HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-01, Page 2• ,
omen Safer
Home Than Men
Mal Accidenb for Males In
Women have acquired the art .of
os Safe living at home to a greeter •
.elegree than men, if fetal, accidents
In the home • are a criterion.- Fatal
:4*Jdent4 for Males 411 the bread
go range 16 to 61 years are about,
.. 00. Per 1: gent. .higher In the home.
than among females he the same
ago .range, says the New York Sun,,.
This excess among.males h the •
More:remarkable-when it is etineict.
; • •
sre,d that at this time of We Men
spend a, large'. Partof their -active.
hours away febiKlibine-leind-u§err--
.; while women's chief occupationis
the care of the lionie,"...is.the.
the etattsticlans :Of . the
Metz:Opel:Lithe ',Life .Insurance
who recently ..• • .
• etedy of accidental :deaths antong
ndustriaI Pelieyholdete,.. While
*en are lesslikely to suffer Mintir
injuries' in home accidents,'•• this'
etUdy.-revealed ' the fact that.' their
---7-claances-ertietiir klIrettifel-eife7antetr'
one-half times as great as are those
Of women, •
. .
More Of Them Fell.
' Fella ..caused'sli'ghtly leak than
' • half the .deaths for 'each sex, .but.
.were '.• .one.third more :frequent
'An investigationinte
the circiiinatanCesserroUnding.
these accidents .;reveals that 'more
, Men than • wereen. died from fella' Of
roofs, •• front' ladderei, Porches ' andbaleonles. .
•Tbia,stiggests that nrani,rs. •
of, theSe. victims had attempted re-
pair jobs.: „around' the ; henie ' for.
Which they 'were, not qualified; Or.
not 'have the *Proper. equipment.
•, HeWeVer;,,,in. .Cerisidering. deaths,.
from.: falls doa"n stairs, , by. far; the
. . .
. 'meet irnportant type of faitin the
er anniber Of deaths -Linen& .men
than atnetig woinen. L.
• Deathe, ;train'. peieeneus.ga were
found' to'bethree.tiMeS ELS Pregnant
among relareeLfifths. of these
deaths among ' Males werei•frOm
intelineting gas aria ,:pne4oUrth,front
, .
automobile carbon monoxide gas.
English People
Living Longer.
British Women's Evectation
Of Life Is 2Y2 Years Greater •
Now Than in 1910• Statistics
. ' • ' • ••
. ;
The average EngliehWoMan.ef 46
can now expect 'another 32:e2 yearri
11.ef life; 21fil.‘Yeers , more 'than. a W9 -
man of tho same age could have
• .
e . fipectee 1910.. So says the' Lea-
gue of Nations statistical yerleiek •
.for .1928, just ;published. at Geneva.
4., The '40 -year-old .: Englishman Is
not; gaffe' se fortunate: He can
pect only enether. 29.87, years, '„ as
compared with 27,74 years'
tation of a..-40.yeae-old.•iti 1916. o•
-But in the matters of longevity,
women always do better than Men.
Nobody.,- Is - certainlinit 'Yvh-YIT�ni
theory is, that --weenen'a tissues are
more yegilidneL-thas-;inere
pair, more easily. Another theory.
advanced ,only by men, ie :that wo-
men have easier,' lesS.,Worrying..1a-.`
zier lives.. , " v.
;, • Keeps Gettig ,Up•
Whatevee the. reason. 'heWeVer,
all life statiatecipreVe that females
live )(Meet • than Males, ationg. hu-
man beingje. And in 'Ole *Metal
all human' lives averaged out. are
'getting, longer. • : •
' • Sir .KingSlelY Wood, Oen minister
.,Of _Health, pointed out Tait year •
that *116ii. e bey is'• born, he, may
.'expect te live' for .59 years., whereas
in • iSfl.„ he •• could expect •enly
years,'and in ,1910.•aely_ 51%.
• A girl, born now has ail expecta-
tion of life' of 63 years; in 1871 it
. was. ‘Rlye, in isitt, 55q..
How to Remove
Grit From E
NrYinterting‘Soalied Flag Seed...
Under the Lid •
Ver. had .grit in your bYe?. Well, •
, there is, a Mon who: Speetaligee
• ..reinoving :obstacles febin.: the eye.,
He is Dr„ JeSepli kinton;' who
States...that of' the • 1:1),OOD eyeinjur,
by Workere;
;80: ' per .cent, , are preventible,.lfe
• Was tesident 'surgeon. of 'the Itoyal
• Eye. Hospital, LondeneEnglaild, 'fil; •
1926 'and no*. pressing . unions-
;Oaici to.take :action to
*ea eguard: their sight, • . ,
Lip ()Own ;15' Minutia. -
And talking of grft, atiether.bec-.
tot, J. F. tra.ther....ek the .
Canediati.Iet liOckey team, always• .
carides about a ,fewt0t4ende tri au. '
pve1ope:If, Perseit gag '
Jilt of Steel ,er grit .ati rte,
soaks .coupla of ,seeds . in
.Watel: for a few ana..inserte ,
thm tinder„the eyelid!. Then •ha
• aciViSes',,the patient to Ito doW.n.for
ishifitea, and. at the end that
" tithe tlie•fittiteecie SWell; 'and' NM'
• ilieir waYte, One cornerf the eye,
,Th)ting the: krit Unless,
the.particie actually ethbedded in
tha eye, this' method inimriably'ritio
iqq.scVi. •• • ••=,
• -le' - Of -it:1)9n, roses, grase
•o• Aw
nr. e wonderful.' •Thinl
"Hello, honey!" Donald Fisk a running water! That brook. anci.
-the-- trent -Pond!' -„Wisritt- it -10b-m-
heavenly : to be 'cool and '' clean
'again? . I'm going to roll in the
"grass and' bnrY my facein it.".'
,,slim4 here! And the 'first time
it Tains,I'm going to standout and
take' every drop of it. It seems
it?, pie that every last pore in ,my
body is thirsty." •
' 'Heartbreak
"How is the new driller getting -
"McKay? .0h, fine! All I'm
afraid of is that he may work too
fast. These'hustlers are apt to be
careless, 'yon'know. He's f at Mee-
ty-six hundred and fifty right
, on ten ofthe structure We'll' be .
ready • to .shOot day after- tOmor-
roW. I've ordered the nitro and it
Will be out tomorrow, Believe me; •
I'm not going to lose a Minute."
. ' "If it comes in big-"' Gloria .
----r•smearede-tho•sweat andthe dust
from his face. and hissed his wife.
He was a;robust young giant, but
the desert had .fried the -fat out of •
his e.frape. and left it spare...gis
sititi was burped%ainiost Wick, 'and. ,
when he•gririned'his teeth gleamed
forth as white as dominoes. Like
the other men Of El Centro, he
'smelled ,always of perspiration.
•'MY, but .Yen're dirty!" Gloria
She laughed outright at the ex-
pression lent by the Muddy streaks
of sweat.
"You're feeling better, aren't
your he. demanded, 'quickly. '
"Jove, Gloria! • That's the first
• Wile you've laughed in ages."
• feeling.. wonderful! I'm
*ell!" • : .
"Seems like a' month at' least
since you latighed., What is it?"
"Come!' I'll show you,',' ,Play.•
'• fully Gloria took. the thumb of. his
right hand in her fingers and led
hiin; across the, floor. She fairly
danced ahead of.him to, the door.
. of the bedroom,: *liere She • bade
him look: I "There! , been bub-
ever :since I heard about our
reservation." • •
Ready To GP • . •
Donald peered into the
her; ,what he 'saw, Was ,an open
steamer , trunk and ',half, -filled,.•
suitcase epon the bed, The.,',roorn '
iteelf, was strewn with articles of
clothing. ‘..!Why, kid!" You've .
gun to 'Tia'eldt' Gloria nodded....
"Good Lord! And it's ten , days •
\ • yet ,before we ,g�!" '
"I know-bu 1 couldn't wait. '
.0k, Den, .you don't know .1-idw I
late this place! y.0-14 'just haven't
the faintest eenception ho* 1 ab. '
sOlutelY„ hate . Mrs. Fiak was
stilllaughing, but there,,:was an
„hysterical, catch in.her ' voicee
"That's • all that , ails Me L'e• -this
-desert! ' NOW going ;heine..
going, honie..-7I'm going 'mine!"
She sang the words ' and her , eyes
sparkled:: • .
You'i.e. not .gleinete• take
all; that Utah when You, 'go: .N.o.e*.*
if I can help • it," .her husband, de-
clared; , but she •interrupted her
vigorous protest by saying: ; •
• "Maybe: not, but such fun
.t.) get', readY-And I haven't any-
thing eliev.ta pdck. I can't Sit still
and :merely Wait! I1ve :pecked and
unpacked a . half „ dbi,en • times.
When I get it all in; I Pretend
forgotten ,something
ant and there's ''harely tmme to
• throw it , out and: re -pack. Oh;
Ddn,little •shivers and 'tickles ru
• oVer me every time think •of • it!
Hemel. I'm; going' to pack every
',day: That %telegram ' about the
stateroom has done more :to cure
me than-4harr. tknythine.
Don't yon think IP am?"
• 'Gloria's 'Voice • quavered, ' broke;
her, face Was briefly eeintorted and
tears appeared: upon, her . lashes.
• "Sure,:seroiere 'Well, Just played
out with the • heat ' and the ' eoree
founded, •nieneteny,* that's all.
Wait: till • you begin to breathe ,the,
good salt ON" ••.
..."And' our ,stateroCmis on the
shady side Of the ship!" • •
"I Maclo sure of :that, What's
•nicire :those fi•uiters Puitp cool air`
;into the cabins. Oh,' it won't take.
You long to Pick up!, I Want You to.
haVe your :old pep and your otd
color ,back When. we land.; You've'
gbt tO,,have it the ;family.
will Make it deuced unpleasant :for
Me," A ,furrow appeared between
'Fisk's' dusty "-; brows. He, • stared
abont:the sparsely furnished room,
thin he' 'S'aid,-11arneStlY:, "You've
been a garnof ki.of toput up with
this. It waS' Wei•Se than 1 expect-
ed; Yes, Worse than 'your, peoniej,
said it would be: If I'd realized
juSt What it •was dike :here,. I'd,:
never have brought You.. But say"
-his,tneelighted again,7-`,!Won't
itlie,great to Put if ever theft?"
• itiiefEnthusia4th •
,Oloria -nodded'. Her brief ert- •
thtisiaam 'hed left her limp-, soshesat down oh. the .edge bf the. beds.;
She managed to etinnhon enough
animation to . agree.' "Yea'. They
*ere„.:So sitart-,they knew it . all,
didn't they? It will • he • nice to
,"Mighty ;nice for Me; anyhow.
You just go ahead playing at vack-
ing and Unpaeking your. clothes,
.biit Wimp We leave.we'll throW, 'CM
• al aWay,z I'll buy you new One -
the most 'expensive Ones on Fifth
4,Veralt. I'll hne you Mere than
you ever had -twice -as Many as
your dad gaveydui Yes', arid we'll
drive oiit to the.181and in our' oWn
iitheuSinei I'll „get You a couple of
"It Will he ino:rate for the Peen -
lea we get there!". Gloria
said; Musingly; .Pha, the roses will
be coming In, The ramblers on
• •
beian:' •
'"It will.. That well is :going to,
. live .up to its name, 'Homestake .
Number One'," 'Fisk made the as- ,
sertion positively. "It's bOund to
be a five thousand -barrel • Well -,--
or better:. Can't help it, in that .
location.", • - • ' • ,
,i "I wish I had your confidence,"'
Fm -'too tired to be enthusiastic.,
airy ,,Mifife:".-1:•iffearit'len-iSk :if it
will mean delay. 'Will yeu have .to
stay 'and: Se.a tP. it?" 7 •
' "No, no! Everything's. errang-
OnCe I bring it in, Nolan can
take Charge." .
"I'd. die if we missed that beat:
• The 'well should have been in a
month ago, but" -Gloria sighed-,
"sonteihieg alWaYs Seems' to go
wronglin thiKOUsinees. Just at the
last nieinent: Disappointment,
heart,break-ole I 'hate it! Hate
iit! I'M], so nervous I cetild
--scream...7%e • • -,,
• "She's. just a tired, sick little
kid." Fisk spoke 'comfortingly and
stroked his Wife's hair *lat.,' n
' 1.1100's tough, "This henget': old,
deSert has 'Worn her out, but
• going to Make her well and happy
and -rich.,' We've made, a hard
, fight; honey, but. it's nearly oyez
A little more Courage a liftle moi'N
• patience'!" • • •
----(covriNvga NEXT ISSUE?'
• Think FirstBotO.
Twin! Must Die•:
, A Trensinial native custom has ,
led to a. native named be-
ing sentenced, to 15, Years' hard
labour` for murder. in Preteria. •
The custom demanda that when.
twins' are born. the first :one is
. killed. yictence was brought that
' Was preseat,'when•his.:Wife
gaie birth to twins, and. when the
sicend One was born he •dislocat-
'ed the neck •of the firat.
The existence of the 'Custom
Was held, by the jury': to be an ;
ext'entiatin circumstance, , and
only this Saved .from: the
death -penalty.
. . • .
icIiy Memoraz
Square Exclusive With
4,4 •4!'-'yrktitl
" •
liZIW 4
'alli**LIP-P;44A-4 '41°,16
It; Kia,r4.,Ilk
Iiit::41101 A.1
1:41110"1! '3/4:14
44444 *'
ETED _sou • ""M(...07,41. -
ARE PATTE;1•1"..;1B4-iv.
Uso up these odd' Men/lents greeheting this ,..equare !that yeu'll ;know
bY 'heart in no time. Si* Mc es i • t.i,size,44.
an • spree s, a so t ends: itOlf effectively' to IV small. accessories
• .sin finer :cotton. Pattern 1849 contains directions for making the square;
illustrations of it and of stitches;r materials required; photograph of
spend 2Q 'Cents in coins (stamps cannot . be accepted) for WS pat-
• tern'to Wilson Needletraft Dept., •73- West' Adelaide St., Toronto. Write
2 plainly', pattern „ number, your name. and addrese.. '" •
re You Allergic
Ragweed May Not Zither You
But Pther:Ttairios,May.Mafte.
. yaitSimeoze•inaNe?,p
Maybe it's tad ,neWspaiSera,..toa3r-:.''
be it's houe dust, or 'WOOL: or car -
that gives you . that
,sneeze 'and that,rhinitia or L.that.
.rash..; Or itts yotitt..girl's •
. . .
face. powder.' •
.People ' are beep/nine
eoneeions,"' said , Dr, P. A. tiektin,....
commenting On teleetiee reveia; •
. . . , . . •
tions before the AmeriCan.College
of. PhYsichins. and :SUrgeene. • •
, agreed' • that '' faCe-ntrvetler;'. • sonae.
;soils' coat-toiling.opis root., might,
affe'Cupersons; glc to that Sub..
:Stance:. • , • ' 's
•."Allergy -Conscious"
1)r4 11. -13. Andersen . said sueeep;
•tibility.. to 011ie, root and hence. to
powders centa0ing t, was "not an
hay -fever, says 1)i. M,'11.
!.. titientimen allergy." - -Many persona
:13iown of the. -Lahore:
also s tat d from' other:alley:7.
;cies. ;
' inane liospltela and •eertalie
ly few pi persoes, take air the
piecantlons..sliggeSed by .Dr.
aid A, • IIern.te. the. 'ebi1egLe;.'.1-n., •
.IioWtt a,d Dr Heril' of the 'Uhl-
Versity of Peitheylvatia' held' that :.
, the use df old washed' hiasitets lk
stead o ileVe.,fuzze .dlies, nofutiy
toys, no hout.hold'lnetS, no stuffed'
furniture arid, long staple cotten
instead of :hair. in'attresses, Would
be effeetive in preventing the ea,.
OttisitiOn Of allergies: by'Yoling
' dren..
'."Whee there 'aiiergie chltd
we Can find It out, by t sffl tea
, ,
and:take . the prnper'.entirety',, • he
• • "
Color : of Blue
You 'are'. the ' etcaped new ecstasy
of May,
When bluebells .brirri . and' ;c0rVt;
the aster -cloud
Drifting on autumn hills, soon.
• 'silently ' '
To lay' on the still earth its deli -
'cite shroud. '
You dre the veil the nuns ,ot. Malta
wear, • •• • ,
Hovering over dim, pain -darkened
eyes, ; ' • '
Gray -blue Of steel; dynamic, coldly
'Purring its tireleaS gliding litanies.
Icicles in stripP4 glitter 'of ails-
, pense, ' ••• ;
Pala Damocleari. swords hung .Per-
• ilouslY; • . ." "'
Capri's, Pint :Giotto, apis walled,
•, • ;intense , ,•
With .eroWded.colo'Of the sky,asd'
sea, '
The blue of -.tender vesper skie
, that shed
• "'‘.1.heir crystal peace Upon th, 1inp-
• .--.1g1ilabeth'H8W1ley Towner, in
'Voices. .
• .•
Nearly .5,000,000' caee of. pine -
'apples and juice were shipped
from "ItaWaii in .the. fii,st half of
this Year.;
to gOt'•yinsi 'copy
.of this .week's
Torooto, S r
Weekly while in
towm •
. .
Prevalent as is the use of cof-
fee in this country, it is surprising
how seldem one is. served- a really
delic,loua Atm of.- coffee either in
hemes or restaurants. If yeti get •
Pees, caffee, in a 'restaMrant 'Yea
feel that your money. hos been
wa.ted and though ene never
; criticizes hesPitelitY„ it is -dison- '
'Pointing:to •find 'a hostess who
serves pale, wishy-washy. tastelesS
.fiquid , and calls it. eoffee„,...;„
The question- of Coffee -making
18 impor an .enese is e,
as often if not Oftener than any
other drink. And it's just as•easy,
' to make• good coffee as poor cof-
fee. Behind properly made!coffee,,
• latecl, there are certain fundamen-
tal rules. You must have good
4 bleed of coffee; it must,.be ,fresh,
the grind nousflie. right and then
it 'should be. carefully ineastired
and properly brewed,.
Coffee niade. any 91d way May
pass but to . get a fragrant; steam-
' ing cup of rich and Satisfying'cof-
' fee, it must be made according to
a recipe. For those Who. feel there
is ,room, ,for inipt:ovement in the
coffee they serve, we are giving
the. rules. for making boiled, drip
and percolated coffee. „
'Use heaping tablespion
ground coffee and 2/4., table$P0O,n
beaten egg for, 'each (% pint),
cold .water. Combine ceffee. and
"ert Pot and thoroughly.
Four in 'water and 'bring slowly to
a boil, stirring 'coffee down. occa-
sionally. , Remove • from- fire' Om-
, mechately and let stand in warm
place 3., to. 5..minutes.' Pour' 24 Cup
cold ',water into pet 'settle:
Strain- from grounds through a
'fine wire strainer,' inuSiin; or
clieesecIPth. (boiled coffee maY
also be prepared. Without egg 'but
it is less, clear.) To. get the best
boiled ,coffee, it shouldn't be
..beiled. By keeping 'if under boil-
ing point all"the good flavors and
none of ,the up easaii ..are
. brought. out •
Drip coffee. iS.° practically. foot .
pflooft but a. few pointers shOnlli
be:noted in preparing it. Use an •
all-piirnose. or drip grind': Use 1
'• heaping . tableapoon coffee: for,
each'. cup of boiling watei.. Pre -
:heat ,drip- 'coffee' pot. Put coffee
in Upper cornnartment of pot: Pour
fresh briskly Water over::
it Cover and let 'stand in .warm
place until all water has dripped
.througkOnce. :Remove upper corn-.
pertinent and eci,ver 'pot.. Keep net
until served by: placing in pan of
. boiling Witter, or ' on an asbestos
Met over a low flnme. : • •
. .
.1241tCOLATiii COF.FE.E'
.Percolate.cl: coffee
Oriel ally ecause
IVA' so eas.y, but the:right :
IS apt to be neglected. • The start-
ing point :js.. to. have. all parts of
the coffee pet: SnetleaS, end. shin-
ing., tjae. .1, he4ping: tablespoon
ground coffee for eaeli cup
pint) of . watep. .`Pour . told'
water into pot., Set percolator bas-
ket in .pot and, 'put' coffee in it.
Cover. :. Let perColate. slowly ;am
.gently. 10' to; 15 Minutes, ' '
• WheneV.er,we have tasted 'setfp
Of perfeet coffee, no matter, what
• , know .-that behind it is a 'histbry
the method of Making it.-.•••Wai4'wt,ee...
of good blend;: fre4iness; Otop,,
preparation' and *n.
•IY elean''C'effee.. pot:, That's Why
it's impoeSibie to say which of
thrCe _methoda.,is:leet-;eetlieY're all
\ 13eSt. ,properly ;made. , . •
In Dishwashing
,Few Siinnle Gadgets. Plenty of
Hot Water nittcl,:$.0ap .-
Thc flist 'ken In easy cliShWadh-,
'brig.' has „nettling to, del withth
Washing. It ie.,merelY fa Matter of
scraping the food trent' the: dishes;
rinsing , them under the Not. water
.faucet; and stacking theni in neat
• piles nearthe sink, ' These prelinthe
ary'eteps are Atind, savers, but the
.thiPertent part :or good dish:Wnsh-
ing techniatie is to stai!rt With 'a dish
pan. full 0...ht soapy Witter tind tn:
;keep dliongitig the water tt goon' aS.
It beeoniet'Soiled and tlie-slidi die
• down. . • '
Abundant 'soapsuds. and hot water
are theL beet kind of insurance ag
' alnit iliseaSe; geenia .whether the
,diShes are Washed. in 'a tlishnalf lrr
; With, spine. Other moderndeVice.•
Cold , flat Stitle, are ineffeetive gerin
,•reinevers, They slow up the tras1.
ing d1tc ,glassware". ,srty6k.k
and dell,' • ., ••
Ithreaculate 'ffishniops Mid towels
. ate • netesaarY4et. tererY .;bittc11:�f
elethe are not Only,'
they aatle all
the :geod4!itliii, of the twat and'We.,,
ter.; r; •
Glamour Girls
Vanishing Fast
Movie Men Recognize the Pub-
lic Soon Grows Tired of
OnertYPe Actresses
The.glamour girls'are geing feat:
from the screen and,..1-1enry King.
noted HeltywOod,directoe, is, ha
py ebeet the wItote idea: .
intriguing actresses, alweys
be in The foi egr6iiiid;: .
Otter more-thap! , just," .feminine,e,
„ellen* cleelared Mr*. lCing,
I/ere. man beset .with "Pd.'"inany.
problems. these: days,' .point,
that he goes to the the! •
etre fpr inusle eonaedy, or a stir -
.ring artistic. story . weeks to
forget hip troublee--lose himself in
the. picture.
• :"The old -type .glaniotir was'
.noticeal4 in the feregroend of
each AIM, but not alWeys• an integ-
rat part of the., picture. <She made •
an appeal tel the- audienee that wail.
, direct, • . • • '
Prolong Careers ;
‘4.tietresses• became', :knewn 1O. the
public as: glamour. girls, • beciun0.-
typed. in'r.he public Mind,: and aucti-
eitcds. wouldn't accept them in any :
other kind' of afstory or,. role'after-
ward. .1 ; ' ,
: !Producers new ,are much smart,
,er than :they we're. they 'Change '
the type of - roles of their players'
fr'Om picture .'to picture - With an •
• • eye. not only I to preaent boic,,Office,
demands but with. the firm. inten,
tion of aVOitling typing atar ,players
. • .
• prolonging their .screen ca,
'•, .
As a case in poiet. Alice..paye;.•
itarted.in pictures:as a singer:She
• has 'been , placed in ,•firdt oae,.type ;
of role and then anther by:Darryl
• P.,..Zanuck ever eiace.)
deeldedly'is.,the new r
...type of scteeei favorite, versatile,. ••
.begoutifel'. and extremely. ,talented.",
. . .
' ' • •
janaightut/19'.\* Oa i t
t.sta,yrne;a14c3airoo.npdingutirnIn;•-wi4koi.wh14;giri4q.. •
; • Ne cords or egninections.1 Can be used.
. anywhere, gen„ the Cdleinan Dealer, "
• near you Write .for,.de1allel ' •
-The Calsmanslamp and Stove Carppany,;Ltd. ,
• • nee.'10.1425; • ` .; • , •,,Toronts,•Ont,";
Coleman,41=-4G Iron
Instead of sewing Shields int*
yOur„ suinmet frocks and blousc,..
if is quicker to se* snap fasteners
to the armpits and the corkespond-
ing half to the shield. In this way;.
-•the shield can easily be .clipped in
to the dress and taken out again
• for: washing. Also; one pair of „
' Shields •does for .Se'Veral dresses: ,
* • To save lot of hard. Serubbing
:when a man's shirt cuffs. get-, 'Very
soiled, try dipping the:in in made .;
...Starch be.fOre • soaling, the shiit„.
The diit come s out 'quite' easily
.aftei.•;this treatment and. the cuffs .
aren't' weakened Ly 2 :.C.onstant
, . .
, •
Orelloyi Than,:
Girls A .10*(11131m-.
batittintier• TheiriTWo..Tci One
Child Guidance Bureau Shows
Boys onmuniborod to . to,
• one intheletal „of '"probleni •ch.i1c14
ren", treated • by the, Child Cuidanee
)4ureen. • ok New York City. sehedls;'
accorthng to the:report, of the de- .
,partnaeet Of etiteation.', .'•• ;, •
••'' :the !Cause of this Wide differen.
Hai. was aetribitted, in, part, to tbe. ,
syMnathetietreatinent gide repeive
• •. . .
from teachers part,•••.to the,
-inclination of •.girls t� ' hide eersone
aUty dietUrbances. , • " I
,• report 'shows'. that nearly .75
per Cent of..!‘prOblein ta-
1ten 'under the ..iiiireari's ...wing,. lad ..
been helped to setisfactery or: par.;,•-.
tial adjitatMeiitaf ,psychintric,. Pay:-
...ChOlogiCal and PhYsical.:troubleS.
edueition';:lnaugurated the Child
Guidance Bureau, which in addition'
,to treating children,kor various xlis7
'affection's, undertakes:to train tear
.ehe.i.s'afid • Parente to tietec,t many .
. „
catides of.' youthfie'dieturbances
• Case' studies.werecitech. to show.
the inipartaiit bearing' litnne Conde.;
tions have On.. a Clilltra:•schbOl
gress. 'A boy of nineolorinally
]Iaiit .Who tailed eonstan tly;. • was
,found to be;:the luttf a bitter feud
• between fils,'niother and,:granaitio--"
ther Who iiked.,with. tlieni.•• 3'
Expert .Urges
••• . .
;EducatinnliVeanon in Hands'
Of Democracies •Againit • '
1-/ALIFAx.Adnit. odUcadOn ,as.
• a Means t; strengthen democraties
against influence of totalitarlarism
• was • stressed by, Dr. Morse Cart -
*right, New 14:40 clireetor of the
.American Association of'....Adult Eau,
eftlon,',addressing the 18th annual
session Of ,the Canadian Education
Association ,here.
Dr. Cartwright's sp'eeeti was de-
livered at a dinner Which marked
the-.COlichialori of the soelety'S Hale.
•fax sittings,, The eorivention
meet again in Sqint'iolin; N.B.,and
later in Charloitetown:
Dr. tartweignt Said all significant
Changes. had occurred In
" the uanie of deinocraty. declar,
ed the nrintiPle of majority rifle,
• tinder the system gave rights to
economic and .sbeitil,
Lodon Hai, a shortage of Ser.
$.1 • vVockly
Buys a
0 Tyotat 0 e
iN • ri vAlonble
annO. Only $1 \verkly
a new
world's ;most -pomeer
'Peri:1We typewri,tr
p d I n C rt r ry Ing Cese, •
. , .••
,ond Touch T,Y.p1ng instractoe' Write ,•
for full details. 19811e No38'
1,, e' ..!fJOironit '1400Wilierit of , • • • ,
a Conadii.1,6114 hf ;Toronto •
' 'Steve plates in sniall. jara.• inr •
stead ' of, in :fee, :large tines;If
YOU': 6T -g :ones .yott: may ;find
that the solid;:piekles• rise ahove
the einegar ,fand ,go Try '• ••
.fastening%aoWn your Sam:pet 'eov--
'-era 'With .a strip of Wide •adlresiVe•
tape. instead of string ---- makes
. the • jars abSolittely, air=tight: The
bottled fruit. will haVe• corke' 114.;-;
Stead. of covers:. -Boil those etirkS
an d. teie-inn,eleeitee7- -
while.' they k ere Still hot:: •
they cooT;lhey wiil:
aridI beconte really ;•tight.Apply- :c�ld' • ' • •••
: water at 'mice te,f77 7
tains:and • they .k.nno?
• •
Ceffeei:stairiS :I •
at eneeee-se do fruit 'Stable..
ieoune, ,
Cocoa stains; like :to: be wailia. •
hi ,,cold' water first :and then
ing ;water poured threiigh thane: '
Many • people have. furniture
madeL-,of the new Woods .
. pickled -and :quite .a ritimbei.
rnin, it by . not •kaowing hOw to
clean t Both:Lmed and 1.,ickleds.
.woticle. =do ..not•••require naerSs than •,-
.duating and rubbing with dry,
cleat If there is Mark
r a Stitifi,A. iemo;ed with
a cloth', *elk wrung sant of soapy,
If 'have a' door in on dark
side passag 2., and . find, diiiiculty ',in. •
finding the ktybele *hen-No:mean--
1s, not ehining, d'tiny' pot of
PhoSphoresi.ent paint find, dab, a
.rOvind' the ,keyliole.
Beautifies Canaries '
M.S. George Weiland, of/Phila-
delphia is a bird chirdnedisP; 'for
more then twenty , years she has ,
, peen trimniing 'the nails, of canat-.
les, and..has'I,5.(01 eustinnerS.
• .
• ,• •
. .000' feature lilms *elle
made' in JapanlaSt year. '
Once You
sweeten your
morning cerea
with BEE 11.1V
Syrup yOull
Mow %Nov
good cereal
'Can: taste.