HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-08, Page 1,r
. TEAR -4 Ilf ADVANCE -400 EX*FRA'TY. V. S. A.
• TO .REN'I'-Coinfortable six room
, ,
• liouse to rent town water. -TEMPLE
., WORK ":'1VANTED4Middte. aged
lady wants position as.housekeeper in
"helne witfi small Write -.or
. Mrs. Button, LucknOVA: '
' reaaa'n4ly
dence. Recently decorated and painted,
Hydro, new bathroom,garage,k
• acre' let, 'bunginiimi.,' ."
• Phone or write Dr, Velma, BlYtki.
L: -STRAYEIOit.Pr,„ itheat SePt!P11.1?!*-„r:
- ist, red roan yearling .heifer. Owner
may have same by proying property
and paying all expenses
J. Earl Culbert, - Ripley, phone. 23.11
. ,
'FOR, SALE -3 furrow M. H. tractor
plow, 2 furrow tractor plow, both in
A • 1 Condition; '6 year-old 'cow, to
, freshen in tadtober. Apply to 'J. S.
Shop: ,' •
• SILO FOR., SALE -Wooden 12ft.
across by' 24ft,. high in good shape.
Painted :,lasi• year., Priced right tor
quick sale. -
T. A. CAMERON; R. 7; Lacknow, out.
"'phone Dungannon 67.-;-r-5. 1,
In poor health intermittentlY t9g a
ren01,1),;',Iieriod‘and ,seriously ill of
late, death mine • tO; Mr..„,Thomas Ait-
chiSon, of, the. tuucknoW"•Table :Pent-
pniiy,.*:. late, Tuesday -night.; Mr. Aitch':
iseri..waea.Popular.rtaident_of thevill.-
, age .and his death touches Wide
,iiircle Mr," Aitchison was
in his 74th Year • :
; Funeral services ,will be held, on
Friday.* A *private service. at the res-
idence 1.30 will, be followed by.. a,
service the Presbyteriai Church
at two o'clock. Interineet. will be in
cemetery, ,
An anituary Will*appear-in our 'next
Attend :the 'Maisey-Harris "101"
,Tractor. clemOnstration , and
one -Way disc, at the farm of Mrs;
Elmer . Ackert; Holyrood, Thursday
September 15th at i.30 O'cloek. ,•
• Tenders Will be received. by the
. undersigned for shipper of live stock;
for, The. •Fairmeen Co-operative ,COm-
pany of IMcknow. Tenders to be open-
?Senteiriber 24th at in Luck..
no E. 31cDONAGR.•
AUCTION SALE -of tam. -stock
bills for list andterins.' No reierAre as
proprietor is quitting extensive farm-
ing,- due to illness. Gordon Barger,
Prop., Well. Henderson, Auc.
• atly::.,IL Lot 1, Con 13, Ash=
miles ainith 'ef paramount
„ •
A' number of boys, who persist in
making a nuisance ,of themselves in
or about the, ladiee rest room in the
Community Hall, will be ' severely
dealt with it they continue to be an
finer warning.
• The Community- Hall ',Committee
A pretty early autumn wedding
. ,
took place at the hoe of Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Henderson, Saturday,
September :third, at 12.30 :noon, ,whe,n
their daughter; Audrey ,Rae, became
the bride of Robert Douglai .Trench,-
of Teeswater, :son of• Mr. and 'Mrs.
ROA. Trench, :Listowel. The bride, giv-
en in. Marriage by her father, Were a
floor length gown of ice blue charm-
euse satin and finger tip . Veil, catight
in nacc with a coronet of erang.k,
blossomii She carried butterfly reses
and' lily -of -the -valley.' The bridesmaid
Miss' Joy 'Henderson, sister, of the
bride, Was gowned, in American heart
charme.use satin and carried Talisman
vises.. The., 'groomsman was Morley
Trench . of Toronto, :brother of .the
groom. The ceremony was perfornied
by Rev.' R. C. 'Todd, before a bank Of
gladioli and fern and, the wedding
music .was played by Miss .Myrtle
Webster, Ottawa, cousin of the bride.,
-During the signing ..or the register
Mr. Eldon Henderson, uncle of the
bride, sang* "I love you truly',"..
Following the ceremony ,a. recention
was held. •Tho bride's mother wore a
John Cannon ' Stothers„ Inspector of
Fablic -Schools,' Stricken' on !Satiir-
: day and reseed 'Away Early Sun-
day-Was-Bern On. Concession
'William Stethera and Member of
Highly Regarded FaniilY
.„, ,
*John : C. Stothers ifisnector of pub--
lic. 'schools in. London -since 1925 and
assistant .sanerintendent for the past
year, and a prominent worker in youth
and _church circles ,in that city, died
enddenly early Sunday .at his home,
406 'Regent 'Street; -Leriden'.;
gown ot green Sheer • and ,corsage of:
talisman roses. Mrs,. Trench, 'mother
or -the .groom -was --gowned in -blue
-Weer iiitirEdfaiife-Eir Killarney reSea:
In : the Estate of hese Andrew;
. deceased '
...All persons' hiving claims against
the estate of . Isaac Andrew' late of
the Township of Ashfield the County
Of.. Huron, Gentleman, deceased, -*who
died on or about the 19th slay of, Feb-
ruary,. 1938, are hereby notified to
send .to •the Undersigned On or before
the 20th day :of September, 1938, fall
*.particulars of their chines. Atter the
said date the Aderinistratrit will dia..
tribute'the assets of the said deceased
' haying regard only to dahlia Of which
she shall then have notice.
• Dated at Lacicnow, this 30th day Of
August; 1938. • ' *
. R. 3, Lucknaw,, Ontario:
Mr.•Stothers and his family. had re-
turned on Friday' nffer a:,motor trip
to Saskatchewan and he was in appar-
ent geed health. Ion Saturday after-
noon, Mrs. Stothers was down town
for la short time ad on her return
found Stothers stria& in his
room. He • failed to regain conscious-
riesi, and died in the early morning
froma cerebral hemorrhage.
Mr. Stothers ^had exerted a progres-
siVe, influence
'over London's primary
school system and he was regarded
by the department of education as an
authority in this field.' •
Sphere of influence also extend-,
ed beyond the Confines' Of the 'schools
and • its-cnahanan-ot bore :•.• Work :Com-
mittee for the Past two years he. had
.done fine work among Abe' boys of
that city, in Colborne United Church
where -he was superintendent Of the
Sunday school, , gave of :his
efforts toward the advancement Of
youth. „
'Born In Ashfield
was in, his 52nd year
and was born f'Ashfielci on Con. 6,.
on the homestead now owned. by Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Horton. A Son of the
late Mi. and Mrs: Wfamily, M. Stothers. he
was a member of ahighly
garded in this old home. 'commanity
where he frequently visited and *here.
word of his death saddened and shock-
ed a wide circle of friends here:
He was ,a graduate of the College
of _Education and ogan'ted-,liirit-A-:
from Queen's University and his B.
The dining room. Where luncheon'
• Paid: from Toronto University.
He taught for a Period, in •rural
'schools and then in Toronto puhlie
schools. While there he enlisted with
the 16th Battalion,..C,*E: F., and ser-
ved overseas. After the war he return-
ed to teaching in that city.
•" In 1924 he was appointed 'inspector
of public schools at' 13racebridge, and
,Seott litacKeitaie," a nativeRECEIVE, REBATE
of Ashfieldt and principal of,,the Pres- •
, • gs
bYterian College at Montreal, 'nes , Per. Billin,Cer4 Ite,4,10i Orr PaSit, YTo. Be Received. BY All ear's.
ceived tbe honorary degree of Dctetor
of Civil Law from Acadia • Univeriity.
rfortkuitura .Society Annual Flower
• Shew‘On Saturday Evening Was'
Considered Tens This Year 7", Fine
0-, Display With 153 Entries -.Prog-
ram , Presented During Evening.
was served *as. tastefully clecornted
With pink and white ribbon streamers
and sweet peas Later Mr. and Mrs.
Trench left lirfrnoter on a trip to
Winnipeg and. pointe -west, the bride
travelling in a maroon 'wool dress,
a .coat of wool betide trimmed with
fox 'fur and matching accessories. On
their return they will make ' *their •
in- 1925- received- the appointment,_as
twine in Teeswater.. , inspector. of London public Schools.
Dance in Paramount Hall' every`
Friday night.: Music br MacKenzie's
Orchentrn. General Adinisiden 25, cents
Town, Hall, Lucknow, Wednesday,
eeptetaber 14th, 8.30 %clock, under, L,
aL auspices. Double hill 'Rainbow
mlitaters" and "Police Cali" also cow.,
.edy and :cartoon., Adinisdion 25 and
16 cents. ."
*-• The- Lacknow:-.Itertieu.ItOral-:SocjefY.
flower show .held on Saturday was de-,-
cribed by members as the most out-
standing she* yet held by the organ-
ization. .163 spiendidkentries, well ar-
ranged in the Tool gag .auditorium
made 'a colorful display, that inter-
ested the many *ink Viewed the cxhjb-
that. evening. Asters and 'ghats,
from the ,garden of G. H. Smith Were
effectively arranged as a stage dis-
play, froin where a program was pre-
sented •during the evening under. the
direction, of the 'president, , Mrs. Win;
MacKenzie. The program included;
. . .
instrumental tauniel by Rexford Qs
trond.er., Mrs,. Newton, and Mrsyow,.
ler violin • duets by* Dr. Fowler and
Dr Little, solos by Miss Mary Doug=
las and a reeding- by " Mia;
Young.: '
. Prize winners were as follows: ,
Sweet Peas -Mrs : T.'J.
MIS Wm MacKenzie 2nd• Asters
red -A. W. Hamilton, 3 Collyer;
Asters,' pink -Mrs. A. Soloman, R.
Fisher.; ?Asters, white,711rs. A.: Sol-
oman, J. Collyer; Asters,, purple -4.f.
Fisher; J. Collyer; Asters, 'collection
W. Hamilten Mrs. A. Soloman;
• , . .
sPlOx; collection -Mrs; Wm. McKen-
zie; .!ltilrs, D. Huston; Salpiglossis, ,
collection -Mrs. A. Soloman' Mrs: W.
Gordon; Verbenas collection -R. Fish-
er, S. C. Rathwell; Dahlia (decorat-
ive), -R. Fisher, S. C: Rathwell; Dah-
lia, "(anow).-S. 0. Rathwell, Mrs. D.
Huston; Dahlia; collection -R. Fisher,
Gladiolus, -3 spike -R. H....Thompson.
Fisher; Mrs. D:• Heaton; , Gladiolus,
single spike -IL 11. Thompson; Mra,
T. Salkeld; Glads, 2 .spikes -r, -A. Ham-
ilton, g. Thompson;• Glade,' 2 smoky -
Mrs. S. McGuire,. Mrs. T. J, Salkeld
Gladiolus, 2 spikes, purple or
11. Thonipsoii, A. W. Hamilton; Glad-
,ic,4l1s; 10 spikes -R. H. Thcanpien, R.
1Fisher;. Zinnia's -S.' C. RtithWell,.Mrs:
Salkeld;:: Itidelca4. Collyer.
Mfg: A. -Sol-email; Snapdragon, dark -
Hydro 'tigers -Rebate -Effective In
".. pctolier..
Itydre users -commercial, ifeniestic
and power, Will receive a ten per cent
zehate,'"this ,fall, was the deeleion of
the Village, council. at the. September
meeting on Tuesday night. Therehate
is in'O'ecOrdsnee.iwith• the; receinra...
eridatien Of the Ontario HYdrO,Elect-
rie Commission, and will beconie
effective in :October.
•.. This month,.. commercial. !users. will
net receive their • monthly bill, but
the October billing, will be • for a two
months' period, leas the rebate. 11),pm-
estie users. will receive the rebate in
their :regular October billing cover-
ing the usual two Months' Period. The.
rebate' will _total. over $1200. plusa
$350'.. rebate to the Municipality from
street 'lighting. An eStimated, :$400. is
to be spent on line replacements. and
Which along with the rebate will
leave the; local cbnamission with 'a sur-
plus of upwards to $4000.00. „
Relief accounts were Passed totall-
ing, $17:60"; • . •
E: Treleaven was appoint-
ed a meMber. of the Library '136nrd,
to complete the unexpired :term of
Rev.: S. -
'Mr: W. B. „Anderson, representing
Greenhill Cemetery Co., Waited on
Conned. He requested; that, in event
of a municipal election this coming
year, that Council consider the poss-
ibility of .stalunitting' at the _seine
time to a vote of the .ratepayers, the
intitter of the Miiriicipality. taking
:aver :the cemetery.
BY -Lew No. 3., fixing the rate of
taxation was given its final reading:
Total assessable property amounts_ to
$410,342.00. and the amount required
to be raised is $13 056 35 as fellows.
County rte, 5.4 'mills
Village, 11.6 milli'
Street lighting; 3:9 mills
School Purposes, 16.9 mills _6,934.78
Debentures & Int., 4 mills, .,....$14641.07:
The Village rate, as. list year, is
reduced one mill' by .the provincial
• a
Guests' were present from ' Sarnia;
Teeewater, PaiSley, Walkerton, List-
owel, Stratford and Toronto. •:41 '
. • .
At a pretty home wedding, in aut-
umn Setting, tri ed'with gladioli
and. garden floWerar*Saturday, Olive
Mae, only daughter of Mr. and Mts.:
S. J Kilpatrick LtickneW, became the
bride of ,.:Mr. Cecil Edward Blake,
younger son of the late ' Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Blake, Diingonnen. Rev,
'Kilpatrick of Stre,,throy, uncle of the
bride, officiated and Mrs. Pallier Kil-
patrick of Toronto *played the wed-
ding 'music. Given in 'marria,ge by her
father, the .bilde, :wore a govhi of white
With long veil held with -a
Wreath of orange blossoms' and varied'
Rosehill roses; yellowing the cerem-
ony 'Miss' Mary Douglas of LneknoW
sang,": Love You Trtily.". -Five
Eriends, of the bride assisted at the
;wedding luncheon. Relatives were pme-
sent -from
•Stratford, St.'Catherines, Strathroy„
London, Toronto'. and .T.tong Branch.
California. Mr. and Mrs.., Blakeleft by
motor for. Michigan. On their retain
they.will reside on the groinfi's farm
near . Dungannon. *
• .
7") BORN
BURNS -At Fort William, on Sunday
• 'Sept. 4th, , to lir,•;ind Mrs: 'Herold
• B. Burns; a sen -David Stewart. '
•*IViaeibi;&117-In Providence
• Oaf; on Thursday, .September 10,t to
Mr: and Mrs. Drennan Macintosh,
• Bette% a Son,-./Iiirry. Brent's, i.; •
• LANii011-4t Alejcandeft "Mtsiiste
__sink:Genera „:Coderich,„ ou
• August 26th, ,to. Mto, And :Mrs. Wing
LanO6fi° it* 14;.;4,6. 7, LtichnOW,1 Ann,
n''1 a reo
also named is assistant superintend-
ent of sehools* to Superintendent G.
A. Wheable. • •
Mr. Stothers was a Mason, . init-
iated in Muskoka 'Lodge, No. 360,
Bracebridge, • and ',affiliated with St.
John's: 'Lodge No. 209, in -tendon.
He was also a 14th degree 'Member:of
the London Lodge of Perfection,. A
& A. S. R. •
(dintinued.On' Page 4).
. •
Adjourned Investigation Into The
Recent,Death of Daniel Long to be
Held Today Jury , Composed Of
Local Men -Bruce County", Coroner
• Dr: Thomas.. ,Sinclair in Charge
Friends And Neighbors "On Thc '
Arrange Surprise •Party For Miss
• ;lean Struthers -Gaelic Duet Feat-
ured Short Program
A surprise patty was . held at the
home of Mrs. Robt: Struthers on Tues-
day night,„ when, friends and neigh-
bors gathered to shower Mins jean
Struthers with many: beautiful ,and
iiseful,,,gifts in tionOur of her coming
Marriage. A. program consisted of a
Gaelicduet by 'Mis. D. Morrison and
Mrs. D. Patterseh, a sett') by Mrs.
Philip Stewart, nna.a .reading by Mrs:
Struthers. 11,
Miss Struthers thanked the Ia4lei;
fortheir kindness. A delicious lunch,
was served And the evening was eon -
;chided by artVing, Jolly Geed
Fellow."' ,
The :adjourned inquest into the
death of Daniel Long, Ashfield farther
will be resnmed, in. Lucknew this after'
non, at two o'clock in .charge of Dr::
Thomas A. Sinclair, Bruce County
Cormier • and W 3 Freeborn; Brace
County Crown !Attorney.
The body was exhunied , and a pre-
liminary 'inquest held list Wedeesday.
That, afternoon a post-mortem was
performed by Dr E 14 'Frankish,
inedice-legal expert Of the Attorney
.4eneial's bepartment, Toronto. The
report of his flndingi; Was not. divul-
". The inquest jury today *Will' conaist,
of Harry Anderson Thomns.11...lEttirns„
Temple" Clarke, , Harold „:''F!ergusini;
,Dave Marshall, J. L. 'McMillan, It,
H. S' E: Robertson and S.
C. ' • • .,
dragon, 'light colour -S. C. Rathwell.
R.:Fisher; Scahiosa,--Mr:' A. SolOman,
Mrs:. W. .Gordon i •Pansies -Mrs. A.
Soloman; Perennial Flox=-Mrs J
Salkeld, ,Mrs. A. Soloman; Nasturt.
:iuini-.:Y.,Collyer; Marigolds French-.
S. , C. Rathwell,_ Mrs. A. Soloman;
Marigolds African -S: Rathwell;
Calendulas-S. C.. Rathwell; Comes
D.,Huston, Mrs.., W. Gordon;'
,Peturiiiis, double-J. Pickering„
Mrs. Wm. :McKenzie; ,Petunias, single
A. Solonian,Mrs.. T. J.
eld; Collection Annuals -Mrs. T. j.
Salkeld,- .S. C. tfrithWell;'. Collection
Perenniali:=-Mrs., T. J. ,Salkeld, S C.
Rathwell; Roses, red -10s. A. Sol-
oman; Roses, pink -Mrs. A Soloman;
Roses, white-Mrs.:A. Soloman, S,„ C.
..Rathwell; .Roses, c011ectionlVIrs. A.
Solornant Mrs, Wm. McKenzie; Table
bonatable Ft:J, Moore has subpoen-
aed fifteen,: witnesses to aPpear for
today's healing, ineluding our resi-
dents of Bainilton, thite•resideAts of
Greeneck and Kinlosa ToWriships, as
Well: as connainions and relatives
the :late Mr, Long and medical and:
aing attendants.
Jitney *inners
*inners at the itilliba'•boWlirig
Iy th FridaY. Were, .ist, Ms I1ttm
ilter4 ,ilYt=-i
Xenile; 4th, Mrs." Pinher.; •
Bouquet, (low)=Mrs., W. Gordon,
Mrs. T. J. Salkeld; Bouquet any other
flowers -Mrs. T. J. Salkeld; Mrs. D.
Huston; Larkspur -Mrs. A. Soloman,
Mrs. T. J. Salkeld.
' • Potted Plants'
. Begonia Rex -Mrs. A. Soloman,
11. Pickering.; Begonia, Tuberous dou-
ble -Mrs. D. Huston, Mrs. A. Soloman
Begonia; single -Mrs. D. Huston, Mrs.
A. Soloman; Collection Foliage or
Coleus -Mrs.- D. Huston, Mrs, Wm.
McKenzie; Gloxinia -Mrs. A. Sol-
omon Mrs. T. J Salkeld; Geraniums
double -Mrs. D. Huston; Geraniums,
single -Mrs. D. liustoii; Any other
Potted Plant in bloom -Airs. A. Sol-
oman, Mrs. D. Huston. '
Hovis and Sinsoy .Bread
. ,
.TRY. OUR.. ,
. .
• . ,
,The inarriage. of Olive Edna, .daugh-
ter of Mr.• and Mrs: .1iVin Robb,
Luk -
now, to. Mr. George Kennedy, son of.
Mrs, Kennedy and the late. David Ken-
nedy. Of Whitechurch was solemnized
at the United:Church' parsonage, Rip
ley on Saturday,. Sept.. 3rd. ReV,T. N.
MacKenzie ,Officiated.
, The bride was attended by, her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Cecil. Robb, While
Mr. Duncan Kennedy, brother of tnegroom was .
grOdniairiaii:"' -'7""7"-: .
Fellciwing the :Ceremony' they left
for a; Motor trip' to Manitoulin Island
and , Northern Ontario.
On their return they ,Will reside on
the :groom's 'fuze near -Whitecharch.
Mrs: A., C. Barrett, Mr. Victor Bari•
ett; Mrs. A.. .11: Buck,. Mr Francis
Buck; Mra., .1; W. Mathews and Master
Billie Mathews of London anent a iew
days With, the 'ladies' :parents, Mr:
and Mrs Wm Armstrong:
On Thursday, a very pleasant, even -
Ing was , Spent at the home of Wm,
Ritchie, . when the 'Misses Male and
let .Ritchle-entertah*Lthe
Young People to a corn roast. •
The early pert of the ,evening was
spent in games and contests,' the lead-
ers of the sides being Mr; and Mrs.
Gordon Kirkland.. '
Later the young people' enjoyed a
corn roast, which was ,held outside.,
Songs and-gurnes wereenjoyed.'around
the bonfire.' ..
:• Dancing was then,lenjoyed in their
home ' with Milire,rt Reed and Charlie
Anderson providing the inesie
Mr. and 'Mrs. GerdonLICribs an-
nonnee the, engageniant of their `dau-
ghter; Lillian:, to Peter Stuart Mac•
Kenzie, son of Mi. ,and Mrs. Robert
Vallance ,MacKenzie, 'Llicknown,; Ont.,
the marriage to take Phice.Septeinher
24th at Deer Park Chapel, Toronto.
• June grtitton owned by DOrialrl
Mebharles, *on first nieney in the 17
clasa at, the 'Elnhrft Meet on , Labor
Pay; and, siecOmpliShed it n no in
three' straighe heats..
Hart „House Chapel was the :setting:
for a, pretty ,wedding on Saturday,
When :Miss Maiy Isabelle MacDonald,
daughter ,of ,Mr. and Mrs., Donald A.
MacDonald, Lochalsh, Was married t�
Ceakwell COwle, London._
son- ef Mr. and -Mrs: W.-G.--CoWle,,,
NaPanee. White gladioli and ferns•
deCorated the chapel, and,. Rev; J. L.
Lawson of Victoria College; officiated.
Mr. Charles SedgeWick , played ‘,:the.
Wedding ,Music, and the soloist was
Miss 'Vera' A. McLennan of Windsor,
cousin of the bride:
, Given in; marriage by her father
the bride 'Wore A graceful gown of
white mousseline de soie banded in
lacev'and-ber-finger.---tip- -veil • was
eaught: with Orange blossoms. 'She •
carried a bouquet of bride' : roses,
•Miss Elizabeth MacDonald was her
sister's attendant, wearing a" gown of
embroidered, peaeli, chiffon, and earrY-
ing., an arm banquet of gladioli. The,
hest man was Mr.' Ted Burns.
• The reception afteiward, was held .
at Victoria College, where Mrs, Mac-
Donald received her guests' *Wearing
a gown of. black lace with black het'
and Corsage of sweet Peas. Themether
of the .hriciegrporni was gowned in
green lace' with green ' felt: hat and
corsage of roses.
• Later Mr.' and" Mrs!,'Cowle left for
a wedding :trip, the , bride travelling
in a tailored suit „ef black broadcloth
With patent'. velour accessories. They
Will live ,in. London, Ont.* '
tan mainnt.,04 Well Receiveff-UnCX-.
, pected Pleasure Was Solos By Car-
rick Douglis.'_•
The Pipe Band's annual, Scotch Cnn-
cert held in the . Arena . on Friday.
0/ening attracted a crowd of some
'Ax hundred persona; who enjoyed an
excellent program. ••
Mernbers, of the Fusiliers Regim-
ental Band of. Kitchener, joined With
the, legal_ band for the night; and an
unexpected visitor who kindly; assist-
ed on ,the program was Carrick, Doug.
his Of New York, who was heartily:
greeted by the audience.
Cameron Geddes, ably presided RS
master of ceremonies, and contributed'
vocal selections. A display or Scotch
dancing was given by: Etta Belle Mac:behold - MarYlklouise: Porteous, Mary
Lorraine Johnston and Mary McQuaig.
Tom Hamilton', Scotch' Comedian
and soloist of Toronto, .delighted. the
and lived up
his famc-. of
:bidire:ienw.gd Canada 6So takon by hi p
Chicago visitor •rho was in the aud-
ience 'tried otter the show to induce
Mr. Ilitinilten* to Move to' that , city,
The dance'hilled'tojediew the con-
cert was cancelled. Section h of , the
donee, platform had been used for ti
stage, and the Town hlair was not
available as it\ Wit's laid ea &r the
flower lhoW. It was not possible:at
the p tete hour to prepare the *street
for a street dance; and the ocaninittee
found it 'necessary to Call off the.
liandeer 'wliich a large -crowd' had
' A couple; graduates :Of Victoria
College, were married Friday. evening
in First. United 'church; Port 'Credit;
the bride being Kathleen, Roberta
-Deupe,, daughter of, tir; nd Mrs. H.
A. Deupe. of Port Credit and formerly
of Lucknow,' and the groom, 3. How-'
Bolt, Striking Near Garage On Gaunt
" Farm Ignited Small Can of Gait
; That :Endangered Building
peclal Sale
of 1847 Rodgers
Five Patterns
Reg. Price 17.50; • tA.
. •
These Prices Cannot Be Guar-
anteed After September 1.2th
The Ne*
c m
A.bolt of lightning striking a naiPle
tree; On' the farmi of Mrs, Joseph
Gaunt, during a severe • 'germ last
Wednesday,, WAS believed responsible
for igniting a small "tan 'of gasoline
that endangered the, garage
ing 'She&
At the time ,Ernest; Gaunt was do-
ing aenie repair .work to the :car' ond.
,Wee using a small .quantity Of .gaj.
ohne in an open can for Cleaning
rioses. As ilia .holt-strnek the tree a
few feet away, and travelled tabhethe
'wire Once; the „gasoline 'burst: Int6
ilinfea and it required some quick act-
ion to get the flaming can into the op,
the flames, *311 RS
thebilkting gasoline -soaked rag, used
tor wiping purposes, that lay nearthe
dtuns at gasoline,
Ord Richardson; younger .son .of Rev..; ..
and Mrs J. D. Richardson of Sndbury,
!gc,ehreeingeinoybitia'sndf.1;t:.;rWiDefrbibianteled;et 'tthe'
e -
Wedding *.intisic. Palms; and.gladioh
decorated the, Church. Given in inert-, .
'age by her 'father, the bride were a
gown finger gdeur!tilyi p
ito ta
t lace over
floWera werepremier roses and lilies ,
of the valley Thebride's sister; Helen,:
was the, attendant, being-frecked in
atinainaringliice.,OVer satin:twith :Small
headdress; if ostrich tips to Match: .
She carried butterfly roses, '‘Beirieri
Ceyne, Toronto, was groomsman and
the ..nalieta irieliided Harold -bogie,"'
PrercaelipktioPon otoleok"pdialice6rattYtithjed,!ineotellioef
the bride's parents, her 'Mother re
CeiVing in a 'gown. of teat We „velvet:
with hat id match and dubennet
Her, corsage was Of dtibtainet erehidS,
The groom's: another, who also
ceivek :sore black Ante -With bhick
aeteseeries and.earaage ol roaes. Atter,
short Motet trip. Oast, ilie CoUple
Will BO in Toronto : The bride chOSe
for travelling a egket ,freck of deep
turepioise--hineLcrope-twith-60iLaa' '
•" essories. • •