HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-10-06, Page 1$,
- , ,
PG*. Wind .ea*,':13111k-OW-...
Pad3,71ti,, 5;•
!lr[5rg TET T� .ENTER
iMONgrAT'S ,timittEitat CONTEST
1,reio; lftfonday • night,; Oetober lOthr
• Lue-lo,i6W.Ferr ComPanY is Staging an
ainateir Town, Half -
There are Sfis.:•.el.aSfiesr—voeel, under
tre, °Ver. this 'in-
9..*teite or 'grnuR
;entries; daile;,. inetriiniental (any
'STRAY rigic Tan mare dag,r wire, linstrumen4F recitations; Onct ecinle4Y;
haireik *babe& Owner telephone an tstlie of imin,1* to, Pr(HTllee
T-58-11r,..Luclinnwr, •
; 11.1ita,10,1 , •
Prizes, 00 $3,. ;2 and T. are offered
1Lliie1T,7-treitm*tr, Pen an.L4 Pence, in. i4i craS'S. Plan now to enter and
set., liOrtk of LuOraigNw- Finri PIeftSesend Yong . entries at once to
leamaat. '4"mthiell.,016e-e-• Thom. .e.cr tary If '
pson, e : aceninPaTO--
,, rnientis required.; Make this: known
radha„ Wm for quick sire_ Arse %,,,,„E ;with your entry.. •
bicycle% Peter' Carter- 7 ca:raer°4'. Gedctes is raa'ster:esee7-- ;been taxeicled,; of course,. do not re -
, en:tante& rnri theevening should be "
e_Illre any more treatments,
will be herd fa the 'Town
Halt in. Ltieknow frOM nine' to ten A.
a'TIolc for, the givingof DiPlither-
da Toxdid" to: 'children: This treatnient
• •
is given free' and is available to, any
chficl in DielFnavi*,°T'the'surr.°°ndrOg'
:toWnships.: Any child from the. are
:of nine months. to ten. years may re-'
i• ceive the treatment:
' We strongly urge parents to bring
their .children. as the. tdxoid infect-,
ions will,:protee them...front Diphther-
ia for 'Also;„ they cause no, dis-
comfort Or, illness whatever- In fact..
the '•younger the child , the less' it
„bothers. them. Children Who, have
FOR Rxit.'ar---It P.feester- Sheepr. ewe lone of 'interest and entertainment, as
Iambi: and ram. lantbs, ,and t gond well as profitable : to the winners.;
aged rant.; /trees leeasonabre,-'.G... A.. Competent ledges. will render the
decisions-. Reserved. 'Seats', are avail-,
able at IleKilurs .Drug Store „until
!Satarday night, Oetober. 8tra... To; be-•
CER and Artiir.
Batterectong ever Y rifiriessai mth
utitIT tuArier .
ttis,qtYrif ritirdnias r
sure GE good seat • . reserve, them
A dance will fottoW- With imiSie by
XeCartaef's orchestra..• t
• muerte& Wor.NI-of Ramie f.
he held i" 'VILLAGE' tO0iCIL;FLEETEki;
of 'nava
vyAT *WKS eV. ply WANT
Luerrovf •Eoard will be'
placing their fall order for new bogitq
within,' three Weeki.',rhey request tik
„pelihe' to notify them Of any, special
!beeka that:Ina-3r' be desired. If yo:
have preference for fiction ;:or book:
. in $: an3fway' -helpful in • "bne'S Work
,graft .or Willy,. or children's books-.
notify: the Librariani, Miss Treleaven
• or . the segetary, Mta-, W. .JOhn-
Stan. The Hoard 'deSires,, to ineet the
requirementS Of the reading public,'
to the best. of their ability, and. your.
miggestions and preferences if Made
know.to them will be helpful thi",
(connection, - • •
Three infections are necessary, the
firSt. one being given Tuesday
' October l_.1t1r.. The 'others 'will:
follim at .three 'Week intervals, that
is the secondone, will be on. NoVeinber
"fst and. the last One on Nov- '22nd
Again May We emphasize that these
are for the :children of surroUnding
„na: well as • those of
,tucknaw. •• • '
soliNsto,N, 11/1., O.
effects of
Yfll riert. EiroitriOre. iifntaeiltetft.'Sfilipi " -t..,:---. •
tueli,flavi:„.., 40. saiuidear„ ()et:4er kyr ,, Er. iiii rgatin :bi.isinesi iVai.'; _____,_,....
at. t, ik, ar.',.1 Well- Wendel -H.014, inf.,. .r're'Irt. with by- the Village Council at ',111"C•r7.-WAY. TI,E. IN.
ttheir- October meeting T d 'night.• WiRKEt STORE 'BRA:11/
Eig,s4pEERIT FoR, s'..t.pg.......7-_rcpra,..IFterief accounts passed totalled $19.4Gr. . .
r. 1,1-eP alY 'dv+`eIring, ii,Ydr04. Timid and soft water.i Council decided to notify' property ' The 'IuckY number ht. the .- prize
by the lkarke Store at ••the
. Saadi ePITT'i,' ,Berni with' cent finer-, iciwners- that, Council will. ridt be re-.. ji.afr'
Luelhiow Fall Fair was 561 The. do-
ing-.. batin,iiii A.-11 conditinn; rie.-:Te'gar: t5Papaibre I-0,1'7; Pairment of relief re
t and advises limdlerds. to investigate es gq.th.r; NY3,7up.ngurniabdi7elo. ?'7.30siihmoarit peiid
ifallY before, ten -pr
, .
S,a.turclay,,,, October 8th, a tie-breaker,
draw will be made to decide the
• ii:OTE WILE Ite:Vatte, PrTntEsif straWberty
and. ratipberny patches 'mad c2 -
rant hushei_ f0., acres.' of ,land, .ApPly
401t*ell cu
MiSS Sadie McCharie's.. •
tf these three ladies will meet at
.the Market Store at 9• orclock
• -A4-6rckr -Oras .Placed for line iiiat,
'line. renlacernents. A hydro:gains
tCOIT:175-iieti..11'71' :ar:e.. e-xpeeted to cOM-
. . .
. . . .
. Vallage pnoPertr•Gvnierw,..that. OCIUliett 'W'rli.ik Ite.'PCkf'NO :Villt: be •ofr 'diirinki•
Camerdir„ Miss ;Mabel: MacDonald, ani.
erial;_TtacOmmence prograin Of
The Village Council hereby merle- ilienee the woifE a:Week fr0/11.
. •
Will not ,he responsible .for payment
- of nerteI rent and fir thiis neOsid.ad•
vise lanai**. tis tilVO4./204,
h4'f1r! Vt11#11M4.91elglit.IVE
, Dance in Parannanit naie every
"rulaw night, Iditsie.„ by IraarrettiFieri:
Orchestra:. General: Adinfseitiu• 2h, Cene
The averting of war In Europe hy
'the:Po:pr.-Pow Conference last weeli:'-
•tiroug , particular ,,relief ,•to, Yys,-
Rohe 'Andre*, as her ;hrother,,:Was"
in E oPe Where, a'confliet appeared
inevitable,„ • . •
• Her brot er ahrt D MacKinn-
on. and Mrs.' MacKinnon, sailed the
first of September frern,' New York
on the S. S. Normandie to Commence
a six -Months rounc17the-world cruise.
After a brief stay at Southampton
they crossed the channel for Franc( .1
and other points in, Europe,. where
they, will renaain till October .20th.
• Port Said, Jerusalem a.re
other points to he visited. thiS month
and much Of November be epent
in, India. On Saturday, November Oth
Dr: MacKinnon is • due Lucknaw.
India. ,Deceraber , finds them MOVing
further east to, Singapore, POrneo,
Manila and -then in Hongkong by, the.
tint, week in January, which Month
be spent chiefly in .China And-
' There itinerary calls for. them
reaching. Honolulu late • in January
and. theY-..-will dock in San Fra.nsico:
on February froni .whence the;
will ,motor to home in Detroit.
. Friends here will wish them 'a safe
and. pleasant .Voyage.;
The new a.rena„ OccuPied, for the
:first time this year ,as an exhibition
hall„ by he .AgricuItural Sciciety,
was really "knockout" • Well ar-
ranged eX„hibits and a score of attrac,,
tive pet -ups hy local business est-
:-ahlishments Made sight'
arid orl. that. .amazed those , who,
Viewed it -
"Ag good as ,Lendortr waS the,
comment of one visitor i M. 1-1.,-:Cor-
-niaet of- Arthur, who . a .saccess-
ful exhibitor in the light .horse. claS7
ses'„ stated that in., the eight einnifiel
` where he had attended' shoWs 'this
• ,
; year,. the 'Liicknaw indoor. array was
Tar above: any he bad seen-
'winner' of Feito, Vag.:
the eutfre„...cat.., :,:„ , .
Council diseased hall rental feem•
with.a, view. to diScontinu' big' the
pegey'of rentid rebates.
• -
IX, WHALEY:, ,F,ototigit On TharSday afterinion„ With fav
arable. Weather,and before a
.f . ber Of terested speetator4,: stlident-•
, ,Staitley, flL Whaley„ formerly man, .
of the public school, vied for honors
ager of the Bank of lYfontreal,. Luck- an'd, the cash pies at their annual:
now:, Onit.,...ancl a. Great War :veteran, miteEl s • . ' " •
cried Thursday at lila, hoiner 298 Rose- Sports!' were cenducteit bir the staff;,
Well Avenue, 'YorontioKte [Dona
.fge was in aIla.cld,;_
, prcpal
fiftieth year:and' WaS.born at per4,,' shei,rit;; Hertaerson,
. . iChit. He entered the bank. when; ta:, and Miss Marion$ MeDougahl.'
Et fm wArt, sincere thanks. that•the i.Ye4r5. 7ersHe .,E,L7Dash
Medd 6—Mary Anderson.
tainifi,ackno‘fedge,.the ,tr7.4e... one-half •iinder
'lived in trete/Ito' the ..nast•twg Years--
neSe: and .sympatily Of; friends:.. ant
illneSs: ankh .4.
t.fis triiiet OE:their siStelr' •
hlrm. Fitelreith
;He was a, • member -of" the :Masonic
Order and St. • Clements ' AnglthanLelturrthainDearii*Fe6r;gi
Ohne' ' Sur' g are; wil4ToNV, ancI 'girls • . over—Verna
Anita •Wharet- t*o. Dahmer', Doris W.,
Card or Thanlbt raj, • to illae. tErrt, aijWha .aPre4r‘ra-r14 eam.e • t,e'bBuPg-.57arkb:
Luclinovi from...Little Ciirreitt in De-
Sruait Wirtreit track; ,
enTher 'tg33, sudeeeding bn and —,Tach
L.: 'Oberre, and itS,tahley..P,req; .Stoort:
reier'F4311i. for to boYs,..OVer 12-j- Wati:en W-Yide,.."Orn7
'nets. and expressions of '5Fi. In taihn h'eaith •as,, rU4,ult. Of liff-r, est Plitton.: .1
durin the ° overseas Service Whaley,: after • no. ys Nivt.hegattow, gate,
• the .creOth of* eight nibriths',, sick leaver retired ,
Room /-.Ljohn: Grahani,Ti mi ,
• • .. . •
• 1VAKERS.7 ••;-
" •
. , • .
Comanow ye nationar'boW before oiir
The Lord of Hosts;.•Vir.liar with His
WIlihtly': Hand '
Hath lifted us front 'sackcloth and de-
And made our feet on surer ground
to stand.: .
Praylilesings on the head of Chant-
The Doveof ;:itence, who fie*, •Ingh
overhead, '; •
And stood, lihe, Aaron With.„ insence
In his hand,
Between. the Living and the Dead,.
St, Ffelens
' DEEbWEW—th the t
TOwnahip of
own VecItieSay;, October 5th.
'NOM on
11a:walla*. his-,' TfIrd.
,•Yean.,The 'funeral .s.erve held.
att resiilen,e&r, fat 1, to;
on ,Friday;„ Oetoher T•th.'
• 130.). o',6Ineri... •• •
, .
litternient Greenfrilt Cemetery..
("00,11-1 catAt!•&17.0,uriir 4epteirther tistli„
tit Mr.. atat Fg±s.; ffetww trwin,. w,son
• •
PreakitadiAt ii,-11011ar
Arinstrong,„ who
preached for a ealt to LuchnoW this.
• ,spring,,'„ ebnclucted the evening` ser-
,, vleo fro Wined= en Sunday that
'Maths& the, 75th- anniversary' of Wing -
ham Uldied Chinch,. His father, Iter.
Amsong a fotmer• pitstor.
titz Wingliat*wa.4 !guest speaker' at:
'darning% service:
the Bank Tate in 108.. He was sue!,
ceetteff in January, 1.9.37,. by the :Pres -
e.nt Manager,. Mr -LI VNPes r , • .
andYfrs.....thaleir and'. %family
•••. . •
moved to Toronto • where they have,
since resided- 'Word 'of his death last
week„ is received with regret: by• many
fliendS, here, notwithstanding his
comparatively short business assoc-
iations in the community.
anni mapais.
. •
• '
ch:lsog:t'Roont —Grant Golan, 'Geo:
,Cliin. Room 3,1--416Yit 0"ollo.n.,„ Alien
,Stuart Rao* 4—Warren Wybds; Jim-
riiie 'Purvis- ,
. • bads'. Potato Races • .
' VitebSter„ Norma
dife;: solomon, Doris
'fayler; Rodin 2'.•-•Gwen;"Stuart,
yle •Roont„X-Mary ;Chin,
'Charge Of Mansraughter :13iantii.4seit
, -Against Eraet Allison.,—Founafk
GoiltyOn, AsSal,ult Charge And,
, .
Sentence Deferred
Pima Allison, of Ramilton, charged
with Manslatip,h[ter t the -:death (if
-Mrs,,Erank Coto. h*Mght ,its"a
r af tante raspberries dngoilatiy
that Was literally loaded witli -ripe
frui1and niany nmtUriflGfee.e°T
Pipe Riga& Popular Fairs
. Litelimivr Pipe )3,anit . 'bgett
PePaYar attraction at district Fall
Faira this seasoii. AITIOng the 'ettegage.-
utozt.. they .hit4rPli*e(t.• are,.
oaraitio„ itiptet, ,Vinghanr, ;tiltelind*
at&-"Tee-Oiater an& arell billed, for this week, with. the, above detelop--
thingatinlri, t eek.. ' Mentz...
. - •
Next ,'Monday ,Tgesday and ;Wed-
nesday,-' the speCiaLattraction at_the.
Lyceum theatre . is "The •Buccaneer",
„starring f.'redric March. There will
be twn shows Thanksgiving night
at 7.45 and 945. ' •
Th.Week-end Loretta Young And
Tyrone Power Are '•plaYMg "
, •
Robert Wilm Escaped With Minor
Injuries When Car Is ,Demolished
On Friday Night While Homeward
' Bound From Lucknow Fair
l'irith* his -Moder A 'Ford Coupe So
badlY 'deinolished that o,iie, ,might ex,
peet e. -fatal accident, ,R,ottert Wilson!.
'Ripley cattle, buyer, escaped -.with,
cdinpaeatively - minor ' intirieS, in_ a•
'collisiori;. leas 'than:three .Miles..nertli
Of the'Oil' a'ge ...on Friday after ‘eight .•
. . . ..... , . . in .support:ef these'clanns?,..were other
o'clock, . ” . • ' • than woif.,„ The .Department ' wa 14 : aux-.,
. Ill.r.:' Wilson „was',,returning home, ,,
ious....ta exerCise every benefit of the
after , Attending .Lue ow Fair. ,idoubt. in Savcairf.. the, applicant -
car is alleged: ta have SidesWG,lied.gis.s' and the pelts were"thetefOre sent .ti'•
l:flanelie.,A1a.eDOugalPS, Car At a point eminent Uuthoti,tiei .W.I.,1q,„. ,heve,;•de-,
:near the second cOnc'eSsforip causing clined them in every caseitb be dog
„Boys' Three-legged Races
• Room: t.--.TOhn Graham, Tom' Ait-
ehison;,-" Room 2:—Willred 131aelc,..Roy
Aitchison; Room 3,-,Tiinnile Fergus-
on, Allan johnstone;. Room 4 illie
Button, Carman MacQuillin. ',
.: GirTsr :Three-legged Races ,
/Mel Adam,: Z -L -Margaret Treleaven„
jettn::Reid„. Room: 3 -.-.Shirley 'Culbert,
Jesaie Reid; Room '4..--HeIen. Salkeld,
Nornia. Ritchie.
Dania Long' Of ,,Ashlield had 1 this ' Hoye ;Leap Frog -
•ebarre against' dismissed! by Room, 1—LIoyd,Ine, DOnnY Mae -
. • • •
Magistrate. Walker, who foithil :Donald,„ ttoent "q --Grant
SufE.' elent evidence td ;•`commit ,hini for C,
PraVince Declinesjo Pay lrounti,On
. :Three. Supposedly Wolves In kin-
,.19ss,—Opiniou Still Persists Among
;Many.' That There' IS A Strain Of
*dIf • In :These Animals.' .
. .
,Froin. the Departnient, of Game and
Fisheries 'Conies Word. that • the pelts
...t.tne suppOse'dbf-VolVei:,.`,shot.
Kinloss, , are :'dog. ,Petts..„ ' As
the pleOeylutentdeclines,to pay „their
share Of the. $1.5",i)pi: bounty' Ow waives.
and Ha.rvey...Scott and: Gordon Stan',
ley" of Ripley and •Wes 'McPherson of
Riplet,:,who. each Shot an animal *ill
be .Out ,that much, cash.: :
Word; to his effect was received
irt7..a, copy 'of' theDepartfl1efltS.letter
,from County Treasurer Althn,
The DePartinerit's ,letterin part
• "After .a careful inspection by on.r
regular :.examiners„,:if was uflaflifliOU
ly agreed, • that the •.p,eitS Submitted
ovis and' Sunsoy Bread
, •
WHOLE' :**1*Arf AND. *go
• cuolep COOKIES
Merchant Displays and Indoor Exhib-
its In .The :New.' Arena Were The
'Talk of The, Fair-r"As. •GoOd • As'
. .
London' Remarked One Visitor—
Friday Show Well: Attended :With
Evening 'Concert • and Dance At,
tracting Oapaeitir,' Crowds,'
Lucknow , „Agricultural
193'8 Fall 'Fair,•held On ThursdaY and:
Friclay,..cau. go down in 'the. record,'
as: cOnieback 'Yeans.• With '.sneceS's'
.starripedall over ..this year's ,show,
enthusiasm has ',•reachecl. a • new peak.
and on eVery hand one ..hears en,
epuragin,g .comment ...On: this -year's '
efforts And future possibilities. .
The , sensational •feature this year
was the -indoor transformation. The
'indoor exhibit in ; the new arena>.
•floOded with light, was: the talk et
the crOwd. The various clAses,..,dr,eyv
'large entries with the -ladies' dePart-
tnal• ttoorirGirt.....„..Lty;411i4r0;pincliiiiil",eceivrpaurri:rge..t
• freeoud: •charge of r'as itootn, eet! .
toning actuat, bodily harni was, !aid;
Mary hs o,
police court ' Ttiesday. Walkerton : Throwing Bali
To iliiErs.116,.. preada not tatty; hut , Addirt, Soionint,,
when esiderice, in the previous. ease tay,1.0.. %iota, WyldS, NOrind
• •revieWed ,IttagistrAte -Walker. Ritchie.
found him guilty of assault, 'I:referring' , Obir's•
sentetel,...ta a tater date,„-. * Mac' ..entie,,,'Witv
t he,'" Manslatightet charge.-- '•Wa.' en ,WilitS4 ROOM.' Johnstone.
hear ct Tuesday' of last week, .wheti.tiie, ,Roy ' •
Magistrate reSerVed „ludginent tintit , '
" •HoOtri.: Itoout
4 -defeated Room „
, „
Smile :dapringe, cOntinued.,ou "Vvith- It'
at Brantford. Exhibits of her handi-
work featured, basket' weaving; leath-
er -and mat braiding and fancy work,
is well as spe-eirneas'iasbraille. Eight
s,•upa' won' by Gwen for athletic su6.
ess at Brantford ,were, also displayed.
' Also On display were Some seven-
teen cup's; as well as shields and
and '
medals, Wen hj',Fi". Pk-TOdd and Son .
during recent year* with their famed
herd of -Polled •'A.,11,INa *tie, Another
interesting exhibit was a silk shawl,:
owned; by Thomas Henry of Kinloss, '
and which. came 'froth Ireland in
Oat St6t3Pin•
shot distance past t4s 0. urth ,ti.!.‘vren.lievieenw,dielriectt:hectle,tociirnefueniln'istaynocu°e:linIt
Concessien,„ the,. WilsOn,. car • eollidt th'e Department has Ao yecourse but
:with a Chev. :di-b.:reit by to tifose the aPplicittiona for bdunty
lanson of, Kiniough,Who with Ars. ns the, Wolf , Bounty' ,:,Act provides
HodgkinsOn, Were' toniing to Ltickriow onlv f�r thepaytnent • 92 -.bounty oi
till!. the Collision the , Wilson car' . .
tnirned OVeroi t4e. :road, faethg ilH In spite Of. te 'above decision •the
most in the direction it had oonle, opinion stilt .exists that these anim-
The 'Hodgkinson ear confirming a Vats: in, Kinioss•.n're more : than, dae-'8,
short distance A14; , rear.” end' first, l The feet. 02 the Wolf shot by Wesley,
into ,a deeli,editek. AePtiers,on j ehiinied to he distinetlY
The, Wilson eat was t(i. badly 'de- i'different frG-that Of.' a 'clog,. and
nitdished that it is considered pract- 'lethott of attack on the •sheen, which
ically. Worthless,, First 'arrive' the same in all co:es,'is 'ynueh:MOr!P
the• ,seene ripped oft the fabric ,t op 'to, ,methodical thlp• the manner . in Which
ments,.. tioWers and rocks and veg-
etables: prederninating. „ ' , •
These fine exhibits *ith excepti
tonahly attractive :displays by some
twelve loctl business places', well
filled the. Arena and Made it .4., color-
ful and attiactive show Place: With'
oat exception the varidus merehante
„spared -no 'effort' in .making; „their
'booth' • and displaYs 'attraetive-,TheSe
meltqled displays by, 3', c. Stewart
and. -Lorne aSla.cDOnald,i.11eridersbn,
and 'Fisher,' 'The., '11:larket Store, ta.'0
and Tertecius,' ihilaYson..Eras.,. Har-
old Greer,' TreleaVen
Hoffman's ,Men'S, Wear.Aathwell and
Reed ,And Wm Schniid•
Other interesting', diStilays• included
tine ..by•Miss dANIendolyne.Xekeit,ol
tiolyrbod,, '"4:tudent of the .O,'
Ladies work was attractively dis-
playedthis year, ' and, outstanding
were the exhibits by: Worneils' Organ-
,izations in the district. Paramount .
'Club, Was awarded first place, Luck -
now Woraen's. Intitute second and._
the Kniairshei Club,: third. • •
. • .
7 On ,--Friday, the stock show was•
up to the usualstandard; with pure. '
bred beef • cattle. predominating, .
. 4 feature of the afternoon per-;.,.
'forniance was a softball tournament
between, teams representing itiniough, •
:Paulo* .and Per:Vie-Pine River. In the
first game. Arniow ousted '
15 to 11, but •droppedthe second •
tussle., 8 to 2 to the. combined Pine
Ricler-Bervie squad who Won first
Money. The purse was. split $10, $7
and $5, with Kinlongli: winning an ,;•
additional,' 81(i.00, Prize, in the poP4, '
ularity contest, whih found them
big 'favorites.
„dxtrleate thit,„ UTiconsCiouS tklart,' 7hos'e coinnum dogs kill• their prey, • .,
-Toronto Mdtorist Crashes.- Into ..)1(0
of NN% :Anderson's Car—Fisher
Car Damaged in Striking
fe.et had sashed. through,: the floor' .Mr. Nelson,' in 4a.,. letter' to Mr. Mc -
boards. Biedding, profusely from a Pherson, statesthat While it' is. nee. -
gashed Wrist he Was rushed to -Wing- easary toaccept the. Department,'
ham, Hospital believed, to be seriously, deciSion; his Person -at opinign is that
hurt.However his injuries. were not the pelt 'brOught ,in by Wes ; was as
so graire as were feared•and he .WnSrnucha waif :pelt as Any exhibited at.
able to rettirri tO his, home, the next his office during the Past fourteen
daY: • ", •,.•' Yeistls• ' . '
Titd• godgkin' son, ear, WIth: aitwist. 4111 the meantime, the "wolv,es" bave
ed 'Axle and other extensb,re darn:4e, 1;6.en hCP.,ra of ,dui.ing' the VaAt
"WAS saved from oVerturning tho weok, hut. *hen they
jo., they generalist make raid:4 f°r." three
.sueeessive nights, The five • dofft.t
ered facial 'and knee abrasip°64.,auil township lbot/nty
' with proS;ncts a the Provincial
io Constable R. IVidore •and bOnety, hunterik are likely to ease,
INT00.1tv is. 1 n
' the 'aCeldent. '
. • •
Friday Inst. was .a Particularly
fortun0te clay' for 'local -!-and,district
motoriStS, that ,mor'utrip,'... Typ6iito•
motoiit plovoct;:ip-.to- the. side .�f..W,'
B. Anderson 60 its be was driing
Oft the Zetland bridge near •WingliaM
Little .damage. was done'...to the,,,Tor-
onto..ear„ but Ni!r,,, Anderson's Chev
had extensivedaniage, estimated at
'$100.00, 'doUe to•the fenderS,, running.
boaiid and body of his car: COnstable.
Stewart of -gelgraV*einvestigated thl
accident. 'and' laid a reckless driving
Oatgeagainst tho..Toronto driver.
That evening. , .Fishet's. Pont -
„lac' 'figured in the Mrtird; aeideni itt
two weeks. Driveu.by Sok, the car
struck a. steer that 'roomed up un ,tho
road on ft 4th of itur6n; The ni-
hiial, owned hy 't'hon ItairriS, cattle
bnYer' su eted, ,a broken
d Dor
tee. and the. new car ‘recciVed coris'id2:1eAvgi' 1°4e 'Uatui 11:'”
• „Otiiy
eook., Ethel Martin' Madeline, ea,e1-4r
r .4, continued, on page'. 4'
• The line-ups • were: Bervie-Pirie
RiyerWaiden; P; Hardy,: e; Angus
.net: '1,Ienderso,.: Gerd. ;Emnierton,:':
;..01twelli,. 317,d, 'ef; •
GeLsi ss ; F.1 Farrell.' •
-brdr C. Dickson; 2nd, •Ci ',M
dersori; f; C. C. :.Blakely;' c; S. If ph:ter
• ,
Kuilough4„-FrAnk Thompson, ss; •
.t:l; Bill HAgap,„..ss; Harold. Greer, p;
Wilf.' Murray, iSt; .Ilaryey Casridy,
If; Clark FinlaySen, c; Mid' Hagan,
3rd. '
.-"•-•-:.---EVening' -Entertainment •
• tevertingythiS- year. to 4 fotniet'''
custom of keeping the 'exhibition hall
°Pen the first tight of the show, some,
three hinidred- per.Sons. Were in attend-
II:nee that evening., to vie* the ipee-
.tacular display; and PP,ranize • the
,g tinio;; conduCted by The ClanSmem
both Thursday' .tind Pridayl half, of,
the prbeectis of Which, went to the ;
Society, FridaY's attendance; While
not•qm. e up o expec a ion, NNas• mote
than doable that of the previous year,
reMenthered "ePidemie Year .!,'•
„ • .
VridaY night the ;Town Halt
failed to-, adeontOdite the ctOwd for .
the '"Otinti COttage,."
rhy tile St. Ntees Draniatie T.ho
players included,. Nits, Harvey It'd -
their ..eff,11..i •ill toittg • to ..traelt down eralle dainage to. a • La it
chist creAtetietivel gole, ' .00 tenflev:
am •