The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-15, Page 3I . --- -_ - -.-, ". , ­­ .1 � !-_­ ­ � 1.111 1� . 11-M I 1 1. 1 1 �_ I � -1 1 "1 4�0 , -1 � ��, , ­­ t m, - -, ­- 1, 1 1 � ' , I f. .. .; 1� -'. j ty, U*" j[M Wo Vaijaidian A M V" Un Ogn Op Pote PrOd SS nnv� n6in MayS 4_02 .. * Q.t., __.qq 11 olt�_ �­-. Say& Akitter of Agd. THE. r1w Opee Shop' amd­: W pe, Comp *W - CANADA Other W, M.;kritime province �Qfato�.'gr&� for,. erg Who depend oa W, 4a 'WIDEP-4T114 AND'WIDER", their mg olipts, are fgpO this year iar ago, ther� -was a rift be - prohibitory regul4tlops A yc w only Aipr� Premier`H b and Mr. :The way t� we, tlie,40,w tween T rp Icultpr "I od led in. an act entitled�, '!,he Im- 11,17" of,, agr a uVw, - R_ ,d f thp Q it bee r King" uW m0n._ ayre #"bring them In 0 �';h or.,tAtign, of Potatoes Act, 1938,11, A gulf, now it i4.A.chasrq,. $t. pqgi iso,41 by the colojay's, leg�glatu�q, &to** ffies' Standard. Mm. ll)eWap; 14141ster 0 Th_prqviglpA§.9fthe get prevept�., importers bringing. patatoes [tix� f6e"06ta g, GOO 0 -BATTING AVER.�tE.- Bermuda during Ailglist,'and S.ep- the Belle*111le ftwpr,�, e- r cord� in, the bet, "and, a, penalty. has. Polk i e town 'of tem �Tha larizer t, ib )a Ceamin- orr f9r, Ahe nth - 't past, mo fixed.�f::foiir shillings a bushel., *The. act, w", proclaimed officia:lly A*Qws�.25 Pro, cu�ion$ victions. And'.�even, itt the . big; -the 7 rod, thoug4� -time bat�'tha act.is�August,an, a'xl#d grmo d specified iiA'tlie ye iolifthe fair, -Council' r Governor, at" the .0 $eptem�,e in empQv�ereq tolift .`the restric e6 'Now the"thing,,li een -starte 'ion� f b. d as -ifibn the recpm uii'der-,the auspices: f� Noll oo part ,of: all, held.: this 0 ijT. ulttlr� he, the Boa.rd .ic leirils, ; '11 nolaisi yeari. Thet Outaflo gdve;,nmegi i r4661 the: outsiders t%'takE 'pla�c -,C at . a' 14 �demand_ 'r. that place m., 'niately:. be- a'il tbos, e, de, P9tA b 'hr:,tha -eet All, to s ot n 11sw a sincere,. effbirt to ialge �p pop.ular� for, unions, 4-4 ar ing 9tatoes a e jrlclu4ej4 their s4apogrds_ Exhlbiti6d$�4houlil Both art of the Canadian National Ejtltibition� ipectacle the mill uh to -.d i., all- ciw&of pleasure-keekers - ifiidwak a hibitiqn� City of R ep:':oi� t 11110 d "make an, attempt, t fin along. t16; ftir'6 t ]Ki 4er.the us of the act - o, 4ugeeed ad the p y *Ahout the '4id of, racke rno&e Hereford bu% present a striking'c0n.trast.- His, Irw ie High the ri Xrom. agn The'li ness (at ight) .'got. quite a, bit -of attention. r6iinclai police are Ulself parent, he the 'HE Adki0i gEPRE- !ed viAtors, hi ut the 0 t e r: LTURAL. 0 'the E ork-ing to ele. S NTATIVE,,, cro7q, amu n t emselves -in other *aly rather grimly. now., W racketeers in.these ini6r n'payt iee as ' bee e ing-public ti the'assisance Prknl H b .Eduft It vz� Be S ri MoUlid, -SAff .,pecilIly-toun 'd women. is' e F -over. irmtrs bf'Bioce he,, as a farm�r has' eceived fr6p� 'Viscount Greenwoo'd,' anadiah-born gr Uni-�' h only way by' whfcb, agn F "Itug peer who, froln vul. o' Ur oi' the Cxkl T u C�uld Eleat ; I repr6�n-' bkirne a., ; tTje distric- -,_. cult ver�ity, of' Torn'to; 4&'ye haght the ple 4rs ago,, and* later' e In tativ tationed at -St. Thom4_,_,, Imperial, cabinet and of -the Muse carne ji back to 117he jorenj e F6 1*2 In "A Rate , ist, be t6, e�66ai ior Th of,]Loids,' his" Alm 7- e oflicials-�- --receive- an'. honor. dgreei- � The, peer is. picturg , left,--:- ing1lam se 4,Lre�n'�e a fine, Vater,to tr 'd type of,service to agriculture. n ir' Willidni''Mu. chancdll6r'of the Un _y nd with Jo&, vJerA urist"arld, iver S�YDN T -Austra .1 b I. e. ace of sity "foll6win the' be, to al. of the, d "' r' t' nvoeaiioxi. Fwd; Enteresb 0ij=ke4k They, qtt, Progtable� ng ed ift'� it. eg ee, a special the people'e ag which. girL-swa.m at lovFpr�l Return 0 0 in',he. same. I ��s Instead e r 'Wal this colpi� fc�r I .. pp, ;L blon11e,XLWeriqah does. -not alw;iys ie.-eive th, e�o Be t )ool as SkWer 7i 10. Buil ers its, dte­-:�Brock� inis the, f1imer will not bd,abl4t 'Of P�m Rio here will aIway� �be. harness fbdt* gr nurse, 0har at Taron a I a that't 9 to make .�r ekiiier, ey k Record erInary surgeon aq �'o hing new L er. anil'. Times, me64nlei'a; thatcher 6 Moreover ho ho X'�ihe' b of A' Is a better busl� 'She a s, o*." irium ss: �uknes� be: an, 'Im-' harne I t. is OxjpectL to, pjasfei�r;, and sornethingof , �in-. ppea edi to be mord 'ton fioiii the st�ndpoint of "wrEnkle" 'was.idiseIose'd in" W11119- PATHS ON HIGHWAYS, .', : - 'Whdn-,he'ha similated a ess, today s 50, ye d' bout. the, coldness of the 1asites gu.l;t6 ih&i� it wa" ar ago:. . cerne tr, - i ... . .. . .. - .1 . P by.25 per cen. the 'prps6nee kmewledg6- "of lh'se wafer in t. of Expemj*i ereat'dehl. b a'fat nj�t.' tzil,weit *awqd� h-a'm';,a6 county &.mer of highway uild- wo�rd -or. I. 0 i'cp"p 100. Ha'ma' C fng.-has '6ee� and is. beink done,,, 'llicreae In Pas 3, Years ha essions. he farmer .5 rk. tfi��'pur s4. 4f btit 'not m4cb provis prof' t h Qar WinghaM, wil-L'in all fikelj� operaii4ie� Gr- ha �ep n the n,* s'L fUe. coati sho� dipped P16 10 n may- turn -his:�ttenii�� to� extraci-' 4, relhember thp. -panic "after t e, s to --ma a ing the est. rom. is ands. ;V11 Nvq. in_th6_,U one oe In a e WaL er -an P ver - 'Mo &'from.. the 's ;rLey as dr couritrios, W e mid ni 1n,6the it high` Jdhann�gbui' Times.. Years fter d. yp e go -ac tl6n.. Th6 ftiid ..of whtch , el -ates- �Say,, t is .;s.a laxge.m, sb al��, ate',footpatli's ers ry, a in; a, har�� Ill' 'rta:in V. Ing �tbl.be Itow ma Vrk 9f. the,past, few pe S, n.,eve hL earth, to in some de triftiii'ancl 'n i -for, which we'd, ge� $75 today. a cold job,�"�he'sal ?IaDhths 110y have beba',gatkering- als6 arii�znddp Ni ifi,-_'usd-cf e'! 32,." hi� said.. Arter she -had.. dived. -she calW w4� awies SAys.Hortes 11 As. pr 'i, of-fili'ciblitentioil th gdily "�d, thd­watchfift 'keepers: that )x�ere Located rteft e of an'old the cyclists., ProbhM� I lie . a- . r. at -isn't so,- bad,' -wen you get in." n, ere,, i wo , . .. ;h oo t - - f 'do h t uld red hi e. a, 72 r*RepJa0d,' hbrs6p. , �are holding 1heir - owll'. atthough, in. a Shipoed Sc�apAq the ditys Tha wil r u iMa e an are: e, it to, T ato on, ckfoad, h. 'bgds of'a'toiiio i esj, th4 .�tore !,.-the :. acel ' dent.4 aqd f I be' Lj for,' sh against' the in a )yed bf walk sAid,-clImbIiL'g o'ut-dfthe pool.*,' d ela'y'v: Ti is plsor e ;we,'oiiee ehi Un� ven; co.m ug batic vinta, f it. that - �b�e cla, Ir'd a d -the p .0mn n Iihe' had been it raid, inS in eodAtry, n ossible it thek eam; 'in- rt�dy at '-&wrhed 6jr Adverit d �as� b�eew earrred for some: distahce only at'! th.6 cost 61 be err temen'ts ot Mot(it ington- ari�ess.lua e figures. the, mounid- -It' Is al,90Zt Gf` an od. stea 46r eit , d.� gine, imp any. -instant jio.'.j!Ump,',�.to, 'a di t c h I' ds not very s,car0d,:Old Tit �the 'Leamingt6n, distri6t,'-he' afid-eteri1eathers; werq ail'�uadled whether'it -is -Jed.With' water or, tixreaty yarO if _-' h sai in 94$ horses. hid been bought an �,sliark� see d rather.s ug e' to a L� P- an sh, w each ri Falls Review. fue not. -ku :Whle eng, N- 11 i he;,hail come, a:t: me, 4 Ith The automol bol of,Vr6- p�it thr��- 'years. Th �is after durin es. e tteen..94: feet 61lej "sym a n -him to one, -d- itpla,.ce. the, hars'e.., h d- it c;opu4 h ve -b were ..pure ae ia,.a ji3n. to'the On top 9 t e YO1V?;G,,FE6rr1Lt OU't, OF r6rm,, FrCieland,' 75�year- sidet of,thel��qbf 9�� to. be ar e , ge y a drin ely, Herbert dqials 'alrdady, pa -d d� 'b farin- ..bv. the . Er'jjp� aluctant t 1 0, :Alt ott�wz' onces, essmiker of' Leamington. e rs. vav*us, to -.be in d old harn P ncj� -d, In.slic h a, '�4 600 men in the -.j=k pools ther thA yeas,qgo 'ev6ry6odi. had: as arganizers o Can�Lda t i I I citle fown. hes was -nine �pars old, Mr; e, % 4fd say";, 1.1'We aret *1c a: tractjor. -Toda rappOrs Ch. 66,";; ip�,! Zr T r r in rue in. tfie �nefp are foi, .4oin6thi' -t d Pre I'nd 'lia� 6 at they,�- -.c,miug a.'Clng '11d; -Ce", 0 e a horses-, iii lea;t thati's 1wh ot*k, dealer� d 0.'a'g . I fiLtine I ? , , For. well. 6ver -half a, tell he -a ded, e. who gt�nl fii�.tL has qen :'te d _d. 29'.have, nev�er �had 6�n. V used to t to t a &ad 61c$g eug ct In rarmq 61M otHr. el6ftiotetirs thOm trN U U K ig . - _W ge, as wlitched e s alk P� e, Ia. !�pec, e t t. t inj�_vsle �of hree Men` . SWA for' Their d h- a his now :own t fi mt. fr, �'Ti� y ian n6t'llnclude rurali.yotith. yor ba -cats' have been - sold. in (3:erbrui; in thp� last.- fiviyears M v&o "h ',Hoiiie� 80, Met. Fro d its loca e I` ed aYe ors� Still the bol-1.6vgs. confide C4 we- nt ca- y eert unabr�' t6 styi e. odt -Rer'na Fpr:.� Of'. aim eftselveV, , afid liavoo been, th, Tmpping Seaion.. lot staj o;A home'faxm." re EHE LIK THAT. BY d N'EHE Fi6dd IFPS E F But; taxi t, Nat ozi4 d tFie; chief kei-pm�ered boal aims providing --work; :,0 load' d ..e -two ea. ve, s :,:s :4,0 undi of' sup� Strange,gmisishopwr stories aie lam, told- in SaslEitekeaa dmieze aftip Their, da a butt: ."Pe yo1qng edp[6 on la�id ;even raker plies, Matt' Iltlyll 'his,. f n rieratigin'. and hdppeu, t.q'd !,have e J� his ArctiFIM -if' there be f�ml; p T rop rom pack - I f eace: iver',tor their'. ra 'The mo isr.,- a ise ith,'the work helgi' Maim P Z4"tcr'!). Th Lih ont, 'Cyrii and t *hjje. Wheat opt at A eral', B�tt�r.h4ve fa�m boys, Ann iar, f r�m 6taik He d- i��d', Aits'CdReges Ever�h t n� In, wcult ppin� �the - . . . -;, ., " 1.1 , . 6iia e. week-- :tt U, mp ng a friherii'� dir' Nluip�y is d.t�eter If *as� he�l4V �4a� �no�ws, nof�i tit w The n.an o until. h� �Iourtd, the .5pot. h6, Aretid: ng 0, t -a xr� ffi4n. sen i thg Uss four durs. qr�. h List P c. Th6 bill was' iover�d wfih, ii�_. to. Fges,. everywilere': oe,aone- TwFse days: it is Wa Ipm Isfa ii nckr,�Itt_. U" acmu aL. cr-isrs, .-U arturr 1�e out d, ....... eorgel�k. a-ome The ice: -ship. J:'tre. f, gong n or is. s0ew_ A. 7hopper, is. tiive ox, severa pesidedt of,'Caga e' t eig t E dajg;-h6d'�gea- hie, to, wor be, as - T ted W 'eq�g' E, n* in jh6.VgMm if ed tip -t and, ilrese�nc '.retitty 194miltbia. 9,.'y.�"s#tId 'ai au e onibly'goad t N -ye, eld -.�411 see g - up I em wal I ............. with -pnto' .10 e teRrocation field in eblinecagig and, ance:,wftb� the far north. CUe e ac' ach tei� - Are nniwtic ,,t 'S xx w1tebies' NIS, NO,CHILD'S 'PLAY Murphys will af ffr many tw d ackeil e, lqvi�r'jo. Fort t S. re an,. Lu- ast� slkEei, thi !aad'ses..Gf thel cri is wd conle--as, harp. lih&Weis ievt ratlier.. R Setiaie, adequate supip, iy 6,'r fod-:' unthinkin;r., city dwellers.. to -know: .0m.where t le -y 7; 111. f.! y leg U r' uo- t'Ir I o' tlieir 0.0 yin priest, tram makfug" ank de,r: 'due � In part to a sli ;50. mi f r6e'. r of' kli&v7led,�e, a. a c k R' ei-*K�wre. !�,W-mires frarn i e rtkAer, suriey's 'd birtri., t-.4tet,' he. gro.win,lJop- f4emer - must� include in ton's �.success u &d To Ba6st '66tri -i, ha. la a Attempt- ulaurity. of fmfiyt colleges. and, a fall-,� s.-equipriiieht. be�for'e hei.' can'' to PS path t blugh the �g �'G,fr �r go n: I. -b 'b' "t farm 'FI Ist., Hunt T e, to find contri, unions A ba �u er a h 'C rioi ucb, as, 0 e Yiii ralftaill th e de tor tlie tFbzereg�e. t' d be a. che'� ;t, �i ear enter �a v.ea� -ley 1'. 1 t it e '.�,'cadil fa wdter:. spr!ng. p, aAher pro�li6t 7 =O, r PrLVft.4 ety en oiwe , in E�Xpe�ier=d fit A t- gr�aidu'ate7, ,?ason s caL ci in oper-. geyumtd iifiak-ing' r. a . s�. re* (JIM I t114 ts col-: 1w "h b�okkeeper, a . ...ve c ce" s s 'cf -he Are main berdtatr lldS-bil-fin earlbb6 di thL d Xherese,. were Larided qu anCisland fe-es in Ene United States: d.ifftc U�l' he�ds as tlie sh1p, driffied1% uncertain.. s ake- VW47 gt past tred; hertge. drds, Practfcil bvee e be so; many. jejr S W. -tii, treri� -raw agaiii ther 'e ti_�t: "I' b ahre -ho, bive ak th Itta titUhters to, this, .-p.rQap tive years ..of r orn:ttend [rij thal dugou"'s all' ni: -a%-,Mt -4the- �yearl 1940 .. .............. n 'e.p;�irs to t e telit. tm,, view -�W�s thda�glk' p�r06jkb& the mell.%' pe'of'.,education such as', tha't a -e h h vurfng�6u� ktay ill. th�� nir leved the,/dedlining tdrded, by, "urge , *Mmld 'ite'pEched up. Em eagineeki fite at4 lihikdtiont ofiramigration ad t to.�. b .-do-s t rze, He m -a W* r, lt them, :eaveia uch t. -e thle� su�aJler4 nall Cutten, ',said. "the, p Inc i,1nr raw �ker of s n s 10- -hen t h efy' t,ozz�n sho.,*t of tilde' t '-univer'sities -to eir ba.4 th .6efore the' I to- 1&41fk� �Ii -*as' ex,pla, e 'bi y there are ifted, materiats� dirin of stuaents�l 'djor by..1680, dition. t I at. obtaine'd de.! 1006 ot. ritoza, t ce =e,l* yore E a. :th6 m, leofi OQO�' f4ewer7 children iii.the first 4-2-9, t4yeglit,'UX by.rnd, Nair), the. ffreig re�fe jife �1�& '4'.W be to ibok, siAte, ihe file before' five of Amerivdri O;ub;ic A t tlia�t 'wnev6� e t "The bne *it aiii he saiii, d 00 8�iates'hnd &obably­ seyools-1han there w nite(k gTaim bD htA�, tho tT ed a her of 10, Wbreh - haki L, Ib4i6 'tted ao r thLe-mge0A',' ere'itL,115.' th ei zpp.o on! %is uni s , QU­ in� tigpt oz - NDE The. u tpliy.. dwe Ili the -Rick THE WO A t is a, tht boveildd-u 1: 4 �er basL tC*PjTf6AtK IS= RUIr &X�W Co, t Bit, o�ifte pick ale t6n Lid -hiiL D ly, "IT -had to be b... horfi k6i'the ]34�_ Ijj 'Of A41W. Nb .E4,en F661t R*ft . 1 datc:back tc 'q'iirit)ts o?'2806 S C1, for the atmto!T, Ve� re(Ll really not. a new t Q tit putt 110del of 'One Of theAe as 80 t L -,d by the !t, rL- inden I Aftni 'tiar. -tegara�d tho r, 1 rn'n I gafd 1)�,rorci,l the the to�ribl�� tL WR he�x �f, 'Aro yo ir b e, Linn and Vn(,�e, 1tetlry rnarkt?& the Up 1j, ywnlln�l i;ntil he Atint, stt.,iou Jij.;t lnter�, TY- Ubn:V -Q-h& fnmfl.red. "Ate t row�� o�harp a h,_dWqre theft U n 6C' d thd Uf0i i* ndMitt i' At -11 ttte'' jft�dir th6: Lfon, 6t whioh, thy ha Y( wet(%, #6,- :f�lpnd?'� 11teq rhA'- iphfte ee "but thrit, P00A ftot �Co�p, tor a t h e.4 t o-1 f tt an red�' th8 Lib, " L e, N_% gtd�t and. Dorothy nd! T 'old (Ihum�z. a rful ;�eiipon "I L,hf I J!, t , 1 96 Wo d,d Yoki do, fohd of clacb mb,er. r, "Im h i SMIJ(" k h) t�, a" d rftti 14Cweg. th.'It paW to rfol. 060tiffi ha3., io4d thLi�klnp� 61 T y()u . hi uft;: Tigor Itnd t 8o,�,vos FrIn- WouI& b(� foolfs'h- for thi, I ilot, kn6wn you vVe�'d DbildOY'Al ;tt.4 i�bqut hi� tho 11 e V P� CE I a�ftre 1, ml&�ht h.,ive� t6rn thaft ti nl e ni e "' d rT' 90t , R OZMA� .1.9 fi�r �hftl body rur the' and wh mt, Li6h., I 'tro m th f�,hr and I ftto It h r 6 Q thi,�:tboth kiint Phi' ists,' it being h0d tht Tobke(t No 'be, 846,- Faid Aunt med I vorto sttm, Hintir LIM ."But the piteh n n# hard fi# I eah, 'So tat 1 041 Vncla Heiiry nd d ha:8tr 61ibuld know a b o tv t r t not be hate alvraVA, w6i; tnSr . ttgh01*` ry t1nd ffiVah ]Farina 6 - or 1w -4 -Ile