HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-08-04, Page 7'
I • • •
krg$ .V" • • •
Adveptarous.kialth -7. The
,Beek of Rtith
'Printed,'1'xt, Ruth ' •
0004, "re)(t;• ''Thy PeePte`ah411
my people, and thy. God my God:
Ruth „ ',"•.
Time --'..Thes•-date for the events
recorded th this. book . Cannot he
. definitely determined; , • they, took
:Place probably duritli the Alin.,
'teenith. century 11 C, L. heir/eel:1
•Place Moab is the large dia.
° trict :across the s Jordan River, and
Immediately east of the Dead Sea,.'
',Gentile territory. Bethlehem is the
faMous, Old and New TestOinent
city, located five Miles south ef
rusalem. ' • .
The ,book of Ruth Wassdes.eribed
by Goethe as 'the loveliest little
itlY1 that traditidp has transmitted .
id us:" We do not know who wrote
• the book, nor for that matter,
when the hook was 'written.
The name "Rtith" Means 4coms
rade" or "companion," and certain- •
ly tier 'whole history, as it is hereso „
exquisitely repordecl; is theful-
, fillment of her Mune.
"Ruth's beautiftd deVetion to her ,
plother-irriaw,; Naoint; Ruth 1:G-18
ep•ssite-arese. with qa.
•-•,.tets-in-iaw',..:•thilt :She' Might.
' from the ceuNtrY of ,Moah; f
. ,
had heard mn the enuritry• of
how :that Jehovah- had .visit
. people 'in .giving: them •brea.d... And,
. she' wept •.forth ont of the!. place
whei:e-she' wo-s,'. and t (laugh-
tel..s,intlaw With her; and they went
On the .way to reture unto theiaticr
Of•Judali.'' • •
The alieus, we AMY. believe:were
.hind'..to•her; but•IO the.fli1it of soi.7
tow thete,are: no ,frleds likedidtrie
• friends;• especially thOse:•ofour 'own'
. ,
kzndled4 A Earnine An the fields'. of •
• Betlilebeni took her to Mtab, but
novi•a: fainine 'id the hert ' made
her hUnts'elf. forrn. • -
. .
, Twofold ates.sing ,
•.,•!'And Nabmi. said, unto • fier two
ill.au,•-liters-in:law, Co, . return.:
t tO her mother's hous,e.," And
altholigh ntt1 fatijej was', atiVe
,. the •natural place 'foi• the .feniale
Members • of the, family. would be
,tlieir in otliee,:s. 'tent 'or house Oen.
24:23/•• "Jehovah dm ekindly with '
Yoit as u
K .- ., the .stalks that, Were missed in the''
ieturn harvesting, but they actually sksere
or she ; to let .fall 'aorne of the bin -idles of ,
Ioh.h.. gain that she mightobtain, with.
ed h',
, "In • Bethlehem, Neenit found. the• .
halt ruined cottage, belonging to
her, and .there MO. and Ruth took'
'Op their abode, But 'fqr a liViV
'• what waa to be lone? The answer
'came inthe proposal of Ruth to go
jute .the • fiehls where the
harvest was Proceedjag and glean
after the ,reaperia (Bee !orthe iai;
oi•gleautOg ,Lev.., .101. 23:22;
Peet. 24:•119.).By•sreat diligenee she
mlght gather' q11.04 1
,10 day .33t day for
the', bare, stiitenance .that contents....
a Syrian,I-Peaiairt,and afterwards
some other Means of 'providing for
herself -and Naomi might be ,found.
,14ath..es she was to expose itlith
td..;the trials' of. the harvest -field;
Naerni had to let-her:go. Itares into,
• (he field o,f, Boaz .that Rue", finally'
' carob, a ,vVealth'y Man of the familY
F---artilmeiech,• Who was related 'to
, NaOrni's .decea4ed. husband: thtiugla
. hew clesselY related we,..da.",not even
Boaz- from, the very begin-
ning appears".to, be an! dimaual. char-
acter, a man of a large.' • heart, '
generous disposition, of delicate
sensibilitiea,of keen perception.
Seeing Buthin the fieldsand being
strack,at once With ,hee.' beauty' and.
- grace, ..11pOil• inquiry' he discovered
who the.:stradger'..Was;•and gave out
woril 'to.his, harvest hands that they
• shciuld not: 'only allew tier 'to glean
•iv1i: th,c detei
and with me. 0,....lehtivah gi.aiit you'7,
,„ . .
.; .that 'ye. inayfind rest; .ea eh • of Yoe
th. the hOirse- of her husband: Then • '
she kiasedilieni. and theyrliftcl 'up--;
tb.eir voice and ws.e,tit” s• ,., .:
s..10. And they- 511(1 unto 'her, ',Nay,
: boe we wilt retu.rn with thee, unto
'thi,r .eeople, '11. Aird„, Oat,ii•i•• said
..TUrn !agdlii. :My; daughters:• , 'Whir .,.
'Wili .Ye.go , with pie? hue. I yet, s
.'in. my . weal,"); for 1.. ani; tee olc
c:liave a 1iitsband:.•if..1 Should .sa.
liavie liePe; it.114lieti1d;•e-ve1i..ha'%;
. .hualiand. to night and 2110111(1 also
.•..fiedir. sens';', I:I: would ..ye :therefeie
'tarry till they 'were •ecitv-il,?..,would.
• ye 'ili.erefore stay. froni. having •hus-
' handiv? nay.' ink-clOughters; . for . it
g1ieyet.11 hi0. intieji, em. .yonr'SakeS,• .
fbi. the lieticL-OL2.4-01.1-6-'441'Is. gOne
.. !birtli. againstfine.',..The. times were
rude and wfltl... A'-wonlati cohltil• be
' safe: and , respected only under the
proteetien, of a :husband. . .There •
. , . , .,
i was do ,pliiei, fer:theni ilf.ilii, 's-!oeial •
• •Ii. And they. liflod 61.) r..,.tqy voice
.and:wept again; ,antl Oinith ki•ssed
, , . . , •, ,. ,
her ;mealier-in:law.. •but ...Ruth 'elave •
unto• her. It la.ilet,,said ..t.liat Or pall
. actinilly depa.rted, and ..retilished to
' koali; but,'-da'the, st'ory,tinifelda: and'
• ()rival! ,is not heard .cif ; akiild,:,We•-•!..;
rightly .asSiime-that She did not rie...:.
company Naomi, rind. Rinh m,:sti.io-
. nii'S .,foyelY. birthplace:. '.. •S'.... -. • •
. , Rcligion"•ThroUgh• Love .
. 1.7e. :Silt) she-said,Ineliold thy Os:
• ter4n.law '•• is , gone back., Unto 'her
: PgeOle. and 1(1114) hem -goii:. return
• thOit'after thy siSter-in•laW:. 10 'Atid.• •
• . ... . ,
Ruth. attic'', entront me net to. leave
:theeand to 1etl11t.,11 front follewing
after" thee; for ,whithei,..:tlion .,c 't
• 1.vv1l1:4,0; inn; where thou Iedgest."1
Will 'ledge:. thy PeophY.s.liall .he',111y.
'•:peePle, and thy Goa ...niii. God:, 17:
Wh.ere' their .iliest, *ill 4., die, drid
there Will'i.be hurled: Jehoviill do •
: .S. to Me. and more' also; if .aught
. ,..•
but 'death. part. thee and ino,'IS', Anil
*heti •she .aaw that she 'Was stead.
. fastly. Minded 'to gc,i., with; her, she.
left elf speaking lints) her, (4.. lit'
ill the whole of the'Ohl '.1.:'eatanteilt.•
• • • are thei.e ,afdi'dS nioet, bpatit,iful••••in
' their dsimple pa tims or, mere • sows
.qvi:eitt in.:their niteenseisbis,, poetry.
• •Ritel.);IttinientS. corns, lo •114, aft And
... ' • • • s .
there, are at least . 1111 ots, big ••ts Ivo ios,,
ineet Most ins;it in life ,•;•
•• the. clioiee Of' W•sirk, l'Ict::s clu• v'ler .el
loVe, ,atul the eindoe sr? 'cod ......- ‘1•1:0
• •olcii of these lo• ittirriired •• in . einie :
.Pliere...lii which: , to 1,10. i'0,1i,gt!mvo
• .* .a$11 re io. ti o chefoo in* lldth...' ''Js., „s.;
• Loving ' rola tiOnsli ips -'4iffor.il. a
. . .
Work..Naoilit,••whoste• el'tat aoter .was
,rooteti . Ia.!' volt gi off, did turo.q. t I Vie
ivOr.k ',fiyr,' dod. 14 he broneht : 'lint IV • .
fo to tho caictiant o'isati,allo.n..,..'.
retiii'n of: NaolnitlY heV,invtly.,
. PIACC. nunit ..liiiite'bettil',,,f0t.' lict: •ji
iretililf1;i: 'rind. litini Mal frig o'N try
' 10 ilt04•
;;:, , .
. '
the.least amount of labor; an: ahun,:•.
dant sootily of .grain to ea.rrY
The, words _of 4:Iciati...to,Auth 'iti•e•, -
.eeedinglyibeautifiil especially the
ss;41..ssing• which •he pronounces upon,
h'er. Here. we find; a .trtie spirit of
PletY in• the heart (Irthis rich rnazj
. and also a spirit. ot genuine hunllJ
1t BQz is.„the perfect gentleinan.
• • Ancestry, Of DnV•ild •
•',Thei•e,...i's. no. doubt about it .that;
Bklaz; zi.Man. of thehighest cim rae•
ter fell deeply in with Riitji
E•verything,••• here Is. "lionOra ble :and. '
.; beautiful; tind,,,vve.rnight..say,'.iven:...
,.derfuly roinantic. Rtn.1 jufa., come
s.,to .Betideliern. a•:strzinger. Gedtile,!.
. poor, neknown,"a :widoW., She was
. . • . •
• rick' to ke.•Married to of liethles:
. • . . .
bein's sgi eateet. citizens,: to have ••.a,
••• home Of her OWn.:•01; this, marriage •
• a son.was born. to WhOrn was given -
:01)ed, which ineeoS.
pne.z.1,.•0 Gbed:•waa bora .
grep,'Icing •
, , . .
, .nian or woman Of te :hum •
bleSt tort can really be'.,strong,.
pnre. and 'good •'vvitheut.,
somebody being helped, .and
forted by. the very existence, of
• • that .gootjrieSa:—Phillips Btook.s.
The bet, use we •can make of
y. 1%. share it With
6 'a- flavitho rn e
1, 5• ianious,
Moderrii „
. 11 ,A1310,nilltrset3:• -g.
12 Sterling'
13 Eneiroled.
14COurtesy fitl
' 18 Above..
lk; 'rumor.
14 ,ptitheast,..•
22 SPain. • •
24 To -daub.
• ; 21, Lacerates.• '
''.29.Dregs. • • .
31 Leg's common.
• p3
• , • •
33 Upit:
3aSoctat.hiseee• .
39 ExiSts...
49 RibbOrt •
41 Drone bee.
43 Chaos.' '
44. T5, wipe,
'Watching Bircls
Restores Cahn
-:Ta-2-Sangsters -WOrld Is 'Place
• • Of Harmony, Not Chaos
"If More Peel* would go to
the Park new.ands.then, and WatCh
the birds thek would get; out of
themselves, restore their perspec-
tive, and come bathe calmed and
Raymoridl 'V. In-
gersoll gays, in theChristianSci-
ence Monitor', She's been studying
• birds '-- net as an eii•Perf:' but just
in 'the casual yet interested Way
that is .open to anyone —ler years
Indeed she has traveled.with a
friend as far as 13ritish,, Guiana
and Trinidad to Study birds: And
• all she'se seen ii.nd though about
• t!l*nlatter has‘led her to the above
conclusion. "TO :the", birds the„,
• World is not a Place of Ch444,, but
,of harmony,, and. industry and
so. There's alesSon:in that fer.
our human consumption if we will 4`
perceive: it,"" . • •
"Any back 'yard that has a :_few
shrubs growing in it can be a field
for the- observation
Smart Animals
In the zoological gardens near
Brussels,. a ;few minutes before
the recent earthquake began, some
animals showed signs Of restless-
ness. ‘The lions roared 'abnqr.mal-
;.'bisoas, anteloPes,' and, •deer
turned round in .direles arid eltarg-
ed the bars of 'their sages, as -if
"vtiiing to ininindiaterY'
after' the 'shock the ,maddened
beastS became calm again.
Britain now has 1,400,600 do.'•
mestic servants, •
.Dr. George Hilten;• veterinary
. •
director-general, Dominion depart
nient of agriculture, has retired '
from his post after 33 years of
distirigniShed service tn• Canada.
Dr. Hilton' has been direetlY ter' ,
'sPonsible for the ,splendid , health-
ful tendition. of Canadian. live: •
stock and. it. is .a tribute; to him .
and his predecessors that there •
has never been an outbreak of :the
,dreaded feet and mouth disease
in Canada. • •
oncert Pianist
nswer to PretrIout
=IR D Otio il
CIIMIliin 17- 11117NINCINI
?comma 1015IN jINCIIIIIII
VI iii Pa A
G38118 NM ND
45:To pyruphonie,
41 To drink .do vonicAi • "
1T� notch.
2 To think.,
• .3. Withered.,
tRespects: • • ,
49 Three
• 51 Boxed •
• 54,Sheltered:
•place. •
56'Witie veSSe1; •
58 Ascended.
59 'Matsli '
ki) His .11P.tiv
.61,He is -also a
of, '
• 5 Neuter
' .,ptonogn.
8 Proverb
.9 Hol)s bran,
10 Distinctive
• thecirk •
172 To4Plutter..
.,17 PeOpqd:
la•Ife,is ..
favOrxte •
coneert ••-•.-4. •
23 He plays in
• lalkings.
.24 To observe..
15 In '- •
26 Hurrah!
.2,it Mineral snring,...,
32.LefWiand '
34 WaYside hotel
36 Sea gulls.
37.Vended' • •••
40 Bushel.
42 Sun god. ,
45 Ketch.
t16 Sinai!' bird.,
48 Scheme:
50 Knock.
52 Pair. .
53 Piniih.•
2 55
5 Bufore t
r s
• m /Um wow molr
mann mann
MI 111 MW
NM 1111i 11
Soo , loo
.• ••
The "Century Fight"' ,:Broadcait
This program • broad ca4t ever
.1‘.1Onday night (8'4)6 'to 8.30 p.rn.
„ • almotmeed• • Gerdon .
:Shaw, over 'WLIV. the' cresley sta-
tiOn„ at, -Ciiielanati,VgiVeS Married'
folk a _chance2to have friendly
Gordon Shaw
• disagreements without enarreling.,
So, gather round ,folks, and. per-
; haps you Will. 'get some 'pointers.. '
''.--11•(Irej9;g0t.99••• $.30:
every "Morida night over'
siatiOn. WLW,.
,ClEtt Will Broadcast, official Open-
ing Nev Thousand Isiaods, Bridge
j.40C.K.Y11,.,LE.,..7.1,11y 25.. The •
I:opening :ceremonies ' eennection
with the formal dedication of the
Thousand • Islanda. International
join Canada and
the United, States •,aerOss• the. St,
Lawrence ;River at ,ivy Lea; „On-
tario, ' will be broadcast over the
coast-to-coast network Of the Can-
adian Broadcasting Corporation,.
Thursday, 'August 13, 245 to 4.00
• 'Detailed plans regarding the ar-
-,riVal •of the 'distinguished guests,
• Wile .Wili'partiabite in •the, day's
'exercises have been .announced,
and , the Canadian .and American'
parties whO Will Meet at the exact .
•' boundary;.on Wellesley..Island, in- ,
• Chide' .President, Roosevelt, Lord
•'TWeedainuir. Governor-Gene'ral of
•Canada Lady Tweedsmuir. Prime
Minister •Mackenzie •*King, and:
Gate,nunr-H,"er,13.ert-ifr-17'el o
„ •
The Gevernor-perieral and. Lady
Tweedsmuir and their entourage,
Will travel from Quebec in a SPe-
eial railroad ',car, arriving . at
l3reekVille .in tirne .to beard the
private yacht, "Noby, Dick;'" Own:
ed by George, T, Fulford, former
M:P.P..and wealthy manufacturer,
'which Will , 'carry ; them down the
St. Laivrence to the scene -of the
,Cetenionies...Canadals Prinie
ister will be ab'oard with the vice-
regal party, sailing under- the
Canadian channel -crossing of the
2. new .five aPan, bridge. , ' .•
' :Plans, call -fOr` the arrival of
President 'Rodsevelt 'at Wellesley
.Island ,at 3.00 •p.m. !near •the 90-`•
• foot -kpap4rOisSing
'adian ho,undary,.. where: the •actual
dedication will take place. .With li
twenty-ehe gun, salute as the Sig-
nal, the King's. representative in
Canada and. other Canadian offi-
cial Will proceed ..tci tha.centre of
he Vidge under military' 'escort.'
linportane ,Canatlian" and U. 8.
church OigrOtaries Will deliver, the .
..; fnvocatipn and benediction ;and '
,• martial will be plaYedbyrnilitai-y ,
'ban4. 'both countries:
The., broadcast_ Will commence,.
eonfinentary ...at 2:45
p.m. and conclu.de at 4.00
;The: bridge; linking New York
-State and the Province of Ontario,
. extends from. •Collina. Landing,
neat Alekandria BaY, in. New York
State,' to Ivy 'Lea, neer Gamut -
mine; in Ontario, ' •
ItungO'fliart vfelinisf, who
„ .
ta featured ot*,er the CI3C nattonal,
tietwoik- Sundays, ,.:47,•,•45 to 0.00, •
: Pat( t.0;a1`; from ti d Vatidonver,
CHO' Akita Boo, 'Bernie
8tato danee
hand. leadeto is anther itniUtth
, .
•ailio personality 'who :realizes
wealth Of' talent existing' in Can.,
.s'o'l'aS'p:irant-s In.l'..manys...
.tast from' the. i.anka. OE
hurdrcdparty Of the-,Urfited States; he se-,
.1 lectod.' a Young Canadian. gir.1 as
• ftgtusrhade was Dtoerarish,is,ofomrcplillest..-
. real, who for some time Was a
member of "These Pour,", a ,quar-
tet -:-„of Singerr-presenra frmil
• CBM Over the national network of.
the ',Canadian Breadcaitingl •Cor-
poration. •• • „ •
Bernie's representative, a. visitor
to Mentreat 'heard' :MISS Dearie,
•c singing front] the slOcal ('Be,sta-
tion while driving in his airtoinci-
:bile. Following the broadeasi ,
Suggested that she leave. for New '
Yorlr,..there to take part in audi-
tiona:. When. Bernie heard her
. ging • he • dismissed 'the Other' as-. r
yirants• and offered her an attrac-.
tiVe contract. She."hail:';•the
.” tienlar yle and personality for
whict 'hes:was' seekine• ' • '
• Edgar ' •Stene, Honored
•• sjinal tribUte t�, his reputa:,
tion ria,a, Stage': and' radio produc-• , ;
.er, was paid •reC'ently to Edgar t
Stone, chief producer .of the
Canadian •Breadeasting ;Corpora-
tion commereial departinerit. 'Mr.• .
Stone,...who has directed 'many out-
standing presentatidris,,in ,Canada,
'Was elected a governor of the Do-
. rnhtion Drama 'Festival; during its •1
meeking, herd at Wincnipeg..
. .
• .•
• Gives: Wolin. to hlatlie ••
the denthof its :
,,er,•15 'nionths age; a 2501Year-01d
violin: riw• play • again. it ,w111 be s
heard by listeners 4erois, Canada
-.on. CBC. :networks. 'Mrs.' Olive 1
Stansfield*, of .Sudle..i.T reentlY, '
preSented h.r,idead" hnsband's. • t
t' , ip „at,he, Member bt
the 'Corporatien.'.a. "Ilappy!,0ang.”
• Six months, ago 'she he •
r3, one o ier husband's faVotite•
numbers. . She. decided. she would
give hint her husbanirs violin. She
could have acid the inatruinent.'for•
a CenSiderable snip, .for it is •,%
. Paolo •.Grancino., and. was. sold:to
Stana6eld by 'Mary :Halt cokft(ert
VjeUrii,st of 25 years age.:•
uby Is Prized
jUly Birthstone Said to Bring
Health* Wealth, Wisdom
ru4Ify:.,y,,,iosii;41„7.0e.tre,00444,9", ilsn.yp4,04r1Y0ithe.
stone. That As,' tile-,pezne ,#1,1'eP to •
the ruby the Hindus who prize
it 'above all other Precious atones
11 Is said to bi-ing to alt4a4JW;aaptp'eir...
the- e1111?1,614 ot true
hag, been said that he WhO
.,Oweietheeoausiefi.t..044.;ruby dwells
Iii tlie mfdst of his
enelnies, • Tbe.Truby Is Spoken of in
the'411apiiiaire en Vera,r;'.wh.e,re.it is 7..
,most PrqeiOui the., 12.
.stones.',Ged • erealed; When ,Ftiztere- •
..ated,all creatures; "the"'ruby,
the lord Of gems; the ,highly,prized,,.
the deary,„1..olced ruby, so fait withIts .
gly .41pr."••• • By. tyQ. Lord's com-
mandi: 'the:47413Y waw Placed on Aa,
roti's neck: •- "
• The many talisnianic..Vittnes. of
the ruby are .nOted in. the 14th cen;
• . .
tory treatiSe on ,ge'ms, attributed, toSir
John. kand.erVille, Here • the,
....fortunate oWner •of brilliant ruby
is.aaatired that Isie.!Will live' in peace
and concord. 'with all inen, that ,nei-
ther :his land npr his rank.•Will be '
' taken fron him., and that he will be
. . • „ •
preseryed•frot,..all Perils.
'1.erhaps.11-ie most 'remarkable
tue ascribed' te rubY.h*Y• the
oi6nts.' was the:Troperty Of :being,.
selfhithinepa.. Aii 1d Indian leg-
• end, says that the abetle of' the'
is lighted hy inaSsife::glOWing ru-
Like ... . . ..
• ... . ..
. .
, prof., , E.. W. ItoliiiiSen: priii4laal
Of 11,orton Acadeniy.• ant; :professor 7
of 'education at. Apadik,thaiversitY
N.S.i.:',h1Orries.,mether's f.pr,•tbe,:faCt
..`'4.there are: many .•.hoye; in. pil,r,:e:Pi-.:'
eges•:•who shei.:1d.'• have been'. stop
ed .: before they.,: reached ' high :,•
*eiii'..i' . p en Use 'no! her 'Wanted her '.••
Chop]," ," '' •• ' ,, - '':' • •
,la: an addle\5 ••before the. Nova. :
eatia Pederati • bf. Horne ,anci:
Chao! :Asseeiati ns last Nyeek ; he
41a: ,"\Ve. dre etincating a •croWd of ..
eo.pI2 to he 'kept 1?:'' the ,rest of .ns,..
ay. ;te• 'bare a "iv111:te . cOl1ar. ',0i:ee
y. we' in.;...this. Pi'ovinee. will' Wake
up , and hnd:that ..tainecne has ,got
stock eeetiApates. We have:to look .
L ..o.ls.;..R.d0AtarOK...Ts41.4.ork
People. cannot eat bonds and
foi•wara to 'svork.,• and • vire have" :tO
. it. r,r4 sikoil a good inechatiicto ;
make a,. p.oer preacher?.7here,
• mak. be a' let pounding' the anvil
; who should be :p6unding the. pulpit •
• but there:are ,man3. tOO of which '
1110 ,;•opposite the case •
. ate“:•.ben43tibte'd:,fas ceitlooroyl's:s;Ysetleeth ope
cause of grading...•_tit2 Was a _sad_day_•....-
•sOiools': in Canada . when.
the grading, sYStern came'. late, ;be•- ,
Tiff'k Jt Don't
. •
r Our Lunibet7-
Irish littporEer Says.Quality an
. !rice of Canadian 'Timber ,
Both 'Inferior •
'Music For
Morton, y
• ,
of the • C•B,C'S national netsvork
progtarnme, iI,JtlC Poi:. Yen," to
be In•oadCrist August. '144
.to "0.30 :p.m. will
!offer seine most "popular
roniantic songs of • epast
Aneluding compositiens :of' Rem-
1(01-4," Produced -in 'the, Terontd.
.studio, istinder the'direction of
deoffrey ‘..Wasidingtoa.;',
Grieg's "TO Spring".will
be the btehestra's initial '.niiraber,.'
to•be,follewed by Virginia Woods .•
sopigno, singing Romberg's "0.1jo ,
mance," frqin, the "Desert Song,'?
first produced in 1426.. Her other.
numbers wil linelnda "The World
Is 'Wailing for the Sunrise," anti,
,ctitivrkty, WADDINGTON
.0 in duet••With Wiliam. Merton, %ten.
;Or, 'the Nat AYer hit -song Of 1925,
YOU Were the Only' Oirl111
the W4r1d,".nffei.lvards 111 trod need
in. the Mot; ''the Vagabond :L9;v•h,"'
er,'' rrarIZ Ohle§ '4‘61.144'
8eng,P:- will he the, tener.'4',.. ethet!'
contrilitition to the • ptugt40)ffie,
,whjl DOrothyPopular Sing
et., pretetYt ..,"$urnmertitne:
4it)tu Geoige dertiftviir's "felk,op,' '
era, ."Porgy antl Bess.,"
1-614T—into will.be Ieratne
"SmokeOet4 . Your
VYOS,biS 1088: '',hit -song • tiktu
" • n
, .
•. Canadian lumber .ceriinareS an-•
favearably, ,iri• some respects t o . the.
•Finnish .13uSsizin ac-
cording ,to."c:,L.; Brookes. •Dithlin,
lumher importer who arrived on
,cour sit -ores Itist'week.• with a •,t
of Britishthenm
• repm,•,ters, he ,impor s.no Canacljan
timber' "because the .. Canadian'
price ',is libotit' three 'pen -Mrs ($15) •
dearer a standard of ,2,0i6.0. board
.feet than Finnish •ar Russian
ber.:Then-if you add the.freight,
he centintietl,,il1e1c
pp t and
Finnish. lumber • is abOut.'• four
'poun.cis cheaper laid down in PUb-
lin," ' • .
• 'The, SeVen Itiniberinen
..will• tour •luinher• Mills and ' paper
plants in Eastern , Canada,
• The orchestra!'s second seleetion.
•••.:Will be Franz •• Lehar'S
Silvcr," one of the most. popular'
of all waltZes, and the *third, and '
••• . laat, ',will be !`Cit(itarre;.7, by' Maur-
1CO ,
ISIOszkoWSI•ty; '
Tlie Programme:. .
•• To; Spring (Orehetra 1.k0varo
*Criek, • 'w • • ••' •
• 'Ilinance..,.• from • 13esott.'•''.801k
• (Virginia 'WOO,tig, Soprano) . Sig-, •
ttoobe•rg.• • ' .•
•'vs'altt •(OreheS.:.•
• I.'11)ri.411,17
• tenor) Prani Lehar. ' ‘, ' •
'Smoke. °eta lit Your ..;.yes "P‘ob-
erta" sOloY..Seteine•kciii •
frow "Petty' ,and.
bers's".;°(lIereaiy Alt, voeallst)
George aerSimitu.
ittesilia*sky, ' • "
•, The .W61•141 Is Waiting ior, the
no) thieSt '8e1ito •
It Vett', Were. 'the' Only:Girl In
,the World' (l)net:: Virginia 'Weetifl'Wj11jflk Morton) s
.:11/41,at D. Ayer.
. .
Work Speeded
• To 81!Readyfor Big CrOp •
4rnodeliing of hundreds of
graimelevaters in the west closed
during drought years'isnow under "
• may to handle the 1938 eron, • ;
With. the yield new .uneffiCiallY
estirnated at hetiers'than the.'10,
. year average of 311)000,000 besh-
els morc. elevators; will be licensed:'
to open. their -doers' this ,
in •ati. yedr. sin eiLi'193,3; : • rit,.1
Idlo Per; Years •••,
Hundreds whioh for five 'and".
'six .years. have, been 'idle in :drought
ateas•wilt•be faking
'71rienth, it is expected:. Plants are • ,
being equipped with new and lar-
ger scales,. bigger. platferms, and.
new air -dump lifts. r
. The wOrk will cozt,approximate-.
ly $3,000,00 and' giVe Nvorli• to •
7,000, inen. Pnyroll;„•_will average"-
-$850,000 a ,rnotith,'There are 5,-
678 elevaters in the. prairie pro-
vinces — 701 in Manitoba, 3,221
iri'Saskatchewan 'and 1,756 -in Al-
berta, Less than 4,560 were '
ed by the board of grain .
sioners to open last year; ancl some
of these did so only. for brief .per-
iods to handle relief 'grain- '
More Motor Cars
. In All Provinces
• Registraticins in 1"?8 Moire
•:Upward' • • •
Motor vehicle registration 'in-
, ' Creased 79 Vi8 .in -Canada 're 1937 '
over 036.., the. fetal& being 1,31'4,-
70.24against 1,240,124, the Domin-
ien 13prean Of Statistics Jeperts,
• ...'pEov4nc0 recsPrded gains
'over•.•the. previous "Year,the.
centage increase's being • as lel,-
lo*S: Prince Edward Island 5.0;
• Nova Beot:a,.8:4-;. New Bruniwiplt
;10.1; Quebec 190; Ontario , 5.1;.•
• ManitOba ;; Saskatchewan 2.7.; .•
Alberta. ; British Columbia' 9.7
and.the Yukon Territely . .
•• Despite ,the gain in nuMber of
vehicles re,gistered, reven.6es.werO
lower, amounting : to $25,933,P.O...;
cdrePared with.: 4T20,03,922. The
aelcoonted for by. a de='
c m• n aim s Leg's in ,on ,•
enues, due , to' the degr,ease • in 'the
rates. • ana..a s nine• ortsvinees re-
ported higher c011setiOns of the .
ras&-h,4 tax .w „ a. e $38,4
11,7n,94 comPared
larkEna 1)onna!
IrsUally Stout
ColOrattir.a Soprano,'
; .
, Well Known in England Says
'-' Singers Cat not:, Hic.-:e 'Great:,
= -Voict-stWith—diirWeing Large
Of Figure •
-Lina Pat.i:litighi: one 'of the v„erY,
.greatest:living;colorature sopratIQS
,11.110S.Cs .perfoi nlaneel.11 "aigolet-:
to" with Gigir at .Covent „Garden ,
.haVe. filled 112,farno ' per:4:41,0u
escribe'd the trOubles" of a pi•itna
donna gi'ven to stoutness::
.sh'e: ."Ydu cannot
have .a ..g:ueat colorat.ura.' voice- .,
'Without beinglarge, like„ine‘": She '
is yel•Y, khoi t -and; reniarhahlY. ro-
tund; " • • '
-. "We high so;vi•nifes and the ten-
ors. h -ie to nut , pp with. the dike..
eciinfort Of ' being ' large.The e
no way otti.: re'. you Want to: .S0 •
,Slifn: pretty gir14. p11'. 1n operatie
't'-'410 -t1ie
0-nc‘ rj;
..pger'ec't'Ito"siece7' uC thn 4 OU n;th.11.td '0;"
"well-developed figUreS.,'
2 "1 assuie you ,that it is impos-
siblefor a. tenor qr. ctilOrature, so-.
pratio to he successful ••a
..great breathing caPatity, . That
Conieswith'singing. With it cornea
this fine 'developrnent. which has•
made Prinia,donnris. the subject Of
, so many jOke,S.
. "1 nnt, stout, ireu wil agre'c ? I
have •hot eaten for 24 :11101115
cauie I -do not like to eat before
or after singing. Itis singing arta
net eating which has.given,mediy
figure:7. `', • '
y „
Thl..1 Good Ecti.th
.1 •
Above the .tre.1.1sin Silent fteht, '
.' '. t,*%Vi 1:d01111)i.1:111:1111i':-'etl:!:1;1'ci'.1.iti::.'nto:11.:vs::..:1(..11:14.i....::i'..P O* .it'":.;':' () n -
,., A lone ..bird •Stretches. toWard the ,,
: night, : ' ' T-• , .;
"., ' '110'and the..gre'atnesg of the hit).
• , The •sinidoweit stroan1. ik strangetY
'' - . •
With' cligilitY, dni•ki. iticht..e...qr.ca
Anidoi'vti ,' • • l, ivi.riiis. it $' tatil'i ...'n'botit-• t•
he. ,
:c.L,°ft.'l.Y. i:A:o:ti•'Aofd;owosr.'f :1wltiy::The41:)tl(1;:tP'l)(ftllYDut.:eevit1iu;li1,c 4''
• Or0enalruief.iido-i-tii40.‘ittt4tirr..:
Abiiriiii41Portee lies rill ,, eroutf(1 ,,,
Apet.,.g.f,o0t1C1hadfl68S ii,Silea... •ttom'og1116'
• t-tIa try Elmore Ilurdf. • in the,
N'eW Vet* '.-Stlite, ' •