HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-11, Page 6qr, • • r u.,F, 1 I Liste TEE FREPDI • .1'"4""'""t""""f"1"*".:-'.'"'t.-44.1'14.4+4.•'"' • •1;CSSON.V11; ylie way of the wickedAe as• • '', TH,E, RELATION QP' TEMPER . darkness; the" knew 'net ta. What ANCE TO .011.A.RicTER • thgY Stanthle; Winked things are . •Jrbi 13%1 • 't th (A Personal Aspect of °,,Tent -P-4,, •r4 .. e unee) proverbs 4;10-23; 1 Thea- light to Our hearts; a sinner cannot " Salonians 5:"•04. _• • •age ,q0d,": cannot discern the right GOL-DEN TEXT,,,;`4W'ing is. A MOOh, trata the Wrong, e.onnOt see heatitY. ' er, Strconi drink a brawler; And • in 'Virtue and,ioneeence. and honer whosoever erreth thg-reby is:. net and 'nprighttiess. A sioner dots' not wise." Prov. 20:1. , • • • know, Where the ',right road is. A THE ir-E.poN IN ITS SETTING •stager ' Tiate •-- Of toerse we go not • '20. ,ZdY SOP, aUend to my Weids; „ know exactly when '8Olomoo. wiet6, .laciioe thine. ear, Mite; nig 'Sayings,' • the book ef ProVertis,.bot it an be ' 21, Let thein oot.dePirt fromr thine roitgly estiMated as'ahent,10•0(1'. RC, • eyes: keeP`titetik'llithe, Midst of The 'apostle Paul' wrote the First thy heart- 22. For 4.1teY are•life• nuto Epistle to the Thessalonians before those that find them,. and health to,,, 54' A.D.• •11 their flesh. 73. Keep • thy heart with all dingenee-; for Out of are • •Place There is nothing to ten' its wherc.the book of,Preverhs the issue's of life: The teaching of was all these 'four verses is sutnnied no *written, though, ef course, me an ' • in the last one.,.I...iterally,.the open - know that Solomon ruled as king in city ot ',IeruOkiern The epistle etal.1se Should read, 4.witif all. -40-the-Thesattionbms was written matehing.`goara;" i -e:•••• in every may from the city of Corinth in Greece to .the elturch of Thessaionica, a citY in 7,4acedonia.- nowknown as • Salonikilo European Turkey; • , The, inkier 'part s, of this lesson is taken from the book of Proverb's, a book. written, ,for the most part. by Solemon,. and completed :sometime after his death. The eentral, funda- mental Word of thehook of Prov- erbs is .i-wisdern." 'In all its teach- . lug this' book.takes for granted the wisdom of God, and seeks to in- struct -men concerning What:god's • Wisdom really Is. *an is wise In :Proportion, aS'' he recognizes .tite ,trittlia, and .acceptS theta in, the • con- duct of his life - 14e perfectly wise •man is the one who in his whole being lives and ;thinks • and .acts in.-. i-ight relationship to 'the All -wise Wise Intruction O. Hear, 0 ray son: N,and receive •,„lny salings: and the Tears' of thy life shall lie many: Solomon is ,here not so much ...thinking of his . . own sons or sans according to the flesh, but of all young men, who would leek up to him air' a guide , „and Instructor of youth. Solomon would have the young man to know , that; by adopting , the principles about to be mentioned he Will pro - Ion the years ot his life. 1.1. I have taught thee in the way ef wisdom; 1 hav,e, led thee in the - paths of uprightness, „ Itt 'Whenthou goett, thy steps Shalltiot be straitened; and if thou etrt nwo b V 0104411 VI 111 too 9 111111111 1111 540 600 - 'Que of the'most 'popular'.C.anadi* an, programs, 1 Ken Soble7s,,:Ara*, . teurs, which is -heard each Sunday .froira 12.30 neon to 1 pni.;., fro*" ppo. CKOL,' •network Of ". • Canadia.n Stations., Origibating, from the s1aio,t414 '..LatistieWoe Theatre. in Toronto; . hait-hour.prograin..hriugs.' a vA'.. • the-WinnerS of the contest appear riety of .amateur artists:: Some of in varions.Torento-theatreS•s you like amateurs, listen .to Ken Sobje'S: ,,Arnatenrs over -CFR.13- 12.30 noon to ' 1.00 p.m. Sundays . with' all possible vigilanceand din- , gence.•":The word heart' is. to be • , under toed as the word 'peir and "-ere a Orogram for you 1111ut-t . , zng01111 flattingnends---every Hou- . day. from 7.3e to 745 pm, E.D.S,T., Staff '.of the Newr• York Timet?, ItaYmolidt R. Camp 0. the 'Sports serves as Commentator, and .pre- sents guest speakers on, topics speeial interest to hunting and fish- ing Lenthuainsts: The: Program is heard' o'Vet `the NEC Red Network. not ad ai indicating a contrast be- tween inwardandbuttiardlire; for - the.outWard life in Proverbs is ' • treated, as the expresSion et the in - 'ward self. The fountaies and of -the East were Watched overwith. • special tare.A atone was rolled to the month Of ' the well so that 'a spring shut up, :a fountain sealed*: (song of .S01.. 4:12) because the type ,of"all that .most jealous*. . guarded, SO it is here. The heart . is such a. fountain; out of It flow. , the issues' life. Shall we let those strearns be tainted at the fountain head? • " • 1 Thess: '5%0. entire par- agraph: here, beginning with verse , 4, has to. do with the life that the :Christians ought :to live as sons of - 'light and sobs of the daY, While .verse.4 is net iticinded in onr ,les - Son, it is really' at, the foundation of the three verses which are aa - Signed to US.,•1.,• ight is always a sYn- . . onYiti for openneas, franktie5s, boa- . est,t,-..Purity,' sincerity, singleness ot porno* AS pod our Fatter pos- sesses all these characteristics cause he fs light, se ought We, as his children,_:,,.. • So then let is not sleep, az do the rest, but let us watch and he: sober. Theiret are logical conse- quences "la our being soma, of the We: she* ourselves to be truly Such by . in 'the. light • The 'great', orchestra of New largest theatre is heard each ..weer Under •the direction of .Eroo ' Ranee 'frem the Radii+ City 'Music ' . Hall' &tier the NECblie network , every ,Sunday; fition 12.30 to L30 lets' and a ,inlied 'Chores are high- - lig,lits-of• the prograzn. Operatic • and concert *Notions are, the fea- tures of this enjeyable broadcast. • One of the guest contributions:to the nation -Wide "Safety Di -ie" is the amusing pregrani."Sunday Dri- '-ivers" heard over thixICH.C. red net- work on Sundays 'from 3.00' te 3.30 pm E.D.S.T. Under ffi:e.direetiort . Of Arthur Fields and Fred Hall; Vet- r cti 1- • at , 11IV 111 11 1111111 11111111i 11CM. 11o* Mu ono .troo , ,• „ ".„Crou singbig. cornedians, jhis pro- gram of kill -billy. ittnes. altd' song IS' ta_very entertaining: Occa- sional cf.safedriving adviea glYe11:ia a PleaSaat imMan way.. You will caidy. this pr4t4in, F0,13 CAMERA FANS . With the recent, ititrodnetioa• of, papularin:iced miniature and ow. • ',tion Picture' cOnipiaient . for .homeoSe, it . . felt that- :radio lis- teners ' would like . some,. eXpert information on the Subject.. .• this . in; mind.' the engaged .31r; Hazen Sise 111ontreal„.0,r;: haps the tuost' noted photographer in Canaia; to present a .s,erieslot Six programines in be aired Friday ttf- ternomis, 435 to 6.00 EPST. 13toad- . casts. will dercilte such subjects as ."PliotograPhy asan4Plioto- 'Murals and the •CilieM1447 ; graphing 'the. Spanish War," etc, In short, be a.itiOst. lattereSting and informative Series, . . . , , • • TRAVEL ADVENTURES , Anew series Of programulea, en - tiled • '4.Priaver Advuntures.", is „be. • :ing heard over the national network of the CRC Tuesday eveniags from , tcriLIO EOM., • , , . • . Virginia Woods; DarothY Pad. wimam 51ortoa,. atPfa 'Of 'flax* for YOu,"'". to be -broadeast.• '. Sunday, Atigust 14,.9.00i.te,9.30%P.m. • • EDST, nig ionipositions ef, • Road/erg, Gershniri, .'Seiti. and Ayer. The large •iitehes, ..tra•Vill be 'conduced by GeOgreY • Waddington and ' the breadeast will Originate in the 'CDC'S Torontn:itu-. ':Edivard Grieg'S Spring"• will he:the archestita's initial nition= • -rmy P1aflt• ' pie_tured hem 7 It belongs 21,the gentips 13Relarta#04. 14 TUurna. 10 Paelic. Mcnt 64a1P I)* .10 Enticing „Woman. DYeing aPliaraus. -20 PraYer.• . At Feather shaft , 22 Sweet seem • - bon.• 42 Finale.;• „ 23 NgVertheless. -43 Compass 24 Child's marble.. • . RaLSV4 Strip& 45.EYe1urnor.. 31.Alade of lead.' dgFernimitc 35 StItOce • :Prononn. • Measurements:47 And: • 36 Chestnut. 49 Spotted eat, •'covering. -.• 51 Upright. ' 38 Dull..., . 54 Blood. • ▪ pleit4 of III* 55 Inicingrelt • . foot, 56 It. is the jar.. 46 iraseittie, -*"' • tiOnif 41 Fruit.' Srottand. r1041.1U. TU inSi.41111/00.: ' PES Antr ST 6•11•RT''"""m.:P E NERS ADA 011A E T E TIM •EIZIlit:tai DIA E3G110 RARER BIR DOM IN CIO GI rat RU RIM @I A P E P-1 C AN A • A 57 It i:via, PriehlY, - (P1.)- ' vEnrrem. ' lit grows in • 5.•2---maiTo $tairCensiulgt.c.101.7: i.. • 348:1470tial:stwidieed.-p7::..„ '' 0 Proclamation. 9,A share- 11 Consumer.: 12 Serpents P011ectiVekle 15 Coin, ^ ;3 AI*. .25 Spider's Iloilo 27 Satiric. 28Achievement. 29 Fuel. . 30 Public auto; 32 „High Mountain. • • • 33 CUM fees. 34 Descended • ft'toM the same. moUtert,'' :36 Common verb. " • 37 Right. ' 43 Coast . "44,11itellr#W.g., 'tree; 46 Not swift. - 48 Genuine.' 49 Away. 50 SW.; 2 02 To inake.a - mistake. 53 ,53 It is, . 10 II 12 • 15 14 • 16 17 • 9 •C 21 `414 •••• 4 4 26' 35 39., 42 29. 511 32 33. 6 3 , YAW' Toronto WOO: FOrka, goes Wiwi U4tit•cOngriP-- . 414-04)11 Has 1440444e4 Dek4 Itet. A. J. Javiz's0a, rector of St,' Auglicon. thurgit itt the alk".•• ' b'n.tbs of Toronto; arose fr'otti *a. • C8011)- cot, in the gallery' Of %the 011401 today and Me110' down, to • .the hasenlept: to tOtik Itis 01.41/Fir, . fast. ' , That was not ot• all unusual for. . „the younghachelor minister- ilor,s • bcon doing that for Oar ,Yeara now, ,sinee • },te was indticted into ; his first ehaiker axid likes it. He ,intends to: maintain :his 'unklae 'Ngtehelae 'apairimelit" until thg church via afford, to give him Mr- ti,c1;4011 found 'that- St, 1111 - da' s WaCilenrk in debt when be Look the .1lutrigte. The first night he was -op the job" he was' Seri:- Crf with a writ for the unpaid sal:. _pryof the ,organist,„_ So,Ite told the Paris1140nera he Would not • cot a salary tintil the .thurvit had *initiated its obligation. There was no rectory. . The rec- tor prOmplly put a camp cot in an 'nipper ration in the front of the church -- separate front theMain auditorium' by a hanaister., and a railiag and get .up;a. cook §'ioce in the basement. His, bathrooui is the general wash room of the chnrCh. „ Dy doing Witheut a rectory; St. has reduced the mortiage from $35,060 to 316,000 and Inas hatit aPAO° 'addition to ' tine church. ''`The people's interest hi- thesehurch has beep Stirivulated•by 'MY .c•soluole," Mr: • J'acIliSon ;$1;11 "The, pongregation evenlatitend4 t0. the grounds now and Iota' made'''. them a Credit to the conaranniti." 52 Stili A Mystery ' y .'Nebody Knows the ExaCt:Ans;•• nar-4,-Bat Australian Prot eine VirIviles• are .inainartali,,:nott,•fiShes , • and 'they.. breathe .aireet 'trent: the air; only. ':• They cannot ,hregthe the elvygen: "d4ssolved,•_ in 'Water; as do ithe fighes,..That tie-; h1,1411g, Cage, .whi • is it :that. the ;whales Se ,soon ' die When :washed. •athoref": . • •• . ' PrOlhablinobody pesitively knew. in Nitute ‘.(1...ondon);, hp*. re-, appears .appears • 'COinnurtnieittio 'froar.W7k1W ' y‘ o . ,e ourne, 11p, 1i -rimiest; thou shalt,not.stutuble,•W' "..fire4.'4.hai.;.are...tra•niparentl.r.lintiest7 the waYS-of-uPriititnes.z77and d undeniably holy and good. • • -Op path pt./Oath:4M which God .has .• • ; _ Sobriety refers to the moral Marked for us his. word; wnhave aZ- the promise 'Of freedom and liberty pect'of the life of a Christian look-, '.• : • in the Way that w traveE We d [tug ter, _the' °I -ming thn;,..‘-Lerd';' net *ery often have te.ettn-in.lifel" watchfulness he* reference • ' more to to the mental aspect 0? such Waiting.' Soberness not only, means . Ireedont, from. drunkenness 'but In- cludes all hithitti. Of moderation and ' shall „mot 'WI.. The New Testament sOlf-control. It. does : not refer 'ex; sn'pplentents, thia'proMiie. by assur- •ethsivelY'; to the matter Or latind-. itig'0'un that the Lord JesuaChrist • eulir1g 'natters, .we are to be selierbimself. nur wisdom, will keep us_ .•-•111 Oltis-Wuiernetits sober 112 our froin stumbling (Jude 4. eating, sober in the • I o instruction;• . 'let her not g43 'keel) heil for sheis thy life. No :man '.101ifficieguintp7:'' • himself. The Lord..hiniself is our perfect examp/e, and We are to fol- low in his step, -we are to learn. et hini (1•Pet, 2;21;' Tne.....reason-wity-oiveTarelcriakTifold7 of .GOd's 'will for .hs So. firmlyis he- , :catise, 5! we do not determine tO ' waik in his -ways,: our. whole.' life is teredoerried :to. ultimate... failure-'; disappoint:Mont and sorrow. • Folly of Wickedness • • • 14. Enter, not Into" the. path 14 the wicked, aMtwailt-inst-th the way of evil inen.:15..Avold it, PaSa not by • it! tarn from it, and pass on. "Ver; ses.i4 to 17 Ore :the picture ot the '.ether path. in terrible Contrast With - ilie...preoeclinp--Itighteoustress--7tas • , dealt w.ith. as it. were, in the . Stract; but wickedness' is too OW,. ,and ,dark to be Painted thus., • and is ...Set forth oniY in •the, !'•;•erete,, as seen in itsdoers'. Trite, • negative virtue is incouiplete, but • . there Will . be no positive PoSitire *lithe • withont it. We Mita' be anettatett)011 to Say, "No.'er we Shalt, cone t�. little good. is Mast- ' ly prohibitions.- ' 16*, For they %sleep not.•• extent • they.. do edit' and. -their' sleen, is , •, ken aWay,„„ 'Unless 1.hey cause sotne to tali; • • • • • •, • • . 'theytat the. bread, of. • wickednesS. and drink the wine of • Violence. •Every Men tin 'Contributes •tti the siniport �f sinfni,bUssfliesscK • Study In tontrast ..„ , • • 'the path of the righteop'S• * IsSas'. the daa-inn.g.light, that Shiti,*• mpre • and 'Mott 'ante. the .per. • . feet 'day. WIre.:Is••.one the moat VIOniSite, !Sentences in arft of the ;sorn;literature of t 11 01 a, Testa-, rogpt. 0111. Lord salt! ;much about te Ugh!, and -so did oi apostles! Jilr5tau) ,that We Sheik) trali.,• li:' ligh% tlaricntis -Overtake • s. Vaul,fr.thklY. thlis •u jliat we; 'born again by the lib1y..30Ir2t, are, the children ot Ilea; and that as 'Snob we shGnld put-.ott,711i4 *talcs _itiLitarlateisni5 put on robes • of • the times when we do•are times of crises and these are times of dan- ger. God promises' 41$ that in such moments if NiZe are in his way, we wortemp-grate irt all things.:'' . , ' 7. • ,For they that •sleep sleep in. : the •night; ,and. they that are also 'drunken are drunken 111 io This. Orise principally refers to . facts observable in the natural and Physiral1.1._m_JaLsleen_IL rt•-d's are .1:Winged in al - Most: exclusively after dark. This is used by Paul as an Illustration of life. in 'general. '•' " .• S. But let us; alime-,:we are Of did .., day.. be. sober,'Puiting ea:the breast :plate of '.faith..aod •love; antl.,tor the hope Of salvatien. are not'inily to he .wakeful, hut we' ' are alsolo 66 funk:armed, soldiers .6i breastplate is. that ,' part of the armotti whcli ioVers the heart.• The helmetiS a military ---Cap-Which, covers ,and defends the. Al.id is here identified With • • salvation. . • • • • • • • , . The •atrzlY of candles to beSeen at some .'gatherin*S gives the. .' table. a fallowe'eli Pa#x aspeit.' But.to a timid dispeptle a: full- contrse dinner as a case Of .• :"eat bere.aitd, diet home.r , • Firat-of-the-rlionth bII • •ceri'd e.":411e."41110P,S.. Monetarys as •weli as pbysical,.. disturbances alt often caused •iriffiatiart.'at. the ,rtraSte"line s- 1 r In pugilism •otilY,, is it an honor to he on top .ofthe scrap•heali Brloyilliaat- L.L1 Ferguson' With !lilt Companions He Ne. 4~,4ea' the Perilous Bering A Walrus -Skin cat- _ noe-Wanb to Prove The- ory That North AmeriCa was - Originally Populated by Asi- atic lairation. „ rather Berna#1‘a. Hubbard, the Jesuit explorer -scientist, and eight • colnianiunedried-out- otze- hie. Alaska, after , perilous. 259- , Bering :Strait In a •Wallen.a•‘skin, ,C* • Theparty's' trip, , Which -'started • • .0.4.ta *ink. Wand; Was UM:. 14'st ,stiCkvoyage:Incinodern.ifinMOrY: It .i.iwas the first leg, of their projected . criiise' to Me :Darren :Lauds east or _ , • Barrow, • . • "rhe !,.pipciec Priest" . arrived just as. rescue parties 'Vero Arming . to seek the the fidigne craft, overdue here atter a •• week at sea., seas. loreedz.the.:group4to....se the each Starr& ,and. Cape'' !killate Of• ' •". Pather Hubbard. said. ' • , • •; Eskimos in '..earty • „ • "-Ile is aeconipauled by Fd Lethi and RewsChisliOltit, Winer 'Santa ;tiara ljuiversitY "•feetbait'..stpra,• ...4/itilarana; chief . of the' Hing Oland • , Eskimos; iPaiti_ .and Peter:I/layer., ;la-, tiVe hotiters: • . . '" • . Ftither.'llubbard• rePorted :"IrteM•• ,hert-of the party were constantly ••'..a4aaked'Ity-aptayestAire,:`,30;fefic SISK Pi+Wered. With an. , outboard tnator,; San and Paddles; battled the- swirling earrents ,Stralt- 1ligh Wind's stOMed the -Progress et. thebannalt. • , •••• • .• ' • . • .A.ret:no ,Corner' ,C,Ontlaerit :The' prigit 'said .hehoped the 'Voyage: would, Ignore _that prelltin- --,-.tiirielnigratittaTriiin..3"lbseria vouid have heettimade :in skin '..tioati,siM • liar to . his craft: !„ ,Shepties who ' have doubted the theory that.North America -was . originally . populated.: by, an Asiatic iinigratkin. hate ;said .:•,'that skin boats _could not negotiate ,teringl Strait. • •• Front. Kotzebue. the- Shinboat ex- idtotittit lo rtiai'r Polat - before going 'eastward •;"aratirld the testier"' to the north-• • errands( settlements on continental • • , -• • 1e4r4 '400000 voluatcs of the .Telephotte Directory for tendon, ,wejgbiztg" 4;000 tens, Will be issued • this year, belgittm bas increased existing tates .itn44 re--establiihedl the ritt- ' tiorial crs tax which s repealt eci.jast year. -Election Recipe Robb, Minister Of • ,healthin 'the fortner Ferguson and Hnry governments of Ontario. has 'been mooed to the post of ConterVative party national orgin4; 1 4.•••••••=ir ozo-f-t i*OSPA, _IS.cpmPre.EsED Ikto 11/6, •44 9theset:' " $t*indeil;. Becouie, 11;Pying- •, ."Whett"a ..sthool• of whales ,was ...,Strauded .ort an Australian 'coatt,' • ...match' to the discomfiture qf ogar. - h,tealoittlitti a.t.tatbtortsitieith;;;Is•It•linOttotietoiu "tiv;:i4! i:eii !"%17do sttanded./.'whales reediest 'the' following. answers:', .hlorid now "tieing aited' on by pendent parts and 'produces:. an-, enia of the brain. • mpedes e .•!'3-:--Yital organs ,•are.cresheil:, • :by *he rat weight:, , • •• 4. -The ,troaecUstotried:Warmth, • especially if there is dirert • tion, hat stroke! ' . ---; e unaceustente tettkir- itibettall. between :night, and, day gives rise to 'internal 'chills aud 'prohab4' pneumonia.. . : •'Cause they are. ',stranded; 010 . are strandetebelansecithey are CW -fl-jE !P.ib"s r:1r r4p1s, J. isuhrs104i ORoPERP>', OF rtil NirrE6 ANIti 1-10MEi • 'AX,acie WE <.,01-411=>H1P.F45 .Q LINIMPOKriNNT. -rcic LOER 'iscEPEOAND • 11,-/mas7 ERE 11 WE • 7 'div,. -N1 (4^f114e.. • • caltiallevmsekozcs• ; Imie•been 'one of.Uotie, Sawa most, profit., • able iniestments, duets the.fact not they are the.breeding grclundS of the fur seal. And be intekat to keep the invetbient safe. Striet regukiuions are in ,leat ht the sealing industry; and even Ileurisin are forbidden frotavisiting the islands.. , • onlesicit For strig,Fi. „, *he giant tattat white:, has 'never been Canturcd YOU iNA4T -r�. BE , ELECYED$ _FlAtiattorOk MY -RECIPE. FCA CV4U •EVktO T.ARV By J.• MIL1LAR WATT' PUT IN ALL 1-14E ,UGAFt YOU.4 DARE , Al\k1 • 1.1 '11 CDay. ing wrliter_Lckok;_tfa:tu-Witit-Ung. to Earlier Tithes hi Rural • One, of the trends of the tiMes. that feuer youngt, boys and,.giris ,•iioW;gb baref001guiri.pi,•the.Staiiiiiet •lararithh thaniwas the tatie 'a. teti: ..decades ihe WindsOto • Star,•,%'ipoteugh this is sorliethinig ta • itaakelhose• in the beetand shoe hi- ipitaltrp happy, those pontoon of the, .. older ;,,tentraitintts ae api, iii refro,' , • spect to.' retriet the ,Clianges the : • years' bring. "'. , 11 is not ' ylr• long ago.: that. ' fitraingtiout.rtiral °brat -le eapeciallyc.". :every Child, .frout these, okl e1101tglit letoddle to these.' air, 'tielis,.. shed shoes itt •••$prittg and did •not iat thbln. Vat* the. chill 'at the, Antintoi" tnonkitt s lihglingto 'the . toes. • ", • ".41lletsinrti. on: *hie, There efte'te, who Woolf/ thaugh tittotieht daYsi" WhitIL their; ratin for•Ibese 'of Alfe:patift,;'`I'et - ‘he Printill,he times hantlitint„..• ..advatitlageSt-a-admetie-r'ofTtftede taiiidroabliedlythat. a boy oe.i00. csuk1• • go . harepi.oft • .tritliptilt evetio9e4 Staring 'at hint,. or, het; as So st.i*aget-' • • . Jelin Grottlienir \AV:Wittier. tantons •.• • Attipritlatt • poet,'iS petbutts Ictt for.'itis poem:, 'The •Itareitokot .111011.". finite..olunivitettrAtic-C*0117- --UilWit• the Atte, the aairk .01f. • • haphookt that it illuistrates strikts ,ctorit lit thO, ht -art i ot :those -Who- ' tote t •at tips..spe,nititt • It •