HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-29, Page 5THIMSDATA SEPTBNBER Pth j938
wiNGHAm., •
. kilow..sTARTs.,4T. 8 P.rn.EXCEFF SATURDAY
NIGHT TWO WOWS, 145 and 9,45 p„M:
urs. Fri, Sat., Sept.- 3 0
David Bela:sees immortal romance of early California live
again with new, songs, new Stirs' and new thrills'
Mae "NEWS" •
NOTICE -Thursday 'night two shows 7.15 and 945 P. M.
on., Tues.,
•• •
The story deaLs with the fight against yellow fever waged by
Major Reed. in Cuba at the beginning of this century.
(cOntinued • frOnt page '1)
prizes to tOrraine's two 'Marguerite
received :o. :book. :"Three Centuries of
..4inedinn Story., •,:" c, •
• • • Official's ',and 'judges . in charge'. of
:,the ;miles p.,Shearer. agri.-.
CnItUrat rePiesentative; Robert Mc.
• ICercher, assistant, of Dublin::
BeSsie Wats of the;agrieultural office
•.• trial Jean Groves Godericit; and .Mr,
Ptiblie.. Sehool inspector.
The Prize winners were:, '
Grains, • knots, 'Vegetables
Spring Wheat, liarbOurn
qt. -,Elaine ItitUe
Oath', sheat-Viirrin • Zinn.
Taylor; Jack Reid; Hai.,
old. McGee, Charlie' Adams.
Mangelst-Hartiotirn , Adams; 'Tom.
,•.' phillips, Allan • Ritchie,:Chester Phi-
,: nigan.
C Drennan,' Harvey-.
:Taylor; 'Roy. McKenzie, • John ,*inter.
Parsnips -Marion Whitley, Jite Mc-
Gee; Jan Austin,.4. phllips.
Beets -Elwood Miller„ Teresa. Aus-
tin,-RhirleY Sherttood;'L'oi.s Hunter.
,Carrots -Lorraine Drennan; Keith.
• Blake, 'Margaret Philips; Vincent
. PunePkiniMnrian Gardner,
• Leen •Philips, ;Lottie 'Saunders, Louise
•Campbell. ••
lliowers •
Asters -.-Chester Finnigan ,Lestei
Morden, johri. Austin, 4.. C. 'Phillips.
Austin,, -Freda Hun
ter, Helen MacKenzie,,Iiiii.ard Blake
CosmOS-Beverley , Johnston; • Shir-
ley Sherwo,Od,Kathleen Philips, Earl
' Martin. •
-Calendtilar,-,•Erit • • Hackett" Lottie
• Saunders. ' '
French' Marigold --:ROY MacKenzie,
• Allan Ritchie; jack-fairrish, ,Elaine
Coreopsis-GOr on: ,Saurt er , ei-
d d •
esa Austin, Lorna Little, •• „
,Gaillerdia-Tom Philips, Vincent
• Austin, Jean. Bissett, J, C. Drennan,
• Helichrlisum-Rose Marie :Lannon:
' Lorne Zinn. • ,
Snapdragon---tloYd -Saunders,. Lor
• tithle 'Drennan, Billie' TainGerirge
•Nasturtium---,,Taek Reid, Clark Zinn,
" '• Arnold Alton, Lorna Renter.
• Gludiolf=1LusielLititehle, flifli Ta
man, Lorraine -.Drennan, Louise
Ca Oen:
Taman, Grant Pari.•
ish, .Jean •Bissett, Agnes Lednor•;
Winter Wheat -Allan Shir-
ley ShetwoOd,"Elivin Petrie, Chester
•• Ptitatoes,: Cobbiers-,--Arnold Alton.
•' e, Marie La: Mum, ,Dorothy Dreni:t
Green MOthatithis-,--dark '2.i n i.
Satindera, Waren
Zinn,' Marguerite Jainiesint. Harvey
„ Midges,
•'Tninatoe4-Lorraine -Dttitiin, tort
Miller, EiViand Millei,„Ro$$ Slacken-
•. .
Spy Apple -Billie .: Taman, Chester
Finnigan, Jack Farrisk LIciyd 'Saund7
• Snow -Billy, Taman,Arnold Alton.
J. C. Lorraine .Drennan. •
Pettr-Billy. Taman", Arnold •Alton,
Helen 'McKenzie, :Isobel Lednor, •
. Barred. Cockerel -Howard
, •
ROss..McKinnon; flar0
heti,. Lester Morden. •• •
Barred lloek; Ptillet-Marguerite
.iamieson„ Grant Farrish,,Lester Mor-
den, J.C. Drennan.
' White Leghern,,Cockerel-Billie
Taman, 'Lester 'Morden, George Farr-.
iSh; Arnold Alton.
• White Leghorn, PulletBillie Tani -
an, • Arnold. Alton,: GeorgeFairish
Leiter Morden: • . •
Brown Eggs, -Chester.
George Parrish; Isobel Leditor How-
ard , Blnke. • . .
'White -.Egga=Arnold Alton, Lorr-
nine, Durmn 1.orraine Drennan, Jack
Fairish. • Dairy Calf, Calf, Heifet-:Floya" Edna
MacDonald, 'Wm. Tatimn, Jack Farr-'
oh, Grant Fairish; Chester Finnigan.•
Flora. Edna NlaeDonahl, who placed
first Wei. given A ,red rihhon'only as
her : school was not entered in ••• the
• Beef Calf, 'Steer Or Heifer-L:Mar-
gnerite •jantieson, .Catherine Sinnett.
LYal l.annan, • • ••. •
'Pail. Fed Beef •Calf--4immie Sinn-
ette. Patricia !Sinnett. .
Market LArnbHoward
Keith .131nke, Jack Furish,.:Geergto
Parrish. •:
-; 'Halter Broken, Calf-:-Marguerire
jainieson,, Catherine Sinnett, slininne
ISniriett„, Patricia ,S.innett. •
' 'Doniestie Science
Graltain iffiii Isobni Hewes,:
Shirley Sherctood,...Mnriati Gardner.
Preda:Hutiter:', • ' " ' •
. Da,ter'. Loaf.--4Iargaret .
Maxine. NicGee. Elaine Little:
Chocolate.. Cakef:orraine Drennan.
Butter: .'Tarts'-f.oniSe Campltell;
BeterleY Johnston, ' Lorna: •'.Hunter.
Agnes Lednor,
I $ewing .
Tea Tewel-Shitley Sherri -MA;
Kathleen' Phillips:. Marion Gardner,
Eeeriey iIstt e•
' Serviette•Margaret Philips, }Sobel
liedrinr-,--Elaine-4;ittler-Maxine Mt.
, Night Little;', . ,
tore -
nine .Dientian. 6,,
Apron -Marian Gardner; lieleii lie.
Kenzie, Laine Dtetinan. Beterley
johnston, "
Farm ' NieClianiCs
•.WOOden 'Stable •Door But n-. km,
old Alton, iiiirvey Taylor, lfllie Tay..
ler. Eirgerie _McGee; • •"
Coping' Saw qui OntS-Toni
Taman, thvood Petrie, Erie
,• • •
Leather elan GuarilL-Reith
,ett, I,Yle Lannaii.
Rustic Fern '13-EAWin
Litie Earl, `Ma;tin, • GOrdoti
'•ThE Lit
14,041f- 0,taki7
• t°',1
Tho 'nl,OnthlY ineeting Of ,the W. f.
:heiag heJd ori" 04. 7th. at MM.. B.
FL, Campbell's 499ne, on. 4,"'
Eyre is to be the guest 430-iker• -
• Mr. Glean Needham has necePthd
a school it Matheson is Northern
;opf., and. left on Saturday • to take
'en his duties there., He was !neconl-
Panied on the trill by his .brOther,
Bert, •Inhit.'Fairz•The latter
returned Sunday accompanied by ,Mr.
• and Mrs, J. Norman, who for the
Pas( inenth hate been ile!tiag their
soh . at Kirkland Lake. *
• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miltirney
and daughter, Mis5'COleen,' moved to
Clifford on Monday, ,where ,Mr. Me -
Burney hai accepted'i4osition-Before
'leaving „Bervie these young, people
were 'Presented with' cr parse of cash
at a soefel evening' in the Oddtell
Hall: We regret the.:departur of
the 'McBuyneys, licit our best ' ishes
'kg With. them • to their new h e ni
Clifford. • ,, • -
The :W., M.. S. is being held hers.
at the parsonage.
Mr. and Mrs, M. Oshourne aittlylor--
enceof Huron spent last Thuraday,at
Mr. D. 111cFarlan's.••
• Mrs. W: Boyle • :is visiting •with'
friends' at Mooresville. • '
Miss. Winnie Pere, R. N.': of Kin-
cardine is spending ri:feivweeks at
her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Kart .„Boyle visited.
last :Week with London friends.
• Mr. Boy Simpson. of Los Angeles
Cal- and Mi'. Art Siinpson of Lucie
:were recent visitors • at W. BoYles.
. Owing to the Harvest Thanksgiving
Services: at Kingart next Sunday the
Anglican Service Will be 'withdrawn.
• A number from: here attended • th.e
W. I, &invention it Listowel on Tues-
day anti Wednesday, of this week. „
• MisseHazel and Winnie Pereyntid
Edna •and May BOyle visited 'on Mon-:
day, with Mi. and Mrs. OrlandRich-
ardS; ParazinOunt.
; • c011ections
•',Mounted PreductS. Cut Outs--Arn•-
Old'Alton, J. C. Drennan, .Leis Hunter,
Marian Gardner.. . • '
Pictures, Farm .slinPlementa-Billie
Ritchie, John. Minter;
John Austin. ' •• ,. •
Pictures cif 5 •Pctete-RoSe••• Marie
Lannan,.Is�bel Howes. •'
Grade.: 1. --"--Douglas Parrish, Lottie
Saunders„.,Mell Schram,.MOrni yoring.
Grade "Alice" -Freda Hunter,
Arnold Alton, _ Douglas' Young,
Grade '3 ancl. 4 -Marian' Gardner;
Shirley Sherwood, Mary Murphy; Lois
Hunter. , .
Gride•5' and 6 -7 -Betty Hamilton, Is
obel Ledtior,,LYIe Ritchie;''Rena Miller
Grade: 7 and 8=Helen• MiXenZie;
Marian 'McKenzie, Evelyn, Little, •Is-
obel Rintilton. •' •
Grade 9 and 10..-7Lciuiie 'Campbell;
Horace 'Crawford, Agnes'' 'Ledger,
Pearl Jainieseit,
Map :Drawing • r. •
• Grade 3 and:4-Map Cif 'World -7
Marie Murphy, Isobel Howes, Cath-
erine Gibson, Kathleen Phillips.
; Grade '5 , and , 6 -Map of World -
Catherine Sinnett, Marguerite. JaM-
, ,
ieson, Ross 'McKenzie; Frances Ham-
, G _de 4 7 and 8 p: of 'Europe--
Rose' .Marie Lannin; Hominid :Blake,
, .
Keith Hackett, . Marren', McKenzie. •
Grade 9 and itl•Map of. Australia
and .New, Lednor,
Clare ,Lannan, ,ilorace ,,crawford.
• Flower, crayon -Arnold Alton,' Lot-
Saunders, Violet Hamilton, pride
• Fruit, crayon -Lorna Hunter,: 'Mary
Murphy, kathieen. Phillipa 'Keith
- . .
Poster;' water' colcirS-Lloyd Satin&
ers, :Margaret Philips; Catherine
Sinnett, Margiferite .Tanueson.:. ,
' Landscape -Keith Hackett,'Ilo;ard
Blake Vern:. Petrie Leroy 'Draper
huportance of 'Crop Itotatj.on•Rose
Ma* Lannon; cKeith Hackett; Russell
Ritchie, Agnes Lednor. •
• Public Speaking, • Sr.4•LOrraine:
Durnini; Lyle Laninin,.. Evelyn Litt10,.
Lorraine Drennan.
• Public Speaking, ..ir.,Merguerite
Jamieson, Lerman: ••
Recitatiaria, Second Classand Under
-Shirley .Sher‘Voad, J6 ,C. Drennan.
Dougias Payrish, PatricShiflett,
• Spelling Match -Rose Marie '1.ann-,
eta, S. a 9;Itose biarie`MntraY,
No:.1.1clitittguerite landeson, S., S. No,
10; Billy Pairisli, S. S, NO,.
School Chortis,L.No. IS, No. Ad, lallo.
9; No, , ; ; "'.
'SAGO' Parade--Nii., 1, NO. 5, .9.
No. i�, No. 15, No, 16, ••
Stratheoinv-Exer4eiSes.,:44. 1, NO:
PbIhU every Thursday. Morhin
Lucknovf, Ontario:
Mrs.. A. D, MacKenzie - Prnrietor
Campbell ' Thompson -Publisher
Residents in this: community, in
common with 'tilese, Practicalty the
worfd overpiialfe this Week. clustered
airOnnd radios, to hear Adolph Hitler's
and • Prime •' •Minister ' Chamberlain'
sPeecites to 'the world and., to.'"Iceep
in touch with 'deteloPentents 'as• war
donde hang heavily, over Enron!.
MOvidaY speech sounded •to•
.be that.. of a':frenzied, ,bitter ;man,
,Whe hurled epitaphs Of ,contempt, and
'hatred at Czecleislotrakid;: in threat-
ening to 'take , by fore ;that Which
he demands, if the terms of his
ultimatum are not met by, Saturday,
In contrast, Premier, 'Charnberlain's
address on Tuesday, was Calm, but;no
less forceful in his plea for :peace.
In the meantime Europe seethes in
PrParatien. ter war, while last min-
ute efforts 'continue to bring- about
•a Peaceful' solution. before Saturday!
and Wednesday with a Fur -Power'
contereriee to :he held representing
Italy,. Germany; France and Britain
hopes were heightened that wer'inaY
vet be averted. •
Presbyterian Guild •
The Young • People Monday evening.
entertained the High School' student
and teacher se Aft the opening hymn,.
Bill Henderson read the Scripture,
Lesson, which was' followed by the
Lord's Prayer. 'Mr. MacDonald .sPokc
,4 few Words. Of. welcome. The pro-
gram followed with /the Bible Stud
taken by Miss Pearl Henderson, R. -mile
by. Mi. , Aitchison, Piano solo by
.Mrs' Fowler, violin solo hy. Dr' Little
reading by,Glicrys MacDonald, a very
jnteresting talk by Mrs. 'V ming, and o
sole. by 'Helen MaeDrinald.' . •
• After the closing hymn, Jim: Hen7
eierson had charge Of the contests arid
•social hour' was enjoyed. . •
Huron Ccnnity' farmers, are to he
git•en the Opportunity of hearing the
Federal. Government Restricted Area
Plan discussed it a township meet-
ing in :late .October or in Neternher.
Altogether 35 meeting's will be 'held
, , ,
throughout •the County sby, James C.
Shearer; Agricultural Representative.
se that every cattle, owner will be
conv-ersent With the rules and. regul-
ations of the Plan: before theyare
approached With the, petition. tor
their signatures:. • .
Every citizen could ask the quest-
ion '"Why should Bovine Tubercelesis
be Eradicated?".
1. It is a menace to human lealth
and life. Bid Cases of tuberculosis in
Children hate been 'found where some
of the herds' were badly infected.
'Other cases have been reported in
other counties and it is an established
tad that Children willcontract tuber-
culosis:front drinking -pink toile .tub-
ercular cattleCities have; Seen AD
the protection from this: dread "ill,
easel by •pasteurizing the milk,.:bui
farm children taking' raW.: milk, have
ne_.such ,prOtectiOli- • •
21: rt Curtails markets for cattle.
Thor is it greater demand and niueh
higher prices for a'cc,redited and re
stricted area cattle This ma be due
in. a measure to healit ',regulations%
inipoied by other gointtries% and Over
„which We have no'bcOntrot, but if we
,hope, to de elope those markets.„ we
Must coinplY with, their health regut.
atinns. •i
• 3. It reduces the profits from herds.
it is only reasonable to expect' that, it
costa less temaintain: a healthy fierd,
than a tuberculous one, and also. that'
thevalue:and., general proc)netivity et
a 'healthy herd will be greater than a
tuberculot one. BY reducing cost of
production and increasing value. and .
' roductivit t• •
• .DUNGANN0N PfrUo.m.P.0.1,14,g,,
.Mr• and Mrs • :Stewart and
kih4e 401.991a fOr N9Yth Haren and
daughter Iti4r0"re visited Mr' 1'14 FkKeife, director' Of-.4ttendallee 9f
Mys. 'Albert Teyler; TRYth '09e 40( 0140.i9, all of .w.h9121
laat, week,' • nddres4es. • •'. • •
Miss Mary 4*.'llebb who was visit- ', In the elteoing a ecincert was held
ing her AMA; •MrS.„'W.ini 14 the .•haroi, 01q1,,wh.4 .tho, 7.4004s
in tbe village Kincardine has rqtProe4 to hfl*e cOmPetitione were ir,itgrserfqc11. with
'innnher's from• • the selleeT .seeti!ins,
s.) Ple*ensett,
the Goderich Hospital taff is: ariefai=! 1°e*:' selectio
br •244..
ingthis week 'arith her xarentS, My;. °Y 4wPIL 9r8744 selection 14';
1100 Rutherford,Iregdipgs •by Beta
and Mrs! 'Thoa. Dickenson,. Sr.
: • Mr. Thort9n gedy oi Toronto Yia- P
aaCi T4arliaraIleamlarl' a solo,
.011iys ,ipoerr7tnhtes,,vMeoilianU4, by Miss Peggr Mebe04.14of daofk:screr41-nuslbpr by the well
,conmtwationo to Mr.and M olitri,o4wno4eornni,ed.,riabne,' QH1 f!ertywaYrvisX0P9be;
at Gotlerlch Hospital, Sunday,. Sept.
John Chisholm on the Zbirth :of a, sail :Kinca,id.,,efocioe4 as chifrthAn
lectiOns':13, 12 at*, 4 were rop64e4;
atwingbit. oi Sunday. 4u0 dd get dhe: plizP. :4" wsin awti 00 it
Mr 1lhs Haines77;01'tPd' 'were announced, renWick who
n• hecilfi?ukiniex71tolifirtal.i.e 'ailit;e0,t(teM.rrs(p.f.EMi . :..m,,..dpiie./31:sobrl, into ja3,14mite.
• ' - /t? ,„ , 2n Bobb yens, • .
gai et
and: :Mrs. ••113ert 'Reid of Listowel t5')°k" iso'n. The awards in he Junior Public'
place' at 'Walkerton on Monday, de-
, Spealfing'Corimetition were announced
ceas:ed was hi. :her .:240 y•e•ar'' Rera' Were Miby Mr. Keifei ;1st Shirley•Ituchanon,
iveS 'from (his lvicinity, Who attende(1
.„; who ,spoke -ort "The Reindeer" and 2nd,
.. and; Mrs.. Jacob Reid. Arli. get poplin; • who, hose .!Prefitring
Brim*, Mrs, 'Joseph Petrie; Mrs.
ler' Winter" ,ag• iter :subject. In the
Thos. Anderson and son , Mr. Harvey..
Anderson. . 7 Senior Public. Speaking the awards:
Mr. and Mrs.- saMuel Roach, twh•-)
'lave sold their faint are Moving the
Sunda part of
e viilage
ftt toims'irtieri ye. visiteI hand rt:e. 11;:tebi.A've, es Loti:te:rti thgoi edy and,ps4stock wt, giGhy fai tor, made
,he; zi ehih:ePthtpr. Geta Humphrey
n nHbR:e:ntvi 0.9p, rHpoeo.f.i the
S. Nn. 13 received. the Silver •Tro-
•broMtli.e.s.r; AL,. Wr OR�ach srdv4.aittinfekun..,
• ingten this week. .„
Mrs.C. C. Brown bad: as guests.
for the 'Week -end • her mother!, •Mrs.
Jas; Maris, and ion Mr....Ernest .ilarris.
Of London. Mr, 'Harris, a :noted plus,
ician supplied at :the organ. for. the
North Street United' Church. Services
niSunday, •
Mr: and Mrs.' W., A. Culbert had..as
..guests oi siibday mr.,and mra.., Leen-
a rd, Crawford •and infant. son, -Kenneth
Allan; of 'ipert Albert, --„Mr. and Mrs.
Win. McDonald of Westfield and Dr.
Roy •Stickhouse and .sister, MisS Ads
now visited Mrs. B., J. 'Crawford On Elliott, ,Greta Humphrey!, Helen me..
J. 11:.Me,Nab,. of Luelt;. f;eutbry4s, Waltei
Stiekhouse Of Ridgeway Roots ,
. Donald
Mr; and 'Mrs.' Ed. Sertiton visited Mangelds,-LHarold' Henry, George,.
at Clinton on Saturday: . :Cranston, ILloYd liriiriPhrey. q fle
Mr. Bert wbytird; a, Student of Tor- Onions -Caroline 'HumPhreY, 'Der -
on -6. Rible ['College resumed his stint- een Ii in• -` • '
ie$ in'the ci last:Week. •Parsnips---•Ceinstance Morris, Billie
'Mrs B. J Crawford was the guest McPherson, Grant;Rntheiford. ,
of honor:: At .s .. party . given by her Beets --Mary • Humphrey, Charles
friend; Mr, . Neil ,McKay, Goderieh F'alcorier, ,ilarvey McDonald, . „
.. I
Tuesday afternoon: - • , Barbin
Mi . and Mrs. Burton Roach and Carrots-L'Verita McDonald Mac
daughter, Mrs., Itetib:BreVer hate re- Donald, Samuel "Nicholson, Henry El -
turned from a 'Motor trip at N. Ont.
and the States. . ,
, Mr., and ;Mrs. Arthur Straughan
Bentuiller visited Mrs; , Ellen rClaff or
Sunday. They were Accempanied home.
by Mrs. • duff., and Miss L Dreane
„for a visit' •
• It is 'learned; that an •risistantram
• ister will,: take over :the Anglican
chureh services at Dungannen, anti
Port :Albert, and will reside in tin
Pert Albeit area. ,
Mrs. Max, Hoffman jsvisiting rel
atives at .LOndon and :St; ,Thomas,
• .After such a spell .Of: dull weathe,
it seemed that the 'weathei,pian
very ,kind • with' these foe, nice: dii!..*s.
iWe' have tie conimand for how long it
Will Iasi. We de knowthat' the Weathet
nd. our 'nunids Tegether
Next . week is our Dungannon,. Fair
Oct. 6th and ith, Let us hope fine
Weather.; ,eoritimies. •
were announced. by Mr. Beacom, form
er inspector. :her. lst. prize going
to Mary Toren on "Music in the
Home" ,2nd. to Doreen;Irwin and 3rd,
The ,second :prize the book "Birds. of
Canada" ent to Willie Molt ;of S. S.
NO. 4. arid Margaret McPherson S. S
No, 4 received the book "Three 'Cen-
turies • of. Canadian Story" as • third
. „
Following are the prize -winners in
the other classes:
. • • Grains
" Spring Wheat-J,jaek, Alton. '
Oats -Lucille S. Marie.
-Oats sheaf --,-Kathleen' Brill.
Barley-Gerdon Foran, Donald
Newman, Allin Barbour.
Pumpkin -Lois palconer, ,Grace
Cook, Gene-Sniythe, Jean. Aitchison.
Flowers ,
Asterslrie. Rntherford, Margaret
McPherson, Mitchell Ellett, Earl Me -
Zinnia -,--.Violet. Brill, Constanee. Mor-
ris! Calder' Patterson, Keith. Cransiati:
/Cosmos -Lois Webster, derahLein.;
rie; Kathleen Brill; Hugh Rutherford:
. Calendula--Xharles' Falconer, Ele-
anor , Smyth; Lenore 'Patterson.
• 'French Marigold-7Russel Purdon.
Helen licDonald,. Grant' Itutlierford,
• l)orotity Webb:
Coreop.sisCaroline Ffumphrey,
Lois Falconer.
, daila.rdia-Marjorie Ptirdon. .
Helichrystim•-,Greta • IlumphreY,
Mac McDOnald. ' ••
Snandragon--4aCk.' Alton, Donna.
ReorY, Willie Bolt, Doreen. Irvi0
Niesturtinin-Walter Elliott, lienrY.
Elliott, Sainiiel Nicholson„ Doreen Ir-
Mr. Louis Turnbull and. .731r. • .1 ••Gladie:,fli--,-15.: A. . fiaekett, -Hugh.
MacLeod of ,Underwood - were recent Rutherford,: .Greta • ,Httinphrey, . Lai:-.
visitors it Mr.:' Robt. ' McDonald's. Webster. ., . • • • , • , , ' '
Misses Ella, Ma)me and Mr Ch 1, i Daqias.-.--4,Tugh EntherfOidGreta
liansuld•Of..Ethelr . Mand Mrs. liar; "linmphieS, :Mac: 'Rutherford, 'Eileen
, ..
veyAckeitand f;inily.,of,'LOrne, Mr. Snell, '' • ' , : '-' ' , - ' ' ": 11'
and Mrs,: Chas. Xmigrain and Clifford - 'Winter wheat -Bobbie Lyons, 'Lois
were . the °tests', 4 mi... Anii 'mrs... Webster, lilussel, „IrVin;'..RosS' !Henry.
&neat Ackert on Sunday... ° • - 'Potatoes,Irislr' cobblers -Rotary - Xl-
Siiis'..-iiiiie Colwell i eturneil home on lett :kiln Barbour, Gordon Weittruid.,
SiterdaY basing 'silent the past Week Potatoes. green ItiOuntain-Dorothy
:with Toronto friends: Webh, Marie Sw-tin;•Caltier Patterson.
' °Mrs'. Ayliner Ackert and Mrs H. :Potatoes, dooleks-;tenore, ...Pat:tel-
e/A: 'Harris ' attended the Vi.'Omen's Son, Kenneth 'Barbour., Gr ie COW,
Iiisilitute CaliNtatioa at Listputel On Tomatoee-Greta litimphtey. , Ger-
TueSdaY and Wednesday. don W,e1Wo0;2..1.1ick.'.4'.1ton., Walter El--
Sunday evening 'It' Mr,. Itichnrd
gri, and Ms Thos, Rohl) and l'aniity 'lett
anent ,:i..,.,..Fruit.
MilotV8...: . . .,.4 ; , , , . • . ' 'Northern , spi-!-,Billie., : McPherson
"gl''. ' Wainer' Robb - spent RilnaS. Mnegaret''Ma!herSOn,, 'Kenneth. Bin
soul; lenn -
, Simi' ApApples-Billie'McPherson.
6 • , •
f ri ell& it Georgetown. ' . ' iGoencl6ileCenraliSt4ntelll: ,11t7gat:6't .M.erh6'-
Mr. and Mrs., . orris }lodging _and Pears -Marjorie Pur on, .Barbar
babe 'wire.: Sunday' visitor's ' at gi NeWintei„ Margaret McPherson: ' •, •
Mark ',1,ohliSton's.
'MrS. ilathel,Culbert, Eva and LOrne. ,•:.' , '' : 4., Pfdllitt '
oarren ' stock 'Cookeiel-Siargaret.
`Mr. ..cdd, Mrs. •John peterbonglx and.1,140„hoi„soil.. orotzi tito.n.„14.0„,•„, R11,,,,,s,e1
family *ere . visitors at 11r., *in. illoit, ,D,ree,,,,,invit: , ':' . „•''. : '",' '
Eridie'S on ',Sunday• '.-4aireed Beek. ,Ponet-.-Oreta' ItUni-
assured. •
. 4. It ,causes Serioitg. lesses to the.
he stock Indust -0: : ' •
,The packer is protected against
,these losses' by;levYine a ;tell agmns
alt live stock coininonly' known -,as
,COrideinnation Pingerarice.• The live
tock industry therefore carries the
loss. • ; - • • •
$.. The nubile' deinnriding dairy
products :trent B. free' .hertis,.. In
Some cities Cohabiters deniand has
been so. Strong for Milk froni tested
lierila 'that 4airies' have coning -led
tliefr.shiPPera-to- test, in :Other eitieq
the niShes „, of, the hn't6
:been interpreted,to the. tiro -
'divers, thiongb 416 Beards otilealth..
ev,ening-ot--Mrs, 4Yhn
Mi. and Mrs. Albert . Thoinpson'
• and Eddie spent the week -end with.
. •
lney B11
ng to :66.6 ‘•,§htaett''e titshke4t11:fetterel:it'sees 111!;:is.
the niords ,and "consegnen. fra Laura
res". • , • Solt , •
A bright girl art' t% biro:Leghorn A. }lack-
‘..h't 1.6" '"Isegi'en°e". ' Lei, Ira irWiti Irwin Willi
. . •
brOmiliat yoii ,ket.' , ".
Belt. , •
One O. e;e0, bre*. *.
Den. Caineren,.. Doris. 4944,. Bobbie
• • •
• One dozen white
Willie..BOlt, :Gene SinYtije Donald
Dow. : • •
. • Lite Steck •
.Pal •-fed laget calf -Alvin Alton„. '
'Ferl McDonald. • •
Be• 0t calffio!lble IyonS, Mirk
Alton. 7 •
.Mitrket lamh- 'Willie :Bolt,: •
• Halter broken caliAlvie Alton,
Bobby Lyons! Earl MeDenald.
Domestic: Scienie.,:for girls only .
:qrahafa e.IASS um. •
er-,.-Belen.•:•Barboare Irene Menary
, DonnaSOO, Laura •
-Date, , class4..,Eleanor
'-gtnyth Webster,i Luella St mar,.
Mary Humphrey.:,' ' • .‘
• Chocolate layer, cake. -4th
class -
Ada ?Aitchison; Greta
tumphrey,''ARa6s: ',••••`•
Butter 'tarts*.}.1elen 40301.1/1;.: Irene• •
Menary,„ ',Gene Sinkth, ,creta Rani.
tdirey; • • , , ”••
;'•,, Sewing
Hemmed tea towel -2nd. :
Maragaret.'McPherson, POnzia nenrY
'retie „Menark, Bertha Popp. . .
Servietta;,3rd, class=MarY ••11ern.'
•-threy, Pauline Janes.
• Night gown -4th; selass-Greta •
gumpltrey.• •
..$iiriPle Print aprori-open
aro1ine :Humphrey, Marjorie Purdon,
Yfargaret ' McPherson; GretaHiin
direy; • • : ,
•• FaraMeChanicsfor. boys •
Wooden etabla. doer -betteti2ed
Aiss and under=liefiry Willie ,..•
Bolt; , mac RutherfOrd,.• Walter Eli:
Cut-outa-3rd: class -Earl 11,IcDon-
ild,..Harold Henry, J.,' Q. Alton, Dor
len, Rutledge. • .. •
'• Rustle fern 'brix--LoPen class -Mit- •
" • : Collectiona
Cut:outeof'Pradn'et.$---.-2nd. class and
under -Margaret McPherson;
Belt, .Bebbie Lyons: Keith Cranston.
'Pictures Of farm'' iniPieraents-boys '
--LA:V.11.11e Bolt, Earl McDonald, 'Bobbie .
Lyons. . • ;• •
Pictures of five • poetsgiris--Lois
Webster. '• ••
. :Grade ILLOWrnrait'i,11HtnPhreY,
• .
Menary, Lloyd Humphrey, Donald '
Hackett.; •
Grade 2 --Bertha POPp;:Donna
ry, Thelma' Currie, Gwendolyn
Grade 3 and: .Glenn, Der--;
ene Irwin,. GOrden, • Hackett,:Peari
Caesar. •'" : 1 •
Grade 5 and', 51-7HarOia Errington,
Lois Webster .' Lenore Patterson, Hat -
old "
• Grade and 8-Ito;ellii
Ore.ta :Humphrey, • 'Marie. Eilemt . •
Shenit'iii • '
Gerald Currie, Shirley Bnehanon;.Earl
-Grade 9 and 10 -iris. Rivett.
Map Miming ,
• OPide' 3 ,iind , Of the World---;.• •
irWiri,. Bike Smith, Jean
Wright, Wilma': Gaynor.'
Grade 5. and 6 -Ma of:.the world
ivith,•voyage"Of ,•Drake -Harold Henry; ;
Meponald.'' • . • • •
. Grade 7 • and g;••IgaP. Of Europe-. -
Muriel Wright,fMarie Swan, Marjorie.'
Grade 9 and .10 -Product map, or
Australia -Muriel Pardon,. , Malcolm
Birchanon, Percy :Ramage; Caroline •
itanobrey. •
Grade 2--»rawing of
• •Art
Verna McDonald,. WiIlie aolt, Gezo
Cranston, Laura lrwin.
Grade 3 and 4 -Drawing of fruit -
Margaret' ,:McPherson, Florence Mc":'
Pherson, Alice' ,' -Buctianon,.
N"T•iGira'ghdte an water.
coloars-maroid'spenry, Grant" Rather.:
ford;-. Mary, Lilumphrey;', Earl Mcbon.'''
: Grade 7 and. 3 -Landscape -Mar.
Grade, 'and, itY‘tpoek.
iel Purdon; , Malcolm BachatiOn; Car. •••'
Wright, Gene Smyth. • . '
meats or
arra to. be •
roofed. 'Latched 'or
paired... cowmen Stand-
ard "11 .."` metal
, -roofing is a itoonotiperr
roanent ineeetreent
tight. Greatly redeoes •
ltre begird. ,
• SOLD ON A 25 'YEAll
Prt�eSfgt. foot toWee beeauee‘of 96144.
Tat elecegdOtt Save twee** ordbig todetr•
Matinflice—Ateare 'gat .Of ferment Proton Steel.
Tram Hero& tad aanieseay, Vault& *Mho/
112tait, Addreern: 31:13Gae1ph 'St a Prerdett Girt-
, .
Eastern Steel Products
;QT• . Z