HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-08, Page 7It Hsi Pi Noble Hilt And COOrtieri Pili344 It PO* Gone By „ . Men, azul somo WonloO,, 'Wbe In- dulge'llk that very Pleasant:pastime, 0;_f hergetihrte pitchidg need have no • ItePlIaticolt! Seri the, I1111084Y Post,-- In admitting the feet'. that they eePX: ar game recreation in this :particul . • , • klresime It has an hoPershig MOT Whell`..itt the company of per - Sons discussing btrdies, OPPrOaC4 etc,. It is noneces, nary. for . them to teep,t tli.eir Own . counsel .and refrain frOM 'mention. • of"ringers," Ileaners," and one- quarter' t11#18, And -Other • 'teill1e • of horseshoe pitehing, because •tha.. game of ..their hearts dates , hack: • ling before the firat, golf club was swung on the Pebblesl- Which •,,firtlt•.4. .• nerved as halls: , • •.."Barnyard GOV'. • • Heirseshee, pitching : Is a game which has occupied:leisure hours ot noblemen and kings; and .cOurtiers. • and PrIceS In days'. gone The 'grand old game • cif • barnyard gOlf, .popular 'through tho Years ,wlien 'other leaser activities.' have risen,. flourished ..and died. still 'gen on and is .enjoyed.by thousands of pen- . pie throughoutthe • AcCording. to 'Prank G. Menke., in ' his; ,All-SPOrta Recnid :Book, the ..lifirseshop7.pitehers can trace the .origin t tlieir 'apdre.haek to the . time iMmenie.telY following the In- vention of "holsesho4.-L-L'--a mere • `Janie .of ,2;50.0 to 3,000 years. , , The PloneR,W Quetta • • '..4.'When' Rothe and 'breece were. • World powers.. tha soldiers foUnd, exercise and spor,t in throwing the •• disena," Mr. ,:111...ealte Writes., . "The arrip:-..follOweirs Couldnot indulge - in. suclt contests because they . laCketi, .lioth the Moneyto ' buy, a .or • the ine'aits, to manufac- tUre ono'. Rat, .when horseshoes • Were „irivented,':to:.'proteet hoOfs-., of • • animal's/ travelling , over Meantains. • • Or through rOck-strewn. Passes, the.: • fellowers...picked :up the discarded ; 'shoes, and fashioned • thein into". • diSens -form, the pioneer Omit." 7 wider clock Has 93 Dials Viade•BY t4e Clockmaker to the King of the Belgians, Re- cords All the Maie-- Phenom- ena of- Time ' -0 _ _ •AGENTS WANTED , . . , SELI.4NG " WATERPROtiFINGS,'---4- • paints., reof. and /lest' rosettesdi- rect to large ,ponsumers, part or full time. The Preseo, Company. -- Toronto. • ' 8111E1DICAI.• - PILES. BOLDER'S- RECTAL sup, • PORT. $2.75 complete. 'Amazing new discovery. consta.ntly.,tnedi, cetes inflamed tissues and .d0l1n HOY prevents 'protruShon.` Write for booklet. Free trial of ,1,1older's•, Herbal Ointment: ' Bolder Mtg.,: .651 D.Offerin,'Street. Toronto. ' Ntitit4Etitv-. sTocx ItAlth. AND ORN:A11ENT7 ale4:-.Sead for opt latest f41 -plant -7* ' Ing gtalogue.. .F411 •descriptions • Of' a Wide .ittesorttnent ..;Of 'lilies,. • .rOckerY. plants'. and, ether. peren- nial .'flovizers. also fruit •for the- czilder. parts. Special offeast ore- • mitito., with' each Order. Otity atrong root st ancl..• stizicly . trees • ," sfilppect7 Bellvery In good condi- tion ,guaranteed. The Manitoba -Hardy Plant. Nursery, Bropmore. .1fen•', igEwapPAPER.rnor,EnTv waatt.rgla tp...iNcm.rtBsTBri. 13iirclibeing Ontario Weekly •• paper.: Can .make reasonable down •" parient In cash and monthly pa - mets for balance. Mint include " geed Job huSineas and well. estab. ..,1Ished,'neWspaper in growing _ G. laners'on. 9 Delaware •-.Aite., Toronto. •• ••01991.114.11,Ez4N .T40111.RTS YOPr" • YOU ('AN HAN C TY -4 ONVENI- ences in your village or farm home without water Supply Or seivers- .! Write fOrfree information 'on our modern. self -emptying, odourless Toilets trim s35,00 upg. and leave behind for ever the clre.zill • out- h.ju- with its flies, 'cold and un- , healthy discomforts. Kaustine En- gineering Company. 164 Portland . Street, Toronto: (Jnt. WAverley 8985. • , • VOU, • 44Ritv: .Suitecl? •Htindreds to choose front.. , 'Sonic with theitUS:''Idatty farmera'.".• daughters iind widoWs With Pre, perty. Partiefilars. lOe. pontiden- • fiat. 1.:,,sanadian Correspondence • Club, • 13.os: 128, Igary, 'Alta: • • ' PitriTt1GRAI"Illr ROLL 1ilL43l ' prints 25c: reprints S•for 25c:.• Free' enlargertietit ,with 25c erder. Ra- tablished over25 years, Bright- -ling RichmondISt. East. Torotite. .. ' • ' • , . ' :14111)141t AND 1.40131.1 1t1" 1.11kt1l1`DMN1- ' COCKERELS itEADY FOR ket in 3, months. IiI,P:•eci Roeks ,•.New klanipsbire.: Reds, 9,10 weeks .old $24.95, •.6,8, weeks old $19.95; 1 NV eOks $15.95. Big egg quality . add 'Ile. Baden °Electric Chick Hatchery Ltd., Lbiden, Ont. • • ' „ voN'T 3:1 Ss'. • TIA.ESE COCKEREL • bargains. Barred' Rocks, •White • Rocks, New • Hampshire Reds 8-9 26.95, 6-8 weeks $22.95;.3 .v.pelts • $16.50. iie.tcheries; Limited, Fergus,' Ont The , • .' 13:ilgian .'isvoinler clock"' „ . . , . , . thili ,by Lodewik Ziminer7. clock,' ' pinker to the Nina of the l3elgians. ' ' iLWiii go .on exhibition•for an indefi- ,. . 'site., 'period..tit, the New Yerlt:,Ma- *, • Seam. of Science and Industry. The ' . clock, • Which ,:is , 10 feet . high,. re- : . .cords on 98 separate diala :all the .. major, phenoniena .of time. •'. 'One'. of • ta,E,. simplest' 'tasks for, : „,.. . :the (leek is indicating the 10 dit-,.. • •'".--' feteitt tinie: divisions be, the world., •, Another is.. recording on 2a :row of pee a fl. . pe. dials hi, .of, •..the', tides, as they rise and fall . at.. ' '; various ports .throughout the 'world...; • Idr:. Zimmer says the CI.43.it haa.lit- tle trouhle in •taing, where the. sup, 1 moon, planets and . even Certain , ,Cornets'are at any given Hine.' ..• ' •, .Shows Astronomical Tvv" Hight , ' 'Oirie.. Of the _morel "CompliCated; oPeratrons of the ',clock' Show the • ,.'...:La_paarmat_disVacementef %the celes-. : 'tial Vann, the, horizpntal equater-. - ' .ial solar,parallax, astrehothical 'and, • .. tivil.,tWiligbt" and •tho. tratsfortita,' • lion Of the, polar star. The indicator . . , . .. - i • on the dial deal:ing smith the last nanied. manoeuver :requires 26.000, - year's io.make tr single ,rgvelation:• In ' Order to edmplete •the rotatiOn : en. • the -26,000-year dial the pendit- • . • . . . . ... lum .of the Centrelling master clock! : must:oscillate;badk and forth $22,- • 536,000,060 time.. :1 museatn Spokes- man .said.;•,•• ' SALE ReeinnlitiOneit.,F0414ETC'*'. :Vila' fa, n splendid. Opp:4(444y • tO buy really high iiins4. reconditioned. ' „ furniture at a. fraction or the real •;value, PV,e,Fy, .7111 W4. 01:94kughl'Y '•e:01:ra ?0,1 0,13,1.?, 1,01 iqvZ .0100 :07 • be.,444 P094100.4.44,44:, tee of Satisfection. ;goods care, , roily. packedfor, atte,.. shiPetent un • receipt' OP •Monox order. '• tention givento mail orders.. , , : eqg Aistio,gariy. .bed, room ChitrOWer., triple Mirror 'YAP - •• :spring. and vack. Walont.;nnish„ bed room suite. •1!"-w ciresSer, etiittonier,„.tnli • si#e. bed.- and Sunless spring, "•': , • ,it‘oy Beaptifullfour ,piece .• spite, in ! •viratrint' iiress,er, • venitY.,". full: size bed. eiUonier' eltd, sagfess. apring., ' ;•• ' , *co...Largo •• Walnut finian ;suite:, er.""" dresSer, chiffonier, toti" size • bed, sagless: spring and 'neW•all felt mattress, • • , tom. Large suite in two tone Wal-• • iff"!••••",,nuttinish. tireAet, large triple • infircir, 'vanity.' Oh full. size, • bed, *Loess. Spring,. and 'brand new suite, , large -dresser vnifity;.ehittfon-,_ ier, tull sixe bed and saglee 3 spring. •''tla.gn room sujte. • •tr#•,' •• buffet, extension, table and s ;leather -seat; theirs. $24 50 BeautlfUl•quer,ter cut oak •••••"'•iiiiite, large.' buffet. 'ekten- , akin tat:40.4nd &leather' upholstered •chairs.. .'• : - ". , ego Nine piece English oak. enite,* buffet,•chine': cabinet, ' exten- , • sion table and 6- leather seat chairs. Perfect, , • • • • : CAO I3eautifut '9 Piece' spite: -rich .1r -r Walnut finish, buffet; • ekten-'' Elan 'table, chine, cabinet and 6 lea,. • ther, upholstered Chairs,' •'$RC.:r.nglish" oe„k suite; biiffet, n•-•‘• tension • tatie:::,:claina cabinet and G leather upholstered chairs. elm Solid swalnut huffet, • IF • ••' cabinet, ,extenaieri; table end .5 chair's in bine leather. • .•' ' tea. Large Solid walnut•spite,but- WY.. Yet; cabinet, extension !tattle • Perfect ; .. • • . • • • • $109 'Beautiful Ante, solid,walnut, . (cost new over "$300.)• 'large' buffet,' ehina .ca„binet, extension table and G leather seat chairs,Pr- ter Condition. , , • 9.0.41cLagati spite (coSt •11'17's!" inately $350) 'large 'buffet:. ' cabinet.,extens.lOn table and 6 beau, leather seat chair. • tiQ Chesterfield suite,- 9 pieces,np• lielstered, in tapestrY, Mars:hall ,.1t90 3 Ojeee'.chestortield. Suite, •itp. • holstered,,,, in • harcf7wearing repp • material- , Marshall , sprin•g 4t29‘ Beitutiftit 3 '•Piece suite,•, up - •.911".•,', holstered :in • French -jacquard,. MarShall, spring reverable ctishiens: Irte`!'Smart 3 .pieee,'"'Snite, uphol- stered in brown novelty rem. ,reversiblO•Marshall 'spring ctiations.'', ..ShoW-wciod fronts. ' • • . tAK..;;.'prece suite,... upholstered. in . goOd , repp ;Material, ruat ..perfeet condition,. rexersihIe. Cushiens. q'P ece Beautiful :8 piece..Mohair Suite w"%'. (cost new about. $2351 rev'ers, ible Marshall cushions, walnut show • typed facings. Perfeet condition.: . Larce,- assortment., stoves. .kitclien. sevvinc Machines, dresSers,'. chiffoniers':hed,s, • ice, boxes. 'Studio . couches, rugs, • •ete.,, amazingly IoW:priees. ...specint'attention 'given ' to Mail eiders., Ev<!•.ry. ed f .ersafe shipment.en receipt oughlY d • retonitioned.'•.••Carefully. Peek „ of money order. .• '•DoneY back #ortinadee of • • • ,tiattatartton.,. • ' • Write,.fOr ;LYONS', TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT • 4711 Yonge St., Toronto FEED YOUR - CHEAP GRAIN TO theSe• cockerels. • Barred.' Reeks, Nea- Hampshire Reds, . 'white • Ileeks Av'eeks 423.95, 6-7• weeks ; $21.95, A,weeks 2.63h, 3 weeks 1414, 2 •weeks 9%. Large egg ouality. • add lc. Top • ,NOtch Chickeriet; GuelPh, Ont • TRACTOR MAGNIZTO AND triErNeJtAzott 11t.% AIRS SEND. CS YOCR TRACTOR 31G.NE to end Generator Repairs..We save. ' ,You :money. Allanson Arniattire • Mantr., 855. Bay' St.. Toronto ana(14In 1938_Edit .1(er r; 3 .P*004: 1400,r,M.440t) TQW.Firg 'PA A,177n4403:f. The :Piatione1-140: tiF,A,..A.P.4r,Y5 VS.414, ' The, Public:30Pa Of Lite 138' 'ed!, thin of the Canada, Vc.,ar -Beek. pub- , lished by authorization of the. Hon. W. D. Euler. Minister. of Trade" and. cotmerco is nntiounced" by the Do- - Minioa littreatt Of StatiatiZe The. Canada -Year Book, is,. tae ofiicial statistical annual Ot. the countrii. • and centains A thoroughly up.to- date, account, of the natural resour- erk -Of-the ,Dominion7and-their--ile-.:. ..velopment, the, history of the cone; •tryeits,:histitutions; its demography, :the ••different .britneltes, of Produe,:, 'llon,„ trade.. transportation.. finanee„,, .,,edhcatieu,'. brief,'' a ComPre, 'tensive.. study --Within • tbelimits;of single velcnie of the social' and .economic condition' of the Dominz: • ion. This new edition has been thoroughly .revised throughent and'. • hibludes .in all its 'chapters the lit,. • est information available UP to the • ;date of going to press. The 1938. Canada Year Book ex- tends to almost 1,200 pages, deal- ing,With all phases of the national , life. and more especially • With ' those susceptible of statistieal measure- ment.:. A statistical summary of the ' Progress of. Canada iS include,d in the introductory matter. This gives a pictures in figUres of. the remarkable progresS which, the country has made •since the first census of the Dominion was taken. in .1871, •sixty -Seven.' years 'ago. `• .Maps and. Charts • • There are oier thirty nrapS and &tarts eonMiiled,,,in. the -alame, and - 'two photo-geld.titie inserts • --rat- ing the ,Settions-; Of Y"Tbe-'-Plora- Canada" and '"Historic. Sites and; , MontiMents,", Three , lithographed .maps are included... ' Persons requiring :the YearBoek may 'obtain it from, the Kings Prin- ter. OttaWa, as long as the .supplY ' lasts'. at the price :of 81:59, which covers,, Merely ,the cost Of; paper, 'printing and binding. BY a special., cOncesSion, a limited •number of paper -bound copies have been set. aside ;fee ministers of religion, bona ,fide students and school" teachers, Who May obtain copies at ,the nom- . inal price of a e6its each. Th.e .1)01‘SHE . •• . Ely BL.T4A1MTH-E-BDY-, • • . "Papers and: Records: WEct.AND, ,OOLINTY ' HISTORICAL • SOCITY" Cent. e to think of it, many Of the .niest interesting/eventsin the his; tory .of Ontario . (lacl)ding Laura SeCortPs walk. to. warn the soldiers) had a ,plaCe. in the development :Of Velland-Cciuntythat teriatile,see,i tion of the' Province' 'tucked' dOwn en 'Lake Eric ,pne thil)g, the county is*. :bordered by the Niagara River a, body . of Water which, has figured large in a. dozen :incidents. ; The. Welland. ceniity, Hist�rscal 'St,iciety..haS o�ne t valuable jeb in Collecting oVer ' a:period .ef years ali'the, papers' and. reaords, •Whiclr throw light o; the 'bah; of that ter' gi�n." :So far, fiv volurneS Of the'. Papers and,Records been •piiblishel„ dealing with, the War Of 1812 the Fenian raids.,, the br-tife Welland Ship : Canal, the •story of Fort EriehapPenings on the Niagara frcintier. Sketches of 'personalities serYe' .to ' make the • ..documents real interesting.* .. The .student interested in, the history', of Ontario„cannot .afforel to miss a, pe'ritsal of these.. vniumeS. They May ,be liadat.„$2,0o a'niece. Order's are received by Louis Blake , Duff,. Secretary of' the Society,. 35 4iagera. Street, Nyella.nd, Ontario.7 eifect .Specimen • Strict Vegetarian , The magnificent health of a Brl,• ish bOY..•wlitise ;vegetarian' Parentt' '• re' `St rictcd hint ::to, a. Meatless diet . has led' One of' Great forenfott TiSYsiologiit'S to believe he heq 10 01 Cgted -,e 'perfect 'boy A,.., ." . '•LeOlinra tidi dlreeter ofre-, . abarch at; .7.t. John Gfinic and !Estf.. title. of Physidal Medieine,, Wrote :hip the 4 I3ri i sit Medi:01.13.6016i ,of the bovivli0e fat tit -an (1 inotltei re, ..Yeara 0 t� ;the. ...VeL;otible " Ten .Mutes Before Breakfast' ' Ile did,iitit„identity the ..;:olkboy,:wlici: Weighs '$6.pettmls.:and... • stands' fear feet' lint • ok tent::to. iii*yt "He . tho'"0011 Of taittred ' theinseive& rogetarians:y • pertecf Sneelinen doeSn't eat nielit, tisk eggs,.or 'brettd,'wallti.',. : aillet. dtilty litre brealtfaSta :titell • s itriwit to dad slice"if Pine, . OMiI POr 1thul1• hehas bike,d nach and l'haion ttle TjTi a• Nit ClI st. 'Wile. of WhOle Meal' • fifillt;'• • elieeSe.: and milk—te.ditintee lit all., ror-tea.1i6tffitzft have tea,'but • t*O111EI bite Orange rtind t�, mall tomatoes. at Science Doing' INSULIN AND CATARACTS '‘Theie has been enormous. pre. • . --greis in:- the reduction of -blindness in Countries all overthe world," Sir ;Stewart Duke -Elder, surgeon- . oculist to •King George, said in in interview at Toreritaj_ast *eek. . ' the greatest • single facter in thi reductiOil Of :•blindriesS, Sir 'Stewart. , explained, was early -treatMent MIA e,.._-tecially. the: ap- plication of silver solution to tfie, • eY,.es of childreijit irth.. by checking diabetic cadition's; is also' reducing • eidenee of cataracts, said Sir • SteWart. Cataracts were often caused by diabetic .condition, he, explained. 1 1. ,.:60AT's ;mom). cuax • Two hundred ,people have =beep curedof gastric .ulcers- hiving goat's bleed injected into their Vein's at tbe Institute of Bleed Transfulon :in MosetrW„J.U.S,S.R.::: , The'', 'tires were remarkably rapid, and in the two years'. that the exteriments have continued no pathas had,' h• recurrence of ' the •riretble Atte' treatment. The '.treatnient has„been. found snecess'- •ful also wheti apPlied to Skin 'ilia- ,easeS and tropical ulcers, though somewhat Ics effective then for gastric ulcer, ; , . nye Cable cencanetres 'of, bleoci.' .are,, transferred from the . goat , to the Patient at .citeh injection, Af!.- ter the secend: ttailhfusion he paitedAPpearS and tie -nieer we- te heal. ELASfTTAL • • Scientists are constantly dis- coVeringneW Metals and iinnrev,- .ing on. Old one.S.BtiI •nov'th"ey • have Made a neW SUbStalite.7Wl IS neither: mineral her vegetable, „ but a coinbitiation Of •both°., Irhey • have, 'amalgamated rubber and :Steel in Snell a manner ith to twin tat elnstia , • ' would not even have been thought po'ssible. Tke -value to industry .of • this new metal • is considerable: it is ileal for the 'manufactare, Of Springs; couplings and Sound -ah - sorbing devices. Although: still in • the experimental stages;''there is ••-.116' doubt that it,will enhance: our . • • , pregt-ess and there are hundreds of wayS in Which it will be used. PLANTS GROWN WiTHOLTr: •:EARTH , • 'Di.. W.' M. -McNeely, medical superintendent Of 'Essex , CenUtY Sanatorium, Windsor, Ont.,; has ' been experimenting for years with ,-plaritti-iiir-.14s. -capacity as amateur • -hortieulturist. His • hobby7raT7 brought him ; Many pleasant irio- • ,• ments, and lately gave rise to the idea that it, ,rnay be possibleto hasten the growth of bone, in op- . erations -Where..pieces must be re:, mote& • , He adiples that he doesn't think himself'capable of h medical dia- • coveq of this magnitude, but, be- lieves it will come, in the light tliat, Col. Charles A.: Lindbergh is eiperimenting with a 'live' heart,. and .has kejot•it alive by nutrition 'for years. • ' •" • ' • The genial dotter got the idea . , when "e began ,te grow Itii, re- rnarkable flower garden' without earth last May,,, in his first expert-, • rnent with hYdreponics; He has . . one garden containing 1,4 vartettea of plants and n tomato plant as well, and tbere 'isn't a vestige of eartlf;anyWhere. The xi -iota are in ' wate: Containing a solution of chemical salts. The seeds are • ranted "xi fou nar§ ..p, .1 r I 'Itch rdi es, o excelsior, suspended on *ire net.' I .tim. above. Water containing the • salts solution. • 1 And almost mitaculOutly, ihe• • plants are 'hesilthfir and Much' larger .than .• these left; to the care: ,' of "Mother Nature.; When the letiyeS, bt,the, plants begin to iet, low, Dr. McNeely took this as a "SyMptont that there was an iron tlefietencY and -Added a hit Of irrin pantediately, the, leaves. took On A deeper eodor and sliovi ,cd signs of ,iraproved health, ' • IS4ile No. 37-- 38.. " • • Atter a !pug talk on the valueof ,.peace, gontwill and disarteetnenr, A teacher as "fd his',Claaa if they pir, ,jeCtedlo, 'wart • X1,037--Ye8, air„ 1 do! ' TeacherL-Goodi 'Now tell: us why -Boy--136,cense, sir,. Wars , Made 'bistcrY---4114 hate 11011:nil' Imagination was .given a man to POMPensAtelltm ;fel.' what .11.e, itr .not, and •• sense of litimor was prodded 'for whet he:is, Mrs. :Dasher4-When ,,We. were in • Egypt we :visited • the, pyramids. Some of tbe, stones were literally covered; with hieroglyphics. Xtrs. Gusher -1 hope hone Of them got on you They. say some Of those:foreign insects are ter- . , Thirlp Work Out Because it rains *lien, we wish it w Be-cause°'11'mkin't. endo what they often. , Shouldn,I. " • go 'Beeal4SweroChrs and plansSeine' of ue grunible the whole day.' • • But; somehow,. in spite • of the Cate and doubt, ,It Seems at last that things work 'So bend to yourtrouble and meet your ,eare, ', • For -the clouds -must- breait; , and the Sky- grew fair. Let the rain &nue down at it must and iU But keep on working and Wing '. still, For inspiaoabout,f the grn,inhlers who staid Somehow,it seems allthings work Ont. ' • • Dramatist—So yon'te 'read tny new • Play? • Well, what de you think of -it?. • Manager -,--My dear 'sir,: there are two scenes in it that Shakespeare himself couldn't have Written. Drarnatist-Aftead ? And which scenes ate thoSe? Manager—The ,one .in. the radio Shop and the one in the movie stu •din,. ' Mealier—junior, -isn't it • rather extravagant' to eatlitIth butter and jain 'on yourbread at the,Saitte Junior—Oh ; no Mother dear'. It ecnnorny. iron See the same Piece ot bread:. does for. hoth, • • , -,HarperGreen says' he is finan eially all in. Ilarris•Yes,-; just told me he's es•-• , -ery -ceritTeut. • • , • -, • Farinere, Feder Purchase. PIan Is Annount. Federal Government Aids- The Farrners In OnOng Oae-Wity Expeuseirto Wed 4 ,• The. refund to ta.rmers..of their zigents;',Pf, one-way travelling ex- pensea is emhodied in a 'feeder purl Chase itlicy which Agriculfure, ' Minister Y 0 garOner Almonucen became effective in Canada•Septem- ber. extending until December 31 The ;PelleY isaimed at helping fgrinera to, make. personal ;helee.- tion Pf ,-,feeder Stock cattle • and plambs-r, in Western Canada: It is . eifieetive 'in' • three editiOns. one .... each for Eastern Ganada..the:•PraF • •,rie *Previticest. and :British, Colunt- bia The policy is applied tocarload shipments billed within, the -Sped.... Bed' tiine. .7 How IP -45114C Is,' Applied' ' Subject to the kioaditiona Outlined in- the policy . itself; farmers from points east of Manitoba may obtain the benefit indicated on the pur- chase of feeder cattle at the Saiska-: bion sale, September. , 28 to 29; Moose Jai., October 7, at country paints and at any stockyards in the Prairie Provinces, The Polley will apply on 'Iambi and ewes bolight at the Mose Jaw sale,. or at countrs; points; and on Iambi ' purchased' at the stockyards 'nI these 'three Province's. 'Prairie Province .farmers ' may huy, cattle At either of the,:siles and at the,Stockyards:' may also purchase lambs and breedink.eWes at the ,Moose, jaw sale and faiths ''.atlhe :stockyards, -- -`• In Three 'Sections British Columbia farmers; or „ their agents, may have the benefits of the policy'on cattle purchased • tibia a range ;herd in the interior. , of British ColuMbia ,at the Moose •, 'JAW and •Saikatoon feeder ;salei. and at conical's' ' -points or stock= yards,, in Alberta and Saskatchew- an. Lambs purchased at stoekyards.. land both lamb a and ewes pnrchas- .ed: at the ,MOose. Jaw sale; or at country points w these two ,pro- vinces, will, be epgibie: Departmental agents at e va riaus• stockyards are in possession' of all information _relating to the . policy, as well as the ' Western Stock Grower's Association of Cal-. . . . Seven -Pound Pike, Ate a Whitefish After -flying. into the. Wheeler fighing.,preserves in the Lake La Carpe section of Northern Quebec recently, pr. and Mrs. Charles It Baker and son, Malcolm Baker, of Montreal, have returned to Gray- Rocks.Jnn,'St. Joyite, by the Kiamilia canoe route. • ;Virh" e mg a num e Mrs. Ciefc Baker hatitnga7 dchi' thee unusual per- Flying; Above: Quebec 'Lakes Mrs. Wilbur' L. .C,utntningi ac- companied by her daughter' Molly,. both of Round Hill, Greenwich, Conn., arrived at Gray _flocks Inn AirpOrt, St. Joyie, Que.,. recently. 1 ,From this • point 'Mrs Cumming chartered the Gray Rocks Air Set - Vice Nihica 87;and hew into Lake 'Comniandant,' . approximately '65 air miles north Of 4qiny Rocks Inn, • There they Were Met .by guide, ,Joe Latour, and caught a large mlintier of grey .trout. In; , neighbouring take Gauthier' they also caught their full quota et ePeckied , treat, During the trip einiiiitingand her. daughter' . hadthe experience of seatng con- siderable big genie, ' . A Black- Sheep * k tlaetc4ttheeti` kill "into a' 0111 - de -tat, chased by Odgl, leaped a four -foot gate; Attuned through a .window knoeked o*.er,"table itt 'Whielf SOitie • peoPle were ; having bretikfitSt4: Sinashed crockery 04; ornansents. and smothered ' th.6 fobit 'broken. Let the other fellow, talk oce.a- Toii can't learn touch lis-': tening:to yourself:, Neighbour-I'Well; hill; 1, hear Your boss: has had a fever, FI,OW's hi S teniperature this meoning? , Hired Man ,(scratching his bead) for Me to. say:: He died /ast night. , • It takes ipluelt for 'a z, -,:;r1' to *ear stiree 'Of the new .hathing Suits. .1n. Inez...she has to Show a lot of haat :- hone to do it: • ' C.N.R. Operating . Revenues :Don statement • of operating retenhes •and operating, • . ettienses f the Canadian National , Railways ' systehi ,foi the Meath ' of July iSsped at Moil- treal last Week ShowS operating re-" Yenne:s •,were $14.L7.717 as eottipar.:' , ed •with $16,662,_95,5 in July. •Operating expenses were$14;273,-, 675 against- $1.5,704.0R during the Corresponding period of •last Year. 'Por -the seven months period end, • ing JtilY 1. 0p0.tatirtg ' rON-'73:11E;S were 89,67936q, against ' 299 in the corresponding period of lastS,ear. Operating expenses -up • to las, piof this Year were $102- 713'.fi7; 'compared with $164.032,451 for the ,s1n1l1az,4.Period Of 1937.' ' The summaries fttiloWt.' ' Month of July Operating Revenues. 1938, ':$14.. 1.16,7t7; 1931, Decrease $2;456.268. Operating ',Expenses, $1-1..273,61.5,; 19074 0.5,76.1485r Decrease. .430.410. Net Revenue'. Defici 1935. $9,6,958;, 1957, 1937; • $055,660; Decrease $1,055,853. ' • Angregite to July Titt • Operating 'Reveirnes, • 1935, 396,- 936.276; 1037; $111,659,09,.;, De- crease, $14',723,02:1. operating, Ex.. - tenses, lt):Ig, s,10:1,71X21'74 "1937, .••$10.1,63.451..7. Decrease,: $1,31f,34. ,S7et.; Revenue betleit.' 193,8., $5,776,, . 9.41" 1q37,$1 646 5•1$''' 7 Deet4ase • , 01,401,159c' , aligai111104,:114*,ft 'Fret ell thetiOn pi..litlresare Suililanting German produaions. in Greets. • • • ;., f.HQi7*-11 0G.DENIS:41 • : utalint:PCncoslyou'll.th'isld7iidtlici'r ciretted a lot 0 etitra Wt(sfaction in MIling your oWn. NO ripeci to feh mound. . for a bevet Fine Cut Ogden 's— there is none. ,Ogden's rolls them , r and pricher, 171:17 smoother1•31:1etecl everye'r" :* time--47es, vogPueceit:11, when you ti use ' haat For Oidce,s Cur . which had just devoured whitefiih. 'Both fmb were In' per- fect eonaition.. On their fourclaY,' trip the Bakers .Were accompanisd • by two Gray Rcicks Inn guides. arm.Topics Cotifrol of .t.cv.r Taktle 7 Aflerbarrgst , Cultivation, is the ...heapest and. most.effeeive Method '• of controlling• Perennial „Saw,. This- tle, :states: J. D:,...AxeLeo'd et ez;e Crops..Seeds 'and:. Weeds' Branch of the Ontario 1;6par:talent Of. cnituro in an intervieW this week. • , creeping rootStalks '.of,. the. Perennial So*. Thistle are at their weakest stage ,right :uotv,7''Said Mr _McLeod : '‘`Flat; stra4lit and dry • weather are Otr best partners." Mr McLeod adViSes dep plow tag immediately after harvest The . land alinuld be allowed tit drY thor -mighty for two or 'three- ..weeks without Cultivataciii. is POlitted otit:ihat. surface s-oll is separated , ;front sithsoil; 'moisture is tut, and • root stalks Are ,•bollaW., and Milky and Canntit,' stand heat :•and • (hiltless: fellow later:,% with: the bread .shares- On iie ,,,eilitivatby to; . get y reman haantloW°,1pnItot:Itrat:t: g •:.cr • deep dischig.iviii kip .yOling stint; , Mer , annuals and indtata Seeds toy. gertitinate, stateS::Mr.. Meeotf, At- • ter harvev cultivation . pais big . dividends in assuringAarger' sire • ' eeeding, crons and batter ,returah. ..I•toni Weeds...When they are.,:weatest. ' 'Plan noW AO work all , infeSzed fields Whi,ch are not seeaed.dira-nZ UST atthe time whert.- you lieed new tires on your car, Firestone niuk- es it possible for you to buy - genuine 'high quality: gum -dipped tires at prices - that 'Save you real money. ThesenewFirestOne Standard Tires give you everything you ne)ed— lost& carefree,-/Qea,ge, dependable safety , and low cost. Drive in to your nearest Fireitone Dealer today and have him put a set of Standards on your car today's, top tire value. v. CIasiFied Advertising ,Icz _ _ •AGENTS WANTED , . . , SELI.4NG " WATERPROtiFINGS,'---4- • paints., reof. and /lest' rosettesdi- rect to large ,ponsumers, part or full time. The Preseo, Company. -- Toronto. • ' 8111E1DICAI.• - PILES. BOLDER'S- RECTAL sup, • PORT. $2.75 complete. 'Amazing new discovery. consta.ntly.,tnedi, cetes inflamed tissues and .d0l1n HOY prevents 'protruShon.` Write for booklet. Free trial of ,1,1older's•, Herbal Ointment: ' Bolder Mtg.,: .651 D.Offerin,'Street. Toronto. ' Ntitit4Etitv-. sTocx ItAlth. AND ORN:A11ENT7 ale4:-.Sead for opt latest f41 -plant -7* ' Ing gtalogue.. .F411 •descriptions • Of' a Wide .ittesorttnent ..;Of 'lilies,. • .rOckerY. plants'. and, ether. peren- nial .'flovizers. also fruit •for the- czilder. parts. Special offeast ore- • mitito., with' each Order. Otity atrong root st ancl..• stizicly . trees • ," sfilppect7 Bellvery In good condi- tion ,guaranteed. The Manitoba -Hardy Plant. Nursery, Bropmore. .1fen•', igEwapPAPER.rnor,EnTv waatt.rgla tp...iNcm.rtBsTBri. 13iirclibeing Ontario Weekly •• paper.: Can .make reasonable down •" parient In cash and monthly pa - mets for balance. Mint include " geed Job huSineas and well. estab. ..,1Ished,'neWspaper in growing _ G. laners'on. 9 Delaware •-.Aite., Toronto. •• ••01991.114.11,Ez4N .T40111.RTS YOPr" • YOU ('AN HAN C TY -4 ONVENI- ences in your village or farm home without water Supply Or seivers- .! Write fOrfree information 'on our modern. self -emptying, odourless Toilets trim s35,00 upg. and leave behind for ever the clre.zill • out- h.ju- with its flies, 'cold and un- , healthy discomforts. Kaustine En- gineering Company. 164 Portland . Street, Toronto: (Jnt. WAverley 8985. • , • VOU, • 44Ritv: .Suitecl? •Htindreds to choose front.. , 'Sonic with theitUS:''Idatty farmera'.".• daughters iind widoWs With Pre, perty. Partiefilars. lOe. pontiden- • fiat. 1.:,,sanadian Correspondence • Club, • 13.os: 128, Igary, 'Alta: • • ' PitriTt1GRAI"Illr ROLL 1ilL43l ' prints 25c: reprints S•for 25c:.• Free' enlargertietit ,with 25c erder. Ra- tablished over25 years, Bright- -ling RichmondISt. East. Torotite. .. ' • ' • , . ' :14111)141t AND 1.40131.1 1t1" 1.11kt1l1`DMN1- ' COCKERELS itEADY FOR ket in 3, months. IiI,P:•eci Roeks ,•.New klanipsbire.: Reds, 9,10 weeks .old $24.95, •.6,8, weeks old $19.95; 1 NV eOks $15.95. Big egg quality . add 'Ile. Baden °Electric Chick Hatchery Ltd., Lbiden, Ont. • • ' „ voN'T 3:1 Ss'. • TIA.ESE COCKEREL • bargains. Barred' Rocks, •White • Rocks, New • Hampshire Reds 8-9 26.95, 6-8 weeks $22.95;.3 .v.pelts • $16.50. iie.tcheries; Limited, Fergus,' Ont The , • .' 13:ilgian .'isvoinler clock"' „ . . , . , . thili ,by Lodewik Ziminer7. clock,' ' pinker to the Nina of the l3elgians. ' ' iLWiii go .on exhibition•for an indefi- ,. . 'site., 'period..tit, the New Yerlt:,Ma- *, • Seam. of Science and Industry. The ' . clock, • Which ,:is , 10 feet . high,. re- : . .cords on 98 separate diala :all the .. major, phenoniena .of time. •'. 'One'. of • ta,E,. simplest' 'tasks for, : „,.. . :the (leek is indicating the 10 dit-,.. • •'".--' feteitt tinie: divisions be, the world., •, Another is.. recording on 2a :row of pee a fl. . pe. dials hi, .of, •..the', tides, as they rise and fall . at.. ' '; various ports .throughout the 'world...; • Idr:. Zimmer says the CI.43.it haa.lit- tle trouhle in •taing, where the. sup, 1 moon, planets and . even Certain , ,Cornets'are at any given Hine.' ..• ' •, .Shows Astronomical Tvv" Hight , ' 'Oirie.. Of the _morel "CompliCated; oPeratrons of the ',clock' Show the • ,.'...:La_paarmat_disVacementef %the celes-. : 'tial Vann, the, horizpntal equater-. - ' .ial solar,parallax, astrehothical 'and, • .. tivil.,tWiligbt" and •tho. tratsfortita,' • lion Of the, polar star. The indicator . . , . .. - i • on the dial deal:ing smith the last nanied. manoeuver :requires 26.000, - year's io.make tr single ,rgvelation:• In ' Order to edmplete •the rotatiOn : en. • the -26,000-year dial the pendit- • . • . . . . ... lum .of the Centrelling master clock! : must:oscillate;badk and forth $22,- • 536,000,060 time.. :1 museatn Spokes- man .said.;•,•• ' SALE ReeinnlitiOneit.,F0414ETC'*'. :Vila' fa, n splendid. Opp:4(444y • tO buy really high iiins4. reconditioned. ' „ furniture at a. fraction or the real •;value, PV,e,Fy, .7111 W4. 01:94kughl'Y '•e:01:ra ?0,1 0,13,1.?, 1,01 iqvZ .0100 :07 • be.,444 P094100.4.44,44:, tee of Satisfection. ;goods care, , roily. packedfor, atte,.. shiPetent un • receipt' OP •Monox order. '• tention givento mail orders.. , , : eqg Aistio,gariy. .bed, room ChitrOWer., triple Mirror 'YAP - •• :spring. and vack. Walont.;nnish„ bed room suite. •1!"-w ciresSer, etiittonier,„.tnli • si#e. bed.- and Sunless spring, "•': , • ,it‘oy Beaptifullfour ,piece .• spite, in ! •viratrint' iiress,er, • venitY.,". full: size bed. eiUonier' eltd, sagfess. apring., ' ;•• ' , *co...Largo •• Walnut finian ;suite:, er.""" dresSer, chiffonier, toti" size • bed, sagless: spring and 'neW•all felt mattress, • • , tom. Large suite in two tone Wal-• • iff"!••••",,nuttinish. tireAet, large triple • infircir, 'vanity.' Oh full. size, • bed, *Loess. Spring,. and 'brand new suite, , large -dresser vnifity;.ehittfon-,_ ier, tull sixe bed and saglee 3 spring. •''tla.gn room sujte. • •tr#•,' •• buffet, extension, table and s ;leather -seat; theirs. $24 50 BeautlfUl•quer,ter cut oak •••••"'•iiiiite, large.' buffet. 'ekten- , akin tat:40.4nd &leather' upholstered •chairs.. .'• : - ". , ego Nine piece English oak. enite,* buffet,•chine': cabinet, ' exten- , • sion table and 6- leather seat chairs. Perfect, , • • • • : CAO I3eautifut '9 Piece' spite: -rich .1r -r Walnut finish, buffet; • ekten-'' Elan 'table, chine, cabinet and 6 lea,. • ther, upholstered Chairs,' •'$RC.:r.nglish" oe„k suite; biiffet, n•-•‘• tension • tatie:::,:claina cabinet and G leather upholstered chairs. elm Solid swalnut huffet, • IF • ••' cabinet, ,extenaieri; table end .5 chair's in bine leather. • .•' ' tea. Large Solid walnut•spite,but- WY.. Yet; cabinet, extension !tattle • Perfect ; .. • • . • • • • $109 'Beautiful Ante, solid,walnut, . (cost new over "$300.)• 'large' buffet,' ehina .ca„binet, extension table and G leather seat chairs,Pr- ter Condition. , , • 9.0.41cLagati spite (coSt •11'17's!" inately $350) 'large 'buffet:. ' cabinet.,extens.lOn table and 6 beau, leather seat chair. • tiQ Chesterfield suite,- 9 pieces,np• lielstered, in tapestrY, Mars:hall ,.1t90 3 Ojeee'.chestortield. Suite, •itp. • holstered,,,, in • harcf7wearing repp • material- , Marshall , sprin•g 4t29‘ Beitutiftit 3 '•Piece suite,•, up - •.911".•,', holstered :in • French -jacquard,. MarShall, spring reverable ctishiens: Irte`!'Smart 3 .pieee,'"'Snite, uphol- stered in brown novelty rem. ,reversiblO•Marshall 'spring ctiations.'', ..ShoW-wciod fronts. ' • • . tAK..;;.'prece suite,... upholstered. in . goOd , repp ;Material, ruat ..perfeet condition,. rexersihIe. Cushiens. q'P ece Beautiful :8 piece..Mohair Suite w"%'. (cost new about. $2351 rev'ers, ible Marshall cushions, walnut show • typed facings. Perfeet condition.: . Larce,- assortment., stoves. .kitclien. sevvinc Machines, dresSers,'. chiffoniers':hed,s, • ice, boxes. 'Studio . couches, rugs, • •ete.,, amazingly IoW:priees. ...specint'attention 'given ' to Mail eiders., Ev<!•.ry. ed f .ersafe shipment.en receipt oughlY d • retonitioned.'•.••Carefully. Peek „ of money order. .• '•DoneY back #ortinadee of • • • ,tiattatartton.,. • ' • Write,.fOr ;LYONS', TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT • 4711 Yonge St., Toronto FEED YOUR - CHEAP GRAIN TO theSe• cockerels. • Barred.' Reeks, Nea- Hampshire Reds, . 'white • Ileeks Av'eeks 423.95, 6-7• weeks ; $21.95, A,weeks 2.63h, 3 weeks 1414, 2 •weeks 9%. Large egg ouality. • add lc. Top • ,NOtch Chickeriet; GuelPh, Ont • TRACTOR MAGNIZTO AND triErNeJtAzott 11t.% AIRS SEND. CS YOCR TRACTOR 31G.NE to end Generator Repairs..We save. ' ,You :money. Allanson Arniattire • Mantr., 855. Bay' St.. Toronto ana(14In 1938_Edit .1(er r; 3 .P*004: 1400,r,M.440t) TQW.Firg 'PA A,177n4403:f. The :Piatione1-140: tiF,A,..A.P.4r,Y5 VS.414, ' The, Public:30Pa Of Lite 138' 'ed!, thin of the Canada, Vc.,ar -Beek. pub- , lished by authorization of the. Hon. W. D. Euler. Minister. of Trade" and. cotmerco is nntiounced" by the Do- - Minioa littreatt Of StatiatiZe The. Canada -Year Book, is,. tae ofiicial statistical annual Ot. the countrii. • and centains A thoroughly up.to- date, account, of the natural resour- erk -Of-the ,Dominion7and-their--ile-.:. ..velopment, the, history of the cone; •tryeits,:histitutions; its demography, :the ••different .britneltes, of Produe,:, 'llon,„ trade.. transportation.. finanee„,, .,,edhcatieu,'. brief,'' a ComPre, 'tensive.. study --Within • tbelimits;of single velcnie of the social' and .economic condition' of the Dominz: • ion. This new edition has been thoroughly .revised throughent and'. • hibludes .in all its 'chapters the lit,. • est information available UP to the • ;date of going to press. The 1938. Canada Year Book ex- tends to almost 1,200 pages, deal- ing,With all phases of the national , life. and more especially • With ' those susceptible of statistieal measure- ment.:. A statistical summary of the ' Progress of. Canada iS include,d in the introductory matter. This gives a pictures in figUres of. the remarkable progresS which, the country has made •since the first census of the Dominion was taken. in .1871, •sixty -Seven.' years 'ago. `• .Maps and. Charts • • There are oier thirty nrapS and &tarts eonMiiled,,,in. the -alame, and - 'two photo-geld.titie inserts • --rat- ing the ,Settions-; Of Y"Tbe-'-Plora- Canada" and '"Historic. Sites and; , MontiMents,", Three , lithographed .maps are included... ' Persons requiring :the YearBoek may 'obtain it from, the Kings Prin- ter. OttaWa, as long as the .supplY ' lasts'. at the price :of 81:59, which covers,, Merely ,the cost Of; paper, 'printing and binding. BY a special., cOncesSion, a limited •number of paper -bound copies have been set. aside ;fee ministers of religion, bona ,fide students and school" teachers, Who May obtain copies at ,the nom- . inal price of a e6its each. Th.e .1)01‘SHE . •• . Ely BL.T4A1MTH-E-BDY-, • • . "Papers and: Records: WEct.AND, ,OOLINTY ' HISTORICAL • SOCITY" Cent. e to think of it, many Of the .niest interesting/eventsin the his; tory .of Ontario . (lacl)ding Laura SeCortPs walk. to. warn the soldiers) had a ,plaCe. in the development :Of Velland-Cciuntythat teriatile,see,i tion of the' Province' 'tucked' dOwn en 'Lake Eric ,pne thil)g, the county is*. :bordered by the Niagara River a, body . of Water which, has figured large in a. dozen :incidents. ; The. Welland. ceniity, Hist�rscal 'St,iciety..haS o�ne t valuable jeb in Collecting oVer ' a:period .ef years ali'the, papers' and. reaords, •Whiclr throw light o; the 'bah; of that ter' gi�n." :So far, fiv volurneS Of the'. Papers and,Records been •piiblishel„ dealing with, the War Of 1812 the Fenian raids.,, the br-tife Welland Ship : Canal, the •story of Fort EriehapPenings on the Niagara frcintier. Sketches of 'personalities serYe' .to ' make the • ..documents real interesting.* .. The .student interested in, the history', of Ontario„cannot .afforel to miss a, pe'ritsal of these.. vniumeS. They May ,be liadat.„$2,0o a'niece. Order's are received by Louis Blake , Duff,. Secretary of' the Society,. 35 4iagera. Street, Nyella.nd, Ontario.7 eifect .Specimen • Strict Vegetarian , The magnificent health of a Brl,• ish bOY..•wlitise ;vegetarian' Parentt' '• re' `St rictcd hint ::to, a. Meatless diet . has led' One of' Great forenfott TiSYsiologiit'S to believe he heq 10 01 Cgted -,e 'perfect 'boy A,.., ." . '•LeOlinra tidi dlreeter ofre-, . abarch at; .7.t. John Gfinic and !Estf.. title. of Physidal Medieine,, Wrote :hip the 4 I3ri i sit Medi:01.13.6016i ,of the bovivli0e fat tit -an (1 inotltei re, ..Yeara 0 t� ;the. ...VeL;otible " Ten .Mutes Before Breakfast' ' Ile did,iitit„identity the ..;:olkboy,:wlici: Weighs '$6.pettmls.:and... • stands' fear feet' lint • ok tent::to. iii*yt "He . tho'"0011 Of taittred ' theinseive& rogetarians:y • pertecf Sneelinen doeSn't eat nielit, tisk eggs,.or 'brettd,'wallti.',. : aillet. dtilty litre brealtfaSta :titell • s itriwit to dad slice"if Pine, . OMiI POr 1thul1• hehas bike,d nach and l'haion ttle TjTi a• Nit ClI st. 'Wile. of WhOle Meal' • fifillt;'• • elieeSe.: and milk—te.ditintee lit all., ror-tea.1i6tffitzft have tea,'but • t*O111EI bite Orange rtind t�, mall tomatoes. at Science Doing' INSULIN AND CATARACTS '‘Theie has been enormous. pre. • . --greis in:- the reduction of -blindness in Countries all overthe world," Sir ;Stewart Duke -Elder, surgeon- . oculist to •King George, said in in interview at Toreritaj_ast *eek. . ' the greatest • single facter in thi reductiOil Of :•blindriesS, Sir 'Stewart. , explained, was early -treatMent MIA e,.._-tecially. the: ap- plication of silver solution to tfie, • eY,.es of childreijit irth.. by checking diabetic cadition's; is also' reducing • eidenee of cataracts, said Sir • SteWart. Cataracts were often caused by diabetic .condition, he, explained. 1 1. ,.:60AT's ;mom). cuax • Two hundred ,people have =beep curedof gastric .ulcers- hiving goat's bleed injected into their Vein's at tbe Institute of Bleed Transfulon :in MosetrW„J.U.S,S.R.::: , The'', 'tires were remarkably rapid, and in the two years'. that the exteriments have continued no pathas had,' h• recurrence of ' the •riretble Atte' treatment. The '.treatnient has„been. found snecess'- •ful also wheti apPlied to Skin 'ilia- ,easeS and tropical ulcers, though somewhat Ics effective then for gastric ulcer, ; , . nye Cable cencanetres 'of, bleoci.' .are,, transferred from the . goat , to the Patient at .citeh injection, Af!.- ter the secend: ttailhfusion he paitedAPpearS and tie -nieer we- te heal. ELASfTTAL • • Scientists are constantly dis- coVeringneW Metals and iinnrev,- .ing on. Old one.S.BtiI •nov'th"ey • have Made a neW SUbStalite.7Wl IS neither: mineral her vegetable, „ but a coinbitiation Of •both°., Irhey • have, 'amalgamated rubber and :Steel in Snell a manner ith to twin tat elnstia , • ' would not even have been thought po'ssible. Tke -value to industry .of • this new metal • is considerable: it is ileal for the 'manufactare, Of Springs; couplings and Sound -ah - sorbing devices. Although: still in • the experimental stages;''there is ••-.116' doubt that it,will enhance: our . • • , pregt-ess and there are hundreds of wayS in Which it will be used. PLANTS GROWN WiTHOLTr: •:EARTH , • 'Di.. W.' M. -McNeely, medical superintendent Of 'Essex , CenUtY Sanatorium, Windsor, Ont.,; has ' been experimenting for years with ,-plaritti-iiir-.14s. -capacity as amateur • -hortieulturist. His • hobby7raT7 brought him ; Many pleasant irio- • ,• ments, and lately gave rise to the idea that it, ,rnay be possibleto hasten the growth of bone, in op- . erations -Where..pieces must be re:, mote& • , He adiples that he doesn't think himself'capable of h medical dia- • coveq of this magnitude, but, be- lieves it will come, in the light tliat, Col. Charles A.: Lindbergh is eiperimenting with a 'live' heart,. and .has kejot•it alive by nutrition 'for years. • ' •" • ' • The genial dotter got the idea . , when "e began ,te grow Itii, re- rnarkable flower garden' without earth last May,,, in his first expert-, • rnent with hYdreponics; He has . . one garden containing 1,4 vartettea of plants and n tomato plant as well, and tbere 'isn't a vestige of eartlf;anyWhere. The xi -iota are in ' wate: Containing a solution of chemical salts. The seeds are • ranted "xi fou nar§ ..p, .1 r I 'Itch rdi es, o excelsior, suspended on *ire net.' I .tim. above. Water containing the • salts solution. • 1 And almost mitaculOutly, ihe• • plants are 'hesilthfir and Much' larger .than .• these left; to the care: ,' of "Mother Nature.; When the letiyeS, bt,the, plants begin to iet, low, Dr. McNeely took this as a "SyMptont that there was an iron tlefietencY and -Added a hit Of irrin pantediately, the, leaves. took On A deeper eodor and sliovi ,cd signs of ,iraproved health, ' • IS4ile No. 37-- 38.. " • • Atter a !pug talk on the valueof ,.peace, gontwill and disarteetnenr, A teacher as "fd his',Claaa if they pir, ,jeCtedlo, 'wart • X1,037--Ye8, air„ 1 do! ' TeacherL-Goodi 'Now tell: us why -Boy--136,cense, sir,. Wars , Made 'bistcrY---4114 hate 11011:nil' Imagination was .given a man to POMPensAtelltm ;fel.' what .11.e, itr .not, and •• sense of litimor was prodded 'for whet he:is, Mrs. :Dasher4-When ,,We. were in • Egypt we :visited • the, pyramids. Some of tbe, stones were literally covered; with hieroglyphics. Xtrs. Gusher -1 hope hone Of them got on you They. say some Of those:foreign insects are ter- . , Thirlp Work Out Because it rains *lien, we wish it w Be-cause°'11'mkin't. endo what they often. , Shouldn,I. " • go 'Beeal4SweroChrs and plansSeine' of ue grunible the whole day.' • • But; somehow,. in spite • of the Cate and doubt, ,It Seems at last that things work 'So bend to yourtrouble and meet your ,eare, ', • For -the clouds -must- breait; , and the Sky- grew fair. Let the rain &nue down at it must and iU But keep on working and Wing '. still, For inspiaoabout,f the grn,inhlers who staid Somehow,it seems allthings work Ont. ' • • Dramatist—So yon'te 'read tny new • Play? • Well, what de you think of -it?. • Manager -,--My dear 'sir,: there are two scenes in it that Shakespeare himself couldn't have Written. Drarnatist-Aftead ? And which scenes ate thoSe? Manager—The ,one .in. the radio Shop and the one in the movie stu •din,. ' Mealier—junior, -isn't it • rather extravagant' to eatlitIth butter and jain 'on yourbread at the,Saitte Junior—Oh ; no Mother dear'. It ecnnorny. iron See the same Piece ot bread:. does for. hoth, • • , -,HarperGreen says' he is finan eially all in. Ilarris•Yes,-; just told me he's es•-• , -ery -ceritTeut. • • , • -, • Farinere, Feder Purchase. PIan Is Annount. Federal Government Aids- The Farrners In OnOng Oae-Wity Expeuseirto Wed 4 ,• The. refund to ta.rmers..of their zigents;',Pf, one-way travelling ex- pensea is emhodied in a 'feeder purl Chase itlicy which Agriculfure, ' Minister Y 0 garOner Almonucen became effective in Canada•Septem- ber. extending until December 31 The ;PelleY isaimed at helping fgrinera to, make. personal ;helee.- tion Pf ,-,feeder Stock cattle • and plambs-r, in Western Canada: It is . eifieetive 'in' • three editiOns. one .... each for Eastern Ganada..the:•PraF • •,rie *Previticest. and :British, Colunt- bia The policy is applied tocarload shipments billed within, the -Sped.... Bed' tiine. .7 How IP -45114C Is,' Applied' ' Subject to the kioaditiona Outlined in- the policy . itself; farmers from points east of Manitoba may obtain the benefit indicated on the pur- chase of feeder cattle at the Saiska-: bion sale, September. , 28 to 29; Moose Jai., October 7, at country paints and at any stockyards in the Prairie Provinces, The Polley will apply on 'Iambi and ewes bolight at the Mose Jaw sale,. or at countrs; points; and on Iambi ' purchased' at the stockyards 'nI these 'three Province's. 'Prairie Province .farmers ' may huy, cattle At either of the,:siles and at the,Stockyards:' may also purchase lambs and breedink.eWes at the ,Moose, jaw sale and faiths ''.atlhe :stockyards, -- -`• In Three 'Sections British Columbia farmers; or „ their agents, may have the benefits of the policy'on cattle purchased • tibia a range ;herd in the interior. , of British ColuMbia ,at the Moose •, 'JAW and •Saikatoon feeder ;salei. and at conical's' ' -points or stock= yards,, in Alberta and Saskatchew- an. Lambs purchased at stoekyards.. land both lamb a and ewes pnrchas- .ed: at the ,MOose. Jaw sale; or at country points w these two ,pro- vinces, will, be epgibie: Departmental agents at e va riaus• stockyards are in possession' of all information _relating to the . policy, as well as the ' Western Stock Grower's Association of Cal-. . . . Seven -Pound Pike, Ate a Whitefish After -flying. into the. Wheeler fighing.,preserves in the Lake La Carpe section of Northern Quebec recently, pr. and Mrs. Charles It Baker and son, Malcolm Baker, of Montreal, have returned to Gray- Rocks.Jnn,'St. Joyite, by the Kiamilia canoe route. • ;Virh" e mg a num e Mrs. Ciefc Baker hatitnga7 dchi' thee unusual per- Flying; Above: Quebec 'Lakes Mrs. Wilbur' L. .C,utntningi ac- companied by her daughter' Molly,. both of Round Hill, Greenwich, Conn., arrived at Gray _flocks Inn AirpOrt, St. Joyie, Que.,. recently. 1 ,From this • point 'Mrs Cumming chartered the Gray Rocks Air Set - Vice Nihica 87;and hew into Lake 'Comniandant,' . approximately '65 air miles north Of 4qiny Rocks Inn, • There they Were Met .by guide, ,Joe Latour, and caught a large mlintier of grey .trout. In; , neighbouring take Gauthier' they also caught their full quota et ePeckied , treat, During the trip einiiiitingand her. daughter' . hadthe experience of seatng con- siderable big genie, ' . A Black- Sheep * k tlaetc4ttheeti` kill "into a' 0111 - de -tat, chased by Odgl, leaped a four -foot gate; Attuned through a .window knoeked o*.er,"table itt 'Whielf SOitie • peoPle were ; having bretikfitSt4: Sinashed crockery 04; ornansents. and smothered ' th.6 fobit 'broken. Let the other fellow, talk oce.a- Toii can't learn touch lis-': tening:to yourself:, Neighbour-I'Well; hill; 1, hear Your boss: has had a fever, FI,OW's hi S teniperature this meoning? , Hired Man ,(scratching his bead) for Me to. say:: He died /ast night. , • It takes ipluelt for 'a z, -,:;r1' to *ear stiree 'Of the new .hathing Suits. .1n. Inez...she has to Show a lot of haat :- hone to do it: • ' C.N.R. Operating . Revenues :Don statement • of operating retenhes •and operating, • . ettienses f the Canadian National , Railways ' systehi ,foi the Meath ' of July iSsped at Moil- treal last Week ShowS operating re-" Yenne:s •,were $14.L7.717 as eottipar.:' , ed •with $16,662,_95,5 in July. •Operating expenses were$14;273,-, 675 against- $1.5,704.0R during the Corresponding period of •last Year. 'Por -the seven months period end, • ing JtilY 1. 0p0.tatirtg ' rON-'73:11E;S were 89,67936q, against ' 299 in the corresponding period of lastS,ear. Operating expenses -up • to las, piof this Year were $102- 713'.fi7; 'compared with $164.032,451 for the ,s1n1l1az,4.Period Of 1937.' ' The summaries fttiloWt.' ' Month of July Operating Revenues. 1938, ':$14.. 1.16,7t7; 1931, Decrease $2;456.268. Operating ',Expenses, $1-1..273,61.5,; 19074 0.5,76.1485r Decrease. .430.410. Net Revenue'. Defici 1935. $9,6,958;, 1957, 1937; • $055,660; Decrease $1,055,853. ' • Angregite to July Titt • Operating 'Reveirnes, • 1935, 396,- 936.276; 1037; $111,659,09,.;, De- crease, $14',723,02:1. operating, Ex.. - tenses, lt):Ig, s,10:1,71X21'74 "1937, .••$10.1,63.451..7. Decrease,: $1,31f,34. ,S7et.; Revenue betleit.' 193,8., $5,776,, . 9.41" 1q37,$1 646 5•1$''' 7 Deet4ase • , 01,401,159c' , aligai111104,:114*,ft 'Fret ell thetiOn pi..litlresare Suililanting German produaions. in Greets. • • • ;., f.HQi7*-11 0G.DENIS:41 • : utalint:PCncoslyou'll.th'isld7iidtlici'r ciretted a lot 0 etitra Wt(sfaction in MIling your oWn. NO ripeci to feh mound. . for a bevet Fine Cut Ogden 's— there is none. ,Ogden's rolls them , r and pricher, 171:17 smoother1•31:1etecl everye'r" :* time--47es, vogPueceit:11, when you ti use ' haat For Oidce,s Cur . which had just devoured whitefiih. 'Both fmb were In' per- fect eonaition.. On their fourclaY,' trip the Bakers .Were accompanisd • by two Gray Rcicks Inn guides. arm.Topics Cotifrol of .t.cv.r Taktle 7 Aflerbarrgst , Cultivation, is the ...heapest and. most.effeeive Method '• of controlling• Perennial „Saw,. This- tle, :states: J. D:,...AxeLeo'd et ez;e Crops..Seeds 'and:. Weeds' Branch of the Ontario 1;6par:talent Of. cnituro in an intervieW this week. • , creeping rootStalks '.of,. the. Perennial So*. Thistle are at their weakest stage ,right :uotv,7''Said Mr _McLeod : '‘`Flat; stra4lit and dry • weather are Otr best partners." Mr McLeod adViSes dep plow tag immediately after harvest The . land alinuld be allowed tit drY thor -mighty for two or 'three- ..weeks without Cultivataciii. is POlitted otit:ihat. surface s-oll is separated , ;front sithsoil; 'moisture is tut, and • root stalks Are ,•bollaW., and Milky and Canntit,' stand heat :•and • (hiltless: fellow later:,% with: the bread .shares- On iie ,,,eilitivatby to; . get y reman haantloW°,1pnItot:Itrat:t: g •:.cr • deep dischig.iviii kip .yOling stint; , Mer , annuals and indtata Seeds toy. gertitinate, stateS::Mr.. Meeotf, At- • ter harvev cultivation . pais big . dividends in assuringAarger' sire • ' eeeding, crons and batter ,returah. ..I•toni Weeds...When they are.,:weatest. ' 'Plan noW AO work all , infeSzed fields Whi,ch are not seeaed.dira-nZ UST atthe time whert.- you lieed new tires on your car, Firestone niuk- es it possible for you to buy - genuine 'high quality: gum -dipped tires at prices - that 'Save you real money. ThesenewFirestOne Standard Tires give you everything you ne)ed— lost& carefree,-/Qea,ge, dependable safety , and low cost. Drive in to your nearest Fireitone Dealer today and have him put a set of Standards on your car today's, top tire value.