HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-22, Page 5THEIRSDAY,, SEM, 22nd- 19384 THE TATCKROW -ENTINEt. Lyceum ..., Theatre 'Show starts at 8 p: m. except: Sat.—Sat.itught two shows 7.46 and 9.45.P• Tn. * • . • , Tharadaf. Friday, SatitranY e • • Sept.' 22, 23,24. " ..Gene AttPrY'?" TOOTIN'..TOOTI INHYTHM" and June Trais Bole Livingston IRCUSGIR• L" " • The first: is: an' outdoor piet- ure starring' the cowboy.% sing: ing sensation. -Gene" Autry;' the ,seCond is an "action picture,,, • Also "Noes" ' Monday, Tuesday, WedneadiiY • Sept 2&, 27, .28. Le:*ia Stone Mickey Rooney Vecilia Parker' i* • • ,in * *. . `JUDGE. HARDY'S CHILDREN" The Hardyfamily present an- other story with plenty: of laughs and down to earth en- • tertainment • "Milt Briton's •Orchestra".• "Musical Subject" `05Cartoon" SPECIAL • Corning=Sept.. ,29,, 30 Oct. I, ,Jeaaette McDonald' :Nelson Eddy “Girl'of the Golden West" H I NTS TO PRESS CORRESPONDENTS - The following hints to correspond- ents were first published gus News -Record but inasmuch asgreatly ' they .applY• equally well to the cones- , pendent's of The sentinel, we produce them here; ' BOUNDARY WEST • 1'4 poi*, nie;arig g the. Q.. Was held at. 113e 404:14 0f, Mrs, Jack 11441i1t94,. 04 M.04d4i; :19th. There was. ,splendid attendance, The meet- ing. opened witk.the Mb .Ode folloW= ed with. prayer in nniSien. Tbp MO- nteS of the last Meeting :wgre aPprov#-• ed. The roll. call" was anklivered by dont's fer;..the kitchen; .hualileaa .W46. discussed.' Letiegri aPpreciatiOn were read and' it WasdOid,ed have a Club exhibit at the Fall Fair, This was, follow,ed •bY a splendid Prog atm An instrnmental was given by Do. Reis!,and a, Feading DerethyPiniin au' "Hoiiday. FXperiepce." MOttd, prepared, by Mrs. Albert cook, was ,read by. Verna. '.flantilt9Pi..,.7A. I„lasty Out di'lianble;''. A reading by MrS., Herb, Ensign, "Be. 13rave"::.' .rte*l..ing AY :Edna Cook On "Dreas, : EV,erythingj" .4 -paper Prepared by. MarY .McLean, was rend by* Jean.- Raynard on, "An Ounce of ExaMPle, is 'Worth( !a ::Pound of Ex perience.", Intruinerital by MrS. Ray, nard;• 'reading by.Mrs. Orland Rich- -ards. on "Bal.inced Rations of Sleep . Rest." Solo by Mrs. -Jack Ham= ilton: This, was folleWed, with a -pies:- ontation Mrs., 11/1eGi11. There will, notle any 0ctoher ineetingi .A Maso.. herade dance will be held in the Pr - amount Hall. The • ineeting;, closed 'with the National Anthem .atid•Gice. A•Vote' Of thanks, Was tendered to thi; hostess. and a.social hour wai,1sPent ASHIFI,ELD • Pr. ,and Mrs. White, 'and -children have returned to their heme in Qine: ago and were , accompanied by IVIacI;ennan, Who will Spend; smw time in Chicago.. Mr. Neil • 1VlacK.erizie , of Tot-mit:1. spent part of 'last week with relatiVes • , •. MrS,!:D. A-MacteaA and Mrs, Hen- •ry ,MaCtentie returned, home • -Set• .: after. Spending a 'Week' '•Toronfi. Mrs. lVfacKenziel was in, the city con' ultiug a:' specialist as she has not. been, well for Solite tirne.. ' Mt, Henry MacKenzie•an d c h'id • ren visited .with relatiVes, in. Toronts • • . . ••• . last week. . • .• The Presbyterian.V..M„ S., meets' • • '• • • this! Wednesday at, the borne of Mrs. WesleY Rebb,' , ' - • „ . .• • Cutting corn:,and iS, the , del, o the day and the wet weather has..hindered • the •Work . , 1.'Don't. Isaher mentioning in the ryof an Institute, NV: M. S:, ledge or siatilar periodic gathering, that:the • minutes were read and•cOnfirmedi Er- • erybody takes that 'for granted. If the :minutes. were NOT read, for some 'reaSoti, that Might be hews.- isn% necessary to saY, "The. 'Meeting ,adjourned", :Everybody knows it must: haveadjourned, or it , would be going yet .(These two things *add stamp you as an "arnacenr" if you applied for.a job on a ,:big city a. Don't say ,41.1ymn 451 was.'sung," :or "Luke 6•.:6". was read. -A 'moment's thought will show you the reason 'why. :Who knows what Hymn 451 is about? Who is going to get a hying; book and look it UP'? Three to' One, the •reader'belongs to some. other 'denom- ination anyway and hasn't that hymn boOk. ',Instead of interesting the read- er,Iyou are:annoying him—and that's 3 bad For shriller reasons it may be 9 Proper to refer. to the "23rd Psalm". since tleast a:large 'Majority oe:the readers know it by number, but 'other BibIe referenees by number of agOL ler and 'verse ate taboo.' -• 4. Be ,carefiii how you use the word. • "very" ThiS dosen't seem important • to you, butyOu do not know how iOtisly the wordis overworked: In Meat cases this 'paragraphic would, soundnO better, if it *as re -written: "Be very careful how you Use the word' "very." ; • • S. Give. more prominence id iht ' main, items, less "to,' mere: routine, •,DOn't,. Start» • your SentenceS. . with • ."then' .uppeessary.,) „Reinember that a newSpaper report differs Odin the thitiutes: kept by the. i‘eeefary. • . . 'acCidents, births. deaths; "marrligeii w nesOf • part, ichlar interest ---,please, let ns• ..hnow about .it SO that. if you '46not :Wish to fib the story ritirtelf,'We may send Somerine, to get the 'facts,,for A . tip WUL provide.p; wth • lead to a PstorY that 'we 'might, th.Pr' w!se rang,' 4 • , Old Maidt¶Whatkindt ahtis- band haVe". Ypti, ,..$,V#sli tip .• When teritteit'od :and dry tiP, When Or-. ' HELENS .,ME • and Mrs. , Archie:. McKinnon, Mr, and Mrs.'P. Hines and Miss Mary Wallace• ,of Walkerton' Were., recent guests . Of Mr: 'arid Mrs. 'Them" arid:Mr:an& Mrs, 'W7 A. • .1%/iSs' Irene • Woods of Waterloo was; home ,far the week-encl.:. , Miss LaurinMilier, student nnrse at the Stratford General .1loSpitai re- turned to her :duties on :Wednesday After a week's. vacation -at het home. Rally. Day :Will be 'observed .in 'the United Chinch next .8iindW•metning: Mrs.' Miller, Misses Isobel' :and Dorothy Miller', .motored. to, Tor:. onto on' SatuidaY 'Wien. Dorothy .ill undergo treatment in the, Weern Hospital. ' ' Miss Gtace Richardson Spent last . . week th' Miss E.. Richardson of TeeSwater,•/ , • , , : • . • MaCintyre 'of TeeSwater knoWn to mahly iit this I1ityon .'ace,ontit of his bakery baSiness • :shot, 'a: wolf' ekiisi of P•Teesivatet•: during :the Week-. end. ' • • Itlr. :and'Mrs., John ,Mnciptyre. and • • . baby- OPent ,Sunday , 'evening :with. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley , • Mr: , and :Mt* ,Wm.. Colin 'spent Sunday With: Mr .and Mrs. S. Hotel; . . ison, VV,i,figlimi.4 •Mrs. Joe , llffiu of Whitechurch Spending, a few, ,!weeks :with Mrs. Or- ville Tiffiri.,,wh has ‘rith a sore 'limb: • . • , " Mrs...Vietoi tisn,spcnt Suliday With 'friends. in Stratford; • 1, Mt. • and • 'Mrs. ;'• John Riebardien. Gtate lind":,Pobt .spent Siniday• with Mr. and' Mrs.', J.;; dtarish-et • ' Mit; and Mi. Tho Ths .ni..nototed. to Terotito' on Sunday and., "A:TP:,' Ross returnedon 'Monday.. Mr. Goreanti on, tOb' OtyVe'Stri010 t1'1•6 .'fOggiog vefl fo Mit, • Th0S, Ross: The Ftworesters Littigstd(:,, eVenieg. atteride& atick 14.1,tPorc 'good tme M. Alex, CathOpn .tnaling rnpid ' progres,a." as can be" eZneetiiii aftr1Saceident When-. his. ear, on being!eratiketf itio•Ved • forward Orin. :hint againSt alog'atid big •Seraping'h Min: • and injuring slionbler aid. entting. hip fati, , '• DUNGA'Nktori and Mrs., John Orabain of De- troit have been 'calling on, old friends of the -village this totsi.• Week, in- clUding the lat„ter!s colisin; S. R. Andrew. : Mrs: John, NiVins pf qede,rieh is visit.her sister -IP -law Is Chas, Elliot and flnry dnring r.' stay PP 'Willi- • - • "Harvest 'Rome" Setviees at St. Pliers 'Anglican=h are being ob- Served neat Pt. ,25th at 1C3f: F. M. 8L.1.1 A. M.:A., A, MillOneY ree.t0' wi preach in the morning and the eve) ing service will be in Cbarge of Rey. Mtn.. Bughler of Hayfield, Tbe Lucknow 'choir *till- render ,special 'Music fer the occasienr- . • • , • Mrs Minn , ie Jones spent the week- end with her 'cousin Mrs. T.. Mr Wflbu BP0Wwis halting ,A age, erected on his property by Messrs. Jack Curran, and ArthurBrow. Ivir.--and, Mrs, Chas. • Kaufman, Tay- iSteek, visited the ltter's %uncle .kr. Geo. .Irwhi(M,Supday, •• • Mrs; Otto ' IPopp and infant son Murray • spent a eek vWtin her sister, Mrs. Jai. McEacliwi; Mr. 'Robert Irwin CalgarY aecam7 Pained by 1V•fessrs. Farrol,:Farrol and Ruttle; Kincardine, visited kr. Irwin's uncle, pee, Irwin . on MOndity before returning. to his home in the west: , . Mr. and Mr. Lorne Scrimjeour and son Everett, visited Mrs. IVIinnlie J011e3 and Melville on .TueSdaY. • Mta. John Garniss and daughter 1Viarguei1te: �f• Toronto have, Spent a week visiting -Mrs. Oarniss' InOther, Mrs. Wnt.'.. Bray. Te Dungannon United church an- niversary seriices Will be 'held tWo, weeks later than first • arranged, which will be Sendai. Oct. 9th with Rev: A. O. Moorehottse of Victoria St.. church in ',Charge for both services. .Mr. and, Mrs. Jas. MCPOilaid 'Ansa Craig, C6i2StnS .of , Mrs. W. Andrew, yisited- on, Sunday and .Mrs. Andrew ' returned with them torvisit for: a fortnight., • • • • Mr.. and Mrs. .T. Ruddick, Goderieh. visited Mrs. J..: Patterson andjamily Mr: EedY 'and spits, -Frank; Rois and -:Jack, Spe Tuesday a .Stratford Fair: DathofMrs. Staley -Word vc.tia 'receivedl•bY 'Mrs.'. Wm. Tiannpsonj on Tuesday' that '; her daughter, Mrs. Adelaide:, Staley 'at Ontario Hospital, London, had titt.Sed away. Her 'passing, from thjs life, t� those whe knew her.Many.lifflictions. Was considered a beantifill' release from pant and torture. Bereft of- se Many" of her faculties;life had beconie a great. burden to herself and those Who tenderly. cared l for: her. At tin _ of writing, funeral arrangeinents.were not Yet. made : Fuller pirtieulars 'will kea: ne# -week. : • 'Pie., S. :of Erskine Presby- terian, chureh Met for the Sept, ineet4, ing „TuesdaY afternoon at the hank, of Mri. Herb, .,Stotherai Mrs.. Rich, McWhinney, ,the,..• president, was in Charge. Psalni,.'8.4.' was sangto open' the exerciies.. Miss Mary MeKenzie. gave a Very' gOol:PtoPie on.."The of " Thankfullnesi," 'following,. the 'reading' of -.P.SalM• 163 and ,concluded• with Prayer., Psalm .6 was then 'sung, Mrs, DAvidSon read an invitation from' the, Crewe' United. Church • auxiliary. to attend, . their meeting in Oet. 4th at which „Rev:. E. , Gill' of ..the. buttgatenon: United church -will • sneak:, Plansjor •the Oct7 Meeting was mai*. Prayers .were offered, by 'Mrs. M. Whinney, Mrs; , Davidson', '11;fts.' H.' Stothers and die Glad Tidings Prayer. ,by Mrs. W., k Stothers. , Mrs,' M.!•:. Whinney'gaVe an interesting:talk on the 'Life of Rev. D. # Goforth.," a blind .miSsionary. After the' roll call, A'• hynin .*as',.sting: and -.the meeting brought , 'a, close by, .thQ. ,Z.40YirS) II:1,6,erin tinision: and • the ,Beriediet- iori. Refreshments Were served .by the bostesi, I Mrs. /I. SotherS, Oii Oet. , 2nd gaily DaY, services Will be observd in the Vnited Chnreb, With the pastor; R„v. ptesetit: While Mr, taking care a after, mein and evening ServieeS, at ponny, brooh-, :Rev H.. C. Wilion. of Auhfirn *ill:supPlY for the. Ciewe appoint- , , . theta inthe afternoon._ , Last- Thntsday :afternoon . the Dun, gannon4r..Institute met' forthe Sept. meting. at the:. htithe'• of Miss corn pobert. lss Amm 1eec,, the ident" Wks. in .eliarge.,Therolitall antWered ""MY('' FavOrite. able, and Hew te Ser46- It" A deinen-• .stration: Of canning tomatoes was gfv=r. tn. by MiSse.SPrances, Crozier And, Oeira CnIbert,' with 'eh :step' of: the Ptd-, CePS' earettillY'e*Plairieil; 4ri.It' Dar- n in a cussi n ot Aid» :Miss Lorna R0Aeh,„wat„,apPoint.• a to nttnd tbe,nrett;ionvention tistONVet :.•Fratteea toia. fbrn,iti Roaelr Were' the„IteStesses tac serve tietresh.', Thents,'• held: at: the lidnie•of Miss bethMChnntTh • the---littiigannett-Itente-, and': Sdniol 1' .LUCKNOW SENTINEL' Pubsbed evry Thliriday, morning LureknoW. On'tailo. • Nits. A. D. 'MacKenzie — Prop-tietOr CamPhe11 Thelnisea—Pablisher THUODAY, • SEIvr.., 22nd. i'933, , • OBITUARY' R, McDONALD.: N,eiws. of the, Passing vOi, a Yell' ng and ,.Premiaing ife, tile person pf, Donald RoderiCk IYICIDOnald, elder son of 'Mi. arid Mrs. Donald St' McDonald; coiresmon, it, was.:received' with deep regret on.Friday September 9th.. • ;This:Young man 19.s.horn in Whigs, en 90,0)),r,16, 191,4 and at the -time' o Ili death -was in his ,tWentyafcairth year. When qiiite Young ;the family moved. to their present residence ;311 coneeSsion.:11., There he attended pub - 1i C school d,later attended Ripley, Continuation School. 'for number of yearhe hadnot enjoyed ;good health but he bore his, affliction, With Patience. He'.was: well beloved hy his companions, ' •being of a kindly dis- .positiOn. His riling life although being :short was" useful and hisg er t.st• a. happiness-, was realized ill the service of ,.others. His 'faith; in his Saviour was evident # at, all .timea and, neat. the 'close of life: he lived 'in anticipat tion.of meeting with Aim and enjoy: mg eternal hfe with.'11,ina. The family circle has been, broken on ;earth but • survivors 'can ,nOw.live,in the hope of ..Meeting -with hini Same' .ligliter andhappier day. • The funeral from the family res- . • idence On:Sunday afternoon. -Was et:c- trernely larg.e. Services were conduct- ed by thelReil,. J. ReynoIds E1er of Knox church RiPI:ey• and 'the 'Rev. IV A. McConnell A duet:which was Orite of,the deceased; "Theres.; a rail:: bow on the Cloud' tor Tee, Wa•S.••Sliri,, Si Mr.J I;B�andMs.Ma MCKay::' ! • Interment:was' made in RiPley'eetn-, etery. The:pall...bearers eie Donald Murray, Innis MurrnY; 17Phn''.. Mc- DOnald. Colin *Donald; Donglai M - Donald -and' 4Olitt.:MCDana1d. To:,Mourn 'the '1Oss otn leving son and ...brother he , leaves - his parents,, 46t- 'sisters. andVont . brother, • 1.1/rs.: sWirsilfre. xdelintaec:tkhett.14Vicairge,ia), ?.i:0.tyriLati;11/4ii ,-.,47;; :s iey;IMis. '4me.s.:.°LowrY, (Matie.),'$ad:;„ buty:;:teitOre, Trener;FlOrenceiand Jack at halite': To each' ot them .th,e'..sym- Paths; Of "Other -friend's is extended. - bespeaking the sym- pathy- Of.•,tlie -contributors were Ceived form the. folloWing;... LadieS): Aid, .PurpleiProve .Mr. and, MrS.4,. R. Hackett, : Merver'S Mr., and Mrs Oscar Arinitrang and fairdly;: Mr. and Mrs„,"Egetion Farrel,. MiSS 'Christine ."McLennin;., Mrs.Gib bons. and IGOriter; Mr • ROY MeGni••;, DAVid„' SWan• • Lavitreicee. Flarriion;. Edna, Jean,. '•Wray ' ;and Evelyn borne; ' ,Mr. and Mrs, , bah...lkeDonald and family- Mr. and Mrs' Allan Mot.- hy and 'family; Mr- and Mrs. ChaSi, Cater And' Fred; Mr'. :and -1.VirS. J D. Lowry; Mr. ii Sthnley; Mr. and Mrs 11 Mr and 1t ant- Mt* AVilliant Walsh; Mr.: and Mrs., R.- Needham, :w Miss :Anna Mar.'. gat; .1W:and /kTY's. R IVIPO?Sh; and.'ldri,. 'Mei-. Patterson, Ainimg thoSe., frolic n diStance attendance' at'•the ;funeral Were:::Mr, an4 „Mr.:Victor 1V.IeDonald, 'betret,t4 Mrs: Pater Pethi-Sern,:DetrOlti.Mr. Dan C. McDphald; Wiartoni Mr, And. 'Mrs,: CharlesCartel!: arid Fred; TOronto; Mr. and :MTS.' Ale;;,Mowbray and •Mr., Leggett., ,fili,tevale; Mr. and, Mrs. .w.brioiSli;indn!ItMobi! :nlfur,es.„ • -ale- M. arid Mrs., G..Swin Lucknew" , , Club, MetTueSday. afternoon, 8ept. 3th at 4.)5p. .for the first Mott, ng Since 'holidays; lttrs. R. Davidson was in charge and 'the 'meeting open- ci by, the 4inging of .40 Canad"ii nnision; followed bir(the Lords Pray- er. kvocai trie by Pauline Jones, ia Rivett and June Ruitledge was given. The mihutes and correSpontienee Were read. Atthuding, the. Regfe.taf' fererices hi Stratford 'May Oih was taken "izitio. consideration. Prigrarnes" far the year at theliehool were made ; Mrs'. ' bavidiort, read Totteli f thec,Master's The- October meeting :will; be held in the 'evening •o'n the:second TitesdaY, of' the mon,th 'for :both •parents ancl' children, wit.h the 4*Iii/OSA .1;t„.4trollA- Ing a keen intereSt in the activities' or the " yisitors with Mr. and Zaino§ 'Finnigan latelY .'•,we're their dituotht, Nirs:: Alfred :Babel rot tiort: and their son, IlarVeLy. friend, 'Mr:1/4 MaeNattara 'of Detroit,: , 'I se: '1,11e, Una ' 11'1 et 44` ',I?" • 1' .• PAGE -FIVE , • ouvEr -,..04teu4eii.for las'A • The V. At., S. meeting or the nienth qt' August was field. in ,the hetne of Mrs, W, Walden on Thar§00 after- noon, , Sept. 2. 'There was an att,elid- anCe, ot• 004, 33, •ViSitOra and Mem- her.S.%,The Secretary, pro* to ...harie. of he re44.au` ef.the*PuIlates, Oor Presi4e0t, Mrs. R. 'Pliiek 'took charge f 'the: first part o'f the.Meeting and, after tbebpSiness part of. the meeting, oar lea4r, Mrs. 4. conini, for the month of 'September, tOolt .014* mainder-,' The Devationel Leaflet "Looking Toward. Uniwer41'CliOclies and Missions," waS -Well' taken hy Mrs. nonlaten. Then we is4e• faVore‘. "by'a very:interesting reaxiing, ers,`;' ,NIM0. MCCharieS, The 4.Pe- "crid•gyniii. waidollowed „by a prayer given by Ms A..' litetavish,Mr C itehh sehose as her :topie iow :1)o• Von: 'Meet . Trouble," and .gaVeus i very Interesting and 'helpful ' talk rhich everYone enjoyed. Mrs. .7..be1l- ing sang a sold, '444 Lttle Talk With Jesus." Miss Islorine Walden also fa1/4•4. ored us ,wit'h a solo: A vote of thanks was extended to ...Mrs. Robb by the President and seconded liy.iMrs. Osborne:The meeting was brought te a,c19q by the repeating of the !Canal. 13enedictiOn. At tlie..(40e ,Of" the'lneet- ing icicial half hoar was'enjoyed:153 We extend our best Wishes.' to the , _ newlyweds', Mr,, and .Mrs.: E. ,Gaunt. Mae McGuire visited, at, TOD:011ie, and' hainilton last -Week. Heaccom- paniedhis son, 'Dr;W. 1VIcGuire as fat as Toronto, whO :left for England. He returned hOrne .With. 'his laW, 1i. .T.. Wallet., ,.COURRIE'S CORNERS The armual School. :Fair will' be hid. at 'CoUrries ,Tuesclay, Seit. •27th,' • •. ` `Mr, 'Frank sJObaiston' visited .with h lends...in London, 0111 la# Week. ' .Mr. and. -.Mrs. jack Aichardsn.t• c!‘race;',Tiin and Bob of •Langsicle' vis- ited' with Mr.' and -Mrs. oltiParriSli 4?n 'Sunday. Mr . and kis: Ten:: ',Drennan; Mr.; and Mrs. Russel : Di*.linatt Were Seti • day visitors 'with- Mr,. and, .Mrs. Jas.. ! Little:. 1• • 'Mr and Mrs. Arid,rew" Stein :of .'1Par.-:, 'ainOunt spent' Sunda*: with 'Mr. and Mrsi.' Lorne FarriSh1/4' yiirt" are pleased to report that .1VIrs: Earrisli is home from Wingliarn Hospital and imProv-- ing ' Mr. and MI'S: David Little And Vera NiksitdOivitil Mr., Mts. Elnier . , Philips of"Mafelting• on Sunday. ' , , Mr- iliehard TWainley ,of Dungann; On is at Present sisiet• Mrs', Drennan and Mi. Jas. • 'Drennan. : The Hacketts? W. M. 5. 1ieid. 061, inotlilY Meeting at ,the honie •of E. G. Zinn On Thesday nfternoon:: ' • • • eeping A SrnaII own 2Sn*all, One .of the:.thitigs:which 'keep a small town Small; and Make doing business or practising' a profession so hazardous, t the lumber of „Pee* in that town :who enrn• their income there,, -and spend At itt -the nearby large eitc% '• . • , The 'small town ,dentist • itated, by:the local citiZen who goes to the large 'citv, 'to pat- rsinize ,the cheap advertising • dentist, when lie hitriSelf 'goes to the big .tOwn to' hate his clothes" made. The' small town: lawyer 'con-4)141ns :when the big • city,. lawyer Is called in, 'on' an• : important ca.sebat when:he is• 'getting married he goes to tile hig city to, cbuy hi fianCee's engagenient 'ring. The local druggiSt, :is 'aptioyed when the Woman who- runs the. beady psrlor gOeS tO the 'big cits*. for her Soaps and creams, yet' he • allows: his wife to go tO"tilat same big city far bargain- per- znanent waves.• , Le. ' • ..] •is Let antoug us . • without sin e;f.tst the'first ston. When a 'man makes his living out 'of the:citizens 'Of town,' it ishisduty, to.t.s:pend :eVery dollar of that income in the town if" poSsible. If:he exPeCts the people of that••toirn t� AA. linsitiess With hints: then he-, ,should7rea1ize his own itibliga- ion to do business with the:in: **! Of, tontse women are worst offenders. The lat•gel', • stocks, The good 'advertisjPg the bargain days and the :tittractibt •of the hig stores, in thd tits' hate an. altntiSi irre, ' alstitle appeal tO theth.- if Anisharld wd only ..point 'out to his wife; that the nobey she is st)ending was Put into hit handi by the local PeoP1e4 and, that if they,, t6,64 ;hegith to tkar in the big tity she would ttSitte sbe inig!it be .eured o this.load habwanis Ittigittine„ , . ••• LUCKNO.."S 01000EST •teentin, froat 'Page 1), • • iage. OD, Mr.,ati4 Ms .Reid' have be. in industrious, hard Working CoUple and in -aPite otaava,fleing 11'4:"" ei Cease to be ilraYs"bnaY. While the baker's'. basineSs..ba§ Veer in charge of his seri, Bill for .4 PuiP7 'bet: of, • yents, 'his father is daily h th6.sop, doing light' jobs, ai he en 'Tuesday when the. publisher eel - ed and' reInCtl;antly reeeived. Oenniss, ion td :Make' Mention of this esteemed gIeinan'sMr. Reid tiarat6.1.474. •n:tark14Y' keL:Ti inerpor.y and eVe'n .to the 0.ate an re call and tel of a hiultithde of inter eSting• fats' about Lncknow nnd it sliisi:tiis:hill.e.tiy;reb13,Sieeihn.atIlii4in.sl.tilien.v.:1,:.;"71;tornizveliW;i1;'; • so* thit' f:or. :nTOre titan a. Teat MI; week, cut the' eot,n and 'harvested bean „cropon their farm lot at. the west, edge a the village, , • Twisted fingerS tell Of baseball ,f,iays here, when the Pre., tection.of gloves Masks or protector:, was :unknewn., -14n..Red oxc'ellect at. first base Or centre -field and broke' or -dislocated fingerS: nil bare iand Were all in the tame ns it Was player' them'Bowling breugl-it him er134-• 1):leMn'ir.'InVeliatitr'seryteear.a.S 'se!? 001 trustc1/4.• or fifteen year and sets something else in•-tbe waY of a Tecird bineve, having „attended a...nomination Meet:. ing in th'at tie. • first Came to Litc:k-;: now, a "good" road Tay between Ocid-'' erich tid Lucknow1tild the •t,oll gats KINLOUGFI . • ¥rs J U Modgicinson rettlined lotne after Vialting witl -1492100i' ,frieners. ' Mr.:$1., nd Mrs, Arthur Grahar0 vi* ited Friday with Mrs and 'Mrs, Albext• tielkwitt MAlarion. • Mary' McLean Of: Eitirdine :i;:-..viaiting at 'her home Here. " MISS 110renC*',..Tame4 spent a• ftw laYs. with 11,1'11,7A:1ex Percy, A riumber frOin. her, attended. the Western Pair, London , We congratala.ie Mis Andersen - 'and the PuPilS.a our .c.11001..iil winn, ingse ninny prizes at tbe,,,.school l'rueSdPY 'The Prize plenty. 'n3contJng to: V-10.:65.• MCI)* .($1`.1 visited' , Mrs. 1:12i-g•eon oi Fri4ay Jast at' • VIC '11/411111,ev Frank , and Leo -sited at: Mr. W. Boyle's On Friday evening.: The girl*S braneb of the Wometf AuxiliarY willmeet-. en ..&itnr.aag 'AftemoOre at the home of Miss •Teiia H°dgins- •• • The MOLean faMily :visited ,Eiribie friends izOi Sunday,. • Mr and, -Mrs. Ed. EckenSwiller *hid fainily of Clifferd spentSunday with. the• formers parents here, MI. JuTI• Mrs. J. • , • • ' Mts. Kitchenand son, Gerald -vis- ited Satiday with Mr. mid. Mrs . • att. and Win Malcolm and daughter, M. and :Mrs. G-Elci: Malcolm. if Almena, Ransas, also .Miss Malcolni, of Toronto are -,:niests 'at • the Malcolni home, Brae SitSe.' as serving its last period , of exist •P-Pce- Mr:.:Reid recalled vatirn le •;. hoW' •they: .-'4,;Vere bow • ;Many' Mthetn.-*'? *6 gate's?' without, paying ;the fee: in the early ,ilays of -histrade.; ere, eonsi4. business'• vi=nsdone by barter, When large su)Dlies, of bread were needed at threshing time or .;on :oCeasions7. the fat -Mei veuld in spine wbeat, haveit ground, 'and then ;taken': to, the bakerwhere hs. would secure a proportion•Of the we -enetliPtaTt'fle, :14t2s° ob:ea, ,wben :hbuseviiVeS Could not =corns:fait' 'bake :with . the peer .tanality "-wheatJEsotvel and Stuart and • this '.tustthn j'erkiee T.raS" in vogue Pattetson et ekaloW visited at kr, liolLYROOD Mr'. and 'Mrs: Wm,: Robb of .T.A261': new spent • Sunday at kr. Richard Elliott's. Messm. Eddie., Thompson, 'Reggie.; -Broom and= Co. ,Spent Thursday ,at; ; London 'Ehihition. • . Mr. ai0 Mrs. CoffeY: "and Donna of •71%ara *ere - visitor's 't• Mt, A-nit:hi-1 Legge's. Mr. mad M W.ilfred ,Ilamritel, and. 8r-thur o'f 'Tata were .visitors .at '4obt.'bkac.Doutia'S ana Mr.iCira.01)Jmiesbn •. . • ' • . . , 'Most. comPletelY and kr. Reid added Thos: Barris' en Snntlay. he eot114 baraii bale _ Mr. and Mrs.' Fred ,Fisk of Niagara 'T L ' " = •Va ,#4.#4' 4,4 'RAI 'Q ' -new s• •. est resident and are N'al-••••.tng at oldest established htitinesimin, We at present,. • • offer our congra MIS 'and est t%•• Purr spent unta• v even- Wi-t,lres for ,cOntinued :heal ing with Mi.ss (ltikientiolyn Ackert ;# ASHFIELD NOTES (Intiendett for' La'st "Week)'• • • , . . • IVIr. And .1:WI< "Herntan family and Mr.• 'arid' Mrs.. Car- ter ad&. San Dttridn'Of ' With,. Mn- 'and' ! Mrs. . . . „ , , :ter,-citi Sunday, • , ••• • :Evan.'of Cni spent daYs ;hist week wth her daughter Till's.' • Wm Hebn 11.• . ' MoRtiiiie Of•Iloi•OntO;',citit.,.1 ed:Pon:' his '.old iicighbOrei ion.1 , . , , , •, pass- afternoon • Mr. and Mrs'. Alta. and, 'Mr:. ,and s. A.9;11 .8nlith of :71:joyontO Wore it'i-veSis..of. •Mr „and E....Mebonagh,074. theMi Wiul i weekiend„ • ITainter• •sPerit: las,t with .his danglitet4Irs. 11x:erten.: . .•." ..• : , . Mrs. Wil o1m.and 'at I -Ter •hoine: hi Clinton thiS1 1 . • . • '.• :Hogan of -'1,Totorita Spent few days with he.0 mothe,* Iasi week,:. Rev: :Father Ti ef.',Porti•tainbtOii• and 'his...siStet, Mi' t§ Stella, .leirn •.ti•s- iterlP: Mr- and Mike Fkogan!' :on To-e-sdaY, ••• '• •": • . • MisS 'Elia And Mr. Connieiog.an pent ,• 'days, at :Toronto last „" • Rev..•C.--11ToRrtclii6 pied th •ooc'tt , , , , :iri 1 net -noir' oh ;Sunday .evertitig: , • ' : k1/ LM. ,thvi Miss t.WAS,711, .411i4 Clarl; Rineardine;,`MrS,'' Si trtAt," PMeRity„, Bracei Miss' Eva, 1PC4!: • abn Prowri :hria.•.Son Dantaii Ciiicnao nndMi. and Buchatman...Of St. Jacelis viiitors•Of Mvs.R.43. PrOwtri: ' Mr.•NL:.',DOIogits, *151' 801iihit dt the Ptaort-1,.11114. 1116111er, ,Itiritt. A. rialtret;,,'ha ' been 'ciSiting for • iente weeks :is tfli hr',.tip12011;th",:;Mi C Mc roful.1164 lipityp to $oilibitii.,6r, Sunday 'with hint. •'• :.•• .• ,One .of 'th0 •i1i bitg•:p it , • 1)kVci 11616 '&r: Moiida 'afternoon .11:1(.., itWeen -,WOli-ainSfor0 nntl hy thc tit teatti „ ., • BeV Melterizte •of 11rP1eY addtess the W, MS of the tiniti, rliou, „It ,A.o.rti60 A;N):1/4. • The ' to;y's ''Cltib 'bold ,:fileit'i4irst notiting <of: litO :Seri:son Pridn'i•" who rettrim's tic) td• 4'1.1.:6(3-:: tiesdaY- EST viATE C"‘ )0URRCCi 'WRUl NOW Sonarlage azel omit ore- anepts' or. WW1 tO b6 Iroofea.'R.atalea or Ire. iiiiMa• 'comma Stsma- ord*":21te•axp"oxetal roofirceisesound,per, xneeent.ireeegtaxtent. 'Absoletels Noetetimr, = Goesitlzy reatices ' gra. Ott ,25' TOR Pitieee'tliis Pet ore lomier iyeauee of Sales. TAR torectoticaLStivelnoneslovivaitingtodsts. • /farrefaetorers ailet# gianDVISPreeronSteel Trusi'litarop and Jim •ieetioy••" =eat. Address: ZO8Ouelpli ProstemZemit: Eastern Steel Products -nnpree De e• WE ARE AGENTS for NTH\ WADE BY LI;t:,.."41144C4r1/4e,, pAtr'rt#1 5. 'VIE'S 40 evc•-1/4 Ies zr;ces olc1/41/4' night h•f the r4p:ortage. t$:•ood'hut''' Iva's. in t'4,to aftending• 11-e,;• '<iktYsler C-i\nv.ontion tOndon; 'tvarhing. bilitc; . . n•cklarl" dfsslve.' 1/4