HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-18, Page 8# IGBT' esnpletOn's Stage Another n Sale' Manufacturer's Clearance In abasso Sheets ' &- Pillow Cases WABASSO SHEETS -81" x'90", hemstitched Regular . $1.85 'Sate Price .,.: , . . ,.._ .... , .. „ . «..: 4.1,25 WABASSO'PILLOW CASES—Heiristrtche4,' • 42, wide,• extra quality. Special, MADERIA 'PILLOW ' CASES. iri' colored Embroidery. Suitable for gifts. Pair 41.95 Back-to*School Togs For Boys; and Girls BOYS' .GOLF-PANTST=Wool, and cotton mixed, lined tbreughout.•, Regular` $1.59. -• Sale.- :.„+ .:. . , , • $1.00 . YOUTH LONGS—in tkfottoh Tweed. These:,, pants give good ser-. v ce for school; wear..,• Special GIRLS' :,and MISSES' DRESSES=Smart, } styles fast ,colours,, At... ... ,,:. 75c &' 98e.;• 'em leton smart �• • rowin°g .r or For Dress or: Girls' 'Brogue Oxford In Black or Brown, Leather Heels, ” A., B. C. Widths - $3.75 rowing Girls'' Oxfords in Bieck or Brown, Leather and Rubber.:Hesls, A. B. C. `Widths $2.95 and. $3:45 oes atbwe'll and Ree ANCE! TO TAKE ADVANTAGE tom; PEARIMAN'S• GIGANTIC �..•—�- 1Ml �l Uri1 _. ` ,.:�P�.,r.E�FAiL?►-� 11F( E:'O1�Ai.f:�[`I#j'$)E��" s,,:': RIDICULOUSLY. PRICED 'AS ' SUCH: DRESSES . L AFG: $300 ,;;CREPE; AND LINIIN.E 'DRERSFLS:, CLEARING AT ' WOMEN'S, CHIFFON DRESSES NOW . ONLY - . HOSE „ONLY' 3MORE :DAYS FOR .YOU. TO,. 'PURCHASE' *SUPER SILK CHIFFONN' 'OR •SERVICE WEIGHT ` IrOSE TAT PER PAIR• a7 4,4 WOR,. SHIRTS IRTS Y DENHIM. IN, NAVY OR CADET AND: ALL CC SIZES,, YOUR LAST CHANCE` AT :There are Many. _ items at speciai :clearance prices not ,hated here • 'PHONE 85: MAN LUCKNOW,;. N REID'S= AK,ER JPHONE 68:• •, • THE GOOD HOUSEWLFE; SAYS; -,"SUCH W?NDERFUL` BREAD''t>IS THAT:. BREAD CALLED ' GOLDEN •:CRUST• • MADE AT `REID'S BAKERY. • RAsIuIN &BROWN $READ, ;ORANGE CAKES, 'ANGEL • FOOD,' f 'SCONS MUFFINS. RAISIN, CHEI#RY. 'APPLE: 8c 'RASPBERRY ;PIES, 'PARTS. JELLY ROLLS ti:. ICE CREAN'i it SOFT DRINKS' DEATH BEGINS' AT 40 . According to 'a bulletin of the In- di,strial Accident Preventioli Aesoe= cations, if an >ieeident occurs while • your car is .travelling Hinder 46 Miles " tin hour, there le only lone chance • in forty-four,, that someone'will be loll= • Xf 'an accident occur while VoYir "'car is' travelling over 4— niiles'anliour there is 'one, chalice in nineteen that so ineoiie • Will. be •1yi11ed�death' begins' at 40t Fall SapJes Are 'Here:• 'IP,. TOP' TAILORS. Sn artest Patterns Greatest .Value° ONE PRICE 24.95 H:OFF iAN'$ M'EN'S' .WEAK Ftur,owsuip. CLUB The Oluh Met. aa Usual laSt Friday evenitig in their:. rooma • above The Christian Book Shop, and we Were en- conraged, 135,, the groWing 'attendance Mr. John R., .Grahain of. Windsiir joyed bjr. .everyone present,- ati wiz alA0 two musical, ntimberti Mr. D. The Club will .ineet, ileitt Friday evening° at the seine &Mr 8, P; and will be in eharge of the young men, Pleitse • hring *your 'Bibles and invite your 'friendd: Jesieri Of Den- mark *011ie the *nest Speaker. •• WEppiNG BELLS: • 'rEA RCE ---ANDERSON! The marriage of Olive Lillian Anderson, daughter of .Mr. and .Mrs: Ahos., J. Anderson of Ashfield, to :Mr. Charles. tC1aYtop• Pearce, son of' Mr. arid Mrs • Williarii C, Pearce,; of,Exeter was solemnized, at the United Church parsonage' ' on Wednesday,. August lOth, Ret.• James Wilkins officiated. The bride wore a gown of belga chiffon with accessories in Parrisand Ind carried a bouquet` of Bronze Tok- en Roses- She was;, attended by her sister, ' Miss ,, Jean. Anderson, `gowned in Paris Tan sheer. Mr... William Geddes ,of .Exeter wag groomsinan After ,a'.motor trip. to, .Muskoka. and Algonquin Park,. Mr: and. Mrs Pearce will reside in. 'Ilolmesville.. t ` w MactLENNAN ''.McKERROLL , s` The home • of Mr,..and • Mrs." -William J,. McKerroll,`; Owen `Sound, was the setting for•-ri prettyv wedding'. Tuesday afternoon' when their daughter, Miss Alive Alma :"McKerroll. 'w_ ad ' married. to Mr. Kenneth' Malcolm MacLennan of Barrie,.,en1y son of Mrs. MacLenn an and. he late, ,Duncan MacLennan. of .Lucknow. Pte:'.' Dr. D. T. L. Mc - Koren, urC,e of the bride, conducted the ceremony;;•inst a colorful.back ground of ;le 11V pa'.,ns, white .glad- ioli' and: Pin.;` asters,; arranged .effect— ivelyone end. of'' the' long living room.; The wedding' music ;was `played by Miss Isobel 1Iorrison, cousin, of the .bride; and., during the signing;. of, the ' register: Miss , Clare ' McKerroll, sister of the bride, sang, The 'bride;: Whose father: gave her, in marriage, wore a graceful>.:gown of. white triple' sheer Chiffon, made with a. shirred waist, . Wide taffeta ,girdle ,and•, long, .,sleeves .pointed over the. hands Her short • circular veil was arranged with a coronet' df Sweet-' heart roses on white velvet ribbon;. she carried 'a bouquet 'white Oph elra roses ,.and ,li1y',,of.+the-valley in Cascade ' style, and . an antique 'lace handkerchief. 100 years old.;` Her only ornament was„a•:goldlocket, the 'gift of tthe ;bridegroom Mrs..; 'Ohailes I empn, sister of the bride,- Was Matron of, honor,wearing. a gown of pale:blue taffeta and carry:: .ing . a ;bouquet of garden flowers. The bridesmaid, Miss Doreen McKe_rr-: oil, also • a sister: '.of the.' bride,a. frocked' in pink chiffon, and, carried a matching :bouquet'of gafi'den flow- ers Both wore little hairbouquets to match ` their;;. gowns:, , Mr 'Jack' Mac-•_ do�iitld; oiw:Buffalo; cousin�df the'brid..- groom,was giooinsman The reception • was held a£, Moxr- ken's. 'Inn, `whole. Mrs. McKerroll.re` ceived in a graceful gownof.,;hyacinth blue 'chiffon, ,black„ hat with -touches of blue and `.corsage of pink •'roses. The bridegroom's .mother was gowned in black ; and white 'chiffon .with hat tO. match and"'corsage of pink roses. Mr. MacLennan. and his bride left. later for a- trip to Monti ear`—"Quebec Cityand the Noi them •States;: and:'on •thei r'' urn twill' liye'fl 24'.M,ilcaster, Street, Barrie, where..the groom, is principal of Victoria :School':: For trav ening, the • bride: wore a parisand chiffon: frock, ;nabural`shade,coat and hat With touches of green :and pari.,. wand accessories. - COntentioue Act .To , it passes 'at the mid' of the.. present .year, There will be a general 'feeling put on the statiites, Thrqugh. its, op- eration the 'filrinera' YvaA, 101 'but,' ruined. There wilt be: ,tears shed when.'it ,Passes, into, tol3livion on MORE :DOUBLE . •the labia 'of W R. Martin at Pararnpunt, are',double orange lilies, similar in. anpearance to the lilY. re- ferred to last Wte,ek; grown :),.3y.I'Mrs. Higgins, The Martin an ,„Oddity hi that both SinglOgnd double Idooms ',appear on the sante ,stalk. LORD KITCHENElt (Born.1850; Died 1916) ' Where iwells the ocean's mighty flood ,Lies England's son so brave, Lord Kitchener tof India, , No Muffled drain' Or :pealieg No prairetef fiinbral note Serrowea 'train no monument, , No Citisg Or :marshalled A. torpedo,ranghis. knell; , Eollowed him to' ins resting.: . 'and Mrs. ,Dianan Kennedy of trip ' to ;Bruce PeninSeht„ Manitoulin Island's, 'Stoke ,8t. Nardi Bay and. 'Callender, Where •they Stepped s.S THE L.1101WOW SENT] • At the home of Mrs. 'Peter VeCall Which in• that- peried; has Attained the enormous height of seven feet. ten inches, measured • ftColla :the: OP: ef, thopot, On the plant are ugwards to sixty leaves, end- te •malcq,. 'the cQui.iti. jack declares' he 1144, te Stand On a :high stool to eamplete the 'job:. Te move the pleat froin,one roem to anether, with any :degree ot care, phenoraemil, growth of this plant,7 it NARROW BRIDGE" - Injariei In Accident' At Danger-, ously NarroW "Bridge,' Two :Miles ears tilriven bY W. B. Bitchie and Mr..Bargraap, C.P.It. agent of Wing - ham, Cellided,'Snnday, evening „aftel dusk on the narrow Cement culvert *at the Baird farm, twp miles west of Mr. Burginan, hiii•Wife and two sons were on their' Way to their cottage at the,. like, ',When the accident hap- pened. BOth ears were considerably damaged' and 4 :Wrecker tdOlt the, which suffered the WOrit, :having - ended: up in the ditch after the,,side- Burginan; whci; suffered minor cute about the head,1,-,was the onlY, one in - canary 'and in Ahe eXciteinent of the gerous one; •:ai it is stated ,te be narrow 'that two.'cars cannot pass on *it: This road is how a' proVincial highWay, and till such tame ,as ..)z antheritieS:might be well advised:to tOhlaisc.eposiantitah.le am. ing reflectors': at YOUNG PEOPLE FETE, Miss Sarah piaci*, Bride. Elect...of Thiii Wee14.4Presented 'With Silver Tea. $errice By; Friends: of :,Her COminunity MISS Man*, MacDougall Very en' joyably entertained a large group of 5;onni ,at. her horee last Tiles, day evening, in; honour Of •Mcis Maelver bride.do-be, Of this week. Over seventy Young people gathered the.lawn and a. rousing:sing-song 'began :the -evening's entertaininent This' was. followed by. a veri, fitting recitatiOn by Marian MacDoug. Mark .lincl'.Euniee' Carter ther' Daisies"! Misses; Amiie MacKeir, and Ruth MacKinnen: 'further' delighted. the, audience' with humorous readings.: , At: this point Miss' Sarah MaeIvei was, called to the. veranda 'and as Mrs. llarrir";LaVis read the felloWing add. '•:.ess: Fraser MacKinnon presented her Down the lanes of •Aagast.' Where "all the 'World's ag ow . With COlonrst Mother, Nature Has painted:high and lew' When all the Barth'e Pieture. That no one' can forget, When Lover ' tees are On the wing And Sumiiier'S.:Witli us yet, canie': tonight together .Becanse we.heard,' you know *That you are sPoh rtave'us,"1 But„ Yet we'll never: coax 'Yeti ,you will be )onely• And We shall miss' yotir face. We're' glad because Your joyous., And glad for,all your worth ' Unto the growing :North Please take this- Alter service , We're .very Sure there'll he Dispensed. to, high ,aqd'Ionr, with it And as you fill the teacups And }liken in,your eirea, May all yoni• ways be blessed Your future full ef light, With day by day'upop your,path A radiance calpi and bright. Naught finer cun We say ' • Than just to. say “Godl3lesS yeu'! Pollee:Mg the presentation to Which Sarah made a fitting reply' erne:. Were PlaYed on the lawn and later 'very tasty *lunch:was aerved by the. hostess. The, cioWd hen. • retired tn ',the house and nfew hours Were Spent in 'dancing, • vort pAgth mill shortly., vote ,01). noneir bY-law to raise 445,000 at a proposed new high garnet.. • CLOCALand GENERAL Your co-operation in making this column- interesting is solleted. !et- semis- sent telephoned or 'brought t6 The sentinel Offke, be aPPrec-. iated. g. Nisi. Brew!' of Toronto: ts venting at the litoMe of Mils. 110*nhen. , Mrs, G. N. Stewart Of St.•Helens trisited on Sunday with her sister Katherine MacGregor. ' this, week -end with is parents `Mt! Greg Leith of ..Petetberough visited were 'week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hra, HaliniltM1 was n' recent vialtor at:the home of Mr.: and Harold Ritchie left on Tiiesday •for Loncleri, Where he has secured a pos. Rion .in the McOormick factory. Mr. -and Ws': Alex- Lyons of Hem-. ilton are spending a Week with hiF,„ SOO Dougliii of Listowel visited :ink Miss .Mary :Dewar and 'Miss, Katie • Alla4tt wiseoxiek:i....with,, and: ..tt._z_ta,•• Miis 'Eunice Newton end. Mr. 'Bar- OldiNeviton•of Toronto are visiting at t. Jai* Leith has returned to •Peter, borough •after spending :a couPle of WeekS with his 'Parents Mr.-sand-Mre.* JitonLe.iFhleteher • and' , Mae - ,Kenzie, who are working at Norther.' Ontario' Milks; ire.' hOlidaying: in the *YOrk; are visiting with.Mr: Mel Mee. spent, a, conple • of daYs last week With their' uncle, DeinaleMaeGregor. Mr.-, and • Mrs. 'Frank Cele. have re- turned •.frOm a., six , weeks camping and Niagara. Falls befOr turnlig riesday to visit LOndon :Kitchener Mis;.lessie, left Liicknqw 'On' :Wed-. • end Mr. Howard,Collum; NeW HaMburg and Gertrinle,- Vance aug . Other, ;recent' Viiitora nextluiclay Morning, he aindue- the:* preeeeding Sunday Sehoot hour hp Urill aboW:slides Of the school inn! work 'earried •irn, there,', ,Sunday servkes in' the' Presbyter- Yeung of, Whq de-. who was a viSitoi! at the, Hill Home Narrow Escape .1,.• Mae:. ingles„ threshing -machine' tOP- ,working KinlosS he first of tip.: Week; when. canght in a•shaft,of the 'Mrs, Mitchell, Mrs. Jack: Aitchigon Mrs. Campbell and 'daughter Beth•tei Westen; Henry Aitchison of \ Sarnia - Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernie ,Aitchison and son Domild Of 'Thirriston, were week; :end, visitors twith-,Mt and Mrs, Thorn, Itev. C. II,' Dickinson, • Book SteW ard of the United Church, spent' .t* week -end at ',the :home of. his niothei and On Sanday Morning delivered, an impressive seiniain in the United ,Church, at WhiCh SerVi0e, MICA .Flor- ence Hodgins, who is •holidaying • .ai the .home, of her Mother in Kinlinie Was guest .soleist: ,yiSitOrS with Mr: and Mrs. 'Kenneth Cameron last = week Were Mirs..ttJoe Dungannon, Mrs. Win. Kelly and ion DoWell, Mrs: v` MeDowell, Leitch, Pickford; Mrs,' Etta and Misr Lena' Anderson of Marquette, Mich,, Mr., and mts: Wm. McDoweii;mr..ankf MAC John Meboarell :*Vit stfield. ot -.n Guests. At Wedding, J: biaeLennan cif Toronto mother of the”. bridegromn; 'Mr. and Mrs. J.- 4, igecLemten Torentb, 40ha 40.53, "gip Margaret Henderson the bride'n parents Mr and Mrs. W. • Wallace Conn 'of Laugside. had' the short time. ago. BOMe.twO.' Months tigO Wallace hadlie heels badly crUshed, when he lit. on a rock .1111, after' Jump- ing .from a- falling ladder: THURSDAY,? AUGUST '18TIi, ` 193 SANE AS LAST Y.BAB • PaPternher I.5.th' to November 15th, marks, the 'Oen' season' for dacks and geese this year„.in an .area triorth and. easterly of the sedthern houndafy et soath of the Bruce boundary epens alien daYa later and in the Conntiei) of Kent, Essex, and Elgin, the ,season slops not open 'Mtn October 15th. Bag liinits 'for ducks, exclusive .of niergansers'l is! 12 in,..anir mid 150 in, the season. Geese limit 'other than Brant, '6 in any one day or 50 in one. season.. .77 •