HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-10-06, Page 40 orteous ESTIMATE ON YOUR ROOFING IT W Siandridse and rafter measnre, meats meet° be roofed. patched or re- paired. council stands, and'Ute•Lap" metal • • rnofingisasound.per- naaneut investment. Absolutely ' weather-, Oreatly reclaims SOLD ON *25 YEAR " GUARANTEE • Prices this isdl, are lower becanae f Sales • Ts= exemption. SavernoneybywrithittodaY. • Manufacturers ahm of famous PrestonSteel Truss Barns and .Jazneaway Poultry ' ' • mitt Addresse8013Guelph St..Preston. Ont. Eastern Steel products el t TORONTC • 47,n:', LL (continued from "iage ,Etpd Melvjn Totmatone ,and Goldie , . Martin* , A° EkParcitY. CrOWdl Attended the clance :that 'followed . with Music by MaCertllaY's orchestra. . Prize 'winners 'Were: ' HORSES • HeavY Draft. Horace Breed MercH-John McquWini Jas. • Forster, R. .G. Martin. Foal, 193. John McQ4,illin, LeOnard Phillips, Jas. Forster. Year Old Gelding or Filly - Pater Watson, Robert , Moffat. Twki- year-old Gelding.Or Witt; ZION - Mr .' Lloyd McAuley arrived' • from. Gerviel, SaSkatehewan. on linty and. is Vending some time Mr. ;Cecil -Gardner: „ heie Sun - .with Miss. Ruby . Reed ,is At presen .e.isthig. Mrs. :Jelin Jamieson, . b t as- ound Sri west. •, ' W. L. Gardner and" Cecil Gardner are, picking apples for „yr. Wesley Ilekr.a. • . -Miss Evelyn Irsenot Kinioss; Spent the 'week -end . with her .friend,'Miss . Doris Reed. .. :Mr; Joh MeDenegli . hag . !rented Mr: Leilie. ,firrii. and will be nintring, there :shortly: • • 'Miss Violet Ritchie has. been .the' aniPli: at our sehool .in the' absence at -our tenelier, • Miss Wehster; Who _AAA been . on the sick list for a few , , , • faTi.. ° ' • • • . 70. and ' Mrs. ,Samuel Reed and: kilirOt Were viiltors"nn Sunday -with. Mr: and,Mrs: .Arehy Courtney, Ain; Mrs. Jas Webster Webiter-Arnberley Was..a ".1,visitor with Mr and Mrs Wm RitchL: .Miss !lima 'Hackett ,sinent last week with • her ;mint; Mrs::'•Ewart Tayler„ ,Goder- >.leh:•,i's :vending, a. While :at her bonne • cern CREWE a • . son'. Three-yr.7oId. Mare or Gelding - Peter Watson Ewalt,. Taylor. Span --.- 'James •Forster. Fens- ale4-1eter Watson... •• .4 • 2f-ragrICUTIllild Bropd, marer-Win, McgisMin, Leon- ard PhiUis. Foal -R, G. 'Martin. NIn': MPQuIllin, Year-old 'gelding -Bert McLelland, Wm, McQuilLf1. Three- year-old Mare or Gelding -Peter Wat- son, Ewart • Tailor, Ewart Taylor. Span- Bert McLelland, Peter Wat7 8on,;Evvart Tayler: Pennale*--Bert Mg- Lelland: :•I'ercherons and. Helenas ,BroOd mare-. R. G. Martin.,Voll--:- dolnes Forster,, k. ,G. Martin.. • , General Purpose 4 Horsea.', Span -L -M: H. Cormack, Arthur.Foal , H. Cormack: Year-old 'Mare on• .solding-Geo Alton Tato-year-old-4. , • • , .SWart. Taylor,, Geo. Alton. • • Carriage Horses . Single., carriage horse in "harness and. rig -M. H. Corinna, M. H. Cor- mack. Brood. mare- M. H. „Cormack. Foal, .1938 -Jas. Forster: Two-year; old ,gelding or filly -M. H. Cormack. "Year-o1egelding-or-fi11yMT-11-.-Cor Goad Horses Single • horse in harneas-..W. R. Lowry, David Carruthers, Bill Harris. .Mare ---James, Forster, • Geo: Alton. Two-year-old gelding or filly -John Geo. Alton., • THE 14UC4NOV,' SEPTINPL ' .,;;;:••=.".*W. TOU,R4S1MIrn . OCTOBEROTH, 1938.. 4114 ann. Du% analear7ald-geor00 4611004Y, 'N. 0. Wright,, -RObt: Mo k• Gan ler,' , Alildela-HAdam McQuainn. fat •Bull calf, undor, la' montlis,:,*. ,Goo$ei • Antsiells--•Afialn."MaQueen, • Wright jaS. T4 1494iGq0. " ehens o ' f 1918 • _ ' Anemias, ,bockerel-W.,1*•Miller, Mdler. Anconas, pullet, --W., I. Mill= er, W. L Miller: Legbores, cOakerei•:-;, d.as. R. :Hackett' & Son*: Ply1110t1t4 Rogki barred cOakerel-W: I. Miller W. L Miller,' .PlYnneuth, Rock, barred pu11et-74W, l• MUer, W,7 I. Miller, New HeniPshire, cockerel GeOrge .Alton, Wr. 'I., Miller. New. IlaMPshiro, George: •Alton. -Wyandotte, •cOckerel-W. L: 1V1iller, W. L Wya dotte, pullet --W.. I. )`Miller,., 7: 1, iiUtr.. "Utility Ilerred Rock, Mekerel HW.. ,•.Mertin, W. I, Miller, Utility, .re4JRok, Pullet -W. R Martin', 'George:Alton. Utility . Leghern, pullet HSlas • Ileckett SOn; ' 04, Miscellaneous 1Domes.t1e 'Pets -Sam Alton, A11ij Ste:Wart,- Dozen. Hen's Eggs, W. S: .McGuire. Dozen -Ilen'S Egka,‘ .brown --Mrs.: Wm. McIntyre, Jas. R, Haekett 'Soo. • Exhibitor winning greatest number of pries in claSSds' 26' and '27-W. 1-. ,. GRAIN . • • , • Fall Wheat, , red or 'arnber-W. ' S. IVIcGoire,L. Neil G. McKenzie. • Fall Wheat, whiteH.Isleil .G. Mekenzie,:jas. R. hackett. &• Sen. Spring. W1neat-4 'sin, Alton Mrs. C. McGillivray.. Oats,' .•mg white -Jas. A. Hackett & Son. George Alton, Oats., any other variety .-George Alton,* Jas, "It. Hackett SOn, Birley -,Harold Campbell,' *Jas. R. Ilinekett. Sons Flaxseed -Jas. Hackett .& Son. ,Timothy -.-Sam. Alton. George Brooks. Red Clover -Sam Ail ton, George: Alton. ".Six largest and beat stalks Fie1d.Corn_-E.wartTaYlOr •Flint Coris-EWart• Taylor, Dr: john Grieve. Dent Corn -Sam Alton, Har- old Campbell: -Sunflowers -Mrs. W H. Tremblay. 5inn • Alton. Alfalfa GQ*Oso, Tonlanaft-W, R. Martin: , Mrs. Jas. Wehster. Swinge' take -4 _ 14044 WeS. Huston, Mrp, 44.0, Webstet 4.4go1 c,44e=1)1TS. NWart Taylor; .Mr. Was. Huston., hcolae ayer cake - Mrs.. jas, Webster, MTS. Wee. Huston. White layer,. cakeH•lgrs: Wes: Ilesten, Marion • COnipbell... Jelly' „ Stewart, Mrs. Wei. ,Iluaten. Dark fruit cake -Mrs Wes. Better tarta441.rs. C. M„ "Shantz, Mrs, Evifirt 'Tay' lnr, ,/am 'tarta-444ra: WM. McKenzie, Mrs. Jas. 'WOrtmr:APple 0W.--,-1.ft$0 McKenzie,*Mrs.'. A. Solomon, —.pie -Mrs D; A • rewier,, Mrs, We. Hasten. Raisin pie -Mrs. ' Wm • Mekenile Mrs.' 13, ',A. Bowler. Lennon p. -Mrs. D. A.: Fow- ler, Mrs, R., 11; Thompson. Sandsvrches suitable -let 'afternoon, ten-sMrs„ Jos. Webster Mrs .0... M. Sbanti;,Schdol hinch-Mrs. Sam MI.'S. T. 3... Sallseld„ W.Orkinginian'e" dinner -Mrs. Phillip S.tewart. 44* -.)1/6.1*e..r; ne4y;COvit, three. yrs. or over7-114 0. Wright N. C. Wright, Jas. Two-year-old. heifer -i -N. C.- Wright, Geo KoniladY', Jas.' 'Lyons. Year -91d iff er-N. w t, . . Oeo.. Kennet!? LYQ1lS., Heifer self,. -tinder 12, mo,r1tha4-N/aP• Lyons, jag. N. W:Tight, Fainale,---N. C. Wright,' Jr,' herd-Jas.'..Lyons, Gee. Kennedy. Senior he C! Wright, Jas Lyons, Geo Kennedy, . ' • ' Polled, !Aligns • Bull;,: 3 years ;or- Over4-4',,,,,,G, Todd. Cow; three' Yrs* or ev'er--: G. Todd. Two-year-old heifer d. Ted& One- year -old,' heifer -F. G: Todd,' F: G. Todd: Heifer'. self, under 12 mon-F. .. herd- G Todd ' Holstein Cattle ; i;eeng3d:c., otnh,ree.Eid.Yoeiairs,Heonro.eetyseorn•-. E4,d?, year-old helfer-Aletin" Andrew; Eldon Henderson. Year-old heifer- heifer4H Eldon Henderson. Heifer. ealf4-Eidon Hen- derS011, Eldon Henderson,..Alex, ,And - red. Female --Eldon Henderson. ' „ •Jerseys. and Ayshires •• , COW', giving. milk --Alex, Andrew, Phillip Stewart. Leifer' 2 yrs: and .under -Alex r' Andret: • Grade Cattle Grade cow-Adnnn McQsean, • Bruce IMcMillan,"AdOin McQneen: 'Year-old heifer'44Adam 'McQueen, Adam: Mc- Queen. Heifer, calf,--Arignis McQuBlin, Riay Alton.' Best 4hort-keep steer -F. • G. Todd. Year, old Steer -4-V: G. Todd. Steer 'calf -Ali', G. Todd, Roy Alton, . "Market Cattle • Salf-7-Adam McQueen • ' , • • Specials :Andrew; Alex-, Andre*, Fat''calf' bilkI• ible . for GuelPh or Toronto -F. G. JOS, • Lyons. Jr. herd -Jas. Wrong: Andrew Gaunt BulI-F . • Todd, • Wm. MeKenzie, Jas., Lyons. Calf race, boys or girls -Clayton Al, ton, Angus. McKinnon; Leonard Phill- ips, .Frank MeQuillin. Pure-bred calf -F. G, Todd. . • - SHEEP!, 'Leicester : Aged ,rein -Ed •Pnirvis, .Geo:! Ken- nedy. Shearling raM,Geo. Kennedy, Ed Purvis'. , Ram landaHGeb. Kennedy*. Aged; ewe -:---Ed Purvis, Geo. Kennedy. •Sheorling, ewe --,Geo. • Kennedy,' •Ed. Purvis. ,EsSe lamb -Geo.. Kennedy, :Ed PurVis•: 'Lady drivers-Mrs..S..Kirby,,,M. H. Cormack (Miss 'Troy,. "Mount Forest), Mrs. G:eo. Fisher. Gentleman's turnout Corp:lack, M. H. Cormack, W. R. Lowry: Lidiee, hitching race - M. IL., Cormack (MiM ,Troi, :Mount Fon•eit),,Bernindirie Alten, tied: Fem- ale, any ageor rlois7Httert McLelland,: Bert 'McLelland, Peter 'Watson. Geld- ing, ani .age or •eless-4-Peter., Watsen, Ewart' Taylor, ,Ewart Taylors'. :Halter, broken foal, handled: by a', boy • 15 years or undeiH-R.. G. Martin, R. G. 'Martin, 'Wm. McQuillin. Mare or geld- ing , in .heavy .drait and agricultural harsespert McLelland Three hopes owned in any thwnship-s-Peter Wat- son' ',Bert McLelland, Ewart Taylor.' Special •Corniadk ' • PUREBRED 'CATTLE, • Shorthorn Cattle •• Boll, three' years or over -Wm; Mc-.' 'Kenzie, TeeSwater, Andrew Gaunt Bnll calf, tinder 12 nionths=*--Ancirevi, Mrs. ,Geo..:Freernan and Joe of Lee= Gaunt,- Wm. MCKenZie, Wm.'.11.1cKen, ',urn spent Friday .With 'Yrs. Lorne .zie: Cow, three 'years ,04 ever-,4Wm. EmineMs.".: ; • ' meXenzie, Wni MaNenzie, Andrew ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack. :Curran and • daunt To -Year-old heifer- jiildren visited on -Sunda .y with''Mr., Andrew Gaunt, Win.McKenzie:.,Years And. Mr.a. Herb Curran, ilefeking'.-. I old heifer -Andrew Gaunt, Wm: Mc - Mr Bob Adonis' and :Gordon Elm- Keniie, Adam 'McQueen: •Heifer calf - •ns of London spent Sunda y with the Witin. McKenzie, Gen Alton, Adam ke-- . :natter's. brother Lorne and Mrs, Eni- Queen: Female4-Wip. 'McKenzie.. Jr. mons. , .. • • herd -I. -Andre* Gaunt. •Senior herd - Mr Victor Whitley. was ,in • Hain Wm McKeniie, Andrew Gaunt iton last , %seek for . a truCk lad of • Hereford 'Cattle fruit, of which yr. Whitley has sold „Mill, three years or over-,jas. 'several this fall,' • Lyons, Geo; Kennedy, N, C. Wright -A' BANK ycritErtE SMALL,Acammers ARE virtOOKE- 7", .• 'Oxfords Aged RafnGeorge,.1. Robertson, Sheathing Ham -George L Robertson, Rani Lamb -George! Roherttori,..0r-; val MeGOwon: Aged Ewe -George I. . , Robertson, George L Ilobertsen. Shear - ling, EsVeGeorge L 1{64n -tiers Geos. Robertson s Ewe Lamb -George : I. Rolnertscin, .0tvel :Medi:Avon • . , . • •• Shropshire Downs:---; , , . . . • Avec! Ram -Orval. McGowan. Shear - McGowan. Ram Lamb-brval McGowan. Aged •Eire-- OrVal McGowan. Shea.rling Ewe ----Or- val 'McGowan' Ewe Lanab-CtiVal Mc- Gowan. • . • ' • " • , Any Other Pure Bred Aged Rani --Orval •MeGewan. neat!: lingsvaiamOrval. •, McGowan. • :Ram Lamh-Orval, McGowan. Aged Orval .. cGreg: er.aSsgh cie.2a9. r1.i.ng. Ewe.4-0r-: val. McGOwan.., Ewe Lamb-40rvel Mc, G , Beit . RensH4Georde I. ,Robertson. 'market EsVe----Orval MCGOWan. Mar- ket Lamb7--. McGowan. Pen '6f Sheepeorge I. Robertson George Kennedy. . , . • . . • Seed-HSarn , Alton, Jas. ft: Hackett 4 'Sop. Sweet': 'Clever seek sielloW.W;•. 'S. McGuire. Jaa, R. Hackett & Son. 'Collection of wee :se s-T.:.J. Salk- eld; ,,Sana Alton. Collection of, Grain and. .seeds -Sam Alton, Geo, ;Brooks. .Collection • Of Cern, ..Grain & Grasser •jistra*H-George ,Brooks.1, • ROOTS & VEGETABLES • • Two vuieties, potatoes -W, S. Mc- Guire. peek early potatiiesH-W...S:. 'McGoire;. Neil , G. • IVIcke,nzie."2, .Peck, late.potateei4-5.: C.. Rathwell, Hateld Greer." Mange], yell-n:4-'43,meg. Me, Ewart'red- Ewart .'.Teiler; Harold Campbell: nips,S*ede_Ge�rgeStO*s,:Sarn Stun 'Al-' ten, Sagan' Beets -T. J. Salkelit,'-. SEMI Alton .: Field Carrotas..Ewart!'Tityler R. p. Martin. - Winter Cabbages -Jas. R. Hackett & Sen....Winter Squash -7 - Bruce McMillan, Harold Greer: i'Coll- eetion :field roots -Sam 4 Alton. Large: Scpiash•HR, G. Martin Phillip. Stew- art.Largest Pninpkin-R.' G. Martin - Mrs • ' :McKenzie, R 5 LiicknOWI. Jas; R. Hackett;&S�i. Two £trons- Mrs. Wm. McIntyre, Dr. Johni,..Grieye. Parsnips -W. S.:McGuire, Sam Alton. Table Carrots.„..„ long -Harold Greer, Mrs : w. -IL: Tremblay ; Table 'Carrets, .short -W. S. McGiiire, TreMbley:Beets, shortHorold Camp- bell, S. C. Rathwell.' ;Corn, "Golden Bantom--HailIs Greer, Jas. A. Hack- ett ei son. six Ears .Corn; any other vai iefy-Mrs Wm Mckenzie: Celery -"r:. J. Salkeld, Dr. ;JAR GrieVe:"C 1- lf1ower-:-.G. H. Aniith. Beans smaTh white -W. Si McGuire,' Mrs.. Austin Solo/nen. Beans, any other varieti-*:. 'Mrs: Clark: 'McGillivray; W„: S. Guire: :Dutch Seta -Dr. John, Grieve. Potato,DniOns-7t-W.' S. MeGaire, Mrs SWINE . Wm.: McKenzie. Onions, ' erzit Yorkshire Pigs ' John • grieVe;•:Mig.' • 'Three v Alton: Boar, 6, nionthg T..ali°$taieltehiv,eab Collectionies-a:gartdS3deln ptedueellareld.... Greer, Drs. • Jahn Grieve': ,•• • DAIRY, Re' TABLE SUPPLIES Under 12 Mos.,. --Sam Alton: Sem ' 'front :Have - Homemade bread made SOW, Oder ' 6 nionthsH5ani Aitss, _1Nvock,FlouriZs.*Wzo. '11:eeininut.tiye,7re,br1ditoatrs. Sani•Alton ' • • Yris. Wes. II,Oston. Afte*oon 'tea - Mrs: Jas. Webster, Mi7s. C. M. SNIntz. •° Canned Fruit ' Strawberries --Mrs. Wm. 1,1cIntye: Raspbei•riesHMrs. Wm. McKenzie, Mrs. T.. J. Salkeld, Peaches -L.' Mrri. Wm. McIntyre, Mrs.. W. IL Tremblay. 'Pears -Mrs. T. J. Salkeld, Hr. John Grieve. :CherriesH-Mrs.• Wm: McIntyre, Mrs, W. H. Treinhlay. Plums -Mrs. W. II. Tremblay. ••' , . Canned Vegetables . Tomatoes; who1e-.4Mrs. Jas: R. Haekett, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie: Tomtit- • juice -Mrs. Ewart Toylor, Mrs. Wes. Huston. • Jam Googeberry jinn -Mrs.: Clark Mc- .Gillivray„ StroWberry- jam -Mrs; 1'. :3tewart Mrs. Geo. Brooks: Raspberry :am -Mrs W. H. Tremblay Mis' A. 3olinnon. Black Curiant jam' --Mrs. ',V„m. „McIntire. • .Conserves • Rhubarb conierveMrs... George proohi,' Jas.: Webster: 'Graine con- serve4sMis., W..11. Tremblay. Plum conserve -Mrs. Geo': Brooks, Mrs. Wm. McIntyre: ` jelly •• . , 'Raspberry jelly -Mr. W. H. Tian- blay, Mrs. Geo. -Brooks: Apple jelly - Geo. Brooks, Mrs. Eldon Hen. Jerson. Crabapple jelly's -Mrs': Tremblay, 'Mrs. Geo. Broolcs. Red, cur, rant Geo.Brooks, Mrs: Wm Meke4ie.; Black- currant. jelly- Mrs.Wm. McIntyre; Mrs. Gen - Brooks: Marmalade'• •• • Rhubarb marmalade -7. birg --. Geo. 13rooks, Mrs.: W. 11., TraMblay, Three varietieS f all apples, -Lorne Waadag Once VOL.11! "Varifitie* winter aPPletiL Lorne Woods, Salkeld Wallace Miller* V.arlety .named • applea -W la ce" MPUIefl.' Lorne W,00n1S.: Crab. apples.--*LOrne; 'Woods, .A01 ..:Reore-:14Orive Woods., Winter 'ears -Mrs. -11, Tremblay!, Woods. Phlins, ,blne'r---Mrs. Clark Me. OilliVraY. Pfeinsi ,41351 -7 -Mrs. TrenrInlay, Plums,,. yellow --Mrs s W• H . Tremblay, 1.4arne‘ W9Ods. Grapes,, biue-George Alton, . Harald Greer, Oreiles, red -HT, J. saPc.ela, 11.. Treprib*yi,. CoBeeti�fl, -, , grepes,==-T. soRod, Gpotge, Alton Quinces -Sam tqn, .W. S, Cone „of APplear--14ord'e Woodss.T.. Salkeld ; .*••• LADIES' PEPRTMEIT• , Night . dress -L. , Livingston,. • • • A Pickles and, Relishes 'Pickled onions -Mrs.' w: H. Trenl- blay, T. J. .Ealkeld.1' Cuennibers (0 day pickle) .•,,,Mrs: W..11. Treni- bl4y, Mrs Wm MCKenzie.'sMestard TreMblay,.• Mii• Ewart Taylor. Pickled PenichesMrs: W. • H.. 'Tremblay,' Mri..Jjap.: Web- ster. Pickled pearsH,Yti. W:. H. Trem- blay, Mrs.: Jos. Welister:. Ripe due*. berSMis: Ewart_Tayloy,LMrs: W.. Hi Tremblay. ToMeto•cotinpH,Mrs. W. •Tretablay, ,A. .; Shlonrion: Chili sau-Mrs.Jas. Webster,,111ra„,„R: Thompson : • ""''''\ • '• • Dairy and Other ,Floind Products, ' • • and under.12 moriths,--Sayn Alton. Boar, under , 6 ',,inorithd-Sam !Senn Alton' Sow that has raise(,) pigs 1036--Sard Alten. Sow' 6 months . , . Boar -Sam Alton. Boar; 6 mos. . , under 12 prieS.-,Sain Alton. BOar, ..on- det 6:' ino,nths-Sam, Alien., ,Sow that has raised' pigs . in,. 1938-Sam-SamAlton. 'rriontlriAloider12-in inonths-Sa Alton, Sain Alton; SOw under ,mos. Alton, Sim Alton., , ,Claas 24 • „ „ 'Pen Of Hogs --Sam Alton, Three BieXType 'HOgs-,-Sarri Alton 4, • • ' POULTRY' .made from BUyesack, flour, -Mrs. jas. Webster, Mrs., W. H..Tremblayillorne, ...made breed made, froin. Robin Hod • FlourH-Misi, Esstart,..Taylor, 'Mrs. Win,. McIntire. Homemade; breast made. fro-en:Prairie ItO5eF1ourH,11,11rs.•,W. Tremblay, Leaf, :white 'brad-Iv1rs Jas.. Esvart Toylor. Loaf, brown 'breadMrs. Win. Me-- Intyre, Mrs: W k Tremblay'. Fini't loafc,-,Mrs. Jag Webster, yrs, Ewart .EWart, Way. 1.0," Miti. Wilfred *Hackett : 0i:intent :tWart Taylor, Di J�h Grieve. Tmtbiacttits-.Mrs..,Wilfred .R: .Heekett,.° Mfg . 'Ewatt ..TaylOr. Cheese tea-biseuits-Mts jag • WebSter,"Itran Muffins -Ms... EsvOrt'. Taylor, :Mrst 3its: Webster: EGiigiar Wm. • McIntyre; yira:', Phillip. Steivart laintineal CookleiSHMta...WM. MCIntyre; Mrs Phillip Stewart .Ginger'.'cnoklea -Mrs. ' Phillip , Stewart, Mdtntyre,.. Drop coldes-Mrs. WelAter, Mrs, Philip ,Stevairt. 4d605e •860140-1trg., VOSe Grieve; Mta.WeS. st�n COCO-nut .indedisionns,,,MrSi "Wee., Huston, Mfg: T 3 Salkeld.Scotch shot Tamwarth Pigs Aneonas, tok.VV, t..Mi1IerAn, toilas, hen -W. „L Mil1er. 1.,eghern,, ‘11,7 06dh-George‘ AltoU:.' Leghorn, •hen-,••• MeGuite; George 'Alton. 'Ply; 4nolith koek, barred cookt.'4W4 I: Millen, :Plymouth Rook, barred hen -W. 1. • Miller; Georgerooks. 'Plymouth *White,: hen-sW, 1,• Miller. 'Plymouth Itoch,ihiteock4*..1 kew • itamtighirpi '1; *ley.' W: Man, -tin 'Wyandotts,,,doek."-:-.W, Mi1171. .er. • WYOridetti, Millet,: Drake, RotteniSH*.jas: • R. :Hackett it t00, will, enjoy, doin# your franking litre, .• OF. 1V4j?lirtitEkli .3i, •• • : • Son, ;Drake; Pekin.W.,. I. -Millet, Litekhow Beocht V N4 PI:t8ST0 MangeAdam Megue,en, Adain. MeQueen. 'Turkey Cobb- . „..„ ' A ititkiNALttligtliist6 ACCOUNT .folit: YOUu-AnSfei,i,sokisseiseertrif Adaiii Mcueen, Vir,. it Martin . . l;thBedjacket-Mrs T. 3', §Okelit, Mrs: Murdoch ' Leitch; 'Paisloy, Slip - 1.. •M. . Livingston; Mrs:. Leitch,- 'Py- jamag-L. • M. Livingston. •House dress -L.. M. 'Isivingaton, Mrs. :Bar: ba'ra Stothers. Sport .dress-H.L. M, .Livingston, Kitchen Apron,-.-Jeasie T: J. 'Salkeld. Knitted. Aress=Mrs. Wes. Huston.: Crocheted .1ress-L-Mrs Jas Webiter, Mrs Wes iloston. 'Sweater --Mrs., T. J, .Salkeld, Mrs. Leitch: Collar' and cnff' VL Livingston. ; Gloves -L.' M. Liv.,• ings . Min's. Clothing • PyjareaS-L.. U. Livingston, Mrs, T. J. Salkeld.' Sweater-Mis. Leitch Mitts-Mrs.Leitch, :L.. M. Livingsten• , i1o:es-L. M. Livingston,:Mrs. Clark • McCiiiirray,. Paigley. SoCks, it.. M. Livingston, •Mrs., McGillivray .3oCks, Coarse -Dr. john Grieve, 'SM ,forth, M. Livingaten- ' Boy,a Clothing „ . . Pullover, , gWeriterMra..:: Leitch,, :!rs T J Salkeld Suit, - hanti,knitteci. Mrs. Leitchh:: Knicket socks -Mrs. Leitch. ,Mitts -Mrs. McGillivray, Mrs: Wes. Huston. pve101io-kt ""ar,‘, , . • L. M. loiVillgatoll, Mrs. O. SOO `life-ts M. ItiVingston, • " • Sifetchee, charco.411--4 M. Livingston. Pan' and ink -L. M., LiVirigstan..POSter.--; Is M. Livingston' ° . • „ Miscalineolifo • , Collection, ire,aPahats---4Pr* •4Iieves, T,J. Salkeld. ' 1 'FLOWERS Asters, red—G. .11, Snaith, Mrs. Wes Huston Asters, white- G. IL Smith,, , Mrs. W. H. Treiiihlay. 1-!sters, • Salkeld, Mrs.: W, H. Treml?lay. Asters,: purple, blue or mauve-H.G. • MTS. A. Solomon* 'Asters,. col- lettiOn-G: H. Smith, S. 0,,,v,Rethwell. Dahlias, cactusHS, e• Bethell, ,• Print dairy butter -Yrs. Joss Web- , ster.R.oll dairy butter -Mrs. Sons Al - ten ...Mrs: Jas., Webster. Crock .dail'y butter -Mrs :,SaM Alton, 'Mrs.' -Webster -Chicken dresged .for market , 4.-T„ 3. Salkeld, J. R. Hackett and son. Honey. and Maple Syrup Pint maple syrup -Geo Alton, '•Mrs:, , Wrn: McKenzie: Pint honey 'extract-=. T. J. Salkeld.. •COm.b ' hone -T. 3. Salkeld. ' • • • • • Candy . Chocolate fu dg e:4 -4M s 'W e g . Huston, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie: Divinity fudge -Mrs. T. J. :Salkeld; :Mrs. Wes, Wes, _ Huston.' Maple cream -Mrs. Wee. Him- , ton, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie: •• . Salads and Supper Dishe' . Plate salads -,-Mrs. • Ewart Taylor, ,Mis. Phillip Stewart. Jellied meat (itielilded)-HMrs. Wm. McIntyre, Mts, • Goo. Brooks. Salmon loaf-Mrs..Wes. supper dialisHBIrs. W. JR; Tremblay. Salad dressing -Mrs. C. M. Shantz, ,Mts. Wes. Huston... Baldwins -T. J .$alkeldi Walla Lorne ,:WOoda.., daYis Salkeld: Culverts keld,'.1Vallate :Miller.' Tallinn diets Alex AndreW,... T. J. Sa1Jeld. Cran- „ berry .pippiliaLotne Woods. Maid- .blinsinesWalliee • Miller, T, 11-. Sal,' GraVenenteiniL-T. J. gtOetd,. Wealthy. -Wallace Miller,, Lorrje 'Woods.C.aniada reds -Wallace iVfartin.king of ,•Tonikins COUriti •• •44:Weila4 Leine' Weeds.. Pee 'Wawkie----toru e Weeds, .,••WalleCe 'Maim apples--Eorne Woods; Welf ritterW. Si Medniire, Lotne WoOdit.: '131onheint ' Wodc16. Ribson pippins.4orne Woods woods: "Ooldoii ets4--Vallitee Miller, T J galkolit, ranieui,.Or StintrWs-Iserniti :Woods, T. .j, ; Salkeld.Northern illy -Lorne WOode, T4 3, Slkeid, WalinOe Millob Wagiiers-T., siitiield, MehittA. siutaido, ,Alek Andrens Any 'other fall' Variety Wanda' WallinCe:Miller„.Ani:.' Ilett- Adorn McQueen, W. It, DKJohn drieVe,Wm Meintr-Lone-Lone , GfrIs!elosthing Dress • and', bloomers -Mr's.. McGill- ivray; .,L. M. Livingston. ,Sweater - Mrs. T. J. Salkeld,JeSsie •M•ckenrie. • Infante! We , 'Short ,dress -'S -Mrs. ,SeM Alton,, .L. M. Livingston' Baby's jacket, .hOzinet, hand-knit bOoteeg..and MittensL4Mra. J. ..Salk,eld. • Carriage cover --Mrs. Wes. Huston,.1.1r.s. D. A. Fowler, Dun :gannen. 7 • . . . Re -modelled ,Clothes ,salkeld;, 'FOwler.,:Girl's SkirtMrs., Wes. Hustert. windbreaker - Mrs. ' Leitch.. Boy's ,trouiers-mrs: 'T, Salkeld,;Mrs.. Wm. • McIntyre: •• '4 Household Linen ' Laee.table "clOth...-,Mrs.''.1Barhara Stainers, AIM. Fowler. Lunch- eon. eleth4-Mrs. • SanicAltein, Mrs. C. . • .1qairch, osmiss., opinihnise.4W 10,e4 0. A" ;F. othoor Minter valid., fltL'Ortie..Wasiis, • 44 , , • lington McCoy. 4Dannuls, decorative- _ 5.. .C.,:itatirvirell Wellington ,MCCoi • shewHIS;C Rathwell, .Welt :McCoy. Dahlias,collectien-Welling-:. ton, Mc:coy; ,C, ,Rathwell-Gledieli, ;Cellectioni4s,R; H. Itiomosoa,lT. 4: ." Salkeld.. Gladioli, .teil or •pink -G. H,. Smith, Bothwell. Gladioli, white -Mrs: A: Solomon, G. H. smith. yellow-p..A.-(smith„ E. H. Thompson. Gladioli,. purple Or '.rriailve 4-T. I.'Salkeld, R. H. Thompson. Mar- igold-s-MrS. A. Solonion, T. 1: Salk- eld. ,Sweet peas -T. J. Salkeld. 'Snap' dragons -S... Sam Alton: Zinniad-HS. a Rathw.ell, R. H." Therimson BeSt, leetion-Mrs. A. •,• • Solomon, Mrs. W. H. Treinblay, Ann, ' c011ectiori-Mrs. A. Solomon,S:, C. Rathwell. Roses, . White -yrs: A.:. • ". • Solomon; Smith. Roses, erim- on-.Mrs. Brooks; Mrs. A. Sol • - ortion krises, golden -S. C. Ratliwell,- G II. Smith. Roses collection -S. C. Bothwell, .111;s. We. Hnston. ;Table bouquet -tire Howard Agnew T. J. Salkeld. ' Calendula-O._ H. Smith, j. Salkeld: Petunia, colleetiOns-birg• :, A. Solomon, R,. H. Thompson. Gladioli, best single sPike4-R, 11; Thompson, " • T. 1. -Salkeld, S. Ilathwell. • ' Pot ,Plants ' Ilegonin •Rex -Mrs. Wes. HuSten, Mrs. ,A.: .Solomen. Begonia; Tuberous Wersiluston Mrs.. A. Solomon BegOnia,other ;variety -Dr.. John, Grieve, Dr. John Grieve .: Fern- Mr.S.., A. Solomon. • Mrs. 'Geis. Broolc.g:::Best.'' house plant -Mrs. Geo. Brooks, Mrs. Mrs. Wes. Huston. - , scHboilcHH,HREN's HEFT.. • . Plinionth •Rock, Barred Hen -Mary` 40 McGuire, Gordon Brooks:. White 'leg, horn, Hen, -Mary, McGuire, Gorden. Brooks, . . M. Shantz, Kincardine: Buffet .set-- trit14-14ivingston Mrs.1-D-is-As Fowler. 13oudOir David Carruth - Mrs. N.. G. MelCenzie. •Pillow • case -L. M. 'Livingston, Jessie Mc- ,cese embroidered - L. M. Livingston,Mrs. IN. G. MeKen ziei. Jessie '1114Cenzie. Pillow • case, likce trim -Mrs. ;Wes,. Huston, •MrS: Shantz. -2.guest •tewels-.L. • M.• Liv- ingston,: Mrs. • McGillivray, Bridge set-, L.' W.' ;Livingaten, _Mrs. b.- A: • Fowler: 'Library table runner -Mrs. D. :Fowler; Mrs. McGillivrai. • Chesterfield• get --L. M. Livingston, Jessie McKensie. Tatting -Mrs. D. A. Fowler Mrs. ,MCGillivray. Fancy • work bag -L. M. Livingston, .Mrs. A. Fowler. PurieH,Mrs, Wes. Historf L.' M. • LivingSton: Teas cofiy-...:Mrs: Shantz; Mrs. Sinn Qpilts- ' pieced -George Alton; Mrs. David. Carruthers..., Quilt, applique - - L. •M. Livingaten Mrs.- David Car- ruthers: Quilt, piecedand applique - Mrs.' McGillfsray, Mts, T. 3. Salkeld; ouiit falley72.14.rs.... T. 3 Salkeld, Mrs David Carruthers. Quilt, 6` 'blocks - L.° 'M. Livingston. Ceinfelter,....entt.ok filled -Jessie McKenzie; Mri., Leitch. Comforter, 'cotton or wool filkd- Mrs. Leitch. BedsPread, crotcheted,-,, Mrs. A.• Solomon, Mrs.' Leitch.: -Bed- spread, knitted -Mrs: . Shantz, Dr. Grieve. Bedspread, tufted-y,rs. Dav- id .Carruthers. „Bedspread, Leitch. Afghan, knitted--,--MrS. Leith Afghan, ,crotcheted-Mrit.. Shanti, Mrs. H. A. FoVvier.,: • * Rugs Hearth rug, horsked-.Mrs.• 'N. 0. Mckenzie, L, •Mi, Livingston. Hearth rug, branded.14Mr3. Leitch Mrs Mrs.' Wer;'• crotcheted-4 • • • Cushion,. WeCtiol-Lah.ki°r°sii. Leitch, Mrs., IX A. Fowler. Cushion, A. Poider, • V • " ARTS' , Portrait 'trim ,lifes-C. 'Liv'ing:.• Aiiirnul portrait -.-Dr. ' John GrieVe; L, M, porttant-..L4 M, I.avintaili:Mrs (i - ". Water eAmira . .Portralti troin :lite -1.. 7m, Living bt, doha. Orie°164- LandachPe v ' ' '• "School thildien's - Department . , . . Nut breid--Marjorie. Salon -nen, Rena Hunter... Sugar' cookies -Rena Hunter 'Baking' powder': biscuits -Rena. 'Hun- ter; Doris i Taylor Sponge cake,gena, Hunter. ,Layer cake -Doris Taylor, Rena Himter. Apple pie-Hillnirjorie Solomon, Doris 'Taylor: Lennon pie -LH, Marjorie Solomon Rena Minter Pint' . canned raspberries: orie Solomon, Rena Ranter. , • • ' Children Department . -:-. Six .. beets -Rena .Hunter, Norma Normi , Ritchie: Six carrots -Carman McQnil- . lin Rena Hunter. OnionsH-HelenSalls.: • Rena' Hunter. Vegetables, any. other. nanied---1/slorma.• Ritchie, Reg. Ferguson. SCHOOL 'CHILDREN'S DEPT. Salkeld, Bouquet Reg Ferguson f. GardenwperTasw.-i l 7onf your. Gardenr-toliaet4/ ft tCrafts Taylar; • •aPtiulirnn;itiire; refinishedH•Carinen Q , LANGSIOE 6 . and Ciertie spent Sunday,,with •mr.. and mrs. Wm.' ,Brown, •krdyins. And. Mrs. Orville Tiffin. • . ; • . . Miss, Edna M, orrison and Jerry and little Migs Eleanor Taihnc, left' for Toronto on Monday., . Yr.• and Mrs... Perry. Pennington and, family of Culross spent Sunday With, Mr. Wendel Taylor. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Jim Clark; Mr, jiM Dickens,' Mr. Jinn Reid•sind Mr. Alex Murray of Toronto motored here arid' ' spent the,week-end with Mrs -Murray. , • . Mrs. Jini Dickena who spent the past , week With Mrs. Murray returned 'to 'Torono on Monday with the others. On Satuday Mrs, Parish Moffat in • all, in the surrooncling 'commun. attend.mn organisation-meet— ing' of the Mission 'Band.. A very en. joyable iateresting. afteineon • was. Spent: • 'Some 'inf. the ,Offiers .elected ar Itis.•b'ill'iS11 Moffat, president;. Miss' 'Ardyss, Brown, pianist;;'Miss , Reba ..Marsha, secretary,: treasure', MiSs' Gertie Drown, .The. next* rfleOt ing 'is to be held,,at the hOme of 'Mrs, Iven, Conley. ' Mr. and -MrS,:'Elwood Barbour and " C4fMliatrMtndt:I'ri 11.,:nrtadstop.if:d3:8.1'. Mrs.oionee. sb: c.et:PR.i. tnCtt. Yh' imi1e.17 Sunday,„ with E. Wawanosh spent Stindai with Mr. drfring Friday evening • y a. ear driven • ... bf;a11:11:bliTreoe reiktni,hmo:ouvel ra4otbf c:sedivt: 34:1 b°: ohytl: Mr. 4eorge Wadel, had .•the ” mist . of badly tinat it 'had 'to. be. killed, Ms' Moffat's „far was also damaged, .The • _toliteinLdenotet_gadetirred, freOnteest,'4:: wa. T.,,olmow highway., • 1.r."•••",..4 A 1.1