HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-18, Page 1• •.$2.00 A •tEAR.. IN ADVANCE -40c' ^ - FOR SALE -.Young Pies, V. ;Weeks: • phi; Wallace Tyvalnley;• R. 7, .Lticknow. • ROOMERS WAN'I'EB-elch9r. *Ts •:lor girls in comfortable. home. Appiy • at 411tin0 • NEW poper., Lastux Tires. Fay cash ,and: buy for less, at Garage Wingham.: 'Phone 184 for prompt service; ANNOUNCINOL-The appointment Of a neW Rawleigh Dealer, Eric ox, • for Wingliani and District':which e?c•; ' tends through Ashfield to the All iupplieS..may be secured at his apartiment formerly BPOttan Bualine0: College, or wait for truck to call- Rernernber ReWleigh. Fly Spray is n sUre killer, .at. the Aaine'grice' as the* ordinary Aind. • ".'•••=•:, •.1- 'NOTICE The Consumers Co -Operative sedation of LucknOw mill again mix fertilizers for fall„ use. We can mix' any brand require d and can' alsci mix a complete fertilizer for maing,with the grain.. . • I This last plan has been followed by. nuttily farmers in this district twtheir entire satisfaction' and it, saved them .buying •Li fertilizer drill. Order early. ,JOHN JAMIESON, Manager., R. ,3, Lucknowi "Phone Dungannon 68-r-1. ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE m4TTER, of the Estate of Hugh Ross late of the Township . of. Kinloss in the County of 'Bruce, 'Farmer,. deceased.';'' , „ • Notice is .litraby glveri-Purstiant to the Statute in that behalf that all Creditors and 'others having claims or• demands against the Estate of the , said Hugh Ross, who diedon or about ' the Ninth day of Anne, A. D. 1938. 'areequired'on or before the Tenth day of Septeniller. A. D...1038;,to send by post prepaid, or deliver, to Joseph 'Agnew; Licknow, Ontario, .the sur- vivingexecutor ofthe last Will and • . Testament of the ..,1E.q11.4$1,4m4Ltileir names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the . securities, if any; held by them duly verified by, affidavit. And take 'notice that after such • hist mentioned date the said Executor' will Proceed to distribute the. assets of the said deceased ,among the part- ies. entitled • thereto,' having regard only to, the .claiins Of which he slab • 'then have, notiee,and that .the said • executor will not beliable7fOr • the said assets or any part thereof to ' , • • any perstm. or , persona Of .'Wlinse claims notice shall not have been re- ceived, by hiM al • the 'time of such dist.ributiOn, . Dated at . Ltieknowantarier-the, • Tenth day of :September • A.'D. 1938. '•..lOseph, Agnew; ,1:11:clinow, Ont., •',Executor. COMING EVENTS •,PARAMOUNT DANCE . , • Dance •, in the Paramount . Hall, every Friday night; Music7by' Mac- Renziel"s ".6 -piece orchestra.: Dancing .front 9 till 2. General admission 25c: TAI.KINO ,pICTURES , In Lucknow,, Wednesday, Atioust 0, • 24th. Advance,Filns Service preaents• under L. 0. L. auspices, Buffalo Bill; Jr; "!`Textiii." Several short .sub, jects in addition. See "Mts....SIR* ;starts at 8.30 Admission' 25c and 15c. FLOWER SHOWER ' ;The Luekliow HOrtieultaral•SOCiety will hold their annual,flower show in the auditorium of the, Carnegie Hall on Saturday evening, Sept. Srd. All • members of the • 'Society .are asked to make as ,many exhibits. poiaible° so that a splendid display of 'flowers may, be seen. The public are 'iuyited, to "patronise the show and :elicOdrage the SOciety in their efforts to beautify fhe vil*ge, and. to, develop among ' the Cilizens, ;ova joe flowers: • • ' EVEIO aturday t • IN. THE • renal, Lucknow r-Miforirefil•Piece riEt KTEI.1• TQ\ LJ 3.A,C.. • AIM TO IMPROVE... . wiAgo sEgvicg. , changeAnk rural PO delivery in the. ,LoChalsh-AmberleY-Kiqtail-• ,area which was to have become eiNettli on, August1.fitli, has been postponed for flit:time, being. The change would .have' resulted 41 part of this Area serviced by..a 'Oourierf,frorn Gederieb, who •IN,9,01 cover: a route of' upwards to' fifty miles., • . . The change was with Oft'w.:to .delivery at the gate, .14,it number of fainiera on sidelines jn the Lochalsh area., The matter. has been taken, up With the proper'author- ities'and an effort is being Made, to. ha\'e thoso concerned satisfactorily serviced on routes three. and :seven, ;out.: Of ,Liekriew.,,, . THIRD AT WINGEAM Eighty rinks Niftre entered, last; week' in the Wingliam Bowling. Club's twilight Scotch doubles tournament, but the Combined facilities Of Wing- • hani, ,Luckno,w and Teesyvathr green, permitted only 72 rinks to NomPete, George Smith arid Wellington ltecoy of Lucknew Won :third' prize,. geltnine leather club bags. First prize went" t,-; Pritchard and McVicar of Goderich. Harry .,Fry and Hugh Ginning Won second. Three 'i,other Goderich rinks and pairs from Wirigliam, Palmerton and :7fira1kerton.. also Weffe in ','the Money, : • , TWO. • FINE picTuicks comiNO To -LYCEUM • Shirley Teniple,: with , a supporting all;star 'cast). conies , to •Tlie. LyCeutii Theatre, Wingliam this week -end in Rebecca Of 'Sunnybrook .Farnr. Next Monday:. Tuesday- and 'Wednesday Is la special 'picture, "yictorie The 'Great," a Story ,covering the reign of England's beloved Queen Victoria. SUNDAY NIGHT :TEMP'.. NEAR, RECORD ExMessrfrldilifer And -6---OpPie-ssive' • 'Heat ExPerienced During• Past , . Week -Completion Of ' llaryestiag Delayed And •Fames Fear Pam - ate, • , This past Week nes been one of rainfall and oppressive heat with the •teriiperatare moderating: Wednesday, but the :threat of ,more ...airs not past: • ; • -,--Torrential-rain•-•a000mpanied a, -Severe-7eleetrieal=storm.71,at-Wednes- _ day and before morning a ,rainfall of 2,26 inches was officially registered 1 Cloudbursts t on Monday and Tees: - day 'further flooded the district; de- laying:the conniletion• of harvesting' biid causing farmers considerable worri. that 'damage.. to grain craps,. cut, in the .hields' may • resoltJ, Hig,h , humidity ; has. "naide the at- mearihere oppressive and Sunday night's temperature was but a degree off ri Iocal record. TheteinPeratUre, at* eight O'clock that evening was 80 degrees, and early the next morning stood " at 76 degrees; a .drop. of but A points ,sduring the night. • • ' . • .' ..•• • ' • ' ICINLOSS SCHOOL FAIR • SET, FOR SEPTEMBER 13TH Annoimernmit of School Pair dates, emphasizes the. fact that ;the sum- rner vacation' for PopilA and teachers . .._„ . is rapialY, on the one. Kinloss 'lawn - ;ship Fair,' held at Holyroodos,set for 1'400, September tfith, 'a week af- tali the opening of school for the fall term. ' Last year's fair; isn. common With Other district fairs;, waecancelled du to the . infantile, iparalysis cpid- erniC. ' , • ' TO" 'SAIL, ON ROUND TtiE ,WGIZLI) CRUISE Dr. John D.•MitcKinhon,'„ Mrs. Mac- Kinnon and twO daughters, ,Tean.and •Margaret, of Detroit, plan to sail from New :York the end, of August, on n six -months! cruise around,' the world., One of the points where they :Will stop during 'the, voyage ' at Ludic.: now, India, Dr. MacKinnon is a bro. ther of Mrs. Robert:An;rireW of Zion. , LAICKNOWi 1938.;... • • ... TALK REVIVAL OF LUCKNOW MIDDLE dALEDONIAI4 'DAY SCHOOL RESULTS 'Caledonian Carnes, That Won, Conan-, ent Wide',Eame Per Lucknow„Qier Half •A 'Century ,Aga May Be Re- vived Next Year -Suggestive Out, s'ijne Of Possible Events Already. • Secured By G. B. Smith • Piesent,interest pints to LucknoW seeing a revival o of "the Caledonian, Games, that made this •village, 'con- tinent widely. famous,: halfa century , The fallowing' students ,liave. .successful and-' have been g the standing indicated; in the Dep 'mental Examinations for: the Mi 177 -7 056 t 119 4.° °A% SchOoli • 111-60 to 65 6() to.59%, ' Alton, Dorothy 11f.----Oeona,, ,C; An, C; Fr. Comp., C.. ' • Andrew; Ellen G.7 -Eng. Cornp., 111; _.For.several ,sue6sive, years .,these games lireie• annually held in. SePtem- • Caesar, MadulAite N.-Ge(UO., -C; ber, when th•Onsands gathered' frem. Phys, o;, Lat. Au.; II; Lat•Conip., C; far' nd 'near' for- thi da f Fr. Au., II; Fr. eOmP9 Carruthers, Comp., C; • Carter„ Mary -.-Eng. Liter., 0; Can. Hist., c; Goan:, c; 'Ili Lit. .•cQinp., C. , Collyer, June -Eng. Liter., f3; Phys., ,C; Chem., , Cook, Eliza -,--Eng. Comp., C;_. Can: ,Hist.; c; Alg.,, II; Ge‘Oni, C'; Phis. C. een iren art- ddle • Fr. s. y days. Other, towns tried, to imitate Lucknow games but the final blow that result- ed' in their discontinuance came late, in the century...when-4On. W1014,914 the day and .caused ITheavy financial setback. Peak attendance ;was set in 1882, when 12006 people packed the Cale- donian park. To augment the ac- comodation offered by the parks natural grandstand, a semi -circle stand Was bunt: to seat 4000 people. Thisstand circled. 'back of the pre- sent_ baseball infield; forming a ring in which the various contests :were, •• It was that year that Donald Din• Scotland's'. champion liought, to LuCknew and, won the $590 diamond belt donated by t&. Tolice Gazette, a New York sportii4, publication; open to the Contestant winning the greatest number of, points.'• • First games were held in a field ack of Matthew SProiders • residen4ki later Li little to the north in the Driv= itte Perk and latterly in, the CaledOn- ian °. Perk; ‘, ,G 11 Smith,. a 'member of the Old Caledonian:Society„ is the, prime moY:, er'la attempting•: to have the gaMes. reVived and. already he has oa:houci niueh'valuable information in this regard. It May, be that in 1939 Luek-‘ rn. to •:ita.*own, by • . • PROTESTS SPEEDING • The Paisley Advocate is. Continually campaigning against Motorists speed- ing in and. through the village. It is a problem that 'every rmaiitipality, has, and Luckno* is not with Out its speedsters, who travel the Main street Onct other, streets in the village at speeds that are dangerous to the pub- lic, and particularly the ,little tots, who, not aware of the danger, or forgetful of it in ,the 'excitement of their playing are alit to dash out on the roadway at •any moment. Many Motorists-and-Ltruekers;Lcuuld-dri a.saner,.safer speed and should be required to do ,so, or face theconse- quences. t STR:EiT.,CARIOVAL ONE WEEK AWAY •IndiCations.. Point To. Record • Crowd At Clansmen'S, ,Carnival Next' , Thursday •-7-, Brisk , Demand Por • Street. Prize Tickets With The Clansineres,...anniversary Street carnival 'just one. week away, interest is keen .the approaching , - event and a record crowd is antiei- pated, • • , At 6.30.,..sharPi the Calitinimplan' . , , parade will leave the school grounds comMencing the festivities, and a 'Own' hand, pipe .band, fife and •ditim• hand, along Clowns,. will' tend to add plenty et pep to this colorful procession; • , •• • -Mckete•for the ,strcet dt'aYv Went, on' Sale On!, Monday, With 'a brisk demand. Tickets' are available 'fro)* all Club members and will be on sale •' the night at, the e'aiai'ml• the pike IS 10e, ,:dr',3' ler '25e',: and the prizes are a, silver tea service, an aeroPaelt and an , all Wool blanket, The draw will :be Made 'Ett„ 12.30 a.m. ' . and ether carnival gaM6S' will.provide fun for; all, with worth- while prizes, and for, thoSe, who like to dande, there'll "be a big Section: of the pavement rived of and SPecinIly reeled. MeCartneeS sic -piece orch Stilt Will provide '!ukoSiC. , . event' of .unfavorable weather. he entire' carnival Will be held in the rene. 'WhereVer; its held, 'RS • tree; )0i'0' adinissioij fee pricny liTatt 11 ganies are five tents, and it ‘loOls ke.'a lot of. fun wlietbeeYoti. spend nickel Or not --40in-in-the---parSde--L.-Ayotrnigit• ;, BANTR:liAb, ,o3WOERT t Paisley pokS, Band, nineteen • inem- bers Strong; was scheduled •to hold t their prove -up 'eoncert, on Tuesdor A .aVening, -These.. boSrs-, have received 1. their tutoring front 1110410' Murray A who had charge , of tackneW .)AWs 11 carly in the pitininer.)) Paisley lads a • 1144,•Ltt),t4a,(IstL,beert,...16Oked-,-,tcy-z-PlaY thew first 000406611C ,at Baisley a Pall pith! lute in Septehiber. • b • ,Dahmer, Arnetta E. -Eng. COmp., C; Eng. Liter, C.' • Finlayson; •Anne --Ane. Hist, . • Geom., .4.• • Firilayson; Dorsald--Eng. Comp., 'C. • Fisher, Mary ComP., (%; Eng. Liter.; C; •Chem, I. ' Forester, Jean E.:=Chem , 11 ' Gitinore lielea.T.--Geom., III; Lat Au,' a, • Graham, Dorothy-Geem., 111 •Greer,Lcinise ,E,7-7,Eng. Liter, C, Hamilton, Helen M.-Geom, 11; IPhys, C, Lat Au,' C, Let: Comp.; il[iv 1Fr..Au.;- C;' Fr.,ComP., III. ' • ..Henderson, Jessie Liter„ • Jandeson• Isobet16-Eng; Comb C. MacCrOstie„ karle C; Eng. Liter.,2C; an. Hist, C; Alg, MacDonald; 'Etta' B.-Lat. Au., C; Lat. Fri." Comp., C. ..-MacDonald, ,Helen Comp., I• Cheni I; • . [ MiteDoriald; .Mariort'',11-Ane, Hist, II; Geom., Mir Lat. AU:, II; Lat Comp., II: FiVAti., II; Fr: Comp. MaCOregor, Robert 4. -,Eng.' Comp. C; An. Hist., II; Geon, II; Phys, IL : Macintosh, Kathleen-7,Geoin., 111 . Macintosh, Robert J.-7E4g. Comp, .C; Eng. Liter, II;) Alg, II; Gecnia, III; Chem, 11' _MacKenzie, ,john ICiEng;-.C611111-4. If. Can; Hist.,11;__AigXherii.,--J- •• kaeKinnon,. Donald J,Cheni., II, MatLearf, Comp.. crtfig. Liter,, C; • Anc.' Hist, ; Chem, *teed,' John Lat. , Au., 0; Lat.,, Comp.,' C• I MillerGerdon--Anc; C, • MOrrismi.,.MelVin;Leleeni..; Nelaon,:. Jean 0.7 -Eng, Comp., C; -,•-:Paterson, Muriel A. -Eng. Comp., 6.; C; Lat. An.; -C;:,Lat.•Comp, C; !Fr. Au.; C; Fr. Comp, C. , . • , •pearlman, •Merris-LAne:: Hist., :II; Lai. Au.; Ili; Lat. Comp., 11; c; Fr.'COMP., Pinnell, :Wray W. -Eng. Liter., . . o; .ioehords; Raynion4-tEn'g.• Comb., C; Anc, Hist, II:. Alg„*.,q; Phis:, Of. Ritchie,7 Doris -Eng. Liter.',. II; Can. Hist,, II: ,depin„ ,C;, Phys., C. '$a*CM; .4•11*.ar4.4.--EPg• Liter., 14 Can, Hist., II; Alg.; 'It; C.; Stefirert,,. Bessie -7.4'11g. COrrip,' 1; .Eng, Liter.; 1: Can. 'Hist., II; Alg.; L •" , , , • , Twainley, Elva '11. -Eng. Comp., C Eng. Liter.;• II; 5n. Hist. /1; t Chem., I. • •• ••• TiVamley, Hilda E.7-.Can.•Hist.', I INSTITUTE 'HELD . , • ... PICNIC FRI,DVir The annusi tirernenis 'institute pie hie inenibers. iii14 their families was held at the green CI Friday. :A 'program 5541'dpnCtnhit' ‘ssenlIP°P'°e1 diarnond, and a bas. r er.ved on _the hill below the Olabhonse:. WinnerS of, the ..SPOrts 'eVata • Children., tinder Yri4,,-.Wintilfred Steward; .yvs, itha under- atveatlelYn 'SteWard; 'giriS''.1Z and - '8iloinonl.“4i.ngle. raeezdZira',TeWitti Boys, .8' and upder Steward; Married I:idlest rade --1/2)(Irss A. 'Patterson; Vine' thee tarandniether,S)!Stri..'.D; Thomi seremble-tjertn BuShell;. ne, Of the 'CASA prizes. Betribilitier' to ;W.' g iiatteisen a An. 1,,ntknk 11•11tradayo August plkid §trtitbers, O'OYNT,BARN:' PREY •.. TO FLAMES ptigiNG - 0.L.Ocioco.kt, STORM st ck Last Wednesday Night Daring iolent .StorM ' That Disrupted' . HydroService And Did Other Gam!. age -Barn Near :.Dungannon Also. Burned---Plon To Rebui1d-I3arn On Joynt; Faint ' In t• he -wickedest ' electrical, sterni of the season, last, Wednesday night, a large frarne _barn On one of the JOynt farms east of St Helens wits ickThy lightning end _totally des.. .The farm is locally known as tlic "Red 13rick", because of the fine red brick house on it, and which was not endangeredby the barn blaze due to the direction of the wind. .• 'The. bolt struck,about eight o'clock. Alfred Ritchie,. manager of the farm, had barely time to 'remove three hoi.- ses and a' colt -from the stable befOre the entire building, was a roaring mass of flames.; Fed by several hail - dyed tons' of hay and Several hundred bushels Of barley, the • blaze made a livid spectaele that .attracted specta- tors for .milea around. : SO intense was the heat that it was iluP.aSsikle to save a' wagon ' and man- Ure'sPreader near the barn. ' A young calf 'was the only livestock destroyed. J. W. .Toynt and George at the time .Were returning from -London . where Mrs: Joynt recently Underwent 'major operation, Upon driving up in - front of The Sentinel ; Office abolit nine o'clock, thy had their first ink- ling ithat the ,reflection that lit the •skY Wastheir barn in .flam(s„ ••''Mr;:../gynt Plans to 'rebuild a Modern barii; ,and is at present con, sidering •the tyk of structure he will „ „ shortly commence work on -• • Dungannon • Barn Burns , ,.That smile evening, a barn owned by W. 4.. .Reed, 'Dungannon, apiarist; On the, sixth. AShfielii, was struck and biirned, The barn we understand ..was..used-chiefly4cir-stiirageptirpeser• with some hey and lumber included in the lOsat.,, Locally hydro power was disrupted three times during the' evening; and the third break in the service 'cOntin- ned till early the 'next Morning. , . . GIRL FRIENDS HOLD ; SHOWER FOR MISS 'JOHNSTON • A nicely arranged social event was held-atitnelIame Of Miss jeasio, Ife"11- derson ' • ay ,..rternoon, *ben a number or ,girl ,. friends of Miss Malign Johnston; hride-elect, ,gath4:1 ere& to honor her with a . miscellen- pus shower. Miss .johnston ,received numerous lovely gifts and thanked er friends, for • their 'kindness and heughlfulness. • ' A , jolly afternoon was spent' eon - lading with the serving of a. tasty lunch. ,•• _ PRIZE LISTS ARE NOW 'AVAILABLE 1 dies' Department In Particular Are Abuest Conipletely Revised - Eckardt , Tea Service To Be 'Awarded," ,Winner Of Greatest Number Of 'Points In All ClaSies Extensively revised Pan Fair -Prize lista are 'now, available, and no,ac)61.3t will result .in one , of the finest ex- hibits ever shown at 'tlie LuclnoW ;Fah: Pair, . • ' y.ear,s fair, the 73rd exhibition will be held six weeks . hence, the , • , last 'Plitirsday...and. Friday of Septeiii- her: The COMMunity Hall will be used f'or indoor exhibits, and mercan- tile displays.:With practibelly a earn - plete: reisiOn„ and 'r•manY additiOns it) the variOue ladies' ilepertments; and ' with the facilities the new hall offer!i• tor 'displaying lthese, pireCt01* . are•cOnfident that this portion of the , • shoW.J.1 really ;outstanding:' Several special prizes are 'offered, feat:tired' by a 4 -piece silver tea".ser, :Vice, known as the Albert,Johii: • rington Eckardt donation,' to be awarded to the ',winner' of the greaiest 'number! et.. points in all ,Classes. • A cattle special' is•A, dish• for the working inan's,„ din- ner,bowi.firSt Priie ,a.hvet Oated rese Entire neW, classes include, •"Art), atilt crafts?,'; writing. for public school ' pupils; _!Witli,:nrizeS. `donated.: by the ,'LlicknOut: Weinen''s tustitute;* elag8' f'or.cetninunity.,'Wethen't erg 11 ilations and many etitqi new sce- 1 tion nto:_ottii)r regtiler,-ClaSse6.):- Ask tor arid' make 0110.1frelni;rations to be en ekhibiter n ECIALS Hovis 'and, Sunsoy, Bread 'WEEK END SPE(fALSI' LAYER CAKES • JELLY 'RO(41-S4 • • HONEY TARTS • MAPLE, WALNUT„ T - PIES • CHERRY -PIES RA1S1N -WHOLE • 1,4 ROLLS' FRIJI,TI ROLLS .,,y1INEAPPLE, ROLLS. CHELSEA:" BUNS COFFEE CAKF,S caoicig COOKIES. • , TRY OUR WHEAT AND HOME MADE BREADS • LYMAN • ALL OVER, CANADA PEOPLE, ARE SAVING 11 •NEW ,,MARCONI itArao ARRIVED . in I. Pactork, Sealed' Cartons : everyOne an (*standing bargain. in its Pric .claSs.. $35,...00 or more allowance 0.1.1 your old radio on anicenSole • Marconi and $20.00"or more,"on.any,inantel 'Marconi.' ONE 1938, DEMONSTRATOR .AT AN 'UNBEATABLE 'BARGAIN. , USED ,RADIOS FROM $2.00 UP,. 'SOLD WITH A ONE YEAR'S , WRITTEN • moNgy. BACK -GUARANTEE. Burgess Batter.' lea •and Wet 'Batteries .delivered and , *stalled Within 25 Mike:, . • LucknoW at no eiitra Charge. Arial :Kits: coMplete; only, 89t • ' (H:p.p„.0. Approved)...• • Box 296' 'PHONE 34 9 SEVERAL SIGHT WOLVES IN KINLOSS Sheep Killing Marauders ,Hunt- ers pimning, To Drive Menace From Iiistrict-pack, Of Three In No Haste To Leave. Road- way As Mail, Driers Car:' ' proaChes Wolves' have becoine so plentiful I in the liolyrOOd and Sixth ,.Coneessionsi districts that to 'sight thern is almost I a commo4place °eminence. To track', then' down with . a' gun . ririothe'r., matter though, .antrso'. far' these anar- 'enders have outwitted all Marksmen I whOliave endeavored to get. a shot'at '1 them„ in hopes Of'. ,killing them or frightening them off. •By the. Coloring, of .scime that .have been seen .and the,•lorig shaggy 'hely I: the opinion is held that they are def- . „ „ inately wolves, rather than dries', as. . , other repOrted wolves have airried out .• Last Pridey•afternoon, Peter John- ston, Mail driver,' came upon • pack: , .Of •three of them ill- front of • ferin • an the Sixth, and which) ,hedly remained .;on the, roadway until he was., w ithin several yards • of thein, before taking to the fields. With a gun, .111e,4srs.: Kenny. and ',Johnston tried in ',:iruiri.te run theM dolvn: One of theivoticir !was again seeit on: this, cOncession on, 'Sunday. • - Sheep- killing and damage •lres-been excessive in Kinloss this season and.' the wolves are 'considered chiefly re- sponsible. They lieve bee& sighted by Angina 111acIntoshi Cast itelyroOd: whose ''flock has ' been' badly' .riddled, , Me. ..and Mrs. ' S. .11 kilpatrick: ' and the few that remain are,,,prac ,,A,31)field announce the. engagenient ticallv valuelees, due to 'worry :/' and at their only daughter,- injinljes.. After ,the,tast_,attark,on. the,' to Mr. .gdwara.Slahe„;yOunge'r McIntosh. fieck,•: yarty kept , fruit: :S,oh of the late Mr,..and 4Mrs, leseell-night vigil, as they lay await.. Blake, of Ashfield; The Marriage' Will ing. the animals,... " • . take" place .early in September; attliek, on . tlie slieeP has, bcen pirticii.4115„ the ,a1.1.1e. They ;ill, •and 'Mrs, 'Donald 'A: .•• obticiet.4atntdhetltikliaail‘dlds-gheetillgabldik; Oritphpeeri-1:' _14 ai'Y Isabell;:i.4):. 'Mr; ald announce the•:engageni'ent 'of their ' • Wise... the carcass, is lett tt• y1 :Rtnifts7a6K6,0%`;*i..itre, IrotRNA,mwit wouto orr eilet* the. wedding to take lAnde, Sat- • utuaY:i. SePteinbei4 8, • at Hart •House • Lueknow Lady•13owle'rS . unfortunate.' elhb this iiefir; The etigi46nietit a.""tie" tit washing. .,r.usodaitty. one itit, 0. trIrivott;Iti, 'goy '14erle Philip,.daughter ofMrq on forcinga ; Andrew, Philip `sntl the ISte<, Mr„' Aft., ,pmo,Osittaponeinent of- the event. - Ram drew Philip of Alnionte to 11, JAnw. ay evening a1s pl'evented tIi 50)1 MacRae son of Mi. - and Mrs. weekly /biked .jitney.,• .‘JOhn.. Mollso• Of. Lueltin4, the; . ,• , isge to. tole* plate 'the pot of WON GUESSING: •. . Mrs. Joseph II, *nil Ann, .%tp guessing toritest held recently 04.* the ettoteileiit.;tt th01' at Heitman's: nieti'S ,Weer stetertva.. OVA Ethel to- Oi re You ...12eady FOR THE CLANSMEN'S arnival . . NEXT TOUODAY::NIGHT IN jAigtwow ugust 25th 6.30" SHARP , CASH PRIZES ingo. And CarniVal. treet Dance Street Prize Draw , a .VALUABLE" PRlZES, Tickets Now On Sale Frem AH , 'Club Members -10c or 3 for 25c , Show Goes Qn, Rain Or Shine' ENGAGEMENTS was 006, tjetwest to the setusi Thumosou ot the teOth CetiCOSS,,, 'Ai the Lucknow • Pall Pair. Was 1 6) Sit., 108 th0 jar, Itinpf KifilOSS. Then 'arriage td, take. : 1018, • place tho latter Part' Of 'Atigami) ' •,•