HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-09-01, Page 14'4 "..• .0 • 7.77 ' , 12.00 A •YEA11. ADVANCE -1-50e' EXTRA TO U.; S. A. • 71 r •4 • 71 440^, • 474 FOR • SALE, --Seed wheat! eleanemb • (Daweon'e ' Golden Chaff), Divid- Campbell,ritingnimoni !Phone. 17-e4. • FOR. SALE -Choice pew seed wheat Dawson' golden 'Chaff. Ralph Catheepti, Itc. 7, Lueknow, 'Phone 67.-4e-4 Dun- * LOST -fawn light-weight*in breaker, in.:vicinity:Pt Lueknerk $3.00 reward.. .Please leave at Sentinel Office. • .. Lost -A sem a money in Lucknow -at- the Clansmen's Carnival. Reward. • Finder please return to the Sentinel Office, , , SILO ,Foit SALE -Wooden silo i:tft.. aerOss by, 24ft: high, 'in good ,eb.aPe?. Painted last year. Prided right for quick sale. . .• T. A. CAMERON, R. 7 jAcktiow, Oat; 'Slone Dungannon, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' In the Estate of Boise Andre*, s'• , deceived • , ' All personshaving Claims' against • • the estate of Isaac . Andre*, late of • the Townehip of Ashfield in the Con* Of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who 'died on or about the ,19th 'day. of Feb- ruary, 1938,, . are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before „ihe 20th day of September, 1938, full .particulirs of their' attune. After the said date the Adrainistratrix will dis- tribute the .assets of the said deceased havieg. regard only to claim's: of which ,she shall then have notice. ' Dated at Liieknew,:this 3eth day of • Atigast 1938. SUSAN. AirR.EW, 't•Administrateix' • 'R R. 3, Lneknow,' Ontario.• , NOTICE • Voters, 'Lists, 1938, MithiCipilite: The, Village Of Lucknow: , County Of ,Brilee- Of Notice is hereby given that I ,have • complied with Section g• Of the Voters" Lists Act and that I have .posted Up at my office in the Village �f Lui-inow • on the '18tli day of August A. D. 1938, .the net of: all persene entitled to vote in the said Municipality. at Munieipal elections and _that' such list remains • there for Szispectiort.• And I hereby •call upon all Voters to. • titice immediate proceedings to have „ any errors, or -orniisioria Corrected according.to lame, the last day for ap- peals being the eighth: day of SOW- ernber•A. D. 1938.1 Dated at, Lriticnow,- Ontario, this ay • o tigus , , Joseph 'Agnew, Clerk of the Village. Of LucknOW. OMING•EVENTS PARAMOUNT, DANCE ' Dance in , the Paiiteriount -every :: Friday ,night Wide by Mac- Kenzie's 6 -piece orchestia. Dancing from 9 till General admitision 25c. ,• • , , . . CLUB MEETING Liueknow Joint , Club Meeting, Orange Hall, Liteknow, Wechthaday Septenvber , 7th; at g , ;Geed attendance • reqiiested. FLOWER,. SHOWER The •Lneknode Horticultural Society will hold their anntial‘floWee show in the ,auditorium. of the .Carnegie Hall' on Saturday 'evening, Sept. 3rd. All inetribere of, the society are asked to make as Many exhibits` at possible, 'so. that a splendid display.. of ,flOWees MAY' be seen. The,: public are invited, to patronise the--'sheue and • eneourage the Society.in their efforts to beautify the village' and to 'develop among . the citizens, aloye for hoivers, • 1 •• .7 •• • IN MEMORIAM , ANDERSON -In loving menuirY of Cora Nelt Andersen who passed away 'suddenly Septernber 2nd, 1937: The little thing's she used to do, The totlile ,pPtin her face, , Are MeMoriee written in our hearts, That nothing * can erase. „17 Her Parents and Brotlter, ENGAGEMENTS , Mr and IIIi•s Donald MacCharles 'Of .c • - - • ' lLucktioW OM:, wish 'tO :announce the engagement of their. daughter Isobel , Evans to•••Erriest Ed*In, on of. Mrs, . Gaunt tind thelote Mr: Joseph Gaunt, the Marriage to take piece in SePterie, • - het: 4 ' Mt. and. Mrs.:. Wnikohl; iinnOunce . 'the erigagethent of their only delight.' 0; Olive Edna: :to. George •KeniteilY, , yeungeet- emi-of---hiraciiitiedy-and I • the late' biivid KemtedY, Of Liteknow, • Itead about the big i.ccluetion8 in .the .rAttitiiiiia to . take., place ently lit Roes SliVerware. in Were• Behttild'a , , September. - ...,i, ' advertiseirient. k, • • • SC9TPI-1 .CONCERT IN ARENA FRIDAY NIGHT • • Tomei). ,not warit.to; miss the annual Scotch Oncert in Lticknow. So re- member the, date is tomorrow, Friday', ,Sep,tenther'.2ed:, the place, the new Arena 'ancrilieriiiiiec • This Scotch, night, under pipe 'Heed ithepices .is a popular event,' and the aPeniora are ; hopeful the attendance this year 1011, exe064 the 'record 4tend; , , ance of 1200, people. " • The: Fusiliers Regimental Band .of Kitchener :will be ,.present, along with our own Pipe Band. So:itch lassies Will be, featured in a variety of. dance, and outstandingiwill be the perform - ante, by Tom Hamilton, widely known and highly acelaimed,Scotch comedian Of • Toronto. .' Caimeron Geddes, bass.: baritone :will assist on the program, and Preside as. master of ceremonies. There will be a :.platform jitney dance in the arena after the Concert, to round out a fine entertainment. • BOWL I NEWS Ladies' Trebles Inter,impted by ram the 'Weekpee- 'does, the Ladies' Bowling.:Club held. their trebles tournament,. here last Wednesday, with thirteenrinks en- tered First prize Wad won' bY the local rink of 'Mre., „Wm. 'Schmid; Mrs. C. Agnew and Mrs; Chili. 'Steward, skip; 4 wins and a .plus of 24. Second prize went -to Mrs Ed Harrison's rink of Winghain„. Lecalseinke finishedin third' and fourth . place :respectively. Third, Miss F. Armetreng, Mrs. E. V. Hoffman and Mrs,IA. Hamilton, skip: , 3 Plus 17. Fourth; Mrs. D. Huston, Miss, plus/1-.4 : , • Lidieff, Jitney At the ladies jitney held on Friday prize wieners were: 1st, Mrs. Hoffman 2the ,/dre. 11: Fisher, 3rd,'; 1VIrs, Dae Huston,. 4th,, Mrs. T.. 'Clarke 5th, 1VIrs. C. Steward; 6th, Mrs A. Haiiiiiton. ' Forty-five Winghath bowlers, were 'guests Of the., Lucknow Chips. ata inixed twilight on' Monday night with 80 bowlers competing for 50 prize - 25' for the ladies and 25 for the me* Twehty-nine prizes, went to Wingliem and twenty-one were won by local bowlers. Lunch was served to *conclude a, very enjoyable 'evening.' ' ' The Midland Free Press says: We were el Ways sceptica1. about thatold omplaint-ofevomen-that-thee-lied- "nothing. to *ear" until we eaine to live in e touristtown. Seeing is be- , • Besting. ' • •" CLANSMEN NIGHT NETS,'NEAT SUM • Net Proceeds Total ' $230.78., After l'Prize Money Of Upwards To ,$100.60 • And General Expenses Are Paid - Gross Receipts Were $573.#1 A crowd estimated at from 1800 to 3000 persons that attended gene-. men's . Careival; on , Thursday ,hight 'spent their nickels ' freely • for •gress receipts'. of $57,3.01, not considering: a flourishing business that restaur- ants and garages did during the even- ing.: With all expenses paid, Friday night's wind-up meeting of the: Chili revealed' the net profit as $230.78.. ' ,STATEMENT.• Dance Receipts 96 ,10 ' Expenditures , • 2a 55 HOLD INQUEST I DEATH OF DAN LONG Remains Exhumed And Post Mortem Held Here On Wednesday :By Dr!: R. Prankish Provincial Medico. •• Legal Expert -Preliminary Inquest -Held Wideesday: ' journment Until Later Date To Be Set BY Piusee .6Coillity • *roW14'.--At- torney A.'• preliminary iniluest into the death of Daniel tong, •Ashfield Town- ship farther. was held here on 3#0(1.- nesdar Morning, and after brief evid- ence had been taken was adjourned until' a later date, the time ilia place to be set by. J. W. Freeburn of Walk- erton, Bruce County Crown Attorney. Daniel Rose Long', age • ;12 years died' at his hoine ,Concession 12, Ash- field on Monday July 25th; after a brief Meese, diagnosed as tetanus, or lockjaw. Burial was in Greenhill, 'cem- etery on July 27th. • :While not brought out in evidence On Wednesday, . it is rumored and alleged that Mr. '• Long Was struck over the head' With a heavy . roller; at Silver Lake at 'Kinloss, on July, 12th. A 'scalp •wound inflicted. at , the time may have had a bearing On his death, almost two weeks later. The body. was exhirmed frorn its , , resting place •in,•Creenhill _Cemetery and renieved ta', Johnston's •Ifilder, taking Parlours, Where it was VieWed by the inquest jury and latera post- mortem performed by, Dr, , E. R. Prankish; Mediae -legal expert of the Attorney ..General's Department, Tor. onto under .whose ,orders the invest- igationis being carried out. The inquest' was presided ,oeer by Shavv,, of Clinton, chief 'Cor- oner of Huron bounty', and- D. E. Holmes . Huron County Crown Attor- ney. The reirthins Were not eichumed cOmPletely the arrival -of Dr. Frankish,. late Wednesday 'morning. The inquest 'jury , ' comprises; alt Ashfield Township fanners of • ihe Belfast and Lanesville area. Theyeare Wilfred Hackett, foreman, Sert AROn telreaTfireilson er Irwin, Spence, Irwin and Clifford Hackett. • • • . . , Only 'witnesses .called; at the `pre-, liminary hearing, were Doctor'. E. B. Balfour; R.. J.' Johnston and 'Sidney *. Dr. Balfour, identified the:remaite and testified that, death was due 'to tetanus. 'R.4 J.- Johnston, Undertaker also identified the body,' Which he •liad ethbalmed at the, Long a• feir.'honrs atter death. Sidney Whit:. --tY%-testimony-wits to the eft as •peretaker of the cenietei4 he:had' dug the graire for burial saltnd also for the. exhuming. • the inquest to fello • will be dir- ected by Bruce Count y Officials Pend- ing completion of • the .report of ',pi:. Prankish to, his dePartinent ANOTHER WOLF SHOT', MONDAY i• Young Wolf Pip ‘Shot Early Monday Morning East of .11elyrood, By: Wee MacPherson :-Continue Efforts To Rid •District of menacelhii.,Fall • Almost daily, hunters ..'ere. seoueirig the 'HolyroOci.,. area in an effort to rid ,teat district by "'fall of the pack or packs wtiives that .are • preying on sheep 1n the Nricinity... 'Attracted by the barking of a young wolf pup; to e Sparsely Wooded farni eas*C2i.. Holyeood, that was cleared of timber last winter,...Wegey MacPhert. early 'Monday :morning, shot the aniM,al,. Which was the third' victim in • ton days. resembled a; Young, pup, we are told, :and ,was grayish in. coler. with White niiikings. , From the different colorings thee frequefitlY, seen 'animals, the opinion is expressed that there are two packs of thein, colapoied of the parent wolves and young fitters...Alerted that. the district will be overrun with their,' etfortS are being nutclit'to wipe out the entire !Peek. Sinee there appear- ance iii the area, deer are reported' to . have left the area and probably fOrti;et south,, 'resulting in reports of incedising thinehers deet, in 'West' Virci4arioell. The 'wol es ay believed to be Of 4 •••' v e e AtOrigfel type With strain Of deg in them 'that, makes thern- the' more vic- ious. Recently. We mentioned the man- ner in which they destroyed the .sheep,' .bir 'slitting ...their throat and gouging the itiardk This woeliwi are informed that they later return • and devour tiratticallv. the entire eareass of the the'Y' are, apart fromi the darnageo lereating-'*idesPrerulinterestiffid-keW ing Kinloss ' TewrishiP ratiCli in the 11rilelight, both in 010:chilly' aid'Ateekly .• 6 , Receipts 04 Expenditures 51 28, 76 Games and Prize Draw Receipts 87 ' Expenditures 126 55 , , $221 32 ' • Total, Proceeds $355,63 Less P,arad , Prites , • ' Less General Expenses 65 135' , 85" • . ...:44446:4444444•444 Net Proceeds , , $2,30,43 General Expenses Hats and Ties. ..............................•...$ 4 '49 Constables .X.te) Parade ...Expenses :3 60 'bazaar NoVelty 13 81 Wheela and Peddles 14 80f Cleaning Street, Trircking etc. 3 30 Printing,acivertising and *radio 23 60' 'SWO; APPREPIATION .The" Clansmen desire to convey . their sincere thanks to all those who in any way assisted in mak- ing their carnival night so sac.• eeisful, including the judges, con, . -testantsirlhe'paraderthose who assisted" in operating the games"' • and selling tickets niembers ''' of the Bands ,for their willing con-„„ •,tributions and all: others:,who in any "way had Part. ,Without this , co-operation, 'undertakings of this nature could not be successfully carried to completion, and The Chenemen again FAY Thank You. SBOR SALE STARTS. 'SATURDAY Ratliwell and Reed annual clearing shoe 'Sale ceinmenees on. Saturday and Continues: for two weeks Read the ,ads eetisement in this issue, and take advantage Of the real bar, .gains offered to Outfit The faniilies shoe needs .fir School and tell wear. THRONG, ATTENDS STREET CARNIVAL Annual Event Proved , Highlight • Of Season's Activities Netting The Clansmen, $230, And ,Providing • A Night Of Popular Entertainment. -- Fine Costumes' And Floats In Color. fel Parade -Draw Prizee!Go Out 01 Town. • - • The Clansmen's anniVersarY steeet • . carnival, favored with fine _weather; attraced ti throng Of people that crowded • the street for the 'parade and fun • that followed The event was i thecpriopwu amount popular,-with andThe t h - T ho $C0116nl sO GY111'17-f e6 n' Pe • c Pf• edt d 4:- , The CalithuMpian parade, the. open- ing feature was a' colorful procession with, costumes • and "floats' of high , order, and evidenSe that :much. work had been done ,in, preparation 'foi. this parade. ' : • trained goats, - hitched to a'. miniature farm wagon: This .• freak conveyance was entered by F. C. Williams - of Shallow Lake, near .Wiatton. In the floats Rexford Ostrander's' entry , of 'Snow ,White and the "Seven Dwarfs wage outstanding.' Rextei•d himself was • attired' to represent Prince •Charming,, and his exhibit was certainly worthy of the first prize of $10.00., whieh, he. won. With brush and paint be portrayed the seven dwarfs The various gantes ctud dance which was late- , starting however; were Well patronized and financially the night was quite euceessfut, netting The .Clansmen,' approximately .$230.00: Prize Draw Winners : • Over 1400 tickets were sold on the street prize dravi, which was made at *12.30 by ,Reeve N. E..' Btishell... The. ;winners were 1st, :Silver: tea service; Miss Ada Hamilton, Listowel, ticket number 812; • 2nd; Aeropaek; Dave Carruthers, Kinloss," ticket , number 613 and :3rd,,, wool 'blanket, Mrs. R. M. MacPeeeson,:of MildMay2, *ticket nuni'-• ber 1265. Calitlitunpian, Winners .. ' Calithumpiae „parade *inners were as .follows. Fancy costume, girls-lst, Jean . Taylor,, (fairy); 2nd Beryl Sol- o/nett. • Coniie PoStunie, 'girls -1st, NOT1114 Ritchie and Lois Henderson, (babies); 2nd,' Mary Chin, little,old.lady. Fancy Costume, boys -.1st, Allen Stewart,. (pirate); Ind, Richeed Turn- er, (scotch shepherd). C�niic Costame, hoes4-1.st,* Ivan Lloyd, (cloWn1"; 2nd, • jack •Stewart. (scotchman). • DecoratedWagon-lst, Bruce JOhn- sten; 2nd, Walter MacKenzie; Detroit. Decorated dolls carriagelst, Graee 'Hesten; 2nd,Winnifred Stewart.•' •'• Decorated Tricycle -1st,. :Donald Thompson; 2nd, :Wayne. TurVey, Decorated 'Bicycle -Lloyd Stewart. Fancy dostume, ladies-lst, Luella Creen, fashioned 2nd Mrs, Everett Harris, Japanese lady, -Oterfic coStuine, Arnette Dithiner, (Minnie Motibe);:2nd„ Mks, James Vidad (clowP) ' ' • • Fancy • costu.nie, men -jack -.Leith (Pelicentan). ° :Comic Costume, .Angus McKay, Dctroit, (scotch &Mile); 2nd, Bud ThonipSon,,- Miekie Meuse. Rural Freak CoeveYande-lst,. jack Alton, (pony and cart); 2nd, 3. C. Goat teem' and wagon. Floats-lst, Rexford : Ostrander. Setae • White, .4 Seven Dwarfs; 2nd, Cccil Mullin. ()range Lodge Vloati CHARMING ' PRE-, . NUPTIAL- EVENTS'. , Wedding Belle Preceded By Several-- : ell,ri:IYnd41.Ticaanird.P".14-- .-ta-1.$11(v.- t• "Danie'7,6 rctliiir- trawls- -3,f.lif itits- .c.omownity- ills, seek*, a associated :with the-,-kingin: Of . .:Wedding 13ells .haVe ' en. several charming' pre- nuptial'„,..e.ventei ' !.,,,, * • Ashfield ' Trousseau . ; ' . 7 ' McDonagh,NV i:,9S1i:hel ClAugust' i t hille07. ntillio°'r oti- otbireQrudrs'asen.ag4C.h. daughter, Mips .Em•ma,7a recent, bride. Some. six- ty: guests were Present on this ()MSS - ion; and. were 'ievited by little. Jane Johnston it.. ovieee • the 'many ' lovely. gifts, displayed by Mrs.. 'John McDon. 'rig!' and Miss- Margaret McIntyre,' of London. Mrs. Isaac and • Mre.'' °Robert 'Andrew Poured tea, and Miss Ellen .Andrew assisted the hostess in serv- ing a 'dainty. lunch: . ' t • . Shower . and Trousseau . . ' • '...•, , • . MiSS. Audrey Henderson, 'bride. elect, Was the gue,st of honor at a: Iniseell7 aneoirs shower held :,Saturday , after- noon at the. home of Miss Isobel Ham- ilton, When s,bine, twenty-five of her girl friends . gathered for 'a pleasant social afternoon, When •Miss gender - eon received numerous lovely 'gifts. . on . Tuesday.: afternoon and even- ing, ]a trousseau ' tea at the :home of Mr. ' and Mrs. wellington. Henderson; was a charming event, when Many guests celled to View a lovely .array.. 'Of,. gifts and ' the trousseau of the bride -elect, Miss Audrey Henderson. ' Guests • were met at the door bv Miss Lois Henderson, and ushered to the living:eoom:by Mrs. 'Jessie, Mac, Times ' and .by Mrs.,_: Cameron Mac- Doeald; where they Were received by Mrs. Henderson and Miss • Audrey. The gifts anii:, trousseau Were ' dis- played. by Misses Marjorie and Joy. Henderson; sisters of. the .bride. ' '.. Tea waS poured afternoon' and even- ing .by -Mrs, 'Vikr,m. Hornell, Mrs. R. C. Robertson, Mrs; J. MtiCInnes 1 and 71V1frli'Leinl°s .7oPie,aMrlirrissg•T*illreiendt"ersoesn,443114isaie4s Lilliaii ', and Audrey -,Horne, 'Kathleen Ferris, Hazel Celeere, and Mildred Ritchie ,assisting in • serving during' the afternoon and evening., Mrs. Robe Rae ' and MI'S., N. Bushell had charge of the Foregeeej t .i•eeagistes;..uther.,$' Shower ', I ' ' A . miscellaneous ' shower, „. arranged by 'MSS.'Kathleen Thom,was held at: the home' of Mrs. L. C. Thompson,. on Wednesday .afternoon in honer, of --kiss:-Jeen7LStruthersr-a-Seeteraber bride to be:. Miss .Struthers was taken much, by . surprise, when ushered 'in to the living rem to fincliwenty-iive of 'Fier girl friend 'gathered. , . , ' ,./lis- pleasant . afternoon was spent, during ' which . jean- Winterstein and Donald' 'Thordpson; dredged: :aS -bride arid groom, drew into' the living roan a decoketed wagon, ', well loaded wi't.h, Useful • and attractive gifts: A .dairity, lunch Was served, ' . . . . CONSERVATORY MUSIC kESULTS , Grade •I -Esther Patton, (honors) Mary "Lorraine Johnston, ,(lionnys) Jean Treleaven; (honors); • Toni Patt- on, (honors)... •••• , • Geade,. Il -Jim' Hamilton, (honors); Staeley, Prest; • '" • • '• • „ '..•Grade .V --Katherine• PreSt, (hon- ors);Jean., Bushell. ., Oracle VI -Olive Farrier, (honOrs)';. Lillian Carruthers, (honors). Grade • VII -Jack 'Ackert. A, T. C: -M. Light Reading arid Ear Test--Teggy; agacDonald,*(honors). A. T. C. M. Solo performance; Ear Test, Light Reading, Technique ancl Etudes•--PlanChe MacDougall: .Grade II TeePrY=Olive Farrier, (hnners); Marion MeelYougall,•thoe. Grade V Theory -Piggy MaeDon- ald, (honors). • ,RUNA T. ' Mus." Bac.,- Teacher. . Mss A. L' Railway • of Chatham visited etre)the week -end at the, hinee of Misees. botglas. . , EARN: .RAISING IIELD ON. WONFAD,0 • IN KIS:LOSS An event that Al:NViiyS creates hitith interest, and which is cOnniaietively. rard. now, wasa harn raisingconduct- ed Iust.,WednOsdiy.at the faro,of 'this • MaCliityre; Kinloss. •,' ' struc • iiing-w#S-cthripletedlate-Wedhead* at eight" Wee fitting in WAS a .10'kfi5`..aildition to Mr. ItaaltityreiS barn, alle thc" afternO6fir without A.' dinice„ td:4-41efitniak-Fte§114te?Paxii----7-14- • • The Inclges Wei‘'0. 1414.,t.;4'Eed., Due. • iViatCastv 10ethatcliiie 'eed , • • . 1,Vayne Callen*, •••• " . ' • Hoisifld,$u.psoy Bread. WEEK END SPECIALS LAYER CAKES, • .f.,JELLIC ROLLS 'HONEY . TARTS , MAPLE WALNUT TARTS • . 4 *RAISIN CHERRY PIES „ ,ROLLS TUT1 'FRIJITI ROLLS •PINEAPPLE ROLLS' • -;„ CHELS,EA BNS • COFFEE' CAKES , , , . CHOICE • COOKIES ' TRY OUR, • ... • • RAISIN -- WHOLE, WHEAT AND HOME MADE BREADS . HOL BAKERN LOCAL TRIO OF BROTHERS BOWL..wpw, AT HAMILTON ,Frank, Bill and John; K. MacKen- zie;,,visitors in Hamilton: last week, took .part in a howling • tournament: in that city, inwhich thirtY, rinks competed. 'Bill skiPpec.1 the rink; with a Hamilton man making up' the.'foue. eorae, and lthe boys. battled to third place; with three wins and a pips of t .06 .e 6Tia3h.oe TheiWe vi en nObeinyat ho.ewf down4hwisei,ihno erat Hnb laag,mas plul tfoo11,r3 paper says, "The smart bowling ,of three , boys !tem Dicknow, the :Mac- Kenzie brothers,. preyed a big feature of the tournament, • „ ENTERTAINMENT AT , FLOWER SHOW 'SATURDAY Lucknow Horticultural Society Anneal flower showwill be field in the. Town eveeing., Besides the:fine floral display, that will be well Worth viewing, the society is pre- paring. 'a entertaining progeam to be presented 'during the everting. A sil- Ver:colledioril1 be taken. YOUNG: WIFE AND IVIOTHEg ',PASSED AWAY'. II -Friends were phocked, and Saddened on'. Thursday to learn of the death ;of Mrs: Ebner Reavie,' nee Bessie Pine, who 'passed away in .Kincardine pita]. , . The funeral service was held: at'her „ late: residence, Concession 3,..Hurori Township on Saturday, with inter - *tent in Ripley cemetery:. : , Mrs, heavie, who was teirtf7twe years of Ake, is survived by her bus. bead ,end an infant Child.:Mrs, Grant IS ill at present, Is a sister, Donald.Blue of AMberley and .W1114 Blue of 'Itietreit .are bretherS, a. BELFAST FRIENDS HONOR JANIE ALTON • • e, • - Presentation of Bible _ And Writing • • Paper,. Marks Approach ,pr Beifist, Young Lady's 'peo4rt,tire Tofisio- ikon As Student Nurse : ' Miss 'Elsie *Viet entertained • a -punt- er of her .gir1 friends on:Wednesday afternoon. I . During the Course Of the Afterneoe, Miss JanieAlton was 'Presentgd with a handsonie Bible and box of writing Paper. J.Janie • leaves 'soon to enter' Hamilton General Hospital as a:sttid- ent nurse. Miss Vera Little read the address and Miss ' Dorothy' . Alton ihade ttlie..preSentition. Janie made a 'fitting' reply, thanking the girls 'tor their lovely gifts. Lawn games were Much enjoyed by everyone which were: followed by. a dainty Itiech screed be the.hostess. The iiii,3reSs'iS•as Dear Janie:- ' • " your classmates :have 'gathered hero this afternoon 'ere•yea leave us for your new Work to :show pin that haye, appreiated your hcfp ahd coMpariionship „ in .. the:past; , Your bright emile has. eVer been; .with us and you have always been ready to help •us in every way you could: ' We are 'glad because your choosing t.11h a noble work and true., nurse in .,training Will be ,t oniething new to you, So please except these little gifts They're not. much you kneet. But Just a little renlentbranCe Frotri the girls3Pbu knev hack Willie hopo this writing. inipea• ,nath to usyou'll use to.writo, And &mit.. forget your dear ,old pals Wnielt /thoy are nut of from this l3b1c' 1.08..a.hati bo..think Af nS , , ittld. All the very' haptiy, (lays, Wo 51)0111: .-7•,qt,41-04';at4OW-h. 8iglied on behall' Serulity, g• al;'601ra'P*4litittle. tiOrethY‘ M. Alton. : 1 ••. ,7 oi eeial •Sale of 1847 Rodgers Silverware Five Patterns HER MAJESTY, LEGACY • ARGOSY. ANNIVERSARY SILHOUETTE ' ' FOR EXAMPLE ONE DOZ. TEASPOONS Reg. Pride 7.50 „, eA SALE PRICE — • °F7r "f :OPEN' ALSO AVILABLE IN COM OLETE.-SETS , , ' These prices Cannot Be Guar:- anteed After Septemeer,. 12th; PLACE ORDERS AT ONCE 'TRY GLISENCLENE, Won't Wear Or Scratch „ Wm1.Schmid JEWELLER; LUCKNOW- .. . • Trade In YOUR OLD IBLECIRIC RADIO • ON A NEW 1939 Marconi Lazyboy This unusually smart erid venient receiver is:.dieigried' to ;fit along side chairs. or chest- erfields.' and. enable listener. to operate the radio Without nis- ing All wave reception, froka .1.64. to 569M Large dyearnie •speaker and superlative chaisis producesan uncoinParable:tone. Cash Price. Only $119.00 • • Less AlloWance on Y.:41:101d •Radie 60.14 or more Balance. Only . . $ 59.00 or• less tewart HYDRO DISRUPTED 13deking• a wrecking ,truck into a hydro pole near his home at the north end Of the yillage of Tuesday even - Ing, Nortnan Stewart. caused a broken, hydro wire, that disrupted the'ei tide for more than an Neer this spot just a short 'time ago,: a wire *as broken one efteet' itOpti While Herb McQuiltin was •niov- hie a steep house from the second° concession to his . Property in •toWn, This also occasioned' an interruption'. •:the"seritice of an hour Or 'so. • scn. opt, 'OPENS 'TUESDAY , ScboOI 'opens TiiesdeY', Septem,ber 6thits hard' to helieVe,..but its a fa:dtk. • Seeing 'llice sithiniet liolidee'e • have, only- nicely .begun .,when, students' off the 'Scheel ;hoelts again, , Teee'het$ thoughts serreeiftilly turn to dusting: !afirthettliv eirepaning for the s" tlet:t" perienee; fr othei,a' a new sClipol, and -still_othets,ASelt-to_tlitLtanierje.o;.,20h... toxi thing s,ou'lcriow, liristinas will. 'be ilooko lorward:, to ;with' antioi ' • ' ^ 7,"