HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-11, Page 5, THURSDAYp
AUGUST' .11Tift•19.3.k
SATURDAY, 'MORT TWO .SIIPWS, 7.45 and %45 p.m.
. All In Mti4Iplarie.
• ,TEdt1,4Ic01.0R
Usbributtd by RK 41tAD16 PICTURES'
.NOTICE. -Two Shows Each. Night .
,P.M. AND 9.45 f'M Matinee Sat,. afternoon at 2 p.m,
• , "NEWS" ' Alsip • •
ADADIPSION. ADULTS'. 35d; , 20e...
n., Tues.,,Wed. Aug.15-1
* * * *
. ,
..ROUND '0..A.R.G#.1N,,FARE$from LUCKNOW
FfiA-S-a ttrAutr19.1hTo---gtatioits.,44,0shiiwa-ind.least.40-
Ibv•CornWall inclusive, . Uxbridge, Lind„ in
TI12 14feKNOW SEN'r114E-L
• Misii 1;!01:,4C r9Ifer of: and
Miss Mpil9ri 'Mills,' of visited
last' ',vielely
Mr's. .gohlOsuu..' • •
Miss Lorna ,MeCigniregan of White,'
church /s, 4$alating., in the hon.of
Mrs, Jas who has been laid
:With blood poisoning in her feat
Mr, and Mrs, Bert„ Taylor and. fam-
„ .
Yinited On. 'Sunday with. Mr, :wed:
Nra, P, .gieley4 of GOrtie,
M. Pnii.MrP MiirPhY, and their
4op 'John,' • of South „River,. Mnalcolca,
were here. last, week..for the funeral.
• Of .01e tormOr'S. :ammt, MiSs Mma
Craig. '
.BOB.N.'--,Ork 'Sunday, August 6th,
in .Witigham liaspital, to Mt.: and
'Mrs: Korman •Thontpson 'a son ;Ceit4
gratulatioirt,. • , ; •
• Miss Rose O'Connor Of Parkhill' is
visiting:with her slater,. Miss Mate
• ,
aret 'O'Connor. • •
Mrs. Warren latnei and little:SW]
of. Goderich,, spent, g . few •days With
her parents, rii:77..alid Mrs. Fred Moss:
-Mrs. 'Jeffersan" and: her daughters
the 1Vlisses ,Gladys, Margaret
and' Irene are spending the Month, of,
August at Port' Elgin. : •
Mr.' and , Mr's. Hilliard. Jefferson
were: Sunday visitors, With her par-
ents Mr, and Mrs."• Thornton at .Blue -
vale. • ' :• •
• Mr. and • Mrs,' Gordon -Jefferson'and
trh4e7iWiYe'e.ka-fenOdw;tri .Soud visited 6.ver
• and Mrs: Charoney and
sons Graham;- Stewart and Gordon
visited, in: GOderrich on. Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Herman .,Chamnejr,.
In 'the .death..of Miss Emma Craig.'
Tonnybreolc;-:on,' Wednesday Morning:
`Anguat 441,1 there 'passed : -away a
menther ' of One of the pioneer' fam-
ilies 'of. this corrunnnitY.; .Miss ' Craig
was •the *infest. datighter. of ' the
late John. and Anne Craig and
one of a family q of thirteen Children, lag pair Viret.e "' •APprehended after
of Whom Only turo.,sur:yive;. Isaac and
both of California.. The :funeral.
which was held from the , home of,het
nephew,' Mr.- Jantes 'Craig on Friday
afternoon, Was )arOIY. attended. In
•thd•absence .of the pastor;' Rey. IL 41...
WilSoni the service .at, the :hoine, and
graveside was,:-gonducted by ;ley. Mr:
Wilkinson, of Ashfleld: The Pallbear,
'Os were Messrs. , WM. ..Thoriipson„
George Alexander, Chas.' Robinson,'
"George Leddy. and 'Ra-
t Chamney. antned:2. de
.; . A n'eotar PwrtY of friends to: visit
T1,100114 „Mr. and Mrs, ;Busisel. ThortiPsonilit,
at. LuqknoWl. Ontario.
sonburg on Sunday. were Mr, Thos.
• . Rolett, rat,ss Iris Rivett, Wra., Marr
Mrs. A. DifacKen,-;2-ie Rivett Mr. 41, Hall and- Mr. and. MrAL.
:• Cimpbell ,Johnston, the 1,,ater being'
CRSDAt AUGUST 11T4,..1.938
KItchener Quartette • Capture'By
• Walkerton Officers Last Week
After Stolen Car:Pit-died And Hera -
aged -One 'In ^ •P4.0eaesiion , Re-
. Abandoning: 'a new '.'de-,-ItiXe4 .FOrd.
'sedan, which, they: bad. Stolen „in kit,
•2hener and damaged to the extent of 'S• sla .' '
several hundred dallars AS thy pilliid Mrs; Chas.. Durnis ang-I little, daii,
into a ditch, three • miles West of Olt" .of Kirkland Lake, whois. visit
Walkerton, following:an early morn- ing her Parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wrn.
ing- chase last Week, four young:min. megure; spent a few days. with Mr.
are-sowArehind,..the-birrS---iti--the--Brir ancl-Mrs,...Stewatt..Durnin; •LucknOw---
County. jail 'and 4 'Will be faced with . • mias • DOrothy, TIgert, ef Port Alber;
peVeral serious charges, including, it is 'enjoying A, few, day s: this ;Week' With
:is- said, . that of ' gar 'stealing and, i'ob... her cousin, Miss Pauline ;Tones. : •
.bery-,while armed; . ; The :W. M.S. . of: Etakine Presby
The quartette,: Kenneth : Mtiselow, terian 'elnirch has been , invited !ats,
R.. R. Kitchener,'driyer 174 the4Sto1en guests' by the Ashfield eatrxiliary 't.
machine, Russell Welch, aged 19, of the Meeting, at Camp Kintail Wed
186 ' Benton SL, -Kitchener; , Russeli; nesday afternoon of this week, ,
Hatch, 19.. Years, . of 159 -Chnreh. St. Friends will be sorry to learn that
.Kitchener; and Rudy .Schuster of 3P Miss -Melba Fowler; who has suffered
Raddatz Lane, , Kitchener, ' were ar- several attacks of .,APPendieitis, has
rested by P;ovingial ,COristable Ottc, been 'advised to. have an Operation at
the Constable had 'fired 'several
tho..fitA of the 'quartette' Was -eaptur.: ''
his ,Person, while.ithe next was, over;
,ed, • with 4 loaded reVolVer, a Mag. sion Of Ashhesld had the . misfortune
ended in PinkertOn Where the re
through the village Of Cargill h
hauled by Traffic, Officer France
a grain field . west of Cargill after ePus combustion, as it seemed t°
for the fugitiVe', to halt The chase
azine belt and a :black .face. Mask .ir, On ' .sunaa.$1 afternoon . to have , hi '
iMeClevis , and .Trafgie 'Officer ' Bob'. the Goderich" Hospital thil. Friday
Prance after a. ,hei pursuit that led, inarnin4"-
burst into-,, flames'. quickly and gave
"Ili's:: stock.
:.'n it was supposed.,haa carped spontan,
'barn burnt' and the 'Year's: ci•cip. which
O'f OWner only . time to untie some
recovery. ' •
Mr. Pete Glazier!, on the 9th gonces-
W.e" wish' for 'her a speedy-
" Citizens- Were Sorry and shocked
brother of tbelady visrted. ,
, Mrs. Fred Bowden, has 'returned tq.
her bailie; at St:lbonlas,' after ,a visit
vvith her Sister, 1-loffinan.
and brother Mr, Ed, Bowers. •
. Mts. E. Miirret.',and daughter
,Ruby ,of .London. are holidaying .with,
, Mr. and grs. Robb on the 6th
of W., Wavanosh,• • 1
• Ur: and -Mrs. ,David kOle sof' ,Rock,
eater, . pre :brother,
Mr. Wm. Ttlelia. • . .
• Mr and 'Mrs': :Albert Campbell of
Westfield'visited. Mrs, J. Barkley '911
•.say, Peterboro, CamPheilferd, Stations NeWmai•ket td North Bay
Inclusive,' Penetatig, Collingwood, Medford, Midland, Parry Sound,
Sudbury • Caprecil and west to 13eardmore.• .
Sat. Aug. 20 to Toronto Also to Brantford,Chatham, Goderich,
Guelph Hamilton London, Niagara
• Falls, Owen Seund St: Catharines •St. Mary's;- Sarnia Stratford, .
Strathroy, Woodstock.
See ' handbills for .gomplete list of destinations.
For tares, return train infoimation; , tickets, ete. consult •
. earest-Agent7
T228I3 .
Logan -Beattie
A quiet wedding' was solemnized' at
the, Brigclen . manse recently when,
Annie' Catherine; daughter Of kr.
and Mrs: David Beattie Of London
, •
:was.. united in Marriage to C. Orton
Logan; .only son of..7:Wr2 and Mrs W.
'II. Logan; ,Tegswater. Rev. DrUmmond
W. Oswald offigiated. The ;1314,:le wore
a •ecoming -Sheer gown with
whito accessories and cersafe of
pink rcTses arid baby's' breath: There
were no' litteridairts4 -Later,Mr. and
LOgan left on ashort metor trip
-8-efore taking up residence in London.
Urs. Gordon;TOVVie of VancetiVer ,: IN7• . are sorry Mrs. Archie Aitche.-:'
son is sick: We hope for an earlY re-
. is- visiting ' her- mother, Mrs. Grace .
' Mi and Mrs. Will Reid. of Paris
4 Mr. and Mrs Steele and family of arevisiting; his Mother Mrs. ',Alex
Teeswater anent a ' day recently with. Reid.
'Oswald -Logan,
The ,inarriage of Mary Bernice
danghter Of ' Mr: and Mrs:
any •LOgatt, Teeswa.ter, to, .1leV-.
urniiiond W. Oswald. M. . A. of
• Mr. Peter and Miss Annie 1VlacIntyre . Mts. Annetta Knight is vsisitiag 4t Dr
. Dr. Arnold COVVan.of Toronto spent. the bome.'of her biother, Mr. George
„ J an
ft few (lays with, his .father,' Mr.: John Fisher: • . • • : ` B..
Covvan, Sr; ,' ' - Hi. , .
Messrs. AleX, Roddy arid Jack In-,'
• 4 . , Dri
Cl, Mrs. Oswald,, New; Westminster.,
C., was 'solemnized Saturday...after-
s noo
'. - Mies '.Catherine 'MacKenzie is home- ent
• ' Pauline higlis; visited on gandaY, with
Guelph. , : Miss (,:hrisaie Inglis ,and Mrs.' Ale iat
gclen,- Son, of :Rev. Oswald
gliS, also Mrs. Thos. ' highs
after- attending Summer School , Wo
ed. ' ;• • :..
n at the. home Of ,the bride's par-
s.' Rev. Clarke p. Logan, M.'A.; of
odstock; angle -of the bride, offic-
' Miss Isabel MacLean has returned. Inglis, "whe are bdth.sigk in a Ham, - T
• after 'attending: summer: school in Won hnsPital.
. . sorry to say Mrs,. David- of
' La'Pdai'L. : '' ' ' .Gillies, is- sick. Weitope for on early the
he bridal chorus froni ' Lohengrin
s played by Mrs: Russell Rohertse
Lneknow„ During' the, ' singing ,:of
'register, :Mrs: Sadie Dierldm
:Ato, Sing "I Love You • Truly."
iveri Marriage • by ; her, . father,
bride' Was liecomirigly gowned
white ChantillY lace dyer taffeta.
hip -length veil of white tulle -was
d with a bandeau . of. gardenias;
She carried a aboWer bouquet of
terfly roses. Miss Jean Logan, .84:
sister's, bridesmaid was gowned
twe-tonedr. blue' Marquisette; ',With
nttila ..of 'matching' tories, ' cainht
h, bhie gardenias, and "she earried'
olenial 'bouquet 'of, tathinan 'roses.,
k,,and white:entnations' incl. -sweet
ac Little Mies- Patsy ,Ielinaton,. of
th, was a' gbat•ming'••flowet girl,,
Ssed in Peagh organza, With braid -
bandeau' ,eaiught: with talisman'
s, and carrying a nosegay Of pink
nations, and •sWeet peas. Orton Lo -
of I,ondon; .hilother of the bride,
best trian.
011oWing -a reloption at which
.Logan, of..the bride wore
ack lade ,dreii,With shouldierette
:talianian roses. and twoet peat
Mr. irni Mrs, bsWaldi left on d 4ide. The Joh) alniost invsbk
'niOtor trip to quebet,-the •b•ridO trat nral Perfeetl„ flat
veThng ill a gown f• nayY sheer wit • •
,Wi'ior 'Oa ithir_hifilefitiOg4edeAkoriegi-. th '''Vrat°011,3:14/141.004hiee-146116di-
. 4,1
• ttiriimingS, natl.:herringbone -Acki a IP* drops jtike'ie
On their .r6,tti:01 thei will reside in this make's' beaptitully ' erisP' ohd
.r.Rtigdon; cleanses it Well, •
•• The Kintail Wornen's Institute will•
z... recovery. .. • . ' Tot
'. Meet this -week at MrS. Wilfred ;par, •
•Mr,.. George 'Ke.iiriedy lost •,a horse G
, tish's honie. ' . . ,L ' :.
« _ i, • last. Wees4 . ... , . , the
i; iiIOesil to. hold ' their August meet- •
The AFtreSbyterian 'W. M... 8, hive li Miss: Jean: Forter' is visiting. this An'
Week. With her brother . Mr. Cecil. For- '. tie'
s .
ing at Krntail camp on Wednesday
st•er and Mrs. F'orster of Palinerston. 1.1ei
'43f this Week; with; the 'Ijungannan: '': The *Omen's ,Institate .WaS,;helthOn and
society as their- guests. pnesday afternoon' 'of, this week at but
• 4It. Gordon Defistedt et, Milverton the horne,,of Mrs: Ben Naylor With bei.,
, moving 'hie „machinery away after a good 'attendance, 'present. Mr. C. R. in
a c
grocer, admitted he ,had sold; h was followed by the meditation' per was
8undits,; a tempting .i3nnkettni iod by Mrs,.johnsint Conn.' IlYnin 482::‘ F
cerieg to IliiingrY•teurist. There Were tOlne )37• M,. ed Newan n, yet My4
tomatoes, peaches butter, olives, MiSs ,Yettria' Scott hPinti 6434 and a hi
nageS,and:'eereal, But the tonrist Was '1,11e seirvi6)%'.08 el°•4'0(1 with th I'Ord'9• Of
relieved of :hia groceries by a watenttil PrnYer. ' Rev
cOanpleting the new road at Laurier,
.Wheiv•it is graVelled will be a
• great', linliroVement to the •Blue`WatM'
Ilighway, The traffic*hia year is
heavier than ever before:
Wilkinacia, optician; of"Winghatn, Wes
• the speciar • speaker and . "kalte
'sPlendirt 'address:, on the ;Care Of •tii4i:
'esies, • At !.the.......,..7lese the'. meeting..
-* d 'hit
•Itineb Was %scryed: an .a °et a,
hoar was'" spent by all • present, ,•
ReV, PolJoek,, is on his „1-inliday
FOR kEt,tiso, .svNbAy, ...in?Sath,. and • the .Y..P,
GROCERIES '` ghaige of 'the setviges during
, • the 'month. Las $unday; Mr. Thos.
-•• , ,
;John '..1tobinsom ',youthful ilaYtiolii 'Wilson took the „ chair, and byMit '31
niatiatrate Makii
court the; grocer ',was titled $2 and
costS, oz $1 in' ,Snd, WaS• giVeu,
thck hia:gtotetlea; 'Minna 'the nerigh.
able artialee.: • .
rod „1,1 iotis, tlie,
, 'What's all this'. mesa in the oven ?"
;die' $41 'them hit,'
I the Ayer' drYL, •
swiinming. the ,riVer twice hi an effort Tuesday. eventag; ' when they 'learned
. , , .
... „df the death , of one of our 'Clearly be
elude ...the police, . .. ; - . , ,
. , „
The chase Started in the early hour.- loved- citizens Mr. 'MelVille Calbert .
of Tuesday morning when.a 'Clifford' who has, .been ,M failing health. for
,garage. °wile': vitas aroused to find' ,several . months. He is ••,the ye -linger
that Marauders had broken :the Jeek. :son of M
andMis. Abe Culbert,„and
his wife yras formerly Miss t)liye.
liqi;'negtlfsiel3dun.ip°rnviahlid,ei'ai'st°1.6eriff.iegea:ol.mince_': ;Finnigan, eldest daughter of Mr and
Mrs. Richard. Finnigan. .He has lived
Clevis, Who 'With , Traffic ,Officer
• . all his life in these •parts. and his
France, teatic •nit the scion • to
early passing, is but in the thirties.•A
sight that reMPed. their susphi
fuller accOant. Will: be ,given later.,
kin. A , wild' Oise.. einnineneed that
, and Mrs: Mi and Mrs_1tEUisand
itobt. . :Tand son.
driver of, the:-'suPpected Car attempted
to elude the. Polite; Which they did Duuusr• tietr°ft arilved. the first
of :.•thn, week to .spend a vacation at
tetriporarily pail piling up' in. the,
their cottage at Port Albert and
.ditch,' after ;haying feached a •fleeing visit their, mother Mrs. B, tiraW-
,inced reported •-•iiP -high as nitietY
-miles ap hour. • 'Ora , in the village. 4.
•: After the Spilt the quartette-aband- joying London Old ,I3os' Re-tinion t.i!e
the C. N. R. track to Cargill, where: ,
they 'werei_spett_hy ..statton_Agen M. and Mrs. s. Nicholson of An-
n nited then -4 aunt:Miss L., Di Lan-
tAhnegi re islUS6pf ictidahkst place Fearing fion ,'neYieernee DteaeChneet3' eatPdti`Oarzt
• . , " ,..:Mr; Arthur Thoinliseon haS hegn.en.
Oiled ,the ear and set out on foot dow
first week in AuguSt.'.
to no good the sta4.0-1171".!'s±.61rances,. spent ,, Tuesday .afternoor
and was just' concluding' lifs talk.
Diirnin at Crewe.,
iorenighatntiteintq :tend .was 'T:going throug. On Itnii,;icie_.,_Arlesteryll will Y,t_b a• 0
:being informed in the affirmative, Rev. ,C. H: macpcmaid delivering the
one of them reui• the •atatian; addreSa. Special music' is also being
'Ct.Ohnesrt6abhlee'147CC7epvrs.r.eT4haiSaa'amaan';er,,;4' secured for .the occasion.
: Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Cornelins.
pioved to be 'Rudy Schuster, had a daughter I3etty. of London, visited
loaded reyolver, an -ammunition 'belt xr.,' and Mrs.. I?. F. Stingel on ;Suit -
containing several. rounds of shot, to. , , • , '2 .
phoned .to Constable, MeClevis'. honk: 'With the latter's brother, Mr. Marvir.
when the .four breezed into the ..stat7 Rememhraric theDungan
gether 'Mill a black ,mask' for .putting A ,happy gatheang fOr g family
over, the face; He '.didn't put up 'mi.\ pienie. took place the :first of the Week'
fight When cornered.... The Other threi, at Maeltelizie's beach.. They. were Mi.
beet it,. and making their Way dOWN, and; Mrs. Lorne-, ivers, Mr.. arid Mrs.
:the, front street of the .yillage turne6 Chas,. Ccingrani ' "'and family, Mrs
"alesi. at s creamery, and Larson of ..taimiledn,,Miss Ellen „Duni.
after *heading , along the highWay in,Af,rs... Ed:" Plunkett and dairgliterS.
-Wards, Pinkerton,: itiMPed the. •fencf Doris. and Ada of •Cheviot, Sask.', and:
and started :sliort.euttingIlirciugh •Mr :' and Mrs. Joe f.,aWSon of. 'Belfast
'Of 'Mr. 'W.: D. 'Cargill's.. gtain
_ „
who 'were former:. western neighbors
:field's, Here' 'one of. them,• Kennett of Mrs.. Plunkett and family: Mrs:.
• Mil§dew, •w4g stopped by Trafri( Plunkett and, Miss Derris• a're ret,urn:
()Meet France, who. folloviing on fooh'ing., their_home in the west: the end
after them .through the field, halted of . this :Week; • ' •
the, nearest . man - several Mr, and Mrs: ,,Lercit Stingel. and
shots °vet his head. taking him back family returned , .Saturdav:. after
to Constable McClevia'. ear,,' he . qtair. camping' for. ;three Weeks at 13thunil-
handcuffed to his pal and while ,Me •7 ler; where the fernier had the contract
'Cleyis drove on titowards, 'Pittkertoo. of • :painting the roof and 'interior of
With his: chimes: to head, off. the:other the Beraniller .seheol.,,and other paint
two, Hatch slid. Welch, Officer France Irks:
tforaditi.a,,dTatkiline4kg tOth:i'thaue'grhiVetrh.e.'tbfelye desMi and wal.11 MBIASk.'Jas toug1as athde,
eirass near the , Pinkerton and formers ''''nePhoWS,, ',Messrs. •,Oorrion
sighting • Meclevis in hip car the'. and. ,hits, cOnettini.,
jUrriiVii _it' arid 8NVga! -back to the. ,
mt. Rienatd Britce; Whei Was Strielc.
othet .Shore. As offieet.. France _grit.ne :en .withii a varati,tie atrake ten
iv -they stirrendlre4 the conStabies
agyS before his - death, . ‚.'.as isoUo of
and .411; &kir were ...taken the POlide, the liteJas and margare't gruee
ear ,to -Walkerton, where- they were.
t� th His death' WAS a third one ! the
rei"nddd' .811 'Since Match oi• this year, hay,.
toniinal Charge Of irakrand
• 3', ing then lost hi i `brother Jack in the'
• N,Vest,,. and.- whoSe renatins wet•e
.0ileloth for a shelf ear) be neatly.
jeined,by laying twe pikes with edges•
totiching and ;stiekirig' oleo of al.
he,tive lape ovet•thein en the wiang
brought home for btirial. Another
brother Prank in Walu'arkusli died in •
May, Mr. :Bichard Bruce ',Was'in his
88.tli year and leas to rildtirli
daughter• MIS, EdWiti• Mills- of tor-
* ' •
m *le( merly -Mrs. Soplith
Macklin and one Sister .Miss 'Margaret
13rnee'„ Who waS .poinpailien. to her
WA:1 laidto: reSt Dangtilinint gem -
eters'', :aftei' a- serviceat his; late
• PAGE:. F.
Miss 'Mary Carter aceerriPanied Mi
and 0"/- Illyth on 'a
.trip to Toronto last week.
• -Mrs. D. Stewart retained home
after, yipiting, her datightPr, Mrs. Jliu
trigland Ashfield- ,
A. lininber from. here attended:; the
picnie KincariIine g the Winghara
Legion on Wedne'sdaY.
Miss Evelyn McKnight of Listuweil
is,..yIsiting here fora week or O.
Mrs. Males:Pim 'Stewart sP9nt a few°
, days last weelc with Mends. at Ilan:.
Mrs. W. G. 'Reed visited; with her
)thether Mr. R. /Wok. S4tol:day.
;Mr. and Mrs. ' „Reis MeMillan ft.P0
Mary Visited Mrs. ivrelcOntie,. Sunday,
.kr.. T.;Caiter, IS"' laid up with
neuralgia in his back:. " • •
Mr. W. Reed las started the
'season's thresh,ing'Wit,h the Belfast
• Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Artrnan„
Miss ,Francis t.ttitan and Mr. trd-
man Of M'inden CitY, Misa. Ediirr Cas--••
WaitYilearf ,alinudn'tfsavini11;111 ,11.`:rMsral!danAldr4MICeSa.
Nicholas O'Hagan of Riversdale were
Sunday visitors at Mr, Jatnes Valad
Mr. and. Mrs. Monier of • Tenete
are holidaying with Mrs, Monier'
,-aunt, Miss S. Purvis at present.'
. Miss Lillian Doide 'of Langsicle waS
rsig•14;enee,sn.t Vis • itor at • .. Rodger Corr
,• We are ,pleased to report that Mrs
Thos- White and Mrs; Jas. Baker aro
both feeling • somewhat.better.
:Mrs. ./.1'a `Mr: ;las: Megiret
of ..(3hepstow', Spent Sunday at :Mis4:
S. Purvis: •
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris; Mrs:
Thos. :Harris and 'Earl Were Sunday
eviistidtionreS. t A. :Palmer's;
Miss Jessie Mackay, Miss Annie
MacKay and Mr, Jack -MacKay, called
o Mrs. Janie s Baker on Sunday. ,
MiSs Mary. 00c:entertained Misses:,
ktirie and 'sober Colwell, Miss Win:.
'Ackert 'and, Miss. Hilda .1teid,,
Reid' s : Corners,' On Monday after-
.. • ,
noon. 1VIiss Cox leaves._ on Thursday
for Wellesle'y Hospital,. Toronto.
where she, will, complete her :cintrse
as 'dietitian. ' •
Mi and Mrs. Ben Raker Who haVe
hien; ;visiting .with.: relatives . and
, f
friends at.. Holyrocii *re...leaving
310TORWAYS , • '
Toronto and "Anion, Daily
except Sundays &HolidaYa
, , -6.45
. .
Run. tic Holidays, 4.00.
•• •daily except Sundays and
• Holidays, 3.50'8t 9;0 P.M.,
• To ,Southampton,
3.10, P. M., ,
' Sunday nud' flolldaYS-3.P0 &.
•10.50 P.M. '
.T. W.. StAITH
- The echo of it Ciiie Iioliday night
• accident at fiort Albert' Was 'heard in
police,' court in Goderich - last Week,'
o when Cyril Raines. .Kincardine , piper
s was fitted $,29 and costs for allowing
Miss Ivy Kilgour, who. had no driving
experience te' drive his car. Miss Kil.
our iras, fined $1:9- and costs on -eagh
rount of reckless driving and driving
withoiit a permit,
The 'ear with:. seven ,passengeris
,Crashed 4-ito a 'tree at Port- Albert
Hillaptr,eVennteedarlfyronrni• huiirgthahgbuiv;itto4illi
deep gorge by 'the presence Of the.' •
'Thursday% Augult '11th , afid 'enroute
•will'frinther visit :sit the Canadian ttad
Anierigan Falls; then. at Detroit, Mich.
and on Friday evening, • Aug. 26th
take' passage on the steamer Noronu
for a 'cruise' up :the Great Lake. -to:
• Duluth, from where .e :shorkrt trip ovei
the Great Northern' lines to :Minn
polis, will find therabente again:
.' Mr: Aria Ati:,•,ras. D.F(-,Ayler Leis
•-and Billie, IV.Ir.-arril 1VIrsOeo. 11. Mar.•
germ and Mrs. 'Henry
of Windser, ViSited, over the
end , at the home- of :• Mr. ;and Mi -s.
Fred A. Illidgins alio; with ,KinCardine
farm home with Rev., Wiilkinson offlc-
iatilig. The.- pallbearer's !were Messrs
Shin Johnston; Jas. :Johnston, Robt
• Rutledge, John Reed, Sam' Young •and
Chas 1Hollam
. .
. „Mr. tldon Cnibert is suffering with
blood poisoning near:his thamb„ whey
-three week ago he was working with
.a sgreeri. door arid: the chisel 'caksed a
wound, infection Setting in later. 11c
re'ceiving the serum to -'prevent
lockjaw and We hope he Will ,sOorr, re,
cover, :as this energetic 'YOting f'arrner
has • his crop waiting forrhitn to kir:
-yielded and We ere sorry. both fol
. the" held up in -workand hiS .discdrif-
fort as well.' '
,Miss , Dorothy McMilian dad ' Nits'
'Margaret St,ewart enjeyed. a trip ty
Port Huron 'and Sarnia One 'day, last
Geo. Swan. Sr, of Ripley vis-
:ited. her ''niece Mr?: Stanley ,DenniS'
last week. ' •
Mr.. and 'Mra.. 'Franklin. Thompson
. •
and liftle daughter • of London • dm
bolidaying['n week , with his mother'
Mrs,: Wnf. ThoMpson,, They hi Coni-
pany with his mothet and sisters
'Mable and, Adelaide, visited cm Tues.
da!,y another of Sisters;
Bolden at Mount Forest • ,
; We. are pleased to hear that' Mr
Marton' Roach' who., hai.been quite ill
front, andulent feVer, it Steadily Mi.
provitig, but; still•',:cOnfinecl. to bed.. A
feW he.was threatened 'yvith
pnetnriOnta, but. Seems ...Out of .dangei
n�*. Redber,
,RreWer, RN.' has ;returned to
home Goderich, 'aftet ,few days
eating fot -her father, ' • .•
' ,and ,Mrs. Oscar Ilatr and th(ld.,
re' arid Mr, and Mrs "'Mel, Wt and
ehildren of.1:1;troit,„ viSited a day this
week' with • 4r., and Mrs, thigh Ste-
sItt• * • .
• Milk ha PoOthing 'erreet On nettle.
'Stings it applied iniinediatelyi;Chid
tert"-esPeptally:wfll ap)recidte
'remedy Wher pnyigiil th iChls
'1o1ida'st time, •
Mr. and airs., Wm., Pinnell and Mr
and•MrS,; H. Bellattended the,Bell re.
union' at Stratford last' Week:
and,..krs. Wiibert Haldenby re. •
turned .last Week from matOr.
'to 4anlie §i. Marie. ,
. ,,Plessor spent a few -.day.
last, weekwith- her daughter, Mrs
Stanley Fair.' I, • , s.
, .
,Mrs, :Brock o Owen ' Sound,
spent_ SUnday -with Mrs. F. A. Black-
Miss---Whinie-Pe'rer147. Kin*rdine
:spent Ole-yieeit-R414.4.44t.."*.r4q1.0VIere• .
' ;Miss: Anne •-Coli=ek, iipaptiat few . •
-days, last week With, Wei -now friends., ,
Mrs. Niargarn, Sr.;1 Mrs. ,
Vargern (formerly 'Vera: Ryan), Mr
and ;11fts. Jas:. Fowler and family; of
Windsor Were' week -end irlsitors. with
Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred. Flodgins.,* I,
• Mr.,,and Mrs. Cliff Lloyd'arid:' chit.
dtett ,Tonawanda . and Mrs ,
Ethel Ranchy.,of Merritten were rd.'.
cent visitors wfth .their Mother, Mrs: •
Mr'. Jas.. Flerence and Wit.
b ChiPled iti thi
:week with.. Mrs.. F. A. Blackwell. .
Mr. and. 'Mrs. • Geo. Italdeirby .
Ethel;: Mr. and gr.& Win. Jackson
an'.Edna' spent' . the,. Week -end ' at.
Owen Soend..' '
, Mrs. Karl Boyle 'returned' hdnie on
Sunday'after'.sPending 'the past week
" • • • .
with. London ..friends.
' at gr. WM. Percy'
were :Mi.' and Mrs. •;, MacKay. and
Otani !cif giamis; Miss Sarah McKay•,
Of • London,' . Messrs. Win.. and Dan
McDonald of ,kincardind and Mr. 'and'.
Mrs. 'AtchesOn and Kathryn of Mad.' '
Miss Eleaiior McFarlaq 'workinir''.
at the Finlayson hdme; Luelcnow;., • '
Miss TrInut Hodgins is- spending ,: •
the holidaia, viith M. and Mrs.Clil
torthWiek,. St. Catharinea..
Little EdVan .- and Fred Batter-
wottll,'. are: holidaying with Mr: Slid
1T..aheLraetulEdrk,etna.seeitiiiniegr:". f the W
1. 'was held' on Thursday trot .at the
borne of Mrs.'•.1Earl frodgins *ith the 4
was apPointed, logril. leader' to attend
the bityminShip.coursei to' be beld in ,
TeesWEiter in the tall.' The Motto ."Eat•,,
wisely and net 'toe, well", „was. taken
by •'Miss '.13ese Lane. Current . event
were given ' by Miss Ma 'pole.: A.' •
talk On sandwiches was givenby Mrs.
Bert, MacLean .and.. 'tastefunk pre.'
pared , tray was .ott displaY('' a.n.d later, .•
MIA, • Florence', 'Hodgitis
:favored the .igpthering with a',
Th thort•c•O'()IiiuMrsiett:e;3rind:'"°:11°ailr;e:
,the plans, , Mrs: Brt 'MdLcan,
Ernest! Aekett and Miss flatel Per0,
A Pianie.,,ter the ,..eritire, cOmnitinitV4
sponsored .by the W.I. be lield
tit; the Park, Kilieatdine; on 'Thursday ,
afternoon, Atignat .2,5th, ,Conintittee
Misses 'Hazel Percy i Isobel •ColWelc
Nit/Mated. `Agkert and:, ga:v ..J3dyle,7
itiVitattim extended to, every::
Cone. .torrie. trinOl'yenr TnnchY
A ,Silyer; gollettion Will be taken
')ther-- :
expeitaeS.• The. Amthetn • anet •
Oloari‘ "
rettes10,41its 'brought the riw6tiot to•.
• ,