HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-15, Page 4RAM FOUR .1141===e ROUND ler% , .0, 1.1401EN0W, 8ENTEM TRP BARGAIN. . FARES front ...:TH,14.1c1(NO. • Sat:Sept. 22&2L g,nttlist 05hawt, and' Cast to ,e4gY, Feterhoro, CampbelWrd Stir N"I4We'' °ridge' Lind* inclusive Feneteng Collin 1°''s 14:wnarket to Mirth'. Bay ' Sudbury '.:.cap" 1 d gw• Meaford, Midland Parry •Saeed, t .., west te. Deerchnore. • • 0 Ornn 0 o.Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Sat; Sept 24t t Aig"' _ . , Hamilton, - London 'liege Yalta; Owen Sound,St.' Cathari M ' • ' London,Stratford,ra' Strathrolrt Woodstock Tna See handbills 'for' eemplete list of destinationi. For. fame, return limits, train intormaticin, tickets, etc. consult ' nearest Agerit.. ° 'T26313 • PIAD > , . TICLICIPIIONE TALICS IN T WATSON 6.111ILV:'"" •,7 an, ttf,14 fcirthei. tltp . When Donnie Watson's father greeted him over the telephone from 500 miles away, Donnieiwas impressed no end. He couldn't 4 resist boasting a bit to his next.door and Plarnabt• Whenever you're called out of town. do Bob *ration does — teleiphoUe fhome. brings peace of mind 'at a trifling cost. INLOU , Those frohere who 'attended' the Oanedien National Exh,bition, TerOh- to werei:-Mr, and Mrs. B. E: McLean and Balfour, Mrs, xi, McLean, •Ms. Slessort Mr. A. fiaidenbY, Mreand Mr. Wm. NaldenbY, Ralph and Flor *nee,Mr and Mrs. H. omPsoP, Mr.' Arthur Graham, Mr M. Scott Red ,daughter Miss Ma!le Scott, Mr. Frank Carrie andM$ and Mrs. Wm. ••Mr.' and Mrs. W sley, Blackwell of Listowel Were.; nday visitors' with Mrs. V.- A. in, well. • •• " - Mr. John Peel -returned. te Torenta. , Mr. and .1Virs.:' John Hodgins "arld Iena, and Mrs Jane Percy were Sun- day visitors with Glamis 'friends. ,.MisS., Evelyn Pinnell of' LuCknow spent part •of the week at heehome , A HEALTHseRvic; or• •iree eetemeorigoical. ASSOC iktIQN AND • HISURANcE COMPANMS IN :CANADA, k SMrrt,, 15thtg,19$$ TO A BATTLESHIP 71.11E $ER1tAN:- NA- • B.); • ?Poring the week -end .01)tering on , the 4th of Jalyi I letind occasion' to viSit some of 'Uncle. Sam's battle Wag- 'cns, as they lay in the barber of Seat - fie for the birthday celebration of the Dulled States.. * .To thote who haignot seen SuCh a sight as twenty or more WarshIPS -"Alt a few • cable's lengths distant • it . •a most •unforgetable • tight Not, that the:0,hiPs themselves are se sPectacti- lar or, intereiting; .they aretbat0 be , sure; but • the:glamoe and, intrignisie interest surrounding things naval t an - spire One„ici, heiglitof' iniagination fq‘kr: others 40. . • ° : The fact that some, 9f these old sea. ilage ,had ecised into ports, all around the world, and haebeen viewed by men of every Martime land, in it sell an aw,e-insPiring thought -Some 91 Uncle:, Sam's shipsf of the line have brought peace• ta traiiblesente -waters. or have lent a hand of Mercy to those* who find themselVes in distress. • . Thus it was when I toek a taxi (water taxi) for a trip to the battle- . . ship California, which laY 'half a mile , PliABETES • , Within the body lie certain glands which Pour their se tont directly - 'into , the bleed stream, These secret- :iOns are ParticuTerY Pe,erful, and ATV abncirmaCconditiqn Which reselts in the alteration of one ' or 'ether • of., the ietereat secrete:ins; vfieather this be in eemitityor quality, giVes siise tt: serious diSorderin ,the huictinhodY.0-•, ,." Situated close :teThe Mitlet of -the Aetna* is the gland knOwn • as the pancreas,'. The'••panCieas produces an internal 'secretion, insulin, 'which al- lows thebetly to digest and use cer taio foods. The ad idea that in dia- betes, or .the absence of the nOrnial supply of ,insulin, the bleed tains to water, come s fron the fact that ,One of the first signs noted by the diabetic is that tlie-amouet of Mine is consid- erably.inexertied as is'the, frequency ;Of- voiding g Further, there IS a, thirst Which-se,erns inipossible to cpieri4h, and, in spite of an, increating. appetite, '-here *bless of -Weight Many mild cases of diabetes are 'detected when apparently well Person:, •Preseat thenitelves for medical ezam- ination in connectiOn with life: insur enee, or for •a peliodie Medical exam-. inetien. These persons are the toilb .unate one; for thek.:, are given ,the .ellanee of early treatnient and so a- -void- the-dengers-thatattend4he, „une treated, advanced stage of diabetes. Befote the discoiery. of- inselin, the only treatment fok diabetes was diet: andmuld cases are still Contrelled.by diet alone The more advanced cases are treated by diet laid insulin.' Insulin is not a Cure for diabetes. It supplies the body with : the substance Which the nornal pancreas' furnishea, and it Congratulaiions to Mr. and Mrs: Oscar Hodgins an the erri$al .of, baby -boy. 11 Friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Frenk , Thompson gathered at the ,Township Hall, Holytood; Feiday• evening of last :week and presented .the newly weds with a ,purse contain- ing. over _fifty. dollars. , - Seryices in the' Alt.:4114n, Church are withdrawn lei next •Senday 'owing to the Harvest Thanksgiving Setyieee St. John's Church,- Bervg,g,`,-On. tle- folloWing Sundays the Anglican, Ser. vices' are to be held at 9.• 30 A. M:•.in the Presbyterian' 'Church while the AngIiean Church "is being re -decorated before the , Thanksgiving Services Which Will be announced later.' Friends from here were sorry to learn, ,of the death .of: the late Donald •- of •the entire coMmunity is , extendee to the bereaved ones. ' Misses Anne arid Isobel :Cele -ell. attended the -Eminerten-Farrell wed-' ding at Ripley on liVedneSdaylast.• . in,,takikosetales-4ocataisi 1935. 30 sad. '37 Isom 41 tart it Omani* 'ad .satilliad ari 0ork, REWE The W: S,.....Mgetingvitas held at the home Of Mrs, .RaYeiend Finnigan with 16 nieniheis and 7 visiters pr-, ,ent,g After devotional exercises, Vreletiven.gave a reading • ."Lack of Leaders", followed by readings by bits. Whitley and Mrs.: ShaOkleton. After bYinn :189, was 'sang,' the chapter and .'atUdy ;•book was, taken by„ Mrs: •' Rivett and. Mrs. SherwomigAfter SIfl ing:hirinn 179; Mrs.. Crozier, closed the ..nieeting., with prayer. , • . The' *Ir. U.gwea held oil Friday, evening With Frances Crosier in, • theme, gave a reading Owed by prayer by Beatrice Treleavet. . -then Aldin Hasty gavetgvery inter -este ing•talk Which was much enjoyed. The: ;meeting closed with Mizesab Benedict- ' -Mrs.Clianuney. and. „,grariddaUghtet .7 Awl- and Mr. and Mit: Metaughlin, • and daughter of. Detroit spent Sunday with Me,. and MrS. •RaYmond ,Finniean. Mr. , and Mrs: PhariS"- Mathets •of near Lucknow were guests of Mt. anti liirsg Wilfred Drennan' oh Seeley,. • , Mrs k; Matt Shackleton and Beeson • spen-t a day recertele. .with• • friends, at Port •I • Mr and .lets.: Aubrey ,fliegha.e, re tithed, to .Detroit on Monde*, Mies ,BeteiCe'Derrde •lett: for Strat7 • ford on Momlaywhere she ;will attend •Stratford Normal School: • • " anti :Mrs. Cecil ,Blake-fettreed trete their hariemeon on Saturday Weleeme, Mrs.) Blalee to a par 'cern- • " • .11e. and Mrsqrnon "Hunter at • Leckie* spent Sunda): with Nee& ' ...SAFE.KINO" Kilpatrick. Misses', Pearl antr-Cora Thompson and Nellie' Cranitim.returned to 'their holne. Saturday, after eying spen the past three mOrith:s • at• C.allandet. The2Y. P. S. ate heldingea ' reersh.. mallow , roast ip the -hail ,Fri4ay'eien,7'• . We are. soery to report Mire., Rich- ard Johnston is confined to her bed. We liOpe she, will soon .be iP and *rand Het • daughter, - Mrs. ilitara • Moffatt: is at Present, Caring for her: •• , • ' •• 'HUltON & KINIASS MVNICIPA.L TELEPIPNE' SYSTEM, • :" , September .10t 193d. The CiirinliOlollera -of :the -Huron. and, -Killloaa MullieiPal • Telephone Sl'steM, Met In the Secrertares' • On the, *hove !late at 230 „P• it. Neil Mielenek Freatdent eacUPied. the•Chair. •MeMbers Preiellt Were Dan D., Mc- all4 SteWert Needhaln. ' MoVed'hy. M.aaae-r-Segollded: Dan D. MaeDouald,Ahat•the Min- utes :of the )(1St meeting be adopted •aa'readt (Carried). • Moved be Dinka Macipenald-e- ," • ,10: tag' "Tell me, papa, What is lecortsulting physician?"' ' "Weds a doctor Who is allied in* the last minute t shire' the 'Maine."' 'A portly. Man'was trying to get to his seat at .the,Cireus. •‘' "Pardon' rite," he said to "did 1 step op .your foot?" , cif imagine so.," she said, "All the elephants. are still in the :ring.",: COODS. THAT MAKE- R* -PROPER DIET •',Neither .man not animal :selects health -giving foods"' by instinct de- • claret' Dr. L.- H. NeWburgh, Prcifessor of 'Clinical Investigation at . the Unig versiti.lif Michigan, Speaking at Cen- tral United Church at Calgary, in -cott: nection with the 'current campaign of the • Canadian Medical Association to 'increase public knowledge oe-peopet diet: Dr. Newburgh, a leading. United tes au on y, asser, e hat Chem- ical eeseatch.had Proven that instinct and; appetite alone could, not be trusted to telt people whiethey should eat.: The ill -health .ef mountaineers. .of the. seethe* United Stated .,et,fers wholesale evidence et the effect, iff: inadecitiate diet, said Dr. NeWburgh, "The habitual feed of -large gr,oups of •people : contain far toe little pro- tein," he...stated. "Thus; in the South central portion of the United States, niust be taken regularly; being, inject- ed 'radii the skin. Insulin does not 'replace dieting; it is alweys° Used in combination- with diet • The diabetic who.. follows the in- . structions of Ins doctor with regard to diet and insulin may expect to live a Ring and 'useful lifeBecause he ha,, • te, take care of himself, he nay out- live the non-diabetic. Itis not ea.' especially in the mopetainaus eistrictgs, the'tooci, emisists ehiefly CO, mot- a:Saes, and salt ,pork..lhe• netives: Ate HELENS thin, Pale, haggard, devoid of , ambit - Ion and lacking in sticnith: It isehae- rieteristic,. that they aceept their de:. biliti`ase Matter of course and evince no interest m overcoming it Even tondhere-to a diet 'Thts iS.Siniething fer all of us to reineMber in out con - teat witli'diabetics: we should help them, not teMpt them, in -their adher- ence th what -they have been told and what they knovi is beat for them. ended *ter SteWart, Needham that the f°114:"*.ing DAT011114 be paid; 1., Matt Gemnieiia g. $118.75.' Op - pan' July „T0lls-4SO.25g' S. Francis Geremell-Werk" on 1-hle $32.59; $85.0,0; lite of, car ;24.96; ;84,08, '4: Diillean D. Macteed-work, on line $26.00; $28.00.1. Gordon Gemniell- work 'on line $14.00.: $28.00. 6. Nelson Hoegins--work, .on line $6,00. •7, H. H. Mitchell -freight etc, $2,.35; , $1.19. 8.. W. J, Lane -salary Aug.. $160.00 9. Canadiam Telephones & Supplies Mdse. -$143,92. 10. Northern Electris Co. ltd. Mdse. -425.78. 11. Ed Afoul - laws -Sharpening saws .85c. (Carried) • Meeting then adjourned to meet again on October 1st at usual hour ;z $42.50. 2, Bel.Tf10P09nt- offshore. , Climbing up the service ladder, we. Aere met at ,the top hp the Officer of ithe day , who, With his 'assistants gaveus the once over; that is a shrewd glance and a Smile which Was • not gtacefelle received by some of those in our. party. : • • , All parcels were taken in .charge, for,eemareS,,Metleggage are not Per: netted abeard Warship jrTridby comnioit guest, that is a rubberneck who' centee unintrodliced oe-aritlioat • 'Properly used, insulin has allowed to live , many who5 otheiwise 'would have died. It has made an active lite a reality for Many diabetics for Whore diet'alonediad to be so restricted as to leave -them- ,week and incapable of ;working. !Insulin' permits the young .diabetic to live: before its discovery:. the younger ,patients had but little hope. Every case ,of diabetes requites "medical supervision in'order that his or her ,Particulai needs may, :rez. recceineendations. • . A middy was detailed to escort some of out party While ?Out did duty, for the rest We Were:taken along the starboard aide, siX,Of is in the group, Where the officer show :us the dif- ferent devices we •caiee to anit,exPiain- ed the. filection of each as wellas.. he could, for it may be noted, thie Man :had only been in, he service nine months and had Come from. the semi - and deserts .of , MontanaLittle he knew of.warahipa or "of 'the sea Prier to his enlistment. He :acknowledged‘it Coo,'rather - ungracefully: • . • 1 eeive proper attention. . • ,r HANOVER DISSATISFIED • WITH HYDRO RATES , ,P , • Hieoyer:hedrerates are: etichanged, thinigh we ate to get to per cent rez. hete on•the net amount eflmoeey Paid to: Hydro year, but other towns are getting leWeerateS. Whete We pay .11t. and lilts: •.I. D.. :A.nderson, 'Mr, .3,ei and 1.16C ,f • or'.,dinnestic ; Power, anti' Mrs: 'E. W. Rice, , Mestra. E. rates hive: droppe0 2-.1c J. Thom, W. Ag Millet, Dick Weather- arid it •fieni 2.9c and, 1.1:: Wi*Otton, head and Allan Miller were am' ong however, pays more than we do, he- -those who attended' the Western Fah' ing 3.8C arid..1.2c, though this is lower though they are snifering from a pro- ton deficiency, instinct' does not diming: the week. . • • • than • it used to be at 4.5e and 1.5c. prompt them to seek 'Ma protein-tich a week -end visitor at •her honie here • the same as Hanover; but they, get a Mrs. D. J McIntosh has:. returned ltise Rilth R.arhage. of • Toronto was Dundalk is ' to pay ac and .1c, about „ • ,feode'• • " A Otild receives tee, little • calcium LUL the:0.4er cleeelopinent, pf hopes . • ,i-eliate of .20 per Cent, •or twice as muCli) as we do. to Vineleed after a, visa with ho pin- , and 'teeth it drinkt feet glatee,s- of :milk daily er takes the .eimivalent in the form of a pint:of rielk; feet ounces of ,cream,„ an ounce of' cheese, .and a serving Of terrieleate vegetable, he • contended. • • • - •• Since it ' would take 22 peurida of beef: or eight, pounds or bread , to pro- vide, 'file' calcium content et, one of 'milk, Dr: NeWbutgh., -pOieted out that it would be inniosSible to. eat lieugh meat, eggs' ned white' bread tp fill the calcinm neede of gtONviiig ' Otit Preheats W,eit. Wiser therethey keme when theY 'cherished the ,-Cow, for she :patiently and .with' never a complaint extracts the :trileidin ftorn high "gttentiges..ef grass' and delivers it tent in tO tniella package that We with and pleasure,`' he Commented, adding that could prescribe. ,calciunt Ittedibtniii term for the 'occasional' child With Whinti milk .does not Agree. • , • He ernehatiZed, toe,- the need fot" Vitatnins: Theite.,•he said, were. belting in the diet, of ,the eVetage big, city dweller', •eabting• "deficiency", diseaies, 'Thus; in sidditien to, W114 eggs, Meitghe-Acovilinencled"-thet ents, Mr. and Mrs. D tada• . the. hydro.rate .atruCtu• re lase core- • Mr, J. W. Salkeld, Misses M. E plicatel that it Makes an iecenie tax Elizabeth and tants Salkeld of Get', statement ,seem like a simple' sum ° in erich leCre recent visitors with•friendt atithmetic. Hanover lute been holle:r- ing fer sonee • time that 'out street lighting .system is not a good bee ter °ford, -Ilegh • Rutherford, , W. L Miller the amount etmoney it ceett. We pay , k . . . and 'Gordon Miller attended the West- 522 for a 100 -watt lamp and $27 ,for , the comparative rates are $lt and' $21 •MesSrs. ,A, b,. Webbgttrill Rutlier • Ile shOWeCne, the depth tracer, the device:Whieh finds the range of sib- Maiines that may be tinging in the sector, and explained briefly the meth-. od of sending out dePth.bombs'which when exploded is ''supposed : to send the unwary sub-te the locker of Davy Jones with all bands. . ' We *were shown . thiatigh, the Mese -rooms, the bake oVeris,and.thelarder: Whee hundreds of twit (waiters were lieng un• in rows, Chilled and being held against the days Of need while the ship .Was,on e Cruise. • For, • believe it or net; the nurnher. Of nen• required to , handle this mam- moth' vesiel sufficient to mutter r011 eall foe .a some sized town. The day I visited the California, there were ever 1q94.$ enlisted:men ,in her ccen- pliment- . • ' • Consider the appetites,, of Such * crew! Mostly all of these men were under the age f• 26. Brawny, heart's!, phisically fit in every way; living under the burning ,sun. or' facing the wind swept ocean in all Weather and under all conditions: That 'is the life 6 sive one an appetite! And how! • • ,We. inspected • rthe • •recreational rooms, the libraries, the dormitaries, the business'. Offices where typewriters clicked, and Where: :crisp officers :in keen eniferms trensacted .business or the fighting ship: cif. -the navy,. and fieithed with Setiinting • along ,the hairels be the gleaming, guns that were.capable.of. casting exploding pto t'l 2-miles''t to le *a a gec i es . a e s most neittelleus thing. And •these 16 inch guns; when theY,sOoke with' pro- vocation behind their speech; wrought terrible 'havoc on the object 'et their and place. ' •" w 'MARTYN Secretary. FOURTH CONCESSION • . Miss Betty McKenzie spending her hOlidays at her home having re- turned eftet taking a training course 'New 'tory. * :OrVille-MeGiiite-ind-fainiik-Of Dettoit reterned•home after ,ettending the funeral of their Cousin- the late Mr. John McGiilivary. • . ' Messrs: .111sEinnon: and Allin Graham attended the C. N. E Mr.. and Mrs. R. Martin visited with ° friends the lira of the Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffett and,ShiileY spent a daiy: reeently:iith friends in . Miss;Jerni McKenzie Of Toronto and Mrs. R. McKenzie of bie'1410W were. ......4100•1110.4"" Six inninge in."' a drizzling rain on Saturday, Was sUfficient to give Owen Sound an 8, to 1 Victeri ever Clinton. eliminating the latter team in two straight from- the 6: B::A. juv6tile • play4owns, Clinton team wits the Maitland, Leadee .Chainpion:; , • Rain .has :disrupted 0 B, A, play- downseThe Secenfl-ganle of the Wine- . ham-rClinton series was ,washed OUt on SaturdaY and sliower on Monday forced a• postponement • of the ,final T. game of the HanoYer-Penetang series. . a 20Ci-watter; inDundalk; for instance. ern Fide at London; on ltencley.' f • ' Harriso• n Taylor has returned And in Wiartan they are $15 and $24. • LP Kirkland Lake after a visit at, his gr. John ICalte;7chairinan of, , ..• • • • the local Commission, reimarkeil to es. home here. '• Cfl .receiitle; it takes 7% 100-watters to Di, Will 'McGregor "of Chicago was enual hereepewer, and. the Coininis-. visitor with his' sister, Mrs...George .,Stuart arid 'Mr. Steart.' On his return son is charged 3 a hOrse °Wei $for to, Chicago 'he was'aectimpanied bY,hia ,pOWer, but itt 422 for *,,E4 " 100 -watt niece,„Miss Donna 'Medregor, who ha, .street.'lamp the town is charged 8165 , ifie and Mrs. Chas. ' Pearce •• of Pet hersePower....:-..-Aed this '• is oftri been a visitor heie. Itolmesville spent Sunday ;with: , IStrs." Jack Oardnef of .Zion tvas. peak power. "It. ain't 'right," " he told arid Mrs. Thiel, Anderson., • • . week end .gueSt of her" sister, Mrs• es, With emphasis, iniVthe CoMmio- Sondai gebool will be held next " °rne °da' " sion is • going to • stedy the. matter , L ood an o • ' ' Sunday triOrning..At 1.1 A.. M., eWing • The einem' Scheel. Fait will he held furthei and tee if something Omit td, the W.,: M. St: anitiverSary,tetyite at St. Helens On Thursday. SePtemher he deneabout-it.,--HanOveg .'' in the afternOeit, at Zio0, TAe, tdola...:22att.: Included in the program for the • ..,e re service wi 1. be held n lake., coneett to be, hel in he evening wig „ - , „ • . . .. Chtiteli, in the eVeriing , .itt-1 80 ' • .. be the 'competitions/ In iitiblic sneak, . A dectur received a note.whieh•reAd. , • 14/10a$.1e &lit '111iiii tee MY heebatil., ••:efige;::: MO, Ifirgistet Monotigh, ,anit pid, other -W. interested are askedf •ia , It'. ' • it-IttitalHile'te-hieltienft•aitil•-ter :•,-, - . • —. ..,, , tette tiirtioenny'' of torontO, iiigeo: 'Vie, tffialiiibtil6' .trtie' pie for the ,booth at 4140 aidt inditiao ono tonna' .44 &con Mi. Ydketa4Y, nikd tndaY Wn.nuting , . loth Petrie of nest' tiongonnikii, iiInte.- thet &hoot Potty, also: artiats tot the !ealY• VegetableC Mid "trUit„, raw or • With it ,iii 14. lianda‘ between bis }litchi ,:`,iatertitii:4i with Mii, S., 4.:, . :,btitaiir. and fiah'ptin• d..0, ', *, '''' . knees" ,. .:. • 1 ' eitkiked.,-.:'' :' . ,: • ' * fit liervie, :wieners of the Heron -Kin- loss, softball League. „eliminated Arn... ott Club of the Hollaed Centre League , in the first round of the'. R. S. A. The aeries went four games. , t,* s -"•• Bervie meets: Williamsferd in: the next round: The 'first game played in Williamsford on Satufday in a drizz- • " ling rani saw Bervie ,drop; the -fixture 15 to 4. The second gem° billed for • Bervie on Monday, was rained out. °. • visitors on the fourth last' week. MissKatherine. McKinnon of, Chic- ago is spending her' holidays at her •A from theie, attended the 4,1117.rood ,Seltool Fair on Tuesday. , -Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton iturehilarol' spent the weele.end with 'friends in Whitechurch . , • • Mis.s Dean .Mcfetel spent :few days. last week: in Torente. • The Sept.. meeting. of the F. W. 0: -is to be held at the home• of Mrs: Alex Sutherland., .• •Recent kvisitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Robb Were, Miss • 'Anna . Mac- Kenzie Dick, Mr: ,Jackilenderson and Mr. Will, Hendersen Of Termite:, and lir.•Jamee MeWhinney Of /Dungenuoin: • o • * • Kincardine: 'News 'Softball team. - winners of the Town League honors. • Inet.Merlin.in,Lthe_firet,„,,reune, of the A. S. playdoins, with Merhn taking' the. series intwe straight. The . second, game Kincardine.was 5 to 2 thriller., Bob Thompson hurled beth ' • garnet' for The News. . • 4 4 le • • , BOB cARRICK'S LUCK • 1. Bob Garrick, fornierly of Goderich and Clinton and 'one season with 'Llicknow„ tried •the "iron man". stunt ' recently' in. two games betvieen, the; London .seniorbesehall team ane the • Stratford Nationals. ". He • pitched! 4, sei‘nteen innings for die. Nationals.' ' elloWed :Oely nee hits,' while the Nat- ionals had thirteen ,A bet, lost both' games-ethe 'first 2-1,; end the second it thefirst geme,-Played at 'wilt, • - !Ord' in the MorMing,'42artlielc was re- spon3ible . for Londonis two nits. ,,i(e hadawild StIeSIC i4e 5!coneinn- iiiigs ,and :walked. three mete. forcing • 1 in the two tune, • • • ' Carrick was the leading :hitter for• his teem, With feta hits for sie tinie3 st lea in 'the ttrci *eines. • • ". ,The Stratford Beacoe-Hetald dubs .Carrick "the •haid•deck ,champien of amateur baseball,. • ' e e'. e: ;a • 4 • BOWV:11440-144EYI:, Mrti., Will Kilpatrick Oskeloo a a ing„ r‘e4itatioriS and hoot choruie,i; .folloWs: ' • • toVaLNirli. Minnie SPringete 6111- Members of 'the NVemn's Instituto e •'We were told that one of these pre,- jeetiles weighed 1.400 pounds, aid carried enough high explosiee to eink a battleship in five minutes 11 struck ill the most vulnerable spot! Think of, destroying ' 4.tattleship,. costing in • the., neighbothoo< 30 dol - ars irgfive Minutes. Twentieth, centuty accnracy and skill)• " Mane ef the dePartments of this ship were not Oen; to visitoes..The mechinety, including the engine morns the ,dyria.mos; the: magazines end store roome; together; with the ,en-. •trance to the 'superstructures were forted to visitott, aed,ck the day. I visited the ship no. one was Permitted beyond Cettein . bounds, • Lying in the harbor- Were. abont it dozen battleships, half i'dOzerilu ter pedee • boats; , and a Squadron of .aintiller•ships which tendered the ho - bet soineWhat conjested, I thought.• j ReMembeting• the ,traditions .of the 8..naey, and :those et the British nevi). ;could Mat, help being thrilled hythe-experienpetof-the-daygReaily,-: the difference between 'the Anterienit. 'Aid the, tiritish navy it tO littlegl telt Son (to his father); "Hew. :Many ,kinds ..ef *mid are, used in"Maitieg a Match?"' . Father: "Just two, 'son. 'He., would and 'she ..would.",- . . . • :DOLLARS AND TRAGEDY k • PerluiPs it it true that the world is rather a ,ntercenary place. In, the Morning papers it was announced that risniat George. Dodge, heir to Mace; mobile millions, badly injured , ' a dynamite exidosion, had jumped from the 'hOlit Which was taking:him to a hOsPital and was drowned in Georg, le:the afteinomepapers Of the Same 4ity writera. Were supplying hi: •forMation regarding how mucla ofthe fortune was likely to go to his wide*, a girl from. Gore BO, to whom Dodge Wes Married Only two„weeks ego: ,Be- fOre the:114 was over they had it all figured- out that Mrs: Dodge would get no part' :of the original fortune, but Sh would get hershare of, tiny- • :which had :been owned, priyate- by lier. husband. , -•• Truth is there was much more space taken up tellinghow she was likely to emie 'out financially than thele was in mentioning the tragedy wbich blasted the,rnarried life Of a girl:. Pos- sibly the news was what the, people •wanted to readbut t t hord. to• get away entirely ftom the idea that there was , something rather cold.blooded abont it. ; •.giant 6100;•,that:tbotighl win a Cia:. adialearid• its OMPliment Were Airier Ieren, :there • was so• litt1e difference between ua. In language, hi ellstotns, in ldst,ore, in tteditione; and 'in' CAW conceptof *Old' or. donteatic •thin we were divided by but a hin line which inight easily be Withdrawn and few would kite*: the "dilfeiretice.; • • , • •And • as 1 Was. WhitkO.d bitek tiward the city 'It flt elated .to know that two great, countries like:, Canada and ,Wirighitini • 634 litennedy the 'United States could Hee together 'of there' iitterided the Leon ,meeting itt Stich, peaceful hartnany with neither 'it, ,itinoodine: on .:,Sondny, afternoon, lortiesS.,_nt_itiortt_niting.nAhretihou..._ Aiten_i;ittrge,trowit. wo_oresetit4_401. 1' sand mile frOntier, • • ,1ter t P4 bUnPall of Toronto; agter.Ol- • , ancli a thing IS a new thing tinder dr minister of here !witS the' elitist At the milted jitney on Friday evene' ing the ladies' prizes Were weri as folleiva:, 1st Mrs. ,Hoffman; 2nd , W.;• Henderson; 3rd, Mee. Chas. Steve, mit; 4th, Mrs, R. Fisher;' 5tli, Mrs W. L. MacKenzie; and the ,..rnees' prizes by; ist, 'Cem. Finlayson ; 2iid, Bill' MacKenzie; E V Hoffnuine. 4th, Dave Huston:. 5th Wallece • kith trebles 'tournament Goderich last Thursday, third. prize was Won by a Lucknow'rink eonilleged of Mts. Hendersong Mts. MacKenzie' and Mrs. Huston.• ••.'• WHITECHURCH • of •NotthBay is- vitithig his sitter, Mit': A. Eneneison. • • Miss " Bertha, McKay'. et: Stretfoed.„ •spent the Week -end here eed. iheCalerin choir; wlio reedered• special Music at Langside anniversary ser vices 'last,. Sundaje •• Ripley visited . • on ,Tuesday with • her .Cousia, Mrs. Geotge • IFithet. : Mr.' and Mrs. :.(11,obt. Mo brae, and family, also Mrs. ,Jacquee sp t Sen.: • day at the .hoine Of Mt. John R ardson. • • (Oita: a number from here' attended the, Larigtide anniversary ter:Ace"( on Sunday. ,•• • •Meatre;•Thos. and thiriet'IVilSon, Mrs. ,Jame t Sr, and. :141,._5k 'Merle' Wien visited on, Sunday ,their'• liangsiderelat4,es. . 341`. Atex Owl.* was called to Ham- ilton bit, Week owing •te the serieue ' illness of Mrtt. Alex , Inglis,1 Who is** sick hi a lioSrlitid there., VIre hope for • in -early recoVeri4 • The W M S 01 the Presheteillu! Church are hieing re titicizil "Meeting' on Thursday, :Septembee '22nd, known *. RS the: 25th..ProVincial Birthday, Mr. and Mrs. pundit liCerinede of, as 1. Walked about the, dOca Of the tle sub• • • speakers. •