HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-25, Page 2• pope Follows. ousing- Plans Regulations Regarding Upkeep Of Hou,* Are, Enforced In ,Several Countries Holland,, Puente Pee le. TO SSweden,E.. a P R ... Proper Living Conditions. H1 Qv eat la d as m e r' aln 4 n,... G AtBrt a considerable importance is „ at- tached to 'effective housing: in- • apection;; and to the enforcement Of, regtilations'7concerning the up keep ,of ,dvyellings- 'The Amsterdam housing depart-' stent employs: '15 specially.trained' women- estate; managers ' who do social, work and.' carry, out inspec 'Cons, 'In•Sweden, too, the.inspec 'tion of ; dwellings , for. structural, defects is. done "by;..a 'specially 'qualifie3 staff of women, • Staff of. Inspectors In ,Stockholm,, 'Sweden;; the health' department ,maintains.' an isolation„ home containing 40 beds, •which is used' mainly when dwell=' in s need fumigatin ' And, in. Am- .'sterdam':' a special block` of flats; lis used for • the education 'of peo- ple who have proved to be unsat isfactory 'tenants: • In Rome, Florence and '•Venice,. in special municipally-owned.;"ho- tels" cheap accommodation'.is "aided -for. families whieh_are con- sidered unsatisfactory as tenants, for new dwellings. • • Private Baths Not Com><noq' dem,t In Sw e e ,there. has been,;dri%i- cult ,• :in 'inducing - the'', eo'l- ': to` ,,; y g p P e... .. accept, more roomy homes, because' the climate' 'a d• long,. h habit n a ,it have made them morecomfort ble when crowded into•, small rooms. •:•Even• • in the, homes of •professional',peo ;plc it is common to',seea 'bed. in •• the living -room. - :; The only form of bath provided In many', of ,the •continental bons-, `ing schemes isa sliawer bath, the' • public bathing', pools. ,being , re garded •'as ,meeting: : the general: needs. As for equipment, : there • seems ;to, be a .dislike,, in:.European; countries, of the small workshop type'' of kitchen,. the kitchen -liv- ing -room being preferred. T=un h L e,gen�' Charming Story of This Rower's Origin Here is a charming _little legend 'of the tulip, .the • gay flower • with; ;t. he bright „Color. It is from Vach- " ell's book• "This Was England:' "In •Devon the: 'ries •are aid to. . • cradle., their babies ,in the :cups: A Woman, so the.. story •runs,; rising early to.'bathe her face in May'dew;'' • espied :the babies in the 'flowers, "' •.and :forth: ith planted': more -bulbs._:; and established a kindergarten` of p'i'es:• To • reward, her, the 'fairies 'caused,, the tulips hi,' Wear brighter:', colors than. heretofore ' ands; gave them a sweet. perfume.. • ,Then the • ' "woman;died, 'and 'another which �took:,.here"lace, ` Place the;; tulips:;,.- Lo' a fiiiracle!.;Tulips;:bloomed gor eou'sl g y uponfhe,.humble" grape,.of hem(i,-Then-rud- feet trampled them down. They fair - les were so angry, that they ,took. '.!reit' all: tulips . their ' perfume. „'So today,•the,beautiful tulips 'that so delight us.'•have. no scent. History on Fi Is Modern4Plan World's ' Historical Libr ries May Soon Be ` In' Canned Form Microphotography's' Great Possibilities' • e Caana4161 ., '. Investment• Securities Out-of-town clients, are .invited, to avail them- selves' hemselves' 'of the facilities. of our '.organization in the, purchase- or sale:. of. securities.. ' Investnr,ent suggestions upon request. Wood, GOndy•: & Conn -party, Limited, Toronto Ottawa Montreal 'Hamilton "Winnipeg ""` •Vancouver""" London, Eng. London, Ont. The Horse Show Canada's. remier horse show'. at. the Canadian National Exhibition is held this year from " Friday,;, September ` 2nd, ' 'to. Saturday, Septeixber` .10th. This outstanding ',event which attracts the •aristo- • crats• of the equine `world, will be' : of :a character entirely in keeping with the Diamond?dubilee. celebra- . tion. Canada's premier horse show is held in. ,the arena.` of the Col's- cum=the' largest` exinibition build ,ing in the world. Following the ,announcement' f additional restrictions •on consump-. tion of goods and:the extension of;. price control,... business in Japan is steadily decreasing::•: While In Toronto SEE OUR COMPLETE` LINE' NEW and SECONDHAND J ..�:T4►YLOR LIMTE0 pRoNro SAFE WORKS Showo s�:.i Front, Ro ,m 4S E. position.; nual ra 69 Years,, An Agricultural, Fair, ' the C.N.E.: Continues to Progress, To " Increase In Scope -1938' Show Empha- sizes Growing Importance of . Dominion of Canada;, In' Fields ' of Industry, .Commerce•-4xhibii s From Euro- , pean Countries Have Prominent, PlaceMore Enter- tainment Features Than Ever Before:; '", This .year the Canadian.�Nationat Eattibition" iscelehratln ;its:' Diamond J,.tlbilee.. For. sixty- years this great organization 'has • : functioned without interruption and has in. that time increased in. ''scope, rnagnitude and prestige. In 1:8719 it was little more than a country:fair with;its,influence barely extending to the boundaries of -the., Province-of-••Ontario.Q Toda It is aeknowled ed -to-' be ••'the' y to , . • World's largest annual exposition with a .:world wide influence and which: draft s visitors. from the four corners of "the globe. ` .Basic. industry, , Agriculture The Canadian. National: Exhibi- tion was .originally an agricultural Fair. Its. influence, • has vastly grown •an.d extended • •slue • those days but"nevertheless . the, place of : agriculture' ibthe• activities 'of the, Canadian :National • Exhibition is still of major1 ' importance. This • ,year throughout every field .of tile, industry : greater :activity is '• evinced than ever before and the ,thousands.of entries in all sections', area"expected to eclipse' all',preN'Tious' .years. • British Government interested., The growing. importance' of "the • Dominion sot • Canada in the. induS trial and commercial 'wor'ld is this' year' emphasized in gi'eater 'degree 'than ever: to the International ''• Building will be tonna the'displays ,of six European countries, the larg-', est' representation the Exhibition has., ever•ha.d. In the, 'Governments • .Building the overseas .dorm9nions of :the British Empire • are,;.again 'all tl:represented; as is the eastern group of the British West Indies.. •' The'•importanee attached by the. • British: ,government, to the .Canadir an National, Exhibition is •,exemplir died this , year in' the fact, that it has, through the. Department of O,yerseas' Trade, taken ,over a com plete' building known as the.'United.:. •Kingdom• Pavilion to house a'huge potted history is to become a fact' "1 instead of a mere figure' of.spe'ecb if historians of Britain and the ':UnitedStates ,havel•their way: • The professors. foresee a • ti • me. -When students will be enabled to ' .have the' world.'8 finest historical libraries •;in 'canned • form' in the bot tone drawers 'of their desks • Miniature motion picture renin, ductions of books.and, manuscripts •'would lie used to bring thls'We11 'Mae: vision to the 'realms of actu ality., At the Anglo-Amerlcan Iiistori,., • cal Conference in London, England, a report on the •possibilities of^mi •crophotograpliy wast ; dismissed' in •detail. :The re>.ort�w•hich. recom•' r Mended, a central organization for ' ga•ther'ing,.,stor.ing, and' disiilhuting . such filtris 'w�a's, passed' unanimous• ' lv Size'. OF A • 'Before action is taken, boweier; the report is to bo considel•ed:'and,'. :commented ,oti by eight• •foreniest' cultural organizetiohs in 'J i stain, fC= cl tding the;'foyal ;Society, 1 i'ftish:'. :llcadotny, and Library' Association, •nLt bythe 1'uterit,tioiiiil Federation toe luucU;aentation,. At the conference it vas' stated..., that the-•si7,e of e'a'ch "canned• vol • i.iile" Would' be :about that of a tura' ., pip watch; The •stutleti:tv7cold be able to ,thrgw the fllins uponBorne 'bcreen and so study ot•iginal !Manu, ticripts in enlarged 'form.' ', New streamlined locotn itrye9 in Russia , z`esemble Z'ep felins on 'wheel'', , SEB B 1l2cipte' `Leaf Stacdliitltr Ir . ' TO IONTO i : EXHIBITI • ON VLSITORS will havea 'chance n a ce t o see the Maple Leafs• in the following Internation- al League games: „ • •. ''AUGUST 26-27 - MONTREAL AUGUST 29-30 BUFFALO .,, SEPTEMBER 3 - cub e.6eade r MONTREAL SEPTEMBER L SEPTEMBERBUFFALO t5-6 - BUF ALO. F . • two amea Libor Day) SEPTEMBER 7.:8-9-10- -.. ROCHESTER •• •• NICHT GAMES .:: EVERY ER:Y 1)AY EXCEPT LABOR DAY to op n o inky • S -• HOBIZONTAL.- - , -Answer-to Previous =Puzzle-, --1:7 -To'ga p. . • :19 Rich: fnilk , .21 Brutal. 22 Subject of _. thought, 24 Sun. • 25 To• dine. 27 Toward. 28 To moisten. 30 ,Common flower. .31 Evil. 32 Encountered' 34 Requital :36 Italian dialect. 37' The rabble 40 Hawaiian bird,,. 42 Behold: , prestige display; illiist•ative of the vast progress in British transports - tion and • comniuniations•` down through the years.. For:''over t s of'`Ar , Music ,`The' Art' Gallery, always a :focal pointfor lovers of beauty, id more interesting than ever, The .famous. •Art galleries of Great Britain have' contributed many beautiful, and fa- mous paintings'to this ,year's •show, not only fromthe • brushes ',of con- temporary British painters but also. many old masterpieces;: Sculpture.' is represented ,by, the wol•ks+.of. Ep: stein and Frank`•Dobson, •Lovers of `music have • many. a' ,;rare treat in store this yeai.'for the';; 'musical presentations are indeed numerous I ' •Heading the list is the bend ,•, f the t e Royal •Aril fiery from • England, over seventy strong. This. ' band Is unique 'among the; world's military bands;, in se to :as .it •is ,also.'a symphony' orchestra of grew. merit,' as: every musician can. play • ,, at least;.: two•, instruments, 'Then there is file Welsh' Imperial Sing- ers'who will:'be heard' in Concer:t;at .• the Cgliseum :'and on, one gala night being accompanied by the band of f. the Royal Artillery, The; Mendels- sohn '.Choir; Canada'spremier choral 'organization will be.: heard rin concert froth the Band Shell aand 'the Music Day attractions n;ill'Ibe' actually More numerous 'than' ever before. " - ome Celebration Highlights, Founders' Day: • Ceremonies -•Of-: ficial opening; of the Canadian' Na=.• tional'Exhibit4on by the, Right Hon • curable 'Lord' 'Stanley; Secretary of State for ther Y. , . ,D¢mini- ons:. Band'Shell, 2:30 p.m',, ,Friday,; August' 26: ; Four' Dance Bands -Benny Good • man -King of -Swing Aug.' 26;.. 27, --2'9; 'Buddy, Rogers and •his Holly• woodites-Aura. 30r 314: GUY. LOM " , BARDO and'his,Royal Canatans Sept.":1, 2, 3 Buddy Rogers and his Hollywoodites Sept: 5, 6, '.7 • Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra= . Sept- 8,,;9, 10: Top flight; bands,,in- ternatienal 'favourites 'of screen,;: stage 'and, radio, brought to Toronto for.,these special engagements., to T inaugurate_theA ew-D'an'ce.-Pavilion--� -the largest, al fresco, dance ,pavi• lion in Canada: ' Dancing afternoon ' and evening, 3, 'poi to. 5• p:m, 'and 9 Prix't6 1 a.m. Prices": afternoon 50c per •person; and evening.,$1:00' :per person • • ;Military Tattoo -Superb military, .spectacle' with massed: bands in- cluding that 'of 'the • Royal Artillery 'of, England. Saturday '.night, , Au- gust 27, only. Thrilling 'pyrotech- nic. finale. 'Geneial.tAdmission 25 ti cents. Reserved, seats. 50 and, 75 cents Box seats 11,90. The D'ecadls-Spectacular Exhi: bi'tion P'ageait-Nightly from ' Au•: grist 29 to • September 10„ Tfvelve: ' hundred performers on a'1.,00'0 ft. ; stage.*.depicting= 60- years of • Cana - :Man progress daring tile' life of the Canadian, National Exhibition , Crashleg• pyroteeh.nic' finale ,of sero tillating beauty, famous throughout the Americas General', Admission . ' 25c Reserved'• seats 50, .75 • and $1.96; .Box • Seats $1.50 '(six eliairs •in'a box):' •'Canada's' Premier,Horse•'Shdw Evenings from September 2 to Sep '"thtnber 10; General'aarnission 25 cents, • 'Iteserved .seats 50•.c6nts Coliseum Arena, ,. •Children's Zoo 'Goltection of ani- •mai; relltiie and bird 'life''oP •great ' interest, lncluding a special ship=•„ ment of fauna from Europe, a COI= .lec:tion of interesting' mil/pat retire,' aentative's from Western, Canada, ' Hobby, Sh'ow=Model: Airplanes, Amateur " Art, Myriad 'T�Jovelties. Mezzanine;. Automotive Salon, SPOF1Ttwa EVENTS'• • Sports' Events --World's Pi;otes= • atonal Se'lli'ng'Cfiatnpiohship-=Pili= day, August 26, Sept, 2 alid, Sepal '9' , Bobby Pearce, : defending world champion;.: ehalletigets, Evans Pad.. don; Australian Champion, George Cook, Neat Smith Wales champion, and Percy Seg,' .l4orthern ,, Rive'S 1, 7 Sportswoman `• ' pictured here: 11 The earth. . .12 Consumes 13 Misery; , 14.3:1416, 15 Favorite ;British beverage.' 16 Grazed.: ' 17 Loggers:boot,,, i8r Circle part. 20 Idant. 21 To go hungry: • 23 Senior.. : 45 Bone. • 24 Dispatched, 47 To depart. ©ill©01110®U0©©ly© ©©DIEL HUM©I L1E 1 U000©, I;Jok ©®oo® ROM ©©©®O0©0cium ©©© E 1 1 It ` ®ra u A©MNIKI J"n. r , �onr ©OoEI® LEWIS E1®L©© 30®M©®' MEIU MUM ©CM I1 coo©® UMM ®0o©® MOOR HOMO 1 OMMM OIacouo© MAMMON VERTICAL: 26 To pack away". 48 Female fowl: , 1' And. 2 Stitched. 43 Maize.; 29 Berl--> ,. SQBurden ! golf, 52 Gem weight. 3 Stepped upon. 44 To kick a 31 Vagrant.. . 55 Window part.' 4 Before.• '. ' football, 33 Music drama.. 56 Skating pond. 5 Musical note.. ' 46 Seed coverings . 35 Tissue. 57 Larval: stage, ; 6 To eject:' 48 Semi. 36 Candle. •°58 Seaweed; 7To '.place. 49 Close. • , 38 Short article. 59 She is the ,.8, Toward sea. • 51.kind. of snow 39 Noisy. golf champion;;9 Trappings. . shoe. • 41 Powder , 60 She ranks as 10 Electrific unit:' 53 Wing. ingredient the lead ng 14 Time gone •by: '54,Form of "be." 43 MVliig. • feminine - 16 Foi;emost. 55 Chum. 2 3 4 ; 8 9 10 • .,e MileWinner 'Canadian� n ti Gordon' Devlin ' is . the present holder of 'the Wrigley•plaque, do- nated for the ' Canada,.. 1 Mile; Championship for 'Men. • • Champ:ion.' (Australia): Canadian • • Tandem • Canoe 15 -Mile . Marathon Chan pionshi , August' • 27. ... wims P S.. :-Barkers Gold Trophy races: for Ca- nadian Amateur ,Championships; ..1. mile)I for Women, !Sept. 5;' 2 miles ' for -Men Sept 5; '.Canadian a C ni- h pionships-swimming , and diving ,. Aug.: 27 'to -,Sept , 5 =.Athleti0`•:Day- .•=. Canada's ` oldest' an°it best 'track Meet -Sept 3:. Yacht and Dinghy ' races; August 27, September 3; 5,.. 10,•, . Tug -of -War ' championships, Sept,, 3• : Weight lifting ellen-pion dips, 'Sept: •3, 54. Gibs'; 'softball' tournament, Sept. •6 to. -10. :Junior. : ti aCk: meet 'and junior ,paddling •re •. gaits, Aug. `.29. Canadian'' Table • Tennis Championships; Sept. 8 10 •International' . Table • :Tn.` e r� .Championships -Canada : ;vs: U.,S.; Sept, 9,510,.east wing of Coliseum. Woi•Id'•s championship softball elim- ination tournament for men, Aug'•, 26 'to • Sept.; '3„ , Labour Day traek meet," Sept,:5: Model ;Yacht,. Regat: 'ta, Waterfront, Aug. 29 and Sept .3.'',; - Bicycle. 'championships, •.Se!pt: 10. • : 'Joe Louis, world's heavyweight boxing champion, and his "Brown' LBombeis .soft,ballm-team- ,ill -®be- ' present for tiro days in exhibition ;' softball games. The Briggs Beau- tywear softball team, wor'ld's chain: pions, Will play Aug: 26, ,and .27, •The Toronto ' Star ' Dog •' Derby Swimming Race ,for ''mutts" and thoroughbreds, large a'nd email. •Re-. • gotta. Course, :Sept. 6, 7 8: Welsh'Im Imperial i. s-' p 1 S tiger• A male choir of 'trained voices ,direct from • 'the' Welsh, hills hi concerts. at 'the Coliseum, Aug. 26;:27,"29, 20, :31, • Wednesday,, 'Aug._31;:7::accompanied by Royal- Artillery. Band. General admission 25c;' reserved 50'c. Prickle "Faced Kids Competition -Come and- see •the 'fun' The king ,and queen .• of 'Freckledom`' are crowned op :Children's Day,' _Mon', day,. Aug g8:, North Ban. 4 Strand. Finals at Band $4e11 .7.' Model of R M:S.,. Queen. Mary- Realistic wprkfng model..of world's lar e i er w n,tY•t g, st 1 u ,•t e .vtio feet long, and; capable of carrying •ihr ee pas•, • seal ers=-Qn OP...10444;g, course,, Waterfront., , Cooking School -At 3:30, broad. cast progm raat 3.3Q and; 8,09 p.m. Electrical, Engineering. and -Con • struction Building.,. ;i. �,• Horticulture -Enthralling display. of,piants; sh>•ubs'and ilowers,.in ex-`:, otic 'settings. A' visit to the '.re,`. freshing, loveliness of this building.; is a nieniorable' exPerienee, Horti, cul.tur al.$nildtng.. ' Horse, :Judging Harness" acid iiunte classes, •^•S:eptember 2'. to: Set' nbrr. 10:' Breeding clas7es , Augus § t to Septemher•" S. Coli- seum Arena. . • ' !Gattle_._J3asl in --,_]]a lily. •. .. 9 g i.Y .Breeds,,., 'September 1, 2. t3eef classes; Sep- tember 3,: 5 and 6;. Coliseum. Airplane -Armada -Scores of 1.1, S. and Canadian :''planes in spec: tacular formation flights... • Friday Sept: 2,' Saturday, Sept. 3. When in Toronto. See' Qui. Values LINENSSpecializing in , :.�r . specializing (,lits. Table and Bed' Linens. Trousseau ord- ers. given special attention. Mali ordersDONAt ureful1y.LD fiMllacL edEAN . • . � Formerly Of The: John Cntto'Co.;. Ltd., 233; I'ONGC ST" TORONTO Learn Hairdressin g Diplomas 'issued by Dominion Chartered School. 'Visitius `while °lit" the'Ex'.iibition:' •. Roli"ertsonts Hairdressin 137 ,Avenue Road • WHEN .IN TORONTO • SEE .CASA LOMA ,Sir rieriry'Pellntt miliioii dollar.Cas'- . tie-on-the=Hill, • Spadina Road, •, Tor- .• onto. Hour's tour thio Castle, tow- , er,'tunnel, stables, artgalleries, a:nd• • coresnatipn roomstiecial exhibits and' sou'venirs.. See "The Fall. of Nine veh," (thew king :''and ..his.' wives), Pointed, .by; order of late Emperor :Joseph of Austria-1•is.`29 'life size. 'figures, on,'a -canvas, 28: feet x :1,8 feet; and the Vitny' Melrl'orisi !'open 10 a.m.• till 9' p,ht. Ad'nits,..25c7Child. 're.n 15c,' Sundays; 25 •cents. Organ: Recitals•-•-Outstandi lg;'ca•. nadian organists, on the electriq organ in the Band•Shell; ' Two•eon- eer idi daily 12 noun to.: c9.:7,k111. The MendeIssohn choir •of Tor...• ' onto�This interuaionaliy „fa)pous 'oral organization .in thea Band; Shell in a r ecital 10 . p m Music :Day; Thu -fed Sept 1, pi:Th: M by community sliiging lvttit Royal Arc- tillery , Band. ''Slag 'with Mendell - Sohn ".< , Frolextand, music, colour,.. gaiety- strange new amuse. ment-arra attractions. Games of skill, roller coast.. er, *aeroplanes and ponies. ' . Novelty devices•, for thrills and fun. For young and old Frolexlandl ' ' • ' display at- our store, Also assortment :of ED MOTORCYCLES )se from. Prices lo'tiver than an time in our history. ','• We invite you t'o call and inspect our stock . of Motorcycles while attending the 'Exhibition.' • -2 Phone 'WA -e-fey 9300 Kennedy and Menton 421 COLLEGE ST.` TORONTO Harley-Davidson Distributors.. 1 •....,When in Tare/AO • Visit , ing jumping claeses,' har- ness horses, P . ones! Even- :ings,.September• 2nd to September :10th.' General admission -25 -cents. ` .Re- A" served, served, 50 cents.' HERMAN FURS 700 Bay St., 'Toronto Furs ntfnetory'to wearer prices "The Decades"!' A glorious Pageant of colour, music and beauty depicting Canada's history! • 1200perfo rmers on a brilliantly lighted .1000 - foot stage! As a finale each •evening -the most breath taking pyrotechnic display 1 on the Continent.; General admission • and reserved, YOU'inE MISSING something,;if you have net tried this new • unc cut, iritic!' has.;a fla- vour and a l'moothness that spells new luxury in roil -your -own smok- ing. IC's backed by a nanre that guarantees quality With, nearly 'a century' of :experience in the manufacture of fine ,tobace415 Try • it.' FINE CUT •.: Do machines replace men? , See a complete: bottling unit,, electric Stoves being, Mnanufactured ,before your eyes, 'men's clothes .being'• ' expertly tailored. Industry - dramatized „and spot- . ,lighted for; your : interest., , •OEOsce saIansu • , ECWOnii A. nt)GIi&9 President General Manage'' DIflfl onDo . JUBILEE mann nArlanft alliBmon "trA AUG 26 SEPIO •i1 a