HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-22, Page 39
et andle
Tea hers ShOokl Allow Child to
e Hand He Prefers—Else
r.votis Strair Results
°It i bcst to let ;the left-handed•
child . •ehis lett hand, as he wishes
•• to do, gyA• :APOP107' Patti,
known child ,peYeWl
whO, are ight,hand would .tinfl, It
. •
distreaSin , ver. triOg" and irritat,
Ing to be fp ed by spnie •0110 in.
auth,ority, Q r you te,,iise your left
hand haat :-And what good could
- Come Of to any OrieT Why Shoal
any b ,ear which hand a perso
' uses" use .the •hand•I e
'fee conifOrt hie in. using:,
• ., . . .
.• . -Lop s Awkward•
It looks:a It.Warti; it, Is , in On, ,
N,Ouleut . pee se -theMajority.' Of' `
• people • areri ht440:001-and t ings
• are set lop .hem; ..•It•,:attrae a Un-,'
favourable : ttention. to left-
handed' cht . I donl'spe nything
of import eq., to, the eft -handed
hild in ny:of. thes easons. They
le .ha I led per: • ...: is comfortable.
In 11. iedness; and. he soo11.
as sta, hinapeif,, to Whatever si.tUa.
onhe meets- It is hest to Ie. him
• alone, • , '
• when. A left -landed child goes to
• school and the teacher insists that,
he'hecom.es right-handed, he is in a,
bad way. Nature, spoke..1irst, and
• Nature will havethe last word. The
Child can .only„. suffer' ,feoin tliis
'Struggle /between the teacher and.
'Nature, •l'Ele gets lie f--,'•Oit oat,. of,
IL. ' •
,Struggle With Nature,
TL Is straggle is a strata on tire
• nervotis system of ,the. child at .a
-: 'time when hecOn.leaSt afford such
• 'It sorrietitees :.resnIts'ili
riervons twiteliing,:Sometimes • in
stutterIng;. often In 'a • dislike'. .for
school and ,all its • waYa,,
stiffers;' le:aining, is. Slowed down:
. :the ..eitild fecIa• abused, and , he .i.
Why net let him alone?, •
anathan Women
Most Fortunate
President of the National Coun-
cil of VVOmen Says They
Take Too Much For Granted
" =Points' Out .Grave ReSpon-
' .opportunity •• ahd, • re.,
sponSibility-fOr. Making the world
. .
a; better place .fer 'the great inlerna-..
tional family to live . in were. out •
lined bY Mis R J, Marshall Presi
den of. the Toronto Local (Mundt
of WonAm. and Recording', 4ecre-
tari Pf the National:COunell, speak-.
.ing it the •Labor Day" luncheon., 6,,
• Ntig., in Toronto: '
it sE{ems to me that. neVer, be.
,fore were women needed as . they
;are today:. never have . -there, been
so many opportunities • for service;
neVer: before: has life been so' cliaI7
lenging.” said the .speaker,.. -after
recalling the last 'halt Centtiry of
• progress hi .worne,n!A virlirk. • - •":'
"ye women..in ..anada are •the
most,' fortmlatein the Werld,!' -.she 1
declared.`"In se many countries
•conditions have been made bitter'
and. althost impossible fdr.thinking
wOnieneountrjes • torn by . actual
war, or in the thrcles"ef preparation
.fowar° . In the .dictator countries
• theyhave. been •refoSed even, the •
opportunity for Meeting together•-•
and, as, for expressing
. Well it Plat isn't done!'
"We Canadian women til so .
pinch for :` gran ted 7-‘.ireednin to
meet, freedom of- Speech; freedoroL,
of the jiress, :ereeciomtoshare in
the 'formation of the policies of our
great country -and because of this',, '
. great freedoin we, have 'a grave' ie.. •
• spensibility:- declared' the speaker,.
. . . • •
Girl Preferred
Another Groom
*19 -Year -Old s 'Serbian, Brought
To ‘This Country to 'Marry a
Miner Changes Her Mind=-,
" Risks Deportation.
Ma-ke -Oresitetrich, ImakydHller
In the aNiciiityi-olinine at 'Bchilin,ath-'
ei iit marrie'd•:-Anka.OresitoVich,
• 15,Year:old Sethian.
at •Montreal,.aftr witinhig het free
dein trom a deportation order. •
Ilie tall .young bride
• ' in her. band • noW Engllh
gration antlibiltiea at Ottawa lifted
the deportation order":Witen Otesko-
Vidli; Whe is neg;relatien to his bride.
'Of .,.the sante irtma s a tiafie d them
his detire to leerl7;the girt wis•
bone fidd, •
An1ra..caMe.16...Catio1ri. te MarrY.'
anotlierduln,hilt..clianged her Mind
when niite ett'W Oreskovich, Het
bethrotited,' howoui hI poste.d. &het.
$250- &Mil reqUired to allew,Pros
Pettite brides totenter the bouPteS
and Che linthigratiort
told ,Atikit site ..tvetild ;be tent •bitek '
. to Yitgattatia if sbo fltIIed torritir,,
ry the ntth Who 'brought her.hdre. •
Marke,..11.OWeVer, WAS net "eaSilY,
'dofo'tted ITo 'aPpettled ;the dePOr.:,,
tatteti. order at OthWit. WhOtt he
told atithorities he Would"gn'tn Ytt,•
• gosleVin 1th her' and Marry let.
there 'if she 'W.a.s• del/Oiled,. t1e im'
migration DePartment• Was, "Satis-
110d. •
- 4YnO 3
Donald Fisk f New Yoll eugin
'Young, ambitious
eer and. heY, field loan. for, a.alt
, oil ,corporatiers, sent into the
'desert heat of 'El .0entre1 to
" bring in ',paying ;Wells in a very
, 'Promising field. He takes • his .
young wife, Gloria,'With Min and
. together they endure thei soul,
trying heat and 'dust in the 'blaz-
ing desert. Against great odds,
the drillipg has Progressed 'until
Fisk is certain .that 011 will be
stuck, so he makes 'steamer reser- .
Vations to . take them ,home and
away from the hardships his young
wife has endured. so bravely.
Gloria is beside •herself With joy
and days. loo ' soon starts Co pack
luggage. Then. . NOW GO ON
:wow 7070,:ivAw:gro
• •
When Fisk eanceled their sec-
ond reservation Gloria went to
1400, There .seemed to be nothing
seriously Wrong .with..her and :in
fact ,iliere Was, nothing the platter '
---except• a tirel;en .heart.,..-kaee-
herses are like- that -they will% run
until their heartsbreak,.until
there:is not • another gailop in
them;. and Gloria was fi•ern, ther-
otighbred, Stock. The dosert'•had •
beaten •her,
.4','''few -days later Fisk wired to
-'the Port for the'best.doctorfavail-
'able, and the. latter Caine .up on a.
specialloccenortiie.,'What •th.e doe -
ter'. Seer'. d,r'tive; .out Of • the 'dais- :
band'S.Mind alt thoughts -Ot oil, of S,
fishing:-joba;of Horneatake. Num-
-ber,•One. A nurse ''' • was secured
as quickly ,
as possible and mean-
tirne the .physician.stayed
Fisk did. riot return to the Well
lie hung about', ,the • house, a.,dumb-.
figure: ., of. 'suspehse..•••• 'Qloria2'...ne •
-,IOnget.•10,ew him and•that•Was. ter--
rifyirig. He was like :a frightened..
child,' 'deserted „ and alone: ,Every''
..whisper .that iSsned from. her 'line •
was like. h .knife-thrust..He.•,did-..nbt
".,siesep; hs eyes ' grew .bleodshot "
„froin the; tearS, that came ' when-
ever he -left. the- siek room.,•
•The -doctor 'and riuise
watched him Covertry.:-'.and
than", mice' they found; hiin, Mut- '
ering woiids .as.sense•ess as .those
, that tell •frOni..the Sick. wifeta ling.., •
,Ile .cOrsed .hiiriaelfand: the7 •
,'•: :A, .cicestioO of Tit -filer,- .
eXactecl telt •for. •
the way he had , cheated her. and
he'-aelied. intolerably. for
.sleep, arrived at a ConditiOn.
l'where he could net close his eyes1 '
when. he 'lay 'down his 'brain began
ta, race and black ..fanCies - drove
him sighing out Of his, bed,
'One morning: Whon-thOrazen-
eun .rose' over •the hills and began
/ to pour its .hatred late .the" ••,
valley; the doctor told bun ,as.
gently . at 'possible: that the 'end,
was near .andthat he rnast.late,
Pare himself. It was merely.
question .of. thee .1,neW,' a question
" Of hours, •,,v1ten the -•-tired • heart.
cease to function. • Gloria.:
was innO-pain; further 'Stimulanta.
:wPre.useless, they Would 'Merely
'Serve' to hasten ,that mo-
ment , . ,
whew, the • *eight, .of her
lungs Would prove too heavy for -
• Donald. 'groaned. If only ' she-
wohki enough t�, reengilize
.. him., to give. him one word:. one
:look! He weutd, know: then that .
: She .forgave him. But for her .to
tlip.aWay'•Witliont even i ,smile, , akiss-God, no!
.• '
."It n Case. Where. any -sort
of Medicine can ...do,. intich
the" doctor explained. "I've
other. cases" like it. .,Nothing organ-
ieally • Wrong, but -you •under-
stand! •It's the coUntry.,41-gtie:sa.
The. heat or 'the monotony .' or
hope deferred, •maybe. \relieve 'a
.lot of it down ' hetet •If your well •
had c&r.a,e, in, rm ;sure' she'd have.:
'`• " , • •
' The husband tat ?nest' ,or that
day in a trance 'waiting for his
hidcaut •dream to end. Sornetimee
be, •bowed his head. in .his bands,.'
• but •the • ether Watchers could not...
Whether.it was teara, Oi• sweat
:that 'ran ...down; •13etweert his ,
They Sarieied.it intiat be the
;hater:, IniWeVer;, for his 'grief was
too; tibYsinal.fOr tears'.
Late in -.the' afternoon Fisk
'heard the .little•browh 6.6y.4
. „
• dren...playihg. in the .rdado. ,The3i
were latighingl.:"He'greanea.
Childrefi-! GIoitia. and he had ivant
ed eltildAti, huit 'there .'•again the
desert thwarted thents,' This-
WAS' he. &Wetly tbi White Women,
A Irian Might as tvelt Itlek his wife'
itt .rgthade and .expect her to
bdar cl1ildren. •
, Agony
, ;So Gioria was And he
liad: •hert.. 41e,- tose'• and
croaked ahchit•the hotiSep: *thigh.*
his'hands. His mental hithibitetd
Was :Wearing off' hew and ,agony
contumedlliim. His mind was gal., .,
/PPing", running away, and he talk -6
ed incessantly, but With: a thick
out fillishirigrhis
sentences. YeS.,d killed
.her! .,fle ..he'd Staked. her, out on
. the blistering desert ' the
"Apaches staked .;;iut their, prison-
ers, leaving the sun. to -wreak its
• torture. " •
What was that •the doctor had
laaid? If Homestake• had comein
she Would have lived? :Oh, there
.Were devils in this valley! They
• were in the air, in the 'dagger
*Anti that armed the cacti and .
the `.bloodbutties, Yes, and other
•derrions were in,the roeke beneath
the hilis. These latter •were, :the
worst; for they collected in th..
bottom of oil wells and cat cables.; .
•they cie,fiectd fishing tools; they
,filled threads and sockets with mud.
and grit. Malignant devils! The
Hoinestakb was full' of them...,
. ,
An insane detertninatientook
slow hold of Fisk,• ' •He %vent out
and cranked up his flivver, .mtim2
bling to the 'nurse that it Was
Quiintuplets. Havei
.,$860,000.16, Trust
It . Has All Been -Earned Since
Their Birth Four Years 4N0
•-• The: Dionne Quintuplets have
earned $890;900 Sinee:thelt birtic.'4`;
years ago tast„ May -28, it was" re-
vealed lest • week fn audited state
Inent of,lheir firlaneeS."
. The statement was mad: iy•Per-
.cyfi. :)Vilsoh; °Crewe, e of their
lil.,ISN'n4eisasilsMaaP"C'e,jt'e • arvImilnei.e6t'latg47airt
al.ciiias;s.:se, plansr',,
• , Want. House -On 'Lake
tk the home. to be builf.swith the ,
Quints' money in*Whieb they will be'
housed With .their Parents Andscv-
brothers ancl'aisters, their nurs-
es and. teachrs.. • : • •
• The guardians want' to build the .•
house on a lake ,front in this vein- .
ay. They want each Quint to have
her own roera: • The grounds, which
will be extensive, tvill be stocked
with wild Animals and birds so that
:the little gii:ls May study nature at
first "hand.
For Sci)ooi Clij.14ren.
One of the rt:!ost: diffiCtilt' tasks
for any :Atethet of school -.aged
children is thinking up, new .and
.differentiOnclics ,for them to take
, to 'AchooL, It woad he ideal if
. they ceuld all come, home to a. hot
lunch, but . since that ,is-,impessible
many eases, provision should
•-be ., made for thorn ,to take :serne.
• het od With them Hot soups in
popular • .thilly.;autunin • daYs,
and -licit ,gboecilatP. is '*eleOnte on.
any kind .9f.'a daY,.. It ..,seetas im-
possible to get aWay, from:the id'ea
.sandivi8hes ih these Itinebe••
They forth the 'backbone or
-lunches but are apt to become aw7
..94•Ffolly tiresome' unless care' it tali-.
en •to have many and _different
• . eenibinatiOns., of • fillings; . Small
• glass, jars and paper . enpa, are
handy equipment to have arount
When planning ;lunches for sch
because many exciti4- salads arrt
• desserts can be packed into theri.
Aniong the Soups which are popr•
• 'tat with Yopngsters and prOvide„.
plentyof nohrialinient are potato'
scion, pea soup, dream of celery'
soup And ;vegetable soup. •
, SANr)WIefi COMBINAT10145
Son? o intereating sandwich Corr-
hinations: are: peanut butter and
raspberry jam on , thin slice' of
• 'whole •wheat bread ; creamcheege"
and • i -ed Curl -ant ;,jelly."er :orange
niartnalade On .white bread or,
fruit bread; sliced boiled lhath a.nd
PaPPer •reliall on -rye: bread;. cet-
tAge cheese and ripe grape ;telly
on whale: wheat bread; • chopped
• hard -cooked eggs, sour pickles and
Mayonnaise; ..mixed and, seasoned.,
on white or whole 'wheat 'Meal:it'
" .choPped raw onions' and
ger ,cheese on rye bread; sliced
, longue; water ;Cress', and ,reaCon-
naiSe on white bread ;. peanut but-
ter and chili sauce,,onwhite breed,:
Among the Salads which can be
packed In jars Or ',Pener clips •' is
canned.Vep....etable:,..9,alad. It 'is
• made by cerribining -eannecieaspara,
gut :tips, canned peas; diced :Car: -
pets and bits of 'pimento,
ateci and Served with. mayonnaise.
• .Fruit • coCIstails not, only add' a
tench • needed item to children's
diet but are, refreshing and Can.
easily he. carried in •Sala]] Plass
,jays. They may be 'made of plait
• or mixed fruit juices, tart Combin-I
ntions of ft -nits and fruit
.1?1- a ,Single tart fruit , such •as.
;,grapefrait, To prepare frut.;
• move all skin and nierebrane, cub
pieces Of serving size and gar-
nish- with ..rnint..'.celored cherry,.
.preserved..ginger, bright jelly pr'•
WhOle berries'.
One Lot .
I thopill 1 Was abused
"Bedause I had .no 'shoe,s
Until. I met a Man „
• Who had no' ,feet. '
Crochet, Round And Round With Lzura Wheeler For a
sJiffy Cloth
• It's all in atring-douhle thread and a large hook -,--a real jiffy
• crochet: Addrichness to your home with this .60 inch cloth. It.can -
ibe "made 'insmaller sizes toci..1Pattern 17.15, -contains instructions for;
;making the cloth; an illugtration of it.and,-of atitehes;. materials needed;1'
Photograph, of cloth.. • . •••' •
end,AIL „cents_.„1 r•i_coins_fatampa,...can not be , accentet3.0.911 this • pat -
torn, to Wilson Needlecraft Dent.; 17:3. West Adelaide St.,. Toronto.-.Wfite-
plainly Pattern number, your name and address...
necessary for him go out and
look after the job. Company af-
fairs,he told her, wildly, had to
ptbeeed, even if girl wives died
and their ; husbands, went crazy;
. with grief: .,Companies were like
that -soulless and unfeeling -just
,ke devils --great' joke on company
:managers', wasn't it?. They pup in
their lives, they Sweated their.
'souls White,' and gOt-this.'• Damn
• all ,companies!
The car shot away and went.
rocking, pitching down the read.
McKay and his Men were,asleep
when their employer : arrived; he
did net awaken them. The desert
, mem `was -bright enough to read
by, so he 'flung himself out o`f the
• car andpicked hisway to the
shanty where the -nitroglycerine
was stored.;: -The g,plosive was
.i0at as he, had left it three Weeks
before; he earried it gut into. the
' light and pouredit into the long.
.: containet desladd :Or !owe*.
ing into the wel He worked
•and with rio more caution
•than if he Were handling se much
lubricating ,oil, The torpedoes,
• When:filled, he carried: in .upon
the derrick floor; then he ran '• a
thin manila line through a block,
„and the end of this he made :fast ,
to the first cartridge.
• So l• Thee little, 'devils would
dren his,tottla, WOuld they'? They'd
wreck thepvelI, bankrupt the eta -
patty, artdsniake•hint lose his heat,
eh? Murderers, that's what they
were. 'Theyhad Murdered :Gloria.
TWO could ,Play At that game! ,
' BIowHerUp? ;
Ile, let the long, Shiny.„toPpedo
!slip' quietly into the ca'sing mouth
„ so as not to give theni Warning of
; What he had in mind,
• 'McKay and his crew' were awake
cited` by it..:pceuliar sensation; it
Was as if their beds had'beenlift-
;ed A few inches by the upward' ,
thrust or a .thickly padded piston.
and then dropped. ' •
"1164 Who kicked My bunk'?"
inquired the driller as ,he sat up.
A startled •vaiee answered: him.
""That's fenny' Me t'zio. Did you •
fellows hear aoythittg?"
One 'man had another had not. ,
pemebody. suggested , an ' earth-.
quake. --anything Was likely to
'happen in this accursed Cetintry.
,. •
They arguing stupidly in the .
"dark when „McKay Spoke With all
trice Of sleepiness gone.: from his
Volee: •,
• "Hark!.... . My' God, listen/7
An instaht, then he Was otit.hp-
en the floor And. the .others had
.followed lijin, They stood strain,'
0, alert,: At. first the htiali of the
desert Was as complete as that of ...
a' tomb; then froin somewhere
came.a long, 'Sighing 'exhalation,:
not unlike breath issuing from the
lungs ,Of a wounded giant,. It Was
an eetY, penetrating sound )close
yet tai. tway; it . carne 'from no-
heie, -eVeryWhere, and it
• raised thellair tilion the necks. of
the listeners. Teltether they turn -
:bled' Out of. the Shanty,-
(Concitided Net NI,*6elt)
Toad Can Take It
, Actor, Opt. When the old
froSt: ,casing on the:, Water tower •
here was remoted the other day,
a tend' wasfound uP.r.lear the lop:
Much iJtc4 it jtimPed to the .'
ground -although it is 17 years
sinee'.the 'easing. was put on When .
the Waterw'orks •systern.' *as in.:
. 7r4
'• 111.MaIrt
1,,ANGM MINERAL has rettared
1-6. thousands Of podplii to - ,health and
Vigor 'after yea'rif • 'of Flattering:. No
advertisement can eXplairi What 'this
Minerat Means VS these In 111,bealth., it "
Is uneaualisd or RheUmatism,
ch, Kidneys, Nerves,' piles,
Eczema, Female Allmenti,etc, itis Cot
a patent mcducino Feo IritOematibmi
wows ROBSON' ST." VANCOUVell• B•C7
icture of 'Smart
Woman. This Fall
Neither Too 4)-lurnp Nor Too
_Thin—Her Hair . Is Brushed
Up—That "Elegant" Look
• Portrait Of the, Smart 'Woman
of Fat- 1938 -
'She walks like a qneenE..-back-,:
bine straight so stomach is flat,
cheat, high,head and shoUlders'
erect. ' • :, --"
Her :hair is brushed , smoothly
upward and piled in curls on top
, of het head •If an unswept coif, .
ftite' isn't „flattering; ' she weatS,
sorne.kind of Variatipu Of it ;that
„looks' in tune itith the.mode. but
which is, reallk,.becoming.
• Her 'figure is jm%t'i•-ight--.4-..either
too plint,10 ot 'too thin:, She I:tfons
it waY, by eatihg Sensibly,
exercising:regularly. '
Perfect Posture
She•filei her hois
.leng; getteeflik.oval, And ,pref..'exs
sUbdued wine-recl and purple-red
:polish to scarlet shades.' 'tighter
lacquers With orchid undm;torics
, are popolar,' too.:
[-let new 'Ciothes 'have a seinare;
grOad tioh1 throth th • sl ould r -
Sha is fend of boxy jaekets- over
Iiti dresses, simplv ta.,lered af,t-
criloon resscs of Li:curious
terialS,like lathe and velvet; id-
, ,
tra dramatic oVehm. r,oWnS'
„ „
small hats that' show Off het up.- •
•:' sWept ceifttlre,' sliobs w tth the
• neWly, iiriportant elumgy look about
them; liatid-sewtt.. gloves; sheer
Wool frocks ,Witil balleritni sltiits•
anti trint schoolgiii
o ,
If you are Peppy and tuii of tun, men will MI-
vi$e; you to Pane& ind perties. ,
, "Mt if you nte.,ctoss; lifolose and tired.
Men won't be ioefested,, •Med debV liko,
"quiet ",girls.,,When they go to panic+ they,
*ant girls Meng whoefe jun of pep.
For three generations one Woman hris tOtd
thOther„ hOw ,•"sinnilig through' wilti
Lydia 0, I1064111'a Vegetabie Ceimpeuttd. it
boos 4s.Toicte ,tone up the systein, th us lessen.
the disromforta from .the ttinetienAl
orders Which Womon meet Ontruro.:, '
Why ant try T,YntA 0. .InNitliANt'S
Issue. $3. 30-238
For PrenliUM List of
Wm. (lagers & Son
• Silvorplato write to •
:rhos. J. Upton. Ltd.,,
43 Front E....Toroo •
' 380
stains cani ti:5,:4lly 'be taken'
c:. t with oil of eculyptos; but' if
the ineiki occur on shoesior, gloves
that will • not wash, .sponge with
aminonia or benzine and dry in
• the open •dir. Treat oil Marks on
,wood With a paste made of •French
. chalk ,and benzine or tUrpentine.
Whea.,dry, brush off and scrub'
the Wo,od in the direetion of the
, grain With ,hot animeitia tater
• Pails of Zine. or tin Which ha;Ve
become shabby should be painted
in. any bright color : 'Clean thor'-
,0*1-il,gthhlY,''Apra§st•-•te if.pa•vrealo.y;:d,airntyd • s;arttiii13_,
brick and rinse in very hot water.
;two teatsef paint and one of
enamel,: ensure geedwear; if. the
,pail is filled wt,th. cold Water after
each. dUplication • of Paint • it . will
•dry. more
Point bruahea can ,be :easily
cleaned:1k belled gent 10 pure
yinegar and ' water: Rinse' -
afterwards in want suds, then•in,
.clear waem: 'Water.. Some boil
brushes in soda water, but:Vinegar •
. 'is. better: '
' • If.yett find the .rings of your..
curtains pulling hard on the rods
7L -which often, happens , iri. 'damp
weathet-just. rub a little ,vase-
. lino 'along the rod- and :the Cur-
" tains will pull easily. .
• Potatoes that, are 'to ..be baked
under meat will tate much better
if they are first •parboiled and
'drained,. then, dropped ininiediate-:
beilir'g 'fat: '
Ifou 'do nokaye a streh
..for s'.1aping, • ihnridered
*-SPread•a 'Sheet over the carnet and
'stretch the:curtains'to,thedesiycd,
siSe, pinning at intervals,• -k
yt, c..
them; firm ,unti.b:di
, The •.foggy 61rn which eppea1s
en ood surfaces in warm damp
Weather ean be, washed awat with
clean. cloth, .inird •warni soapsuds
;ot waimwater and a soft oilsoap,
Work quickly and , Oyer a small
.'sectiop, rinsing with•!a cloth' Wruhg,
from clear 'Warny, wnter, and dry-
ing thoroughly with a soft bje.ati
Clloth., Then :apply polish or wax
and rub to a gloss. '
To keep bouquets f teah, remove
the leaves .on the'..'atenis which
' .would'be under •water in. the ',ten -
tenter,' And:don'tferget to give
• them 'freali Water.ei-ery dav.••
Says‘Modern Man
Not So, Different'
Britisb Scientist, Compares The
: AUDI 'of: :Man Who Lived
.250 000 Years • Ago With
Typical One Today • •
, . .
bt qr0
,. • ..Lessons tangat. 000-' ,
old' sjuli eoinmanded scientific at-
tention ;lost, week at the '.annual
conventionOf Assricia-;
• lien: for thS AdVandeta§mt Sci-
ence, meeting :in. -Londen,,
kren,ort. presented by: professor
, W. "El Le °Tea' Clark and Dr. G. M. "
.Mer'int of 'Oxford UniversitV :based
on', dile.° very .oflite (anions' S/ttafts-.
combe skull in •Rfiginnd, indicated.
, the t of'. n quarter-
, It; -.0111'S t,1V) • "could,. hardly ,
haye differed: Innrketily" frothmoti
ern man„" •,
"their brains, at, this early date
• already ,had acquired :statue chin.
p'ai:able in,. that 'Of llothe S'Apiens,"
the 'selent:ists ,found.. ;' • •
, • • Of interglaeiA,•.,Petiord: •."
•'' The SkulIC is a' 'relit bt-lite in the,
rikltlle Acheitlian Period 'which .is
believed to rotTetinitid.in tke'' inter. •
'glacial Period betweeti 'the 'Minder'
.atuff Rigs' gin eintions, LoOres' CltrIt''
,calculationS.„ was itt leaSt :2510,000
• • this, :according, ; fo dological
4, litotaut re -parted... •"
ago.. Part.S'of.the skull ;were '
fOund 13G '111
1t ht 'Sw.an:iennibd, .,.!"ent, Which
once Was the bed of a .rt'ver. flatting. .
.neot' tho ilia os, •
•• Alvan' i"„,. Ittaritint,,, a •btriden•
tiotit s.0:geo0.::who' Inado 'the .dis- •
.111% anOtiter rePOrk,said thd'
$:v.valwolo•eatitiii in. no Way Is iO.
be/regarded` as a tiniesing '
, A new sin.cylituiter .tautomohile ,
iS being -told" in japan 'tor $280,,
uard hat Slim
• Figure Of Yours
. ,
*Exercise and Sensible Diet
• - •}CeeP You....Slender
• This ,fall, the beatitY-minded.
man makes pp her Mind that she
'isn't going to regain the weight she
lst during the sunimer,. months,
Furthermore, she decidesthat Sli%'
just isn't going to let her Measnre-
. merits increase gen a fraction of:
an inch between now and.' next t
Spring. ; • , ,,• ,
All of whiah Meats that she has ,
resolved to take exercisein setae
-.form or other as well as to Wath '
:her diet., 'Dating foods that al'e low.
in caloilic content, passing up rich
,desset ts. hoiveyer tempting,nnit.re-
fusing second helpings will serve „
to keep away 'eta onnds Apd.
exercising, enough to -;,keep' • flesh ,
from becoming flabby will solve the
Measurements problena.. '
Brisk...Walking Helpful
S'If .keeping :On with a sport :Or.; -
going in for'•a new one seems im-
praCeical, our lierelne deteinunes
-to• take, a ,brisk• 'Walk of at least, a
*mile eVery other day and an eanal". ,
ly brisk...slightly Shorter walk on
the-in-bet:ween dayS. :Also to do ••
• a few special'eercises to keep tife•
'flesh • on :her hips and thighs] firtn,
' and youthful, and to ward of for-
. niStiOn, .of a waistline roll. :'••• '
- •
• ' The special exercisea•-are likely .
to .be 'Simple rather pleasant 'ones.' "
Rolling* hipS, from::side, te Side 'on'.
the, door while keeping shoulders ,
flat is' one. of her :favorites And
, , • , „ .
She „knows- that Wending.and
stretching types are -:excellent for , '•
• waistline and • stomach .inuseles.
• itchrHiticing Hen
, • ,.
' A chicken ,Iiiteh-hiked three,
'Shelton Conn Iasi
, week,. under the hood of Mrs.
•Shelden Brownson's 'autoinobile;
preVenting the horn • • headlights' ,
and parking:lights ;from function-
ing.: RemoVed an placed ,an the
front seat; the -fine feathered fowl
laid an egg as the car turned into
the Brownson driveway'. • •
:Help improve Your personality
. !with Wrigley's Gum. Keep your
teeth white, breath 'sweet, by,
using .healthful Wrigley's Gum
daily -as millions do.' The chil-• , •
dren . also level the delicious re-
freshing flavor, of Wrigley's Daub!.
Mint. Take some home today,.6.36
A4 it:Af £A A A
es, Sir -