HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-22, Page 4HANGES
I Siptember, 15,1938
Canadian National Railways
Ms a lsobelt .4cLeed Spent a felt'
days in London, attending the Fair.
M. T. Rebinson viditedgeSt 'Week
with Mrs Avery • of Teesavater,
Mr. and Mts., R. Martin,.Laurine
and Austin,. ePeet Wednesday Lciee
dona ." . • a-.
- Mr. and Mrs Win arirogeout, :of
. Palmerston,: visited Tuesday at R.
Miss. Annie McLeod spent, a dei
last week With her. sister, Mrs. 13',
Mr. and Mts. • Russell McDonald,
.of Myth, spent. Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. D. McKinnon.:
Mrs. F. Weis, Of Rochester, is vis-
iting with hr • brother, Mr. • john A
Messrs. Wne J. Bain and Hossack
attended the London Fair.
Mr,'ena Mrs. laurnin -of St.
Helens spent ai day recently at Mr.
E. leodgkinsoieaae , :-
Ma Leopard McLeod Is, attendieg.
Normal 'School it Stratfordi
Messrs: Don. Mdver and Leonaid
lichees are sPenclieg a few,. days la
Mr. 'John' Carruthers ?pent Friday
at. his belie.'. •
Mrs., A. .Siitherland; atertertaieled.
thedadies. of
'th,el2l.'F. W. O. for the;
Seetembee meeting which Was large-
ly attended by _visitors and ..merribets.
' Mrs. R Middleton piesided;, and 'the
Meetingopened with singing the •Ola
ening song, followed .by repeating
the Lord's Payee in .unieion.,MrS. 'A:
MacIntyre read the rainutei of the
leek meeting; 'aisealetters: of :thanks
•• from Mrs..MacInnes• -raid • Mts., Rana,
• 'ohm The'roll cell was anivireeed by
. 'ill Dv ,Brigbtenei., Mrs 1/,' Moffat'
.gave the treasurers report". Aftmethe
..business 4,a d It With ,a,,aplendid
pregrane'followe , which • included,
, •
a solo' by Elizabeth. einson; eta -rent.
, . ,
events; by Miss, Mary McLeod, viola'
selection by .Dia Little acconipanted
by Mr.: ROOM _Ostrander. A paper
:Ann • •delsrell, solos by .Dpnelthe
Valid. A ':debate, resolved that • the
world • is, growing :better,. was taken
by • (Rev), Mrs, Young.:, and 1VIiss
Mary McLeod. This' '.proved to be
ve17 Ira -greeting, also ranupieg„..b,oth
Bides being ; very strongly supported..
• The judges,. Mrs.'. A. MecIntyrea Mrs.
Russell and Mise Ann •CoFweII,. de.:
eided, in favor , of ,.the .affirmaiiee:
doeing :remaikkawire gieen • bY " Miss
, • ,
Derin...MCLeed. A vote.. of thanks. was
• t,ertderedtt`Mis. Stirtherland for hee.
hospitality. The meeting , closed with
Singhig the :.Vational. Anther": Re.-
fiesliinents'•Weee Served and a pleara
ant haif hear spent , • ' •
The „October Meeting i8. to be at
. the Iforne of ,Mrs Ceq1,Rethba Itell
Cal!'"H0W Maar,Meetings 4,: Have
Attended, and What' Mesk.EnjOyed."
. A Mean Remark , -
The best: 'place Tor a Man to hide
bis money so his wife on't find il
Is' to • put it in the basket avi
• • andarnecl socks.
An adage tells' arheie charity begiaa
eut .no one seenai to. have „any idea
• where it will end.
wii!TEctiy, RCP!
M. and Mrsk Irthilletb. Weaver 01
SetiberY ava visiting hia "pleeellts?
Mr, and Mu. Kenneth Weaver?. Sr.
here. • ..'; •
feeda. Rintimr spent the week-
end With, her sister? MO. Lee at Tore
Mr. Eddie Moore had horse kill-
ed On the railroad by the train One
night last week. .
Miss: Lillian garruthera...of 'Holy-
rood'sPent e few *daae.`laat Weebawith
her sister; Mrs. George Fisher.
•. Me,. Peter'', Kennedy, alre. DaVid
Kennedy anc) Miss ...Annie Kennecle
have 'moved .on MOndey of this weee
aff the farm ab ROliert, ,MoWiaraY's
'beuseIn•:the/ village.- . • •
Mr, andaMri.: Ralph. ; ceeleran of
Ashfield visited on. Sunday. -with heri
mother, Mrs. A.„:„Rintoul. . •
• . Mr. and Mrs. Wes: :Maori of Oaen
Soend spent the week-endaWith hie
brother. Mr. & Mrs; Arthur oore &
Mrs. Dated' Cillies of this co lenity,
and Mrs. Donald McDonald o St,
Helens. • • '
..The anniversary services of Donny,
brook Dieted ,Church Will be held,
next, Sunday '0 Sept. ,25th. afternoon
and evening. -Rev. Mr Todd, of Dick
new wil1 have charge Of theservices
and iii6Tarinesic will be supplied, at
the afteenoon SY a 'mixed quartette.
and soloist from Auburn. and, in the
evening by Westfield 'Male Quartette.
• Mit: W. II. Campbell has. returned
to her home aeter a reit with her
daughter, pers. W. .1e, •C,rozier,' at
Crewe. •
Mrs. a. H. 'Mille is-yisiting with
her eisteraaIrs., Geo. Naylor.
• Miss Jean. tobinsotspent a, few
deyi-last. week ''with friends in Lon-
don, • • . •
• Mrs.- Elwyn • t haileney 'spent the
week -end with7Me..., and aalf,
Chant:hey. ••
a. Mts. ,Cunningham,. 'who sPent 'the
summer months in 'Termite:with-her
daughter, 'MrsL Hinton has .re..;
.turned to ,the hoine .ef, her •brother,
Mr. Geo. Wallace.
(BY Merrill C. iiiiritelori) • •
. It , jleron County cannot call Walt
:Visney, genius, of the animated ear-
toon and creator of lovable and lud.
itrous Mickey Mouse, her native son,
she can lay claim to haying been at
One time the hemp of three genelat,
ions''his forebears atal the bit•th,
alaep Obis father, Elias Disney,
• last sixty -years, this past July the
Disney family includieg Walt'e father
Elias; to „Whom hanoUrableamentian
musk be, made, migrated. .froin their
little log homestead .in :NettieTA i
ship, now -owned .by Salida .elcEeten;
neer' Bleevele and eet out foaliartses,
Diariey'S early betylioee,.dieez"
'Rita the age ofTnineteen ,can, be
ly ',.reealled by: Peter J. Cantelop ef.
0oiletiele 'Who; attended class inthe
old lelethadiet Chinch in 131alevele and,
as 'a • cleie coinpaftion' .0t . -Wales;
father as Well as being a first go.' mein.
. Ninety years have , passed ••ince
Walt's . great. grandfather, came. "to
Canada fromand•.settled on
farra, one- Mile south, of HornesVilla
The first water power geiet mijI end,
sew mil) on the banka•of the Maitland
River ever : to be. built lees credited' to
this.,eirterprising, mae: Ala. Disney.
, Weir's araedfatber; cue att.
oiidren ,oi :Elias Disney Watt ,I1s:eppel.
Disney"an in appeate nee we,s. jiiea
:handsome a man 'you world meet, with
long 'whiskers,. 'jet black hair, wee
oiled and six' feet in stature and wear.
ing a shining silk Plug hat, especially
on Sunday's. At the age of 25 he mar:
ried Mary Richardson, a sister. of
J. Canteloree reether. The awork • Of
clearing a hundredaactes of bush near
Bluevale Wes then undertaken, and
leg- cabin built Which has 'since been
.replaced, by a. frame ho,use now owned
by (Sandy) McEweri: a a,
Prior to migrating to the 'States
Koppel had the instinct to firavel
• • • • .
'combined 'with •the' Of oil at,
Oil Springs in 1e64 he: lieeanle
grasaed in the drilling trade with thc
result he spent two years in Lembain
County and later drifted to Gederieh
wheie he was ,employed .by the late
.Peter MeeErna. father of :Mayor
143. 11.....meePivan. • ' •
,. After some 'years spent in ,'raising
wheat. in the vicinity of Kansas, Eiiae
Disney, Walt's frithereaettled inaFlor-
Ma. where: he Was loael'iela Having a
dislike : for thehot climate Eires'44a
his wife took up residence in Chicago
.years later, and.. during their irlioae
there :the famous author of "Snow
White and the 'Seeen: Dwarfs'.' -- was
born a Last NeW•Ye'aiee.Aak Elias and
his' wife ,observed :their I goldee rWedd-
ieg anniversary and in honour of their
parente, Walt 4)114 ,his three, brothere
Reerriend, Hrlitert and ROY' presented
them witha..neWjhanie in Milkweed;
previous tothis Walt's parents reeided
in Portlend::Oregona . • • • '
Although Walt's efforts in the
. - • •
world have been .crciWned with re-
markabler success, .. he is Still themode
est. lad , Of his boyhood days and acla
ievement• has net' tifteed his 'head,: so
writes his father' in., refering.to hi,
son,. "Walt" ;Who ' is ,the :pride of
%is heart in his declining yeare. •
• ,
deal!. Of einiaiderahle magnitude
hgs• been 'epilsimma-ted in - Which. Mr:
Claire Dorinelly; ,sawmiller and p.mi-
ber rnerchaMof Chepstow and a tot -
Mer .reeve , of Greenock ••Ti., in part-
nership With his broth0r,,,Mr; Artlan
-;Donnelly, -barrister of • Guelplathe
ter- of whom lel; giYing ele his 'IOW
Pretise in the: *loyal City to ellgage
in industrial pursuits, has purchased
froth: the Charidler Lumber Co. in Ad-
. .
dington•Coanty a timber :limit of .10%.
square Miles' of virgiii•-hardiee:od
The purchasers are,'sone • of Sen-
ater. J. .1: Donnelly, Whe emideete"
;sawmill in Pinkerton. and owns over
'5000 acres, of the heiVile timbered
Greenock 'simile;
. Another see, Mr. ,,Gereld:Donitelly,
.conducts a: big sawmill and tomb -era
ing business at • Trout Creek; ' in the
elliskeeri .1)fetriet: . • . •• •
:Messrs. Claire, and .4ithur D.onnelly.
whe .*ill :carry' aindera, firm
name of Ponnilly..Beese'heve'aireedY,
!floated . Man and 'equipment to .1their
newly • acquired. property ''• to make
,preparations for. 'winter Operations
on rather exteeSiye Seale. They pto-
pose., to -etect aiP-to-date sawanill
there ,later in the season.
. . ,
.• Walkerten lieralc-Thees
account1S too small, and none tee large,- .
the. Bank eif. Montrcal,,tit handle': ewith efficiency
and courteous attention to its cirstoneets', individual
• reaniremente. •Yeiti are ,invited to open an aeeemat
.evith this bar*.
Hee leer '•
• •
• Luckn�w Branch V. N 19tEgT;11Vtioakcje
• aY�u* ND Herta'..Verti M'AW tiS
TRE ' 1,1 tith.NOlrf
•'TEW.4 OF
THE..cAm!koJAN mEoicA4
Aisoquit1AN ANg,". LIFE
Each.' year, : pnetnrionia :exacta
heavy toll fair" those 'wile 'are. in.the
prime of life, at. the age when. they
are .the greatest. asset to their ,fate,
ilies and to their eauIltria.A.ey. 'erect-
ical measure 1foi; overcoming thie!tre-
raerid,oils annual.:lees of life, with all
ell. loss mphee, . worthy of, con-
Shleiation by ',the.. citizen
:eed by the ',coinarinaitY as a" alio/e:
'With the coming Of c -older Werithee •
after•the heat 'of' sumirier,..wlnch is
SaMetimee prolonged into the a0teren,
We feel more energetic veetput esaaP
into our.wOrk 'enjoy brisk Walks' and
eltogetheea feel ,e• glow of health. But
with. the coming of colder weather,
, too many of as °deaert. the out-of-doors,
and shut oUrselves, into 'homes and
r • • •
work -places that eee overheated, and
we live le .elpser. contact ,•rith other
ecoPle reost of out. working 'hours. '
PrieUmeniii s caused by gernie, and.
pn. umonm belongs to that group ea
•lise.eses which are known -as. com,
aninieable. By this •weanean that tfie
getete which 'cause the adiseese are
passad; et •coriununicated
person' t� another.' *: „'. •h.
." .
•There is reason to ,believe that the.
general fitnees of the, bodyhas .a.'-de'r.-
inite..reletion' to' the., •Occurrence Of'
pneumonia: It appeers - ,that fatigue,
chilling; Worry, =leek ef teat, dissipa-
tion, and all sichocciiriences, or neg-
lect of the betty, resulting, 1i what we
alight describe as a. 'rundown ' state,
favour the germs of pneumonia and
givethem a better chance to do there
deadly.' work. '••-°°.
pIptr:eicsi p :lir et a nit. eitaoo: oennsdheiepst abnedt w•
the common cold and pneumenia. The
respiratory 'tract is continuous teem,
the nose &teen to the manliest branch-
es of the bronchial tubes. in the lungs,
cold is MairifeetiOnat theupper..paet
of the:yeapitzttery:tract, and neglect
of the common cold is often .folloWed
by *a:infection .-cif the leWer .part ef
the respiratory traet; which is ' pnee-
Mania: : • ' • t . •
,Iareeenting pneutaionietneans:,keela;
irie fit Dress :Properly, and enjaY
gime forin,' Of 'ofitiloOr -life-the-year'
ratind.'Sectire sufficient: et and fresh
air; do; not become e•tretfatigued, and
by dressing ;accotdingto the teinPela..
ature •and the weather, avoid .exposa
tire to .cold and Wet.Use.sonie green
vegetebles. and .fresh'fruits' every day'
,during the winter' your- body needx
theni. !hut! ,conglierS and szieeeys'
Wash .your hands. beforeeating, ane •
beet'. Your hands away from yeiir face
Take Care 'of a . cold .if yam develop
one. Keep .teivey from ,tick people un
less' you are caring for them, and thee
take the..preeatitions... that are ,neeeis,;
are in dealing .Witira *communicable
disease.' •
Some spy .the "Rrissierisa' somesay
'"American 'adventurers," and t'serne
think "the erierny?'fhad icimetkingl,te
de with it.
, Cheerio, ,
• ,
. ,Miss • Beatrice TeeleaVen . , spent
alottday, with' Miss' ;time* -en.
, . Ali '.
." •Mt, and Mrs. 'RenaldaSteitrne. vim
'their •hoineea,Ilatrieton over'
the iveekaend. .
•atehani 'Durnin • spent
, • • , • ,
day in Lender', .. • •• ,
Campbell, who spe •t e
pat six weees. rvitti, her • dee
Mr. Crozier, returned to' her leene:
near bonnybraeke.on •Siturdiy.
Miss Elia fleeter ••;f.,Paratreettrit
spentalast week -end with Miss Beat'.
rice Treleaven: ••
• .
Mrs. 1.:,orne.,,primons visited e' fee
'cloy:: with 'hee parents •Mr, and 1.11.'s
'Geo. ,Freeman, near I_,eeburn. •, •
.•.Mr. Berk and Miss ,,Mebel, Reid
attended,. the Zonderi Fair on 114 es -
'Victor: Whitley. ?and
eritily ,weect ir Leriden
,Mr. Mrs‘ teener& MeNall of
tlYth. visited , with ,his
McNafl, Sunday,. ,
. • Saturday,. • ,Set, ilth
to Mt. and' .hire: Allan ,.61eConnoli,
Mi and Mrs: Ross. McMillan and
•1+;tary Vieited 'with Ms. •MelCertlio.
and iVfary,, Sunday.," ' ,'
On Saiiirday ';everilrim .'tfr.- and,
W,, 0, )teed *aro, congratfdated
ba meter Of: Omit ,friencla, it; being
theft 'Wedding iteeivetsatea, Orr
StineaY. 11 their were IMMO;
..ato a dineet, m jiono* o the' ti,teatpti
Cabine ti" '611Ver,' • .
TaihokU, July 'lith,. .1935,
Deer .Sentinel Prieedee a •
• SoMe weeks Italie passed since see
read ethek. Sentinere eceenet of the
bfmbin f Taiholm city: It occurred
• to Ime at the time.'et reading, that
few notes about the .saree
from .this end night .be of interes.t, to
heree4folle Bet the cloelc,Wheels tura
so -quickly .her,e,- in the:east and the:
newspaper.and radio, ete!, rattle off
etteli• 4' changing. ptegrain in ,thie
lftitiltgle°e.1ctsla:b9r0gell.:Itiiatctidhtettla' eveonntc:
Cut of Sight; and 0 are eofivietely fore
getter',. I'll try and search my memeay
for 'a.,'few'impeeisiOns.•
• 1-,:wies. sitting' in the Theological
-College when kt hapPeped.. A japartese
theological professor from Tokyo, Wag'
teetering' in St t, Paul. ' A group :of
abeet •' sixty ministers .anda. college
students followed 'every weed • with
eyes and.earS,-note-books and pencils,
The professor is -considered an auth-
•arity -on St. Paul and the grouP, who
listened believe that the one whose
message did so Much to tarnth,e
world upside &awnin our first cent-
ury ,amist not -.be' passed by in this
•new centery in Abe Orient:
The blackboard was a mess of eotes,.
straightlines of, legalism, circles of
idealism, triangles Of realism, cures
'stars, Greek words, Hebrew'
%:VOrds, Getman words; French Words.
English words,—ed. Ja.pariese,' to fill
up the olpe,n. spaces betweert; and out
of- t all St: Patilthe .great apostle:
tb 'the • wide WOrld-aitruggled to get.
his message across,. 'Bombers ,didn't
roar over 'head; in -Paul's'. deY,. how-.
ever; Were he to :stand On this same
pliitfotne he: werild no .:doribtt:be. cona
scions of sufficient social confusion
and huinan; stifferingto mali:;)him
feel quite at horac,in our day.
as li,lottecl• off!the mapt.Bunk into 'the
depths: of -the, Pacific" Oeeen, mother
•aria. ded,anci, the .dog and eat and
We dashed Offna, letter to send by .thc,
early morning :air Mail. ,
By 'morning ruareurs. ',had become
quite factual. At the' college door. e
. . •
student ,had a -give') around him.
'ening to his experiences Of the eight,
before. ,
• "I Went.horee last. evening. When 1
got *ear the church.,(his father is the
pastor) Saw a ,huge' crater. ,right,
hear the redd where a tomb had fall;
•en. 4t waa'hig enough' to hold irbout
tan. meter Cars...I. emliOn't get. near it
for the crowd and the pollee '.cordon.
Iti .the: church there was a •row ef,
eleven "birdies- of those. who had . been
killed. M:y little niece's body, • was
„ •
there. She, was, killed too. She was
• eight. Her legs were all smashed te
bits and het bod was hit to so• thee
couldn't •save her.-
' .
There was a neighbour woman kill-
ed.' She had he ;baby tied :on her,
back: She -heard a funny- noiee and
looked Out of the window, ;just' then
the bomb exploded Ir head was al..
moat blOWn'off 'bet the baby wasn't
butt.; They are heving a funeral ,te-
reerrow, and it isto be the Christian
kind. They want my dad :tir" arrange
It was nioe than a weelsbefore:
we • heard trete laithaelid Sandy': •
not .0tplained his experw
epee thee. eyes ',on' 'My way „t�
tifUt boys ,efinie and.,
4,1aitioku--yoiir 'town" is; all .bombed
to bita. Here' a picture in this„'ex-
tra", of. its itAting. bOttlbetYfee And'
..yqUi` dad 'aridnintlier.e.0'. eVeryliody,
likely- is dead) Arid 'then 1 mei
and, '-her eyes were. all red
4.0-!ihd ha•a. been 'etyiaga 'beta 1 said
Oh, it's only newspaper star, and:Chi,'
neWaPnpete 'keit; koo,".
o And Se, fOrtinletelY thearielleeeepe'ia,
were Pkoa, ;too," t� 1 eettaln. tlegtei,
but 'there netnally were hisiii14 drop.'
thae--day----hy-snine0e: VVIt.rt-stm7itiettn-heareitti61:1-AlfesellI
• Thoughts : 'like 'this :were goint
through.: nry. ,iteind when the • dock
strni.e.c ..eleven a The ••professor's hour
as up He seemed: to :have a few
sentences left.; unsaid. and': was pre
,patieg„ ta'saytahem. regardless
elbelea• When.
tbelBaaL-a--". 'Went 'several 0 explos-
ions in rapid. Fregn arau cessron'lhe-
,windoWs' gave e nasty rattle. as from
earthquake .shecks, ,wehave hick
soUndof it: I. confe0
thought ta'f ,a
liettet Where it would)* possible'
.to ?flap into. But the audience ,seemed
•uraiteVed; Was I the only ti*40 in
crool 14o. I'd..sit itthroright But
perhaps the ,PcirMapana.. Weren't, cop-
ciou of ;danger.: 'Perhaps they., di:I
not • .diethiguish between • 'ordineee
'erdetiee sheeting andahese:ekplOsion,i,
'Perhaps theythenight, ate it's just .51:07>
•flpfFO. and let it -pi at that..,,But
lecturer' wes not of , „. ,
He. hadtiow, decided 'to Aeto:ra his finel
.Wcirds unsaid., 'Eeteetly ..eleven; :was
such .1a . Trice, time • to stop! • He ..bowee
IOW and:calmly took .hie'serit „jast'.iis
if .his heart were"leat •gOiee pitapat
atall' • • '
• At tench • :time -a "the explosions'
pi eVided table talk'. What was it any-
how? -How' :did ...it'. happen?' Who did
'it 'fete, etc • • •• • •• '
'"I . Was .teaching airriMie.Littleaand
Gwen .Jantee.. at the ,time," bonaldii
explained. "They gotquite excited •
Aria eau otit On the up-ateirearetandea'
. lank, see
Pleries--aaravai,•awee; ,way up there.
leoie little tacks,
• i.efleetipp: on. the wirigS when they
• turn eiile,Wise in 'the seni.".1e1e.
couldn't„,•See'vthem at :all,' They were
out or ,•dr,
In the early •afternoon tome -tire' he.:'
earl: tti, be heard. yeti .:retnerirbert
how: aa*:rimay:leotor... cYelee. tied Motor
pars were dashing around aboitt nook?
Well,. they say soniethrag ha, happen •
'ad !°Son•tewhete..:•Spreethilrig!hae.ahaii-
pened in: Forniosa,,Something serfOkit•
But what..? : Nobody
id• pee, grinning- as if „he knew ()eater:.
Ming, 'but said ea:More: •'
137 early evening' newspaper
tV,Ai", ...were out ,aird evert/sheet was
4urr�tmded by a crowd. -Enemy Pleneq•
had ..eente over :and dropped boinb's
freer aeheikh.t.ef tweleetlieeetiralfeet;
•they read" mit :train the'. exkras.. No•
daritage. of .any iMpertance.;'But no
orie• seemed . much ' eicitecl,' Oh, .You,
,iiever 'Can' tell what , it's all about,"
eligrtised several' ,eynics,' "Ilia It's in
the • paper," a..youtlf erriphaeizee: "Oh
areahl" "And it's, on the niche!" "Oh,
..Yerlhi'aieWell if it we'll just wait
,enti see. Peitheps: • !Oho. afeir,
know ...ell. about it, and 'Perhaps welt
nevdr, • .•
., Then Caine the seen teelack news
trial" •Tekyoa---eaTaihekte bombed, by
enemy 'planes—,n� iistruage done,'
.echoed the .rtionotoneue•phanographie
twang of tet .radio einnotineera who
fumed • his .news-tiiilleiin sheet oyer
With a Seap to the hext itCfli.'
• What °anent the' Childi•on,? We thole
• ,
gilt. Do you. seplereethey will hear of
11 in „Kobe ? And the Other kids in •tlic
Canaalior eadeiy tont make the
'dropped. them? is 'the niieStiatf4, •01.,et..nre the fltt island of Partii(i$4
)1PAtilit.SOAY.,• SEM'. .2204 10.38',,
B6b Carrick„ pithehing. five;bit
and betting •el twe runs,' paced the
Stratford Nationals to:a 6-1 win over
Windsor op Saturday; ,,.knotting the
series at a game each,
° , *,
Fielding perfectly tie• give • fhig
leiank.MaeartneY gold -.Plated supped
ii the clutehes, HanOVer unlimbered
the seige' gulls late • in Wednesday
afteentaon'e. O. P. A. intermediate B
playoff, li)ctnie, at' Owen pc.444
shelled Penetnng .FoUndrymen •• into
winter quarters to the tang of a 9'4
• *•* ..S * •
• The lernce Leeglie representatives
onee again roved they can slug the --
ball collecting a total a 14 safetiee.
Fred • MacDonald, erStwhile Clinton
.Celt and this year the leading Braes
League hitter; •headed. the Hanover
slugging 'with' homer, . triple% and.
.• • 0 - ,
* •* ,
Natmeer, Bruee• Leaine- "Be champ-
ions entered the 2nd round of the 0.
•II' A, playdowns on. Saturday when
they' met London Cream Tops, who
won 'an 9 to 6 verdict: The 'see.aiid
genie be. played in Hanover .or,
" * • * • *.. •
' 'Bab ,ljtidgeford was battered teem
the .mound by ,the ^Cream Tops with
aix hftS• and as many' runS..i.
inv.. Frank McCattney set Len
doaers dein` With tlitee hits over.the
balance of' tha ,route. '
. *. • a • A. • ..
Clinton's .6-5 Victory in Winghea
, •
Test Weee-Was piotested by Winghata
on the grounds, the- Colts had , used
unsigned juvenile' players.. '
the .game Was ordered'replayed in
Wirigham on Saturday when tne Colt
• nosed out another victory, with a one:
run margin; 11 to 10. . ,
* * *•$*
This defeat :eliminates Witigtuim
and .Clinton poWateeis Ne* Bamberg
J4 the nett .round of the O. 13:, aC"
PlaYdowne.. •.`"
•,:Wieh. a ate 5 victnryi over
fos ,14 .on''ThUrsdaY,'Hervie,tied the *eta
ies in the•OntariosRitaal Softball pla
downs The thud and •-deciding game
:irea,iilayed..in • ,HaneVer•:.
••*• ",* :* „ •
„ . •
The • thied. and', deci'dine; orne
. . . , , , „
Bervie and
:'A.• litaYiloWns at Hanover'
Monday was ended •suddenly in • the
.8t11.:,ba.a.,ereechieg rain; with Beeeie
ea tee -street end of -a 12.t� 4 seareat,.'
t,..0EpEks. -KNIT
,SOC.XSj. _;e0PUI"Ag. •
Winghem, t Sept,. 1).—Celebratima
his seyenty,fifth year, J. R. Webster
of $t. Helens, in West WaWanosh
Teaviiship, belieres himself tea he 'a
qepeession-beater." •.•
'Born • in Ashfield Teamehip,,-.•he
Worked tis e laborer as a .yfalpg mare,'
and worked for e number' of years ana
the. famous JoYet estate pear Luk-
pow.- Adv.ancing.' in years 1 when the
depression game on, he decided to taka
yp. knitting es, „ a hobby thet might
eventeally help Out finapcially,,
His knitting Ak.aie(infired, to socas,•
and erten he began to get e detnand
for them. Merl gall* up to ;work, ie
the •'1unlher , Planes • were
heartily in .tee •praiee for the„:"till- •,
wool" .products ea his hands; The de- ,
mand inereased, arid se -fur the ;pasta •
;imam' 6f years. he has been etaii-. "
stangy f'knifting
His Work is highly praised, and many
, man in, a!' Northern lumber cella) -
wilt tell: you that • "he'a" a better.. kiii t- ,
ter „then...m.1y, woman." Of course, the
yarn used by -J. Webster has to .
iaet so, and allef it •comes from:a
picturesque, ankatiaint old mills peat
ckderich. :He has a ,standing ordet
there, for yarn --the
• .
It's not 'a commermol enterprise
with" him, and he maintains that then
asanow ie'S a '.`dePreSsion-beater.."
Once started; 'and with a reputation
for 'the,, quality of his ereduce, he. •
couldn't stop now if he 'vented to
• Asked if he believes. knitting to be .
woman's job,: he .just laughs, "Qf
course" it isn't: .1 like :knitting, and
Whoever ...saes. it isn't eiterestiega-
jUst:let him trai keepiektlieeedi
from getting knotted." , •
— .
r -
• :Goderich Ball 'Club- With Which ;'
(lark 'Finlayson and ...Gordon, 'lrwin
iilayed• his seminef; ended: the seeson.
with a balance of $19:44. Total re-
, .
eeipts.' 'were • $117 03, tvith expenses
totrallirig $297.59, bearing :out. the
,keosen fact that it costs plenty to run
. , . •
teame • • '
'Jane, Geattori, owned • by D. 4.
Charles, 'tookfeat place in the free...
for -Ail -cf4s's 4t, Blyth Fair on „Satte•-
dey winiing ly a city Ji.k,ick: in, thee
stiaight heats; . • !
Louis Schlegel; owner of :the '.Hane
Geer:. arena has had a' cement ,:floor
placed,: in • the arena. It • ie theafull. .!
width •et tie ice surface, .70 feet but
caly010.5 *feet in 'length, Some Idea as
to the 4mouptof cement required i-
givenain 1-tbe fact that 620 bags ef •
, .
cement. weee riee The. floor. Will be .
. , .
used for roller-skating 'turd. renitavea. •
the duet nateeriee. which was so,.eota
ice,able at garden parties, ,leinetrieria
• .earniVals, etc.
- Owen Sound,Shotild be ifl for te ene- •
.eessful hoekey season, With a $75,000 :
'artificial lee paJac bcen buiit, and
Teddy Graham aPpeinted coaee Of the •
Junior Greys;'• '• •
Better Place In Which To, Live And Work
. •
A Series of Letters from Distinguished Canadians on Vital
Problems Affecting the Future Welfare of Canada .
spediani Written fot Cenadiaa WeeklY Newspaeera Association
, , ,• • •
'Dear.Mr. Edittir- •
, , • ••
• I 'Wes verY.,aleased, indeed.to, haat
that you are president Of, '$0
entlal 'a body, as the Ceurediap .W'eekly
Newspaper Aeaociation, :They ill* A
rine .lot felloWe -a's I learned
aacouple of years trge Weed
the met .here. • • • •
• -, Bet as ter giving advice to mee Who
•are' epecielisis in their own tield, 1 'din
afraid that I"aai not quite senile
enough to try that, Teeee' is one thitig,
,however, itiat 1 have al w nes, thought
irbOut weekly newSpapers; Theyouglit
to, be the safest, arid, niii"stincid guides
public oeiniee ;,iti: what. might. be
called "the ,etriall town or, pit3i" Aretv4,;
We daily ahapi get"to know Amt.: cos-
mopolitan 'populations ;fairlY. *ellhe
diet a rutbittg. them the "wrong way'
, .
and heating about it. But I feel et
as regards, say Bewmanville •
mired.: • • •
mif -.weeklies equld • hold e mirror
hp telocal. opinion in 'such , fashionaa
to.aorlighten theirt beethren of. the,
Ile/Pies, not ' to :mentien '
stetesineat-•-•,if .en'y,a-publicista and
.othee parasites who live • by guessing
which *ay the publia wind is 'bine:title,. .
As' foe .guiding that vvind, they are
in:the hest position to. Cita If the
local editor .4e' riot the •mott
.ential man in his coMmunity, he might
to: be, ershanied f hirriself.
rn any :Nue '4 wish you and YOUr. •
a.f>soiation evei•y sort of luck: •
Sipcerly years, - • . ;
It: ARMA, Editor;
' • • Montreal Daily atay,
Dear Mr: Editor,: •,
Thank you for the .opir, of the:letter'
elat to Vetitaite Canadians itaeoruieet,
Ina "with a- pn8sible:,11oliCY for the
wee.kly rieWapapeeS, ,to fotlow, '
OWflUti6wee': to the Miestioe
would be .that...the meet importarie
thing to•Weik for is eational spirit.'
•To-dayeeroianeialiem is ei`ei.Wiegaat
such a rate' time the Doerialite•is
most a eel:leaden �f', nine independent
es, W an never' lie e /eaten eta
long as we tfow section.
'.01.,60U144t. • , „ "
Wtj tied a.401Uetitit1 '6f '
-moot• nito'bineryTiniti.,n. . r4iiit.tt1-'64. • ot
t4N4tio4, ,;
We need to eliminate
PartS' T4eet.
• And, 'my opinion,\ we' need to
se are the things or whkh ,
MaeleMe§ stands and is 'Working Tor
year IA arid year out. With, the weekly . •
tte41diptrigo tgi:tittneudnlye fotelldr °Li;
influenee would eteduce reaelts.
Very siecetely 'yours,' '
' MG6,1*Et.
' 0"• NAPIER
'a Vega%
' •
TetOlite •
Maclean „