HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-18, Page 4, IEOUR
.$2.00., Per Year In . Canada •
• . ,
$2.50 To United Shag:
V.17.7.1, •
TU Ltromow sENTINE1,
THURSPA`rt •AlfaU,ST 14T0, 'on
Your ..60 -de, To Safe' HuYing •
In this day and age the' advertising
columns of a newspaper, magazine, or
.auy °their-. publication, , has become the
ouying guide for Man thottairids. of
•.1"ahopiPeta. Thi:;aitiennt. of money and
the esie, devoted. to 'both radio and
newspaper ,advertising by the •,lisrge
'•firma, :and Mink ,or•.thd.:Smaller Orie
we think,: hear out this
itatement. They :realize the necessity
of it • in., order . to , survive , a: time
When.. eorapetitiOn.;ii probably: the .
keenestin the history o! the inianan
lean McLelland has etorned,,
bcone,-frOn. a inentit's VileatioiV.Spent
Sislitneeing in•.Northeity.:Ontario
And QUehee.,* -•
' Misses AndreY. 'Armstrong,. Wanda
'Mae APOPYard end Merierie. OP5.4e
VO. at.., Mirattlachi, Bay,' '••.
, My, Bert Needhant returned homt
from, Sunni -ler SchOolg -
Dt cihas cDoug8ll.1Mrs. Mc.
4114,• -SOPS .Chas,. and. 4/Aniet.
of Tbronto, were. 'goeat,a of i4r and.
MTS. Gorden ,AlOtandet.
,• Mr, And Mrs. ,TheS.'„golllteS
Detroit, • -Mr. Fred. Holmes 'and set',
tA, Kincardine, :were Thursdayvisi.
tors at A. 14oerro.n414!'s,
"i4t; and Mrs, 11; OrOe and aouS..."
Fergus And AMu,.also 11,1i4 Grace
;Ore*, of ..Creetepre, ,, visited ,friends
here on. Sunday : lett,
• Sunday achool has been re";.opener-
in ',Knox Church. ; '1 • •
..itfi.„..1arge.,.......eritivri,,attendedLthe final.
1?411 games played ltere!litst Saturday
afternoon. ' ..; ., •
- WordwaS receifecl- ere of the
. • . ,
'death of Miss Ann' HunterTorOnto-,.
en. Tuesday mor 1 ii The late Miss
Hunter wa wo 1;n2wn .1n this vil.
lage, •neing a, it , late MrsS in }1 Pethi Re:
'1•••' •..,,•.•;•, .1! • ••..tt ea 4.1ci
the funeral fl r '1(1417inter men
beingP Made in Tir.,t;s,,q,ner. the. de
reased formerly , lived: .
cer,'' their , drygods;' merchant,' their.
the most popular prici. • . '. ;:-''.
,fitct, :the advertiser tries. to have, on
, The Sentinel :carried.' in it's adver-,
ttieineitoheimaitsenlvlii44matipees and their local
butcher, 'etc; :In appreciation 1.6f :dna
his *dies quality Merchandise:7. at
'liable, Luckno* merchants, - De you
read these ads:. if, you da not,. collo:
mence with this publication.- One or
.two haigaina by these , iner'chaiitt
.4i, • ,
May save YOu money --..enough to Pay
your subscription to • The Sentinel. If
YOU. appreciate the :convey' mice . they liritne,:bkind enough to
mentionthe -fact that You read • his •
The Angust. 'meeting or the U. F.
W.O. was held at ,Paremount hall ori
Tuesdayi: ipth. Phere..was a. splendid.
attendance. The meeting' opened with
the Cleb Ode, followed with prayer
in unison. The minutes of last meet-
ing- were approved. The roll Call wa
ansWered by a beauty :spot that I.
have vjsited.: ,Business was ,diacusied.
and this was followed by an;:instru-
,..:Ott0:11140In Whkh To..Live : An
A Series of Letters from Pjsbilguyined CikPadAPks on +Vital ,
Problems • Affecting the, Future „Welfare, iff Canada. •
SPeCially Written for Canadian'Teekly Newspapers AsSociation.
Pear Mr. Editor; Can't the weQ10,Y papers de anything?
your;jnquiry hew can we •
ove a railway of our own and • the'
oapei best help to lake CaPa44 a'astir/T.1404W? dost would be s13,000
better Pace Place • ti) 14Ye. ,900.!IThe deficit is now $50,090,9004.:„
liVork" is Most, timely, The Sone.Pruh- ,•.,.'„E•,,ry• year. if a 'woman were talk-.
lems nnist• be in everyhobY's Mind. ed into buying n sot Of kitelien ovate
feel ,sure that the :790 weekly newe" ror $13.00 and she foetid. that it .put
PaPers..:celf-hell?; solve OiW! *5! sug":`:her '*50,00 a Year in-flebt--,--•--what
gestiona; tike., ,Pri4, the policy Wduld •she de? She woud figure a
'platform of you.repVie u.'eoesPie.":„ simple 'WAY out, wooltrnt she?
os, place e --ah Wee . Keep biln°"''-
I Governments and individuals are
•ing . away ak,the'lneasUrei You' adV 1ivin 'beyond their means Many are
Cate' The human. inincl..ts soppose
geeftrotth. imp .eastly. I .13ehe,Ye t,h13 17,
(2) Abraham. tincoln read more
country Weeklies than any . public
man. He kriew, and liked the co/Anion
etise of dountry people..,Country pee-
ple ,are just as • sensible ,today. i En-
.,..ourage them! to , write 'their' opiona
.n. 4.urient. issues.... publish the lett:-
sira ,:ither with or without their names
ac,:ording as they are confidential Or' athad. :iltrxtehne: gioninCgatoTiadea*"..ut the number
Sir Vilfred Laurier .teld Nife eenixt
I vve •
- - - - , • g-- not balancing their budgets. -- This
cour.ges ..dishonesty. Many are buy-
ing things and, Promising, to pay.,
They-• do • not keep their. promises
They -4nalre liars out or themselves
with the 'baker, butcher and grocer.
Can, the •Weekly.newspaper steer the
DJ YQPI: .readers realize there, 'are
28,00 governing bodies of one kind
mental by Lorena Reid. „Mr. \Patter-
son, ' Agricultural front, Walker; elf in smaller centres rather than in
ton, gave, a splendid -'-address that s.the , very. large'
Was fvery.,•1;11pell , enjoyed.. Diussbi broader viewpoint in looking at 'matt -
period followed' and bulletins were ers ,thet. Pertain to the various prey-
distributea: A sole by Mrs. Jack Hain. inces.' If.• the People Of. •Canada ai•e
HUM on "That Little Country Show. Persuaded to divide against one tiii-
er,";• reading by Eileen Henderson or other it, Will be a great pity: .
"The Wedding at Andersen's," an in.4 (5) When aie we going to Wake Up
Stremental by. Verna Hainilton. saint, to., the tax situatiMil? Mr. .Carlisle
this was followed by a demonstration and others' are .putting if '
.en manuartraining by John' Martin
, • . .
down'? Can. you help do it? .
(3) Stress "Self -Reliance": as n
(C) There is a great, gap between.
strong littman :attribute. Print stories the extremely wealthy and the very
of people wbo' endure hardahips and poor, Providing both are honestisthiS
triumphover them! instead of going gap ,should: be narrowed. It can be
on relief where someone else has io. aeComplished by serious social study.
struggle for them. True instt-6.111:TielinPef 41.-isittiali-/Ceaffl°174yos;;'411ne41P7a-497b1", g."'"
with gem& material to hand the gen- (4) Every man and Woman in Can-
trYof respectable loafers that is ada should. be 'Made to heliatie....-.:Jhe
growing ,at a great rate. •- . • Law r is One: i•WaY. Theother is -1the
, . .
(4) In respect to country and city Pres. -People fear publicity 'More
people ....entreat thew to have A ten- than they fear the devil. You cau. help
der regard one: for the im.m,easuribly , by .publishing the na-
te influence industry to establish. its- nies Of persons who condpet them-
selves in a creditable way no .mattei
in'phat can help. still
more by Publishing any truthful facts
thieves .,••••
beats.....,and Pussy -footers.
. , Most Sincerely.
.SilVerwOods Toronto Dairy. Ltd.
Wingham and Teeewater are Mat-
ched in a three, gaing series to deter-
mine the team tolneet, Port, Elgin fol..
the Southern Bruce !`C!". eh:4111140n:-
ship. Up • until WednesdaY Of this
week, all efforts to get the serivi
Started have heen 'waSlied out with.
. • ' , . .• .
ram, • • ' s' ' 40. 4' •
' tory- at Port
Wingitamis, '1-9 ''t(le • •
Elgin on, "ThUrOali •sent tne4e
teams into. it thre,e-Way tie With '7
wins And 5 losses each,
1: .4, * 41
`ThursOay!s', game;-..Was4 ordered...re-_
Played, heettose of the fact that Wing;
ham; in a previous encounter, which
they won from Port Elgin,. used Allan
Fifilayson •in their lineup.
101 . 41 41 • 41 44.
I Allan's home is at Lochalsh, but
Played his last baseball with the
Winghani Chili, when teaching in
Lower Town. For the past couple of
years ,he has been teaching in. Tot-,
cnto, but while...home on holidays the
Vinghani -Club, called, on h serviCes:
d 'n
bestess:: The nieciting,:digsect with the
National Anthem And..a Ote -of
'thanks WaS'..tendereff to the . liostess
raid a social .hour.waS spent.' • "
i th
Even, Corrigan -Minded: 'readers. or
the New York, Pestoi, glancing at the
dight-Celutnit ..hendline on the .front.
race. On theAither 'hand the buying -weekly. Inessager the -next-time you
pubile have
, Come to respect advertis- place your order with him.
ing, to a point 'aimiiat where they are
the .Mast -read any
Cation.. They look. upon an adveitiae-
Anent. as a omatter or ,good faith be-
'wiong Then they :grinned, 'Negitroc,
Yaw GnorW' Ot .lieh," \it read.
ay to The Canadian Rockies"
• The common 'house fly, in addition
to being in annoyance, m n. real men-
ace to the health' of, . your famnily jt
has been repeatedly proved that the.
house 2.flY is capable. of transporting
disease' ger* and in this mannet
spreads infecficin.. This is
true of 'Hite:diens of the digestive
tract and geed deal of evidence
is _accumulating that,: this
• may ;be 'responsible for the
sprea of iarr oettp which occurs ki?#...
ing the surtnner and autumn mont
I • ••• 1.• • i
Dick Payne 'or the Owen Sound
Sun -Times came to bat with the f oll-
°Wing article last week': '
"A collection.of inquiring ,noses havi
been sniffing the •air in the southerr
and western nation's of Bruce Colin.'
ty. , The nose of a ' member of the
Bruce League executive is a Very del
icate, organ and one good sniff' wtv
sufficient t� arouse suspicion that.
noticeable armea. was the. result of P
familiar conditionin the state of Den-
mark. Denmarkin this case,..includinp
the towns of Wingliamand Kincard
Me. The suspected incident. concerto
Kincardine's default to Viringhani it
a', game which might have, -meant
eliminationfor, the litter Club but in,
interest to Kincardine, ' 'since. that
town was already eliminated: Wing•.
ham, it is said,sought to have thc
game postponed from, Tuesday . to
Wednesday, and..Kiticardine thereupoi
defaulted. Winghani of -course, hai
The' problem1 created ,by . this deraidi
a 'difficult one;In past seasons whet',
a team has. defaulted, all games havC
'been. counted as leases; Following
this proteedure jim this. case -woulc
eliMinate. Winghaiii: Now It is hardll
fair tri.pust.a club. • for Something wticl
they cannot, help, espeCially when tin
'default occurs ;On the very last gam,
or the -season: If, therefore; Winghan
'tad. nothing to do • with Kincardine'deciaion to default it 'Would he Unfair
to: Penalize them, • If; on the othei
hand, Whighant gentry suggested that
default' Might be. acceptable tr
them, they deserve everything • thei,
get, especially as they - have ' been:
guilty .of using ;:an • ineligible • player
The ccertificate • of Allan Finlaysol
resident Of W,ingliain since. 1931,,
Whereas he had. actually been teach..
ing in Toronto for a •Couple of year:.
ind his only claim to Wingham -a:
his :'home" was: the 'fact that it :was
there that he 'spent his holidays:. No
the Bruce League has hinted to Kiri
:arditie •that. they May have traubl
',11 store for them; for this is the sec-,
)nri • successive Year in Which. thel
'Witte failed to :coMplete their .ithed-
•uld. AnyWay. you loOk•:. at •-•it;• It is t•
: Gdeatd • at . th,e hOme of . Mi. and
Mrs; ban McItininin (6th eon,) 'wen
Mr: 'and:-; Mrs. ;D: .Hurley :and Sons
Mr and Mra. .1•:-. Engle and dalighte, ,
Margaret all .Or Buffalo and Mr. and
• of the. homes •Ifrom‘. Which 'patients 'NI( 1•4.talt. cPo.n.,11.1(.111ami* all.il• . family ' 61'
partmeularlv Ilensall.
' Mr; deeil Robb left the 'first, • ei
the meek for. a •motor trip ;• through
'the -West: - •
' Mrs. t orento, ct,;pent-t-.- t'‘Ii%
week...end at Mr.'. Herbert Iteckton's
Mi... and Mrs. : Colliniv:sltn&fam-
ily or ypsilanti, visited last week
with Mr. ni-td : Mrs.. D. MacKiiinCM
.With summer diarrhoea were .,admitt, :. Muter: Donald. and Billie. Fritz 0
etir:--1Y,T±Ittr•-•111e-1.-.-grenter-litithh.4-51- 4tiOrRot.ttlyto'idadiele...ttpne!sn.ding- th.eir-raer,t. , MT,
children came from ehe poorer section '':
Mr. and, Mrs: B. "Sangster er Tor',
, . . ,
Of , the City .*here Screening Was. in-
-Mrs: ,W-riv4MacThinald--00.-Were4c-
olitp vislted .last: ,week .with :Mr. an,'
.adeqOate :and open garbage PINI5'' were'
. CotiiiiiTIOB InveStigatialts"
. , .
, flips in these honsea .and found .that. •
' • they were far' more numerous than'
in other parts of the .city .• In Many'
f il h' ni several menilier ' of
travel literature is the blest
• Brinley 4e.it:ivay" book—Away to
The Canadian rtoeklea and British
• Callitnhia",--bi • Gordon kitiniey„
• With 'hesitations by her artistie
litiabarid,41,ittnatn Brinley. •
Drawn JO Western Canada by it
" bOtiklet on the pleasures. enjoyed
by" the 'trait ;Riders Of the Ocala-
r•ditui EtOckieS, • tho,
-3/rInTelre spent 6116174 Stitninet
in the puiratit of happiness and:
, netts, and Ilitiotrationt for an
addition to their :Papier ,SorieS, or
• twig. beaks: . •
• tion the Writer, tells of
e•ea to .Calgary see the
fat 2.a• long, pack. . to *tint
Astiniboine. ' Spent .st holiday
With the Sky -:Line .Hikers
ant the Trail Riders • or the Carta-•
Olen • Rockies, • Visiting Moraine
Vtke, Laroh. Valley; and nkagniti,,
'tent Valley, and thoroughly
enioyed the' ooimity. a living in
Indian teepees, fishing for trout,
in lakes In ihe„..elonds,..tind,;:thr111::
tag to the 'Changing: Patgeatitty .of
Peither. adventeireir ' 'carried
theta ie. such fainotiit takee aa
Lonlee, Celfatit,
Seitish Cohlithiai and,tril,to Van-
couver Whore • they diacoVered
„atioUter vivid conntryaide.end
cellent • flatting in the.':VAnentiiet7-:
lalandtialicion:inna: • '' • "
• Tlid tWo. ailVenture.loVing
'Orleans have :A urge following of
readers Who Will 'tee the .tinia-
Alen *eat through .their. eyes, at-
traCted.hy the Ohartiling tireWings
by Brinley, ' the blithe, atitf•.
readable tett hi MM. DrieleY.,, and
„the. deflatte*Practiesl. infermatfor
.they incorporate in theiribook for
:theite '*ho, *Am fillet*. id their
torittiteipa.• ' • "
Tho, Plantes: 0)64 tihriVt.
.And.-Mrs;"BrinleY (Piloto hY. Voter
dlan ,Stettery • they :like',
• . •
• '2i.• large metropolitan children'
hospital.' recently coridected a stay
• •. . • . • .
ltpCita..o.Ct 17.E.5R
Sc tor every busg,•.:
V -mous colors arid des,an,
S.imples suggestions ;rod
prices woilout oblgahons
To keep piano Ana, •dres,;ging,table,
cainOs. from bending and bronking
M hat, summer weather cover .„
them with clear varnish, TheY Will .
then reninio Straight in 'the •holders, ; •
and can be iNiperl 'over with a damp'
ttall ' made counta of, the number of cetePanied home by their son. Allan
who had, spent. the 'week here. ,
Tkie U. P. W. 0. Will hold their m
ting ot:. the home of Mrs*. Archie
Kinnon on Thursday..afteenhon:
o iese o es s
the family were ill, with a .Similat
complaint and when theflies whieh
sWarined Ittoend :the pail cOntaining.
tolled :diapers -were. seen to fly Co the
fainly 'dinner 'table it Was not hare
to ' believe •that transmission Of in-
fection might take place in this Way.
The lesson which alt 'should learn
-it;; that flies are dangerous .carriers.
They: should, be excluded from. ,out
homes by properly ' fitting, window:
screens and screen-doOrs. All filth
and decaying material should be
cleaned up. Garbage:and other refuse.
should he wrappeff..and placed in tank!
Which have tightly -fitting lids. Out
door privies in farming areas and at
summer cottages should be proPerlI
constructed 'and dooked after to ex-
clude the 'flies: The few suryivora-who,
are clever enough to penetrate :these
.dhelteice4 inmaeyiinhde
s! fiattlickWi,, fly Mtpaplie!"
'Or A full .swing with a fly swatter.
who had Viaited, the East,.1
.where :millions of ..people are pre-
vented, by religions injunction from
takiij tkp'llti7Ovan 01 a fly, will tell
of the liortihle sight' Of files, drawling
over the Ugly sores or, a. beggar and
transferring .their e attention next to
the eyes and Mouth of a sleeping.
baby. It is possiblethat; this toler-.;
ation of the fig; id .responsiblo. for the
npp3llingdeath rate from
diseaseswhieh prevails in these eeint.
'1 tries. Canadians 'should realize that
Flora .,Andrew of LueknOu
spent. part of last week vvith,,,Mr. an
Mrs. Will -Andrew. ,
Mrs,. Agnes McCormick and Mrs
Ilariet Kilpatrick of Long Beach:
('ali!'., arevisiting with Mr. and Mrs
S. J. • Kilpatrick.-• • • •
imiat Mary % Cranston left one'da
recently fat* • Welland, Where she wii
be ethployed for ,the next few:Months
Mr: and Mrs. W. Boyle,'Mny an
Edna" spent Sunday afternoon at •thc
home or Mr. and Mia.' 'nes. Ander;
; .
, After washing . cliaMois hp!
glovcs Put: a small round peg in :the •
fingers, and thunibs; it SAVeB' a lot, •
Of. and rehiring :afterwards
. When. 'Making paA1.y -or spet,-erUst,
a handful of ',rolled . oats: •added to,
the iloUr 'add considerably to the • , • ,,
lighteeSete7 and.. •
make baked ptio,•,..i...k.,ta.;? Tne're crispY.
omm on(,,./ithheo Phaardet,. come•
wo"Crkilieng.,et'liPe harvest). I have only one
request .to niake.' . •
, -Farmer Brown: !hat is it
.College Man: Please lei me „stay '
in bed long enough'. :for the "ramp
chimney to cool off!'
• * ;
Fergus-, Sept. 9,:..10 ••
Hen.vOrth 9 •
cliff9rd, Sept... -16',- 17.
1135, 1145..
Cliesley ' -4...-
Kincardine 15 16
Milyerton.; 'Sept.' 15,,, '
New buchirg: ..... . , . ,tsS:pott.16, 17Wmni ton .
Exeter ... . 21, 22
Code -44 .. ....
Listowel . ;22
Meaford• ' , Sept. •22, 21
MildtnaY' ... . . .. . .... .. 20, '111-1
Mount Forest Sept.' 22,.. 2:3
.Neustadt Sept. 2:3, 21
Seaforth • • 'Sept. 2,,a
Tiverton • . • • 4'. -• Sept• 22; 2:
Arthur • Sept. 29, 301
Bayfiefil , Sept.. 28, 29
'Brussels' ..... .... 29, 30,
Ferdwidh 4:4 . • .. . .. 39,- Oct.! 1,
;Grand •Valley, Sept, 30; ,Oct.• 1
Harriston .4 ' Sept,' 29;_ 30,
Holstein Sept .r 29, 439
11.!uck.now . . . Sept 29, 139
Michell, • Sept: 27, .28
Paisley • ., • . • ... • -21; 28,
Palmerston Sept 27, .28
•27, 28'.
Zurich 25, 21
OUngann'on .. . . . 6, ,
Owen 'Sound • • pet,.1-4
.Tara, . . . . . . ................... ... ... . .. ....Oct. 5, •.6
teeswaier .... . . 4, 5 '
Grace, and -Bernice illakt
..itaVe returned Leine from London',
where they both • have • been takitif.
summer courses... • '
CliffordlMenary,of- St, Helens
• pent Sundttwith his brother, Mr
Liyingstime Meriary. • ,
• IVIiss 'Grade Blake has rented Ili. e.o,t
tage at the beach near Goderieh foi
A %NBA' or ad.,/ Her mether,Mrs
Thom1tlake isat present Spending a
few days ,with her.
• Th ife he nettle breathlessly
oiler a 14 ot thOpPing..4•,, •
"took .darling," She wit, her tins
band happm1y ulVe got ona. :of
:thepi neW hat Without, And
dreSs *ithOut .4 back, and •shoes
without toes.** • •
tle eonmoi beuse lJy is a dangerdus 4,00tyti •think that's SOIrtething.M
annual ''Shonid take ,the SIMPle 'Ality tel 1164. ndo,k-aLthi 13.
es necessary to prveni rail- Atil Of *tine: it has 'pockets ,withogit
' • * * * *
Wa don't know, anything about it.
Jut .we :doubt very, much if Winghan
atter' intitnated *default to Kincardine
41 S. *.* '41" 14 * '
Kincardine' Club's, . ietion *belt
app....4tr perfectly natural ',for, a ,tail
and Leant, lacking beth fan and; plaY
er interest. •• .,
' • • e *,• *
We cart inlagine 'the Kincardine ex..
ee'etive trying to muster nine mer
for the tinai, fneaninglest gatne,
'far as they ,:i.tere eoneerned, meet'
with player indilfetenee and in Ir:;
tossIng in the apini6 in diseuat.
' s' *
• • .
• 'rim :supposedly ' good ballteam'
ioh went., hayWite tm' Saturday be
or 1500 fans, ennunitted eleven or. •
i.oiti, Crashed out 5 'borders an Direr.
Irinlesptmlled a Couple -of. dotibl,
Plays, a..counle cif sensational' eat
ehe!.3 Juid, a Mock of lienets,_ hetet(
baien Sound, eked out a 1•3-1 ,Vietar
°Vet HtineVer in the second game p'
the Bruce League northeen divisioi
"13" ehtimpionShip pries.
.# •
!thi,Uei1thtW� tennis
win eiteh in the .Serieti
, arty arid' Stateli* Ninbles
teurninnents 'are being held 'as
Ovirtik .4 • •
igiartoit ....... .. . . . ....
Port Elgin ":44 ...4...444..44,442....,Atig. 25
• Nsvpxyrott, ACQU ITT ED
OF Attottmss:.ottiy.tlit:
ckergeTobson Kincardine, Hinted
County sc ool inspector, was. !aetruit.... •
.,fea of a reekless dekring. charge' • by ;.
•'-‘ladistraf.A,Makins at • ('toderich,..t.06:
„July 21 on the Blue Water' highway,.
11,14,e mileS, 'north: Of Ooderielt,.:a> car
by Mi Dobson 'crashed intD',
another :driven , by :Clyde .0eitstaii)e,.:
Gothirich, at the letter Wag. Making
left hand twa•
"lin 'stuck out his hand;:, *to' lite;
As t win; about to pms 1 cottlffii%.-'
get by and t had the jives or rotit':, •
.pastiengers-tri--.consit1er-.3o .1. Aid what
thought Vint' best, pulled in behiriti; '
and eriShed," : said" Mr..DobSon.
0 i'Ven• 8;61.infl.• Aug; AI
.Paisley •
Waikeetort, . ...................
'MPItt,Oit cot; .
.1%o 1.uelcrieW Club is holding' the
Men's A6Uhlea tatithitineilLthit.,.e.Ven
1.%117.:aiii. With play
tit• 7,,30 o'Clock: Three twelvo.ettil
frainea Will he played;
• 4