HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-01, Page 8• • THE ,LUCK. NOW SENTII�JE>r, . V,..:i.N '1 • THVRSDAT,, SEPT:,. XST><, I938 _ • enulneP : s �►lt! s' oat g . ° XTRATVALVE'• •in: BOYS' OXFORDS in 'BOX..'CALF^ Sale Price il u rs mill; Not Miss These .Mone Savin Values, This.' Sale,. Offers,. �i�y, . Footwear: , �W . se �• . y�... ..... .. Y ; g _ _ • WOMENStt AND. B, OWINP.01.491 OXFORDS . :: ••, • FOR SCHOOL QR. HOUSE WEAR 89 Y . LOW HEELS S � S�IOeS�. ' omen a `Dress, • ' In • Straps, Tzes a nd :Y'um ps• ;_O TI E. fFA•L,4HEEL.' FINE CALF': CUBAN AND , C �_ .N..:, � -AND, KID• LEATHERS. :• EVERY PAIR AN EXCEP T IONAL BARGAN. $1.49 �... -._rte^ __+"{_;s_1 ;._� .T -•_ ;..ur.-.=u---�.•».mil�',c c:,r_^.; A GOOD:.ASSORTMEN OF' ooefl's Dress Shoes Ili IIID, • FI1 E rCALF,, . AND •, Slif EDE , LEATHERS, CUBAN • AND'II•IGR: HEELS. CLEARINIG AT' $1.98 MlRRAY . SHOEg IN HEEL HUGGER AND DRESS MODI LS BROKEN SIZES.. LESS ,TJIAN AT ' v $3 9 COST.PRICE. DQI T MISS'THEM. SHOP GIRLS'. AND MISSES' -CIC OXFOR BEND. SOLES, SIZES 6 to WITH' BEND SOLES,. `RUBBER ' HEELS.. ON SALE ;TI EN'S .BOX CALF'' BLUCHERS LEATflER SOLES SALE' FRICE' ' • 21. eautiful;::Dis • i11. Be..:; Given i nmeta; Oxfor LEATHER •. SOLES RUBBER, HEELS, EkTk'A Value; FREE :•To Each Customer Making •Makinc,..k.fcishaso ' of 1.00 :or .More. WOMEN'S DRESS 'SHOES INCT..UDING''NEW FALL STYLES IN, SUEDE AND SUEDE TRIM,"SNAPPY.' • ' '$2�..4 5 PATTERNS:•SALE PRICE ll en's Dress IN CALF LEATHER RUBBERHEELS ON SALE ,. i;.•.-.. .,:.. . xf or i2.� Percent Reduction On All Men's Work Shoes. Money, Sa e 11�ioney_Ea ten's Camp . Shoes clearing at..$1.49 oy':s ' Camp `» Shoes ` clearing at e.$129 f.Al al, Clearance l , �U11�IMER FOOTWEAR r milt ,a. a•"., Coupons en i D WOMEN'S, RESSHOES• . - S VALUES...TO $5.00 EVERY. •PAIR ; AN .EXCEPTIONAL.• BARGAIN BLACK & 'BROWN KID' LEATHER . • CUBAN HEELS. TO CLEAR..,. W • ". Sales :25C �or le • re ontiinu es e • Templeto.n's dor: GIRLS': DRESSED,, HOSE, •UNDERWEAR, RAIN CAPES mud •fi. ..DRESS MATERIALS • , _. u • BELT STRAPS, WILL STAND PLENTtOP HARD WEAR. NEW PALL YARN$ FOR SWEATERS; SUITS AND FANCY CLOCAL and GENERAL Your co-operation. in ma• knng this column interesting. :is_ solicted Per sonals, 'sent,..'telephoned or • ..brought , to The Sentinel Office, willbe apprec mated. "Many people dislike watching air • fi'D ,band leaders ate finding it displays." It gilies them a P.ain in the ditte:ult to 'obtain %crooner's.'" But' no$ diffieult. enough. 'Di., R.: J.:Bowen of Lambeth called on friends here Sinday - Mrs. Alton Spent part of last 'week ja Detroit ' 'Willard and Harold ilThOmpson are spending this week in Totonto. ",. Miss ,0-retta Fleming of Loridonis visiting with Miss Alma Albin. '" spending n twn Weeks' ,vacation at • . Read about •the. big reduction& in Mr.' 00i1 Mrs:. -Jonn Ctuise of Lax Angeles havef,been guests ,Of br... ,00 Mi.. and Mrs. R. Murdoch' Of Saulte St Marie, Ont.', are viOting- 'Keith 'Reid of Picton, fox nephew *of' Garfield:.Ostrander, ,is assi•sting at the. Fad. darage. Frank,'•Ball and John ..K MacKenzie Visited' last week in • Hamilton with miss Nobel Mac ntosh; T Mand M—. �rscerge�Cera Sheridan, Wyonuiirg .were guests .° 'W.. El Treleaven and family this week' Mr:.and Mrs. Win. F..Thonpson of MisS Christine Finlayson teturne,: to Toronto the fitst of the week, after her/mother; Mrs. g. Finlaysom Mts. T. S., Reid, and: Eldon returned ivit13,410m.,00tif tetUrning to Toronto, resinne het teaching dales. Mts.` Thoi, 'Betel'. Of Hamilten, and weie tveek-end gilests of Mr." and Mrs, Mi and Mrs Jack Sparkes and, children of 'Winghaiii • and, Mrs. 'Chas. Boulding and daughter of Arthur Were Sundpy callers on Mr. and Mts.' Ken- neth' Cameron. e• Mrs. .G. A:•'Siddall', who '; has been a" 'guest Glennie's, cottage at oin ar ,;• re urne 1 to'. orbnto.:On Sunday with her daughter,: Miss Fran ces Siddall. Mrs.. Siddall.:plans; t,4o';leave, shortly for Winnipeg to visit .with her. son,•'Mr. Eldon Siddaall She will ac• company Mrs. Glennie and. her •friend. Mrs. Smith who are taking � trip to. the. Pacific. Coast. Visitors with Mrs.' Wesley Hudson. and Miss Gretta included.. Miss .Ran Cameron, 'Mount 'Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. 'Will' Dodge, Port .Elgin; ';'Mrs. :Karry , ,Bennett,, Listowel;.: :Mts. Will Hudson, Mr: 'and Mrs. Lloyd Rayburn and son, 130)31'4, 0" betroit. • Moog To . Hingham Mr, ;R'oy'Hudson, distrietosupervisor; of the: Sovreign Life Assurance Co; R itl} gra.: . Hudson and family;. moved to Wingham last week, as.a more :corm: venient" location to carry on his work. The Hudson'fanii'ly for some time: have occupiedthe residence on the former Fred MacDonald fain, east of, Luck- now. Cat of-NeivT-131;illuiwick White -CEDAR sHirraits: •In one wee 4 • DOWN :to a level l'o*er than tney nave . been ,for. several. yeati. If you ;want ta, Put dol- lars in. /oar Pocket, watt for' inn shingle yoUr blinding% AHOODISTEVIART KE vihite , is blooming ;fol.. the home of Albert Alton at Belfast. Thi; bilsh was in full blooni this,' aPting, And is- Sh6Wing signs :of, again being* loaded With ,ptetty white clusters at Mae& -It is at- 'keit quite unusual' if not a rare" 6ccarrence.- tioltion or The Holiday . Take Along Somme Of Reid's occuDpN CRUST, • BREAD, PIES TAR.TS CAKES • JELLY ROLLS PECAN'ROLL FRUIT LOAF • ICE CREAM -84 SOFT:: rnimais .alive And one in Ametica;' eHali) c • ir s' aft •