HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-11, Page 6qr,
• • r u.,F, 1 I
• .1'"4""'""t""""f"1"*".:-'.'"'t.-44.1'14.4+4.•'"'
•1;CSSON.V11; ylie way of the wickedAe as•
• '', TH,E, RELATION QP' TEMPER . darkness; the" knew 'net ta. What
ANCE TO .011.A.RicTER • thgY Stanthle; Winked things are .
•Jrbi 13%1 • 't th
(A Personal Aspect of °,,Tent -P-4,, •r4 .. e
unee) proverbs 4;10-23; 1 Thea- light to Our hearts; a sinner cannot "
Salonians 5:"•04. _• • •age ,q0d,": cannot discern the right
GOL-DEN TEXT,,,;`4W'ing is. A MOOh, trata the Wrong, e.onnOt see heatitY.
' er, Strconi drink a brawler; And • in 'Virtue and,ioneeence. and honer
whosoever erreth thg-reby is:. net and 'nprighttiess. A sioner dots' not
wise." Prov. 20:1. , • • • know, Where the ',right road is. A
THE ir-E.poN IN ITS SETTING •stager '
Tiate •-- Of toerse we go not • '20. ,ZdY SOP, aUend to my Weids;
know exactly when '8Olomoo. wiet6, .laciioe thine. ear, Mite; nig 'Sayings,'
• the book ef ProVertis,.bot it an be ' 21, Let thein oot.dePirt fromr thine
roitgly estiMated as'ahent,10•0(1'. RC, • eyes: keeP`titetik'llithe, Midst of
The 'apostle Paul' wrote the First thy heart- 22. For 4.1teY are•life•
Epistle to the Thessalonians before those that find them,. and health to,,,
54' A.D.• •11 their flesh. 73. Keep • thy heart
with all dingenee-; for Out of are •
•Place There is nothing to ten'
its wherc.the book of,Preverhs
the issue's of life: The teaching of
all these 'four verses is sutnnied no
*written, though, ef course, me an '
• in the last one.,.I...iterally,.the open -
know that Solomon ruled as king
in city ot ',IeruOkiern The epistle etal.1se Should read, 4.witif all.
-40-the-Thesattionbms was written matehing.`goara;" i -e:•••• in every may
from the city of Corinth in Greece
to .the elturch of Thessaionica, a
citY in 7,4acedonia.- nowknown as
• Salonikilo European Turkey; •
, The, inkier 'part s, of this lesson is
taken from the book of Proverb's, a
book. written, ,for the most part. by
Solemon,. and completed :sometime
after his death. The eentral, funda-
mental Word of thehook of Prov-
erbs is .i-wisdern." 'In all its teach- .
lug this' book.takes for granted the
wisdom of God, and seeks to in-
struct -men concerning What:god's
• Wisdom really Is. *an is wise In
:Proportion, aS'' he recognizes .tite
,trittlia, and .acceptS theta in, the • con-
duct of his life - 14e perfectly wise
•man is the one who in his whole
being lives and ;thinks • and .acts in.-.
i-ight relationship to 'the All -wise
Wise Intruction
O. Hear, 0 ray son: N,and receive
•,„lny salings: and the Tears' of thy
life shall lie many: Solomon is
,here not so much ...thinking of his .
. own sons or sans according to the
flesh, but of all young men, who
would leek up to him air' a guide
, „and Instructor of youth. Solomon
would have the young man to know
, that; by adopting , the principles
about to be mentioned he Will pro -
Ion the years ot his life.
1.1. I have taught thee in the way
ef wisdom; 1 hav,e, led thee in the
- paths of uprightness,
„ Itt 'Whenthou goett, thy steps
Shalltiot be straitened; and if thou
etrt nwo
b V
0104411 VI 111
too 9
111111111 1111
540 600
'Que of the'most 'popular'.C.anadi*
an, programs, 1 Ken Soble7s,,:Ara*,
. teurs, which is -heard each Sunday
.froira 12.30 neon to 1 pni.;., fro*"
ppo. CKOL,' •network Of ".
• Canadia.n Stations.,
Origibating, from the s1aio,t414
'..LatistieWoe Theatre. in Toronto; .
hait-hour.prograin..hriugs.' a vA'.. •
the-WinnerS of the contest appear
riety of .amateur artists:: Some of
in varions.Torento-theatreS•s you
like amateurs, listen .to Ken Sobje'S:
,,Arnatenrs over -CFR.13- 12.30 noon to
1.00 p.m. Sundays
. with' all possible vigilanceand din-
gence.•":The word heart' is. to be •
under toed as the word 'peir and "-ere a Orogram for you 1111ut-t
. ,
zng01111 flattingnends---every Hou-
day. from 7.3e to 745 pm, E.D.S,T.,
Staff '.of the Newr• York Timet?,
ItaYmolidt R. Camp 0. the 'Sports
serves as Commentator, and .pre-
sents guest speakers on, topics
speeial interest to hunting and fish-
ing Lenthuainsts: The: Program is
heard' o'Vet `the NEC Red Network.
not ad ai indicating a contrast be-
tween inwardandbuttiardlire; for -
the.outWard life in Proverbs is '
treated, as the expresSion et the in -
'ward self. The fountaies and
of -the East were Watched overwith.
• special tare.A atone was rolled to
the month Of ' the well so that 'a
spring shut up, :a fountain sealed*:
(song of .S01.. 4:12) because the
type ,of"all that .most jealous*. .
guarded, SO it is here. The heart .
is such a. fountain; out of It flow. ,
the issues' life. Shall we let those
strearns be tainted at the fountain
head? • "
• 1 Thess: '5%0. entire par-
agraph: here, beginning with verse ,
4, has to. do with the life that the
:Christians ought :to live as sons of -
'light and sobs of the daY, While
.verse.4 is net iticinded in onr ,les -
Son, it is really' at, the foundation
of the three verses which are aa -
Signed to US.,•1.,• ight is always a sYn-
. .
onYiti for openneas, franktie5s, boa-
. est,t,-..Purity,' sincerity, singleness
ot porno* AS pod our Fatter pos-
sesses all these characteristics
cause he fs light, se ought We, as
his children,_:,,.. •
So then let is not sleep, az do
the rest, but let us watch and he:
sober. Theiret are logical conse-
quences "la our being soma, of the
We: she* ourselves to be
truly Such by . in 'the. light
• The 'great', orchestra of New
largest theatre is heard each
..weer Under •the direction of .Eroo '
Ranee 'frem the Radii+ City 'Music '
. Hall' &tier the NECblie network
, every ,Sunday; fition 12.30 to L30
lets' and a ,inlied 'Chores are high- -
lig,lits-of• the prograzn. Operatic
• and concert *Notions are, the fea-
tures of this enjeyable broadcast. •
One of the guest contributions:to
the nation -Wide "Safety Di -ie" is
the amusing pregrani."Sunday Dri-
'-ivers" heard over thixICH.C. red net-
work on Sundays 'from 3.00' te 3.30
pm E.D.S.T. Under ffi:e.direetiort
. Of Arthur Fields and Fred Hall; Vet-
1- •
, 11IV 111 11 1111111 11111111i
11CM. 11o* Mu ono .troo
, ,• „
".„Crou singbig. cornedians,
jhis pro-
gram of kill -billy. ittnes. altd'
song IS' ta_very entertaining: Occa-
sional cf.safedriving adviea
glYe11:ia a PleaSaat imMan way..
You will caidy. this pr4t4in,
With the recent, ititrodnetioa• of,
papularin:iced miniature and ow. •
',tion Picture' cOnipiaient . for .homeoSe, it . . felt that- :radio lis-
teners ' would like . some,. eXpert
information on the Subject..
.• this . in; mind.' the engaged
.31r; Hazen Sise 111ontreal„.0,r;:
haps the tuost' noted photographer
in Canaia; to present a .s,erieslot Six
programines in be aired Friday ttf-
ternomis, 435 to 6.00 EPST. 13toad-
. casts. will dercilte such subjects as
."PliotograPhy asan4Plioto-
'Murals and the •CilieM1447
; graphing 'the. Spanish War," etc, In
short, be a.itiOst. lattereSting
and informative Series, . .
. ,
, •
Anew series Of programulea, en -
'4.Priaver Advuntures.", is „be. •
:ing heard over the national network
of the CRC Tuesday eveniags from ,
tcriLIO EOM., •
, , .
• . Virginia Woods; DarothY Pad.
wimam 51ortoa,. atPfa 'Of
'flax* for YOu,"'". to be -broadeast.•
'. Sunday, Atigust 14,.9.00i.te,9.30%P.m. •
• EDST, nig ionipositions ef, •
Road/erg, Gershniri,
.'Seiti. and Ayer. The large •iitehes,
..tra•Vill be 'conduced by GeOgreY •
Waddington and ' the breadeast will
Originate in the 'CDC'S Torontn:itu-.
':Edivard Grieg'S Spring"•
will he:the archestita's initial nition=
• -rmy P1aflt• '
pie_tured hem
7 It belongs
21,the gentips
14 TUurna.
10 Paelic. Mcnt
64a1P I)*
.10 Enticing
-20 PraYer.• .
At Feather shaft ,
22 Sweet seem •
bon.• 42 Finale.;• „
23 NgVertheless. -43 Compass
24 Child's marble.. • .
RaLSV4 Strip& 45.EYe1urnor..
31.Alade of lead.' dgFernimitc
35 StItOce • :Prononn.
• Measurements:47 And: •
36 Chestnut. 49 Spotted eat,
•'covering. -.• 51 Upright. '
38 Dull..., . 54 Blood. •
▪ pleit4 of III* 55 Inicingrelt
• . foot, 56 It. is the jar..
46 iraseittie, -*"' • tiOnif
41 Fruit.' Srottand.
r1041.1U. TU inSi.41111/00.: '
011A E T E TIM
•EIZIlit:tai DIA E3G110
E P-1 C
57 It i:via, PriehlY,
- (P1.)- '
' lit grows in
• 5.•2---maiTo $tairCensiulgt.c.101.7:
i.. • 348:1470tial:stwidieed.-p7::..„
'' 0 Proclamation.
9,A share-
11 Consumer.:
12 Serpents
15 Coin,
^ ;3 AI*.
.25 Spider's Iloilo
27 Satiric.
29 Fuel. .
30 Public auto;
32 „High
Mountain. • •
• 33 CUM fees.
34 Descended •
ft'toM the same.
:36 Common verb. "
• 37 Right.
' 43 Coast .
46 Not swift. -
48 Genuine.' 49 Away.
50 SW.; 2
02 To inake.a -
,53 It is, .
10 II 12
• 15
14 •
17 •
YAW' Toronto WOO: FOrka,
goes Wiwi U4tit•cOngriP--
. 414-04)11 Has 1440444e4
Itet. A. J. Javiz's0a, rector of St,'
Auglicon. thurgit itt the alk".••
' b'n.tbs of Toronto; arose fr'otti *a. •
C8011)- cot, in the gallery' Of %the
011401 today and Me110' down, to •
.the hasenlept: to tOtik Itis 01.41/Fir,
. fast. ' ,
That was not ot• all unusual for. .
„the younghachelor minister- ilor,s •
bcon doing that for Oar ,Yeara
now, ,sinee • },te was indticted into ;
his first ehaiker axid likes it. He
,intends to: maintain :his 'unklae
'Ngtehelae 'apairimelit" until thg
church via afford, to give him
Mr- ti,c1;4011 found 'that- St,
1111 -
da' s WaCilenrk in debt when be
Look the .1lutrigte. The first night
he was -op the job" he was' Seri:-
Crf with a writ for the unpaid sal:.
_pryof the ,organist,„_ So,Ite told
the Paris1140nera he Would not
• cot a salary tintil the .thurvit had
*initiated its obligation.
There was no rectory. . The rec-
tor prOmplly put a camp cot in an
'nipper ration in the front of the
church -- separate front theMain
auditorium' by a hanaister., and a
railiag and get .up;a. cook §'ioce in
the basement. His, bathrooui is the
general wash room of the chnrCh.
„ Dy doing Witheut a rectory; St.
has reduced the mortiage
from $35,060 to 316,000 and Inas
hatit aPAO° 'addition to ' tine
church. ''`The people's interest hi-
thesehurch has beep Stirivulated•by
'MY .c•soluole," Mr: • J'acIliSon ;$1;11
"The, pongregation evenlatitend4 t0.
the grounds now and Iota' made'''.
them a Credit to the conaranniti."
Stili A Mystery
' y
.'Nebody Knows the ExaCt:Ans;••
nar-4,-Bat Australian Prot
VirIviles• are .inainartali,,:nott,•fiShes , •
and 'they.. breathe .aireet
'trent: the air; only. ':• They cannot
,hregthe the elvygen: "d4ssolved,•_ in
'Water; as do ithe fighes,..That tie-;
h1,1411g, Cage, .whi • is it :that. the
;whales Se ,soon ' die When :washed.
•athoref": . • •• . '
PrOlhablinobody pesitively
knew. in Nitute ‘.(1...ondon);, hp*.
re-, appears .appears • 'COinnurtnieittio
'froar.W7k1W '
y‘ o . ,e ourne, 11p,
1i -rimiest; thou shalt,not.stutuble,•W' "..fire4.'4.hai.;.are...tra•niparentl.r.lintiest7
the waYS-of-uPriititnes.z77and d undeniably holy and good. • •
-Op path pt./Oath:4M which God .has .• • ; _
Sobriety refers to the moral
Marked for us his. word; wnhave
the promise 'Of freedom and liberty pect'of the life of a Christian look-, '.•
in the Way that w traveE We d [tug ter, _the' °I -ming thn;,..‘-Lerd';'
net *ery often have te.ettn-in.lifel" watchfulness he* reference •
' more to to the mental aspect 0? such
Waiting.' Soberness not only, means .
Ireedont, from. drunkenness 'but
cludes all hithitti. Of moderation and
' shall „mot 'WI.. The New Testament sOlf-control. It. does : not refer 'ex;
sn'pplentents, thia'proMiie. by assur- •ethsivelY'; to the matter Or latind-.
itig'0'un that the Lord JesuaChrist • eulir1g 'natters, .we are to be selierbimself. nur wisdom, will keep us_
.•-•111 Oltis-Wuiernetits sober 112 our
froin stumbling (Jude 4. eating, sober in the • I
o instruction;• .
'let her not g43 'keel) heil for sheis
thy life. No :man '.101ifficieguintp7:''
• himself. The Lord..hiniself is our
perfect examp/e, and We are to fol-
low in his step, -we are to learn.
et hini (1•Pet, 2;21;'
of .GOd's 'will for .hs So. firmlyis he- ,
:catise, 5! we do not determine tO '
waik in his -ways,: our. whole.' life
is teredoerried :to. ultimate... failure-';
disappoint:Mont and sorrow.
• Folly of Wickedness • •
• 14. Enter, not Into" the. path 14 the
wicked, aMtwailt-inst-th the way of
evil inen.:15..Avold it, PaSa not by •
it! tarn from it, and pass on. "Ver;
ses.i4 to 17 Ore :the picture ot the
'.ether path. in terrible Contrast With
- ilie...preoeclinp--Itighteoustress--7tas
• ,
dealt w.ith. as it. were, in the .
Stract; but wickedness' is too OW,.
,and ,dark to be Painted thus.,
• and is ...Set forth oniY in •the,
!'•;•erete,, as seen in itsdoers'. Trite,
negative virtue is incouiplete, but
• . there Will . be no positive PoSitire *lithe •
withont it. We Mita' be anettatett)011
to Say, "No.'er we Shalt, cone t�.
little good. is Mast- '
ly prohibitions.- '
16*, For they %sleep not.•• extent
• they.. do edit' and. -their' sleen, is ,
•, ken aWay,„„ 'Unless 1.hey cause sotne
to tali; • • • • • •, •
• . 'theytat the. bread, of. •
wickednesS. and drink the wine of
• Violence. •Every Men
tin 'Contributes •tti the
siniport �f sinfni,bUssfliesscK
• Study In tontrast ..„ , • •
'the path of the righteop'S• *
IsSas'. the daa-inn.g.light, that Shiti,*•
mpre • and 'Mott 'ante. the .per. •
. feet 'day. WIre.:Is••.one the moat
VIOniSite, !Sentences in arft of the
;sorn;literature of t 11 01 a, Testa-,
rogpt. 0111. Lord salt! ;much about
te Ugh!, and -so did oi apostles!
Jilr5tau) ,that We Sheik) trali.,•
li:' ligh% tlaricntis -Overtake •
s. Vaul,fr.thklY. thlis •u jliat we;
'born again by the lib1y..30Ir2t, are,
the children ot Ilea; and that as
'Snob we shGnld put-.ott,711i4 *talcs
_itiLitarlateisni5 put on robes • of
• the times when we do•are times of
crises and these are times of dan-
ger. God promises' 41$ that in such
moments if NiZe are in his way, we
wortemp-grate irt all things.:''
. ,
' 7. • ,For they that •sleep sleep in.
: the •night; ,and. they that are also
'drunken are drunken 111 io
This. Orise principally refers to
. facts observable in the natural and
rt•-d's are .1:Winged in al -
Most: exclusively after dark. This
is used by Paul as an Illustration
of life. in 'general. '•' " .•
S. But let us; alime-,:we are Of did
.., day.. be. sober,'Puiting ea:the breast
:plate of '.faith..aod •love; antl.,tor
the hope Of salvatien.
are not'inily to he .wakeful, hut we'
' are alsolo 66 funk:armed, soldiers
.6i breastplate is. that
,' part of the armotti whcli ioVers
the heart.• The helmetiS a military
---Cap-Which, covers ,and defends the.
Al.id is here identified With •
• salvation. . • • • • • • •
, .
The •atrzlY of candles to beSeen
at some .'gatherin*S gives the.
.' table. a fallowe'eli Pa#x aspeit.'
But.to a timid dispeptle a: full-
contrse dinner as a case Of .• :"eat
bere.aitd, diet home.r
• Firat-of-the-rlionth bII
• •ceri'd e.":411e."41110P,S..
Monetarys as •weli as pbysical,..
disturbances alt often caused
•iriffiatiart.'at. the ,rtraSte"line
In pugilism •otilY,, is it an honor
to he on top .ofthe scrap•heali
L.L1 Ferguson'
With !lilt Companions He Ne.
4~,4ea' the Perilous Bering
A Walrus -Skin cat-
noe-Wanb to Prove The-
ory That North AmeriCa was
- Originally Populated by Asi-
atic lairation. „
rather Berna#1‘a. Hubbard, the
Jesuit explorer -scientist, and eight •
colnianiunedried-out- otze-
hie. Alaska, after , perilous. 259-
Bering :Strait In a •Wallen.a•‘skin, ,C*
Theparty's' trip, , Which -'started •
.0.4.ta *ink. Wand; Was UM:. 14'st
,stiCkvoyage:Incinodern.ifinMOrY: It
.i.iwas the first leg, of their projected .
criiise' to Me :Darren :Lauds east or
_ , •
Barrow, • .
• "rhe !,.pipciec Priest" . arrived just
as. rescue parties 'Vero Arming . to
seek the the fidigne craft, overdue here
atter a •• week at sea., seas.
the each Starr& ,and.
!killate Of• ' •".
Pather Hubbard. said. '
• ,
• •; Eskimos in '..earty • „ •
"-Ile is aeconipauled by Fd Lethi
and RewsChisliOltit, Winer 'Santa
;tiara ljuiversitY "•feetbait'..stpra,•
...4/itilarana; chief . of the' Hing Oland •
, Eskimos; iPaiti_
.and Peter:I/layer., ;la-,
tiVe hotiters: • . . '"
• . Ftither.'llubbard• rePorted :"IrteM••
,hert-of the party were constantly
••'..a4aaked'Ity-aptayestAire,:`,30;fefic SISK
Pi+Wered. With an. , outboard
tnator,; San and Paddles; battled the- swirling
earrents ,Stralt-
1ligh Wind's stOMed the -Progress et.
thebannalt. • , •••• • .• ' •
. •
.A.ret:no ,Corner' ,C,Ontlaerit
:The' prigit 'said .hehoped the
'Voyage: would, Ignore _that prelltin-
--,-.tiirielnigratittaTriiin..3"lbseria vouid
have heettimade :in skin '..tioati,siM
• liar to . his craft: !„ ,Shepties who
' have doubted the theory that.North
America -was . originally . populated.:
by, an Asiatic iinigratkin. hate ;said
.:•,'that skin boats _could not negotiate
,teringl Strait.
• •• Front. Kotzebue. the- Shinboat ex-
idtotittit lo rtiai'r Polat
- before going 'eastward
•;"aratirld the testier"' to the north-•
• errands( settlements on continental
• • , -• •
1e4r4 '400000 voluatcs of the
.Telephotte Directory for tendon,
,wejgbiztg" 4;000 tens, Will be issued •
this year,
belgittm bas increased existing
tates .itn44 re--establiihedl the ritt-
' tiorial crs tax which s repealt
eci.jast year.
-Election Recipe
Robb, Minister Of
,healthin 'the fortner Ferguson and
Hnry governments of Ontario.
has 'been mooed to the post of
ConterVative party national orgin4;
" $t*indeil;. Becouie, 11;Pying-
•, ."Whett"a ..sthool• of whales ,was
...,Strauded .ort an Australian 'coatt,' •
...match' to the discomfiture qf ogar.
!"%17do sttanded./.'whales
reediest 'the' following. answers:',
.hlorid now "tieing aited'
on by
pendent parts and 'produces:. an-,
enia of the brain. •
mpedes e
.•!'3-:--Yital organs ,•are.cresheil:,
• :by *he rat weight:, , • ••
4. -The ,troaecUstotried:Warmth,
• especially if there is dirert
• tion, hat stroke! '
. ---; e unaceustente tettkir-
itibettall. between :night, and,
day gives rise to 'internal 'chills
aud 'prohab4' pneumonia.. . :
•'Cause they are. ',stranded; 010 . are
strandetebelansecithey are
CW -fl-jE !P.ib"s
isuhrs104i ORoPERP>',
OF rtil NirrE6 ANIti 1-10MEi •
'AX,acie WE <.,01-411=>H1P.F45
• 11,-/mas7
• 7 'div,. -N1
• • caltiallevmsekozcs•
; Imie•been 'one of.Uotie, Sawa most, profit.,
• able iniestments, duets the.fact not they are the.breeding grclundS
of the fur seal. And be intekat to keep the invetbient safe. Striet
regukiuions are in ,leat ht the sealing industry; and even Ileurisin
are forbidden frotavisiting the islands..
onlesicit For
strig,Fi. „, *he giant tattat white:, has 'never been Canturcd
YOU iNA4T -r�. BE ,
ELECYED$ _FlAtiattorOk
, Al\k1
ing wrliter_Lckok;_tfa:tu-Witit-Ung.
to Earlier Tithes hi Rural
• One, of the trends of the tiMes.
that feuer youngt, boys and,.giris
,•iioW;gb baref001guiri.pi,•the.Staiiiiiet
•lararithh thaniwas the tatie 'a. teti:
..decades ihe WindsOto
• Star,•,%'ipoteugh this is sorliethinig ta •
itaakelhose• in the beetand shoe hi-
ipitaltrp happy, those pontoon of the, ..
older ;,,tentraitintts ae api, iii refro,' , •
spect to.' retriet the ,Clianges the :
• years' bring. "'. ,
11 is not ' ylr• long ago.: that. '
fitraingtiout.rtiral °brat -le eapeciallyc.".
:every Child, .frout these, okl e1101tglit
letoddle to these.' air,
'tielis,.. shed shoes itt
•••$prittg and did •not iat thbln. Vat*
the. chill 'at the, Antintoi"
tnonkitt s lihglingto 'the . toes. •
", • ".41lletsinrti. on: *hie,
There efte'te, who Woolf/ thaugh
tittotieht daYsi" WhitIL their; ratin
for•Ibese 'of Alfe:patift,;'`I'et -
‘he Printill,he times hantlitint„..•
taiiidroabliedlythat. a boy oe.i00. csuk1•
• go . harepi.oft • .tritliptilt evetio9e4
Staring 'at hint,. or, het; as So
st.i*aget-' •
. Jelin Grottlienir \AV:Wittier. tantons •.•
• Attipritlatt • poet,'iS petbutts Ictt
for.'itis poem:, 'The •Itareitokot
.111011.". finite..olunivitettrAtic-C*0117-
--UilWit• the Atte, the aairk .01f. • •
haphookt that it illuistrates strikts
,ctorit lit thO, ht -art i ot :those -Who- '
tote t •at tips..spe,nititt
It •