HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-10-13, Page 44C1tforIlz.. LumNow wireln orteous GET FREE ;mast meassro. ,amots _ .4ireataiblii • veserbee• tied. Crlistly Totem ilarr limard, - WM ON A 26 VUI •time'this Pall are lower beams of saw • ,11=teratimplutionlarair=wrgiatitiastodzi Tress Herm sad arersersey Postua swats- aread. Address:: alsGsidrik sr. -Prates., est. Eastern Steel Products Rev. ' I. M.- McCurlie of Atwood, recently) preached in the Pres - Church here, while , Rev. d conducted • amiiversary services at Atvlood, has accepted a cell to Knox 'Presbyterian Church,. ,C0A11114ONSlilli, ce.is*Est FOk SHOOL FAIR WINNERS ..tenth. inannat Wait, ..Speaung . - .Conttitt and, the Seventh aimnat'Spellt• lag Match, fit! 'whine* at , Herrin County Settee' ,Fairs for 11.939.+Willi be: ' Conducted:, in. -the anditorinia. of ' the abaton .Collegiate Institute,, On' •Sit-, ' *day atiertiornit . October,.22id at 2.00 P.: M, A cliarnPiOnShiP Itecitat-: ion Coat:eat:for Winners iiii the •Recit.' atiOn'Conteit at the , School 'Fairs, for paPils in Second, Oa-SS:44d: under, is ' also, being held.. • , ; The. ,raist •Pritto *inners ni the Pithlk.Speaking and.Recita,t,ioa testaconducted at :eac.tiof the seven' 14nron Count Y School Fairs thiStall. ' sae .eligible to' coMpete.' Ind' the Coe- tistarita .the charniatinship pHIng Match'ivill he *0Se-int& who *on. Erat..aad •second iat•Ire at each seland. Wm', The comPetifors in, the three Contests prOvide.-a eIy interesting . afternoon* .Proginune., ,Cssb PriSet 'Ire being .tivarded. Ails., parties Wile • are interested in , tirse 1atest are • irdial inntatirn to he Y.; afieinaeN. 'OCiaber •present Satn People.used' to putby nreeney Enr a aainy day. Now they lay it BY for a 'fine Om* da Y ,when they 'caa' etr' somewhere, in the car arid 'spiral it.; 4D.THRr PTII616, RING IT‘t • There's,- no, .gnestiall alt0q city inkn. more -4410.1414ris 'Tar the buainess: Man, than a .44141, tOwn. but •that 'don't•rnean that*, eitYytaan,is any Umarter than hia.eountr* Couin SomIrelPr4. ,40, an .a4Y0.01sia.g Made hiinnelf tannins "and rich 'beca* he *ddenly discenered 'that it Pn4is to 1414.1ctise.: ;Inda inan- tne,ss, should keeti•Its name Were the iltdiv alt the time.' • FOrtir yearS befare that, the editor of. the Pr* A.cff9a tried to get JO" Milk; to: advertise his fornitute gore - , and John Hink says: ".1 don't adrerti$e been: here. 80 Years, ,and. everybody knes F, m lniSinesa," Wheleditor s• Agin, but oar ehn1R4k, luta beenstandile there at". 41* 41111100 Year 'Imt.theY. OPe the hell'eVerY HindaY!", , 164.N. 1.tiN H 0: SOLE • 'There's seareel3r a job left without the realm Of women, it was disclosed in county court at Gederich.last week. AliSS Theresa .Delarley•gowned in traditional Court attire, took over the dud* of sheriff,, while Mrs. Edna Iterri4si,a veteran Court reporter, similarly gowned, acted is court clerk.. There, was not a hitch preceedings. Hiss Delaney. is deputy sheriff mid ReYnelits has Iiing• teen assist - ▪ clerk. Robert. Jobnshin, who holds the dual po§ition of clerk and Sheriff. -▪ in .4. London. hospital .recovering fninx an operation: -1. IS 41: 114 • Coninienting an our. assertion 'that sooneror later -Oataxio- will Invite te refuie, relief to sinsanie who is: Phts,- At, the !Toronto' Star.- says: "Bet . if that Were the case. what Would-, happen to the. theitmeads. of worthy PeOpleplisaicall'y fit and willing to work, but „unable 'to find .ernPloyMent'?" •if • ie May atiawer: question by asking Some other quest-, itiats, we' Would as -k Tlae 'Star if it sal- cerelY•believes there ire thousands of -People; fit and waling• to work, and unable:to...End it'" Does, it believe it to be the dutya:governments to keep people •in' comparative anew* and not Race theM to: fmd employment:1' Thatit is: the ditty of goVernmenti to' Slut work ihir eVeryhedy,' and .if the *dr doesn't snit their fastidious testes; to get them another one' And, finally does . it believe ., that • relief ,hait a racketT—Ranov'er 'Post •• CHANGE IN C.1100SLW WARDEN '• . When, it Convenes in November Bruce county council will consider, e change in the system of chooSingit Warden. Since .1875 that official has • selected by open Vote, with cow- , members &chains their' support. for 'the candidate of their &Mee. • The by-law t,be presented at the next meeting will call for e.lection by secret baliott. The existing sinteni makes it difficuit for members as, Most aspirants 4itlie office are per.' scam' friends Of those voting' by a 'Telephone ,p You've heard the story of the farmer; who kanw how to grow first -grade produce—but did not now ,ho r to ger-zits'-grade prices? Uldnicitely he had to clhandoei farm—oxid 'everythfrig. Neighbours told hint' ;to keep in touch with markett by telephoitie--Jaut he hild no LAT -hone., So he "saved" Ancuey celd lost farm: A 'framer get a better prices When he Imows What the Market in. A Ielephotte keeps him M. touch with maritets.'neighhours. • home cold family' EN THOUSAN TEESW TER - 91 a dull, Chilly day 'aceani- Walled by ran that Pesaed 004 on "hOWever; attendanee at TeeS- water Fair Plat Wedriea44' ;waS.'eS.T. thiatted. Mt, 10.500 `.13eciPle,. Gate eeiPtS .Were ';004.00. • ':,wenther, °MO:14s ae renfhlent. th attendance would have. reachelf the 14,900 nlark;o stir- lians the all One:mord achieved two years ag,; Which eiceeded .12000 • The. show, advertised as "Ontario's l'argeat'Tvva,PaY was officially opened by W -*R.. ACelt, Prot:Metal Deputy.Hinister of ,Agiticultare.:. , Oneref 'the Mast thrilling events Of 01.0 !ltlY'-`tc4s..- "'the. ,chariet race.'7With thrOe . conteStants.,..• Cordon', Melvin, •Lorne ..WhYtnek :and Noril.. '11.0s; drivinthelueeborse,tearns.ata. tiikringpaeI , ." • • A -notable eakibitrirlin, the grain classes, as Alex M. SteWartof Ailsa the ' "Oat. Rini' of-, America," F.: Todd & .gon. carried Off the Spee.'. il prite•for'.the best steer' or heifer on the grounds; T. IHELENS. • • -Visitors for the thanlksgiving hol idaY: incluide473frs: Ales • *Ordie .of lerronta :Mid -Miss, Irene -Woods of iVaterloo,with Mr. and Mrs. R. WOodsi, Mr NeellY Todd of steafordWith 3Tr; and Ilis.,.D."Todd; 31i* Dorothy Web- ster of ttattlen,:"Mr„., and., Mrs. Ed. Smith, Elinore and Yvonne, 'Hiss DOr.•:. ine Webster and • Miss Ina •MCcrae of 'Termite and .31rand Mr s'aydet• of Burlmgton with Mrs John Web- ster. Mrs.. ,Snyder Was.,.forreer,ly , Miss Hazel Palmer, a teacher in the For-••• diceseheol. : '•,...„ • HrS. W. LMiller,MisM. e, erfortk MTS.' T,outt Ted!' 'arid.Anne and Mr.,: Gordon Miller were recent ' ssith Miss Dorothy Miller, Who is Still* Patient in *e To�utoGen erat Hospitat. are, with W., D....Ruth- erford :Of .Kirkland • Lake Who • was n 'holiday 'visitor in Toronto.. • .• . fr-Shnll Cam01 Pette.it. his been a visitor uith Mr. and MrS, John: Cameron. Ile'waS aeCoinitanied by Mr Joh it CatMerron and, 1Pr...Jaa.*oitglas and *Una Of,, Mitchell who motored Mirth' as far', sla Timmins ' 14st '..lreek and called to .see the Quintuplets, at .Callander , *Monday?: • There :were thirti,ledies attettd=. anee at the Oct. ,IneeOng...ef the Wom- eri's held in the Community flail. )1,xs, LierneWcamIS presided, The Roll Call -7'13014s for the Sicl; Rinnir7 '*aelZrepondd. to, Dry W. Johnston of Lickactiv,Was,Present and o°kal.:"'llai6ealthint'llesti4."'. At :th'ane:d:eePf*nr;nni46dnn*lhke useful infOrMattianin rePlY to 'qufttiona•Iy ttte ldaes. Mrs:,, W. A.; *iller,•11r!Ode4 for the Imitines,s. Part ofi the: meeting which:: included plans for the 'Health: Course ':which is 'being' held this: Week With' itiss MeAlpine,' R. N.,, of TOrnnia,, Charee•- Mi'!• E. ;Rice Rave" e•Of&ers' :Rally held in An/tura. served by the..lateesMrs. Alla Durniii„ Mrs.. Earl Dranin and t. Mildred. McQinitin:: • • Recent -guests 01 mrz-zing-31*-joita- Swan' included,' 'Mi.' ,airieMrs. John' Swan, sr Mary McAuley of Ripley; Mr. ,andr Mrs. England of =LiaIonstAshfield FifeiSivatit,u0d4of him and Norrnan.ef *ratter& • Mt and Mrs E. W Riee. and 'Hr.:. C.A. Wehit, Were. reeent viSitorS in LantiOn- Tbey were acminnalifed. by •Ifiss elyn Webi. of. Ithsetown„titak. who has leen,* visitor here., • • .Mr.: and Mr.1.7, Con Foran •;!•were uestsof honor at a 'surniSe,partY Orl • Friday evening when friends and rteighboars gathered fot the neciation of their 41v -eV -Jr WOdirk.r. A Very maioYalile. evening ti*, spent tere preriteriwith a Purse of nt,1`0•eF 4nring whiCh Mti, and' Mrs. .Foratt and Cabinet Of iiivertvale.... 2 • • *rt.; part tontist:. bit'iralsacing1.1„nie#annt..a DaY, and is Spending the:Week rjth rnenihera': of ,her•, • A eoureea Heme,Nnisingls being • held in the .,Cioninannity Hall each -afteriolui, this' wee.— k 4-40. • with.Miss,' MeXtpine, •R ,in6arge. .All the ladies are ;urged to take all t, • dies ,of, this onportnnity. , • Reeent •sii.sitors'.tv4h" ,MC. and 314.s... D.' • C. McDOnald weie Mit-4s •Dortatela . McDonald 01 Holy:rood;Mis Edith •1•11 sanktaid. itts. pr. '3.teLeitand., and' • Backtold„ aktenakiti . and Mad Mr. and Mrs. John Rintoni '01 ii•toroitto.. - :` '. ArmieerSir, ..Ser'rice held the Visited t'hurch on §andity.,nat at fl a. cit. and p tir The speckil spaket wifl Rev. • WIC.Mair o '‘I'ha,trii.; :Reed. ' • :•Whertrolii liaStry 'lit the "tinget,„ fit off the pic at the end Ot. ea4:toli , to .enstire a 'tight totture 'and 1„te1is 'water :it, pusihl,' ovaid ,Malting the jialtry tenth. • ,A SP!!!,Ta SEnvina Or •'Tan CanAelottcocotcat. •assectartote Aso ore • wasuniotoc:coo0ankaa• • oN CANADA ; MEN., TAE. HOSPITALS • Tiiere. existsa genera!, ' Miunnilek- standing regarding 'ihe. .4ctieitles ' Mental, hospitals. The Idea Per*ist. that- such institatiaas are maintaine„, to Penfide for"tbe sheiting-up thefeli 01 those who ar'§ufforing. AVID men- taf,dinenne- The' 'MOW hospital it,hocoini nmg*X:44aspiraa a Vieolare •an`Wha;i er,ereer,stfin:e7,11. tt* ID a!n193t. !itikunWn-• ; • That; ..0C11,1ras4he cane in' the Pant' merely' means • that, in Oa* day Mental :disease, 'were, ant, understoo& The were Vie*ea:-aa: thn; ,resa4 01 lieredit.",. were .'ConSidered aS ENO' & incurable. ;as an additicaiwere lottkc4 !Acton in the light of a disgrace: nn•tbey Supposedly indicated some. defee, of an undesirable nature, An the family: , We know now that mentaldisease is ehiefly the result ofaulty env -Iran, meat The r.lulds surrounduigs„:lus esxI,Y• training, the "developraent of hiS, entotional life, are rthe ..determiainr. fektors. * to .tvihether. er not he secures. mental .health and avoids men- tal disease. Mental hygiene • is nuW, throughout the year -seven dars- considered a part' of preventive med- :When. the Cora was • planted; seien, icine •and "is based, npria the under- clays when' the Corn' turned: •greeni standing that ',mental health, can:, be four days when the Cern was harvest- attainedjust as can, phs-sieal health ?.d,; ,the great imid-Winter festival Of by proper enre,.dtichig tbe early (level= .eeneral thanksghing, and the earlier ainnenta''years., • • • • lnaPle sal) and the, strawberry, teat-, 11 Mental disease doeidevelell, an. wels the patient Comes under:the care of a The .:'great aatunin . thanksgiving mental hospital, he receives treatment., was conducted with miteh. ceireitioniaL: There:are curative methods for men- particularly by the Iroquois. Certain tall 'disease justkik there are for 'Phys- .eieete4144ficiali:Were placed in ellatte- ital diseaSe.- ,Modern .medicine They.' levied Contributions of feed' not tiegfeet -the Mental 'health at the from':each'. wIgivira, fixed the dite. .apease or the phySiCal, Modern Med- Of the. Ceremonies, and stproved. icine treats mental disease.; and tiie. t,rators to Open the festival with mental hospital iaaa institution where an appeal to the Great..Sp, irit„ and n• curative Methods are aPPIled....wlth 'prayer Of gratitude to the three sistm the .result ;that. return : to. normal traidess'escora, bean, and ;Squish atental 'health secured.'in a large The ;OhjihwayS :celebrated their 'egirrid- nuitiber at. eases. • . . cwittin'' in the • ,season ,Of riPentak As .ia other fields of „medicine; it .fruit -S. and litter:, for alt :benefits. in' 'is 'preferable to Prevent .mentai, dis; late. fall, while the, Indians else ! to await itiappezwance and Coinnibia • held their greet. feast of then •attemPt to cure IL The future thankSgiVing •on the ''Corning Of the af mental hygiene is fait of Prontise, Saimaa • • ' • • and its 'deretop,inint le fav to- • With' the: arrival' of:the:white man wards 'Making There is o Canada, the unbroken cliairi 01 too reason for niiscenceptiittni con- thattl,:sgiVingr. wa.S.'cantinued..hy the emming .naerifal: tits -ease' and the :Work early Preach colonists according tO ,.°6eitittiteeirsientan, t'if i:ngti°::liviilisit*foh:el, p:tosetalb7stlecnesrorrelleiizauebvlie:e the jears„bso:ia'and the Confeder*taon,wrtb the uterease of from 'Mental diseases. a the, provinces,: the. Derninion;parl-" lament set aside a:certain day in each i, -ear for the thanksiiiint festlial Of WHO WILL, BE THE ,The 'People of Canada, heing. held this • " • irear Monday, NEXT 'VICTIM? HANKSGIVING HAS NCI NT. 'QRIGIN. -7-- 1' tt44)4year,-44T%PitileZalat izeeli the feast, Of unleavei* bread'," days). --And the feast of karirt, the :first ,fruits of. thyla114.' '0aPerd; laYnhdie.hthe-thRtneishr oft:. ringav!attorin i4he, which is. in'the end of the Sear, 'wheli .thou ha#:gatheced thy labours nOt Of the :field," raodus,'-'41n6pter 23 verses 14-16, • Thus: mliss " MaSes ''coininnlidett .to appint sad Prnelaim the deYn of than%sgilang mhong the, ancient .14- raelites. The custom of Thanksgivini is as ald as recorded histor,. did confine t4Ot pnblie thanki, ,gitAIL:Tiki,en,ire,iglra'caa:ft,;f10..kik,fbo,e::;th141te:::aluysrs al:ta:mplecolitea;os:f0:;fNi:4Tsdi observed ..three ,Ohii4ntork fentivals;the Indiana 61 North Amer- ica . held many. inthlie,..ceremoldes in cotmectioa with thetrnits of the earth. • 'besides the inain thanksgiving , the late. fall or early winter there werelreeremonies gratitiide for the rising, a pie niiple. Sap, the ripenbai of fruits and berries, and- for the planting and reaping of. cern„ culinin- t. ita:diPtinPu'e4tj.oitrxPli iithtithkigees.glii°Aaintiiirejiltsg7hehtfrarcirl Tejathineigri:O'*11nt•nrr'ei:e . tions 'F,ROM LUCKY NINE, 2) 11: Scerilig Splurge la Last Two Inning Reaks"Up Chisel)! Fellifht• Pattie As , "TigCrs Ron* ; Off:11.VA Win • e. The *end., game of the -indein- TOWn,•14eagtte noftb01iaeliedule;••,WnS onun: UM:Li:de...04170Y ect!041;eniningg,:,i, the, estld spectators on hand' to-4get a Arena with quite a number of intei-- Iffes. Iliistoria Tigers breaking out in a scoring rash in thelast two inn- ings broke up the tidy tussle to romp Off with a 21. toll decision over(am Haerlonakra Lucky Nine. 'Lucky, Nine—rClirk FinlaySon, c;' •lack' Fisher, p'.;•' MelfJohnstofie; 1st.; ,Dr.; Fowler, rf; , in.. Women, Ss; Harold Johnstone, •:3r4; Howard-. Ag- new, ch Armstrong,„ If; ' .Allan Treleatien. it17, Ted 'Conger. lit.. Tigers ---.:-Clair Johnstone, aid; Cam' Thompson., ,W; Art .McCartnek,_ e; Jack MacDonald. lst; Johnnie Cat -tee P; Vernon limiter. cf;Gordon. Fisher ss.; Jim Campbell, if; Jack Button. lf; Rmeaviiinkr:kinrelazsortn.i, rorfi.4'• Greer !Ind A*4. • • Score By 'Inning* tacky 302 ' .261;-1-11: Tigers - ,=-210• • 842' • "57X -,-2t. *• 41, DRAW' UP STANDARD RULES • Follovaing .hist -evrening• i. sciftball game,, players of the :respect.. First set ofrules to.apply for *11 games. .171. honor fell to Horace LtehIson Tb€ previously appointd secretary future( gallleS• nil, bails; that are batted into ,the 'I -afters .anywhere in thei:litiildiug" are conszdered a dea4, WI and 'Collat.,:f4:aOthing, Bails hit into. the Seats Pali the secand:,/ilue,iliteare oodfor .too base . i. sde 01 the andy Ci.ter'ottsth; 'single! In the' ice itres, as much AS the hitter ntio,i4m;t:::e,t1,,,,natir.i;tva!rxithec7ct.robaeck screen, a adds,, "gi,Ve hint theball, ' . The managers- Of the teams were appointed to arrange for umpires and draw fup the balance of the schedule. • '-' .9. * * SROONli IFICORt. SellOol: CHALKS - • -Last year the Fire Demon num- bered among. his. Victinis' 'in Canada , • . . , 246 men, -women and children.. flow-,. ever • gloomy a pletur,e this brings, before our•inind'a. eye, .it is • ,bright- . " BELFASt Mr ,.. • and ' Hrs.: Sam Morrison • and faintly ;..of Tacknow visited: aith .31r. and MrsD., K. Alvan on Sendai.: , ened somewhat and Mrs Albert • Alton and the fact tatat this ; •••, • - !Blake visited taint week4nd with 'Miss was reduction of :101 over the, pre -1 Ji 'Auto J. , • e u. ame . nurse -in -train - lout. year. In 1936! 189 children "Int.:lag lat-Harailtoir. General' HosPital- the:ii•••.1j7s by fire. 1937. 104 Mr. and Arra. Atebie Nieholsen, children's lives were *Med. 'This': is kr. Angus Nicholson, Mr: and: Mes. a staggering, ardmiSsion :and the re -i-; Art_ ThalnItSoll spent the. week -end PonsibilitY- for sich tragedieS".Can_inriti friends' ,t the aegligeace of the ,pateats,who far t99 yn lc:2,21Se: obeeir:lai4eld :pairecie;14yttlete,0::: wi403. It4hdias!rateri..tani°edrrehlgoilleili.tanealitil.rmtp, fdt:feneth: Miss Hilda Line , of Orillia• tiSited alone in the tiouse thei'viSit • nigh6t4Irs. 9117. to a ahaw:' Tht4e Idalr d . CameXon have ..1.histari:Itanocaietsfilln*itaflereitreynianen'ili.i.ehtldytreurs, pareoeur.aie.4:1t:ringe gone on a 'tnp to Powassa where they wrll visit wath the son Clen uuble to je,a01,therr !injrnini- 110thii# and either relatiiis. • . • n time to save their children from 4 _ .:•6Ir, Melvin Hackett • ofy.flu-kiiillf • . h hocrible death. . , home 'with .his parents for. tVenr Par,ent should realize .that it' Thanrm-giring Da4r,• ' •"s his' ditty to teach Ids children the .Th and, Mrs; Relit • Alton spent 'wincapks of rwe prevention.. They Monday ivitit.Mr., and Mrs. E. ;Wilkins •IlOtild not bul.allawed ' to Play:With of Paisley- . 5re. , matches should be kept out of •their reed' and the playing doid toys shindet, be dseouraed.Ry Strict adherence to the Use of cern- to gn sense. , parents; can` thus , Sive themselves• the bitter anguish. and wife -long. regret whiCh mist he ever •irseirt• %Agit a''s*d; 1PeXtAeS ..h,eir ,tiegkicte ' • -• •• In Canada. &, the United States the week of •OctOber 9th to: 15th, 'is rteitig Ittsereed as Fire. Prevention Week. The POrnittion Fire 'Prevention Ass,.0, leiationID etkiperatioir .with pr•ov. neIel'Fire MinrShali, lee*" Fire Chiefs Ind others" are ee-olierating with eiVie irgar. 'ilzatious n the futherance•of ,the iiras of Fit* Prevention. • rm "rd'Aub:e'dutbSt3"firePe.6in people are deathand a:raugh larger narnfier are ai • The reCorded loss by fire of iC400- ntY ganada daring thn fifteen lenxi...-:0•11 •to 192t. eacteded ;)00.06'-' In ether 'Words, at ;our Pres; erit bunting rate, approxithatel3r One, Milian life as sacrificed and ,t.,0't,001 Worth' a otoeiti destroyed eters do at the Feat; • ,Mrs--; McDonagh„to one section: , ASHFIELD NOTES and • Hrs.. WiHred Hogan. and babe, froth ,Torontei spent the lialidaY lt\ and jl°giiirs...!•751topa'rbten)re'im. kted with the former% parenti Luck - no for Thanksgiving.", -. ,:Miss Lorena 'Wigan of :Linwood,: • spent Thanksgiving at :her bowie here- . lfr-iiici.jars, Ed. Isk.fferizie of Lahr ritni and Mr., and Mrs.. Gorden Snellte apd TiLiniak of Toronto Spent the.Poii-• day 1ft.- and Mrs. C. S. me-, . • , Illonagh. . • ' and Mi.' Thos. itelm • of 'TilVertoe 4eid Itfr„. Tandy Mrs. /.19hit IliKiniton arid , el/II:di-0m visited . with relativ*es hire) tizi;i1J.1 rrntt, Loren:a„ inetored to Detroit for!: cotiple of days' the first of the week,' Mr.ani'Mrs, Johit' McDonagh atull children moved ta: t1:1;: MeReith. firm i Sat.srdaY. We welcome end' - and Mrs. C. Relni and 'fatuity • Defeat "Die-,41arda 13 TO. 4 'in . ospisioodg :Kq.een;re Tuesday—,Rivalry Gettingttin: • In.theMthoest siropitied,:;egamnmechofzi.!ktmbe up then- second ;victory on Tuesday 11WitsDAT,..00T08ER _ . night when: they tprned back a new itt the loop, ,George HasSal't ,-Ue-riards",bi the tone OA 13 tn • ,Except for the $thiihninewheii *et . Student; Scored .8 rails, -it *as •a nip, and tuck' battle „that give the ' Tana he moat entertaining and exeiting • tussle t� date; . geheol.D. 'FinlaYson, c; N. S Col- • lett, $r0; Rud ThoMPson. 20d; pn- s!d McKinnon, lat; J. Cook, p; At us McRianon, DOug, Aitchison. s; : L Wylds, if; McGregOr.•4•1, . ; DiOltards—E, Solomon, c; • Ale?t, •• 'ClareaCe •Greer... SS; ....It.' 'George. Webster.' 3rd; .1011 $ep-- : itt, p'; Donald Johnston,- 2adi. if; Hat,. • veY •Treleaven, ef;as; L. Turvey, George Haisal, 2nd,,cf. . Reid, Rill Webster; ,Sinre By Innings se)'°°1, 490 '661' 110,713 ds -2O0 000 • . * * * * 4 . SOFTRA.Mi SCI.IVADIJIAR CPP it Out For Reference , • Sept. 29—Digh ,SChool vs. Outlaws Oct. 6—Lue.ky Nine 'Vs. Tigers — Oct.,11—High, School is. Diu-Hards• Oct., 13 --Outlaws vs. Tigers • Oct. 18—Die7Ilards va. Lucky Nine' Oct. 20 --High School vs. Tigers Oct, 25 ----Outlaws vs: '• , Oct. :7--Luelgy Nine. vs.' High 'Schoal Nov., 1—Die-Hards vs. Tigers Nov. 3—Lucky Nine vs. Outlaws . , This indoor loop promisesto' he pop.:' • u lai' with fans 'Eutur players, and 4 fifth • team has been 'entered. They ii adopt ;the inonicre "Die-Hards" or whatehave you.'George Ilassali has ,been appointed manager. • • • The suggest's:in has been advanced ;that a championship trophy be Put up, and with the.:silverwarent stake„ petion would be the keenest: •• .. • 0 * * * Stratford and Peterborough series for the 'Ontario senior cbampionshiii goes to a third game. The.Nationals eked Out an 8 to 7 ;win Monday. and • Bob Carrick's. potent bat, walla big factor in the win: He got three Mit : :f,ovir, one o .hi.4 hits -a inatnotb. circuit smash *i the 'first inniag.Witii One on. • • ,* * .* ok a, 'June Grattan stretched her con- secutive stretch Of -wins' to twenty- one straight bents when she finished • fast at bath Teetwater and Dutigann, OW Fairs, last week, . * *. • Goderich, Lions Crilis, runners -op for the eharapienship of the Maitland Baseball League this year, were en- tertainect, at a banquet at the Park' Dense hy, their' spoitsors,....the Lions. -Club. 11. J.• 14. Eedy, of Dungaanon,•/ President of the Maitland I:league, as , an enthusiastic sportsman who was . largely instrumental' havingthe junior Maitland 'League formed was Present and spoke:of his • interest M boys and .of the Pleasure lie foenent working with them. • • ,!iit • peic y is engaging, the attention , of many new and an organization:' Meeting shOrtlY would be in order. • • .• • Better Place In Wh;ch To Live And Wor A Series of Letters from Distinguished Canadians ,on Arita' Problenia 'Affecting the Future Welfare of Canada Specially Written fox! Canadian VC;aek ly Newspapers AssoCiation Dear Sir: , In asking ate to offer any sug- gestions that would. assist , the rural Weekly newsi.apers ' in Making Cr. - oda a better place in which to lite aud , work, YOU are giving me .n.,!#thei. large erdet, , , . L.ocaliam. is perhaps One 'Of' the hesetting.:sins of the weekly, news.2. •Paper.as" 01 -Most of our toiat centj. munities. It ,would seem is hie that One: of the greatest ontributins that a weekly Could make would, be to give the people a better understanding of the world , in 'Whieh, we all Must live. Oa) . A better:Understanding . Of peo- ple., We in this.country are ,cnrning to be quite heterogeneOus. It 'Is 'Vent' easy to play. up the native-born and • to 'play down the fereign immigrants,. ' :verY eavYto set Orangemen against ; Catholics and visa Venal' not sti: to, get, each grotto ta under:stand the _ .... .-,- ntner:•-..• Further the 'world . to-daY is! ,shrinkitig. It . teak some Of our an. . • I, • . , ., cestors „nearly three months to ereSs' , the, Atlantic!, note it can be e -,,v4y in *boa a day', our:tittOwletle f t ,. varioui - nations has :not 'lie ' , With this 100•Willg Proximity. ' it i41, still easy to start up racial anintos% t,.ik may lead to War. th) we need a better untlerstatirimg t , r , Ot rnO4M, IWO* trik nt 4 ' Or r . 1 ' .otherwise. It" 14 perhaps ine,vitable that in the 'heat of an election crtin. paign. the rival. parties pieSent their own point's , of; vieW as strongly 'as •' possible. Surely Sorchi between electr•there aright to 'be some opportanit .fer. OPEN F,'ORUM • in, •which variOni groups will have : the oPportunity :of • presenting • their :'distinctive and points of view. We, cannot get !yrid of Movements •that we do not: like, simply • by ignorink, or denouncing . them. We mast understand theta. • • . to We should have a beiter under. standing of modern eanornie merits. We Canadians are only one -or' two.. generatiOnS removed fr�m :early • i !matter life: 'Our ideals 'are still ltg- e!y dose to the pioneers. Out , Poicies tend ik),rt y0 in reality we, . nuist Work: Out our destinies in shuigihelisy, otc.eoin3ri p t:atiz e ni n sdhi ;it 'vteo esioei Y. e knowledge the actual woild rt which he, lives. I 'Sometimes pat'" it that there are two qaestionS We" could all learn to .answertio* did we get this way," anti "Where ,d41., we. to from here t" r. would sagest that Withont nt- zptirig' anything ienSational Or; y�u F8PuegegtetettileS;to UeS7ylantlarr)onrilir raout n* "in a very quiet effective„ and piect- teal way." • • ' • YOUrs sincerely; .11 11/001),§WORtif,. , • tenaervranadian common. u.4.1Nrealth Federation' Ottawa. , ' 1„