HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-08, Page 4ROUND TRlP TRAVEL. BARGItiS
frOoll , LLJ(icilOW
SEPTI ft' ", T-0 "-CHK-AG:07--$1-2;110
. ,......,
.SEPT.17' To. WINDSOR To , DETROIT $4.45 ,
Equilly Low
•Farfrom All Adjacent C. N. It:Stations ' " •
. • es _. •
For in, service 'going and retaining, aee hanbills Or ask any agent "
. •
(BY P• .A..-MacPengalID •
41090w in
Miss eIjt.AIIett. totidesboi'o;
Was the est �f her eopsins the Pet-
fainilles over the holiday
Mr:, and • Mrs. Robt.•=liunter;, Mrs:
•iltubba, and Mr. Roland Hill, all ,of.
Torento were week -end "guests "cif 'Mr•
and Mrs. Jai: Hunte.
' • Mise Isobel Singer cif Fergus• is. the
pew-teaeher,in-S."-P,..11.o, 3, ,Con.5.
A large number • of- Tien attended,
,the Sale of, faint, stoelc and implern. ents
' at the Fuller home, Con. 9., on 'I'hurs.
•• Mr; Chas. Fitssimm,Ohs • Pink-
erton acted' as auctioneer:
Miss Erwin of Waterford ,is
ing niece Mrs,, L. ,S. Mott et the
Parsonages ' : ' •
'Mrs: Williams (nee DOnalda Lm
• say) who has been visiting her"fornier
home, North Line; returned to her
home :in Northern Ontario. §he Was
accampanied part of the way,,'Y bar
Oster, and brother,;Miss Annie ,Lind-•
• Say and Mr. Del Lindsay. -
Miss Jean, McLelland returned Fri.
day to her duties oe;the•Iiioi School
Noble ,,Harrigan.ta now able
to be around: agaiii • after •her recent
illnesa:.. , • s ., • •: , • :
lMrs ." Milian of Ripley visited her
'friendMrs. 1. Sturgeon on Monday.
• ."Messrs. Jas..'11nnter and "Rob-
;1.ert•Son''`of :Con. 9,' left Tuesday on, a
business'.trip to .Manitoulin .IsIdnd: • ;
Mia. Jas. Hunter is' spendingta rely
'days with her daughter, Mrs: S. Erner-
' :ion; South table.
(Intended For •Last/Iireek).
• 'Mrs' , Clerk Lewis and daughters
Isobel and Georgina, also Miss Helen
Campbell, all of Torento,rviaited
,. Miqs-
eS' Gertrude and, Alice'
; Miss..Sadie Bushell spent • the litter
part of the Week in -Toronto. • '
Bes. MeRitchie; Sr, of SOmbra ,waS
az•guest-at_the. home
McRitchie. • " •
• Word . Was .received her 'Of ,the
Miss Elleda
days last "Week
Visitors -Wit
• jOhn Over the •
'Mrs. •Roley, •Ri
and Mrs. Rola id•Vimmins, ,Mr. and
Mrs. Garry Ni •. of 'Detroit. '
Mr. and Mrs.
• Bobbie of Mitch
gueats of Mr. ,a
ner -on Sunda
Mr.• and
Sunday vitors with Dungannon
•. Mr., Thos.
'Varna Were VI
• and' Mrs.. W
, •
nter fe*
Tbronto, n.
Mrs, 0410. 'Ritchie. and
• eeld.end were Mr.' and
'ale. Wiiadatir;
1:939,t CertainlY it• cannot come with=
opt. trernendeas work and, sacrifice.
No one (ten doubt the ability end pub-.
lic-apiritednesi sof ouicommunitV
. .
%Lidera—hut it is a Matter of inspir-
ing the whole cenntryside to work. for
the sticcese of •such a venture. ',For
those who.hope these 1939 dreams
may materializeand who f- ua
don't7',4hes.e conalnelltS ten' another
Caledonian Day may be' of interest',
Reeeat.ly:' '.aolind myself attending
copferencejathelittle,eollege town
of Antigonisli, in:Eastern,
It cameas a 'very pleasant surprise
tci••• find tut jhe. second afternoon
Of our ,StaY,•,itWO-, was to be a Gallic
sports eontit,iiing the pleaa-,
ant• surprises,- that ou1. sesaions would
be so, arranged to "enable us to attend:
The latter was, not so •surnriaing; per:,
haps, when one recalled' that of forty:
than sixe bore 'the.name of '1VlacDon-
•C4, 'Ritchie an,t
11," Mr. , alid• •Mrg
d Mrs' Henr Giza-
laat.• ' •
s, RiehardGardnei were.
tied; Mrs. Fred Reed of
'tors „on Sunday' with
Teachers cif this s
Monday to their sch
Wester, Zion; Miss E
No. 14 Wawenosh;
Lo Varna and Mr
•Elmira. •
• Messrs. Fred,
ion and •S'
Mr. and
tion returned: on
els."' Was.•Ada
ede Winter, to
se Elsie Ritchie.
avid Anderson to
as., Davi
ner ett
mint on
Isaac 'Andrew, essts. EWA. Andfew
and Fred .Anderacin attended the fun-
•eral of .Mt, J. C Stothers at London
on Tnesday• afternoon:, Mtich. Sympa...
ihy 'frdin this community is:ektentled
to Die•bereeved.
.. Mr.. and 'Mrs: Vernon Hunter werc
recent visitors:with Mk: and Mrs.. Win
Hunter, Jr • • , '''• • '
. Mr: Fred: Anderson,'Jr. spent'Son-
daY With Harald. Gardner." ••; • .
- Mr. Leine 'Gardner AS' spending this
week With Oakville end Hantilteft
. „ .
friends, also attending the 'Toronto
Exhibition: .•t •: • ' • '• .• '
• .
' .Mrs",. Anson Finlay .,of Ltickhow
Mr. and.Mrs-Fred Anderion, •Mrs. I.
.4ndievr; MES • john Helm of Wien ,at.
. .
yen -Saturday' afternOon,-. • . • •;.."
• Miss. Kathleen- Gardner 'anent " the
week -en d with; her cousin, Miss Dor,:
,othy ."trwin; bOandary ; West.
ded the
WH 'TECH URCH B LAKE 'FRIENDS celebrated 'her .8.501 tiirtbda7
44)Ti Other metribers of'' the Saitily.
.were ptlesen( frena Tortutto. A, siSte
in -Taw, "Mrs. ,glizabeth Treleaven wnn
r(MAVW,NrIN,MYS) ilsnueat. • •
MiSs 'Veluna Scot t her. tonsils
retie:Yea last Weele,..!' • •
We are "sorry 2aiSs Janet • Craig .is
SENT-; Ci.00K
"nder•-•-thet-doctorta-care.„,_ 1„, aftd:lyIrs. John"Blake, anti Bern,' ' Geerge. Enationa and friendof.
Mr, ali
. 4 Mi Je,n Turner and fain-, ice spent leat week at C
-,7N:,-- immivatient*Plea,satit#eekl,,ehd-witli:
.of Kitchener, ,also Mr.,
W.Scio4,t Toronto. his• brother Lorne n(1 ErationSf•
aid kips qf Kinlough 'visited • Tea:ehers and stildents. have .reautped lYfr, ahtl, Mrs. Ben. Cernfort and: Ep+
-Albert Paters011,• • ' Mrs: McConnell' nnd. Reth•alitr Mr,
one day leaf, Week withi,Mr.; 1'4;3; their :datiea again with, Miss"' Graeq. et: St. "•Catharines, and Mr. "and
, Mrs, Ogilvie and daughter Miss
Jean Ogilvie of Toronto spent tbe
week -end • with the former's fatliet,
Mr. Jean Clubb. ."
Thre Will tie na service hi' the Pres-
byterian elipreh,..here,on Sunday owing
to the anniversary, services' ot Lan
death of ;William Alvin Rainshew• of
Diminuire,. California; Deceased • was
, horn on ,Con: 5. of Kincardine Twp:;'
and 'was the .eldest:ecin of Mr, and•
Mrs: R. Ranithaw Of ••Langhani, Sask. YOUR DOME -TOWN' PAPER
Old 41ien4a here extend sympathy to • ••
the bereaved ones in their sorrow fear that we do not arwnys,.give•
•DIVen 'So lin& sitYs George', Matthews Adlitris; the
Rev. and Mrs Pollock ; 'Mrs-
Gill:414st and Ebis •vonoiqi
spent last' week at Bruce Beatii„
•-•Mr, and ;Ms. :4anieg, •:p,eiyden, and
'Son -Mines, Mrs; Alex.",Latcli Of De-
troit and Messrs' Robert and lloreee
McGuire visited. oh Sunday With Mrs
David �iiiies., •. • ' „
Mr.„ and Mrs, Dungan McMillan and
and family all. of ..Detroit spent the
week -lend with their brothers MeSars.
;John and.. Pat -Tick "lVIcMillati• 4
and Mrs. Bert' Reid and, famil3
Mrs. , 'Catherine Eggleatchie nli ot
ListoWel.'visitecV on Monday With tht
latter!s• daughter, Mrs. Henry Patter
Soil; •• •4" •• "'
Mts. David Kennedy and Mr Pte
Kennedy visited: one day:last week
with the fornier's daughter; Mrs.
Tichborne goderiCh.• •2 • ' • •• •
and Mrs. Hank , Kruger end
daughter'Lois,' also Mrs. Itoy Cringle
aild daughter Helen; visited last week
with Mrs. petrid ,Gillies. •
Mr. Hewitt Of Rockwoed Spent the
"Sorry I..can't speak • a "Word of it,".
had ' to admit to . an oa. twinkle -
eyed fellow addrc:Isiari,.m,ie, in Gaelic.
"Whitt a.' peety l" ""And itli ,a name
like MacDougall," he adee I, When hr
found Outony name, and where r.
from. "We've brnaRlit, cloWn Pipe -
Major ," ireep4erktvris'airoie Hamilton
•tor the games today ; 'Hamilton's, in.
•IJpper., Canada, too, isn't itl" Which,
I had to adMit, it was. •
Down in this fishing—farming—min g area of Nova Scotia the love
of the highlands still runs' strong and
deep. On display Were•• -beautiful tar
Rinke to prefab.; Miss Bernice Blake
to . Crewe,- Mies 4ealt Anderson tii
Kinlb),!_gb; 111')qY 40nPt,ork Wrtiocet="
'er and Miss •Mcfypt of :Kill
less to, oni: ,ciwn-achool,• NO. 9, Ashfield'
'Also,. Elvit'and ,Ferne TWainley to.
Lukno1iighSchool,and MarY„Hor-
ton to' Attliur. • • . •
Mr; Richard Kilpatrick .% auPP1Srinv,
for Miss TvnAJdfferSiflC.ethlt
;Valley school, for. 'the- liejtt .Montii:
Mrs., R 1 Kilpatrick ;and Mrs..•3'.
-McCormick of Long Beach
701 ri,Ift',.xy110 114v,! .anent:the past three'
weeks ..vith Mr; and Mrs. S.•
,patrick; left Tuesday; for" 5trathr'Osr.
'Mr. and Mrs. -Paltrier Kilpetrick have
also returned to their •honie in tiOv-;
•onte.• - •
, Charles:, Odes. of Essex was
renelving old aconaintances in.. this
noighbOurbooti last week. •
•krnimbek of yonngpeople gathered
in the hall 'Tuesday, evening.. Of last
Week,' le hone* Olive- • Mae
KilpatriCk, whose ' marriage took
place., last. Saturday.. After 'a ,varied
,programme of readings' • and songs
.Olive Was, Called, to..the front and pre-
sented with an ateractiveniantel
,The following address ,vves ..read•by
Mr.., Harold WebSter: and the. present-
ation made •by' Gtaeft.
August, 3oth; 1.93g
Dear . ,•
It is withrfeelings• of regret • we
.1e -ern that:Yea' soon to lee. our,
iti,dSt:„.."Ve wish to take .this import=
nniti to. express • the sincere regards
We will. alweysfield .for you.
• You ,have always been: a , willing
werker' in the Church, Sunday School,
_and Young People's Society, and have
neverkeftised to do your -share in any.:
thing that Was asked Of :you,
Your, kindly, hell). in; ail our meet-
ings "and, your sincere :Christian char-
, acter has. been' a source of inspiration.
tfri US., We quote the.' Words . -Edgar
Guest: "Life' is sweet, just because
Of the' friends lye:lie:ye made.
And :the things which'in Common we
• tpreps ainrita:ettine wttea,hialite,csa, rtahrfiei'af:iirno _f weiverkrie 3 ad ckw iithi a nMilrasg. 0.,Jnan,61ess rt, 111
nit* and weaving never'• have Mr. Robert McKenzie, Mr. and"
lost • Few' indeed were these 'thwn' Snider. Of, also Mrs,..Cath-
0114..0:hit; carried no bit of cOlnur e1ifle _
Oxfora of . Detroit spent the
to shOw."-;t14ir'einn- , • ' week end • With Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos.
Perhattg the PiPes' .1.1et high Ingles.
as. musical inatiuments,---perhaps;----
• hut know that seldom has music so
thrilled rile'as :the •piping •Aritig-
• • • • . • ' ., • •
. • , . • • ., 4 •
Miss Jean .McLeed returned Set..to due 'credit•to our homertoWn. paper;
" Among those who attended the Tor well-known writer. It seems to. 'take
, onto Ex ion were, Bert an,:r0 eside so man of the or:.
Needham "and Harold:'MeIntosh: •
lirs2,31,`Cole.ef Detroit spenclizq.,
.., her: Vacotion With her'father,,‘Mr. Jag.
and sister Mrs: W.*Gerden.
Miss Mildred 'Riddell had "fonili
..!'operation ,in, Kincardine Hospital, .thc
.. • ••operation • being performed by th
" McFarlane of 'London. • • .
Miss, Ma.:rjorie, Harrison of: Huron
eonSin Mise Bernice • 'Arit
Istrnn.g• •,••• ;., • • The interior interior of
•• going •.Soine .Changes; . the catnenfer.
work being done by D. W:.". Fleming.
Mr.. Mid Mrs. 4. "11,.• Glass, Toroti to;
'Ash ..trir. and MTS. .Ralph . Glass and
Sons AiliaorPand :Ross of Virden, Man"
• visited friends here • during the week.
4 ',...Mt"." and • Nits: , Thos,. Hewitt and
daughter; I•janeY Ann,, of To:•L
;into; •wliO haVe been holidaying hei.e.
returned liorne'Thuttday: • . •
' cf.. M. Guest,, Mrs. auelt and
fainiy visited Mr. and' Mrs: Rp
• • , '
and Mrs: E. A. McLelland uc-
roniPanied 'hi Mr..." and •Mrs. Wilbert
ciinory.gifts .and priVileges which, he-
cipSe • they ; •_are • rather ., 'expected,.
•3timidate little" 'extra, excitenlent from
day to day, •But when we leave.. emir
tionie4own; then we:think Of thernany
things---,-;enr .home-toWn • 'neWinaper.
especiallywhich •we''. and •cif
which . we often deprived.. That 'hotel
manager: who; arranges to lorie
hi:hue-town. paper' Of. hia,, guest '•
livered each •day " to hiS•lrooni7dpes
wise erkl• shrewd • thing' Rarely de .1.
go.to' a 1.1argei city without,' huutiug
out its oitt7017toWn_ iiewpaPer, stand,
I like, .not onlY,to bnY. hpnie-toycn,
paper; 'bat many papers
citiOs,.juat to study who . have coine.
there for their:home-town paper: ,..I,
like their lciyalty, for •one, thing; and
thea am ••• ..often •, amused . hyl the
strange ond Often hUniorous" "state -
Merits made; as they try..toatir up
'Coriverszition.," With • the . newsman;
Peotile away from' • home often', get
lonely, and there Seems to be . some=
thing `a oothing' to this loneliness just
the.' Mcniient • when thot . stranger
learns that he can, get his home -town
.newspaper "jOst around •'the corner,".
and take it to his rqoni for the night
But the! lime -town newspaper itself
Whet ,•en• institutiOn $innetbing
vePy great .and. important •wduld be
lacking the without a aingle
. •
Western Fair; 1241,
1938 ..1
One ; Of attract-
• ive features at ''the West-
• ern Fair 1937 was the
• ERN ONTARIO exhibit on.,
the sectiiid finer ,a1 the east'
end' 'tit the •Miinufatturere'r, r
Beldg., Thousands' of
people 'Visited the :,,eXhibit
ailj found" it interiselt. ,
It will he in plate 'again ,
this year in an prilatged.
• and iniproved PA.mOt-
• *Mg it:
As. I 'looked •across_that beautiful
valley, with - the university • Infildings,
on iny right; over .there the ,ceinetery
with its white eitosses timid neat'
green" plots, thei•e the ' sunny "'fields'
;end .to My left the hills that °bemire
•view Of 'the :Sea and right before' us
nestling the town ninth
it eipst resemble Many .valleya i41 -the
highlands.- FIereJiveilie..._des t end a Ms
of men Who fought ...and--lost-.--with
Bonnie Prince Charlietif the •CaVeil;
anter,s who sought religions freedom
ine'new land, As I watched the crowd
with More' than one •priest and 'Min-
ister gailY•entering into the fun, with
the'. pipers, resplendent .with _Cell:int.'
marching ahead,—as I, drink in the
wild •nnisic of the pipes;. it :seenied
• that much, of whet their • forefatheis
held dear had still not been lest. '
• • Soon the games are on • With a
grandstand of :perhaps a thousand
and several times' that, number croWd-
11%, the vantage peints. Everything
bespeaks careful planning .and,:nian-
aging. Well_nlaCed, load speakers call
:the• -contestants and supply a running
•eqemientary on the different events.
Platform, track and field eVents1Pro-
ceed, simultinecivalY se that a ':very
heivy program is 'runoff in' a .feh
newSpapei of its own„;, Even 'the. sniall
AtoWn, witheut, its ilewsPaPer, is at°
disadvantage. "Opp iitOne7;town news -
pa keep keeps ;OS informed about *lira
is gOiPg on all aroinid us, It fighti
our battles for, ns:• It stirs uti ou• r
°Often sagging :couriige. and it. create
spirit—useful civil- without
AV,Iiitti a toWn city ish't:.Of age. Redd
• your own ''hOing town paper: Stnipor
• it in eVeri.way N-.)sible Give it sugr
gestiOns.',It Will welcome them... Tell
it S editor What* you' like about•it;
weft as what you don't' like. Ile will
welcorne bolit'opinions, fast so, long
,as .theY Are :.conStiluctiVely, offered,
I VOW' home -town newspaper in your
speitestrian; your. friend' and adveCote,
. • .
and Mrs. RonaldStormattended. the
Blake-KilPatrick wedding en rittlik:.
Anniversary '.service i will, he held
•inewe church on Sunday - Sept. llta.
when -Rev. "D„; A. MacMillan, :e, former,
Pator• Will have charge of the Ser.,
vices" at .3 and '7.30P. Miss Brind-
'ell-"seloistof"-Atwood:,:willnaSSISt. it the
n,ainging: , •
' Mr. Bell has, started to build the
'bridge' en • the Elnewater • blighWaY.
oPPoStte, Mr, C, Boyd. s lent. • •
Misses Grace and •Betty -Treat "of'
• Chicago Spent the holiday •• at the
heme,of their cousin Mr,'Itnsa Bissett.
THURS.$0TEMDgR, 81* 1938
irablearid, .for that re4so-h,-Ciiii-olaa:
.ation shonld.. he given by ever,yone.
„Mr. and Mrs...Will llunter and Mr:
Mr, Mid Mrs. Jake 'Hunter and family
visited with Mr 'and Mrs:. John• Mc-
Kinnon at Tiverton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ritchie' and
I3obby of Mitchell spent the week -end
With Mr adn Mrs. Robert Ritchie. ".
Misses Frances' Gilmore a London
and Margaret, R..N, otWelland spent
the week -end with their Parents; 'Mr. -
and Mrs. It E. Gilmore.' •
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland and
Wesley of Clinton Spent the weelc-end,
-with Mr.' and Mrs.P. •Clotik.. •
Mr., and Mrs. , Ea. McKenzie 'of
London visited 'with the latter'a par-
ents, 'Mr. „and,,,,M.rs,"--.MeP•9..n!.*h.,::-...'„
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilfred .Hogan and
• Wiartoli forced tliree, game Aeriei
before Wingharn loecanie Brnce Leag-,
ue champions.
* • * * *
Whighan-I. won the first game
to 5; but •last. Thursdai -in Wiaiton,
the Rednien, won their first game of
the•-•-feinT bY"."a"Store'of
from „behind in the 9th with two' big •
rune,. to *turn the trick.. • '
. . .
Wingham, however; ' had, "little di& •
ficulty,in taking the third "geine;•plity:.
• ed :Port Elgin on Saturday, by a •
score of 17 to 6. • • '
o 4 ip
. .
.4. Wtarton; 'breaking .intO ball this
• season, played .all—their—Oredtilellm
games . Northern Group "R"'".
teams, and were never able to win a
;fixture,They were a considerably 'im-
proved team -in the "Q' playoff ser-
4 * * * *,
Winghem now continue their quest
for a O. B. A. "C" title and rneet
Clinton in the. next round, the first .
game of the sere being played Mon-
day, • when Clinton, edgedeut a 10 to 9
`victory in :ten innings.. Hugh 'Cum-
ings did the mound work for 'Wing=
to the causes of the conditiofl. in order
to avoid its .ticcurrence, , • •, 0.
• The fermentation Of food particles
in the /Plinth will •almost certainly
cense hod breath: ii4g;caranionly. ac-
cuka •whea foed- is held in a decaying'
tooth cavitY, proper tare of the
teeth, by., brushing •theni. • ragulerly
after .meals and—most importantrtireof all—at bedtime,
in order te get rid
of.the •taod parti1es, and 1!:Sr tle
securing of regular 'dental care will
prettent bad lweath frioni e source thal
ia now •coniinon.,
• When there is aetual: disease of the
. • •
mouth, such as pyckrhoea; • 'or of the .
adjoining parts; bad breath may ',re -
suit" either front the condition
or from .the ,fernieritatiOnof food pa'-
which the' :condition favors. A
healthy throat anda.mouth kept cleeh
byregular-use of the tooth-brush:are
the first considerations, •in preserving:
an inoffenitlre breath: . .
In addition to the .lobel conditienz,
which act as a cause. 'bad breath,
there are general cenditions. ,'which
bring it elicititT.We. think, first, of the
digestive tract because in .or minds
a bad taste in the niduth is.frequentiv
assqdiated with digestive upaets.: Red
breath" 'daes not; occur quite • often
among these ;who .overeat, or Whose.
ehimrnation is faulty : The bad breath,'
in ,spch cages,' is really a sympton 'of
an abnintnal ',Condition • ot the diges-
tive traet and is regarded as such bY
the individuars physician. ..". •
• Under such conditions •rthe remedy'
lies in. giltering the mode of living., A,
proper diet, ay0idanee Of" Over eating
Qt of, over -indulgence in , one or DiOre
articles or, diet, regular elioninatien.
increased intake of Water; and exer-
cise are the nobita Whibb should first
be dealt with..Y
• , The totre4ion• of any utpleasani
leder should alwaya bethought dfalong
the lines of tie removal of •the cause•
,it inuch, preferable tiO'. o:oereorie.
body edora by *regular "bathing than
'atteinpting. to oVernawei• them by 08-
ing;:perfumes. In 'the "Shine way, the.
logicel Matinee of dealing' with .baa'
breath iS, to temxtve its tatiSe. , ,
• A Areatitelit of symptprias is ne-
tessery, but their care and' ,the Pre=
f th • 1.1“0 d d 'a •
vention O eir rec nee ,e en p-
ot ,the t.reatittent of the :cense, the
root of the cenditidn: It never Pays
to teriinorize; it is 'always satiSfeeto0'
:to get te grins lt•,itlf: the cause,
• •
: this its seventy-eighth,
niegt; prizes are ,eagerly. 'sought
fot ,—the jaVelin throW', tossing the
cher,--the • various . jumna. The ;high
jump -'is 'won at'5' 8:1/2", btit: the 'Winner,
Makes an. exhibition; jump at 5.' •
failuig at the even:six feet. Other ie
Orda are "eorrespendlY good. The track
races, especiallY, the three Miler.,..fPr
previous winners, , is: very interesting.
•:0ii the. Platform. some- .23: seek to:
Prove their, • prowness on the " .pipe
rliihe about 30 daneerg delight. the
ciewd with their .intrieate foot Wo11•.1
And.N4fien all the piping and, dano:
ing and Swift's are Over", •itis happy
elevvd that diaperaes •to 'neighbouring
towns and farnia,,with nurnher Web-.
ing in for: the dance in the, evening:
SUrelk;',..theyl.can all say, --"it's .•been
a great ;clay.c, • . •• ,. • , • ••
•,Bt.q, 4 wasn't tO see 'their highland
games thb:t. 04-fsited the Men of Ail-;•
tigioniSli, at another 011ie •11.1, tell you.
of that. • • •
, 'Young ipeopie• vi;ho , Sheane 1,01 -by MOtOr OD, tUe4dity t4t
-Abeicing- Weetorn tanede, z
iVersity 'Career Rh Mild. net ' Rot. Nilotic; MOderator, of White.,
fai to' 'See this exhibit... •eltiirek•Wati gifeet, at knot dinireh
iiiilliiiiiiiiiii.10111111111011.11 8 r "e
1t $undy
Share • • ,
We wtant :to live. on, not because of
••• pareelves ,•• •:.. •
-intabeeauee.ef.._the„neonli• wh• o' tare::
-Its givipg_and_do1flgfOr1Omeb0d\
,else • , • ,•• .
On that, all. .lifes splendour depend's.
And the joy of this word, when you've
•• sunnned all .
.Is. found' - in, the 'Making of friends.. .
We :do' net. wish to • Say, ."GoOd-bye,..
Olive;• for we hope that you may find
Your'. Way back among : us soneetinies.
But at.thig time, we would likeio give
you something.; Which yaii• May keep.
as remenabrancefroisii yourfrien4i
Of this church. Please accent his gift":
end .when you. gq te. your new lieme,
May yon' know : that'. our Best Wishes,
go, with Yon. ' • •
. •
babe. of Toronto spent the week -end
With Mr. •Hogan's nerenti.: . •
• Mr: and Mrs. E. McDOnagh are
in Landon attending thefunertil-of the
late:J. C. IStethere. '
Mr. and, Mrs Plunkett • and :babe,
of Port Albert and Mr. :and 'gra.'
Melville Raiment of l'arantountvisit=
ed with Mr: and,,Mrs. Les Ritchie
over Sunday.
..SIts." Dora Lumbers of TOronte
Spent Ile', week -end with friends ,bere.,
and Mrs. Q. Dickson and Jack
Korn of Philadelphia :spent the hot-
id.aY at Mr, Raas.Bissetts 4nd ntheir
return were eccoMpanied by Rgymond
!torn who .spent the "SurnMer here:
Donne Haniilton i4horne a fteP
pleesarit •visit ivith• her aunt in,
Windscir, • • • • • • .
: tyre, Mrs, " Xing and
Maud MneXen zie of Detroit Y is I te
at Ore home' of Mt,,,,No.G•t:Mackeritie
ver the 'holiday.,,
; Mr, and 'vit.., Neil J. MacKenzie
sent a.• few ilgYs' With relatives iri
-CleVeland; • •-7,"""
•gept. (tt'h: marked. the, op oil lit r y
the, eehoele ih this
Teacher': "Why are. Wei% qbjeek.',
lonable:?" "•
Pupil: "Because.' they make his-
tory." 1 •
. ' , • '
. .
of 'the 'Blake , Coni-
dreee' Blake • •.11arcild:Webster.
,Olive4in :a' few well 'chosen *01.113.
thanked' her friends for their
level? ,gift. • • " ,
,Following this, the • ',young people
• built,, a campfire • outside and :held, a
cern roast, . :which' everyone enjoyed
-Ori", Sunday. morning . Mrs.•••••. Henry
Herten received the. sad news of the
sadden' death of her brother, Mr. Can-
non 'Stothers of 'London, Mr. Stothers
was the 'third' menthe'. of' a• firing of
seven, and was the .pOn,, of the late
4t. and Mts., William Stothers, Of the,
9th Con;',of , , • .
• .Mr. Stothers and his Wife who was
formerly 'Miss Florence Sleigh. of •Ter -
onto; had • just returned on. Friday,
front a trin to, the West., His; death
came very uneXpectedly;•,-rind was,
, •
great shock tO the family as well att
the entiit conununity. Besides hia• wife
three ;altall children SurVive.• •
• in •
,The• funeral service :was held. on
TueSday afterinion • ,in London,, with
interment • there also. •We extendour
deeneat. sympathy to the
(.,,Continued •fretti, Page t): - .
He was a direetor, Of .theltoiidon
Kiwenis Club and :for the pest .two
Years had, 'been 'head ‘,o4' the .12:loy's'
Work_Board ef London. • , ,
• He ..,vyas,'married: in 1922 to 'Miss
Florence Sleigh; :of'storonto,, who .Surs)
vilres,' With three :children, Donald,.:.13;
jean,.'10, and Jack, seven. There are
Mao, tWo.. sisters,_ Mrs, Jessie Crispin.
()gems, sask., and Mrs. r4ke Herten
of • Lneknovit four biiithera,,.• S. B.'.
Stothers, :agricultural repreaentative
for Wellingtons County, Of" Arthur;
W. , B. 'Stahel's; of ; the keivinater
COmPanY; London; E.4,Stothers, an
'graduate ,faiming ;near :St&
City, Sask., and ,•Eir. E. Stothers,
.inspeetor .of public schools. Pieton • •
A private; service' was held.•at ;the
tfysteritali '
. , .
Clinton juveniles, .,,MAitland Leagib.
dhanme, 'are playing..Off in the 0. By'
A:playdoWne-with.OwenSoutd juven-
iles,Who proved too classy .fer". the
Clinton lads,:when they took the ftist
o•ame on Monday by •a 15 to 2 count: '
' Hanover, Bruce League "B":.chanip-,...
ions went one up in. the first round • Of
the playdciwils. on Monday With Pen= •
etiing? when they flashed '
splurge' in the eighth , to • knot the'.
count,, 'and pushed 'over a• kiln in the
tenth ..to win 7 to • •
home followed by• public'service
Tuesday- in -Colborne Street United
Church.. Rev. A. M. Stuart;'.of :that
church, was assisted by Rev. W. A.
Townshend in the service llnterrnenl
was ,in London Metnerial Park. •
'S bl
,tribtite to the ..nieTOrY:, of In-
spector Stothersthe, onening..of the
London schools tvad
Wednesday. : •.
,London, .widespread ..tribute • to"
:the work of Mr.' Stothers was express-
, .
Superintendent G. A. Wheable spoke
feelingly, of his death as a personal
loss.. "He had hden associated • with
me 'in his work and he had always
eo.:tipl'Oted With the board:Hehar
been a lpyal:"emplokee• Of the depart-
ment and :his coatributlon. to the ed-
iicational work in this city .has. been'
'Oat. •,11e will be a hard -men to re-
, :Frank Mcdert ey, \the ,• relieved *
Bob BridgefOrd M the' skitli, got a
'million dollar Single; in the extra hiri. • ;
ing,that scored Harold Wendorf, frem.
ecoitd With the 'winning run and with
two out. ' '
• . Pellet:tug cimped the Nerth Sniicoe
Lague title by •defeatiag'Meaford in
the final :game 13. .11. ..
.• .
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allinand fain -
:Hy Thicknow visited 'my $unOy'
with -Mr, and Crozier.
. .
• Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, 1.
• C.• and ikOrairirie Spent Sunday 'with
M. and Mrs, :ladies' Drennan; Kin-
• Augnat,.8th"
• • Cetnieil • met' on :abolie, date, ;nditintes.
of former „meetings.. Were. read and
'unproved 'on'tiotion ef---Culbert-And
MoVed'hy Johiniton and Culbert end •,'""
carried that the followingaccounts be
'place and I ,knew of nilsonewiko can.
his' post as be did. I feel .hia•: losa
. , ;
as that of a brother." . .••• .• . 6
• Spealcitig 4311 behalf • of the Board �f
Edu,pationi,Ttutgo itot..Ntr.. A.. ToWils',
iterid, Said: Ktri• the •naaaing., of John
.Stothei•sLandon suffered, a greet loss
and particidarly 'opt .eillicationfil Oa.
tern. He. was Most •tonscientiatie and
moat ...proresive in his thinkIng• 'end
hi all ,bit WM* edueati9i1O1ly, 'The ad_
Partnieilt Of education recognized him
at an.authority in educational 'tifiatt.,
era and ,especiallY, in • the work of
iehoeh5. teachers . hob,
'ore.). And respcted him and alued
.hi s• toinisel. The sthool.'hoys and giriq
loVekt hitt': As . mat he was 86' Xietd)C.
FY: t01; ehe, of nethre'S nOlileniek'k•
true „tiiend tnuewhont,.1 Very
• l-ao ,
Charles V', neebe, .0.,aideht‘..kif the
tiondort gehOot .POIncipara :.ASSOciat=
inn; Said: "Mt -8tetlierit WAS bigh
6"611''' tilot.1),Pr
Ervin& of Gbderich, Mr and
Mrs. . Ervine of Southainntori,. Mrs,
itarry,•Leury and family of.' Windseir
spent Wednesday at Bert Treleaven's.
•11.11.''anil Mrs: ,Jim Culbert, Gerald
jand, Shirley Of tifilthow vieit4(1:. her,
sister' Mrs, Bert. Pinnigen and 'Rerit.
on "gunday,•
Messrs A len and. drahani turnfn
and Vliott:RiVett spent the 'week -end
a t*Torbilto EX. •
tended, the ,,tirthday party o hi as iation 110 ;WW1 1101/1ttil and to.,
•T).eienvoil wbc, opera ed ni any plans for. �ur
paid. Sleil; J. MCKeinie, cutting weeds
=--$1.75;• 'Jacob Hunter, cutting treed•S
—$5 00, Thos : Hackett, gradinkl-L '
$8:00;-• George :Drennan, 'S cutting
weede--,=$12.15„;,,,.• Normon :O'Connor..
timber—$5:90;' Elweed Drennan, tut= ,
•ting weeds and rep. bridge -812S0;
Thes.• .Rivett,.." trucking plank -83:00
John S. Dalton, cut,ting weeds,. grad -
;ng and Ceblelt19.90,; Thea..;Ferguann
'elating Weeds•—$2.5•0; jas. Webster,'
flooring' bridge., -$10.00; 'Theme's An
derspn, 'cutting weeds --$7.85;'
Crozier,• repairing" tile-'$2,00;•.•Cha
Cngtam,, catting„weeds,•=-.8.4:75;
Iii•Uee•,'•MCArthar, •wire -74c; • 'Thos.
,Bayea.,.. Welding grader -,41.50; •
"ler Peonle, reed .signs—$11,0;7 Alex
itteNay," "tatting ',Weedi--$7.50;,
• Curran, •"•SelarY--'828,40;"J".. 4: 'Mc- •
;Ewen,. relief " a-Cebu:M.-$5.05; • W. 11.
,13latkatoile,, relief • adeount$1.9.65l.
ProsinCiai.Trees., Itisulin82.28.;
Ceasar, sheep eleint-:-$10.00; Bounty
.on clegs=-$10.00; Alvin
llounlY On dogs -$100o; sheep dIiiiii
-42,0,c.10; Thos, 'Daugherty, sheep; ,
cleim--t$64:150; James Johnston, tire;
Itock ConntY of Huron,.
Hospital account -$19.75;E., E. Cren;••
sten„.. indigentfrelief iteConnts—$25.O0;
anerel-840.00; J:
relief aCCOtinti-$3.12;, Ituaa••
Ilisaett, rent for relief• -•-$10.00'; •
Kilpatifek; ijve stock yeluer$2:00. .
13y-levir number g'ettink the rates •
for taXetion., was duly' nasaed except ,
en tin:Alen Andelion and Cillberti-
CqiinCil then adjOarned • on tuition of
: C. E.**.M9D0NAGIL-Clerk,
" •
idO1fleheols. 'Teachers who •had .prob- •
lung relating t� 'their sehool.'work
fetind ifl hita someone to 'Wham they
cotild'turn as' to tnembee of. the,i
on 'staff= He Was elier willing to.,talk •
.over th'e .trends edueation
woes kept the' Prinditiels infOrniedgini
new eduCational 'natter's/ and Was .o'
Speaker at the, gethoinge
I e itt's"1 d' tee, ei tien he' ebb tVaS ,
elp ii ni Any' Worthy enterptiSe."