HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-29, Page 67-er'
,orst 'Drivers.
Worhrs Are,
To ,1,30 .IFOO*1.-170 tho A1404, '
CA). Traffic Oblerver De-
.The WOrld'e- '0'tre9ltieet" . drivere
;Are itt;,caar aLul thee .
tig. elOuned that, rve sen. Izi tax;
.Irip•aeroee. eald JnIlue
.'1.citoperlag, New.
744 lin% with. the', world'e',Mo•
VeMillar bq,bb. gliPPering:
:rnittle tbetatentent as, he at n'
his egtrueran4 watched traffic Paea
'the Intereeetioa of Seventeenti. ev;
entle had. Fourth atreet •west, Oat,.
gery.-.. • • .•
41, retired Pante Matitthieturer.
.11rt4Cill).-Ori.eg. „Vends .iiiz,eartiiner''''
Menthe:04*dt* through..Caaeda
and the 'United. .States,. -OhaerViag
the niities.,.'nf. 'eutottiohile drivers
• ..Pleregard,'"Sep" Sgfls.•
Sonietilues..be takes ...ntinlatpre •"
Movies.' Of traffic scenes.' At , other
times he tnitee Peat] ceinerti• eh cite,
e.rerY wI
•41er be „spends several nientha, Sort.
ont his materialRetheneater. .
tahls hie . friends by showing mov-.
, as of t!now not to drive,".. • •
lillipperittg said that ...in 'Mi.
, ether 'pity fi Canada ,' do . drivers
.ehow`sueb a fine disregard for the.
• •-otop' sigha. ea they do, ire,Calgary.: ' I
'Re extireeeed :the , belief that Only
thiee-ont :of :ten drivers come •tp. a
tUlisteP• ita...thek reghlationS demand
antl. only ISNio,''o„tlt%•of AO. givessig-
mils when iiirnIng out . •frOM'. the'.
eueb, turning .epreere or beading
• Into or out of trOfft- •
9ot. Judginent
Is. Blaine& For,
MoSt Accicielits
Vast MajOrity of People
ed In Smash-ups Are Honest,
LawAbiding Citizens, Police
Chief Says.•'
: • .
Reduetion, of the' automobile ac-
cident rate, 'depended mostly on int -
'proved driving practices and, atti-
hide.' and law' onfareeinelit must be",
directed prinierily t� that end, said'
Ilnivertl, M. Baker', 'traffh» engineer
of the Mentreal•police •departineat •
'in a speech et the annual conven-
tion of ,the Canadian Good Roads'
-Association. at,Bigwin Inp,'Ontarip.
Altliongh reckless., inefficient or
L. drunken. ives factor • in'.
.cetteing. aCeidentse bakee..said
the Yast• M.a.loYitY rot, perei)LI.inr�hr.ed ,
in...aecidenta were honest law abiding Citizens.. driving Cornpi.teet-';
'h and ith, reaeonable.::Clintiote
.4 they- %vete 'chargeable de, the *mit
• -with ;bed jadgnieat' father than \-,A.
• Vied intent' •peopardize theire,:
• eelvea.
' .ErtforteMent."liefticte:d iir 1! Spirit'
of revenge defeated its °Wit- ;end,
• And Wronged the - .com.aianity. It
• should 'seek ,to correct and 'eclucate "
•: StispenCions anti revocatione of 117
greater deterrent
feet on etring.drir era than alincit
any other Punititt -reeaSure.
al34 eTo
. *I • '
?kW ..1Internail,anat 0Link. At
Po,rt:E4W4=l, Conpjete
. .
ConstruEtion, week' Oh:, the ,',Blee
,f..:Watee'Bridge•prOneris eittectedto,
. be 'coinpleted, next week: this WillO ,f;
.'consist of the fthal eainting on the -I,.
.::-.Ceriadian end .",ef the .ectitre ;span.
,•The „Anierican .half oi; the bridge •
..eonipletedLast week; All thpt
• reelable , t he .done noir , so..ihat.0-
• :" the...bridge ean. be put into opera..
tion. is the.sOmpletion Of the, cue-
Inms. andefeetnigfation..bnildirigs''at
• the .1.'4itirt;Edward. end,
The .Sareits nod •Iiiimilton bridge
eoinliaele,. Wit ew• e'
tract foe the 'entteijettini the.
(tixttitlian: apbynacii, have pompleted..•
their ecIIa bridge rand theY ,
have...turned it, ii•Ver' to the' Ontario
'delm..r.Pricht et.-ilighWaye; The An.:eriran
brldge'cornpriny.Will Wind up
O ite\eoetrtict: for :the , eetar4, O aPati
with the finehine at the. elitelleefit
pilliitiog,4 .0/ '
O It , ex:41..0461 i t .'..t wn weeka
O . • xv)1111 ht rerinitett•tn':cotitplete". the
,Canad0Ifitl:cindintis and. int 'Migration,
' btailtilogs, , • '
H1fCentu) Mark
,Thiety-eight years- old Chain
litezenholti of Warsaw claims that
he, has (ljt0 26 wives, "I wane
lo bring lap de- tittniber l'to tifty,”
he said in a preaq interview, "end
—then4-w,-111 be ,
, • "
All eats in StaVeley, Alberta,
have, to wear belli.4 "to give the „
birds a chance." '111,e .bird` invu-
lationi now increasing .tiO„,titttS41
that other town' k Aitierta intend :
to enact sitnilar 114WS.
s 0_ entna._ ant it‘rt
Many will operate a bus line bo.
•• ttroon'thi' two coantriel, 4
'SUMMER :' As we
1°0k itc)c 'el?en the Past' three
• months, we realize that it has been
lovRlyriot too hot, net
teo. rOnYi not t'Oo .clOOL So that
• aopailvapvraach ivith lts pro, -
• *lee of plImplcin' Pies and Thanks',
giving and diteking• Pr APPles 44-d
e.olared leavOs end' beechnuts and "
.14iVI suppers fi4ds us 4,11 a safe-
, . .
lied, peaceful frame of mind to-
Wardslife aer-lived in our OntnriO..
only the thenght Of wais and
• rUntore of wars tlitt not hiive, to be
faced! 'Anti the conviction *lint
this Peace a °Ors 'Which lies • over
the land is only a teMpornry
O ,RAXIAIGHT.:TImEi • While We.
are on. the "subleet. of • surinner
• ending and ..:;sucli, a "feW.'words;.
.about dailightPVing: Shine. at ,
ourr.Ontaria`-ciqaa,and town have
found it a boon,: that extrahour
sunlight a gift 'from the gods. ,
'Too bed all the Sitiee and towns .
of Cenada, •don't adoptit auto-
- matieafly in their", own ,interest.
Or all. of. the -Dominiop go on
• .Sutiuner Time. eech year—as Eur-
ope has been nolpg eve*: since the.
• Great War. • ' :
And her it is that we would
ask a qaestion: Why is it,that
• farmers don't like' daylight saving
• time? •The domestic !rinithalS. of
EurOpe seemto get eleng alt
eight; the cows and homes. don't'
'appear to stiffer from dislocation
eflhe time sense. • Are. ptir• Cana-.
that -anirnels. any ,differeht? 'Or is -
itlhat ferin work • under .deylight
saving could thit get under Way
• et an 'early' eeotigh hour. each day?
• We wish, someone. would -write in•
;and ••shed a. 'little more '• fight on
'the problere. : •' ••
• have ',been kiiking, ourselves; eVer.'
•,sirice, Last' , week .,We 4%1i:14.
'-paragraph for thia. ecdurrin on the
•Euroiman wayseare; .then.justas...
't4.!.paper Went to oresS. we Yerileed
:•the paragraph tint ,becanse it'look-
at the .enorhent as ..if we „might
be. „wro,nk.. ..Latet? events SupPort.
• our original viewpoint. •0',
, • ..•Ilere part of the paragraph,.,
• under.- the. heading, .."Supercblos-
• sal Bluff "An' illuminating
comment on the situation in Cen-
• .tral Europe was Made this week by.l
• Public Sa.hoOl Inspeetor •,
Eagle, of Windsor, just returned.
frorii. hie ninete. enth trie., across
• the %Atlentie. He .shod: knew.
•whereof.. he' • Speaks. •2 p.ys
Eagle:: 'I don't think the • Germans
want war.' 1 believe they're trYing•
• to See what they Fan get bY -War, '
fing and by •a, shoW, of forcp',." "•:
• ,Mr.- Eagle cptild have gone fer.
ther:and sent A few'. werds. nbout,
"b1acknail' ofthe derpoenitie
. power's. by, a desperate state, Ger.,
; Many. . • • •.•
• Bluff 'it all, was (thought very .
one), be -cage* GermeeY wee ...
net 0 reel1yreedy' for 'Yarnor •
capable Of Waging y.'
Confronted by t4e. •democratic.
• powers ;acting, 'in concert,' she.
• Would have been .blecked. from the
• 'Outset.' • Now; Hitierisiop-dog in
ell Eneope: With CzechosloVekia*
under his belt (it is eieh in min,
era's, Muhitions ,,plants),-. he
•.heve the. wherewithal to defeat the
• World. 'Pitts the .key to the Balkan...
regions and a route totheMeek ,
• There wilt be no stopping line'
-• an editorial .ih ' the New York
Times which deals' with the Cieeh,..
osiovak cii, and the Anglo
French proposals: • • -
"This, ,is' the end of tbe' whote
system Of eelleetive security built
• op in.,' the .poet-Warv,•treaties. It is'.
O the end•of that systein beeause.: a
denuntStriithei will haVe• been, giv- ,
en, hi' the very. heart of Europe,.
before, the eyesof , all the world.'
! 'and •in anianeer Which:leaves. no
passible 'robin :for . doubt, that
. .
Ready to "
neezers, amen
' •Ratitieed. glimiost$ ther•.E.34
cept, tor sma_11 Aree; Victor*
tn $1014,. °
• . •
Ragwee,d, Plague of hay fever
viettnis, bas keep practically elim-
inated from the beepe• renineula,
• Georges Blahelix of tho'Quebea De,
Partment Agriculture,s, told. •a,
roti:hf meeting
ce 0lture alt na:t10;09t, 14-tio ienee' Cle:::alatatt n:1;1 1:1:4Pren c4totaig:0;:n :Cgg:47
• O Council at sOttawa last week.
•.Oct-OperatiOn 'Effective.
.• Setting put' to make the Gaspe
area a refuge for hay fever Stiffer-
ers the :Quebec- GoVernment bad se-.
cured' the rC0-operatipa of fanners,,
-teachersand school "tbildren and
the sentli" share of the ' St 'Law-
. rettee-had' been "practically •freed
" from the,weed,.. s9ne limitedarea O '
Infestation• rePuiluetell the north • n.
shore-hnt tiVo, or three 0yearalt
was expected ragwOeirWoOld :dia.' "
appear from ' the whole area:
.•mom. , .
This piciPre:wai taken at Hitler's :mciuntain, retreatBerci tes •
gaden, when the Reichfuehrer conferred with .Konrad- Henlein, leader
of the• Sudeten Germans. 'Shortly afterward; Hitler, lin a speech from
Nuremberg, Served, notice ona world bristling 'with arnte that his Nazi ,
empire stood ready to "liberate" the Sudeten Germazis regardless of '
any ppposition,,from other Eneopean countries: .1
, 4-,4-...+0•••••••••••••• •••••
I', •
I.r S
By Prof.•Erie D., .Artliur
-•Ilni\ersity of termite Press has
just released a new publieatioh'
• entitled. ",l'lie :Early. 13ui1dihgs ot
Ontario," ',which describes. and i17-,
lusteates, many. of the province's
historic!buildings,_which have Out''
• standing architectural features. .
,tric D. Arthur, Professor
Architectural Desigh,i Univ-ersity
•of Toronto, is •the author of the ;
• beoltiete., John Afor, Professor
of Fine An, of the same unirer
• eity,' has ''%-iritten a .fcirewerd in •
:'Whieh e states that fthe quality
O oof. architecture is the qUality • of,
•'-qhe Material environment we make
for ourselves -in the process of our
'• relations •With • raw Nature and
'with eadhother. ' •,
Front. Lancaster, loHandlion.
O The largest group'sof good. early,
All the troubles:of the World
•are as halting to the man witli a
conple rasptierry seeds under ;
the upper plate,--LBrandon Sun?
O . This eettetry,wenlci.be in .better
• condition... if "there were •riot;
'. mink mortgaged inotor Cats Park-
ed, by rented' houses on _paved
.highweYs' built On cret.-=Forest
Standard. ••
.• ,
Tertinte,'so we see, is t9 -get
higher relief grants froni -the. Prn-
O Vincial Government,: And:why an
ezieeption in ,favoC 'Of Torente':,
Any:revision ,for the benefit Of the
ntupicipalities "shenla apply e.,•en,
erally.,70ttawa. Journal.
What With Fish :Week, Furni--
• thee •Week, Cheese' Week,Dog
Week and all the others, it is said
O that everything:. ha e • been •colu-
rnandeez'e1up to the Second Week
• of June, 1947, and soineone has •
; designated; that .;as Your
Own Damped Business W.eek.
:*Surely mankind 'around' the
• .world is 'getting tired pt ' diplo-
mats, and steteamen,, ancrtilieta-,•
. tees, and leedera who' . have ' no
o time,. hoe inelinetion to veorry
.ebput. utiderfed peeplee "Spheres'
of ,inflUence;".-:'"cereidors7 and,
"iieW ,riligninents"•-71: 'newel-, and •
. quicker Ways of, boinbing,. gassing •
awl tithing ,,eaeh 'gh o. oeCup,y
.. their time; talent* erid energies.
.• Marie .Antoinette'„s fenious
• mark; Let the people Cat, cake,:"•
O has, saYs'One, been changed today '
. • . • . •
• • • ' •
'.'fOrce Or the .threat of .•,force the'
deterntihing feet or . in the: eclat ion
shipof nations." 0 0 0. 00
* 0, liow. to build 'it tp again.
• ifitiE )W.EEIC0S. .QUESTION.
What. Whe.is.•the 'harden, each• Peeeoli '
., • .
, in Catiede cerrjes, as his lhare ht..
" the pubik debk
for.. everY woman and child:
..in: the: ei•tiotry..-. ••• • 0 0•,
'Halifax 'Herald,
.TOO MANY.' C,Al3I,Ng?.-
• billistiiintgPI°Os'ri•bts.ibee talltatttawcetiozilltleofi)
touriat• dellar? .Even; in the bet
.of..tofirit. seasons, it isdotibtfid if .
sufficient •visitors cross, the border .
, .
to. make .pr8fita0ble the operation ,
•%Of all the tabins, hineh etands and
Other establishmeets that, - have
been created elone the higliWays
to fill" their needs—and vet thereis .
. ,
ir;constarit, increase in. the
ber ' Of these places:. — Breckville
Recerder and Time.
The ebst of dying:is' het thought '
-•-• of So often •as the. Costof living.
ut it. looms as a 'major problem, .
'for', most • people. ,To low-wage
earners the cost of byrial Services• .
constitutes an increasing: worry`,
o berauSe • they ere haunted ' by the
fear, ef : a l'pauper'S grave.", The
.•most 0 comineti •forrn. Of 'industrial
• insurance is ; riothing mord than
insurapce. Of' every insur-
mice . policy .undee. $1,000.. .it is
found that over, half. is 'Used' for.
funeral expenses: There are eases.,
where 'funeral ,•directors • assume ,
•:the. payments • 60 „ premiums.•of• •
O Policies which are in °danger ..of'
lapsing: , indeed,' the ' struggle
•anion"- thousands of •people to
pr,ovide forLanecent exit from this ;
life makes. 'their later period ,of.
'living n ,harried, unenviable :one.
ver .17We#ty'HaVe
- .,SW4..truCha.tinel:
• VVOmart ',Doctor, 'Gardener, are
• ' Last 'To. Cross,. •
Five .mete2seeirig aheimetedwol,.
nun twienning teWards..sliere near
• if:lever, Bngland, ran, to 7theet:her,.
O and Nand.. She: WriS....Fru 'Ilrena
35-year7o1d. 'German ,doetor, •
• iyhe' claimed to ..have .swtim .
eliatingi,frOm ''Cap orls-.164 in 15'
,hottr0; njnfltes, It dolibtfill •If
,hee swira.:ivillhe..reetignized; 'as • it
•-wils;,iimde unofficially.
O :The recoil foe, the•swiin is held:
by C. Alichei,, a fret-tett:man., wlici .1
crossed • from. 'Cap ,Gris;.1‘,"ez•• :to. tk?-:
. ver in,1926.jzj .1.1'hOurs 6 . Minutes. .
tip to this 2:1•' Peotile. had
.deineit-;•-•iiiire of limey:wet-heti. .' The. •
. fastest -thee fer,a, elunao, is that - of
Mi sa elertr.utie hcaire tt-t
• itiintace:
--410in00.4•19321!ill3, ,
O • Ep011AtID BeNES.'
• President Of • C.XechOloYaki".n:
'helped• to found the republic. For
•the pasttwenty yeeri 'he has nrOi-
ed Jo. be one of the;oSniartest
statesmen in -EuroPe.:
• .houses are to be found in the
earliest„: settled portions' of %'On-
tario,. The Kingston Road. from
Lancaster to peotided
hundred e of • exainples of partieu- •
laoiod o
lygoo; hor,ie- in th neighbor_
• h
Prestpti and Cobeurg, the..book
peints out. .The..&iagarri • Penin -
Stile ,ericl, the country around Ham,
also Contain 'some of the best'
old :hOuses•in the province. • l.n:.the
,westent;pnrt of the province ai'
: other group is te be found on the
'shore's Of Lake ..Erie and alOng, the
. -
:Detroit. River: .0 0
• .0 •.
• • The Beek- 'Provides . instruc
• tive: study and is recommended for• '
teachers • any ; others.. interest;
• ed in .Ontario's architcztural beri,
.. • .
W...tEK I car-
CAN pur AN ARP -9W
•1-1-iiROL,11 :
:Z5 -E' 'piece
•,IN 714E• :
11-IERE ARE, .• 21+;
MORE .711 -IAN q/VE,Ste.1001,
IVY 1:4
iy) 6.1
• D
7 -;ZZ--;;
,LINWDrrisRsTcH • X
• ANC+ I'DEPAR.1"-
193111 We! taa.sa„sytet...lac. "..•
dilEF STAllbjhrGDtElt, Mast famous Of North'Carelina Chero-7 •
kee archer's, his been rifled eueof,nrchery corlipetition by his tribe:
Champion for a genetation, his:skfil disueuraged youegercolfl„
, „ . ,
petitors, froth, entering the ennuai tehrziarnents. • • ',
. ,
•:,'NE'XT:• Where Will 'en •ii‘eenr-4te keep .eOrreet
• • .Thest; wetei•tentark.0.
• able creatUres.. They, were. ot
ze yet' Wete till hone: .tkin
. .
notaele., there .tt.'etng no, meat • or tat
• tinOti.inett bodies at al1,4 'their Pow.' •
ertet initsEks :tA;'• last utider trieakIrt
O eke boriZlies et fotie anal the Wetikg ••
eat Ctrowie:itYog was '46 ettOrit tte
• .eoetil rAek tip art elephatit.titadl to?Is
levea tulle* SWAy„...
. • „
.that i.tated allO •
people. l4. allo 1,,itec•• that it he
etteeeedett• they: %void& afford' hint
:yerY '0,o -wet -tut .roiatat,tt!..e.'".1`,/tel..and
t 02. la rttlett by a •fla.ndiS Itab•,Y„
girt wit,) 14 tti,sArtIstitAgly good
toed.'" ,"tterpeotile tit;e•allhpv •
atitt eontentett and ha.ve
ttarea or .worrie4 whitt,•%.et"!'
ono' roW led, the t ittite, .44 itlipoot.
: stilt seowlittg.' ••••• •
"pttee kho (hippie ting eaalaved
'th'e 1tt Paratly •sate" the
(hmerat. "but Oztlta Intorti,red,
VttrAigil it WAs et tr'er bustneas;
teee,cbed her Arm); against us.
With her,,was 6,1<a4tts fratued .
I)Orothy. anti yellow' hen, and thei
tuatehettayernthreetly The) the ttponvi
XLILv,";•4•v.„ There they liberat-t
E•it ear etaye4 'troth Cis', and vtLlie
,.KLag Ittle,goVs rtiftsto her." •
4+,• 0.:
hoW Omr. Xing is making.
. tunnelntnier the 'deadly desrt so
We. t4irt niareh through it, -10 the eldd .
city. ‘vben we get: thure u
mean to etAgner and 4:1:•strtiy alt the,
laint'afia recaptere:.'thentnagig hert.'!
•-,A14httlhe Part'itted and again the orand.
thiltiticL6t itt•Towikt '.(10 oh'!" (4ink-"
tried to think of what to,`atty,'nekt-t.,••.
forhe waWrquital nery•otta •tititt A 'hAtc•
py theugh,t, soon oceurrett to .httn.
eildeer fiord
Numbers, 4,501
,s0 nnuat of Dopai-
ikion ,Government Aitimah
Reveals' Imported Rom
Asia. Oriliinally-
r,eindeer were ,kfe
O ountect..Or herders: in the annual.
••-• .reonnottl-ru:insio
lead et the, ipoeth. cort-tilp, M4C1g/Pn.:.
;10.r Ittlipti74.0cOrctilAg• to wireless re, •
ports; receivnd by, the Department,
,and Resources,
• : The round -up has jest been' coat, ••
Opted, And sed the animals in
healthy coaditien; and. increasingIii ,
• has's. tor Ta,reiegier..1)0910446o
from Asia 1936. to provide", the 1
unnthers... They, were 'impelled .
. toting the Aretie, coast" which might • "
.'• Proilde, feed •.atid. empleyment
O Canadian Eskimos: • ' •••
0.t.:41,;41.t,e,06 .xl,4.,tf,$4,,,,i;.1$;,/.003.7.yet;,4•.,retitinaliettittiog'
1 adult fbmales 631Yearlieglon.diad
• alt. India and steers, : were tint •
. ,, • •
.throti41 the :corral :4 while an esti-
`matetf: 3,50 .deer, eeettPed the. tent,. -
.erS by Swimming acrose. Aahallow
Surplus Stock, Sleughtered
• Despite annuaI lesseS. ineiclental •
telthe life of a, herd and the•slaiigh- .
'.004 -ter of ,surpliis eteck to provide food
and clathing...fcir 'facet needs the .
herd 'tee: elloWn a 'steady ,growth. '
• elece. the erig,inal. 2:,1.70 'reindeer*
werenelivered tt the .INIeckenzie • ••
deita are4n i95 a
1 . • '
• ..•tichtirda• Island,. on which • the .
..retitid-np.taltes•placela tlie euminer, ;.•
,grazing grounti,for the herd. ,After '
the' feedze;ne it \yin...bemo ed to
: -whiter piisittee att the mainland.
Laplanders oH�rd Them ' .•
Tferding, is cltiao by Lapland§•rs.,
imported froth NorWaY, assisted by
: ESitime aPpie.ntices.'Whe.1,10.0., been:
selected as. Part of,the Gor.ornment,:.
.':sclienre for developing a. 'Canadian 0'
reindeer :industry. '1 '
Folk Lore 'Took '
:In .the Lives of. Earlier: Peoples
OThis EgerthEritertztiped
2TheniselVes..With Stories •
Folkldre, tales.. says. 'F'.rofessor,.
Stith ThenipSon, president of the .
American Folklore Soeieiy; tell the:
story if aciew,great*,iintuan•lidings:
'They are' the former ,equivalent of
• the nicivies:. these huihan
sent:inlet-US 'is the faie. ef,•the
plsort;,w11O.,ShOws° ".best .rin..a.th4 •
• .• At, least :50: of the ..itnerican.
• 0.46 fcilitiore ' •• tales; Profeeear
ThOmptore!seid,;are bcirrowed Irene, •
European ,stories, C7fridere11a is one',
do tiilieothres
lattaer'. The real Indianbtales 0
They run More to the. supernatural.,
Thusan indien'herniee cheoses.„ a
star.for . Is
• Borrowed From''
Afrieift0Oik taieg.
,ro.Wed• .frOni. the. Eur
opean: 7:.:••
Ancient once thought •
the. Source.sof',•Eurefte,aii, taleS... This, :
, 'said Profess.or ThornpsO*-:•is, not
yerified. The. East ' lfidiatt tales; he
reported, iovecIevernessandwild
supernateral 'events inVolving. high.
.• 0...
. I
p'rofeSsor• .tliompSOn 'Said 'that
•., the total motifs-iti:the•Writtem Word•'. • .
%. When to, tales ere ddded',bill-
.Iads• • . ,
tratiitiOnr, and literattire.,.
, ."
Tobacco Crop Is
Best hi History
_ .
Averagz.lh Tripled, Ontirio.
Ronds ehigHarvested • A' preaminary. esti/natty'. of : the
viittigie• oi •pr*Luetion..'of.flne-cured
,tebeeco places •t he feta1'. yield at 'ep-':
-,,ProximatelY, '00.000,40.0 Pounds frolik
65'7000' aeree, a.cetirding tti a tblActo • :
crop repotiestted hy the .I)Orainion •
• Bureau ef, Statletica.• ; • '
'quality Setter
This estithate Which. will be.:re.
Vised later' date, indicatesa.
larger Crop Ot: better ',quality tliaa '
in 1.937 :wheti prodeetion of flue -
O cut:et!, tObaecb -tt:italled: 54.700,000
Pounds' front 53.900- rieres. This re-
, presents a ..voinme, triple the 10 -yr.
..11.02.7:49111.4.:v.e.rage preductiOti, of
,19.,e'0.0.11)li Pounds .frorn 000` ae°i6s.
Weather •Favarehle
O W•ottther; ('i.tulitions during: Aug- •
pSt wet e partientailY favorable. for
..harVeting, tobaced, With; the. result --
..the grenier :,prepertien pi the, &bp
Wee h.irvested by/the end. of the '.
• Month, eReept British "Cblumbia, 4-413
whet•e l L10OO5tjn . been d Played
in the' liotio that i*tt
•prov,e, the Cr.ip Which, has stiffered., •
materially 1.•'!oel 'the ,..e.relenged
• ' • , „- •
ontario,1 the titte.turetl. crop •• ;
Matte:ea very Well. with :the. reztilt, '
• that the' Present chip 'wee probably .„
the 'bet in biitors..,d$ it 'Weft to
PaigrantitseTtiest windmill, b
•in OutwoOd if( 1665•,,ts, s.,1 I, work:.
' •'