HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-18, Page 7• aimibals Eat ilmirfWatives New Guinea Nitives Enjoy Dining on Their Bumptious Relations • white mall's- 11f0 allIong the • DUtch New Guinea ',cannibals ie cannibals "prefer ta eat their re - Ripley „ returned'. from a stay ,the • cannibals, said that nothing" rates higher 'gastronami•-• oally- than a 'relative. who over- steps. the. 1ion.nds ,of ifokiety,. '"The systent,"- he said, "results ..It resulted .in riart from. the Dutch ' Government's attitude to- ward tho.' dohsumption of white men and Chinese, he said. , "For instance," lie.; continued, -.1et!.P.,:,PaPPO,Se• that tribesman 'stEaIs from a fellow -tribesman his wife or some:, other personarifoa-, session., The 'victim iodgei a coin - plaint With the chief and the chief • calls a 'council •of assistant :chiefs. . and priests. If they. decide that, ougb , to warrant. drastic Punish - Merit, .the offender is inVited to • "He doesift 'know/ he is about to -be ,barbeqUecl. 'He dances with , the rest of them mid -ly dication of, the unuaual 'honor, to be bestowed en him is a',garland of flowers about his riek. When the dancing. ,ends, the- giiests:-then:4oast--himt-to, in d- a esson, ShOUla uri Like Business.' - The womah w,ho enters upon the enterprise or- hOmelriaking assumes is maintained .oni P.aing Itdpheeefiniii t;tiej or Pi 401n:d.nog413, aga.: ott financial investment., If 'the hotrie. -Should" the question arise; "110W vut tip;"and 'cell her hlessed." cannot 'he definitely -dated, int POssilny.bctVeen,11.70,B.C; and ly .the most earnest, devent -won 48.;:, shipper whn .had„ POMP VP. te• the. , house or the...Lord:for man a AI Pro- upon her and to add his hope to heis- -that her petitien ecioh esson .t , father went UP tP tt! offer an early ‘sacrifice mid to Terforro a w,as alaq had, made a vow: concerning. „' For the Mercy and loving.kindness thany'"" ' her, ' Hannah 'Otters her, thanksgiv, . '1. And Hannah arayed, and staid: • 4, in ' My heart exulteth in Jehovah; rihg ould eekenae.P lun ISo fee tsill; • rejelee •in thy "salvi: . ., coarse, te' oxen, whose strength lies :her their .horns. The word. was a fav,,, sed; • Come to Mean sironly "Strength". Oi•-: .. horn" theane "tO• raise 'to klio.sitiok 2.. There is 'Pone hely as:jehavali.; 1.i`or there .is nene.'yesides thee;„ 4neititer is there any rock Iike otir we of I.3ethel, Womeh. of ,plous.hornes; id hot .01d and' Ilew Testartients have. :great Man such as.; Samuel. * had id her th...making Of tho Juan 'h., tieed141. •ded.hon,Ored her,. but she "mtis before she cmild, he u and:•sp there those year Pruning and sifting and discip had eaten in Shiloh, and af•ter :they sitting. upon; his ,seat' by the door-, . And sing •Wes. bitterness. of soul; ,' :and. prayed.,,iititC.Jeliovah; and W • 'continued to be the religiOne: center or the :entire natioa„.until' after ,the kiss: of ,the • ark in the -dleastrotie battle of .tbeheeer:--(see pripet 'there lakify. idling away hie tim'e 'before this. sacred. ohjedt' that Who What Portlen pt the eaOete' shalt adt.asicle fey clurentLhonae.,,: I•at,11$0. end Pr the .nientb• tile re, Sound- •PeR 4144 helps :to, pre.vent .therlealcage ..ar: Scares :Lessen. Trav/I hi Europe e The:, Wan:scares. have, caused 'a :partictilarty 'Spain, Germany and' , , One agehey -i'eports, decline of over 50 per 'tent:- in :travellers to derMany„"aad Austria, and aripther' 28, per cent,: Hungiary, tp.ti; has .beenslight7.'y, bit, because; it is said,. 'of a general dislike eten te 'travel ,At!the 'time of the crieis. With GerthanY one.' firm --foupd ' a. severe, decrease in. the touriSts for Czeclio-:. . righting itself., been' further 'diminished.. Paris, :for instance; has stimula Cd interest in prance, ,and Cook's re- port a, retord year for*. that'couni. -dation have :fodnd 'the same .thing. • 'Safe :Switzerland, d'veeflow of ,oeople Who want ,to go S'candinavia remains as popular. ws' History -In .Palestine Peunle racial StOcks in • Palestine ',Which ProdUced 'the JeWish.peeple, in a., Cal archaeologist,. In the tetir'so ,Of .hid 'series. of -ten leatureS pid. ,referted. to, the inroads •Of the,' .ed by. the• taloa of , fOrtificatiohl Ong, „who contrilmted''kreatly.. te. The answer. is 4When„ the. current expenses :are hOt- codipatible with. ineome,.ahd the'. halance'r Sheet,. at thole in authority did riot 'under, • stand, the technique and' fundiurien- ,suCceasful are essential,' to the pros - Find Where The iea4-0Omes • • ars. Remove paper bags or PaPer),., wrappings from. food before stor-' 7 drigdip .refrigerator.. Clean; veget- ables and *rap in Waxd,,i3aPer Pr , !some Of the neW traasparent bags; • ly,,,,ash 'the inside, of •the refrigera- tor thoroughly with a mild waSh-. ing soda solution least oonee ators-regulaill,.;i: 'When 'the unit 'is frosted no' more than. a .quarter,' in. Do• not overcrowd. Refrigera- tors ti#e best. service when there is a free cireplatioo of air ' 10 TO gaze 12 .ITIfinhteprF:durlf1C.:ei. :64:1;f:INNi A mu:al •oppibdp oeneei ryel rrli. ct 'irf ,Oin:r:: . : 17 Rodent, • 20 To catch lo. .• 22 T3asItliianrge...dish. , '.23 Projecting 26 Wine vesSeL, 28 Laughter • sontid 29 Vivid , :2;03.1 mat I, co tdchrwei brir. 36 Rent a'sunder.. 37 piseharges NUM VICICIGUI 5112F1141 ECM MOGI RIM II MIN OmmouTHIFLEgGINRIii MINIUM mucous. characters. .40 Circudar wall: problerns •42 can for help , the day, 48 7..° mt. -5434 lviBFlee7x1O7tdcbsi eist ? Polynesian 52 Inso tribal 53 Chasin.'1 55 Above. tamPus 2 5 8 11 Crystallinq ubstance. 12 This noyeijsk Public sensation. ' violent: , 31 War flyer. • 33 BUgle plant; 34 Deponent. .38 Musical nOte: 41 Gaiter, ' '42 Winter 'L 50 Pulpy•fruit. 51 Before, • 54 Northeast. • • 9 10 tt Pieeiried By A Vow, said, 0 Jehovalijk thou -Wilt indeed maid and remember me, • and' net unte thy', handmaid a man -child, then I '*ill give him unto .Jehovah, • ' shall rio razor, come Upon- his -head. f Was id the forth •a vow it .Whieli gt•ant .unto her 'the Privilege of be, ' Would dedicate. that son. to cye life • mating thinks,. theletting the ha • eignifiCatiod. The untouched hair', here is:especially .mentioned„ as a otthlte protest.; that the con- secrated 'one liad 'determined to re -t frein:intercobrze , with .the . his strogthitiad t' God is frequently compaired 'to. a rock, *Web is', of :course, a Meta- ." 'changeableness. kor Jehovah- is' a God 'Of • know- Atid• by .1iitd.actiots 'are weighed.' ',Undoubtedly'. Hannah:,is here re. ierring to.. the' sneers' cast 'at :h.er' bY her huebaride• second wife dun • ...big the -barren years before Samuel 'Was born, 'his- birth. bringing tb; an • The sohg rieel no*, from. a con-, sideyation of God's goOdnell... to: •Hannah ahd her, immediate family.., to a, consideratitin Of God's good - ;flees', tO all of Israel:, and closes 'with a' :Marvelous paean ef ,oraise.: Cali refer to . none .other than. the Lord Jeens,'Clitiet. Constant prayer to: 'Jehovah.. She.; • ,and tenderness, for we do not'Yead„,' eseaped her,..lips,Uuring the days of . her, great trial ,and insulting ered it the York. greateSt•honer 'that a spa should' be: gi to' the service Of thel Lord ,for. a 'perpetual • try. in the 'temple of•JelioVah. ::,:Litten 14. 15. 17 19 23 24 RADIO I-00- 25 26 30 33 34 praYing before Jehovah, ft. Ell iiitirked. her Month; 12-,-„NoW tho d ,unto 'her, 0Ow long wine„froni thee... 15: And Haii" be My 'coittplaint., and' tily,Pro- 4) 'he utterli .unfit tor. the idrIeSt.,. hood, diair•wheilsoaiiiipOSed deldthig.hiS life to .811'11.11110 Jit'OritYer Oa Wine; he' ehhfild let thr wa thy Thinking Of Iktiying a•tynnir coat had a brut Year, dile, to lark .of rabbits-111dr main foodatift the grant . thY Petithiii that thou hest Soo- 60o leo . too 9do ArthrO Toscanini), 'noted. leader will rettirh to. the air on October Tescanini with 'his . gifted . baton chestra 'in his. first .progratris Nat. , year:, The: neW Series will, Consist ed 'by the faMoue.maeetrci. ad-: tonr .of, several. Anierican cities: We highly reconnnend '•Tosednizii'S ,neW: Pall series :(commencing. on' • screen add radio star; is.,gthedttled_ to. .return to ''the Chase and Sarn! ,born • hour On September. 4: The young 'Singer :,and actor recently, . Underwent, an' entergency4'appen-' fobt..Operatiortin"Holland While 'oh' tain, regard.- to this -Program, 'for his.. snlehdid work in 'GOSSIP QF ,TRE AIRLANES. Here .is another advance Ft..aci' 'Waring' and his Penni ,sylVanians,• .Whe.. have been Off return on. Octobetz8th oyer. NBC. :Red NetWork,.- 'with brand tieW:: Thc.show will Present.a group ists,..:coinedians. and- other •enter - ave atid man Wliese'. Shirts .1a_st longest is -who shaves , Most fre, trY at Pennlylvania, .State College, "Neck whiskers'i if, theY are not shaVed off every day, 'abrade. the.. fabriO of the' shirt _di the collar.: Of Cour$0,• this, lesSens the, life of • the 'collar and :of ' the shirt as a Pesearek, at tatq has .• ••shown ..ati ordinary shirt can, he Washed' and ironed. 25' to '30' timed before it shows prononnced signs and ironed. fiON"tiines, 'but ,:theY were not worn 'betiveen washings. .three act .drarnas presented 'in the mythicai tittle Theatre Off TinieS' Square,: starts, as' a Celumbia• fea- ture oh Sentember 2 and will bp heard everyt li'riclay, from 8:00 to .111 frorn that to th9 idlscovery of the the toseptial\instrunaentS in every band. Harry Owens and' his °Lich. - the. ROyal Palm ,Poof 04 'the Bilt- Alartlia Raye,..thatk swinger Of Dave Rose, her musical arran'ger, rony .Maytiti is 'returning: to' the' weeks. At -the dlose•of ithe George ' Burns and Gracie' Allen,' seriei, TonY will., take- but an OrcheStra en a series. of One-night stahds: Larry Clinton, the swing -heart:. ed NI3C conductor -composer now finds composing' tune's eaey but „ , titles .dh it!' Many Of. Larry's cenipositionS rank high • in ,the Shades . Of. Hades" • :arid -"Abba radio reception is. the ,:ne heing iritrodtieed by the De-, batten any",6 Or, 10 Of: YoUr fak'Or, 441 19 gets ,lenger' and :shOrter every 'Once. in a-whiie, :according to J.' 'H. 'Byrne, Senior aseistant ' eer with the Dep41:Pilept ef Mines ,. and Resources. `. He explained Lake 57 • seutherninost tip Of Canada's mainland, fo'rty "mike southeait of `Windsdn- The 'change, Byrne said, would amount , to only a fe* feet.. • M.'s CURIOUS' .,WORLD:81 . Ferguson , Harry Owens .who wrote "sweet 1.;Pilani". Orem- Bing CroSby's the discoVerer of the teel guitar. It.:•scems that he was In, Hawaii sitting, oh • the' beach plaYing a steel knife on the iiistrument.', The result, was a Metallic ping' and • "STiRDUST•" ARRANGEMENT' Music by 'Pinsky- Korsakoff, Sir oEdward Elgar, Anton;Dvorak and`• songs.' from'• -scleral' of . the most successful United ,States 'and tisk .Writers of.: popular melodies, will be .presented Sunday; ,r'rugu'st ,21, .9.00 to. .9:30' p,nt,, over the CBC's'`nati:onal 'network, when. ""Musi c . i'or' . You" is heard unde;r•,the• tirection of ;Geoff•ey Waddington, tritltV rginia Woods ;• sof/rand;Dorothy Alt, ;rhythm singer, and II.William Morton tenor,. as••the assisting .-artistic: •' Albert Pr•atz,•,hrentber ,ofthe violin •sec- tion of the orclwstra, will provide .the violin solo, a T'liss r`r.ro i. ar- 'r:angement ;;of ° Hoagy . Carinich- eel's; best"1{ntwn 1929 hit, "Star- dust."' KNowN • SERVICE.. INC. Zczou7- AND ;4NN Ar. 'THE: WINIDS141ELD PASSING- • AN ACRE of grOtind contains 43.560'square feet: :k 'on thkacre would arneunt, to ,ac3o cubid 'fee; of .vater and, since' each cubic foot :of phre `vatOr• weighs approximately' 53,4 pouhdl.- the ?weight of, this amount:of. ‘vatcr"Wouid be about 113 tons.' DURING ;MY ADDRESS, COLONEL, IF: -L mop MY. e•ROW THAT'S A SIGNAL THAT rve mace.: YOU'RE A4t-. To _FOR AOPLAUSE?,` 4 yoU D. BETTER 'POP, OiEFIYoNt's VAIE._ TO BURST —WHEN, THEY SEE. 'YOU OF WATER L •