HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-15, Page 5• THY' R.SDAY,. SEM. IMb; 1938 ,
OAGE Exvil
hairs., Fri.., t 15-16-1
Ilpitid5C;illti' die= ot the boon"g
. ng. iikti-opeti C9
itica s
4,0,1r#ipct fo'relierin .the 5'.. that
97_ _ith4 t.atini.rozp......t.'" - tfira
k ...ht.........
) with
yoNfipni.. BRIAN TpQNLEVY! rind o =aro! tioiwwwitt
tainsattosed$2,90 Throcied*/ HENRY tit G•
S'roi*-00,Y7-1,DP.I.! rr4
on., e
* In * *
eit.19 20-1
• Ding Criniby as Dr:.. Rythin.' can. cure' an Malady
ith a song:
EATif DUE 10
(coomr, front rage: 1)
14:`natiting ahnartnal in, ,the.
and no fractnre or ,hemhorrage, as a
resu1t-4:a - h!PW-• Me, helleYest there
Would have been ,greater PrOgreSs
made in the healing of the wOun4 if
.there had been. *feel:inn- •"Very
Much sO," Was D. Frankis' h's reldY,
When asked by the GrOwn Attorne7
,it death'was consistent' with tetanus.
:T014: Of Blow Being' Struck •
'Daniel "Rose, 22; and ,COUSi4 of the
deceased' waa: the next. Witnesi
He,, song 'with Vernon: •Railton,
;Was in .COMPa'n,Y,'Wlth Daniel Long
on' July 12th, When they planned
Lake that day,'
first Sepiring a• (Wan% of., beer, . and
liquor at WalkertOlf, a Ppl.FO:*hich
was consumed' !luring .the .afteruosu,
Ahauft 4100;11S. they'.eame m Off the
lake they Wel two taffies -who-. par -
of :some: ofthe' liquid _refresh-
ments and were' joined shortly by the
.•ladies' .'husbands •Israel and James
Allison .of Hamilton, 'who had been
ont, ori the:lake fishing. They joined
in• the drinking, pictures were later
taken; and there was little evidence
of.: quarreling', ' Rose claimed, except:
that nonce in 'aWhile, Long, .chided the
older Allison about being so grouchy.
About ' Seven O'cicick. the Ashfield
• trio prepared to .return home. Rose
stated he Was .behind 'the wheel and
•Dan was ;about- t� get, into_the e.aV
when he was struck over ' the heal'
•'With a chili; reseiribled' a heavY
wooden, binder ' roller abent tee,�r
'four feet in length:, From the witne.s.
box Rose' identified Israel Allison as
the. inan • Who shuck, the'. blow.: "He
brought- it down on Darnel's head
hard' enough to knock :a horse clOWn."
Bose stated., : „
Vernon -Who Tiiiii-nr-thic
back Of the, ear, rushed at Allison.
•Who dionned the. club..Fearing a fair-
tlier , attaCk. . Rose drove off, and dis-
covering that Lbag'ahead was bleed=
le to. L Ica
ing brought uc ow to Dr.
A Better Place In Which To Live And Work
A Series of Letters from Distinguished Canadians 'on Vital
. ' •
. Problems Affecting the Future AN elfare of Canada
Specially Written for Canadian Weekly Nk-spapers Airciation
Balfour's- office. The *wadi ,was later
sI at Lochalsh befOre taking 6e
injured an 'home later .in the 'even-
ing. Rose' told Long :the next inOra:
• ing of the docior'S: et-ders;Which. he
did not heed.. . *
• The; evidenee'ef Vernon Thiniilton
• corroborated Rose's story, very
ly:•, ' ,
Nurse , Agnes. 1.1160uaig was
called�n the case tin Sunday, the day
before Mr- 1.0.1g did, said, the SYnitly
s ere that of tetinus,and referr:
_aa t4eiijury.,a5ZA i!ita.s....ty looking
WOund" of superficial nature. '
this point the, Crown Attorney
feltitwaznOtfleCsS7 to call other
witnesses t� establiSIV the cause cif
death. He Said it Was not neceisary,
.nor Would he trY to compel: the. All-
jsona to''. testify- unless they. sip Wished
• Given the Protean* of the Cart.
they ' desired , to give evidence,. 'firSt
Wishing, :consult aidicitor, but
UPon. learning an adjournment Would
be necessary, they; ,decided. to con-
lIlabed ,eYerY Thursday ,inorning
Lacknow, Ontario.
11rai A. D. klOelCenrie ProPSetor
Campbell 'Thompson -Publisher
THURSDAY, 'SOT. .15th, 1030
The Sudden.passing cff. Miss Frances
Maklial4 Of Eincardine as the result'
'of an 'accident, removes, woe who 3M'S
Weilthna741 in. Iluron Township where.
she .waa , 'bon on Coritession • six; a
.dinighter. of thelate 4Ohn 'R. I/On-,
-ald 'intiO Mary - Ana Scott. She as in
her 'fifty-seecind,Year: .' ' .; .
• She greW to 'young womaultond- in
the, . community . and '..continanded,' the
-reapect and esteem of all ,her acquaint-
ances'. Her mother. passed ;away in
the fall.:•of 1911 While residing in
Huron she was 'a.' faithful member of
the Knak PresbYterian Church.
Seventeen Years age 'along with'ner
father, 'she tOok ,up residence in Kin-
cardine ,where she has -since made .hOr
home: 'She was, an . active Christian
.worker . in Knox, Church :Kincardine,'
during her: residence there being -.en-
gaged in many of the:church :activ-
ities: -These .diities --whicli..-slikioVerl
to perform were 'done with a willing
:Mer, services for`lier Master
g her :chief. aim in, life.. Blie'en-,
joy ,d . her ;usual health and was, able,
,to attend •to,lier libusehold duties un-
til She became a 'victim of that sad
accident whiCh culrainated in her death
the new's of .whichcast ni gloom oier
the entire corainunitY Her father pre-
deceaSed herseven years. • .
The ;fiineria 'i:::.as held on Monday
from her late, home,: In the absence of.
the Reif.' S. M. Scott, services ,were
conducted by the ,,itgi., F.. J.:Maxwell:
of Toronto a former' pastor' of the
deceased, when she lived near Ripley.
Beinitifid floral tributes expressive
of the sympathy Of friends were: laid
on her casket. The pallbearers were:
Lloyd. McGuire; pi. W.: McGuire,
Denglass McDonald,:Grant McDonald.
• Neil -McKenzie; 'Be tt Breckenridge.
The first four Were ne'lalieivs bf, the
. ..
deceased. •
; With _reference to your inquiry ask-.
ing what. endeavour I would recom-
mend to the. aix hundred .editors of
•rural 'weekly newspapers spread a-
cross Canada with their Six, million
readers.to make Canada ltitetteri place
in which t;0, live ;and work,' I belle've
that a campaign to inculcate a spnit
of self-reliance would be .most ef,ben-
efichil 'character:. •
• DiScOvery , and , invention have II
1?iaaitt about new econtnnic '.condit-1
• ions, And even new Moral concepts.
, More and more responsibiliOr has:been
O !Plated uPoiri' the government: In the,
•.early days of the depression nuillY„
peop"e'disliiced" acceptance of Govera7f
• inent iClief but . relief, 'like Viee,, has
•-come to be embraced. I well renter/dim-
' the time; and ,perhapS you do also
•when people were .nshanted to appeal
in the GovernMent for personal assist,.
be in zi Gaivern---
Meigt: duty.
.. There is •no ou a ere are
certain meaSureS' of helpful individ-
ual character which tan wily he 'car-
ried out by daiernMent,, Sue.h,lai
maple,. ex -
as .Old Age Pensions. A meas-
ure Of this hind should not he looked
upoti as a• matter Of charity but as a
•matter of ,benefit for the. State as
• .On th Other hand; there is no
donbtthat many able. bodied • people
cenie .to :rely Upon GoVernnient
for ksulisistenceas well .a'S :assistance
• in a groat variety of WaYs..4 believe
,that Well directed and Continnouuaro-
paign upon, the subject, of self rHtnce
would be beneficial, both •,tii the int,
diridual and la the, State.: •,.
rWislijag the weekly press ,every see: -
cess, 1. beg ;to 'remain, •,
yery faithfully .3..oura;
,ance. Now it is com g
Preniler of 'British "Columbia.
, and Mrs. (lore and sons
John and Owen, also Mr Winis.:qoure.
Spent n few dais atinronta Ethibit-
•- ,•
Mrs; •COle.: retuned' tia Detroit
thneral on Sunday bl. the late Donald
McDonald, of ParPle GroVe.' The rel-
. •
. ' I
, • „ ,
'' T •3.I 'tits
Week -end guests •o is. . 1. .
Shier, Boundary,. Were Mrs- Baird, oil
Toronto; •and' Mrs.: Black. bf Olivet', ; •
'A nnmher from here attended. the
Allisoni, Testify
Jaines Allison son of Israel' Allison
told of arriving it the lake about four
o'clock.' The two men,' Went fiShing
about the tiine the three '-Ashfield
men were leaving the lake He told of
later returning and described the, bev-
erages 'that were. in ,evidence. He did
'not See.; :hear anYthiak of a :fist
blow,which was referred to :in earlevidenee„ being ° struck and . did not
See his father at any time with a club
, •
in his hand,: • •
Mrs. Israel Allison, '52 was the last
witness tb testify. Sh told of the
John Finnigan on' the s94I•4
eoneessien,.:nf .West Wawano§h is
sPell441g 4 week at Goderieh
While,harifirteeth extraction: '
Mr? and Mrs. Albert CamPhell spent
SUndaY with Mrs. ParldeY..
Fitzgerald 'accompanied thew $n
:the' afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs
Gardner, LfickilOw.
Mr, and. Mrs J. C. MeNab Lucknow
visited the, aunt Mrs B J. Crawford -
oil Tuesday. . 1. '-
mr.. and Mrs, Warta. of '1'or'
onto Visited- Dungannon relativeon
Sunday. Dn.:their return,..their mother,'
Mrs: L., Hearts-returiie.d to her halite
after;spending the, summer with, he
sister, Mre,David •Sproul. • -
- Rich. Twamley; Whose, recovery
from the flu epidemic was ,not quite
.satisfactory, was, taken to GOder4
Hospital fora week's treatmentr."Hi4
conditions ranch inaproved and he is
expected back this week. •
Aires ,have the s3,-nrpathyr• of many
friends..in this neighborhood'' in 'their
after taking in:the Toronto Ex
• Misses Gertrude 'and' Alice. Hewitt
• -Were 'with Kincardine friends! part,of
'the past ,71,eeir. • • ; • • •
Bert Needham has taken no
'the Allenford Oontiii;
• uaillbeSchool Staff.
• Harvest IhinIcsgiving Sersiees ',are
ibeing held in St: John' s clitirch'nekt.
Sunday. The' Rector,,,Itev. F. C. Mc-
• Ritchie' will be in the pulpit it, the
• taarldag seivite at .1.1,'o'cleck, while
, Rev. A. A• Maloney of LucknoW
preach ;at .the 4.30 service': • Special.
'?,allzsie will be provided' for .these ser -O A
'vices. "
%Mr W. E Pearson,. District Super-
. iniendent of the . thaidan,'Patt;i1
paidhis einntial 'official Visit to
• Beriie Thursday.
Ms''Viol 1tai rettuited'
hante-frotrit-tuta weeleslitay.-AL*1&_.:
. • _
°Wing to...the armitersary' bervices
in. john's • :Anglican Church 0aeXt
Sunday, the United.thurch service is
drinking; from plentiful supply that
, large ;numlier ,of frienda•follivel
the remains to their last resting
in Ripley Cemetery: The sYmpathy of
her many friend.s',.is extended to her
survivors who are Mrs: Mae McGuire
and J. II. McDonald,' fOurth
, Haton.
. , • .
' Among those fraii. a distance, in
1. •
'attendance at 'the funeral, Were pr.
'and: Mra..- • Thomas McPonald,. Miss
jean' Geamiell and ,Miss Mary Goa -
Toronto, Mr.:I Naboth',;Daurels.
Mt. and Mrs. Will North and Mrs',
Dale of 'Ingersoll, Mr..; 'midi Mrs.
Thomas greenlees, Mr.. Keith Green
lees,. Mrs.. R. Brown and
datighters Jdr. Lloid
Gnire and Dr, William. McGuire 'of
Hamilton, . Mrs. Thomas
agare Falls Ontario.
Mrs- Lorne' Ivers islaking a tleee-
day course in glove -making at Londei-
horo. this' week, which was arranged
by the Wenten"s Institute. ;Mrs.' R.
McDonald, who was. aPPointt4
was not able to attend, as
Donald is ill at his home.
• Mr. and Mra. has. Elliott and son
liethelirsyu'in4ntaveer tuG"ed
Golden Valley, from
lt t
Mrs., Elliott's_parents live, _ _ •
'Bern to Mr: and Mrs. 111arteY,Mole
(nee Belle Swan), a son, at ,Godericli
Hospital, Monday Sept. 5th.' Both: are
(Wing well: Congratulations! '
Mrs; H. J. L. Eedy, daughter Luc-
ille, •:Mrs. J. J. Crawford and Miss
E. Ellintt visited Mrs. Fred RossAu-
burn, on Siaiday: , "
- -Mrs:Ehoda
on Monday., Mk. Wm. Fowler and Mrs.
Hector King, Teesveater, 'and' Mrs.
Pat. -lane Christie and son, Parlarie
. .
(Contin. fromel'age
;Kathleen Lane., 'Marion Walsh, lieleo
:French; Marigolds -Doris $ohnston,•
'Beth :101Instea, -Faye . MeCleneghall,-
'Dorothy Brown Margaret MacNall
Lorne Hodgins--, ' .
Snapdragon - Marlow Crowstoa,
Jean •BrindleY, ile.en Carter,. Mary
• Caution.. _ ,
'Nasturtium . Hugh...Lane; Jessie
BrirldleY, •Leonard Legge,,_FrOikkie
gureny, Dods ttarr, -0ertie Brindle.
• Poultry •
Barred Rock, cockerel -Peen Ttnn:
•neinvi, Kenneth Ross,, Stanley Karl.
Freddie Brindley, Fay McClenegitaii,
Bernice Bannerman,: ;
Barred ROck,' pullet -Ruth Glas4
Stanley %Earl, -"Bernice' '"Bannernian;
Beep Baimerman,:Kenneth,R04, Mar-
ion Graham!, •"j•
White •Leghorn; cockerel Ethel
Haldenby, Ack Bait Defis,,,Bari.:,-
• Orland AriluYeY, 'Jean- Thompson:
' White' Leghorn; pUllet,,,EtheI
;Doris Barr, Jean' Thonipsop,
Jack' Barr.' •
• CoMMercial. Hen- pannie
Mai ion Graham' Bernice Bannerman,
Jack. Bari Ileen.. Bantierinaa Ralph
• Hald,enby,
• . .• .Livestock
beef type 'Elwood 'Elliott,
;Harold : Elliott, • MacKinnen,
Frank Murray. • • '
aia Mrs. Burton Roach,' and
daughteif Mrs. Reuben Brewer left On
•Sunday for n •inotor trip :to ...NOrth,
Bay , and t� the Stites which will
elude . visit with the Limier's Uncle
Mr. Jos: Saunby,: Minneapolis. •
Miss Clara 'Sproul returned to
Stratford, Sinida3i.: with kr, and Mk -Q.
J. DA:leas/in after twO 'week's vac-
ation with, .her mother and other rel,
11 .A...111. 'and' 7.$ P.: M. The Recto,.
RevitlineiweaovW 'erei .orherrvivi,
•Rev.. -A. A. Maloney Will,be in charge_
in the morning and Rev. Wm: Bughler
of . Bayfield will preach, in ° the evening.
Special musk; will he provided by the
Lucbiew 'choir.'
Miss .Betty. ,Braliford, daughter:.of
Mr, arid Mrs.' Bert Bradford, is a
student at•the Goderich Ccillegiate In-
viliS available. reineniber titte• this 'year..• . • , ,
nothing she ,said ,from. about the time
pictures were- taken, and. knew noth-,
in of, a blow being , struck, ,either
with fist ot club. Concerning some of
the st8ted 'ictions 'o members of the
parlY, she replied, that alt were hav_
nig a good time and that •there
nothing wrong.. Asked by the •Crown
Attoraey, if it was a drunken party;
she replied in conclusion, "It certainty'
Was', sbrry to say."
'The yoke of, a harassed student
broke `the; Silente Of the examinatini
toad.' . ,• • • '
,:l'Exttuse lie called out to
the professor; "'Could yeu tell me.
teday;s "date. Oleasei" '
"The. „date?" annincr replied,
, .
4T911101, eoine, sir -.--the date is Of no
importance--41tase prooeed.with your
worl: at once:*
elit Yenned.. 1t «'1. anh? that.t.nonf,
Can't& on: Paper!"
No Death For Me '
'Five hundred' and thirty-six Pell*
were' killed; 2088 injured , On, the
roads :'last "month. These figures will
not mean` mach to you- You know you
are a careful driver: You know yon
MIS. . Jas. Girvin left" recently' with
her,.daughter, Mrs. Melvin ;Reed alai
children for Termite after , spendire
the suninier at her benne in the village.
. ,
• Man Y from the village attended the
anniversary serviaes .at , Crewe', on
Sunday. 'Rev. D. A. 'McMillin of, At-
iroad a fOriner minister Preached the
sermon. The Iinited Church anniver-'
sary services at Dungannon will I he
held-,Ori'Sunday Sept. 25 at Which Rev,.
A. Moorphouse, Goderich will be
the •guest Speaker. ' .7
• Mr. and Mis: Arthar. Reach, daugliy
ter and Lois and Wilma- Tee'
leaven visited., Miss. Bernice Roach at
Listowel -on Siniday.
Mrs. . s Harriet • Fowler, .Windsm-
foritierly of Dungannon has; been via;
Ring •aroo.ng• relatives' here
SheisLnot_enjoying_the_heSt of: health:
but .very Muth 'improved to what she
• Fran:U.4 ::Pentland ' had; as
guests recently her friends, Misse.$
Jefferson', R N., Wiai4stoek, &
and Elizabeth Lang, R. • N. Last
week, he three young, ladies made
mo Mirth .such
places . as Stindridge, 'Parry Sound:
Pentariguishene;', seeing the famous
•Martyr's' Shrine; and Owen, Sound.
The Ladies 'Gail& met at the home
Of :Mrs. Ton: Park:. last .Fridai _afterL
noon; with eleven Members and: one
iiSitor :present: Mrs, T: 'Park, the
president ...opened • ihn meeting by
hymn,. the i ' PraYer -.and req
he 23rcl psC for thecripture•reading.1
Quite a lot of business Was discussed
during the ' business period and
-Calf 1-DairY--.2Frank°, Matra3r,-..
Market Lanib--....Statilei Earl; El-
wood' Elliott; .Harold ,Eilintt, yrenk
MIleraY• , , •
•!We: Innib-'---Stanley :Earl, Frank
:Murray, -Elwood Elliott, Harold.. El.-
liott.. • .1.. •
'Shohrmansbila MCKin-
noa, Ilarold „Elliott, Elwood
..Shb*nianship , Lamb; •Elivood El-'
libtt 'Frank Murray, • }tarot& Elliott,
Stanley• '••• •
• .Wealtliy4gFaye McCle.neghan„ peen
MeCleneglian,' • Stanley 'Earl,. Doris.
McCleneglian,-;'porotlay, Stariley,, Viv -.-
tan Stanley.. ,
Northern Spy.pditrearet Graham,.
Yvonne.Boy, .EarrI3oy, Maciori ; Gra
ham Fay:.MCCIeneglian,
, •
„' Snow Everett. Lane, . Kathleen..
Lane, 'Ea-e4r :G40t, Agnes -Conley,
,Teinatoes-Marion •Graham,
Oatmeal Cookies-Wilrna k 14..'hY..
Stanley Ear1,11argaret :Graham, Ber.
nice Bannerman. torna. Hodgins;
• mr.. and mrs.. Ricard mewhinoev airangeinents and suggestions mails
• - ,. • -
and Mrs. R. 'Fitzgerald. attended an future meetings. 130t., 4-lattlittOrt
interestingPregbyterY. meeting -
. , closect e..ineeting with prayer., Th.
Auburn the first of the Week to hear, ne'itt.' Illeetirig sil1 be:- held the 2hd-
Friday ;- iri: October at • '&e:.liome of
Dr . Buchanan, a missionary' of India.
Tiley also 'Visited their friend, Mr" mrs• .1- 8- Ir°110g• -
'We are ,glad. ta. report: Mr. ;11' eS. Fred Moss. 'and
APdirle'u Disher,
Mr. Benson Case a, Tor-,
' • ton and' Mr. Delis Disher of Owen
McLean is. recoVering very well: from onto, railed on, former. neighbors atui
serious Operations at Wingharn llos- friend, in: the.village-la'st. week: ,'• .
pital last :week.
. . .Mr. and Mrs. Roy ,Blaek,.. Lucknow;
The Dungannon . Junior.. InstilJ k• Mr:, Everett Eryington. Mrs. MAI
meets 'this Thlirsday afternooti at;the' Itivett and Iris made h trip' to'Esst;
home of Miss COra 0111berf, with Mis-z 'Windsor and. Detroit on•Sundayi.8 pt.
ian Stanley. •
School Lunch - Marion Graham,
Ethel 1-laldenby, Ruth Gueif Veronica
Tea Biscuits• -Marion Wall, Dorothy
•• Tezento: 444 114404,__DailY
• • exCept Sundays & Ifolidawn
A. N. -7. 7 ..6.45
Stin.4 4-00
daily except Sundays and
110lidaYs, 9,20 P. 01,-
SUnday Holidays, 10,50 F. N..
, •
, so
Sthilley Earl, Frankie Murray, Har-
old Guest.
• 'Pictures of :Firm th
Wass, • Norman' Haldenliy, Ever,,tt . '
Vane, Lavonne McMillan, 'BethiJohik
'ston Agnes 'Conley
• Pictures of: banadiaiis--,Jean• Ttio.
inpson, Jean Johnston,:'Derothy •'Stan-
'Snapshots -Frankie Murray, Norma
Burt, Markin Walsh;.,Illarion Graham'.
•Grade 1-Yrances; Sharbaih, Doug':
las' Bell, Mayrne *lore, .
Beta Caskinette., '`• .
• Grade 2-Wilina, 1141denhy, Theo
dore• Moore, Hugh Lane, Gerald: Cas-
kinette, 'Stanley Earl, Arthur Shuler
• Grade ,3 and,4--Agnes Valad, Doris ;4
Irviin, Harold. Lippert, Jessie
‘R44Y Cana: ; •
, Grades. 5 and 6--Maribi-Griihaiii;
Margaret Sharbach; Velma Stewart,
Ralph Haldenby; Ena .Pinnell;, tvelyn
JGezeJohnston: '
iviThevoLp. Sesohnar; mbeartilip,o:NGorahrinaaib,B Jean. Muriel McBride, Jean ThomPson, Fern
„Ora. des 7 and 8-Laurine Magoffitt,,
Magoffin, Terese• • Sharbach, Ann;
• Open, Class 64-Terese .•Shaibaelt,
Dog -Kenneth °MCFarlan; Rtithie
Louther; 'Douglas Bell, Leo Murray
'David Bois, George...McInnes;
-jsfy. Favorite' Aninial"-Prank
ray, Theodere Moore, Arthur Weeler.
Hugh Lane,'" Nellie MacDonald, Earl .
Caskinette:• • •
•• Four Pieces Art7-1Iarold Lippert, .
Billie •Lippert, Minnie DOnaldSen;
Christmas, or, Easter' Card -Ralph
lialdealtyi. Margaret Scharbieh,
aleRess, Everett Lane, Audrey Lee -P.
son, Jean Me1Ciunthi: • • • .
Farm Building-L-Natina Burt; Ter -
Stanley Phyliss Haldenby,' Kenneth ,ese Caskinette, `Dorothy .Phniell, Geo-;
rInge aJoblitenKstiononon,.,, Weir. E,ckins. wilier,
'Ross, Thoznpsan, Peen Banner=
Apple Pie 'Norman 'llaidenhy,,
-nley Earl, Dorothy Caskinette, AU-dreY
Maple Cream -Kenneth RosS,,IJOyd
Ackert; 'Lorna Hodgins,' Ruth:Guest.
Doris Eadie, -:Dorothy• -Stanley: • :
*' • Sewing , .
• Wash! eloth-.-Keith Johnston: Mar
garet Graham; Loyd.1. -Johnston,. Ber-
nice' ',Ilaniieritian,- Wilrna Haldeisby,
Chrissie • Flaldenbk.., 1."
SpOoti•eneelarion' Grahain. Ver-
onica 'Murray.' "• '
• 'Hemmed Patch -Jean ThoinPson,
POrethy' Stanley,' MariOn, Walsk' DOr,
is :-Johnston Moore Tere5e
Caskinette. •
Kitchell flApron=-Dorothy 'Stanley,
Jean Thontpson,. Doris .Johnston;
e�n Bannerman, Veronica Murray,
Mary lyndet. •• .
Farm: and Horne' Mechanics
:Pasting 'Piper : StarshLeo',,Murray,
Kathleen Lane; •Das id Ross Florence
HaideabY, Mabel Guest; Helen John.:
• . •
Bird House -Stapley Earl,, Frankie
Model Hopper -Kenneth Ross..
walk delicately.'People read, of th6 FranceS, C,rokier in, charge. :The M11
casualtiei. on the mad. al.. they nsed cafl te, e ainsavered by . "My favorite
to. read of the Casnalties :in the war,. 'yegetable and how to ;Serve' A Can
You always think the other fe1ow nitig .• demonStratiini giyen by Cora
lull' get it. Never yourself. Culbert arid. Frances Crozier. Misses:
. , .
A woman iioveliSt was once asked
ty.ait interviewer frOm a well knoWn
daiiY PaPer whY she had never Mar-
Florh Durnin and Lorna Roach •are
hoitesses fe Muth. •
4t1i, after hearing of the strange
accident and illness of • their nephew
Lorne Badman age 11 of Essex:. He
• . '
• 'Pict'ures . Wild Birds --Margaret
Craltain, Busheil, Hugh Lane;
"N7Ortti Hastings, iievie; A,.gond 64=
Liipromptu Pubhc Speech -Mary
Catttion Lloid Ackert, Elliott Purvis,
Fern Casldriette, Margaret Wadel;
Essay :Writing -Marion. i Walsh,
•Beth johnstbiz, Jean Thompson, Reba
Marshall, 'Veronica Murray; Ann
, Agricultural. Test -Lloyd Ackert-
jean ,• ThOnapS011,11 Lorne ,Eadie; Mary.
Caution, , Norma Burt, Marion Gra-
'Scheel ChoruseS-No. Kinlough;
No, t, Von.:; No.' 8, tangsidei:
No 4, Holyrood;, 13.. S...S.: 1; KiblOs-,
No. 3, 16 Con, No 2, -Greenock, Ris
• Solo, boys -Stanley :EVere,tt
Lane, Billie McKinnon:. .
• -,Solo, girls -Jean TherraPsun, ,
othY; StanleY • Ruby Irwin, Agnes
,Conley, ,Edna Jackson, TCrese Cos-
kinette. ,
• liarnionicaSonteSt-TKenneth Ross'„
bartni6 Tiffin; Orland. ; "
itOr is who has neveR„made: a this- WRITE.
take; • Whn is always right; wbo:,.cari•
was found strangling in a .rener td‘v-, 'ride two hOrSes. at :the same time. he
0 by his sister, age 9, who with Pres= is straddling a fence with botht ears'
.ence Of mind cut- the fOWO After not tothe ground; win; alwayi says the
being able to anickii.lift. him Out bf right this al the right time, who
Everybody is busY these .days! Even ;it. Ile had apparently taken, a :wen
to thireen little boys and .guis who spell or cotivntsion„: it is not kilewn;
last week patted off to 'School for tha-
n sor hoSpitai are puzzled to know the and whO has , worlds pr,estige 'with
lady tam first, To ,see Whitt its all about. N
alWays pikles •tbe riglit horse as weltas
the right politiCinn towin; who nevor
Mat* doctors and speCialists at Wind- . ha' to appligize; who has eneiltieS,
tied.. ' •
the reporter "1 hase the
teaelier huSii• too With. .0Sttge and remedy fo' r his 'strange tilt. daaso,, crtdd's' That . ,
•thishttie squad Tellebers atid.pupils illness He remained for days: in d&. 'la u editor has t de to be rated a'
are nitthing 'keParatiOns • far , the. letltnn; but latelY has' brightened t.11), .goOd 'editrot•A'. here has •neier been a
nayhouse which rePresent o closely
the•chatraCteristies of the ayerage titan
that I .4°14, wint any more 01,1iim."
"And what re tlie tliret things t"
000kedthe iiitertieWer; curiously, .• 6
"Adog' th0t itOTIS all,themorn..
AM. a pairot that. Swears all the tf.
ternon, mut a tat that stays 'Chit Ril
n*ht,„*--wit5 the SWeet-reSPOnsc
St hoot Fair at St.: HeleinS„'Sept 20th:
• MM. Vt. R.Andrew• t" is vis"
,. •
friends in Godetich for awhile:
LfiriflOh Piur1 visitors en ,Monday
Were Mr. rhos. I'veit itsppIt,
litrS, Mary Rivett,, Mtri* issRivelt,
ttdJ'esirilan,.. Stewart, .
and it is hoped that his Strange .cbn,
dition be". Solved and ,the little lad
again :31ir • and Mrs. .1)4,Id
Errington are• his grAndparentS.
• The' S. Pauts'"Anglicial chn,relt are
'having annual Earliest Iltant4
,$etvlee an Sun:' 8ept. ;ad the hon'tsi
OM Oder.
,Custernert !'llirve You a bout; calleA
"Man„, ,the MaSter.Of Wornaul"
Salesgirl; "Plc;tion departrnoni.
he other' ia&,
and rafter
niente **'
are be
ron,zed.'Patched or
paved. Council Stand -
The -Lap" metal
manent inveettncOL
Ab,olatelr*Ivo _the
tight., Greatly reduces
PeicEs this Fall Ole: %Mier because' ot Siteit
is.tetoption. Slefe bittnaitiiViti,12$00da*:
, PAS2111filetUrell, oleo of famous PredtornSteeL ,
• Trues Barns and Jamerorst Poultik coLtd13-
went. Addresii: SOS Gael& St,„PoistoO.Ont 0
Eastern Steel Products
J •• s *,•40.0%.,