HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-11, Page 2, • Arr .• ,"1".** Iassiiie vertising, It A N (*4*UI,•I'itv HALE OF' COOICERELK BARRED " Reek New 'Hainpshire Red. White • Rock. day old 9%c, 2 week 11%e, 2. week 15%c. Large Egg' Quality add lc. ',ToR.Notch. Olitelt- erieS. OttelPh. Ont. . Vali DAY OLD, Z.WEEIg„ OLD ANI.,. , . .„.. 3 Week. 014 .:13,arrect"'" Rock:: White Steek.I.New Rampahlre, Red, White Lteg,10rIfli. IleWeelted.',chleks, pullets • and,cockerels; • ••Alati ..elder- free , range pullets, Tweddlo Chick •• •Eateherlea 'Limited 'Fergus 0144 taritt.' •, • . ,LEHTiORN PULLETS,. TEN DAY • old $17,90. 2 meek old," $19.40. 3 ,week.old $22.90. Big Egg Quality' add 36. Baden Electrie .Ohick • Vittchery LIrnte4, 13aden,'Ontario. • PA•Itit1 FOR ALft.1-1,00 AeltES,,LOT '- G.- 1:011.• Towaship, of EaSt ants, Quutity• 'of Middlesex good clay Mani, Ignitable. farm buildings, ' .80 aci ea .of, goodhard' maple' sugap • bush, Estate Mita beelosed. Ap- ply to 'Hugh. Meintyro Campbell, • Executor of Estate, Allsa Craig, , Ontariy. IL It. No„ L. or to A. •W. Biagi; his Snlicitor Strath.= rOY. Otttario. - • DESIGNING' sIGH0,91: FOR • CLOTHING • ' GALASSCI'S 1'RACT1C.Ah SCHOOL ot Desicatipg and Patternmaking '1.4clle8'=•:and gentielnell's gar - menti, dressmaking, and ,fur de- . sIgnino. • Correspondence courses nec9OoorY. DaY and evening" . classes. individual'•.instrnction. Write;for Information. .65 Avenue .Roacl, Toronto. . • LYONS• • TRADE' IN DEPARTMENT. • • . • •. .r .,:478:),runge St., Toronto 'AeouSr. ourestrrunE SALE • 1111ECONDITIONED FURNITURE . Every•nrticle thoroughly .'cleaned, recent:IMMO& tizid, sold ander a. de- , finite money "back guarantee of ,sat- . isfaction. • , ' • • • . tIK ..1364utiewl, 'mahogany. bed, `r`!"-", room, suite, dresser, chif-" fonier,.• bed,,,sogiesS, spring and new felt mattress. Perfect., • • Itieli wolnut,,,flitish. stifle, '1'.7•7**••!‘!V dresser.' ' 'chiffonier. bed,. sagless. spring opty new felt, mat- . vackno.11,190era Suite dark ••• ntit' finish; Vanity; .venetian • nali•rer, • chiffonier, "bed., bagless azrjlig and.,neW felt' mat,tress. wg.a•nn 3eautital,large walp,tt Rn- rfah bulletchiffrobetripleo.ttor vanity, full sizse bed and sag- . .less spring. ,• • •• ••,• • , • cpinpiete• • suite,' •dresser,•: `!‘f Vanity. cbiffenier, bed:. Sag- leSS;,6•sp-ring 'And,' new mattress, in two Ione 'Wtibaut•••finisb..• ' • • " " ' $19,50 LarOe dress.er„.fuli.size bed, . •• , spring, and .brand • new -mattress. '• $79•00 Solid vvalnut,sulte, dresser, • , vanity. chiffbnier.' full size ' bed„ Sitgleswriptipg and' new mat- tress. ',Like ' • ', • - Solid Oak, ,dining,' room , suite - large, hUffet,,4exten,-. eichttilVie nniT'C'fl,enthett'S'eat',chatrs. fifti,I.Bettutifttlrlitrge.114ffet, • tension table and 6 leath=. , .uPhalsteted.•ChalM:11o„i:s Ckniaplete litilte; solid • oak' , , • buffet: china...cabinet: ex- tension( table and, 6.1eather slip seat , -"••ga Large English oak suite. _••••••• buffet, double door china cabinet, extension table and, 6 leath- er upholstered -chairs. Perfect condi- Q.nn Smart ',oak suite. buffet,' so 10.AP., imuare,. extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather•slip seat 744 fin 13eatitiful large. walnut ve- ,mr,••••••••t.", neer sttite, buffet. cabinet. -table and leather ,upholstered *chairs. Perfect. • tinti-nn I.,arge- solid -walnut suite „•‘,"‘" (cost new over $300),. -15Orret. eitansion table. cabinet and 6 -leather -upholstered chairs. Perfect tit a nit teautiful carved English., oak suite: buffet; ;refed- tory tabie. closed ehlnt abinet,.',6 leather chairs, Cost new $325,•. Used • 6' months.. ' , • $125.00 Large.caryed walnut • . • SII.ite (iegular. $35.06) ON -tension', tabie,, and 6 leather %chaire.; Perfeet: • conditiop; • • • . , • $127'50.MOLastin suite solid "wet= , , • • nut,, targe buffet,china. cabine.t:,•eXt'ension. table. and. 6 teeth- ' , er tuiholStered ChairS:. , • • . ' ; 11.10b.no-Ileautiful burl ' walnut snito. • (cost new, over s3(i0), buffet,ettenslon, table., Chins. cabinet ',and G lather Upholstered chaira.:(6 months old): • • • , tAa.fin Floor sainple Chesterfield •, !mite. In'• rust reap, reyers=- ible'Marshall spring' enshions. tt27 gn• Large • mohair •.Sizite.' .8 w."'"'44‘,Pieces. reversible 'Marshall. sprine...cushions. 'sh.o*.•Probd. *walnut ft,!eings. „ , 3 •-.129 09. Smart 3 piece chesterfield, • sotto in rust rent), revers-. . ible MarShalf spring,' cushionS,„ thor- ". • mighty elenned..... • • :$14."95 Three.' piece •chesceritela • ,. • , • sitito, tenestry Cover, 'good c.onAtritottoti, •Morigkall' •ctiahici,ns. • •• gn Sinart•three pleceiSuite . •••• •••••,••••, holstered In fine . 'French '• rev,ersible••Nfarshall, CUgp- .w.ritit, • •-• • • • . 13eaufiful 2 nieceAbro*Ii•• 'mohairsoite‘• reversible Soring. T,h,o.1ottet10- otsinned: $45;00 Iiteputtrut cheste"rheiribed , (1croehler),..13, . upholsterer), In fine figured Verfect conditien.. ' ' -Large, asSortatent. of stoves. Cali. - !nets.; Sewing, Mach ties, oild, (11,-,•Rter,• :fields, efictirs., re'rrie'era: tora, ',hre.aknist• • • suites. at re,i'w. hottoin prices. . Write for trod flittItrated cati- Lyoni! Redding '•C tInholStering • 478 Yotige St; Toronto , • • OEiti‘tr t4t0P116'is .•• . . , . DBRPOsItt1(1 KILLER 85c ENTER,. •.„ minutes bedbug s -- cockroaches -- ants• -;•-crickets. Derpo Mcith Killer 25 -?50q kills the; moth • worm. 'At', Eatons,' -Simpsoncr Tamblyn anc17, Other leading stores or Dena) Pro- ducts, Toronto.. • A141,(-EEVElit.ALt 0‘.461Ps• CONTROLLED 1"PQR 'SEASON AF - ter taking,a feW pills. }lay -Ver . Antigen, AIluttan's) an .advanced Pharraaetilogical process,--entirelY ,,,differspt.; Applicable tn•15%,,itadir.; vislual, types. 52.00 :leading Druggiste., Or :direct from 'titrtnan, , Iluttati., Graduate P,harmaCtsts. Winnipeg: • • ' 011/0U "'LESS ll't ORIIIITs YOU VAN lIA'VECITY.' l'ONVENI-: , ences in You). vIllagicirlarm home •Without water supPIY or sewers Write forfree information on our " , modern, self-entptying, odourless . Tolletit* from , $35.00.• up and leave . behind., for ever tie dread out-.' - .house% ISII° -Its 'flies, cold and un health= f ic.- , dIm scoforts. KatiStine En-' gineer rig Company, 164 Portland Street, Teronto. Ont. WAverleY 8985. • ' ' •-', pcIttioNAL •,EVEIR'y MARRIED tioUPLL' AND. ,- those contemplatitig marriage should read --"Sex and, Youth," I 104 pages, 'postpaid 25c. Our 12 page . illustrated catalogue ot sex books, - drag sundries,..etc.. free upon re-. • 'Quest: _. Supreme Specialty,, 169 Yonge, Toronto. :i'llorri)GlIA PRIV ' ENLARGEMENTPREE WITH EV= , , . , • ery 25c order, 'Roll film developed • and eight prints 25, Reprints 2c, 'Established over 20 years.'Bright• ling ' St udiii. '23 11 ir hniond Street "'Bast. Toronto. • „ , FREE EN LA it(lEitENT, ROLL DE- veloped. printed '25c, reprints 3e. AtitP1 73 ilrock St., King- , stun, /lit' • • BERT RESULTS,. PPICTURE$ TO, " he proud ,o1,, rolls" developed ,and •' . 'printed witirhigloss deckted edged" prints, 25ci- Beautiful enlargement free. ' ftentints 3c. Prompt *per-, • Photos. 1272 .1.,ans- • 'downe Avenue, Toronto'. . • ' Trent:TOR • 5IAGNETo AND' ' GENERATOR 'IF:PAIRS-, SEND US YoUlt. TitAt'TOR MAGNE-: to and Generator Repa•IrS...We pave •• You • rnotie..y. Allatisna, Arrtinture „ -,51-rinfr.,• 85 JbIy St: Toronto Future Bright For gattlemeh Alberta Ranch Country Hones To Get Out of the Red Ten lean years are over 'for the ranchers of , Southern Alberta they look ‘ferward. to a ,year'otipien- ,: ty of regd.. and, perhipsplentY of ,money.. "Give' up decent Prices tjs fall • . and ,we'll been Our feet again;r, Was; the comment of icattlemen .attendl x on an stam" pede. • , • For: a decade Alberta ranges were over?grazed,' herds •-depleted and prices tar below cost of firOduetinh.' 0!....„ • ' Grass .is Abundant •„• This Year 'grass is 'abundant, par- ' ticularly in the' southern foothilli. Ground devoid.of grass. for .years has been a green blanket:. cattle . are In fine shape ahd market- pros:: . pects are good. • • "The foothill country is, generaV• `..IY7thehest I. have ever leen' It'in the P st. 22 years " id pre‘itior--. .( . Carlyle, manager of the Duke of Windsor's E.P. ranch near High River. • • • • pOuting ' Revenues L.n ,Tke statement Of operating re- 'Yealies• and Operatiag expenses ofi• the-Cgpadian• STatent for the month:. Of lune issued at Montreal. shows ,Operating revenues,. were $13,702,- , 344 as ".eompared with 5.16.e94.,901... in 1907. • Operating, "expense were 514,472;826' against *16,656,713, dusrtio;geatrh,e e,orreoPel4t7.g''Peri°d''t 4 • For the elk Months period ending. .Tune 30, operating: revenue s were ;42,759,,559, ,agaixist 504,906,314 in • year.thae9rorepsePr°ant idni : expenses R.e,(1. • I ot last t 1 a sot June 30 Of this Year:. Were'. $88.439 541, 'compa'red. with $88.828,3664 for Abe timilar.pdrjod of 1937. . •The sittemariei • Month of, June Operating retr•enties‘, 1933.. 708,,•244f 4987, $16,591,901;• Decrease •* $2,38,0,657; ; •• Operating Expenses, 1938: *14.; 472,286: 1937, 815 656 713' Decrease $1.183,§87• • . • ; Net revenue. deffeit, .1938: 8770,- 58•?.; 1971r5135;ISS; Decrease •$J, 205770. • Aggregate to. ',Moe '10th. . •'Ofierating Revennes '1938, *82•,-. ' 759,559;, 1837,194,890;314; Decrease ''$12,286,755. • •4 .• ; •OUerating!Expenpes.,' :1319i.5 47,115:.1987,•-$88,328:66; IncrOnie.;". , . ,Nat Revenue Defidif..: 1633, 679,982; 1937, ,Se667.,,94S; Decrease, *12,341,930: • Flicfhtless, Rail - • Worth $;00?,090 'This Rare .Bird fprra•SOuth At- • . lantic Has. NeveroBeen Cao- tured Alive-ITry And, Get • One. • • • Want to fry •your- hand on •• , treature hunt, with $5,000,000 as a. prize if you are lucky? They say the old rorpan'tie days of such expechtIons, are over but don ,t you believe it. True, it's not the"-, doubloons or pieces -of -eight that await the. lucky finder: In.,fatt,-.it is' only a bird, and 'a•snutll one at that. But it's worth alive, a cool' five •milhon. Or so they say. , The bird it allightless rail, and is found only, on Inaccessible Is- land (there's a name for those , with ..the spirit of adventure!) in : the South Atlantic, This rare bird, looks like's. small black chick and, . da_long„slehtler-legs-and-shor , Monnted. Slieeintett 'Oel3: • A mounted specimen has been. presented to the American hIns, lourn,-,of ' Natural •History by the, Augnst, G. Partridge, ..Avhe Captured7it.'whehlhe Was British.i" • Commissioner on Tristan da Cun- ha. the 'wolr's loneliest island. Said the, Rev. : Partridgei• . "A live • specimen: of .the bird :itself Weald be *o rare that it Would be a good,b14 at $5,000,000. ; • 1Vor. than 20,000,000 poundof '. crude rubber was shipped • into Ari • • &alai last. year. r emir) • NEXT YEARS IRISES* ' One of the "mast" Reins which ' many :gardeners have ,Marked • . , down on their schedules for at- tention during the next feWmeeks is the Ordering of -,irises for snewi. plantings,, or the improvement of old beds, :• linlike most garden' Perennials the bearded irises can be set out !daring the midsummer, ' In fact,,,, • they are betterplanted then than:* later itt the fall,when root growth again becomes active: No Other fleWer,se easily grown at the iris has. such a wide range of color coinbinations: Alinost every color, shade and hue is to, • be found ' in the petals of this at- tractive flower: Becattse ',Of the ease With Which it may 'bellyl)rid- . ized; many imatent 'and professional plant.' breeders:have been; Making thousands Of . crosses' yLear- ly, With .the resale .k that Seedlings have been grown, whick not only prodhae, taller ahd better branch- ed stalks, hearing More and larger' .blossome, but new colors and col: 'or ceMbinations. have , been also brought into existence. • NTE:. Full or prf time, tc sell ottlatilerftal Atte; and , weekly. . . ". Stank 'IwONEY MEE tirseries BOX 252 oNTAmo. •!• c•• , TpF., FINEST PANSIES ' To glow the fitiest'pinSieS; seed. Must be soWti at the right., time. Planting during the ' first two:. weeks of Augustresults in the StrOngest, plants, •., though , early• , September is not too, /ate..it'One ; has a greenhouse, seed, May be started indoors in January. : \ Sow In August While panty seed ' may be sown • in earlY, SPring: the practice ,isn't recommended for tectioni where, summers ,are hot and -dry. pan- sies delikht itt a Cool' climate' end to obtain the finest flowers gard- criers in warm sectiont"riiiiii tole their blooming period.,1o. fill in 7 the cool spring months. Since •1,•pansies Eire tier.niais, August sow- ing will give the plants • sufficient, time to grow and develop for spring display Of flowers. ' By- far the . best place' to= tow in a'colgframei Yet 'a prepar- • ea sheltered seedbed' will •give you very geed resulti, also, Unless , careful Attention, is paid' tothe priration of the soili resUlts • aro Often ditappointing: • . • ,IN•THE 'SHADE: , . Groend-OnVer: plants have an „iMportant- part in the .soni4hu1ud garden; taking the Pled° of grass where it will not thrive and to fili gaps in the flower bordel..s.' Blue' earPct'.bligle (alive), white lily- of.the-va!Icy, light bine crested irisand blue leadwort oiurnbagti,j are flowering serts Which .do well 'itt the shade, a do the evergroch Japanese sptirge,:,4)eriwinkie, the bVetgraeik Winter Creeperp (eget:1Y'. • nitts) in,. several varieties and the' Baltic: ivy. , , • ;',.Scjcncg-, Synthetic Vitamin E Vitamin E, Llle factor itt, nyAtrition. that COlitrOle fertility and the abi • lty to carry' the young to:Maturity . end, birth, has' been Made Synthetic- ally by Dr, Oliver .H. pmersinx, the institute or:Experimental Pin - Ogy, ilniVerSity. Of CalifOrnia, work - Ing in the research laboratories Of Merck & Co at;ROWaY, 19. This thKvitamin w1Ioe existence . in wheat germ oil and in lettuce Was, deznonStrated, by Dr...Herbert: 114.... ..Evans in his rescarelr' at the Uni- • • ,yeisit o Califoinit' , Useall Ih Pelle04 • Discovery of ,a !IOW': drug Whic14,." It honed,„ will at:siSt Materially in , -the treatment -of. tufferert from pet»! lagra, (a chronic:disease, due to diet deficien-Cies), • was disclosed . at England,' Iasi .wee1.1 by cheinists who have ," been., experi'• -nienling for -years •on -the rcimineend derived from ordinary smoking to . • tabldta. containing ,a drug which Is named !`niccitine acid have been found useful Iti Makiiig. goccd, defl:. bleneiet; ef diet thatbalite many :cases of pellagra in both the south of the United:States and southern European cities. ' Trips To The, MOO' Regular high-powered. rocket.serIripe to the'rhoon may be expected in the 4.`beniparatively near. future" If 7scientistscontinue to inerease their -knowledge at they have in re- . tent Yeart; Dr. Peter Ai. minfoun.• AM PhD told , a .Eiwanii ..clikb • Meeting in Toronto Iasi...week: ‘'Rocket trips to tile •.:M000 'Pre /Inteli more.'feasible today than was:: the' inventlea:of television ,106 .years ago,' Mr. MilliMan said.. • •,,,Wind. lnAlte,StratoSnhel,•ef. Wind sPeeds in ;the 'stratosphere, One Of, ithe ”great'UnI,Mowile'k, of the.,; •,Weather. •register tllem3clves on a, new radio'direction finder,: at .the,-,, Caiiicirnia. Institute • of •Technology,'.. •• • The ,finder Is an automatic weath- er -man, who sits: on 'a reef,: and cords the. vertical and • liorizontat'.. . •. • .. • • angle of:.•tadio.• hallopee-sacb as,. the I weather bureau:. 18, seruijug into: the stratosphere to 'report 'tenapere- ' •ture.: humidity and pressure.' ;Attie has: hitherto. been ,known, . about :stratosphere and Upper•,. alr Mirrente •• ' • • ' Neiv4nOeSioi,.,07Man Dr...Robert ,Broent, South ••African • • . . .. • • .seientitt...: reports the discovery of a fossilized anthropoid , which he •claims Is the:neitidat appr.oach to .an'ancester- of. Men yet uncovered, • •The:.._eathropoid's -remains Were.. .:•found ameng,:a deposit of hones: at. • ' 'Breccia in the Sterlistroom district• ,' •."The.faCe . is unlike- that. Of;a ger-, 11a;being remarkably flattened and - :the ntazZle Very ahert';'-Di-'ti'nnin • ;said.. Trlie :ear region. and thehlnge region f the lower Jaw are ' • reizierkabli: „human, :,theugh.• Very.: •-•,;-nmenti*Iarger. . . 4The,pkull• thOUghnot quitecom- piete.ehoWs" el/66,01111g exCept.,:the • IiiZe :Of .tile..brain: ;Half Of the &Co ' '15 preserved•with •:the'.W4ole. lower halt nt the left 7side of the skull 'showineincluding the cheek a,rel!„.. !_eaVity.:anit..artitelation Of the We have tt:'practiCally 'coMplete, late With Mott Of, the •teeth and a nearly .coMPlere lower 'jaw," he. - Canada's Maternal Deaths• Higher Than 'Other Countries Of Equal Standards—Reme- ut.o: dial Steps to Be Suggested In Near Future, Skyrocket ' .. The new Child and. ,lifaternial.'Hy,- , giene Divisina of the,PePartnleit of' Pensionsand •Nationdt Health is. al- readY..tnelting yrogresa••,-Witb•,a sur-• . .. . , — vei. le ,deterrain; rectors, Contribut- ing;ttirEanada4 high: infant and Maternal mortality •rate, ,When, the Er.„... survey ie. Om' 6,ted, It Will suggest . relnedial '' tep'.. ta,.fineings• Indicate. : Canada't, death rat :e is admitted-. I, ly .hiilte•r 'than:it' thedid be, and Is ' poor . in Comparison •-41th two Or • three .other`eetintries.eteemparlible ' •national Steck and condition of lite, 'officials her 'admit.- The:Child and • maternal: mortality ,ratd, In riar'tiee-' lay, le above that of Some Other'," count ries Where Vig+Otle methods ' haVe been iotiiiileYed:,to.aasuite the bab.y•-•a sate start irt like and to also. 'Make Maternity relatiVnly safe. ' ' ' • • telephone time annotinceri•is be- ing rungitipan average Of 3.40,-. • 060 Aiines'a Wodt. •' • • Lenden's autoniatie • • CORN SALVE BUNION SALVE FOOT POWDER ihicommended mit lotat,cicsitist IAC" . viltY Lig _tin System Advocated Suggested $aid'_ To Re • Ckeetier'. Than Present Sys- tem of. Road Illumination in Ontario. • '40ePtereee00(1..43, 0. Ilk, •i:tel of Presten. Speaker of the Ont - ado Leiisleture, a new Improved 2, system of -highway lighting, Is new- tkadei consideration by the twoVia-: Cial Department ot Highways and the Hydro:Electric, Power Conithip: ,., sten. ° For SAN' DrIvin The system wl be lastelled on the • tieW. Preston -bait double hIgh--. TY,a3".4 Copts'. are found -41 be farnr",;' able •with the present highway llghting syStem,-.The'-neW lighting Plan; Which, It Is •cialined.uriii Make, • safer . OriVieg.• and,' eliminate; '13ye'',. stratawillembody underground wiring.and the elimination ot poles. . It wilt revolutionize the systelp at • present used on proVinCialhigh - wayeand will he .sernewhat similar • to that used on certain' highways' in :Fiance. Under the, plan a lighting.' -unit of portable , type three 'Net • blgh 'along the highray, with. lights , at various 'locations will be ,providli ed, It is, believed' that the ,dostill•v be 16wer, than the Present overhead systeth,.. Mapy Old Laws Are 8till Valid Canadian Cities Have Ancient Ordinances. On Their BoOks'. That are Rather' Laughable,. • •:, EverY, Motorist in Vancouver is lia.ble to arrest but it took. an in- quiring reporter to find; it out. A .study' of City by-laws Showed' one : directing traffic to keep; to the • 'left had never been repealed, Van- couver has been "keeping to the :right'.' for 18 years!, ' '" cev7ii; .Pigs 'pia:14d ,1f you Muse' drive' your cows ; or pike along the streets of Ot- tawa, it is as ,Well' to keep' ,thein, et- Metcalf 'street: An „ancient city by -la, e,ntedwhen, .Ottawa was smalj and animals on the strdot,' were common, made it an offence to. •driVelhem atong this Central"' • thoroughfare:- . • Meicalf. Was the first :Ottawa street to be. paved . with asphalt and the city 'fathers'Of that day , Were sit.proud of it they decided to reserve .it felt.' human ' beings . andiAhorsek:--Thatturieifiin Tough On Pedestrian* • Halifax has its pwri group of old. ' statutes that have:never been re -- pealed and nimble pedestrians, al, thnu4h unaware of it,' -were, also :breaking the law' every timethey jumped to escape being ;WC br-a vehicle on, the streets., " ••' A city ordinance, never 'repeal- . . • • ed forbids the performances ‘. of •• "Rope Walking or any othe? gyni: • naitide or athletic.. feat on the• stregts." .Apparently the law was enac e. w en a patent Medicine ' vendor, to attract business stretch- ed a rope across the street and, Walked *across it. , • section banning Inibedles • fromwalking:, on the streets on "Sunchlrit-also still on the Fe -a -I.' eautificaton Of Ottawa Begins. Under Supervision of Paris Ar-chitect The Long Range Plan Is Going Forward• 'Jacquei.dre.ber, • Parisian •:atchl- '1 feet-, .famous : on•tWo continenft for ,• • his tOWn-planning..• arrived. list , 'eek in Ottawa to find • work Welt : started on .the long range 'pled for'. beautification rif the .tiationpl .capi= . tat .he Sabi:nit:tee • to the. Govern- ment .slx lnontlis ago. . „, Chiet•arehiteet tor.the 197, Paris ' Expoiition and., neW denetiltant 111 Creation 'of, New York's 1939 World,. Fair •Miliding construction, Mr..reber arrived to discups " far - thee details ot the Ottawa iniprOve, rrhent. plans,' • . • • • Central feature ' of Mr Grebera• plan for Ottawa it the alid ot 'the National War ineinOrial located en the plaza Over the :Rideau, Canal.. ' Since his. last v1st tho POO .0ffl,de.. bedding has , been , levelled anilthe . :work is now progressing high felted' to • Orel/Art, the...,haS6 for • the inetnerial. •• • • ,Pincapples from France ate be.. ing -cultivated nt hothoUseS ori the; Black' "Sea coast". of Russia. el WOO, laittaiims,Mmt" CAWS MO MOM STOPPED QUICKLY 1 'TURK RIGHT: TO.,..PQ1)E01$44'-. Ifiamot y011,NtAltii th4 ' •• tom:. them. ttN: 00:11004 Ot.-0•0441, 'to e0Myroent elther,..-wh:04144i41.1, • your own with • etleMbaeco 014119k evelleh sinalCer could cisk 'doubly sure of. •Oso011t*t, tuvf4t4' rolling if you always cheew•the, best 'papers "Chociteclet" 0.•'t "Vogue", • Pipe. Srookersk,, Ark For ere'r , CMS OGDEN'S FINE EUT ' We are great little; bookkeep- . ars,' We alWays • ;credit " oartelves our successes and •blame Pzo • vidence for our fatties - Visitor (in editorial rooms), -4.\ "What de you tise thatbine, pencil: foyel, • .Editor "Well ;=• to make a long story short, ft's er Make' a long story •short'! , . • .1fly4iu are loaded, lor bear,, 'do not' waste your ammunition on. the chipmunks, Parson Brown. had finished his iermen and was, making the an- nouncements-fer-inxrwerk: "And now, My bred'ren " he ...said, "next Sunday I will .speak to you upon the condition of the church and my topic Will, be The Status Quo.", ' • . "Pardon me, Parson," inter- rupted Deacon Jones, "but what: do that mean?" . • .. • • ."Well; Deacon," •rejoined the parson,- "dat's 'Latin for we'sin, a 'devil of a fix." ' E WILL ALWAYS BE OUR . COW' • (Vrom the .Van ,Nis; California, News) Young Jrsey cow V; ;gallons pet day very rich ••• Milk, Will ••care for., children'''even-• 'Mgt; 10e per. hoar. Have car.' • he 'student walked irito class wearing:a eciab Which .truly outOid., , Joseph's. •The clash of -colors 'made a •noise, He just could net ,hay.ejoped. t� get .by Without. eorne Continent, but perhaps ing like what he -actually did g4t, ,Iron one of . those • ever , PreSerit :back:Of:the-renmert : • •*";, • ' •• ,"Say, that's the first.: time ; ever seen a sunset with buttons," He ."You've been out with .. , worse •Io.okink. • fellows than I'•ain; haven't you?" . She did not reply — said, you've b'een out With .•yorse looking 'fellows than• I ant, 'haven't ,yon • ° Shi)1.`4.-,1' heard :you the first time. t Was ,trying to think." One' Sunday night, the:preacher sternlyyoanginenr°ianredthe rega'r' ghe6t71 h rtehu7he flitting with the girls I hope they NON giveine a, chance," and he ;wondered 'Why the cengregation • Zu'ninr 7-: "Grandpa, we've •bean , arguing whether the *clock stands or sits on, tho, inantel;" ' Grandpa ort• is: halt past eight the clock and it is only . a qua • rter to, eight; ,therefere, :shouiego it nos On'the mantel." ' 47' ,t SPRAINS' ' Rub Mina, rd's clods, h • penetrates tors listment., Mists inhumation, toethoo, Puisteuen.youilssitt • Foundero To Be Honored At Ex, Ctiampad- JOhileo of C. 14,' Eo'*.--' . • Olishilimmt. Cantos This : • Y,INV; • ; , . .„...-•. — . • • ps.**etnianta of thoSo Who Wok mrt, in, establiabitig .the Ottlindlati National! •Kxhibition. (Wring Its AN)native years aro being Wide/r 4.9t4hi thrOngtIOnt Canada and the A`klitoO PtoteiA, it •WIll 440,000INC4." latt wok, by Goerge 1.4.10den, thei . • Q's N. K, lu*4ident,,,•t '• ' '. • . 4 .`,1,1•titOSe this ,)"ear Marks.' the Dimee,thi _JUtl'ilee of what ,isheyf J t th'• 40,•1%\•;:t sututs 1 expositiiin in ' the Wovhi. it will Oe designate& as . •,. • . "IN,ttiniet'a 'N'ear" in,honer of.lha' men 'atul . women whn contributed' organ4in1z abilit$, presented eir ,,. hihitS, mai attended.' the, slowly- • ‘ gemwii*,'",tsii" citAring, ;the,' years , . nontodiAtel$ .folfovvi:eg" its 0414)- ".14hnu‘nt in 1S78. W4t4r. A Spe.ciat Rads. It i's to:centre,'attention on the fact that the • c'attaditte • National • • 'phibition:is. "the -people's show" that the families of the founders are to be honored this iiear, it was peiefed .00. F'or this i•eason, any- one *related to one of the founders will 'Wear. a epecial- bOdge 94 the EOtkIldere Day,. Defined as foun- thn:.-is.aaY exhibitor, visitor or ex- ecutive officer who Was connected ‘v.ith,fhe tikposit:on prior to 1907.° Eligible as. 'des-endiinf it a Son, ...daughter, ' grandson, „grancidaugh... , .. tek., niece er nephew. , . . . . Grain Is COHOW40:- .,Cpt;'TNrelhed, •In City Limits . Most Modern ,.Methods af, Har. - •'..vestjng Are .D.entOnstrated,-;•;-: Field. of. Wheat In .t.. 77-7 . . . Area; " ' • • tEy; Phric4arbyl)„,get,.eft, iit anz incor- poratedp.a field of,•grain,'was•grown, ". harvested aed_thresheti Within the limits of Handiten.:Ont. The , .•• ...vesting.:was•Oone in ,e field 011 the. • Property:1pr •the intetnatiOnai. Han ve:ster right In the' heart .. „of the. city's industrial Oietriet, The •• ,;... • .',clemohltratinn., was '.witnessed ' by 'nearly 109 , 'prominent.: Hamilton .busities Men and industrialists, , • '.. • Leave • Grain. Standing great advance Made in farniing • . The: dernonstrationr.'shoWed the ., methods and 'fioW.:the.'fairnerls-bui-. „ _en was e n lessened:- Afield .0; • wheat grown for experimentaFpur- petee.wat cut and threshed by a, • ...b7itth:111;16t:iski7;e*etn4islylirers;e:;antaeerkitiallie; have, been Introduced 'to 'Ontario, . grain .growers' in an effort to put ; 'Orme the ';coat andlInte.,pf harvest - Ing and threshing the grain. The . objection to the combine preVioeslyi, • .'„. has been • the ,: ',tact ..,that, •„Ontario' ..wheat idoes not ripen evebly, but. 12 , machines -Of thiemake now oPerat- • 11-ig4n.•=4.11-6-prOvin-de.-aretiVi:n#:ewtiu-' ....r.p.,g.tut.y_,..aer_ttuekt.;414i4-4‘eported. ,machines , the fernier .,. • cananew his Wheat to stand .0 the; tele until' ,the ;time •for threshing • • . . • • . • • The'..cOmbing• elintinateet, . Drudgery. Eliminate* _ Xing, binding and: threshing opera.' .•, tiOnS' necessary with .the7brdinary • , method of harVetting. The machine . istoWed by a. tractor that Supplies •' e..neeeiaary 'p_ower. The grain., le * gilt and thretheein the machine. as -•••• It goes • through the: field,: Thof . throttled grain is ptit'into•a hopper” . . _ , , • , • and, this hopper it emptied Cady' into. a truck Or Wagon ..at (ho scene.' operations. .0n1Y. the Straw h; left, to be raked up . after the threshing,The threshed;grain ' is good 'ettality as that,i'Oh: ...tented with the; Ordinary •MelheOs,.. •The 'nfeebine' :demonstrated tate 'le, • siX-toot swath and .can de 20. acres a threhhed 'Yielded... aboarld" bushels, to tlie acre.• °. rt. ore heasants • Being Released • Ontario pheasant •theOters- Will have 20,000 'biretta shoit at nett , .6etober instead of 5,000 as \vat' the ease. •last year. . 11: 3. . Taylor, d.oPutYM1nitci ot Ga'nie and ,Pisheriessays, that a re-.. Volationary, changes in the .prd-, • •vindeas pheasant shooting pelicY • . Will be 1/1: effeet in.: Otteher, wheli, 50 tbiinships in 13 counties :are Op • - ehetl•to: •hunters . t‘et‘ One te• three; 'days. ' "„: • •' A Record ',Nurriber • elf toss nshili will issue • freht . •190 to, 2500-'speCitil „licences," Mr. Taylor ttId 'The,. toWnsliip clerk ' wlil. have • the right ,to roloct the • ptlin -pettoit Ite doesn't real SPOlitaplan?'Thc . Deputy Mitiister Said tile De' partnnent experimented' '.witit the; , SYStein last Year and found, It It SucceSS .desPite the fat. elitY 'rtiOti. • governnt.t,alsed bilds *pit' re= 16asod'dttriaglhayear.:,•,••lho 20;000brr. niallable this 'year is tile' greateati numb' (a- be ,Inade avail able le Any. One -Year ht the hittorlt , ef-rthe 'Dr evin r•