Of ho,neF in: Canada last .Vear • was ' 21,733,200 Peninds, ,vained ,at $2,198300: The • , . . ; oatnut was armsuallY large' in, 1936' , at 28,333;806 pounds : having a' value ' of $2,85L706; .In 1935, ,produetion ., 'amounted to ..24,29.1:000 pound,' and . . fix 1933 to 22,913,800 pounds .' .The number of'hives latt yeailwas 391,- ' 300;• compared with 3.70,000 in 1936; ,• . 358,700 in 1935 and.335,70C in 193,:.. Cockroach Smuggler County, jailer at Amarillo (Tec- asi was puzzled.. Solitary confine- mentman...Was getting. his &gar; . ettes daily. . He found that a , large and well-trained cockroach —a cigar,ette 'tied , to its 'back— Was making regular deliveries 'un- '• der the doers of the, ceIl at Science Doing * • .'• SLEEPING slacivEs,.cuRE. Edwin ...Moore, of • Drummer • townshiP; near Peterborough, Ont., left hospital last *eek apparently cured of an attack of sleeping • sickness .' Credit for his recovery Wag givenvitamin treatthents ddr • ministered hy Dr. I. C. "Smith, Of Likefield: •• , • • • Moore,, who c'ontracted the dis- ease Augus.t ;t5..9, was removed to hospital and Th.. Sinai began ad- mlnisteiing injections of synthetic Vitamiii B!1 ,in a short time, he said, the patient who had stink into a come. •began .to. rally.-. yorcE FOR THE DUMB A ,new talking' ••••deViee which takes the place of the human 1,-,eiCe when. the :•:voc al, cords .; refuse • to function, was deseribed before the: :Toronto Iiiwanis ChMlastweek: by Dean:T. Smith, of Les Angeles, .Supervisor of Public Activities for the .sputhe.n'.Califorr.ia' Telephone • 'A tube -the throat Pll- .r abies a husky or voicelets man to . speak bY OW movement ofThit,lips ...Ind Mr.. Se:1:th- instanced: this, as ' one of -the ,rnany alvancements • now- being made by telephony. • THYROID AND "SIXTH SENSE" New etidence , of the exittance of a sixth sense as in e".airvovance 7 and mind reiding, is being exaM- hied by sayrint-5 at McGill Liniver- °•sity who have been interested in experin•ients carried out at ,Duke University in the',United States; . The 'latest .sensational 'evidence . indicates that*there is a ',tie UP between ,the thyroid' gland' and the existence of the sixth sense, . 7 When this . gland .does not duce sufiltiierit secretion, ordinalT- iIy indicated lQ.7 dullness and Tack of •activi.ty on the part of the diVic:ail, it has been 'found in two notah10 casei at least that there is an extra aotilvity' of the snb- conseions mind: ll.A .Xf!pp &lmnjer at Home! This ivintep. erijey the stendi, eutritheiry wartrith Of flarrica. ' dititada'a 'finest bok'e,, Delivers ozi'abitriClant fltrtv .of , claim.. easily; cOrdrolleq.,.heat.--th Plenty of ipserve fy‘; 'colciesi• Snarl. •thistless.''Striok'elna.s; wasleleSs: • Easy . JO , Priced, tridciy af tho • loWeet in3ieccla. Wit your' greatest fuel. bargain: • O'rcler from you,- frical 1-L/11NRCOciecller_hodeserVes yrtilrftieY A7'En k itr.,0)"0 14, :ad 11 0.14: 02; AMC° bRiv,7; Lliotnaiie lErAmaci' A . • CoArmix, , 4nci: con"„ien::: less I COKE Adii.uttok iy.paoouct ccuct ovEnt 1.0.41186 I4Alalt.tON CANADA ' ' • OUR LOCAL brALEIV8 NAME APEtA.11.5 ELSEWHERg THIS' ISSUE HAMCO — NOW THE LOWEST PRICE. IN" YEARS 474 n 13.1.IHBER .BAND "SNAPS" fromfrhufbbsetrretbcahnd edSVatael5Paitntagiebtaat . • extremely high velocity; Its speed has 'been clocked by, ultra high- speed Photography 'and has been , '. found .to • be 204 miles an hour,. states Dr. Gustavus J' Estelen; cheinital'cora:ultant, in 'w.hate'Bos- ton laboratories the measurements were made. • COME' FROM MILKY WAY • Dr. Arthur H. Compton, ' .:SitY of Chicago phisicjit; believes ,that lie: has found the answer'.to one Of the major mysteries of the , scientificworld--;•the point of ori7 ; gin of cotenic. rays:. . • "The question was Whether cos- rnie rays come, from the milky' A -ay " in •our galaxy or fidrir some •point. ; beyond the i•,alaxy," he said. at Vancouver last , week., •'The Mtn- catio.ns .are 1,that they come from „, . the 'Milky way.",. London had a traffiejaria When n duck decided to cross the street with f her family to the .,pond in St: %James :,..Park, .just in front ef• • Buckingham Palace. • of Rheumatism Neuritis Neuralgia Quickly _slimy arum RI 0"—. FOLLOW ;EASY DIRECTIONS BELOW "Aspirin". Tablets ,Wlth a lull glaes.of Water the:. • rtiovitent :To d feel ealtera rheumatic or neuritic petit ciaming 2. You slamicl feel relief very quickly. If pain in natienatly severe., topeat cording to directiens. To relieve pain .of rheumatism or • •quickly; try the Aspirin 1 avay--thown above. • People everywhere say results are • remarkable. "Aspirin", Tablets,' are' .economical, which mak et the usdof exr, pensivepaiti reineciies" unnecessary. • IlthiS way, fails, tee your doctor., . He will find the cause and,correct it: •• While there, ask ,hirn about taking • "Aspirin" to relieve these pains: We belieN,e ,he Fill tell you there Is no more effective, more depthciable way normal persons•rnay use, limaid-ad,Gei .7 tarlat.maiix ass., R • .4•.• • ..AHC.E. •• AT' PAR ••8:atiSrday, October. 1,15th'to,' the 22rx.1, 13 Metiopolitan Raci'og Association of Cada 'Limited Direetort: • • P. E Fred'Oren. - G. AV7I-laY