HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-08, Page 51%;,.-- •
SMEMEER 9111 1938' •
, ,
SATIMDAYk-NIOET TWO SHOWS*: t45 :aacl- 935 P,
This' time the stark pOrtrity mouse trap salesman financially
embarrassed in Switzerland and ,fOrcecl to, work hi. a hotel for
their 13oard.-
Also . .
r • '
" '"Our Gang Comedy" "Traveltalk" •"News",
. .
on.,:Tues.i Wed.,,Sept. 12-1371
* * *: ••
Mr., Moto this tin* is a. se.'ret agent sent: to Put down a nati9,.
revolution in AfriCa., _ _ • .„ •
_Also .
'Edgar.. Kennedy 'Comedy" •• ' "Musieil".
Coming --Sept. 15-16-17 In Old Chicago" Special
!Better 'Place In Which To', tive.AfldWor ,
, A Series of Letters from Distinguished Canadians on Vital
Problems Affecting the Future Welfare of Canada
,Jean Theta. rctnrried to Tp-
ontoon, Friday after, spending the,
past tWo months at her home here!:
The September meet •
ing of the Wo-
, .
nipnity. Hall Thursday, with, twerity:
Ave 144,iea in attendance., MI:B.140OP
Woods PreSided. The_teplY to the Roll
Cali on-,"Somethini I 'remember. of my
Ai$t te4-cileo Proved very interesting
The, subject; 'was in chargeof the cox-1-
.0/1er. .of education, MI'S. W. A.
• who read a •short article Oa 'thes new
curtienitina 4nd a Papet on "Education
• In. the Home.,"; Miss. Item Woods gaVe
a yery interesting "talk •ain51.. showed
Many pitto-res on her recent nicito•
Helen•Durciin coritribathd'a recitation.
It was' dedided thatthe Officers 'should
attend..the'officersallY to be he1di.
Aulnir on: Tuesdny• Plans Were made
for a •hooth,.•a•baZaar arid: fish pend
for. the Scheol, Fait to,be: held on Sep-
tember 922ntl. A five-aay 'edurse in
health education will be held hegin-
hig October 10th, which all the ladies,
of-Dcrafruriairitr'ire-iradr NrO
'tend. Lunch was Served kythe host::
esses, MecsamerDavid -T6t1d, F.
• Todd! and • W. A. Milier.• '
Master Donald Thompson of. Ltiek-
!IOW was. ,a, Visitor :with his grand-.
parents, Mr and Mrs E. J. Thoin:
Recent gaestS of :Mr. and'Mrs: E. J.
•Thoin neluded Mr. Robert McGuire,
Mr Horace McGuire: and. Miss Helen
Tudor. Of London ; Mrs. Alex Leitch:,
Mr. and Mrs. Jial Bowden and Jimmy
of Detroit, and Mr. David Gillies
Whitechnrch and Mf, and Mrs. Jim
Leitth Of I3elgrave. •
. Mr, Will Todd of Paris renewed old
acquaintances. here .as, the guest ,of
g."!• m. and Mi.'swoOht and
family Are 'spending a 'few days; with
friends 'at 'LeamingtOra. Gladys: and
Muriel will 'remain' and attend 'High
School there
• Mr. :and Mrs. J. Anderson and
• ,Mrs , Archie Anderson were at Miltcni.
bn Saturday for1 the'. funeral of, the
former's •sister,, Mrs. Chas.;
-Hill • was fOrmerly! MiSs Jennie .And4
erson, • a. resident.of I this community.
An 'enjoyable evening t under :the
auspices „of the Y.:•• 12!•7 U. was held ou
Thursday, .when games 'were' Played,
'in thebasement of: the elnirch tinder:
the direction Of Isobel Miller and Dick
Weathethead. Later lunch of corn -and
'weinerS was eaten aroUnd a hon -fire
..i.I010.1,..6.6...oatcharilLand a sing.:0Qiig
s9cial4inie much enjoyed.
, „
,.Dear ,Editor: . • i'the..beginnini...of: education; ..not.• the..
- With 9tegUard 'tor stiof the queon • ',.a .1,•end...Training:to.read w ill hare' to ,beg.-.
. : • .,..
• ., • . ,.. ... . . • • .i.. fAc. sehools„. ,' and :should: be pat of
PlatfOrni.'fOr • the .Canadian', Weeklies:.
. • • • - „': the curriculum..: Thus me :shrill:go far
. ' any :suggestions ,I have to offer, wed ,. te..Solve thel:pilehlern'OR, adult educat
be based on,: the eOnv ietiOn -, that'. oni- ion. .rilhe riVis ,',:curticuliiin intredaced
. -,trelibles,. and 'the'',world'sf •fronbles.;,..hy .the.'benartinentiOf Educatibii.1is 4
: :hae---PriMaiii3r- a •,-naoral-. rather, .tilar - meve in this direetionz: t--'-- - ,• - : ---i----':
.-an'.'econende. . basis, or perh1
.an ''...it ' • • ' • •" • •• ,' ,•'• .-‘'..; • . .... '.. '• !
-$'4: The.. Organization ;of , a , lugoly.
WoUld'be.,,inore atetrate to ,,sa.sr;„; a roor..,:,
trained; non-partisiii ..eivil. servite. :in
alhasik underlying
:I both the Fe.cietal arid preyiricial fields
..-',' . the etonomic. i'
For this ,:reason,' -.I Would: :have ,our ,
of 'adininigtration,',. and, the ' elimination,
Papets ineulate, 'high.' ,St,Anda:i.ds 41. 'froin the eiYil -.Serviee of •;tht•patrori.:
.. pOlitical•husiniss and petso' al iiiiiral-
• l'ae $Vstem.: ThiS, would ',do much '0
., Ity.,, and denounce lapse ' •oin•theni: •• • • im' • ' . • :
„,. ,,, ..prow
ve.,-. hile_ adminiktrlitienz ' aiid
As 'practical mensnres in" -this cI diso-tiifle Coltrupt. politiek. •,' '. '''''.
•• ion .1 Would sugg-est:L.--1.., That .mort
and •ethictil , instruction,. With: the • ,
ject of develOping' character, shon . Je . .
., ,... ......,, , . . • ' ...on 'the charatt•et of the people Thi,
given greater :prominence In-• our cd- :, .-- ' .•• - • - :- •. , •
. . , .. applies,.:hothlto ,the :players%axtl'to the
ticational "sy.steni,.. which .at'•;$resent• • ul, .;
Comaiercialiiation, ha made
., einpliasises'. the ,intelligeirte,.., with ra --'n''''''' ,
vieW to. Material';advantage. s•''.11' ' ' , l'ir•II'lg's Ihi'•• .chieLgbletiYe• '• • '
movement to ,'restore ,hcitne
• 2. That mole attentiOn should. he '16:. 'A
life. ,In pai.ticulai, :)y. , removing. the
,Paid, .and, *ote :enceuragement giVen, .
bardensome • taxation.•., w,hich'..Makes '
' I:to the ,sehalatS. 'endowed with Mor'e :
. , that adiaai'y itiiiiity.,•• se -a.s• --to' 'de-. i 61..1.7°'.''''•I''',11) or 1).1.°P'e„.1.t. un '1)'',V.Pu: lar;•:and
. , • • yelop: their .brains to the-higlitat de-'„ 6ft9'1.'a li'll)'iliY,.:tind i,driVing•
gree;possib,le, „with: vies to m. ,•ot.u'o'.",i•nf. oa•pa.r.m,.. ents• int:el* d• of •
114,:laaders Of ,first rate...capacity-7. i', ' 7. , To I:preach , Oe '..doetrfne, of 'ten-
our gi*at ned,. , At present °incl.,: etl:',; tentineut aint.self,denial to 'a :geiei.
,. .. ticational systeini$ .based - on the .a.'v._ atien, bent .. on...pleasure and. 'cliVeton.'
erage. ' liapi1,-.Niith".:, SpeCial:t..1' ttenff,,ntof.'all.' that 'theilt,-,iieighbers have... .
' paid' to : athp uuder7PriVilegetl,:',': while I...! ,::•.S.. TO; ineufat, respett: for JaW; he
the suPetz•ptiviyege'd ,are . given • Tittle 'eause it, i's,•laiv.. '•• ,,', ...' •:, 1.; •'•
. opottunity.' to,'..ileveViop :their 'talents, ' That'. Will do fot ,iny share. If :,.•00
., . . , , , „ . , .:„ . .
Which may be, of the'•highest . Use ' to Care ti. ineetPorate any of, these ideaQ
the l: gtate:',' •• '.,' '. ' ' ' • : . in year" Prograratne,:i• claim 'n•O .(‘'.61)Y'
. ..,
,.•& The",develOprnent. of „out :Ulan. t•y; right, -. ' . '' ' ' • ' '
. • . • ,
, : .
:syatisra, with .a :view to encoung. Your, faithfiillY
ndultS, 'to ••clritinne. their education
.. , . •:, C... II. 11 LF 'Editor
Otillia Packet • and Tiinei.
. `onfter•leaVing 'school.. School, should be: '
D. An effort to raise the standard
_ , .
, of sport, which has a distinct effet`
TH:E. -141G.KNOW $FNTXNgi4;
pnblished, every TlittrScla.4 raotiiing-
*•'at LudknOw, Ontario'.
M.rat, Ai., P. '14c enzjp P.ro0•*.fgr
Tt1v:40Air, 'SEPTEMBER 8TH ' 1938:
•14.r.- and *"1411. Allest Ackert anc'
Lloyd, Mr, and, Mrs. Wm. Eadie, Pori$
;and, Lorne,, Miss .47*,a, and Mr. 'Arne:
'Cu)bert Attended the Torot49.:gx. this
week.. -' . • .
. The •sYMPathy bel'eolillnlunitS• is
extended to Mrs.- Grant MacDiarluid
on, the sudden' deathof het. sister,
:Mrs. 'Elmer Reayie, Mr$4.4IaeDiarmid
is , Steadily iinproving• after.her, sox.;
iotis illness but is ti11 eaifined to bed
i.n,ilttplidila0y. • :•t.
...,•Miss- Mary Coolc left Tlast "Week to
commence a yea's training n Viet-.
oria 110SPital,'in London:
Mrs: Marin .Sanderscon
from .Toronto spent .last. week with
'ftiends. here. • •' *
• 'School .cemnieneed ,here, Tuesday
With 8,pipi1s Miss Margaret, Simpson
*cent_ visitor S vvitb Mr• and Mrs,
,James MacDonald were -Mrs. A. K.
14aeLennan and Miss Catherine. Mac -
:Lennart from Detroit. Mr. and IVIrs,
Chas.. 'Owen. 'and "Miss' ../ean Holmes.
and Om. Wm;..ToSlin from . petroit,
Mr. and Mrs: Parket f,uom koehester
N. Y. and Mr. Russell frorn LticknOw;
Mt; •JolitelVfartin conrinenced teach-
ing near Goderich on Tuesday:: • '
• Mrs. .L. • Howe rftoni,Torentts, was
recent visitor with. her father Mr. A.
TowJe.- ••'
' • Recent visiters with Mr: and rs
Wnl Martin were:Mr. and .MrS:, Wm:
MeCtoStie Caroli Hugb, and •Marie
from Belfast, Miss Mitchell froth Tor:.
,Mrs. „:;Peht.;__MacCor-
tddie and Tuh
from y Pine River: '
. • VI' E R H
• .rydM at Stations in 'Eastern Canadi
R'etent • glieSts Of Mr. and, Mrs,' R.
Woods, arid Mr.andlWrs. 1:;orrie ,WoOds'
inehided• , Mrs.: Campbell; ' Mr. and
Mr Victor Taylor and children, Mr$:
Elliott and daughter . Beth Bruce-.
field. • • • , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McDonald,.Don-
ald Riute and Alex Of Stritford•Were
_visitetS with Mr. and Mrs. John Cam during the 'week :With_her brothei:4 Mr,
i!.4$PBRitiTs ipt,yre
. Taint rasPberlies of.:the
are 1ripe for the . secondtime
this Year at the fatm' of Win: Gard-
ner, Zion.,:;;• A branch. off one, of :the
bushes,Waa. brought into ,„thik
office wa literally loaded with largi.:•••
• Mr. and, Mts. WM. Tait and •Aillio
,Of Mrs A. Palmer of W�od-
itocc, Miss Mile Palmer, Kincardine
Were,'S'undaY ,visitOrk. at Mr, Thos.
• Miss Wimtifred Acespent a 'few
,days last week the' guest pi Mrs. Cecil
Goldwin of Detroit,.
Don't forget the school fair ,danee
,at , 1-1, olYrood, T,uesdaY, evening; 'S,eit
13th. See advertisement.- •
• Mr,,' and Mrs.. Richard Elliott and,
and -"wet's-. --John
•anil ami1 Mr. aridkra.•Harvey •Ach
cit and familY wee the guest's of Mi
and Mrs. Ernest AckertFand 'farAiry
•at • their cottage at Br,uie Beaph :On
and krs...Peel Mil Anne of„.Tor•-
onfO are visitinglat Mrs. *. IVICLearis.
' Mr' Albert tell' of Buffalo. Spent S
'few .days • with: his parents; ..Mr. ai
1.17i7s71tati757,Bell.. •
•'Misses Bess and:lean Lane•retntnerf
to their school " duties 'near ,Weiland..•
Miss ..Helen'.:Malecilm 're.tind to
Toronto •'after ,Visiting at the heine of •
. . • .
her: uncle, 5.1t;.;.Thes.iMalcolin. : •
. 'Sthobi ,reopened TiiesdaY.,and Miss:
Anderson. returned to reaunieter, dut:-•
, .
•Mrs.. Lavina' Hodgkinson visited
even on: Monday.
Thefollowing teiiehers have return-
ed to their
tier% Pettipiece • and Mts. ,Pettipiece
nearLangside. • . ' ' •"(-
• Mr Gordon Campbell tif AmbOrloy
ten -merited his duties as teacher heti
on Tuesday.- • ' :•
to her her: school at Clifford this -week. •
Mrs. Joseph • Gainble;Of Winghain
was the lucky winner of the, Shirley,
Temple doll dressed in fifty one doll-
ar bills at the street 4arnival at Wing
hain on Labor Pay.: •
:In the 't,ownship' Hall, Hayrocid
Tuesday. evening, Sept. „•13th; Mae.
Kenzie's six, piece orchestra. Dancing
from9 P. M. ti) '2, A. M. Admission
Gents-25c'Ladies:-Iipe: Lunch coup-,
ter; •
EVerSr bieYliSt &hould eQ-PPerateto
the, fullest ,e3:z.tent%,.with,the• DePact-
ent of ,I-ligi.rways iri, its pafetY•cana-
Paign Ina e arm s re $ ant
kighways free froni. traffic accidentg.t,
believes Geo, S. Brad,ene general Maw
,4g,et ,of Canada, CYci• e • & M9ter. Co.
. Here is how every "tiike" rider can
. . .
, help to make Ontario*$ 'highways and
s:treet$ tater. fer himself ;as well as
:tot' Motorists and' PedeStrians:
1. Ieari to ride in seine ‘t.Safa
place. Stay off the .street S until . you
can, •ride '
Have yotir- •bieycleequipped:.
ah h -t70.11 -'d
proved j,refjector. tHav,e,.
=laggard- painted' 'white as..re-qpii.cd
the Iligray Traffic Att, Keep
_ „.
you 'wheel adjusted' 'to. fit,.'ybu,,..and
ifl.QQd: eenditikm: thetk.brakesfi•e-,
ouently. . • ,
. When •. keep AO the
:RiI,io$c tot1iectrb. Groups of
:tWoo or, mere. sheuldlidein_single4ile,
•never 'abteast. 2 , •
4, . ,..Obey *ail traffie:.rults and ie
ulatioris.-17se .11AND :SIGNALS .when
you „are geing. to stop or 'turn.
. 5; ' Ride without Wohbling nd
through: traffic i4'clangereus. • Avoid
.fast driving ;over slippery Or :rough
'reed's. .
• Wedding Bells Are Ringing;
. • ,
MISS-.DOreilif:.:MtKinicon.7and hei
Grandmother, returned ' en IVIenclaytr
their home in, ,HaMilton after, visitiv4'
friends :here for the past couple Of
Mi.. Ana Mrs, Fuck. frOm Hamilten:
visited. over' the week end at the .home:
Of Mrs. W. R. Hainilton and Mrs:: W"'
T. RoulStori. ',* ' " •
; Friend's • ,of• Oliver' Wilson are
sotry to learn that:he is net enjoying
the best' of, health...-. •''. • • :
'Mr; :frOin Buffalo •ael
.ComPanied by ',kis • nieco„Ethel.Hald
.enbYv and his parontS, w and Mrs: tt:
Bell 'from: Kifilongh: spent • 'Friday. ,4
theh�ine Of his Sister, Mts. H. I, •Mc.
School has„te-..OPened this week with
acf,ier_Mr4 • CliffordMac_ir....
; •
Miss Mary` Roidston returned .hOrnc,
from Stratford .the latter Patt-of
week after visiting there, abopl,
three -weeks. She spent one•Week with:
her 'aunt; Mrs': C. Campbell at -Lane.
prior to goiiig to Stratfo'i3..,:
M's. -T. )Valler and son Lyhn frorr
Niagara ,.ay'e :spending couple 01,
Weeks , holiday •at:.;liet:.hoine.Mts. •Ma.
-..I'leF9tietlhnl'Iss.. in • s o:nriiaunit, •
sorry to hear ,-ef the death of,Mi
Frances McDonald of Kititerdine ho
died after a brief illness at her henic.
.miss W. D. Rutherford to kiiitiand,
Miss Iien Woos to Waterfopi• Miss
Lulu. .Weatherhead to piliceral Rivet,
Miss 'Dorothy WebSter to, London.
Misses- Zykla and• porine-Webster4o•
Toronto, 'Mi'sS Jean Webster to' Wing.: -
him junction:
'Mrs'. Mckenzie Webb; Mis, Ewart
McPherson, -Mrs: .,LOrne, Woods, Mrs.
E: W. Rice, Missei . Lila :Humphrey
. ,
font, :Mrs: M..' McLean' and Oey•'g-'•
er W.ere aniong: those 'attending.' t.he
C. N. E. :Toronto, .
Miss Dotethy Pinnell : kettirned
-botne -on-Sunday , after,- spending_0.4en_,
week's .with.reiativeS at 'Windsor..:
Miss MaryCOninkOri is a gnest
the Malcolin hOine, .Brae-
' Ita&est Thanksgiving .services• Will
•• ,• . . ,
beheld' in .the Angliean.'elfutch'•••Siin
and. Mildted' McQuillin attended sa, daY. Sept; 25th. .Services at 11. A. M.
'Rally of. Women's Institnteofficers at
Auburn 'on ttiesdaY.
Going Daily wi-SEPT. 24.-- OCT. 8, 1938 Inclutiie
. „Return Limit -'---45 as
COACHES. at fares approxinn;ktelY: 1 ''f,rc per mile
'TQUIPST•SLEEPINO CAltS. at faro§ approximately fast Per' Mile
STAI4DARI) SLEEPI:No Cars 'at • fates' a pproxima tely 1,r•,sc per milt.
COST OF Accowt6r),ATI6N e ARS 1i\ 'R
BAGGAGE checked.' Stopovers at Port Arthirr.:. Xrtastrong, chkrivo
•• " and .Wei;t ' . :
Tiekets',. Sleeping, Car Iteserc:IttionS, And all faT4t.11vettion fi-Oin any .
Agent, , • ' ASK t'011 TIXNDBILL,
lAN A. I 0
Mr. • and Mrs. :Js. Miller, kr. Ner:
maii!Miller, Misses Margaret Miller.
Alexandria, Coruni -and M: Aiken of
Ferglia:were visitors/ on Tnesday *it)t
Mi. and 1MrS. E. J, Thom.
. ,
yrs.:Wm. Campbell of Mitchell is
a visitor • with Miss M: C: Rutherford.
Winners 'at Wingham ,
In • the draw : in :connection with
•Lions Club. frolic in Wirigham, Mrs,
J. , Ganible 'Mon; fill*, prize ;and Harry
• Pinland of Wingham, second,
and 7.30 P M•i' • •
:.The ataatbly ineatint of the ,Holy-
rOod. Women!s..,Institute was held' on
Thutpday. Sept,' .1st, at the home- of'
Miss Hazel Percy.. Me. Ackert Ptesid-
'edand, after the usual' ePenirig, exet-
, , .
.Cises it:was decided to serve, ,a lunch
at noon:and :during the afternoon.
:the :School Fair at IlblYrOnd • on Tties-
day nexc:Sep.t: .13th, •have 4 dance at
Eaeh •,family iis asked; to,,send.
upe .••• • • , • '
Booth•Coinmittee-MrS. Thos. Harr-
Mrs;,•Fralik"ThimpSon; May .floyle,
Meat • Corrimitteers,.• •AY'lmer Ack-
ert, 'Mrs: Eldon ::EckenSiviller.. Advert!:
}1oai d Raa 1. is ,OrelieSt7.
' connintteogis$es: Anne, €ojeU
and, Winnitred :Ackert- Doer. Keeper,s
-17Messts• John Colwell and 1510: Eli,
Ackert, . aridFred ThonipSon..
: Mts.: :Howatd Harris -was • ehosen
'delegate. to the ConVerition
oWel Sept. kthand.P.S.th;
A: Miner. 'on Canadianization
,Ably giVen.. by Migs,, 'Ai Coleii'.
commithits ktoging,w0i also enjOyek
'Mrs, tekensWiller„ Sr. • faVated the.
Meeting With fi,"setig,The. Ship. That
NeVer'Retnthed," 11.1rS.,,Att,,Gtahain
. -„ , .
ga've! a -.reading. lvt,ra. „rEeltensWiller
" ''" "A b
was the ize, miler o • out__
fr•oni, yon Lot:1i garden,'!, bp'es beingHa
hug bentitiot, of :gladioli: A .weleony
Was extended',..tn. Mts., Frank ThOMP-
, . .
frOin. her .attended • the
anniverserY ' at.: BerVie on :nndast,
MiSs Heieii •Collins spent 'Monday
'evening her home here.
MiSs ..J.ean• Long' •viSited witk:her
Sister; Mrs. Ralph Hli i'etentlY,
,Mr. toid: 'Mrs,„ ,La*renee, :Sterling.
. •
and•fainili•ViSited at jack •EmerSon's
; •
Mj WjIl Sett And 4Miss •Markile.
visited. nt. Mr; M*ee's' of , Auburn
. .
.M1*. ,And , Donald' MeParlane
and' Whinifrod 'spent ,POticiasf with the
hiteer's prirents'at BluVa1e.'
Mt:Mitten Walsh; has ptire, ase
?IieAr. . • . ,
'jack apponala i attet4114
•the -'EX. atlerentn:
E4. wit; Whitley
'rtirth ,hia. Ana: Mrs.
.1610 Itinerson Verton'tlYj• •• •
She ia, sister of MTS. Mac ..MtGliire• '•
Mr. and ,Mr. P. McGuire,. Ronaal
and ,Eddie ' from; :Detroit and Mrs:
--M-iritirn :item •Londen,visited•011 Ufl
day with ,hrothei•; 'Mr. • HOward
,McGtrire. •• • . ,• ' :
• Mr. ,McKinnon, Whe:has beep
, • , • ,
visiting his aunt, .• ;Mrs.W T. Roulston.:
retuned' onfolidaV to Hainilien to
attend scheol: ' •
. ' • •
: Miss Dorothy 'MeKiniion ',visited a
couple of • days • last week with .her
.cousia, Jean 'McGuire:
'Mr.: T. Mediiire wak Aglad:',' to luiVe
sister, M,r`s..'' W:1•H'aMilten froia
Hamilton, hirn' a, couple ' of days
•la.St Week: • :, • • •
; Miss 1Sahelle, MeCharles,,: bride -elect.
Was guest of honornt ii miscellan,
'eous shoWer last WedaesdaY night..•
;•The •NAtional Anthem
Meeting' to a dioao,',,tatid); was "Aomori
by the hosteSS, 4nd • cotntrdttee
• ,
MadOino • *opkies
hig: in :Toronto. '
•Mrs, J,, McKinnon :and Alberta have
teturned to Paisley after „camping at
the: bri'do. for the, past Month: ,
' 'The' boys ahegirls elass intend
weiner roA'st, it,Polht Carl;
• :
Monday night.
• LErrER • TojirE Entiolz
e;ra.„1:1Y16:' p
It is
7: :Meeting ttaffic, pass on • the
right,;overtaking traffic; pass- on the
8: Turn' right 'close to tfie'eurb.
Turn left around the eentre or inter-
9. Watch fey STOP gigns and tra:,
ffieffierigna1s;' ..
Give traffic corning •froni: the
,right the • of Way' .at iaterAec-
tions. ••
11. • Never On" .to niov in
• ' When: riding at night,: tarry
. •
vehicle. . • , ,
a light in front arid a reflector inthe
also help'
13. DO not trV to can Pa paekag,
inane hand, or.try.to'rifin the 'street
"no hands"; If PatcelS must be car-,
-ried,qheY. 'should be, ,strapped to the:
bicycle or placed .A earrfei. ,
. 1.4.. :Don't "cut in".. in .ftont of a
Moving' ;vehicle:
'.'15, '•Chepse' your:!reute carefullY.
„Avoid crowded streets arid highways.
". 16. . Keep 'your feet :cin the pedals
and yo-ur hands on the andlebar.s:._ -
Ways ,ride 'with. Safety, couttesY and
• LOND040N014.4
Tnronto and. London, Dollx
excelit Sundays & Holidays
A. M.
P. M4.55.
Sim. .sz Holidays p.nt. 4.00
NoRni TO: KINCAlipINg- ,
' Oily eiFePt . SiipdaYk• and :
To Southamliton; daily. -
.5O P., M.' . .'
• Mr;Martin McLeod, after sending
a feW•weekil: at his h'ome hare, retu,ru•:
ed to Chicago. ". •
Mr. and Mrs'. •Shern and family of%
New ...ork;. visited With Mr.:and ..1‘Irs,
Jack Macintyke. ' '
o ms1".Bauhedk,,tioinanddaughterrs''.watsonapcie 1
all •of Toronto', spent the • week -end
itell Mr. Herbert Buckton.
•Mi J Graham- who has been Visit
Mg. at the home of -his` ,brother, Ang-
us,.. returned to- Dauphin on•• Saturday..
Mrs:. P. Roulston,. of • Ripley, speit
a few days last week. with Mrs, ,R.
idclteton.,' •••`,.....• •
l‘ii.sk Mary belle McKay of Detsoit
.• . , .
visited' over: the : Weelt-end with' Ars, •
D. MaCintyre. ' ' .
' With the: Opeiling of school, teaelr.:,
els' and pupils .are 'back fmd. bust'
Mirk again. ,
: Mrs., R. Meffet, entertained.: friend%
fforn:Loridsbore last .week
.10. Archie McKinnon Wits. hOs,tess •
to!,a large •miruber, •of ladiesof the,
',the .Aultist Meeting,
hich 'emiedoWith:' Singing' rhe"Open .
ing :•Sorig",fellowe'd by 'repeating the:
I.iord'S prayer in anison.., In- the 'cab-
senee, Of the, s,ec'y; Mrs.
tyre; Mrs; 4. Graham reack"the•min
iites ,Of the list ...Ineeting., ,After tom-
- I
by Mrs. A., Hughes...Current .events. •
'prepared: Maty McLeod,;•and_.
,read 'D, McKinnon.. A duet:.
„by , Mrs.. ICsarillthers • and,. daughter
Kathleen. Miss Blanche McDoug
give. a : Vers/ .instructive 'talk 4
"Teaching Music in ,the Schools":
:Degri McLeod had thetopit:"The
eer Prohleins. and How , They .Were
Met";:•Whiehwas:Very interesting:1111:s._
W. •.MatIntYte gave the' closing nil
Marks, -thanking ,the hostess Jot her,'
hoSPitality. , pad save the.. king.. as.
sung,Whieh brought,. the. ineeting:t a
• close. 1..airigh, was served and a :Pleas-:
ant half hour sift. The Septhniber
meeting will be at the lionie ef Mrs.
• Satherland., . •
. , •-
We , are sorry: • this week to 'report
the death ,of Mt, ,John McGilhvary,.
who died•Sunday merning at his holt*.
on the 'sixth Con...•after 'a lengthy
illness: The :funeral ;services will: he
held Tuesday afternOon to .
foss Ce,metety conducted b'y•ReV,, l‘fr.:t••
Young . The relatives •hAve the sYm7 '
qathyof neighbors and friends in'
their ''hereaveinent.
inunity singing.t ebasinesS,WaS dealt .
• Mr. •"Bpd'.. HaWkins, returned .,On
,MendOY to hi lionie*,in. United States:
after Visiting a 'few ,weekS. with his.
..elatiVes,:"Mr.. and Mrs; Walt: Scott.',"
• Mrs. 'George Harkneas is ,sPenclinW-•
'a .few Weeks in Toronto :arid :attend-
• • 'Ark
'x'hi'121tiOn. ,
Mt: and
"Velnia of Termite spent
last. week withMs, Alex Miittay. Jr,
Ariss, Grate Richardson is snending,
i, few Weeke. with •Miss E. Richardsoni
with,his- friends, of this Vicity;
Mrs, Norma, „Taylor Of,. TOrento is
spending ,a few ,.ilays with her father.
Mr. Morrison while her *ether
iS visiting 111 Nen .York.' ,
• Miss:Eileen Stuart's.pent. few days
last week.. with l‘Irs..,Hetb Tiiidla
and•I'Veinia With 'Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Freda'aad het. brothers -1,..1bYd:
,apil 'Gordon Cohn of St. -Marys spent'
the week -end 'With Mr. and 1rs. Wol
and' 11 ie.' P.'ntt6.ft,on.11.1111:
fainily,:sPent Sunday:With Mrs, W*.;
ted- "with Mis'S.:Jr,t,
0.Shoine at S. S. No. Miss Myrtle
, . • • • •
•Xuill,nt S, S.t "Mr, :Pollock
at $. S: 'g 0.• • • •' .10 ' '
,Piuttin. Sept; fIrd,
Liteknow,S.,-Cnitarlo.: •
treat'. Editor: : ,
' , Yott,hro doubtleSs anitro.o ho fart:,
. .
that &have been, transforred:to• .
untb,ertand ‘vith,:hetidouartets
at lirighten. Mr,,,Jas..S..'Shearer 14
&et ,th d,titks' giu1tthi
RePresentativo- for Huron' :Coady,
, ,
ecnnineacing. toinottow; ...SePteinbet"
Wish 43. thank ,yon for
eration :and'assistanee :Which 'I
reed \:•ed :Op daring ..the nino
.years, that 1 'hUve been in. Charge:: of
lim on ind Tli-ust
'My p,uecessor; , :too.
01.'0 the: same ,Considetation.• ,
wis•ii: yOtt every sneeegs'itt 'the
fOttire.--. '
.YuuMS •very• truly; .
• • •' *
?Or' Huron foutdy
. . . .
Anniversary' services to lib held
this Sunday:. Sept. llith.,,At Langside
Church atol1 a,: ni...and"7. 30 p.
PAtient (recovering troin oPerati.yni'
are all:the vblind-, : down ...doe:.
tet?" , • •;: • :
Doetbr: "Well, there!s e fire 'acro:ss
the' alley • and 1...di.dn't want o -t
ival;e.'u.i ,And !think the , opera tion had
. • :
• '
.,Wien • Sheirowii, Godetigh,:blaCkp
sinith- last Week put intd operation a
grain cradle. 'antitsia fpr: thitt11;
ye.,!,p;.• He cradled an acre of, toat, in,
tWa.hourS, twite toug as, his fatlie*:.
liked to take, and go't blisters
siinthY4cinghened hands doing• :
The.ka1 cradling, teeOrd ; of, iir,e-
.binder iy i held by n 1iiitni1 Mar :
one the .hoine of giants, 'whti eradlod
seVeh • .AcreS Of ciit hi • eight .hoin.s.
bever raised a 'sweat, ii,t'alon
.er, and went ta •squtl,re danoe: the
samenight '
ihit 'that *iiS' 'oNilt. half a. rentirrv
age. , '1.• • •
"She thinks, mapji ie,t •
far her." ,.•
"She rimy bo rreSt.4•
:"Y,es., -anti sho 'may be iof0',
, • •
and rafter
• iiienta ' tit • .
htitt to
Oefeil. Patched �t•
CoitaCil Sand-'
ard Til&Lati." methl
i,i'd6fittt a a ound,rpeti•
'oitinent, invsttheflL
AtrsOlutebr' Vice:thee.),
Eitthh Great13, re4nee.6
'fite Ittizatd.
Pticeo thia,l'all are loiVei• hecaUse Of Salett
!riot elteolptioa. sitVentibileS by iv alit g.tothiS";'
Mantifadttifeta Ala& of faiittitot Ptestori.Seel
and .Jatnbaviiiy Potillty equip.
ttiedt,..Addreatt: ,308 QttelPh
..... ?Iv
Eastern Steel Products