HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-08, Page 3No e Mud No Crime- C4w* a xes '17 A -Mental. C s� 0 PR TH 94or Q!eopries Tr nd In �$6 I d, King' THE e Prin�0, 19�,d NE lie 0un Y ei,017- T _ 9 Feel Ashamed R t 'A.4y AM JuOge Give AdOrepes on 1� P t G eral Intereit. T1. .4 - .'THOUGHT $OLEM,N. lRoapse thq verage r4mii.y is fe, Tbe-rnotor-car do a �'b t Crjr SQ.,rqr.e, IU' 3_ t tQ, eyea w 4y,withth rs'p, 4. Aot wi -ty, that the presiding justice, a $11., mentai, diseases amon its: mem. the ass: optreal me Court assizes haq.1itilp else hers Mlqhlgan'� probloni: �s And It4, g �oqraj .......... _Q�s ift.handling. t,�4p, cases In A DE4E.RTD VILLAGE? to do.* but � kive a . f QX :,Ju9tA9q A. 4v4Q4AUK A;l's P st4 9, well! as in is trying hospitals a, ops -eased, according to. Dr.; -oblems. -Qne of holdin tbe�caq r,seat, way� gnl;ep,w in has, inci irakflc pi L'a Psy* jqtrist. at be'to b , ar f rbm�"tf i�' Gq for 17`yqars. nd" 1pf , argetoNyn ch oiirse, would ye�t. 1;ri -411 'ReT6 stkqets.a fi q a crim flie, Mich rihafory, d for. has., ot d 'illy pai "It is' a� most r -lia4IL'a record' "taken '114 ha 'r. q emat 00 4, 0 _,h A. in! of � 4ie S (f_.011e -ough the -a lie.-CoUil-t-P7an t n �fol, probably, 'not e4ualled� in All, CA n - al disrderso I% ict.q.jre, in' s no MQ�t x shefter, rela -y as ives op. Inentpl,diseases ofAiie-:p.qu' n't' hi I d' oll' t IS t _e tru�f`qd'at St; '71.hon t w ho, deVel �h ays the.,ioufte�ntb in Orrt'aVJ6. -No one,,' instead of seeking.' p.rompt aid for �'b 'tiilk� To Sury'�.. need vir ,th h lnstitu�--. . , Q em T�s��-o The re Is that y Itodated:,''Them %Vyli "b Judgi, s�riai;lt told ­Th� 0 higli, §pee( than 360, -.m:1c*, ri..h,pur I 'h t -E, T. � Eyst6n, of bfe., become 'worse. in the fok all -of ���Hzi'Miltbn.',S,P,e,�,iato�", ikd' beipofxte customary o give ail, addrbs's oil jopci ot'inter "Raci ho'ld I - est. He7 England, feels. that, At i.1most 860 �tires to e, Ina - th Ti.ner. at, persQlis phygi.c talked dil'. lb� importance of, tt6 �tually has greater speed can't be built.. Ati -g EORY? 'A miles an hourl.b t iven ATH ND PRACTICE Ally '111: who are no tourist inaustry to the people of. Q, is�:tr4W th ver e ebilh j -6 land' speed 3�O the outs, ide of: thi, tir If e' was.-anythim- thai AVjLoCsound,,Wbo�ut t,ne, Worse,. eye ch ifomoteL our Sense of Makes""re tq p His chigt rival jr Job C bb"' I lat4til-iners mainta 0 �L SO, 7 ukged- ti 700' miles an hour. f- they dmqr mbrer� than a- balaheacled' of. Londorij -holds. %however that This,. Dr., La Vltoij,Q� 'b6I16veS*, the good. appearance of their prop- wi completely shielded, the ird barbbr reaomm6rid.iryg 'eaky of W .'tli&,w s.� no., jimit the. rate -of leads, tO more case$ Of, 'viole# di- e, Special b a] er.1jes. I one, would� rip, them %YjdQ opens rolls a..,tojaic! in his s)iop as -a sure, dfid 'ptevent§ an can qttaj-r�-. the r o der� and Prolviince'ia tIfe, contrast ofthe 41WqUI�datt:�Li.viD io `hair,, it, w. 4 s a sptAker. e -er o . f estoi o )Vho migh 44A-ft6r you al -i6diences. who had lef t. greeg foliage. of 'the 1p d, or O man� t to, ]rui -ass, and.' pass 300, tfie;graph t grain curp.Q6 11;. itasq ji easps., th t,: y. aj�41nqt. the iied, backgmund -!-no was. officia be cr . 11i,: " .of danger" rises a mo�t Terti la't fith, call" agi ad and i's now en of the, qu s yo the, old. horn e -30ylhg a S ugs a tir ed at �14 7.16 alary of $5,000 to �$Qj000.. and nicely kep" -buildl dd,b, And the'jr4ph',�f �Ar'and gtat6's Cost (�nt of th ra,ilq.s h pbrformarfeve ',drops. d' 'd Als, wh6b. they rap, dly, have to jo this U.6aut : ' - n -be b be rocketed hi �'Thdilder;b64 iinto4 .,,a,yeap,, advigi g Iiabliely. histitutilinalized. O *itch faster th-,,n, 360 on hot to", Jeave tbe old'far.n�;-' Chei!- -the measured mi�d' il6We tl�roqgfi la d. and live to Aelf�a6out 4it.11 MAIpdjUstment prodLice's many.,' lEnterp�ig6,, y� Varrie'd Hit e on Salt Flats Utah%. -e' Ca'p6 -ton iontal' disdrders and many ..-cases ln,U6 pictui in Ey' "I'vo it out (Cearq is -shown c euved- if reached.AiT'the LEARN TO, SWIM 4i'�iibed, '6an b;e In" h '1§;: r hi c 1 n - in o ri et e r'. r� ly dfa�:eg, -Dr. Victaiie don't Around' two hundred Eyston, "and 'I.. ore in bthink'a, latid -speed"of niuch. rh king�� t'he. 347 niil6. record.' Ho�urged that t..e aid of, experts' afte a h' irls hav6-,,,earned q Mid, 7 er in treating' mprital,',cases i n, on? It e same wai l - ' ' ' ato worinis, four' inelips,, ()I,. a ni"a the au'spi�es, of the.Lioni.'Club an&. more and-,�ag ihick that is a' op* of in -great achie',*;enieIjt_ It: is- find.ex finger, lite. P.1aying havoc with he:,to.ingto cl -no, rai es, This story,, if ti 6111 bin' will be for-' (!:ertain arewt; . of Ontario., T �,show hid ig: Inesses Ave recomli7ed: id'tfie' 9. et g he is, !one, of whih' A1q0VE a Vranco?sO cause is -doomedt IS, ack' the t niAto. J self, but I belleie fl -litler. young, o er qudstions. oeg, I �bat'.never �:o not 4ft o. it. the,p)tknt. a -gotten, and,' in the,. . uture. 'niay f ee life leavqs.. that b et We make.the differe'rice. It a case fj,hts leivilig, hihilig'' n and deAffi for d,Qtb- ipc 1LQq.� -n- Musso, io,,_6 AN& leavi a. I n of friend i� i i to carry on, doubleTstrength In Traditional .-qualities d, children sho, k6r6 2500,01 fto §�dm� an Spain ? P&r1f &ps; the' 4,1rinen'. -a'�`&. to, d fr6gli ai�,, have ness, free oni. and. 6ficir) Y �'E I I za b t E lig C*ii�..uta,;4- to be:ume t, cost of,;C�,0;06066. 4 9d 41 B* At an. ann nlie m. oe pe, . y mos a eview. -ifleal y be%. used elsqwliefe, on So' . . , I : b . , .- '�"a , I+' R - " ' - '- . 4 b t of., Abe U I Caiiw inAhe been erihon important, trout, is of 'City�o Ii e' mentioned' spo fe." small - 9 oodwin, 'of aterford,,, -Those of Us .'iving: �:'in, THE SNIALL -TOWN -g- ey' e ea'' in his gar-'. e fine's' l6okin' ' long sugar Ute Austra iall. Iled.. - the sick, END OF -11 EST-Thd: farm - 0 stAtfs6cia-n,. 'and 0 vv� African vedetabWo'Is '6r �f -the bi st' ge�., Babson,'* diaii 'wheAt,: British:� Wesi lfidle� -MAN NO MORE' "No. Ion SICK �ati:`rtirk b ARV n� ssuidd. 616d ti Indian 0 -Undei;. ithe * 'd ers' of litaTio, brejthihg a4 collecT d lle: Para I` oixiAV, to,mAt6 i-rop . in'gly, td�i,ard the ilif 9 Man of E pro .,-publicist,, hit,the.fieddffneg'-fecnt- various,ffi�etals. �t and ft'r All in. the are- 'of the ld r6aliz'd that'� a ti ie -f at the sad ie Alng' of . bldiatu Keniitl:b At AdVising univers city shou "Detter, Than' Gold:', I� -by' ity gradu- in i:, �th� 'faken, Up vo'garner stand&r�d variety, on the­.,bjg'ci,t,y tar 'itze of ar6ps,.ha' .'ites 'not 'to -gi3t' markied hastil*, w� d' g, gor st6ragei': alone' were 6ouhted. 41' lirt your'frien s Are. ll�i It Prof eg r J�eynes,,, food kild,begull, to"walk., Turkey is'nOw gka it t Jarge, ed In. alf I I' I ' h' then -w at he et 'a jobj- w si adv'ise the ,govprn Ut 'to 9 pall town 1p .. -your Tleig -with 'h b' and -to '0 - eir. !�aving & into a . at. s . uc I reserve ar "wbuld �b in' 4 # Smoot_ p bi -fibers all fri6hft ment� a. 0 ern clehtly­r� g. t. e, �army- �wdfth's�, S. t6m4oeg.�' Th�,*.entiie� cro d rags oppers., averag I s in. %N of. defensiv� al lit didn't get. yields. esents a . strih, rust - hdi-I -orms at t Only tV6 small Awns give d' of and. st .;smll farni. � The' Financial Post nbp-ag�grps a,bts., '.,ext4p.difig 8arns -Are ;pleas; ingiy'. "PlIlin"A. with- picture 'of rarity.. corhmon in-' agrees t At th b,ii�-r :ifia ' n' a`gold' mind.. _Swft Cuii�.erilt. (Sa'sk'.) San.. p h; e sniall eiA,,s - Chronicle; Liberal fr'Q�m nid-Asia to nild-l�urdpe. It, has fb'd hdrvest, an �_noi� .4for. 'tfir The ys .1 n. a good plade.' e ey. nat . ion in.- e$h . Ilas alwa considere'd.'ibe plan � haa �urrdouibt- su (I beedinq a, Pi d e BrItilsh M4 i�al As�pdjation 0- lye.'- ay an%,�'djsad.viftutages Th d.'adv �bui exiliiised the P10 r e� d to. oio6ed to the N.orth With 43 'ships -of the� home, f lbet k 7'he'EM tj t e, a�ntiges lyi Ubt:. 1-t"'Covp I -Y from sicIs �ess is He're's where the- Y,,omeilfC)I,k n -just'vot . e recogilitj it.,. may have had 'is, eel ce on. opinion.1, wa has no - meafis r Ontario s itrins on t ge, .a 'on ',have er of -.Vital -'itite is S.* soliti disappeared-.. taiii it wbuld -prevent ups., alla" Sea �,'battle� station of tlie',British'. 'aft Ireit! to'"Aii' f 'd f breAk, d" t d to, 61 SAEVI�UT tk6t' t s b whe the'Germ4 aii. and I' ri N - par,, V a'rk it's nothing but. prese�t,. generiiidil is ein� I;M' oth6r mitions of Eill OPe., rom; an', to d Ices ty r , n6ets (kt, Nureifiberg, duvirig the d iwns qT - pi -I in pre-wil*i, lays, Turkey. was tied' -min ed and rad i eek of Sept. 5. � 9i he (Xey'iies). �ap6r. should !..ema r4ohn SinIbn._ mraillink �p, �io B Dvr.,, ehancell6r': of the . e.t- !wIth It itperial ji f6r,. i'gangolf hung��, A eher.'' w the -govei,nment o , ea, ould b6 a."rash however,. t 'd declared '-that Premier thinis - are -t e - other vay-.Ab,6ut If -e LJFE�&. _-LIKE'. THAT By Freq uer'. W workers. §Omd farm, house'v;;ii Fth this,ques'lon, -on a Mu'ch larg­ v�II6 would say T,. the.�'Nes, ��nronicle. of fligin, mind- to' '.�Ingiy-- 69rd a a n"' A all haVe to- 'be. hke ififluefii-e 06­publie e same.. line wi ed. ti ' xined that ritain' rif, ; -F slovhkiA, ` still'. and ". a a, a,'.d as t might`,.have to'fi �eV.,h-t� -ance .-(Britain recehily. lent.. "niio�ther- and Pi deti�irnb�t -o'f:-I�gical e�bt in' the used fo' mhk�,,� 8r ei�e. We ar t 9t.ah adoralkle- q see sum-'. %ther fe' It 'of 'war 6,n the �tinef. In-TAn. url Won't they. be, glad'i' -Ina rept way he plead6d, �iith:Ger+ end;.",And:' . the f1se agon 'of '-t. rien' film star- in -a ques ionabld cause - She Is ly alliance wil. Mists IComdt,, -l'y" -a., public" ele�tion a"t n i,; an And wouild cal not -16 use pi:essure 'let Rus sti!at6_,,icLlly 'Inport i - Bli li h IWI t Eorafie ,Sudeten niin,j ty. t 0 S 1 9 11. ��the btrdinar� and . . ..... ............ e_ 'tentlal ssd r6s e n t: a � -�.o leader the spot qssilrets of t e latte th states. of t4e, 3AI'kan. h Slav , C eebe, Rumaifla 'and HE WEEK'S Q ON�146w -Age N T . onze... d'; f UZSTI -binn -epresent the -Sueh -i de'thr6nernent oi'i*cason.7--BeI ..Turkey) many g 41 gart Vii p 6ple III -C iii ky, 0 'C er, d'uld Da ed -2�800, a,ld' 13 swipg l; lat; E pe iiilo+., A ur6 emPloyADIC -e have d T ap k in a again* t t ie, ltome4Be W 7 r1iii axis,+ Ti, - t -lorck--d 11i4ni, b6twden-.. ur P 3, 6 IaIi e�VpAusiou down��.f 'T h6d. bac C: ea�s . 0 "Pus t lie Danube x I (IS. 111 Aie.ar-East TV 11.0"AlLs e, 9__ B.C. by rol i'eisdb'r, -R6 -od ier of'. Ed h r ��h -Sailing esi 0 -F FU.11E EXP _DI.TI:GN ve ,,dr'ew' 'a'.Pi6ture -Of! Vill ion as.. !x:Cana*, 'i1i'Opo w6nt CAttl -last week t Cl. IL I ei t e , io� the 'I-,eagqe of xiste4 then 1�1'ro Weite ' rn� V.-Ist , �§io'rage. an ot it iiiso& o,n. rec ht _Nat'dus -September session-. in e - G Britain', Is' Subinifted hy�.:Pr6- nova. Led by,�,il­ht Ei f Excavations h, G!reecc, the jKeynej,L_�_ apointe� i icy Sct� theii'. Pcapeets for W�iehobie.- ube' region- d el9cwh e 11 w��rds '.the 1:-ast an:d the. lilferno of, So. Owl of" Camad.; 'the nent ian Todds u S conyin�cd Hill Inarketing rn �attld'.ifi E.Ast�+ cs it le: Ope I ntl jh6'.t-nijig '§titeg iie age --'should., bd."dated "nefir- errx� Cana( a a th�nw', 1'800 11� 'Prof.- in-, 6 �l r- .11 ea 1, L s this The plan.submitti 'Fbr� the, -:qan, e.xp.edt,.,. 3d,by Piotess6r_ to"ae a;"' a -the: eynes -to the Bri - S966, ent Stock, Groweks", A ation, - :w01r. P. '. t; 'AdVoiice�l Of 5 get fill Jack B in Miivnard'l� 'Gfiild,,c, to c t poNverf 'his rdtUrn rom an ex ih Associa ion or the'Ad tign ' 6 he Id till I�n�eiinTk'JiT. Cambrfd ent of Science aL ing qtor- stfiteA' on"' bb.h. id ptibli wholo-heartedly. , hs It In. l.fid jL ive tour sterh Cli Ada, q , L I . I ­'. , :England. : , . . . . .,. L ., % , - , 'L , , - , n -ibe--United, 1�igdohi � vast PC�JCCL. . ': " . � 1 1 9 jn 1. . , , . . 1. .1 Tnite 'S v 'Z f A and the,,EAstern , d State:3. eatj inA ities of" Canadian. wh e f p ''d q en, Rzips. o c ivi, Y quant n- -,othoy surp us -prnp�re,'i'f6odstuffs Af the' ng. 'of 66' ee M017;VE.', UNKNOW -W -A 11V'ed os' 6etg'in Ontario an. ra s-..' in 4.:- 3 0 t I urppqin'br'onze a d .,the Mariti es ard exc6lle t," sAi an *, raw in 141aii, pilot ta d atdrials was'genera y last weLeK' �ad Afi& iniddle bf the th Mr., Byers, and there Y d fast we. ek ti 'e press f I 10 w, )pr,ov0. th or wes ern cattlj( -B. -the by the 3paiii, re, , �b­ dd' Could, 19 thou-b� there t6w.,,dissent­! 0 es Yeals, � tha.t, G 01111.1 wily licts 'been plan* thdr 1 , '' . The oiitIo6kAk �dr-y good bd'distingpiahe�j- he said.. in �Oies'; .;ning + to - I 'VI ll, -her 'a oil- t!h e I all 9. ern buyers- a %44��iluvyei heli6r -seen it "'I --The,- 4betrollblimt4n civiliza, r'' t, " be it's a guesi' Protfess*or Keyne*. t* And al cell li'l 6 11's fft) )aln be wa'beif6ie? Xiy st, p4p�, es I Ions' Egypt iind Babylonia'. Relatively; :'�rovineih izatigns in Crete,, Sy I hd' Vitmo via an tke', Asia Alinoi-j' bd I E AND OF .':;OZ t i'full V,. NDER atI rU Y U -ban., e .9 Broilz; towns in rh Arjait4lia ',,Iind inninsular Greece. who.kc walls 1014y enclose 'foui to and de�. Ut 'JIS'o fetid not nly sin'fthi b s -ia ed pot Pec liz ter`j �nd�ffilly t -b. iterate ui Ali t MycenAe. Parming itna Mej&IlUegy heend ':On the ;rn 0bj6C*t' )t' n all TWO �iljagel ONi'd - - Th ;t �izc Ca hl;� it A be,6stimated..frorn the cenieteri0l i� lowl�lp', the 1prising I illaximurn number 0111. Th co at, thrm1 0 gravog,, Besides �aenfl�k. the 'Ur 011t., , i1eildered to. met 0 Oil speciall polito f fL dense, woods' nxr- p() OL He illevedly And 'A ext bftlefit tile r *64'�Io Tl� 9 1 k er ii tion 'is too Udiftiefitary to make, T The il ien hi's �brotzr * tlirough' tlie', hip Ut�l 8fallt" .1 1 metal generally nv.Anble for 001.q. d J-U�I�Ifld shsoine sa the 'onitonlo the gLronfid§. + look.ed:A"thb gorgeous ow, inan e aspe ier I f u 0 ON -Or I, e a3 asit. &in .0 be -bon(ill -e f 5 14ory, 61, thd �tli6 11,�( fiind� �kfil& thi. led. Germany sirnilar cconoj iy. -douldn t' n11! eve that. 116,11 &re bediti-f-ul tl Sa '!Cant )14 Ibut th6 ttlenients less per �N�, d by� no ian Ve Try It, _golf" 'n V f nurib trib6. Sud, eitett, P, -nianQnt and the i a Ivy' ton c;dld deg re iii,ned, also. "WhM 6. 6f &�,c f gra ve , s L q6 f' al- NN of gr6eh, ftiar. e A t e At'liftif As ou do at, ine r o tfcat. corner An d "Tlie�anin a will in Dilbiiii, 'Lieutenant Colon 1, NV16' 1% 100., thiolgh Ij, gap I n'. k lligft Of ok, 1�it 'A it t e Idiviie 'Id CUillelifarN 11 bliops fot aiio�(,- Od 6 iate to face ild dilAt6d 'aid gli�i oll lninlens:rl b es i's t. ite I (Illy 114 tho all s6uth i - § A"� , , .1 Or; dalArM the '�Iienm Sbily 6t 911 i t t -hent thd hl kOr showed he had be.att' Y, Iffild,01116yffietit'6 Alpon thd 11)vll to, WuW at the time. ' He , a g clothes ano.d. by on n -began to. rineask, 'bdd., tlok wotildftft distur tho. tat �o Y nanbe'fre wiled 1in a inild 0 t uld be i'lvijid. by ilovror nd Aplit VIM Y�A,4 too 1glarIng, t. + )1"Lg� toi-rifled ta Ailt1t V-,Ini, V'O I