HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-25, Page 6a's Best eeldy Pa the-reOtlet0R-tierailarfikc. Ontario Gott Eight Awaidi in 1930. Contest. , • VANCOUVER -The Penticton Herald; of '.-Pentictonp B•C'-• Was, annonneed winner of thp Cana- dhln Wqe1FIF Newspaper AeSecia7 tIG4's 14oPP11. TroPilY for the "hest all-round paper'? havillg a Oreille- tiO4 of 200 or%over,. • The aWarrd rePert of John C. - irkwoodl," stated. the Herald's14y. ling pronounced from. -first o last". ' „Nixtety-four newspapers comet - ed for the awards 'divided' among ' •'7the, various,..proyinces as, follows British .COlumbia 'four. Alberta' •one, Saskatettewan,..tweq' OPtario,-- eight; Quebec, •inico; Nova ScOtia,- Circulation:2*000 *na, Over:,: Group of 2,000 circulation and: over: Mason Trophy -Best all-round 1;71,''enticton, B.C. Herald; 2, Barrie, chit., Examiner; 3, Sim-. Coe, Ont.,- Reformer. ' Davie •Willis Cup -Beat editor- ial Page: Leamington,, Ont., 'Post • and neWs.;, W. . . • • Arthur "W; Marsh 'Shield -Best • front Page: Boivinariville • Statesman, •' Group Of 1,0002,000 cirdula- Charles 'Clark' Cup -Best all- round paper: 1, Newmarket; Ont., •.Era-. 2, Kelowna, p.c.,'Coutier; Lis tpel, Banner: • Malcolm MaeBeth, Shield -Best •, 'editorial page: Fergus, Ont, Netvs ;Major A. James - Memorial Shield .-Best front page: Kelowna, -. Jarvis Record Is Good •,Group of 000-1,000 circulation:, Hugh • Savage Shield -Best • roOd paper; 1.•7 Wolfville,1N.S., Acadian; 2, Granby, Que., ,Leader 3, Lacombe, Alta. ,Western • Printer and Publishers necial! --•43est front page: Watious, Sask., Manitou; , • •' Group of under 560'circulatiop,;, The Charters • Cop- Best round paper i 1, Jarvis Ont., Bee- ' 'Ord; 2, Ronleau, Sask4 Enter-, prise; 4, Nakusp, ' Arrow • • Like. Nevs.: • . '.Printer and Publishers' Special • -Best front- Page: Jarvis, Ont.,: Recorit' *cticWatert�'Floir Into • ,r••••••:, „.. ..44G.ENT4 WANT ..10 • , . SPJ-J-41NP., •WATERPROOFI,NGS, Paints. !opt, and ticior.maaties„ di; root to large, consumers, part,• orr full lime, • The. 'Prose°. 004M4PY • • TorontO, PPR IIAIWE • PANNING lifff.,1.. •(X , PROOF.' Best Min, sells price fie* (Auction . Sales), ICilnemanufacturing. Is- kington, Ontario. • , • DEEP° l'itODUCTS, •••••1•••••••••• DER1B0 BUG, Kit.t.grt .35e EXTGR7 rninates hedhags. gOckrotteheS ants-Orickets.• Derpo "Moth, Killer 25 -?50e kills the,'•'xnoth Worm, At sinynsoff.,-- Tani,UT5Tfi- 'am:17 ,Other leading stores. or 'perpo, Pro- ducts, Toronto. •• • ' ' • DESIGNING SCHOOL FOR • • • CLOTHING .GALASSOIS PRACTICAL SQ.HOOL, •of- Designing and Patterninalting for,ladies' and, gentlemen's gar- . %Silents,. dressmaking, and fur elle,- '• signing, -.CorreSpOndellVe courSes If necessary.' Day and 'evening classes, Individual instruction. Write for.information. . 65 Avelale Road. Toronto. • • .• •11;'llitrqs'I'l'itell • LYONS , .TRADE IN DEPARTMENT 478 Yonge St., Toronto. SAI.E • 'RECONDITIONED 11011.11taill'HRE , Every article thoroughly ciettned,.. 'reconditioned and sold. under a de-.. finite money ttac:k :guarantee of sat- isfaction: . • ; .$35.00 i'aLitirdi im.01.4140k.y bed ,•. state, dresser, ,chif- .,fPniee. tied, sagTess spring and new felt mattress, Perfect. i• $3900' Rich 'Walnut' ilnieh • dresser. • chiffonier, bed, sagless spring and new. felt mat- - tress. 4A.nd Modern suite in dark WO:- • '4•••••' nut finish vanity, venetian. mirror, ' cbiffunier,•bed,. • sa,gless staring. and new ,fell. ,mattress. Ago.nn Beautiful larg-e walzaa •r,•!•'."."-• ish suite, chiffrobe„ trIple., "Mirror vanity, fnlys1*e bed and • '• ,• vti'llij6ITIP-.1ectbeff. bed,; dresser. . $69 CO less- spring and new mattress. In •,•t•wo tone• witIntit finish. • • dresser, fait size, bed, "r••••" •••••• .-sagress .spring and.biad new 'Ma tti•ess. • „ •., ' ' • VW $79.,c0 suite, dreSA'rr; • i i .chiffon, er, full sxe • 'bed. stigtess .spring, and new • S2i..Like new. •' .• _gri Selid ottk.• dining: 'roosn, •-1" -•""7-'"•. suite, large buffet; exten,, 'sant -tit hie 41 n.d 6 lea ther sea t chairs, • $29.007Beautiful large. buffet; ext. , 'tension table and e'leath- er •uphia;,..tCred chairs, in -sol Id soak.. • perfeet:' ••• •. • !Ina ran Oarai)lete• suite, solid oak -_,„•••••••"."" buffet. china eabinet, ex- lensio4 table and 6. leather. slip Seat $42 50 Large English oak 'suite., •, • ' buffet, double 'door • china 7 Cabinet,•extension 'table and 6, leath- er upholstered ehairsi. Perfect COndi- . $59.00 °m"r".t oak • suite, Ibuffet, square ' extension: table: . , china cabinet and 6 leathers slip seat rJeziutiruI large walnut $79 00 •••-"•!. neer.' suitc'buffet, cabinet: table • and 6 %leather -'saiholgtered.. .,Chairs. •:Perfeet. .• • • r .$109 00 'Largesolid. walnut. State CNANiVEL! ..:TC:tJ.001 12. — 0.0SNIALLi:; Diversion of water ,frora.the.Arc- tic .ocean watershed': to the great • ,lakes and .the t Lawrence Ahroug1,.. Long lake. One of the. largest en,' • :gipeering projects •ever undertaken • In northern, Ontario; will be *Met , complete'. by, the etid of ,the year, atdording to r.eiitirtS trOM Fert Wil • •11.4M,..'qnt The Map, ,LEPT:lehiaVe..• 'location' .d.f the ,deVelOnment, A $00.000. darn has .already :been con:" . structed at .kenegamisis lake: .50.2 Miles north.,.;.of':' Long, Lac' station .and a second darni. y•111 be built At the'•head et 'Lott. Lac; '...The -entire 'project, tbieh Will add ..tt ,floW Of, , .1;250 cubic! :feet of 'water •per seed, '.ond to the ,Nia,gara riVer either to f1os, over "°"tbe ,.falls or , .for P°Wer,, ,develeprrient; and also making pas- • 'sih1 an inerease. $:1;000,000 per in the revenue kern Ontat.lo's ',crests, Is grider the control..,or he Ontario Hydrb, headed'hY,Dr; ,1-16sg: . Codfish iwaa the curtertey used to par for th'e new. 7,2R1,te1 '• tiry 'motor Vessel , The Vessel wag'IbUilt. at Trieste, Nor.: way had: a'• Stirplui .Of ,codneh, Whieh Italy Was efilY toe piensed to take in Otchatige for theship; •••• ;termany'S'" tai c 'reettpts fel' the last .Aspai year were 12' per cent. ahOve th preceding 12 months. ' • PRIrrOtInAPili, lNlIiThiIzNT l'sR,P WITH ,Ey- pry ,25e, Order, /toll. Olin developed . and eight prints, .25c, : Reprints 3e.. fletradished•UVer -25 years,. Bright-, 449, gieb4,9nd kitreet, gast., TOronto. • BEST RESULTS', tvloTortps To • be proud 'of, ioII developed and Printed with'. higiose deckled edged Prints,. 25e. Beautiful enlargement• . ' • free. Reprints Sc. • Prompt "titer, vice. Excel ,Photos, 1272 LAns, downs, Avenue Toronto. .PAEE ENLARdEMENT 1=,• 25c, pg- veloning and 'printing 8 prints, es, - Ong' 3e; •Prompt Serviee..'WoTeS," :•••pini!soPiTAII. ' MABRY-W(SULD YOU 'MARR 'X 10 suited? FlUndreds to choose from, Some %vats means. Many farmers' ' ?daughters arid .wietows ••PortY, • l'articulat•s, 10c,f Coiillden- tzal. • Canadian •Correspohdenee cinh. BOx g28, Calgary; Alta. - 14411111'1111 AN./ 1'111 14111 1.:1411111'1111•IN'l SALE OF SEVEN AND EIGHT week _old, Barred, Rock cockerels • 26R,e. F.eed some of these well startedicockerels with Your sur- plus. Brian. Also 5 week $25,95, 4 ,week $20.95, 3 weolt $/6.95. Big Egg QualitY le more. Baden El- ectric 'Chick Hatchery , Limited, ' Baden, Ontario. • ' ••• , BULLETS- 4, WEEKS TO 22 WEEKS. Barred Becks,- ,White Leghorns, • •A,l'sly,sitarted chicks and cockerels, weelc:tp 7 weeks. Write for pri,•,,‘, ces. Tweddle• Chick 'Hatcheries • • Limited, PerguS: Ontario. • 5 TO•6 WEEK oL.p. PULLETS. Bar, r;eci. Rocks 29%c, Leghorns 33Y4o. '4 week, Barred Rocks 2314e, Leg', horns 28Yse; 3 Week 13arred Rocks Legherns 23Mic. Large Egts Quality•add lc. Top -Notch ,eries, .Guelph, Ontario, . NpvirspApgit oPPOItTIMITY -. . 1.11?I'EfUtWANTED ADVERTISER...IS INTERESTED rN , • PtIreithsing.Ontario Weekly News - .paper. • Can make , reasonable down payaldnt in cash tutd.month- ly payments for 'balance, Must in, , •• chide good Job busineSs and established n'ewspaper in graving district. £4. Emerson,. 9. Delaware Ave.; Toronto, • ' :•OOOs:0.0•:ssi•I's,•CsIst x ardem ng otes .LAWN 'SEEDING.,TIME.• • , More and more ,generally it is be caning .recognized ',that the • late , "suninierAtigust '15 . to September 15Z18 the best. time for • seeding' lawns. The .grass growsiigorously until hard freezingweather,. arid. such: annual weeds' as MAY Start e first .rosts, • Even better results' are :obtained.. When • the area to be planted can be- prepareda few Weeks In ad vance. This iiveS the soil a chance to settle under heavy rains, so that .any uneven places May be regraded .justr before sowingit also'pin-, videsa chance for, any, weed. seeds , in, the .SOil.,•tp sprput. •,-These are easily .destroyed whew the ground' • 'receivee. :.a .final preparation for Sowing •tao grass which, then Can get ,•off to h clean -start, with the 'minimum com 'etitiOn from Weed , ,11 lime i to he added to the s.oil, it' ean:.•alsobe' pat in. novir:: this is ;Preferable to applying it: •jtIst b•q- ,fOre the.grass seed is e6wM, • ' . • ••• (cost new , over $3G0.), • , Vutret, extension table, Cabinet and 6' leather' Upholstered chairs. Perfect . condition. ' • • - • tit ifg.on.riedt!tirul carvdpEciglisli '`r• '''•`••••••? .oak suite, -.buffet refee-, •tory ,table„ Closed China cabinet, ,l 6• leather. chairs. Cost new' $325.• lisecl :$;25nn. iiar.g- .cai,ved vwalnut 4N•I‘P : suite • (izegular 1'6375.00) Buffet. beautiful' Cabinet, eXteriSion •• table and.. 6 leather ch•siirS. . Perfect' ,--'-'-coliditicin. . "". ' ' • • 1197.gri AteL4igaii..s,uite SO•lid wal- ' 7r, •••.• •••••• ,nut, ; large buffet, china.' ' cl.bille.P. •c-xtensidn' table and 6 leath- er uPhelstered,chairi. - • .., • •• • • g1 144.eln Beautiful .bur1 waintit . • 'r ''' •••••• Suite ,(cost new Over 6309). buffet; extension ,tabte: China • cabinet •and 6. leather -Upholstered ehalr•s (0 rridrahs old). •• $ktiq nn Floor sample ;chesterfield 'r ••. "*"'"' saltd; iii'rust repo. revers- ible Marshall .spring ettsItions,, •• • • ,...,Aq1:60-.1.4-r,e mohair' suite. 3 nieces, reversible Marshall' , sn• 1.) •- cushionS, show- wood walnut- $29.60- Sillart &Piece clidIsterfleld. • .. __:(tuite..-..i.n• 4- ust-re•plz: rele-I- Tbfe-tilarsliall soling cushions. thor- oughly (-..le:cii,ed. • y ... -. $14:95 Thre'e sPiece .thesterdeld . ., i „ .state.'"tapeStry cover„gOod 'construction, •Nfarshall cushions. , •• 139. gol Smart three ,piece suite uP.- . '97 . '-'*•-• .haistered in find French, Jaccaigrd. z•eVersible :Afar:Thal! cush, • lens, A. beautY. : ' :' ' • • i - VAQ nn .ne.,1-lejrul 3. preCc''brown , -r..“-.1••••••• Mohair' solid.- "•reverSible • •• 'Marshall s,pring cusiTions•fIlets,• 6'200) • Thcil'oughly ridatieda, •••• . '-nn Beautiful elfeS/erfleld' bed - suites ;It ,,•nch hotionie,orice's.•• ,. .„, r ......„,..ffite iltrnehler)...pieceF, .11 holAterCd in fine figured, ja,cottard....-- .rfect condition. ' ,,, , ,. . • Largt, 5t.4ostment Of stoves, ea* , i et.a,..Xc4ing. Machines. odd chester- • 1,d's, chairs, bedsit: tables, re'frigera•-', to s, '• ,chittri . Cabinets, breakfast , logwtior.i.te Ito'', free •illitstrated-' ea la- , ". Lyons Beddiag & Up'' holsieriz• ig.% 478 Voiigo, St.,. Toronto • • ii,t y.,PnvEit "A TA, • s,rAt.s.. C0N,T1-1(n..i,tri . Port s'.8A::iON API ter•takints,a fdiv pills.. HaY-Fever• , A rit igen , ( FRI t tit Ws) : an a d va nced , pits rindeblogICa I„, prOCeSs-rentirely • • different, Applidable to .73r,'`O ind.r? itidlIcil ',(Yvetl. ' $200- at Iending , • „Drugt..(Ist.5. or direct fibril Carman,- ..R‘vuhltthil,r01;e4,;•;,,,,,d. vote r.b.e., erndeistg. :)11'EDICAL rft,r.:8; no I.:DEIt's • nEct'A t. FOI1T, „ctorriplets,-. iNt5SinP.2 neW•',disil,o•Very. Turista:tall/ rhiedi• • etit,(S1 tnilaincd tissucot and • itely "pre*ents .prottusioni .ttrefte for, boOklet.' Fred trial Of BOlder'S . /lethal ointecent• Bolder Irfg., 651 buffo/in. ;street, Torotita.. 40IPIRTs, , • , • . "V•01.: "AN ITAVIJ GITY ..'e•ficcs In ..yotir village or (arra hclMe •Without water. supply er• sewers. Writefq,r tree, tratil-niattort. on Oki? • rilOdern,, 5elt-,0Inpf'ying; OdotitieSS, ; Toilets from' S.33:(at.uP arid' leave behind frit. 'Over 'the 'dread' Out-• h.31.1se. With 118'.nt:es, 0,018, and 'tins • healthy,,•di:tromforts.. kaustihe En- • grati'cr•inq ColnOVV: lel Portland Stredt, TOI•Orieo, (Int, ,WAVerley., .5013, , , •' • . , issue No: 38' To Make Glass, Sand Is -Needed J -lea& Causes It To. Run lnto A Transparent , .P1s4 Was Discovered • Well: play we speak of the Slat ing.fianOS, P474 4 Writerin thei Children's NOWSPaPer. for 7,ear by year th.e; contours of the 'sandy des... pile change. In the Canary is- lands are .hage heaps of sand piled 'upby winds that•';hatre blown frorai ,the' '$eharat and In ,Yrte., and Per- sia And. Arabia the sancta are for •overdrIftipg‘over, the ruins of,'anci,, oat cities. These ie n�ver still, and when a hLI1i- cane springs,up and, the aagggt: Nies •liefere the. star.m. Men bner 'their 'heads and, `crouch !do:1;in, withyear, •and.,treMbling. got sand',4s•osetni.... Without it we ,S41::/44(1.,be at a. Ioss to know how , to, build,' our Ildlises„, and, but for sand We mighthave no Though- experts are not 'sure Where -. _.g14ss7n...?•41!.,41..L•beg4,411a4-.1.4ellelte44,i4. have been Egylit drSyria, both ,..• :countries having a•hundant sand. It is :possible that glass was 49- cidentally disceireted by Phoenjci- an rilichah.ts. whodid their cook - Ing in the Sand and found that heat eauSed it to 'run into a trails- • parent glaze; Prom that, time toi tmssand!, has •fi1way,3, lakgelY 1.; need in tile MennfaCture:of-glase. has itlbg, •leen: used far' measuriag 041%. Wo sifl have egg- ---•-hOiler,•*,V4t,k4.11e#4lttie,44t7ef-4444 .444 14 th.e.4.43!4' before elec44 wergi • •cheap• the' sand glass, nr hoor•glOs,, .W4o 41,Y1.43'.4. at:hand. Ancient Origin •Of."HoneYnitocon . • . ."Arn'eng the porthein. natioris of Europe, in ancient times, it was the •enstom for newly • 'married couples todrink. metheglin ,,or 41.ead• (a kind of Wine Made from f Marriage,: Antiquarian lore has, it that from this 7custom the 'term' "'honey •Month"' or . "honeymoon" -originated,. says The Rocky lgRunt tain Hrald. Whelher or not ..ihat is the orlgin of the Word, it is knoWn that in the day's of Mar- : riage by capture the bridegrotnn remained in hiding withrhis bride until her kinsmen tired of the search-for-hen.-- ater,. when love- entered mar - ria e and eloneants were fre- quent, the bride and bridegroom remained in hiding for a, while. - Both' of these "hiding periods?' • •seem, to, point to. possible origins of the honeymoon 'trip. • -.--Sw.allows-Say.It'll Be A: -Tough Winter - • It's h long, tough winter' w,e're heading for if eWaliows. are to 'het trusted .as meteorologidal prOgnasticators. When .the ,swallows head for. - the_south-.-and-warrner-chmates thia early an -the .year weather prophetg7i • have no hesitancy in,preclicting an early ,antiseVere winter: Already Well 1.• On ,their way South this flock of sivalloWs is creating wdesign. against the sky on 'the telephone.wires' in North -Carolina. • • The; best paper. in $.11.0;1"444040.474,70.Q...041.9.t.,,,.. • 7' Set••-jYle a' Task Set me a task ; that 1 may.work to ' gait/ al/ inch of ground Along thepath' of Progress, where the joys of life are found; Set me a teak, that I maygroVir in strength of les -sons learned; . In Pride and Meekness let me be. with clearer sight conedned. Set me a task; •that' 1 may give •what has been given to me And.know'that greatest works are. clone out of humility. , :C 1 sfi 117 Hhimself to his 01 at midnight) -L - "My boss says I'liaVe-What he calls a lot of ."gs-up",and-get."• 2, Sally --.-Then 'why don't you?. .'•'' , • • • RP1.14ACH AND CAi3I3AbE • The home owner with a-V.Oget-- able' garden looks to.'early August: as the time,' 'tosowspinach for:•ai,1 Vihin7-,a-rtionth-on..e19.. Most hp., ..portant,:h.oWeVei, is the • sewing of • Chinese cabbage which' usually; fails to head If sawn in ' .SOW the eabbage. seeds, thinly in. the •i•OW, tkr•'itEl‘•e they Will grow, be they resent transplanting. ' : Th)n, the:seedling:81 Whew they be• gin tderoWd,,pne•arsother,.until•th 1),i,antsstand fikt.e..ea Inchee. 'Apar . They wilt Make solid heads by late autumn' :and add • to the -mem,' a delibacy.that has ',flaver inore .mild and pleasant than 'brdinarY. Cabbage. :It also 'makes .delitione• • sia'w!and the leaVeh..:May. be eaten •• raw fficeelery'or letttice.• • , Johnny Jump -Ups Johnny jitinp7upa; as the . old- , -laShitined : arnall'-floWered violet of .... • : " gr at -grandmother's' • garden. were bac ...into poptdar faVdr; Like;s6 • , "ap ropriately called, have jumped ..many Other realiy.Satisfactory gar- den tlotvers, theY,Were sacrificed on lthe 'altar .of "big" flower worship. It is of intere,St;'too, that the 'oldc- fashrOned Small-110.ered pansies ::,:m.64...g4ofin. ,..,,,ssohuag:L.paiD.r..:e08;,,ca: irsefuilhlYe : selected strain, poi -out under the .' tt•ue olcilashioned type.11, Sawed With Sock . Cottoni socks hid b,eirig‘ isAtte& Prieonere itr ,‘United,. States • , jails, ,becatiSe' Otte priSialer mao- -lgd to through a ong..iiich ifOri hat With.a. Yarn front.' a WOOL . •• • • st).ek: It tOOklillii'l'hOUrS to le it, . , • Although thglattd 1zis Iewor . greWera than Stist ..before " tho WOrld. Wettheir tOtat Profits have. i4 40 t."(rrit lds than $6,„oop,0()o. iti ""1914, 'te! $1•12,3.00 000 1:0a7°", 0-6-fful hat Science Is YarIahle Freezing:Point 4 scientist last 'week described :Water as A -strange chemical cum-, ' bination ,which can stay liquid. at temperattires, far below its freez- ing point ' or freeze at tempera:, tures several' degrees :above: . Dr. Ernest Dorsey of the Tjnit ed States Bureau' of Standards , said he has -cooled water six degrees below zero without having turn into•ice: '1'his isS degrees. below . its "standard" ,,freezing. • . point. Other investigators have •found, • .he added, 'that under some air.; ecinditions'iOe fornis, On the ,wings of an airplane in flight' ',even • -7.-thouglt.-ths-Aeinperaturer-•severaf- • deg,rees abeye ,freezing. , Successful Respirator - Mask A 'new, type of respirator mask,. , tried out in planes flying in the .sub-stratosPhere, may wine day ' serve as a,.subStitute for oxygen tents new used in hospitals.,' , 'Dropping out of the sky after a non,stoli' flight at. Minneapolis last ;Week with scientific data on 'Oxygen•:Maik:'eqVipment ;expected to make an important contribution to Medical. .science• . For seven hour e and 46 minutes - the large transport • Plane • of Northwest Airlines has flown frem. Idos;': Angeles and approximately :one third :•of the .tune at an .alti-. ..tudeof--41,000 feet in ordet, to : give the crew: time to .tet the new ' Deadly Germ 'Photographed , Orinxing (" with hail,- what he described as theonly. photographs , ever made of the dread strepto- ' coccus germ„Dr. Herbert Rogers, 'resident pathologist •Of 'the NOrth Middlesex •,Hospital • Of London, ' England, arrived on,tht continent • • last week to ,confer with Hai•vaed medical farthorities. Dr. Rooers' `said: he ,discovered the .germs ac- cidentally ;four months ago While examining the blood -of a 30 -year - �1d worrier" patient. Althotigh tehe.'" germs` were known to enter the blood stream of victims, he -assert- ed, they ,very reidorn have been,. located.: , • • Measure' Cosroit Rays , Maybe a cosmic ray doesn't , Mean much to you': Maybe; yeu d;ri't evenknow' what it is 11ut "oiler in Philadelphia,. Scientists are: striving to` tathern myster. • • „ Meinbers oi the tartoT,TteSearCh Foundation have ,builta cylindfical iron tailk, p,,yer 40' IL high, ' and* 10 it: in diameter, tO be tified as4 , • labOratoryfor eXperimental pur- • The bottoni of. the tank will. be specially shielded from Wireless "416 ray -and the top'f-14mi •o.' he filled .with. Water,,, through which the cosniic rays will ,pass. and be . measured., • ' • - Polio and Sommer Flo. It is possible that there is oatne ' relationship .-between summer flu, and infantile: paralysis,' Pr. B.: T:, • IVIdOhip, ..Deputy , . Minister of Health forlOntario, rerna'rked last week. It eppeared Probable that rrianY people • might have the ganiem, yet :not deyelop any ap- •-•--PearanceLiof paralys:s,• he' , • • - ' ,;New. Nitrcgcli. Form . , ...• " Tbere is a nlysteriogi 'light in • flie night.:sky,.. 1.vhich, does , not; come from the. Moen or' -stars. •Dr. Joseph 111.,•Kaplan, .asicieiate pre-- 'fessor of "physics;.-Unikersity.......of_T California,, at Los Angeles,, • has- been investigating this radiation ' : and .his studies have led to ' the ' diScOVery Of a- new fonm''. of nitro- gen. IieFsednred pictures- of its spec - trill* Which inchcated•-the' light came from electrically . excited • gases in the enter region of the ' atmosphere, but there were some :lines' in the spectrum that did not ,• belong` to known gases. ' Caleula- ',' tins •detnonstrated that the lines photoiaphed corrspondedwjth theSe:. 'Produced by nitrogen in .':atOttic forth. The "kzioWn nat.& ` gen la a mele'culeonaile Urr,of two nitrogen atoms': •Int,the new fern, the nitrogen are ,single atoms. , . .7 . .: ., -4.-0,.................,•_,;,,,7.,_.,t.:. , 'The. , .. . . . . . BOOK-1.,:py E4,1'FAf.I. OH' :. 4DY .',.p.flAy Fda THE WANE•Elita''' - ', BY , Kate Otsien•.' , ' The soft, V..artn :chain'. of the , Iris,h, conntryhid,*eis eyoked .as , a: convincing background 'for -ANS' tale' of the,•:' Cottello' .f.aniily .3,viio litre at Weir House.in the yolo of . Honey. " ":”, :, ,.. The action of, the story is, en- • 'tirely•in the minds and 'hearts of " three people,. Matt Costello. copies . • haok aftermany *Years in Liahdriri;„ ..1L . after.,winning fame and riches as . novelist. and playwright, after the ' raptureof a* passionate love at, faieand ;after its. end. A month of meetings 'With, the cob], lOvelyi inteilient :Nell Malieney. •brings " *him the Saddon' hope of new life,' .What, happens when he i,'ett8Psat • the hope,, iti f4.."%fislii'O'Beionf's pre- rogative to toll. Th.o swift 'de, neuenient.is surprising. ,. . "Pray For the ,Waade'rer," by I<to. O'PrIen 200 p tr ,7t or 0 nt (.0 •,PoUbletlAY, Doran itrid Cotripatiy $2,50, 1 • • ' , • . • Recently there; was a Negro baptizing in South Carolina., Af-; ter one of the converts had been innnersed , he was asked if the wat- er Was cold. "NO, not a bit," said be. "Bettei:' put him nilderagain, parson, advised la..deacon,,7---the-- haSn't quit lying yet.'• A couple of riyht," but ,frientlly „ stere,:teepers Pere talkingthings over:- •Fii•St--,--K`When does your open- ing Sale.clese?" •• Second -"When:. -your closing Ciende Shout Point Way to Better' Life *T.1 Creation:of. a board of scientista • and plalosophers emPowered o. give .or refuSe permits for inven- tions likely to affect' huhirn7ft was proposed hy •Prof., „load', hth ead Of e •Department of .Philosophy•and,Paychology in'Bit • beck College, University, of Leaden, at a teachers' summer school Ineet • Mg in London; England. ' "Scieneo has given Ili fit for gods yet We brin, tOlheir, use the. Mentality of:selfoollioys . and - •Savages," he sahl. ',The symbol of: ,..this is the ah.Plane. The .greatest ',• ••-t . of man's., inventions . yritict neVer-. theloss threatens his civilization with destruCtion, • ", ; de - the air plane but the ape has got held el • it . • ': • ; 7'Civilization threatened "To step on foot throttles; insert coils into metal' slots,, scan • head: • lines ei•ostid through 'clicking thin- stiles ; tura on the radio, hurl our over the sin.fate of the earth ,in 'a' mechanism prop'elled by \gaset-'... lin-thee Cetistitute'.the„moderfi Motion. of enter.tainment. dozen; ' men • Of talent , by• •lfie hundred' la- . • • bored, in Order that the radio might 'be A miracle was performed,' but With Mutt result?. '.'Sejtence, in • Short, has proyid.ed.. alitindance the Means 'to the•''. •good life, but it has net taught. us how to live." sale opens.", a:man:who spends. nirinutes; and 16 seconds intio,, tdruocdiuncgtiil: aom„an "who needs no in,- . --,--- Every. ore Of ,ns has a besetting. sin. , One of us is lazy., ••• 'Another is top found of liquorg, . A third had .`rather starve than: .grasp unpleasant tasks, • ,' . . Again you see:a Man or wonien.' who gets POWherebedause of ob- , seseion alway,s to 'do or, to Say the est° a lyne Lies . Off the handle' into senseless' an- ger and undoes More than he ever can do.;. . Finally, a lot of 'as; who. think,. .we. are paragons,, • kill • ourSelve.s„, eating.. ' . • .7.— Anyhow, it Set the bey litd • Jerome (after Sunday School') -"Say; Dad, otir lesson today told 1, about the evil :ispirits entering the• ; Dad -,-"Yes, and 'what do you '• wish: to,: knew about that,: son'?.." Jerome -"Was that the • 'way they.first got deviled,hainr ' ' READ - IT: OR , NOT: .,- The , . planet Neptune is .never•visible to. • the naked eye. , . We doubt if it- would • he' wise to test ,out your ‘ prospective soh:: , in4ait this Way:: The bigibtisiness man, who had ; never been known to get the worst' of 'a deal,.leaned hack in •his'ellair. ,•131g Bpsiness, Man.(laaning'bnek in , his chairt,).--:`.186 you want to marry my datighter, • eh? Well, tell me this: Could you lend me $1;000 At once, withOut secia.ity?" •• Young gap (standing by •the fireside, loSing no time in reply:- • SiT, • .1 j3ig Businca, Man -"Good Cer- tainly,•Yotf marry My Clarlice.; ltd trust her with' any Inah•iWbo shewed ',a spirit. like that; , • • Girls'. who. used to 'f;a• finger exercise on, the piano are ; now tontent to gtt it • flrigering , the dials, on the ' Dublin, rilroland, win invite the world to its .drarnatic August, • STOPPED IN A MINUTE a • Are You tortrientsd with the itching. tortiires Of , siottlita rash,,' erupt ionS. or other , •Ikiiihillictipss/ Pot lora old happy olliof, nit ensil4rrit, intiseptfe, IIqufrI D. • Preserhotkin, It, wan% c410 soothe t1 ltrIA ' Ike,/ skin, Clest, greauleits and Stainless-- , ' cities (as!, Stops' the • olefin in'tOriess'illthing • "Irstantly, A .36c bdttle, at drug litotes', .Drove. It4--44,1noney bad.• 20 , Jack Miner's Garden.. Jack Miner, 'famous natUralist. of Kingsville; Ontario,' hasone of , . the *largest flower:gardens in the country Which is,cared -for by Jack Miner. ,himself. Photo shows,him picking ,beuqu'ete for his sick friends/ SeawOedi.:NYrapping ,s• • Latest, wonder, from the labora. ' tory IS anentirely: new transPar=O , ent wraPping material Made 'from„. seaweed:. :Chemists , found that •certain 'species of. the, Weed When •. • , boiled set, like a' jelly. They ex- piimentecl further and 'found diet this jelly could ' .turned into • thirl tough 'shbets.- ' ' ., , _ The secret •is acid a . suestance •lialf way between a ar, and a fat. Reing Ein. acid It re- acts. On 'niqtals, and so it -Can be , made 'tO produce a'vericli of nat- ural. colors .frotn metallic .Salte.. •' Greatest advantage Of the hew inatc.riai IS thatit is 'soluble ,.in WatoY, • RHEUMATISM Pour 'Wawa, into a warm dish. Ruh 'fishnets; gently in; then apply it, lecurding to , directions . . end • soon you'll get relief to • S t,4 •